AC POWER MONITOR (SD Memory Card Type) DATA SHEET PPMC-3 The AC power monitor calculates and indicates active power, reactive power, integrated power, integrated reactive power, frequency and power factor through measurement of single or three-phase AC voltage and current, and stores the measured data. Voltage is input directly or via a step-down transformer, and current is measured with a general-purpose current sensor (CT) of secondary-side current of 5A or 1A. FEATURES 1. Readily connectable to existing wiring Because this monitor is compact (48 × 96 × 100) and lightweight, it can be readily installed in individual facilities, equipment, and distribution board with limited installation space. Since a CT of secondary-side current of 5A/1A that is generally used in the field of power measurement can be used and its secondar y-side current can be directly input, a relay CT is not required and wiring can be facilitated. 2.Easy data recording and acquisition For saving and recording measured da t a , a n S D memory card is usable. Data in a long time can be saved. The saved dat a can be loaded and edited with the card inserted in the card slot of a personal computer. Thus data acquisition by SD memory card does not involve placement of communication cables. 3.Collective monitor possible via network Centralized monitoring and control of distributed measurement points can be implemented via an RS485 communication interface. There are two methods selectable; real-time acquisition of measured data with a personal computer and loading of data recorded on an SD memory card into a personal computer. SPECIFICATIONS Input specification 1. Measurement method: 1-phase 2-wire, 1-phase 3-wire and 3-phase 3-wire 2.Input voltage: •Rated input voltage: 200V AC •Measurement input voltage: 20V to 240V AC •E ffective input volt age (accuracy-guaranteed voltage): 20 to 240V AC •A llowable input volt age: 1.2 times the rated voltage (continuous), 1.5 times (for 10 sec) (Note 1)I n a 440V, 3300V or 6600V system, stepdown is required with a transformer installed externally. (Note 2)V o l t a g e i s i s o l a t e d w i t h t h e i n t e r n a l transformer. (Note 3)For without voltage measurement, the value of the voltage and power factor should be set by the operation key. 3.Input current •Rated input current:5 A AC (secondary current of current sensor) •Measurement input current: 0 A t o 5 . 5 A AC ( s e c o n d a r y current of current sensor) •Accuracy-guaranteed range: 0.1 to 5.5A AC 4.Allowable input current:1.5 times the rated current (for 10 sec) 5.Frequency: 45 to 65 Hz 6.Power factor:0.0 to 1.0 (no distinction between lead and lag) 7. Input protection: •Excessive line voltage: Surge absorber •Common mode voltage: Transformer •Overvoltage at current input terminal: Antiparallel diode EDS10-73d Date Nov. 25, 2011 PPMC-3 Indication unit specification 1. Numerical indication: 4 digits, 7-segment LED, red 2.Selected item indication: 2-color LED, red, green Contents and range of data indication Data Voltage Current Power Reactive power Integrated power Integrated reactive power Frequency Power factor Contents of indication Instantaneous and mean effective values Instantaneous and mean effective values Instantaneous and mean value Instantaneous and mean value Integrated power value Integrated reactive power value Instantaneous and mean value Instantaneous and mean value Indication range 20V to 9999V 0.01A to 9999A Remarks – – – – (horizontal bar) is indicated in case of 20 V or less. – – – – (horizontal bar) is indicated in case of about 0.01A or less. -999kW to 9999kW -999kvar to 9999kvar Reactive power calculation method is used. 0 to 9999 × 100kWh 0 to 9999 × 100kvarh 10.0Hz to 99.9Hz 0.00 to 1.00 (Note 1)When integrated power or integrated reactive power value exceeds 999999, it returns to 0 and integration restarts. (Note 2)When current, power or reactive power rises beyond 9999, "ovr" is indicated. And when power, integrated power, reactive power or integrated reactive power falls below -999, "-ovr" is indicated. (Note 3)If the input signal has much distortion, the error of measurement accuracy is large. (Note4)It t akes a second for PPMC to respond to the master's command. Indication accuracy (With voltage measurement) 1. Voltage: ±1% FS (Note) FS (Full Span) = 200 V 2.Current: ±1% FS (Note) FS: 5A × CT ratio (in case of 5A (secondary) CT) 1A × CT ratio (in case of 1A (secondary) CT) 3.Power: ±1.5% FS (Note 1) FS:1.73kW × CT ratio (5A (secondary) CT, 3-phase 3-wire system) 2kW × CT ratio (5A (secondary) CT, 1-phase 3-wire system) 1kW × CT ratio (5A (secondary) CT, 1-phase 2-wire system) 0.35kW × CT ratio (1A (secondary) CT, 3-phase 3-wire system) 0.4kW × CT ratio (1A (secondary) CT, 1-phase 3-wire system) 0.2kW × CT ratio (1A (secondary) CT, 1-phase 2-wire system) (Note 2) At power factor 0.67 to 1 4.Reactive power: ±3% FS (Note 1) FS:1.73kvar × CT ratio (5A (secondary) CT, 3-phase 3-wire system) 2kvar × CT ratio (5A (secondary) CT, 1-phase 3-wire system) 1kvar × CT ratio (5A (secondary) CT, 1-phase 2-wire system) 0.35kvar × CT ratio (1A (secondary) CT, 3-phase 3-wire system) 0.4kvar × CT ratio (1A (secondary) CT, 1-phase 3-wire system) 0.2kvar × CT ratio (1A (secondary) CT, 1-phase 2-wire system) (Note 2) At power factor 0.67 to 1 5.Integrated power: ±1.5% FS 6.Integrated reactive power: ±3% FS 2 7. Frequency: ±0.5% 8.Power factor: ±10% FS (Note) FS; 1.0 Specification of operation unit 1. Operation key: 4 keys, pushbutton type 2.Operation key function: •Indication data changeover: Voltage, current, power, reactive power, integrated power, integrated reactive power, frequency, power factor •Measurement condition setting - 1: •Selection of the number of phases: 1- p h a s e 2 - w i r e , 1- p h a s e 3 - w i r e o r 3-phase 3-wire, factory-set to "3-phase 3-wire" •Setting of current sensor (CT) ratio: 0 to 9999, factory-set to "1" •Selection of primary voltage of externally installed transformer: n o n ( n o n e ) , 2 2 0 V, 4 4 0 V, 3 3 0 0 V o r 6600V, factory-set to "non (none)" •Setting of power alarm value: 0 to 9999 kW, factory-set to "9999" •Selection of measurement mode: U s u a l m e a s u r e m e n t m o d e / e n e r g y saving mode, factor y-set to "usual measurement mode" (Note)E n e r g y s a v i n g m o d e i s a function scheduled to be added in future. •Setting of data saving interval: (Common for internal system of this monitor and SD memory card) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 15, 20, 30, 40, 45, 50, 60 or 120 min, factory-set to "5 min" •Integrated power pulse output unit: non (none), -3 (= 0.001kWh), -2 (= 0.01kWh), -1 (= 0.1kWh), 0 (= 1kWh), 1 (= 10kWh), 2 (= 100kWh) Factory-set to "non" •Measurement condition setting - 2: •Setting of LED indication ON time: Always ON or time period till OFF after end of operation is to be set. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 15, 20, 30, 40, 45, 50 or 60 min, factory-set to "usually ON" (Note)F o r t u r n i n g O N t h e L E D indication after OFF, press any key. •Setting of monitor ID No.: F a c t o r y - s e t i n 6 a l p h a n u m e r i c characters (This number is the same as the serial No. of this monitor. The serial No. is marked on the nameplate of this monitor.) •Selection of communication protocol: nor (our company's system) or Modbus RTU mode, factory-set to "nor" •Calendar setting: Display and setting of the date in the equipment •Setting of time: Display and setting of the internal clock of this instrument •Setting of fixed voltage value: 0 to 9999 V, factory-set to "0V" (Note)W h e n t h e f i ft h d i g i t o f t h e code symbol is specified as "E" (without voltage measurement), the instrument operates at this voltage setting. •Setting of fixed power factor value: 0.01 to 1.00, factory-set to "1.00" (Note)W h e n t h e f i ft h d i g i t o f t h e code symbol is specified as "E" (without voltage measurement), the instrument operates at this power factor setting. •Transmission rate: 9.6 (9.6kbps), 19.2 (19.2kbps), 4.8 (4.8kbps) Factory-set to "9.6" •Data length and parity: 8n (data 8 bits, no parity), 8o (data 8 bits, odd parity), 8E (data 8 bits, even parity), 7n (data 7 bits, no parity), 7o (data 7 bits, odd parity), 7E (data 7 bits, even parity), Factory-set to "8n" (Note)I n case the rtu(MODBUS RTU MODE) is selected at selection of communication protocol, data 7 bit can not be used. Data saving specification 1. Internal system of this monitor: •Recording device: IC memory •Data to be saved: Year, month, date, hour, minute and second of measurement start, mean voltage, mean current, mean power, maximum voltage, maximum current, maximum power, integrated power, m e a n r e a c t i v e p o w e r, m a x i m u m reactive power, integrated reactive power and mean power factor in each