SGUS046 − JULY 2003 D Controlled Baseline D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D Block-Memory-Move Instructions for Better − One Assembly/Test Site, One Fabrication Site Extended Temperature Performance of −40°C to 100°C Enhanced Diminishing Manufacturing Sources (DMS) Support Enhanced Product-Change Notification Qualification Pedigree† Advanced Multibus Architecture With Three Separate 16-Bit Data Memory Buses and One Program Memory Bus 40-Bit Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU), Including a 40-Bit Barrel Shifter and Two Independent 40-Bit Accumulators 17- × 17-Bit Parallel Multiplier Coupled to a 40-Bit Dedicated Adder for Non-Pipelined Single-Cycle Multiply/Accumulate (MAC) Operation Compare, Select, and Store Unit (CSSU) for the Add/Compare Selection of the Viterbi Operator Exponent Encoder to Compute an Exponent Value of a 40-Bit Accumulator Value in a Single Cycle Two Address Generators With Eight Auxiliary Registers and Two Auxiliary Register Arithmetic Units (ARAUs) Data Bus With a Bus-Holder Feature Extended Addressing Mode for 8M × 16-Bit Maximum Addressable External Program Space 16K x 16-Bit On-Chip ROM 32K x 16-Bit Dual-Access On-Chip RAM Single-Instruction-Repeat and Block-Repeat Operations for Program Code D D D D D D D D D D D Program and Data Management Instructions With a 32-Bit Long Word Operand Instructions With Two- or Three-Operand Reads Arithmetic Instructions With Parallel Store and Parallel Load Conditional Store Instructions Fast Return From Interrupt On-Chip Peripherals − Software-Programmable Wait-State Generator and Programmable Bank Switching − On-Chip Phase-Locked Loop (PLL) Clock Generator With Internal Oscillator or External Clock Source − Three Multichannel Buffered Serial Ports (McBSPs) − Enhanced 8-Bit Parallel Host-Port Interface With 16-Bit Data/Addressing − One 16-Bit Timer − Six-Channel Direct Memory Access (DMA) Controller Power Consumption Control With IDLE1, IDLE2, and IDLE3 Instructions With Power-Down Modes CLKOUT Off Control to Disable CLKOUT On-Chip Scan-Based Emulation Logic, IEEE Std 1149.1‡ (JTAG) Boundary Scan Logic 10-ns Single-Cycle Fixed-Point Instruction Execution Time (100 MIPS) for 3.3-V Power Supply (1.8-V Core) Available in a 144-Pin Ball Grid Array (BGA) (GGU Suffix) NOTE:This data sheet is designed to be used in conjunction with the TMS320C5000 DSP Family Functional Overview (literature number SPRU307). Please be aware that an important notice concerning availability, standard warranty, and use in critical applications of Texas Instruments semiconductor products and disclaimers thereto appears at the end of this data sheet. † Component qualification in accordance with JEDEC and industry standards to ensure reliable operation over an extended temperature range. This includes, but is not limited to, Highly Accelerated Stress Test (HAST) or biased 85/85, temperature cycle, autoclave or unbiased HAST, electromigration, bond intermetallic life, and mold compound life. Such qualification testing should not be viewed as justifying use of this component beyond specified performance and environmental limits. ‡ IEEE Standard 1149.1-1990 Standard-Test-Access Port and Boundary Scan Architecture. Copyright 2003, Texas Instruments Incorporated !" # $%&" !# '%()$!" *!"&+ *%$"# $ " #'&$$!"# '& ",& "&# &-!# #"%&"# #"!*!* .!!"/+ *%$" '$&##0 *&# " &$&##!)/ $)%*& "&#"0 !)) '!!&"&#+ POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251−1443 1 SGUS046 − JULY 2003 Table of Contents Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Pin Assignments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Terminal Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Memory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 On-chip Peripherals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Memory-mapped Registers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 McBSP Control Registers And Subaddresses . . . . 32 DMA Subbank Addressed Registers . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Interrupts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Documentation Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Absolute Maximum Ratings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Recommended Operating Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Electrical Characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Parameter Measurement Information . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Internal Oscillator with External Crystal . . . . . . . . 39 Divide-by-Two/Divide-by-Four Clock Option . . . . 40 Multiply-by-N Clock Option . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Memory and Parallel I/O Interface Timing . . . . . . 42 Timing For Externally Generated Wait States . . . 48 HOLD and HOLDA Timings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 Reset, BIO, Interrupt, and MP/MC Timings . . . . . 54 Instruction Acquisition (IAQ), Interrupt Acknowledge (IACK), External Flag (XF), and TOUT Timings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 Multichannel Buffered Serial Port Timing . . . . . . . 58 HPI8 Timing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 HPI16 Timing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 Mechanical Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 description The SM320VC5409-EP fixed-point, digital signal processor (DSP) (hereafter referred to as the ’5409 unless otherwise specified) is based on an advanced modified Harvard architecture that has one program memory bus and three data memory buses. This processor provides an arithmetic logic unit (ALU) with a high degree of parallelism, application-specific hardware logic, on-chip memory, and additional on-chip peripherals. The basis of the operational flexibility and speed of this DSP is a highly specialized instruction set. Separate program and data spaces allow simultaneous access to program instructions and data, providing the high degree of parallelism. Two read operations and one write operation can be performed in a single cycle. Instructions with parallel store and application-specific instructions can fully utilize this architecture. In addition, data can be transferred between data and program spaces. Such parallelism supports a powerful set of arithmetic, logic, and bit-manipulation operations that can all be performed in a single machine cycle. In addition, the ’5409 includes the control mechanisms to manage interrupts, repeated operations, and function calls. ORDERING INFORMATION TA PACKAGE‡ ORDERABLE PART NUMBER TOP-SIDE MARKING −40°C to 100°C BGA − GGU SM320VC5409GGU10EP M5409GGUEP † Package drawings, standard packing quantities, thermal data, symbolization, and PCB design guidelines are available at 2 POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251−1443 SGUS046 − JULY 2003 320VC5409 GGU PACKAGE (BOTTOM VIEW) 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 A B C D E F G H J K L M N The pin assignments table to follow lists each signal quadrant and BGA ball number for the SM320VC5409GGU (144-pin BGA package) which is footprint-compatible with the ’LC548, ’LC/VC549, and ’VC5410 devices. POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251−1443 3 SGUS046 − JULY 2003 Pin Assignments for the SM320VC5409GGU (144-Pin BGA Package)† SIGNAL QUADRANT 1 BGA BALL # SIGNAL QUADRANT 2 BGA BALL # SIGNAL QUADRANT 4 BGA BALL # VSS A22 A1 BFSX1 N13 B1 BDX1 M13 VSS BCLKR1 N1 A19 A13 N2 A20 VSS DVDD C2 C1 DVDD VSS A12 L12 HCNTL0 M3 B11 L13 N3 K10 VSS BCLKR0 VSS DVDD A10 D4 CLKMD1 K4 D6 D10 HD7 D3 A11 D2 CLKMD2 K11 BCLKR2 L4 D7 C10 CLKMD3 K12 BFSR0 M4 D8 A12 D1 B10 HPI16 K13 BFSR2 N4 D9 A10 A13 A14 E4 HD2 J10 