1CY74FCT162652T Data sheet acquired from Cypress Semiconductor Corporation. Data sheet modified to remove devices not offered. CY74FCT16652T CY74FCT162652T 16-Bit Registered Transceivers SCCS061 - July 1994 - Revised March 2000 Features Functional Description • FCT-E speed at 3.8 ns • Power-off disable outputs permits live insertion • Edge-rate control circuitry for significantly improved noise characteristics • Typical output skew < 250 ps • ESD > 2000V • TSSOP (19.6-mil pitch) and SSOP (25-mil pitch) packages • Industrial temperature range of −40˚C to +85˚C • VCC = 5V ± 10% CY74FCT16652T Features: • 64 mA sink current, 32 mA source current • Typical VOLP (ground bounce) <1.0V at VCC = 5V, TA = 25˚C CY74FCT162652T Features: • Balanced 24 mA output drivers • Reduced system switching noise • Typical VOLP (ground bounce) <0.6V at VCC = 5V, TA= 25˚C These 16-bit, high-speed, low-power, registered transceivers that are organized as two independent 8-bit bus transceivers with three-state D-type registers and control circuitry arranged for multiplexed transmission of data directly from the input bus or from the internal storage registers. OEAB and OEBA control pins are provided to control the transceiver functions. SAB and SBA control pins are provided to select either real-time or stored data transfer. Data on the A or B data bus, or both, can be stored in the internal D flip-flops by LOW-to-HIGH transitions at the appropriate clock pins (CLKAB or CLKBA), regardless of the select or enable control pins. When SAB and SBA are in the real-time transfer mode, it is also possible to store data without using the internal D-type flip-flops by simultaneously enabling OEAB and OEBA. In this configuration, each output reinforces its input. Thus, when all other data sources to the two sets of bus lines are at high impedance, each set of bus lines will remain at its last state. The output buffers are designed with a power-off disable feature that allows live insertion of boards. The CY74FCT16652T is ideally suited for driving high-capacitance loads and low-impedance backplanes. The CY74FCT162652T has 24-mA balanced output drivers with current-limiting resistors in the outputs. This reduces the need for external terminating resistors and provides for minimal undershoot and reduced ground bounce. The CY74FCT162652T is ideal for driving transmission lines. Logic Block Diagrams 1OEAB 2OEAB 1OEBA 1CLKBA 2OEBA 2CLKBA 1SBA 2SBA 1CLKAB 2CLKAB 1SAB 2SAB B REG B REG D D C C 2A1 1A1 A REG A REG D D 1B1 C TO 7 OTHER CHANNELS FCT16652-1 2 B1 C TO 7 OTHER CHANNELS Copyright FCT16652-2 © 2000, Texas Instruments Incorporated CY74FCT16652T CY74FCT162652T Pin Configuration SSOP/TSSOP Top View 1OEAB 1 56 1CLKAB 2 55 1OEBA 1CLKBA 1SAB 3 54 1SBA GND 4 53 1A 1 5 52 1B1 GND 1A 2 6 51 1B2 VCC 7 50 VCC 1A 3 8 49 1B3 1A 4 9 48 1B4 1A 5 10 47 1B5 GND 11 46 GND 1A 6 12 45 1B6 1A 7 13 44 1B7 1A 8 14 43 1B8 2A 1 15 42 2B1 2A 2 16 41 2B2 2A3 17 40 2B3 GND 18 39 GND 2A 4 19 38 2B4 2A 5 20 37 2B5 2A 6 21 36 2B6 V CC 22 35 VCC 2A 7 23 34 2B7 2A 8 2B8 GND 33 24 FCT16652–1 32 25 2SAB 26 31 2SBA 2CLKAB 27 30 2CLKBA 2OEAB 28 29 GND 2OEBA FCT16652-3 Pin Description Name Description A Data Register A Inputs Data Register B Outputs B Data Register B Inputs Data Register A Outputs CLKAB, CLKBA Clock Pulse Inputs SAB, SBA Output Data Source Select Inputs OEAB, OEBA Output Enable Inputs 2 CY74FCT16652T CY74FCT162652T Function Table[1] Data I/O[2] Inputs OEAB OEBA CLKAB CLKBA SAB SBA A B L L H H H or L H or L X X X X Input Input Operation or Function X H H H H or L X X[3] X X Input Input Unspecified[2] Output