saving time interval In case of 1-phase 3-wire sytem and 3-phase 3-wire system, data of voltage and current will be saved in 2 channels. •Saving time interval: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 15, 20, 30, 40, 45, 50, 60 or 120 min, factory-set to "5 min" •Data saving volume: Fo r 1 d ay ( s i n g l e / t h r e e p h a s e s , a t saving interval 1 min) (Note) When an SD memor y card is inserted into this monitor, one-day data saved in the monitor will be transferred to the memory card at 00:00 every day and at the same time, the data saved in the monitor will be deleted. When the monitor does not have an SD memor y card, its data will be overwritten in the chronological order. •Memory protection: By lithium battery cell having a service life of 5 years or longer (at normal temperature) •Saved data readout method: Data transferred to an SD memory card can be read out. For details, refer to item 2 below. 2.SD memory card (option): Memor y card must be separately purchased. •Recording medium: F l a s h m e m o r y o f 12 8 M B t o 2 G B CLAS94 •Trademark:SD memory card •Data to be saved: Year, month, date, hour, minute and second of measurement start, mean voltage, mean current, mean power, maximum voltage, maximum current, maximum power, integrated power, m e a n r e a c t i v e p o w e r, m a x i m u m reactive power, integrated reactive power and mean power factor in each saving time interval In case of 1-phase 3-wire system and 3-phase 3-wire system, data of voltage and current will be saved in 2 channels. •Saving method: Automatically (daily at 0 0:0 0) or manually saved File name:(ID No.)¥(yymmddnn) yymmdd: year, month, day nn : 2-digit serial No. •Saving time interval: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 15, 20, 30, 40, 45, 50, 60 or 120 min, factory-set to "5 min" •Data saving volume: 1 year or longer (at saving time interval 5 min) (Note) When memor y has been used completely, data saving stops with "FULL" messaged in the indication block. For reusing the memory, the data-saved file must be deleted. The file can be deleted by the same method as with a personal computer. •Saved data readout method: Saved data can be read out with a host machine such as a personal computer via a communication interface using the data acquisition software for personal computers separately sold, or directly read out by a personal computer via a SD card adapter. (Note) While a memory card is inserted or data is saved, functions for input/output, calculation and communication remain inactive (for about 3 to 10 sec). •Data format: CSVformat (Note) It takes a while to save the measured data if too much saved files exist in the SD card. In this case, the data saving time interval may not conducted properly for measured data. When the number of file data exceed to 60 files, please remove the measured data from SD card. 3 PPMC-3 Calendar specification •Item to be set and indicated: Year, month, day, hour, minute, second •Yearly error: 0.3 hour or less •Memory protection: By lithium battery cell having a service life of 5 years or longer (at normal temperature) •Time setting: Year, month, day, hour, minute, and second can be set on the master side using communication function. Hour and minute can also be set using the operation switch on this instrument. Alarm output specification •Kind: Power alarm •Alarm settable range: 0 to 9999 kW, factory-set to "9999" •Alarm output: Open collector, 1 point, 30 V/100 mA Alarm output terminal is also used for integrated power pulse output. So when provision of integrated power pulse output is selected, alarm output function can not be used. Pulse output specification of integrated power •Unit of pulse output: 0.001kWh/pulse, 0.01kWh/pulse, 0.1kWh/pulse, 1kWh/pulse, 10kWh/pulse, 100kWh/pulse non (none) •Pulse outpu type: Open collector, 1 point, 30V/100mA •Pulse width: 100ms •Minimum output interval: 1 sec. (Note 1) This inter val has been factor y-set to "non." (Note 2)Integrated power pulse output terminal is also used for alarm output. So when provision of alarm output is selected, integrated power pulse output function cannot be used. Communication specification (option) 1. Interface: EIA RS-485 and RS-232C 2.Communication protocol: Unique to our company and MODBUS RTU mode 3.Communication method: Half-duplex, bit serial, st art-stop synchronization 4.Data format: Data length : 8 bits, 7 bits Parity : no parity, odd, even Factory-set : 8 bits, no parity 5.Communication speed: 4800bps, 9600bps, 19200bps Factory-set : 9600bps *R S232C/RS-485 signal convertor (in case of using RS485 communication): Generally used for connection with p e r s o n a l c o m p u t e r v i a t h e RS - 4 8 5 interface. 