BDR0 K5 D10 D9 E3 TOUT J11 HCNTL1 L5 D11 C9 B9 BGA BALL # SIGNAL QUADRANT 3 A11 A15 E2 EMU0 J12 BDR2 M5 D12 CVDD E1 EMU1/OFF J13 BCLKX0 N5 HD4 A9 HAS F4 TDO H10 BCLKX2 K6 D13 D8 VSS VSS F3 TDI H11 D14 C8 TRST H12 VSS HINT L6 F2 M6 D15 B8 CVDD F1 TCK H13 HD5 A8 G2 TMS G12 CVDD BFSX0 N6 HCS M7 CVDD B7 HR/W G1 G13 BFSX2 N7 G3 G11 HRDY L7 VSS HDS1 A7 READY VSS CVDD PS G4 HPIENA G10 DVDD K7 DS H1 F13 N8 F12 VSS HD0 VSS HDS2 M8 DVDD B6 F11 BDX0 L8 A0 C6 IS H2 VSS CLKOUT R/W H3 HD3 C7 D7 A6 MSTRB H4 X1 F10 BDX2 K8 A1 D6 IOSTRB J1 X2/CLKIN E13 IACK N9 A2 A5 MSC J2 RS E12 HBIL M9 A3 B5 XF J3 D0 E11 NMI L9 HD6 C5 HOLDA J4 D1 E10 INT0 K9 A4 D5 A4 IAQ K1 D2 D13 INT1 N10 A5 HOLD K2 D3 D12 INT2 M10 A6 B4 BIO K3 D4 D11 INT3 L10 A7 C4 MP/MC L1 D5 C13 CVDD N11 A8 A3 DVDD L2 A16 C12 HD1 M11 A9 B3 VSS BDR1 L3 VSS A17 C11 CVDD C3 B13 VSS BCLKX1 L11 M1 N12 A21 A2 BFSR1 M2 A18 B12 VSS M12 VSS B2 † DVDD is the power supply for the I/O pins while CVDD is the power supply for the core CPU. VSS is the ground for both the I/O pins and the core CPU. 4 POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251−1443 SGUS046 − JULY 2003 terminal functions The ’5409 signal descriptions table lists each pin name, function, and operating mode(s) for the ’5409 device. Some of the ’5409 pins can be configured for one of two functions; a primary function and a secondary function. The names of these pins in secondary mode are shaded in grey in the following table. Terminal Functions TERMINAL NAME INTERNAL PIN STATE I/O† DESCRIPTION DATA SIGNALS A22 A21 A20 A19 A18 A17 A16 A15 A14 A13 A12 A11 A10 A9 A8 A7 A6 A5 A4 A3 A2 A1 A0 D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 (MSB) O/Z Parallel address bus A22 [most significant bit (MSB)] through A0 [least significant bit (LSB)]. The lower sixteen address pins (A15 to A0) are multiplexed to address all external memory (program, data) or I/O while the upper seven address pins (A22 to A16) are only used to address external program space. These pins are placed in the high-impedance state when the hold mode is enabled, or when OFF is low. Bus holders available (A15−A0) (LSB) (MSB) I/O/Z Parallel data bus D15 (MSB) through D0 (LSB). The sixteen data pins (D15 to D0) are multiplexed to transfer data between the core CPU and external data/program memory or I/O devices. The data bus is placed in the high-impedance state when not outputting or when RS or HOLD is asserted. The data bus also goes into the high-impedance state when OFF is low. Bus holders available The data bus has bus holders to reduce the static power dissipation caused by floating, unused pins. These bus holders also eliminate the need for external bias resistors on unused pins. When the data bus is not being driven by the ’5409, the bus holders keep the pins at the previous logic level. The data bus holders on the ’5409 are disabled at reset and can be enabled/disabled via the BH bit of the bank-switching control register (BSCR). (LSB) INITIALIZATION, INTERRUPT, AND RESET OPERATIONS IACK O/Z Interrupt acknowledge signal. IACK indicates receipt of an interrupt and that the program counter is fetching the interrupt vector location designated by A15−A0. IACK also goes into the high-impedance state when OFF is low. INT0 Schmitt External user interrupts. INT0−INT3 are prioritized and are maskable by the interrupt mask register INT1 I trigger and the interrupt mode bit. INT0 −INT3 can be polled and reset by way of the interrupt flag register. INT2 INT3 † I = Input, O = Output, Z = High-impedance, S = Supply POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251−1443 5 SGUS046 − JULY 2003 Terminal Functions (Continued) TERMINAL NAME INTERNAL PIN STATE I/O† DESCRIPTION INITIALIZATION, INTERRUPT, AND RESET OPERATIONS (CONTINUED) NMI Schmitt trigger I Nonmaskable interrupt. NMI is an external interrupt that cannot be masked by way of the INTM or the IMR. When NMI is activated, the processor traps to the appropriate vector location. RS Schmitt trigger I Reset. RS causes the DSP to terminate execution and causes a reinitialization of the CPU and peripherals. When RS is brought to a high level, execution begins at location 0FF80h of program memory. RS affects various registers and status bits. I Microprocessor/microcomputer mode select. If active low at reset, microcomputer mode is selected, and the internal program ROM is mapped into the upper program memory space. If the pin is driven high during reset, microprocessor mode is selected, and the on-chip ROM is removed from program space. MP/MC is only sampled at reset, and the MP/MC bit of the PMST register can override the mode that is selected at reset. MP/MC MULTIPROCESSING SIGNALS BIO XF Schmitt trigger I Branch control. A branch can be conditionally executed when BIO is active. If low, the processor executes the conditional instruction. For the XC instruction, the BIO condition is sampled during the decode phase of the pipeline; all other instructions sample BIO during the read phase of the pipeline. O/Z External flag output (latched software-programmable signal). XF is set high by the SSBX XF instruction, set low by the RSBX XF instruction or by loading ST1. XF is used for signaling other processors in multiprocessor configurations or used as a general-purpose output pin. XF goes into the high-impedance state when OFF is low, and is set high at reset. MEMORY CONTROL SIGNALS DS PS IS O/Z Data, program, and I/O space select signals. DS, PS, and IS are always high unless driven low for accessing a particular external memory space. Active period corresponds to valid address information. DS, PS, and IS are placed into the high-impedance state in the hold mode; the signals also go into the high-impedance state when OFF is low. MSTRB O/Z Memory strobe signal. MSTRB is always high unless low-level asserted to indicate an external bus access to data or program memory. MSTRB is placed in the high-impedance state in the hold mode; it also goes into the high-impedance state when OFF is low. I Data ready. READY indicates that an external device is prepared for a bus transaction to be completed. If the device is not ready (READY is low), the processor waits one cycle and checks READY again. Note that the processor performs ready detection if at least two software wait states are programmed. The READY signal is not sampled until the completion of the software wait states. R/W O/Z Read/write signal. R/W indicates transfer direction during communication to an external device. R/W is normally in the read mode (high), unless it is asserted low when the DSP performs a write operation. R/W is placed in the high-impedance state in hold mode; it also goes into the high-impedance state when OFF is low. IOSTRB O/Z I/O strobe signal. IOSTRB is always high unless low-level asserted to indicate an external bus access to an I/O device. IOSTRB is placed in the high-impedance state in the hold mode; it also goes into the high-impedance state when OFF is low. I Hold. HOLD is asserted to request control of the address, data, and control lines. When acknowledged by the ’C54x, these lines go into the high-impedance state. HOLDA O/Z Hold acknowledge. HOLDA indicates that the ’5409 is in a hold state and that the address, data, and control lines are in the high-impedance state, allowing the external memory interface to be accessed by other devices. HOLDA also goes into the high-impedance state when OFF is low. MSC O/Z Microstate complete. MSC indicates completion of all software wait states. When two or more software wait states are enabled, the MSC pin goes low during the last of these wait states. If connected to the READY input, MSC forces one external wait state after