Store A, Hold B Store A in Both Registers L L X L H or L X X X X[3] Unspecified[2] Input Input Hold A, Store B Store B in both Registers L L X X X L Output Input Real Time B Data to A Bus Stored B Data to A Bus L L X H or L X H H H X X L X Input Output Real Time A Data to B Bus Stored A Data to B Bus H H H or L X H X H L H or L H or L H H Output Output Stored A Data to B Bus and Stored B Data to A Bus Isolation Store A and B Data Notes: 1. H = HIGH Voltage Level L = LOW Voltage Level X = Don’t Care =LOW-to-HIGH Transition 2. The data output functions may be enabled or disabled by various signals at the OEAB or OEBA inputs. Data input functions are always enabled, i.e., data at the bus pins will be stored on every LOW-to-HIGH transition on the clock inputs. 3. Select control=L; clocks can occur simultaneously. Select control=H; clocks must be staggered to load both registers. 3 CY74FCT16652T CY74FCT162652T BUS A BUS B OEAB L OEBA L CLKAB X CLKBA X SAB X BUS A SBA L OEAB H BUS B OEBA L Real-Time Transfer Bus B to BusA OEBA H X H CLKAB CLKBA X X CLKBA X SAB L SBA X Real-Time Transfer BusA to Bus B BUS A OEAB X L L CLKAB X SAB X X X BUS B BUS A SBA X X X OEAB H BUS A OEBA L Storage from A and/or B CLKAB H or L CLKBA H or L SAB H SBA H Transfer Stored Data to A and/or B Maximum Ratings[4] (Above which the useful life may be impaired. For user guidelines, not tested.) Power Dissipation .......................................................... 1.0W Storage Temperature .....................Com’l −55°C to +125°C Static Discharge Voltage............................................>2001V (per MIL-STD-883, Method 3015) Ambient Temperature with Power Applied .................................Com’l −55°C to +125°C Operating Range DC Input Voltage .................................................−0.5V to +7.0V Range DC Output Voltage ..............................................−0.5V to +7.0V Industrial DC Output Current (Maximum Sink Current/Pin) ...........................−60 to +120 mA Ambient Temperature VCC −40°C to +85°C 5V ± 10% Note: 4. Stresses greater than those listed under Maximum Ratings may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect reliability. 4 CY74FCT16652T CY74FCT162652T DC Electrical Characteristics Over the Operating Range Parameter Test Conditions[5] Description VIH Input HIGH Voltage Logic HIGH Level VIL Input LOW Voltage Logic LOW Level VH Input Hysteresis VIK Input Clamp Diode Voltage VCC=Min., IIN=−18 mA IIH Input HIGH Current IIL Input LOW Current IOZH Min. Typ.[6] Max. 2.0 Unit V 0.8 100 mV −1.2 V VCC=Max., VI=VCC ±1 µA VCC=Max., VI=GND ±1 µA High Impedance Output Current (Three-State Output pins) VCC=Max., VOUT=2.7V ±1 µA IOZL High Impedance Output Current (Three-State Output pins) VCC=Max., VOUT=0.5V ±1 µA IOS Short Circuit Current[8] VCC=Max., VOUT=GND −80 −200 mA IO Output Drive Current[8] VCC=Max., VOUT=2.5V −50 −180 mA ±1 µA Max. Unit IOFF Power-Off Disable VCC=0V, VOUT −0.7 V −140 ≤4.5V[7] Output Drive Characteristics for CY74FCT16652T Parameter VOH VOL Test Conditions[5] Min. Typ.[6] VCC=Min., IOH=−3 mA 2.5 3.5 VCC=Min., IOH=−15 mA 2.4 3.5 VCC=Min., IOH=−32 mA 2.0 3.0 Description Output HIGH Voltage Output LOW Voltage VCC=Min., IOL=64 mA V 0.2 0.55 V Min. Typ.