4 Recommended item: Type KS-485PTI (manufacturer: System Sacom,Japan) Note)I n case the rtu(MODBUS RTU MODE) is selected at selection of communication protocol, data 7 bit can not be used. 6.Data acquisition software for Fuji AC power monitor: Following operations can be performed b y Pe r s o n a l c o m p u t e r u s i n g t h i s software. T his software only support fuji's communication protocol and does not support the MODBUS protocol. D a t a a c q u i s i t i o n s o ft w a r e c a n b e downloaded at our homepage. Note)This software is only applicable to the Japanese OS. •Real-time readout and deletion of measured data in which the main unit have the specified ID •Data to be measured: Date of measurement (year, month, day, hour, minute, second), voltage, c u r r e n t , p o w e r, r e a c t i v e p o w e r, integrated power, integrated reactive power, frequency, power factor. •R eadout and deletion of data saved on the SD memor y card in which the main unit have the specified ID •Data to be saved: Date of measurement (year, month, day, hour, minute, second), average voltage in data saving time inter val, a v e r a g e c u r r e n t , a v e r a g e p o w e r, maximum voltage, maximum current, maximum power, integrated power, ave r a g e r e a c t i ve p owe r, m a x i m u m reactive power, integrated reactive power, average power factor. In case of 1-phase 3wire system and 3-phase 3wire system, the dat a of volatage and current will be saved in 2 channels. •Operation of the main unit: Key o p e r a t i o n t o t h e m a i n u n i t i s available on the master side remotely as same as the main unit having the specified ID. •R eadout, change and resetting of measurement conditions set on the main unit having the specified ID. •R e a d a b l e a n d c h a n g e a b l e m e a s u r e m e n t conditions: Primary voltage of measurement circuit of externally inst alled transformer, CT ratio, power alarm set value, data saving time inter val, LED indication ON time, fixed voltage, fixed power factor, pulse output unit, calender (year, month, day, hour, minute, second) •Resettable items: Alarm, integrated power, integrated reactive power •S etting of the communication port for personal computer Power requirement Structure •Rated line supply voltage: 100 V to 220 V AC, 50/60 Hz •Usable line supply voltage: 90 V to 264 V AC, 50/60 Hz •Power consumption: About 5 VA Operating environment •Temperature limits: -10 to 50ºC •Humidity limits: 90% RH or less (non-condensation) •Enclosure: Plastic case (material: PC-ABS) •Flame resistance: UL94V-0 •Finish color: Ivory •External dimensions (W × H × D): 48 × 96 × 100 mm •Mass: About 400 g •Mounting: Flush with panel •External terminal: Screw terminal (M3.5) Transport and storage conditions •Temperature limits: -20 to 60ºC •Humidity limits: 90% RH or less (non-condensation) •Shock:Package endures a fall within a height of 1 m. General performance and characteristic •Response time: About 1 sec •Insulation resistance: 100 MΩ or more/500 V DC •Dielectric strength: 2000 V AC for 1 min between voltage input terminal and internal circuit 2000 V AC for 1 min between power supply terminal and internal circuit [ CODE SYMBOLS 1. AC power monitor main unit Digit 4 5 6 7 8 PPM Specification <Application> General-purpose CT input 5 <No. of phases, with/without voltage measurement> 1-phase 2-wire, 1-phase 3-wire, 3-phase Note 3-wire/without voltage measurement 1-phase 2-wire, 1-phase 3-wire, 3-phase 3-wire/with voltage measurement 7 8 9 <Operation key, indicator> With operation key, with indicator <Communication function> None RS-485/RS-232C <Revision No.