the last internal wait state is completed. MSC also goes into the high-impedance state when OFF is low. IAQ O/Z Instruction acquisition signal. IAQ is asserted (active low) when there is an instruction address on the address bus. IAQ goes into the high-impedance state when OFF is low. READY HOLD † I = Input, O = Output, Z = High-impedance, S = Supply 6 POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251−1443 SGUS046 − JULY 2003 Terminal Functions (Continued) TERMINAL NAME INTERNAL PIN STATE I/O† DESCRIPTION O/Z Master clock output signal. CLKOUT cycles at the machine-cycle rate of the CPU. The internal machine cycle is bounded by rising edges of this signal. CLKOUT also goes into the high-impedance state when OFF is low. OSCILLATOR/TIMER SIGNALS CLKOUT CLKMD1 CLKMD2 CLKMD3 Schmitt trigger I Clock mode select signals. These inputs select the mode that the clock generator is initialized to after reset. The logic levels of CLKMD1–CLKMD3 are latched when the reset pin is low, and the clock mode register is initialized to the selected mode. After reset, the clock mode can be changed through software, but the clock mode select signals have no effect until the device is reset again. X2/CLKIN Schmitt trigger I Clock/oscillator input. If the internal oscillator is not being used, X2/CLKIN functions as the clock input. O Output pin from the internal oscillator for the crystal. If the internal oscillator is not used, X1 should be left unconnected. X1 does not go into the high-impedance state when OFF is low. O/Z Timer output. TOUT signals a pulse when the on-chip timer counts down past zero. The pulse is one CLKOUT cycle wide. TOUT also goes into the high-impedance state when OFF is low. X1 TOUT MULTICHANNEL BUFFERED SERIAL PORT SIGNALS BCLKR0 BCLKR1 BCLKR2 Schmitt trigger I/O/Z Receive clocks. BCLKR serves as the serial shift clock for the buffered serial-port receiver. Input from an external clock source for clocking data into the McBSP. When not being used as a clock, these pins can be used as general-purpose I/O by setting RIOEN = 1. BCLKR can be configured as an output by the way of the CLKRM bit in the PCR register. BDR0 BDR1 BDR2 I Buffered serial data receive (input) pin. When not being used as data-receive pins, these pins can be used as general-purpose I/O by setting RIOEN = 1. BFSR0 BFSR1 BFSR2 I/O/Z Frame synchronization pin for buffered serial-port input data. The BFSR pulse initiates the receive-data process over the BDR pin. When not being used as data-receive synchronization pins, these pins can be used as general-purpose I/O by setting RIOEN = 1. BCLKX0 BCLKX1 BCLKX2 Schmitt trigger I/O/Z Transmit clocks. Clock signal used to clock data from the transmit register. This pin can also be configured as an input by setting the CLKXM = 0 in the PCR register. When not being used as a clock, these pins can be used as general-purpose I/O by setting XIOEN = 1. These pins are placed into the high-impedance state when OFF is low. BDX0 BDX1 BDX2 BFSX0 BFSX1 BFSX2 O/Z Buffered serial-port transmit (output) pin. When not being used as data-transmit pins, these pins can be used as general-purpose I/O by setting XIOEN = 1. These pins are placed into the high-impedance state when OFF is low. I/O/Z Buffered serial-port frame synchronization pin for transmitting data. The BFSX pulse initiates the transmit-data process over BDX pin. If RS is asserted when BFSX is configured as output, then BFSX is turned into input mode by the reset operation. When not being used as data-transmit synchronization pins, these pins can be used as general-purpose I/O by setting XIOEN = 1. These pins are placed into the high-impedance state when OFF is low. † I = Input, O = Output, Z = High-impedance, S = Supply POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251−1443 7 SGUS046 − JULY 2003 Terminal Functions (Continued) TERMINAL NAME INTERNAL PIN STATE I/O† DESCRIPTION HOST-PORT INTERFACE SIGNALS SECONDARY PRIMARY These pins can be used to address internal memory via the HPI when the HPI16 pin is high. The sixteen address pins, A15 to A0, are multiplexed to transfer address between the core CPU and external data/program memory, I/O devices, or HPI in 16-bit mode. HA15 − HA0 HD15 − HD0 Bus holders available Bus holders available I/O/Z A15 − A0 O/Z The address bus includes bus holders to reduce the static power dissipation caused by floating, unused pins. The bus holders also eliminate the need for external bias resistors on unused pins. When the address bus is not being driven by the ’5409, the bus holders keep the pins at the logic level that was most recently driven. The address bus holders of the ’5409 are disabled at reset, and can be enabled/disabled via the HBH bit of the BSCR. These pins can be used to read/write internal memory via the HPI when the HPI16 pin is high. The sixteen data pins, D15 to D0, are multiplexed to transfer data between the core CPU and external data/program memory, I/O devices, or HPI in 16-bit mode. The data bus is placed in the high-impedance state when not outputting or when RS or HOLD is asserted. The data bus also goes into the high-impedance state when OFF is low. I/O/Z D15 − D0 O/Z The data bus includes bus holders to reduce the static power dissipation caused by floating, unused pins. The bus holders also eliminate the need for external bias resistors on unused pins. When the data bus is not being driven by the ’5409, the bus holders keep the pins at the logic level that was most recently driven. The data bus holders of the ’5409 are disabled at reset, and can be enabled/disabled via the BH bit of the BSCR. Parallel bidirectional data bus. When the HPI is disabled or when the HPI16 pin is high, these pins can also be used as general-purpose I/O pins. HD7–HD0 are placed in the high-impedance state when not outputting data or when OFF is low. Bus holders available I/O/Z HCNTL0 HCNTL1 Pullup resistor I Control. HCNTL0 and HCNTL1 select a host access to one of the three HPI registers. The control inputs have internal pullup resistors that are only enabled when HPIENA = 0. HBIL Pullup resistor I Byte identification. HBIL identifies the first or second byte of transfer. The HBIL input has an internal pullup resistor that is only enabled when HPIENA = 0. HCS Schmitt trigger/pullup resistor I Chip select. HCS is the select input for the HPI and must be driven low during accesses. The chip-select input has an internal pullup resistor that is only enabled when HPIENA = 0. HDS1 HDS2 Schmitt trigger/pullup resistor I Data strobe. HDS1 and HDS2 are driven by the host read and write strobes to control transfers. The strobe inputs have internal pullup resistors that are only enabled when HPIENA = 0. HAS Schmitt trigger/pullup resistor I Address strobe. Hosts with multiplexed address and data pins require HAS to latch the address in the HPIA register. HAS has an internal pullup resistor that is only enabled when HPIENA = 0. HD7 – HD0 The HPI data bus includes bus holders to reduce the static power dissipation caused by floating, unused pins. When the HPI data bus is not being driven by the ’5409, the bus holders keep the pins at the logic level that was most recently driven. The HPI data bus holders are disabled at reset. In 8-bit mode the bus holders can be enabled/disabled via the HBH bit of the BSCR. In 16-bit mode the bus holders are always active on the HD7–HD0 pins. † I = Input, O = Output, Z = High-impedance, S = Supply 8 POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251−1443 SGUS046 − JULY 2003 Terminal Functions (Continued) TERMINAL NAME INTERNAL PIN STATE I/O† DESCRIPTION HOST-PORT INTERFACE SIGNALS (CONTINUED) I Read/write. HR/W controls the direction of an HPI transfer. R/W has an internal pullup resistor that is only enabled when HPIENA = 0. HRDY O/Z Ready. The ready output informs the host when the HPI is ready for the next transfer. HRDY goes into the high-impedance state when OFF is low. HINT O/Z Interrupt. This output is used to interrupt the host. When the DSP is in reset, HINT is driven high. The signal goes into the high-impedance state when OFF is low. I HPI module select. HPIENA must be driven high during reset to enable the HPI. An internal pulldown resistor is always active and the HPIENA pin is sampled on the rising edge of RS. If HPIENA is left open or is driven low during reset, the HPI module is disabled. Once the HPI is disabled, the HPIENA pin has no effect until the ’5409 is reset. HR/W HPIENA HPI16 Pullup resistor Pulldown resistor Pulldown resistor I HPI 16-bit select pin (internal pulldown, default HPI8). HPI16 = 1 selects the non-multiplexed mode. The non-multiplexed mode allows hosts with separate address/data buses to access the HPI address range via the 16 address pins (A15–A0). 