iC-SM2L LINEAR AMR SENSOR (2 mm) Rev A2, Page 1/5 FEATURES Ë Ë Ë Ë Ë Ë Ë Ë Magneto resistive position sensor based on the AMR effect Strong field sensor for 2 mm N/S pole pitch One sine/cosine cycle per pole width (averaged using a pair of N/S poles) High interpolation due to a sine signal with few harmonics Low saturation field strength High amplitude consistency with changes in distance Resistant to strong magnetic fields Not sensitive to external homogenous magnetic fields APPLICATIONS Ë Ë Linear position sensing Length measuring systems CHIP 4.10 mm x 0.98 mm BLOCK DIAGRAM Copyright © 2006, iC-Haus www.ichaus.com iC-SM2L LINEAR AMR SENSOR (2 mm) Rev A2, Page 2/5 DESCRIPTION iC-SM2L is a linear position sensor which operates on the AMR effect (anisotropic magneto resistance) and has been designed to work with magnetic scales which have a N/S pole pitch of 2 mm. When the sensor is moved along a magnetic scale with a N/S pole pitch of 2 mm the two Wheatstone bridges generate differential sinusoidal output voltages (PSIN - NSIN) and (PCOS - NCOS) phase-shifted at 90°. One sine/cosine cycle averaged using a pair of N/S poles is thus produced for a pole width. The absolute magnetic field strength must be large enough for the sensor to go into saturation and for the magnetization of iC-SM2L's resistor stripes to assume the direction of the outer magnetic field.s The amplitudes of the differential output voltages are largely independent of the magnetic field strength and thus not sensitive to changes in distance. iC-SM2L is resistant to strong magnetic fields and not sensitive to external homogenous magnetic fields. CHIP LAYOUT PAD FUNCTIONS Nr. Name Function 1 2 3 4 5 6 NCOS NSIN VB GND PCOS PSIN Output Cosine Output Sine Supply Voltage Sine/Cosine Bridge Ground Output Cosine + Output Sine + iC-SM2L LINEAR AMR SENSOR (2 mm) Rev A2, Page 3/5 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Values beyond which damage may occur; device operation is not guaranteed. Item Symbol Parameter Conditions Fig. Unit Min. Max. G001 V() Voltage at VB -10 10 V G002 V() Voltage at PSIN, NSIN, PCOS, NCOS -10 10 V G003 I() Current in VB -11 11 mA G004 I() Current in PSIN, NSIN, PCOS, NCOS -11 11 mA TG1 Tj Operating Junction Temperature -40 125 °C TG2 Ts Storage Temperature Range -40 125 °C THERMAL DATA Operating Conditions: VB = 5 V ± 10 % Item Symbol Parameter Conditions Fig. Unit Min. T1 Ta Operating Ambient Temperature Range All voltages are referenced to ground unless otherwise noted. All currents into the device pins are positive; all currents out of the device pins are negative. -40 Typ. Max. 125 °C iC-SM2L LINEAR AMR SENSOR (2 mm) Rev A2, Page 4/5 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Operating Conditions: VB = 5V ± 10 %, Tj = -40 ... 125 °C, |Hext| > 25 kA/m at the bottom edge of the sensor, unless otherwise noted Item Symbol Parameter Conditions Tj Fig. °C Unit Min. Typ. Max. Total Device 001 VB Permissible Supply Voltage VB 002 I() Supply Current in VB 003 R() Bridge Resistance of one sine/cosine bridge 004 TC(R) Bridge Resistance Temperature Drift 005 Vpk Amplitude of Differential Output Voltages 006 TC(Va) Amplitude Temperature Drift 007 Vos Offset Voltage 008 TC(Vos) Offset Voltage Temperature Drift 009 Vrel Relative Change in Amplitude distance bottom edge of the sensor to the magnetic scale: 0 ... 1.5 mm 010 AAabs Absolute Angle Accuracy without offset voltage, distance bottom edge of the sensor to the magnetic scale: 0.5 mm PSIN, NSIN, PCOS, NCOS open 25 -8 8 V 3.4 6.2 mA 1.8 2.6 kΩ 0.37 %/K 8 20 mV/V -0.4 -0.25 %/K -2 2 mV/V -3 3 µV/VK -5 5 % -1 1 DEG 0.27 1 Hext = 0 kA/m at the bottom edge of the sensor 1 1 0.32 APPLICATIONS INFORMATION iC-SM2L is placed vertically above a magnetic scale with an equal distribution of pairs of N/S poles. Figure 1: Placement of the iC-SM2L to a magnetic scale This specification is for a newly developed product. iC-Haus therefore reserves the right to change or update, without notice, any information contained herein, design and specification; and to discontinue or limit production or distribution of any product versions. Please contact iC-Haus to ascertain the current data. Copying - even as an excerpt - is only permitted with iC-Haus approval in writing and precise reference to source. iC-Haus does not warrant the accuracy, completeness or timeliness of the specification on this site and does not assume liability for any errors or omissions in the materials. The data specified is intended solely for the purpose of product description. No representations or warranties, either express or implied, of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose or of any other nature are made hereunder with respect to information/specification or the products to which information refers and no guarantee with respect to compliance to the intended use is given. In particular, this also applies to the stated possible applications or areas of applications of the product. iC-Haus conveys no patent, copyright, mask work right or other trade mark right to this product. iC-Haus assumes no liability for any patent and/or other trade mark rights of a third party resulting from processing or handling of the product and/or any other use of the product. iC-SM2L LINEAR AMR SENSOR (2 mm) Rev A2, Page 5/5 ORDERING INFORMATION Type iC-SM2L Package Order designation iC-SM2L CHIP For information about prices, terms of delivery, options for other case types, etc., please contact: iC-Haus GmbH Am Kuemmerling 18 D-55294 Bodenheim GERMANY Tel +49-6135-9292-0 Fax +49-6135-9292-192 http://www.ichaus.com This specification is for a newly developed product. iC-Haus therefore reserves the right to modify data without further notice in order to improve design and/or performance. Please contact us to ascertain the current data. The data specified is intended solely for the purpose of product description and is not to be deemed guaranteed in a legal sense. Any claims for damage against us - regardless of the legal basis - are excluded unless we are guilty of premeditation or gross negligence. We assume no responsibility or liability for the use of these products, conveys no licence or title under any patent, copyright, or mask work right to these products and makes no representations or warranties that these products are free from patent, copyright, or mask work right infringement, unless otherwise specified. Copying - even as an excerpt - is only permitted with the approval of the publisher and precise reference to source.