[6] Max. Unit Output Drive Characteristics for CY74FCT162652T Parameter Test Conditions[5] Description Output LOW Current[8] VCC=5V, VIN=VIH or VIL, VOUT=1.5V 60 115 150 mA IODH Output HIGH Current[8] VCC=5V, VIN=VIH or VIL, VOUT=1.5V −60 −115 −150 mA VOH Output HIGH Voltage VCC=Min., IOH=−24 mA 2.4 3.3 VOL Output LOW Voltage VCC=Min., IOL=24 mA IODL V 0.3 0.55 V Typ. Max. Unit Capacitance (TA = +25˚C, f = 1.0 MHz) Parameter Description[10] Test Conditions CIN Input Capacitance VIN = 0V 4.5 6.0 pF COUT Output Capacitance VOUT = 0V 5.5 8.0 pF Notes: 5. For conditions shown as Max. or Min., use appropriate value specified under Electrical Characteristics for the applicable device type. 6. Typical values are at VCC=5.0V, +25°C ambient. 7. Tested at TA= +25°C. 8. Not more than one output should be tested at one time. Duration of the test should not exceed one second. 9. Duration of the condition cannot exceed one second. 10. This parameter is measured at characterization but not tested. 5 CY74FCT16652T CY74FCT162652T Power Supply Characteristics Param. Test Conditions[11] Description VIN<0.2V VIN>VCC−0.2V Min. Typ.[12] Max. Unit — 5 500 µA — 0.5 1.5 mA ICC Quiescent Power Supply Current VCC=Max. ∆ICC Quiescent Power Supply Current TTL Inputs HIGH VCC = Max. VIN=3.4V[13] ICCD Dynamic Power Supply Current[14] VCC=Max. Outputs Open OEAB=OEAB=GND One Input Toggling 50% Duty Cycle VIN=VCC or VIN=GND — 75 120 µA/ MHz IC Total Power Supply Current[15] VCC=Max. Outputs Open fo=10 MHz (CLKBA) 50% Duty Cycle OEAB=OEBA=GND One-Bit Toggling f1=5 MHz 50% Duty Cycle VIN=VCC or VIN=GND — 0.8 1.7 mA VIN=3.4V or VIN=GND — 1.3 3.2 mA VCC=Max. Outputs Open fo=10 MHz (CLKBA) 50% Duty Cycle OEAB=OEBA=GND Sixteen Bits Toggling f1=2.5 MHz 50% Duty Cycle VIN=VCC or VIN=GND — 3.8 6.5[16] mA VIN=3.4V or VIN=GND — 8.3 20.0[16] mA Notes: 11. For conditions shown as Max. or Min., use appropriate value specified under Electrical Characteristics for the applicable device type. 12. Typical values are at VCC=5.0V +25° ambient. 13. Per TTL driven input (VIN=3.4V); all other inputs at VCC or GND. 14. This parameter is not directly testable, but is derived for use in Total Power Supply calculations. = IQUIESCENT + IINPUTS + IDYNAMIC 15. IC IC = ICC+∆ICCDHNT+ICCD(f0/2 + f1N1) ICC = Quiescent Current with CMOS input levels ∆ICC = Power Supply Current for a TTL HIGH input (VIN=3.4V) = Duty Cycle for TTL inputs HIGH DH = Number of TTL inputs at DH NT ICCD = Dynamic Current caused by an input transition pair (HLH or LHL) = Clock frequency for registered devices, otherwise zero f0 = Input signal frequency f1 = Number of inputs changing at f1 N1 All currents are in milliamps and all frequencies are in megahertz. 16. Values for these conditions are examples of the ICC formula. These limits are specified but not tested. 6 CY74FCT16652T CY74FCT162652T Switching Characteristics Over the Operating Range[17] CY74FCT16652AT CY74FCT162652AT Parameter Description Min. Max. Unit Fig. No.[18] tPLH tPHL Propagation Delay Bus to Bus 1.5 6.3 ns 1, 3 tPZH tPHL Output Enable Time OEAB or OEBA to Bus 1.5 9.8 ns 1, 7, 8 tPHZ tPLZ Output Disable Time OEAB or OEBA to Bus 1.5 6.3 ns 1, 7, 8 tPLH tPHL Propagation Delay Clock to Bus 1.5 6.3 ns 1, 5 tPLH tPHL Propagation Delay SBA or SAB to Bus 1.5 7.7 ns 1, 5 tSU Set-Up time HIGH or LOW Bus to Clock 2.0 — ns 4 tH Hold Time HIGH or LOW Bus to Clock 1.5 — ns 4 tW Clock Pulse Width HIGH or LOW 5.0 — ns 5 — 0.5 ns tSK(O) Output Skew[19] CY74FCT16652CT CY74FCT162652CT Parameter Description CY74FCT16652ET CY74FCT162652ET Min. Max. Min. Max. Unit Fig. No.[18] tPLH tPHL Propagation Delay Bus to Bus 1.5 5.4 1.5 3.8 ns 1, 3 tPZH tPHL Output Enable Time OEAB or OEBA to Bus 1.5 7.8 1.5 4.8 ns 1, 7, 8 tPHZ tPLZ Output Disable Time OEAB or OEBA to Bus 1.5 6.3 1.5 4.0 ns 1, 7, 8 tPLH tPHL Propagation Delay Clock to Bus 1.5 5.7 1.5 3.8 ns 1, 5 tPLH tPHL Propagation Delay SBA or SAB to Bus 1.5 6.2 1.5 4.2 ns 1, 5 tSU Set-Up Time HIGH or LOW Bus to Clock 2.0 — 2.0 — ns 4 tH Hold Time HIGH or LOW Bus to Clock 1.5 — 0.0 — ns 4 tW Clock Pulse Width HIGH or LOW 5.0 — 3.0 — ns 5 tSK(O) Output Skew[19] — 0.5 — 0.5 ns Notes: 17. Minimum limits are specified, but not tested, on propagation delays. 