16-bit data is also accessible through pins D0 through D15. Host-to-DSP and DSP-to-Host interrupts are not supported. There are no HPIC and HPIA register accesses in the non-multiplexed mode. The HPI16 pin is sampled at RESET. The user should never change the value of the HPI16 pin while the RESET signal is HIGH. SUPPLY PINS CVDD S DVDD S +VDD. Dedicated 1.8-V power supply for the core CPU +VDD. Dedicated 3.3-V power supply for the I/O pins VSS S Ground TEST PINS TCK Schmitt trigger/pullup resistor I IEEE standard 1149.1 test clock. TCK is normally a free-running clock signal with a 50% duty cycle. The changes on the test access port (TAP) of input signals TMS and TDI are clocked into the TAP controller, instruction register, or selected test data register on the rising edge of TCK. Changes at the TAP output signal (TDO) occur on the falling edge of TCK. TDI Pullup resistor I IEEE standard 1149.1 test data input pin with internal pullup device. TDI is clocked into the selected register (instruction or data) on a rising edge of TCK. O/Z IEEE standard 1149.1 test data output. The contents of the selected register (instruction or data) are shifted out of TDO on the falling edge of TCK. TDO is in the high-impedance state except when the scanning of data is in progress. TDO also goes into the high-impedance state when OFF is low. I IEEE standard 1149.1 test mode select. Pin with internal pullup device. This serial control input is clocked into the TAP controller on the rising edge of TCK. I IEEE standard 1149.1 test reset. TRST, when high, gives the IEEE standard 1149.1 scan system control of the operations of the device. If TRST is not connected or is driven low, the device operates in its functional mode, and the IEEE standard 1149.1 signals are ignored. Pin with internal pulldown device. TDO TMS Pullup resistor TRST Pulldown resistor † I = Input, O = Output, Z = High-impedance, S = Supply POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251−1443 9 SGUS046 − JULY 2003 Terminal Functions (Continued) TERMINAL NAME INTERNAL PIN STATE I/O† DESCRIPTION I/O/Z Emulator 0 pin. When TRST is driven low, EMU0 must be high for activation of the OFF condition. When TRST is driven high, EMU0 is used as an interrupt to or from the emulator system and is defined as input/output by way of the IEEE standard 1149.1 scan system. I/O/Z Emulator 1 pin/disable all outputs. When TRST is driven high, EMU1/OFF is used as an interrupt to or from the emulator system and is defined as input/output by way of the IEEE standard 1149.1 scan system. When TRST is driven low, EMU1/OFF is configured as OFF. The EMU1/OFF signal, when active low, puts all output drivers into the high-impedance state. Note that OFF is used exclusively for testing and emulation purposes (not for multiprocessing applications). Therefore, for the OFF feature, the following apply: TRST = low EMU0 = high EMU1/OFF = low TEST PINS (CONTINUED) EMU0 EMU1/OFF † I = Input, O = Output, Z = High-impedance, S = Supply memory The ’5409 device provides both on-chip ROM and RAM memories to aid in system performance and integration. on-chip ROM with bootloader A bootloader is available in the standard ’5409 on-chip ROM. This bootloader can be used to automatically transfer user code from an external source to anywhere in the program memory at power up. If the MP/MC pin is sampled low during a hardware reset, execution begins at location FF80h of the on-chip ROM. This location contains a branch instruction to the start of the bootloader program. The standard ’5409 bootloader provides different ways to download the code to accommodate various system requirements: D D D D D Parallel from 8-bit or 16-bit-wide EPROM Parallel from I/O space 8-bit or 16-bit mode Serial boot from serial ports 8-bit or 16-bit mode Host-port interface boot SPI serial EEPROM 8-bit boot mode The standard on-chip ROM layout is shown in Table 1. on-chip memory security The ’5409 features a 16K-word × 16-bit on-chip maskable ROM. Customers can arrange to have the ROM of the ’5409 programmed with contents unique to any particular application. A security option is available to protect a custom ROM. The ROM and ROM/RAM security options are available on the ’5409. These security options are described in the TMS320C54x DSP CPU and Peripherals Reference Set, Volume 1 (literature number SPRU131). When the security options are enabled, JTAG emulation is inhibited or nonfunctional. 10 POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251−1443 SGUS046 − JULY 2003 on-chip ROM with bootloader (continued) Table 1. Standard On-Chip ROM Layout† ADDRESS RANGE DESCRIPTION 0x0000h − 0xBFFFh External program space 0xC000h − 0xF7FFh Reserved 0xF800h − 0xFBFFh Bootloader 0xFC00h − 0xFEFFh Reserved 0xFF00h − 0xFF7Fh Reserved† 0xFF80h − 0xFFFFh Interrupt vector table † In the ’VC5409 ROM, 128 words are reserved for factory device-testing purposes. Application code to be implemented in on-chip ROM must reserve these 128 words at addresses FF00h–FF7Fh in program space. on-chip RAM The ’5409 device contains 32K × 16-bit of on-chip dual-access RAM (DARAM). The DARAM is composed of four blocks of 8K words each. Each block in the DARAM can support two reads in one cycle, or a read and a write in one cycle. The DARAM is located in the address range 0080h−7FFFh in data space, and can be mapped into program/data space by setting the OVLY bit to one. POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251−1443 11 SGUS046 − JULY 2003 memory map Hex Page 0 Program 0000 Hex Page 0 Program 0000 Reserved (OVLY = 1) External (OVLY = 0) Reserved (OVLY = 1) External (OVLY = 0) 007F 0080 007F 0080 Hex 0000 005F Scratch-Pad RAM 007F 0080 On-Chip DARAM† (32K words) 7FFF 8000 7FFF 8000 7FFF 8000 External External BFFF C000 External BFFF C000 On-Chip ROM (16K Words) FEFF FF00 ROM (DROM=1) or External (DROM=0) Reserved FF7F FF80 FF7F FF80 FEFF FF00 Interrupts (On-Chip) Interrupts (External) FFFF FFFF MP/MC= 1 (Microprocessor Mode) MemoryMapped Registers 0060 On-Chip DARAM† (OVLY = 1) External (OVLY = 0) On-Chip DARAM† (OVLY = 1) External (OVLY = 0) Data FFFF Reserved (DROM=1) or External (DROM=0) MP/MC= 0 (Microcomputer Mode) † DARAM0= 0060h − 1FFFh, DARAM1= 2000h − 3FFFh DARAM2= 4000h − 5FFFh, DARAM3= 6000h − 7FFFh Figure 1. Memory Map relocatable interrupt vector table The reset, interrupt, and trap vectors are addressed in program space. These vectors are soft — meaning that the processor, when taking the trap, loads the program counter (PC) with the trap address and executes the code at the vector location. Four words are reserved at each vector location to accommodate a delayed branch instruction, either two 1-word instructions or one 2-word instruction, which allows branching to the appropriate interrupt service routine with minimal overhead. At device reset, the reset, interrupt, and trap vectors are mapped to address FF80h in program space. However, these vectors can be remapped to the beginning of any 128-word page in program space after device reset. This is done by loading the interrupt vector pointer (IPTR) bits in the PMST register with the appropriate 128-word page boundary address. After loading IPTR, any user interrupt or trap vector is mapped to the new 128-word page. NOTE:The hardware reset (RS) vector cannot be remapped because a hardware reset loads the IPTR with 1s. Therefore, the reset vector is always fetched at location FF80h in program space. 