> <Memory card function> None Provided (memory card should be ordered separately) B 9 3 2. Items to be ordered separately Item Note 4 6 C Type SD Memory card (2GB, CLASS4, Manufactured by Panasonic) RP-SDP02GJ1K Front cover C TK4G1615p1 3. Recommended items E Item Type SD Memory card (2GB, CLASS4, Manufactured by Panasonic) RP-SDP02GJ1K RS-485/RS-232C converter KS485-PT1 Converter cable CBL-16 F B * Prepare the recommended products depending on your usage environment. * If you use the products other than those above, we cannot guarantee a proper opperation. Y R 3 Y S (Note) Notes in the case where “without voltage measurement” is specified When “without voltage measurement” is specified, the instrument measures current value only. (It is required to set voltage and power factor value with operation keys or via communication function of the master beforehand.) Calculate the power and integrated power from the voltage setting, power factor setting, and the actual current measurement value. It is not suitable for the measurement of the load with large voltage fluctuation or power factor variation, or when these values are not known. To use the instrument for those purposes, specify “with voltage measurement.” 4. General-purpose CT General-purpose CT of secondary-side current of 5A or 1A must be supplied separately. SCOPE OF DELIVERY AC power monitor main unit, mounting bracket, instruction manual, overvoltage limitter for current input (2 pcs) ODERING INFORMATION 1. Type of AC Power Monitor main unit 2.Optional device name and type 5 PPMC-3 OUTLINE DIAGRAM (Unit: mm) Panel cutout Mounting bracket 12 45 +0.6 0 100 114.5 96 90.5 116MIN. 92 +0.8 0 48 50MIN. For closely installing multiple units side by side t 0 +0.8 0 92 +0.8 a Panel 1< =t< =8 6 Number of units 2 3 4 5 6 a 93 141 189 237 285 CONNECTION DIAGRAM (3)I n c a s e o f 3 - p h a s e 3 - w i r e w i t h o u t v o l t a g e measurement and 1-phase 3-wire without voltage measurement External terminal (M3.5 screw) (Alarm output/integrated power pulse output) (Alarm common/integral power pulse common) Power supply side 1 2 10 11 (R-phase (1) current k (ch0)) 3 (RS485 (B–)) 4 (RS232C (TX)) 5 (RS232C (RX)) 6 (RS232C (COM)) 7 (RS485 (Term)) 8 (N.C.) 9 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 (T-phase (3) current k (ch1)) (RS485 (A+)) R 1 Overvoltage limitter (R-phase (1) current l (ch0)) k 10 (T-phase (3) current l (ch1)) (R-S phase (1-2) voltage (ch0)) (Voltage common) (T-S phase (3-2) voltage (ch1)) K l 11 12 k 13 l T 3 S 2 L K L 14 (Instrument power supply) 15 (Instrument power supply) 16 17 (1)In case of 3-phase 3-wire with voltage measurement and 1-phase 3-wire with voltage measurement 1 10 2 11 3 12 RS485 4 13 TX 5 14 RS232C RX 6 15 Load A+ A+ B– B– COM (Short-circuit 4 and 8 when the monitor is positioned at the terminal of RS-485 communication.) Instrument power supply Power supply side R S T Overvoltage limitter 1 2 3 (Note) Power for + load – 18 7 16 8 17 9 18 k CT l (4)I n c a s e o f 1 - p h a s e 2 - w i r e w i t h o u t v o l t a g e measurement K L k CT l Load side Power supply side Overvoltage limitter 1 2 K L k 10 l 11 K L 12 13 Load side 14 15 Instrument power supply 16 (Note)For an inductive load such as relay, addition of a diode is required. Maximum load should be 30V DC, 100mA. 17 18 Instrument power supply Load side (2)In case of 1-phase 2-wire with voltage measurement Power supply side 2 Overvoltage limitter 1 10 11 k l K *U se a step-down transformer whose secondar y output is 110 V. L 12 Power supply side T R S Overvoltage limitter 13 14 10 15 11 16 12 17 13 18 Instrument power supply (5)Measuring example for 3300V Ex.: 3-phase 3-wire measuring circuit 2 1 k l 3 K L k K l L 14 Load side 15 16 17 18 Instrument power supply Load side (EX. : 3300V/110V VT) (Note)Be sure to use the overvoltage limiter supplied with this instrument. 7 PPMC-3 (6)Wiring for RS-485 communication PPM Master A(+) B(-) A(+) B(-) 3 4 PPM A(+) B(-) 3 4 PPM A(+) B(-) 3 4 8 Connect the No.4 and No.8 terminals of the instrument located at the end (built-in terminating resistance is connected to.) Terminating resistance 100Ω (7)Wiring for RS-232C communication 6 Short 7 8 9 1 5 2 3 6 4 5 Serial communication connector DOS/V personal computer 7 AC power monitor main unit PPM Note: This monitor is not a supply meter. Note: SDTM is a registered trademark of SD Card Association. Note: Windows and Excel are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation, U.S.A. Caution on Safety *Before using this product, be sure to read its instruction manual in advance. International Sales Div Sales Group Gate City Ohsaki, East Tower, 11-2, Osaki 1-chome, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo 141-0032, Japan Phone: 81-3-5435-7280, 7281 Fax: 81-3-5435-7425 Information in this catalog is subject to change without notice. Printed in Japan