18. See “Parameter Measurement Information” in the General Information section. 19. Skew between any two outputs of the same package switching in the same direction. This parameter ensured by design. 7 CY74FCT16652T CY74FCT162652T Ordering Information CY74FCT16652 Speed (ns) 3.8 Ordering Code Package Name Package Type CY74FCT16652ETPACT Z56 56-Lead (240-Mil) TSSOP Operating Range Industrial CY74FCT16652ETPVC/PVCT O56 56-Lead (300-Mil) SSOP 5.4 CY74FCT16652CTPVC/PVCT O56 56-Lead (300-Mil) SSOP Industrial 6.3 CY74FCT16652ATPVC/PVCT O56 56-Lead (300-Mil) SSOP Industrial Ordering Information CY74FCT162652 Speed (ns) 3.8 5.4 6.3 Ordering Code Package Name Package Type 74FCT162652ETPACT Z56 56-Lead (240-Mil) TSSOP CY74FCT162652ETPVC O56 56-Lead (300-Mil) SSOP 74FCT162652ETPVCT O56 56-Lead (300-Mil) SSOP 74FCT162652CTPACT Z56 56-Lead (240-Mil) TSSOP CY74FCT162652CTPVC O56 56-Lead (300-Mil) SSOP 74FCT162652CTPVCT O56 56-Lead (300-Mil) SSOP CY74FCT162652ATPVC O56 56-Lead (300-Mil) SSOP 74FCT162652ATPVCT O56 56-Lead (300-Mil) SSOP 8 Operating Range Industrial Industrial Industrial CY74FCT16652T CY74FCT162652T Package Diagrams 56-Lead Shrunk Small Outline Package O56 56-Lead Thin Shrunk Small Outline Package Z56 9 IMPORTANT NOTICE Texas Instruments and its subsidiaries (TI) reserve the right to make changes to their products or to discontinue any product or service without notice, and advise customers to obtain the latest version of relevant information to verify, before placing orders, that information being relied on is current and complete. All products are sold subject to the terms and conditions of sale supplied at the time of order acknowledgement, including those pertaining to warranty, patent infringement, and limitation of liability. TI warrants performance of its semiconductor products to the specifications applicable at the time of sale in accordance with TI’s standard warranty. Testing and other quality control techniques are utilized to the extent TI deems necessary to support this warranty. Specific testing of all parameters of each device is not necessarily performed, except those mandated by government requirements. CERTAIN APPLICATIONS USING SEMICONDUCTOR PRODUCTS MAY INVOLVE POTENTIAL RISKS OF DEATH, PERSONAL INJURY, OR SEVERE PROPERTY OR ENVIRONMENTAL DAMAGE (“CRITICAL APPLICATIONS”). TI SEMICONDUCTOR PRODUCTS ARE NOT DESIGNED, AUTHORIZED, OR WARRANTED TO BE SUITABLE FOR USE IN LIFE-SUPPORT DEVICES OR SYSTEMS OR OTHER CRITICAL APPLICATIONS. INCLUSION OF TI PRODUCTS IN SUCH APPLICATIONS IS UNDERSTOOD TO BE FULLY AT THE CUSTOMER’S RISK. In order to minimize risks associated with the customer’s applications, adequate design and operating safeguards must be provided by the customer to minimize inherent or procedural hazards. TI assumes no liability for applications assistance or customer product design. TI does not warrant or represent that any license, either express or implied, is granted under any patent right, copyright, mask work right, or other intellectual property right of TI covering or relating to any combination, machine, or process in which such semiconductor products or services might be or are used. TI’s publication of information regarding any third party’s products or services does not constitute TI’s approval, warranty or endorsement thereof. Copyright 2000, Texas Instruments Incorporated