12 POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251−1443 SGUS046 − JULY 2003 extended program memory The ’5409 CPU uses a paged extended memory scheme in program space to allow access of up to 8M program memory locations. In order to implement this scheme, the ’5409 includes several features that are also present on the ’548/’549 devices: D Twenty-three address lines, instead of sixteen D An extra memory-mapped register, the XPC register defines the page selection. This register is memory-mapped into data space to address 001Eh. At a hardware reset, the XPC is initialized to 0. D Six extra instructions for addressing extended program space. These six instructions affect the XPC. − FB[D] pmad (23 bits) − Far branch − FBACC[D] Accu[22:0] − Far branch to the location specified by the value in accumulator A or accumulator B − FCALL[D] pmad (23 bits) − Far call − FCALA[D] Accu[22:0] − Far call to the location specified by the value in accumulator A or accumulator B − FRET[D] − Far return − FRETE[D] − Far return with interrupts enabled D In addition to these new instructions, two ’54x instructions are extended to use 23 bits in the ’5409: − READA data_memory (using 23-bit accumulator address) − WRITA data_memory (using 23-bit accumulator address) All other instructions, software interrupts, and hardware interrupts do not modify the XPC register and access only memory within the current page. Program memory in the ’5409 is organized into 127 pages that are each 64K in length, as shown in Figure 2. 00 0000 1 0000 Page 0 64K† 7F 0000 Page 1 Lower 32K‡ Page 2 Lower 32K‡ Page 127 Lower 32K‡ External External External 1 7FFF 2 7FFF ... 7F 7FFF 1 8000 2 8000 ... 7F 8000 Page 1 Upper 32K External 0 FFFF ... 2 0000 Page 2 Upper 32K External 2 FFFF 1 FFFF Page 127 Upper 32K External ... 7F FFFF † Refer to Figure 1. 5409 Memory Map. ‡ The Lower 32K words of pages 1 through 126 are available only when the OVLY bit is cleared to 0. If the OVLY bit is set to 1, the on-chip RAM is mapped to the lower 32K words of all program space pages. Figure 2. Extended Program Memory POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251−1443 13 SGUS046 − JULY 2003 on-chip peripherals The ’5409 device has the following peripherals: D D D D D D Software-programmable wait-state generator with programmable bank-switching wait states An enhanced 8-bit host-port interface (HPI8/16) with 16-bit data/addressing Three multichannel buffered serial ports (McBSPs) One hardware timer A clock generator with a phase-locked loop (PLL) A direct memory access (DMA) controller software-programmable wait-state generator The software wait-state generator of the ’5409 is similar to that of the ’5410 and it can extend external bus cycles by up to fourteen machine cycles. Devices that require more than fourteen wait states can be interfaced using the hardware READY line. When all external accesses are configured for zero wait states, the internal clocks to the wait-state generator are automatically disabled. Disabling the wait-state generator clocks reduces the power consumption of the ’5409. The software wait-state register (SWWSR) controls the operation of the wait-state generator. The 14 LSBs of the SWWSR specify the number of wait states (0 to 7) to be inserted for external memory accesses to five separate address ranges. This allows a different number of wait states for each of the five address ranges. Additionally, the software wait-state multiplier (SWSM) bit of the system configuration register (SCR) defines a multiplication factor of 1 or 2 for the number of wait states. At reset, the wait-state generator is initialized to provide seven wait states on all external memory accesses. The SWWSR bit fields are shown in Figure 3 and described in Table 2. 15 XPA R/W-0 14 12 11 I/O R/W-111 9 8 Data R/W-111 6 Data R/W-111 5 3 Program R/W-111 2 0 Program R/W-111 LEGEND: R = Read, W = Write Figure 3. Software Wait-State Register (SWWSR) [Memory-Mapped Register (MMR) Address 0028h] 14 POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251−1443 SGUS046 − JULY 2003 software-programmable wait-state generator (continued) Table 2. Software Wait-State Register (SWWSR) Bit Fields BIT NO. NAME RESET VALUE 15 XPA 0 Extended program address control bit. XPA is used in conjunction with the program space fields (bits 0 through 5) to select the address range for program space wait states. 14−12 I/O 1 I/O space. The field value (0−7) corresponds to the base number of wait states for I/O space accesses within addresses 0000−FFFFh. The SWSM bit of the SWCR defines a multiplication factor of 1 or 2 for the base number of wait states. 11−9 Data 1 Upper data space. The field value (0−7) corresponds to the base number of wait states for external data space accesses within addresses 8000−FFFFh. The SWSM bit of the SWCR defines a multiplication factor of 1 or 2 for the base number of wait states. 8−6 Data 1 Lower data space. The field value (0−7) corresponds to the base number of wait states for external data space accesses within addresses 0000−7FFFh. The SWSM bit of the SWCR defines a multiplication factor of 1 or 2 for the base number of wait states. FUNCTION Upper program space. The field value (0−7) corresponds to the base number of wait states for external program space accesses within the following addresses: 5−3 Program 1 - XPA = 0: x8000 − xFFFFh - XPA = 1: The upper program space bit field has no effect on wait states. The SWSM bit of the SWCR defines a multiplication factor of 1 or 2 for the base number of wait states. Program space. The field value (0−7) corresponds to the base number of wait states for external program space accesses within the following addresses: 2−0 Program 1 - XPA = 0: x0000−x7FFFh - XPA = 1: 00000−FFFFFh The SWSM bit of the SWCR defines a multiplication factor of 1 or 2 for the base number of wait states. The software wait-state multiplier bit of the software wait-state configuration register is used to extend the base number of wait states selected by the SWWSR. The SWCR bit fields are shown in Figure 4 and described in Table 3. 15 1 0 SWSM Reserved R/W-0 R/W-0 LEGEND: R = Read, W = Write Figure 4. Software Wait-State Configuration Register (SWCR) [MMR Address 002Bh] Table 3. Software Wait-State Configuration Register (SWCR) Bit Fields PIN NO. NAME RESET VALUE 15−1 Reserved 0 FUNCTION These bits are reserved and are unaffected by writes. Software wait-state multiplier. Used to multiply the number of wait states defined in the SWWSR by a factor of 1 or 2. 0 SWSM 0 - SWSM = 0: wait-state base values are unchanged (multiplied by 1). - SWSM = 1: wait-state base values are multiplied by 2 for a maximum of 14 wait states. POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251−1443 15 SGUS046 − JULY 2003 programmable bank-switching wait states The programmable bank-switching logic of the ’5409 is functionally equivalent to that of the ’548/’549 devices. This feature automatically inserts one cycle when accesses cross memory-bank boundaries within program or data memory space. A bank-switching wait state can also be automatically inserted when accesses cross the data space boundary into program space. The bank-switching control register (BSCR) defines the bank size for bank-switching wait-states. Figure 5 shows the BSCR and its bits are described in Table 4. 15 12 11 10 BNKCMP PS-DS R/W-1111 R/W-1 3 Reserved R-0 2 1 0 HBH BH EXIO R/W-0 R/W-0 R/W-0 LEGEND: R = Read, W = Write Figure 5. Bank-Switching Control Register (BSCR) [MMR Address 0029h] Table 4. Bank-Switching Control Register Fields NO. 15−12 11 10−3 BIT NAME RESET VALUE FUNCTION 1111 Bank compare. BNKCMP determines the external memory-bank size. BNKCMP is used to mask the four MSBs of an address. For example, if BNKCMP = 1111b, the four MSBs (bits 12−15) are compared, resulting in a bank size of 4K words. Bank sizes of 4K words to 64K words are allowed. PS-DS 1 Program read − data read access. PS-DS inserts an extra cycle between consecutive accesses of program read and data read or data read and program read. PS-DS = 0 No extra cycles are inserted by this feature. PS-DS = 1 One extra cycle is inserted between consecutive data and program reads. Reserved 0 These bits are reserved and are unaffected by writes. BNKCMP HPI bus holder. HBH controls the HPI bus holder feature. HBH is cleared to 0 at reset. 8-bit Mode HBH = 0 The bus holder is disabled for the HPI data bus (HD[7:0]). HBH = 1 The bus holders are enabled on HD[7:0]. When not driven, the HPI data bus (HD[7:0]) is held in the previous logic level. 2 1 0 16 HBH BH EXIO 0 HPI bus holder. HBH controls the HPI bus holder feature. HBH is cleared to 0 at reset. 16-bit Mode HBH = 0 The bus holder is disabled for the HPI address bus (HA[15:0]). The HPI GPIO pins (HD[7:0]) are held in the previous logic level. HBH = 1 The bus holders are enabled on HA[15:0]. When not driven, the HPI address bus (A[15:0]) and HPI GPIO pins (HD[7:0]) are held in the previous logic level. 0 Bus holder. BH controls the data bus holder feature. BH is cleared to 0 at reset. BH = 0 The bus holder is disabled. BH = 1 The bus holder is enabled. When not driven, the data bus (D[15:0]) is held in the previous logic level. 0 External bus interface off. The EXIO bit controls the external bus-off function. EXIO = 0 The external bus interface functions as usual. EXIO = 1 The address bus, data bus, and control signals become inactive after completing the current bus cycle. Note that the DROM, MP/MC, and OVLY bits in the PMST and the HM bit of ST1 cannot be modified when the interface is disabled. POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251−1443 SGUS046 − JULY 2003 parallel I/O ports The ’5409 CPU has a total of 64K I/O ports. These ports can be addressed by the PORTR instruction or the PORTW instruction. The IS signal indicates a read/write operation through an I/O port. The ’5409 can interface easily with external devices through the I/O ports while requiring minimal off-chip address-decoding circuits. enhanced 8-bit host-port interface (HPI8/16) The ’5409 host-port interface, also referred to as the HPI8/16, is an enhanced version of the standard 8-bit HPI found on earlier ’54x DSPs (’542, ’545, ’548, and ’549). The HPI8/16 is an 8-bit parallel port for interprocessor communication. The features of the HPI8/16 include: Standard features: D Sequential transfers (with autoincrement) or random-access transfers D Host interrupt and ’54x interrupt capability D Multiple data strobes and control pins for interface flexibility Enhanced features of the ’5409 HPI8/16: D Access to entire on-chip RAM through DMA bus D Capability to continue transferring during emulation stop D Capability to transfer 16-bit address and 16-bit data (non-multiplexed mode) The HPI8/16 functions as a slave and enables the host processor to access the on-chip memory of the ’5409. A major enhancement to the ’5409 HPI over previous versions is that it allows host access to the entire on-chip memory range of the DSP. The HPI8/16 does not have access to external memory. The host and the DSP both have access to the on-chip RAM at all times and host accesses are always synchronized to the DSP clock. If the host and the DSP contend for access to the same location, the host has priority, and the DSP waits for one HPI8/16 cycle. Note that since host accesses are always synchronized to the ’5409 clock, an active input clock (CLKIN) is required for HPI8/16 accesses during IDLE states, and host accesses are not allowed while the ’5409 reset pin is asserted. 0000h Reserved 005Fh 0060h Scratch-Pad RAM 007Fh 0080h On-Chip RAM (32K x 16 Bits) 7FFFh 8000h Reserved FFFFh Figure 6. ’5409 HPI Memory Map standard 8-bit mode The HPI8/16 interface consists of an 8-bit bidirectional data bus and various control signals. Sixteen-bit transfers are accomplished in two parts with the HBIL input designating high or low byte. The host communicates with the HPI8 through three dedicated registers — HPI address register (HPIA), HPI data register (HPID), and an HPI control register (HPIC). The HPIA and HPID registers are only accessible by the host, and the HPIC register is accessible by both the host and the ’5409. If the HPI is disabled (HPIENA = 0) or in HPI16 mode (HPI16 = 1), the 8-bit bidirectional data pins HD0−HD7 can be used as general-purpose input/output (GPIO). POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251−1443 17 SGUS046 − JULY 2003 16-bit nonmultiplexed mode In nonmultiplexed mode, a host with separate address/data buses can access the HPI16 data register (HPID) via the HD 16-bit bidirectional data bus, and the address register (HPIA) via the 16-bit HA address bus, external address and data pins, A0–A15 and D0–D15, respectively. The host initiates an access with the strobe signals (HDS1, HDS2, HCS) and controls the direction of the access with the HR/W signal. The HPI16 can stall host accesses via the HRDY signal. Note that the HPIC register is not available in nonmultiplexed mode since there are no HCNTL signals available. All host accesses initiate a DMA read or write access. The HPI16 nonmultiplexed mode does not support host-to-DSP and DSP-to-host interrupts. When the HPI is disabled or in HPI16 mode, HD0–HD7 can be configured as general-purpose input/output (GPIO). The HPI16 pin is sampled at RESET. The HPI16 pin should never be changed while the device RESET is HIGH. host bus holder configuration The ’5409 has two bus holder control bits, BH (BSCR[1]) and HBH (BSCR[2]), to control the bus keepers of the address bus (A[15−0]), data bus (D[15−0]) and the HPI data bus (HD[7−0]). The bus keeper enabling/disabling is described in Table 5. Table 5. Bus Holder Control Bits HPI16 pin BH HBH D[15−0] A[15−0] HD[7−0] 0 0 0 OFF OFF OFF 0 0 1 OFF OFF ON 0 1 0 ON OFF OFF 0 1 1 ON OFF ON 1 0 0 OFF OFF ON 1 0 1 OFF ON ON 1 1 0 ON OFF ON 1 1 1 ON ON ON The HPI bus holders are activated via the HBH bit in the Bank Switch Control Register (BSCR). The HBH bit can control bus holder behavior for both the 8-bit and 16-bit modes. In the 8-bit mode, the HBH bit controls the bus holders on the host data pins HD7−HD0. When HBH = 1, the host data bus holders are active. When HBH = 0 the host data bus holders are inactive. In the 16-bit nonmultiplexed mode, the bus holders for pins HD7−HD0 are always active; however, the HBH bit controls the host address pins A15−A0. When HBH = 1, the host address bus holders are active. When HBH = 0, the host address bus holders are inactive. operation during IDLE2 The HPI can continue to operate during IDLE1 or IDLE2 by using special clock management logic that turns on relevant clocks to perform a synchronous memory access, and then turns the clocks back off to save power. The DSP CPU does not wake up from the IDLE mode during this process. 18 POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251−1443 SGUS046 − JULY 2003 multichannel buffered serial ports (McBSPs) The ’5409 device has three high-speed, full-duplex multichannel buffered serial ports (McBSPs) that allow direct interface to other ’C54x/’LC54x devices, Codecs, and other devices in a system. The McBSPs are based on the standard serial port interface found on other ’54x devices. Like its predecessors, the McBSP provides: D Full-duplex communication D Double-buffer data registers, which allow a continuous data stream D Independent framing and clocking for receive and transmit In addition, the McBSP has the following capabilities: D Direct interface to: D D D D D − T1/E1 framers − MVIP switching-compatible and ST-BUS compliant devices − IOM-2 compliant devices − AC97-compliant devices − Serial peripheral interface (SPIt) devices Multichannel transmit and receive of up to 32 channels in a 128 channel stream. A wide selection of data sizes including 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, or 32 bits µ-law and A-law companding Programmable polarity for both frame synchronization and data clocks Programmable internal clock and frame generation For detailed information on the standard features of the McBSP, refer to the TMS320C54x DSP Enhanced Peripherals Reference Set, literature number SPRU302. Although the BCLKS pin is not available on the ’5409 PGE and GGU packages, the ’5409 is capable of synchronization to external clock sources. BCLKX or BCLKR can be used by the sample rate generator for external synchronization. The sample rate clock mode extended (SCLKME) bit field is located in the PCR to accommodate this option. 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 Reserved XIOEN RIOEN FSXM FSRM CLKXM CLKRM RW RW RW RW RW RW RW 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 SCLKME CLKS STAT DX STAT DR STAT FSXP FSRP CLKXP CLKRP RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW LEGEND: R = Read, W = Write Figure 7. Pin Control Register (PCR) SPI is a trademark of Motorola Inc. POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251−1443 19 SGUS046 − JULY 2003 multichannel buffered serial ports (McBSPs) (continued) Table 6. Pin Control Register (PCR) Bit Field Description BIT NAME 15 – 14 Reserved FUNCTION Reserved. Pins are not used. Transmit/Receive general-purpose I/O mode ONLY when XRST=0 in the SPCR(1/2) 13 XIOEN XIOEN = 0 XIOEN = 1 DX pin is not a general-purpose output. FSX and CLKX are not general-purpose I/Os. DX pin is a general-purpose output. FSX and CLKX are general-purpose I/Os. These serial port pins do not perform serial port operations. Transmit/Receive general-purpose I/O mode ONLY when RRST=0 in the SPCR(1/2) RIOEN = 0 12 RIOEN RIOEN = 1 DR and CLKS pins are not general-purpose inputs. FSR and CLKR are not general-purpose I/Os. DR and CLKS pins are general-purpose inputs. FSR and CLKR are general-purpose I/Os. These serial port pins do not perform serial port operations. The CLKS pin is affected by a combination of RRST and RIOEN signals of the receiver. Transmit frame synchronization mode 11 FSXM FSRM = 0 FSRM = 1 Frame synchronization signal derived from an external source. Frame synchronization is determined by the sample rate generator frame synchronization mode bit (FSGM) in the SRGR2. Receive frame synchronization mode 10 FSRM FSRM = 0 FSRM = 1 Frame synchronization pulses generated by an external device. FSR is an input pin. Frame synchronization generated internally by the sample rate generator. FSR is an output pin except when GSYNC=1 in the SRGR. Receiver clock mode Case 1: Digital loop-back mode is not set (DLB=0) in SPCR1. CLKRM = 0 CLKRM= 1 9 Receive clock (CLKR) is an input pin driven by an external clock. CLKR is an output pin and is driven by the internal sample rate generator CLKRM Case 2: Digital loop-back mode set (DLB=1) in SPCR1 CLKRM = 0 CLKRM= 1 Receive clock (Not the CLKR pin) is driven by transmit clock (CLKX), which is based on CLKXM bit in the PCR. CLKR pin is in high-impedance mode. CLKR is an output pin and is driven by the transmit clock. The transmit clock is derived based on the CLKXM bit in the PCR. Transmitter clock mode CLKXM = 0 CLKXM= 1 8 CLKXM During SPI mode (CLKSTP is a non-zero value): CLKXM = 0 CLKXM= 1 20 Receiver/transmitter clock is driven by an external clock with CLK(R/X) as an input pin CLK(R/X) is an output pin and is driven by the internal sample rate generator McBSP is a slave and clock (CLKX) is driven by the SPI master in the system. CLKR is internally driven by CLKX. McBSP is a master and generates the clock (CLKX) to drive its receive clock (CLKR) and the shift clock of the SPI-compliant slaves in the system. POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251−1443 SGUS046 − JULY 2003 multichannel buffered serial ports (McBSPs) (continued) Table 6. Pin Control Register (PCR) Bit Field Description (Continued) BIT NAME FUNCTION Sample rate clock mode extended 7 SCLKME 6 CLKS STAT 5 DX STAT DX pin status. DX STAT reflects value on DX pin when it is selected as a general-purpose output. 4 DR STAT DR pin status. DR STAT reflects value on DR pin when it is selected as a general-purpose input. 3–2 FSXP FSRP 1 CLKXP SCLKME = 0 SCLKME = 1 External clock via CLKS or CPU clock is used as a reference by the sample rate generator. External clock via CLKR or CLKX clock is used as a reference by the sample rate generator. CLKS pin status. CLKS STAT reflects value on CLKS pin when selected as a general-purpose input. Receive/Transmit frame synchronization polarity. FS(R/X)P = 0 FS(R/X)P = 1 Frame synchronization pulse FS(R/X) is active high Frame synchronization pulse FS(R/X) is active low Transmit clock polarity CLKXP = 0 CLKXP = 1 Transmit data sampled on rising edge of CLKR Transmit data sampled on falling edge of CLKR Receive clock polarity 0 CLKRP CLKRP = 0 CLKRP = 1 Receive data sampled on falling edge of CLKR Receive data sampled on rising edge of CLKR The ’5409 sample rate generator has four clock input options that are only available when both the PCR and SRGR2 are used. Table 7 shows the sample rate generator clock input options. Table 7. Sample Rate Generator Clock Input Options MODE SCLKME (PCR.7) CLKSM (SRGR2.13) CLKS pin 0 0 CPU 0 1 CLKR pin 1 0 CLKX pin 1 1 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 GSYNC CLKSP CLKSM FSGM FPER RW RW RW RW RW 4 3 2 1 0 LEGEND: R = Read, W = Write Figure 8. Sample Rate Generator Register 2 (SRGR2) POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251−1443 21 SGUS046 − JULY 2003 multichannel buffered serial ports (McBSPs) (continued) Table 8. Sample Rate Generator Register 2 (SRGR2) Bit Field Descriptions BIT NAME FUNCTION Sample rate generator clock synchronization. Only used when the external clock (CLKS) drives the sample rate generator clock (CLKSM=0) 15 GSYNC GSYNC = 0 GSYNC = 1 The sample rate generator clock (CLKG) is free-running. The sample rate generator clock (CLKG) is running. But CLKG is resynchronized and frame sync signal (FSG) is generated only after detecting the receive frame synchronization signal (FSR). Also, frame period (FPER) is a don’t care because the period is dictated by the external frame sync pulse. CLKS polarity clock edge select. Only used when the external clock (CLKS) drives the sample rate generator clock (CLKSM=0). 14 CLKSP CLKSP = 0 CLKSP = 1 Rising edge of CLKS generates CLKG and FSG. Falling edge of CLKS generates CLKG and FSG. McBSP sample rate generator clock mode 13 CLKSM SCLKME = 0 (in PCR) CLKSM = 0 CLKSM = 1 Sample rate generator clock derived from the CLKS pin Sample rate generator clock derived from CPU clock SCLKME = 1 (in PCR) CLKSM = 0 CLKSM = 1 Sample rate generator clock derived from CLKR pin Sample rate generator clock derived from CLKX pin Sample rate generator transmit frame synchronization mode. Used when FSXM=1 in the PCR. 12 FSGM 11 − 0 FPER FSGM = 0 FSGN = 1 Transmit frame sync signal (FSX) due to DXR(1/2) copy Transmit frame sync signal driven by the sample rate generator frame sync signal (FSG) Frame period. This determines when the next frame sycn signal should become active. Range: up to 212; 1 to 4096 CLKG periods. hardware timer The ’5409 device features one 16-bit timing circuit with a 4-bit prescaler. The main counter of each timer is decremented by one every CLKOUT cycle. Each time the counter decrements to 0, a timer interrupt is generated. The timer can be stopped, restarted, reset, or disabled by specific control bits. clock generator The clock generator provides clocks to the ’5409 device, and consists of an internal oscillator and a phase-locked loop (PLL) circuit. The clock generator requires a reference clock input, which can be provided by using a crystal resonator with the internal oscillator, or from an external clock source. The reference clock input is then divided by two (DIV mode) to generate clocks for the ’5409 device, or the PLL circuit can be used (PLL mode) to generate the device clock by multiplying the reference clock frequency by a scale factor, allowing use of a clock source with a lower frequency than that of the CPU.The PLL is an adaptive circuit that, once synchronized, locks onto and tracks an input clock signal. 22 POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251−1443 SGUS046 − JULY 2003 clock generator (continued) When the PLL is initially started, it enters a transitional mode during which the PLL acquires lock with the input signal. Once the PLL is locked, it continues to track and maintain synchronization with the input signal. Then, other internal clock circuitry allows the synthesis of new clock frequencies for use as master clock for the ’5409 device. This clock generator allows system designers to select the clock source. The sources that drive the clock generator are: D A crystal resonator circuit. The crystal resonator circuit is connected across the X1 and X2/CLKIN pins of the ’5409 to enable the internal oscillator. D An external clock. The external clock source is directly connected to the X2/CLKIN pin, and X1 is left unconnected. The software-programmable PLL features a high level of flexibility, and includes a clock scaler that provides various clock multiplier ratios, capability to directly enable and disable the PLL, and a PLL lock timer that can be used to delay switching to PLL clocking mode of the device until lock is achieved. Devices that have a built-in software-programmable PLL can be configured in one of two clock modes: D PLL mode. The input clock (X2/CLKIN) is multiplied by 1 of 31 possible ratios. These ratios are achieved using the PLL circuitry. D DIV (divider) mode. The input clock is divided by 2 or 4. Note that when DIV mode is used, the PLL can be completely disabled in order to minimize power dissipation. The software-programmable PLL is controlled using the 16-bit memory-mapped (address 0058h) clock mode register (CLKMD). The CLKMD register is used to define the clock configuration of the PLL clock module. Upon reset, the CLKMD register is initialized with a predetermined value dependent only upon the state of the CLKMD1 − CLKMD3 pins as shown in Table 9. Table 9. Clock Mode Settings at Reset CLKMD1 CLKMD2 CLKMD3 CLKMD RESET VALUE 0 0 0 E007h PLL x 15 0 0 1 9007h PLL x 10 0 1 0 4007h PLL x 5 1 0 0 1007h PLL x 2 1 1 0 F007h PLL x 1 1 1 1 0000h 1/2 (PLL disabled) 1 0 1 F000h 1/4 (PLL disabled) 0 1 1 — POST OFFICE BOX 1443 CLOCK MODE Reserved • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251−1443 23 SGUS046 − JULY 2003 DMA controller The ’5409 direct memory access (DMA) controller transfers data between points in the memory map without intervention by the CPU. The DMA controller allows movements of data to and from internal program/data memory, internal peripherals (such as the McBSPs), and external program/data memory to occur in the background of CPU operation. The DMA has six independent programmable channels allowing six different contexts for DMA operation. features The DMA has the following features: D D D D D D D D D The DMA has external memory access. The DMA operates independently of the CPU. The DMA has six channels. The DMA can keep track of the contexts of six independent block transfers. The DMA has higher priority than the CPU for internal accesses. Each channel has independently programmable priorities. Each channel’s source and destination address registers can have configurable indexes through memory on each read and write transfer, respectively. The address may remain constant, be post-incremented, post-decremented, or be adjusted by a programmable value. Each internal read or write transfer may be initialized by selected sync events. Each DMA channel is capable of sending interrupts to the CPU. The DMA can perform double-word transfers (a 32-bit transfer of two 16-bit words). (Internally only) DMA external access The ’5409 DMA supports external accesses to extended program, extended data, and extended I/O memory. These overlay pages are only visible to the DMA controller. A maximum of two DMA channels can be used for external memory accesses. The DMA external accesses require 9 cycle minimums for external writes and 13 cycle minimums for external reads. The control of the bus is arbitrated between the CPU and the DMA. While the DMA or CPU is in control of the external bus the other will be held−off via wait states until the current transfer is complete. The DMA takes precedence over XIO requests. The HOLD/HOLDA feature of the ’5409 affects external CPU transfers as well as external DMA transfers. When an external processor asserts the HOLD pin to gain control of the memory interface, the HOLDA signal is not asserted until all pending DMA transfers are complete. To prevent the DMA from blocking out the CPU or HOLD/HOLDA feature from accessing the external bus, uninterrupted burst transfers are not supported by the DMA. Subsequently, CPU and DMA arbitration testing is performed for each external bus cycle, regardless of the bus activity. D D D D D D Only two channels are available for external accesses. (One for external reads/one for external writes.) Single-word (16-bit) transfers are supported for external accesses. The DMA does not support transfers from peripherals to external memory. The DMA does not support transfers from external memory to the peripherals. The DMA does not support external to external transfers. The DMA does not support synchronized external transfers. The HM bit in the ST1 register indicates whether the processor continues internal execution when acknowledging an active HOLD signal. D HM = 0, the processor continues execution from internal program memory but places its external interface in the high impedance state. D HM = 1, the processor halts internal execution. To ensure that proper arbitration occurs, the HM bit should be set to 0 in the memory-mapped ST1 register. If the HM is set to 1 the processor will halt during DMA external transfers. 24 POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251−1443 SGUS046 − JULY 2003 DMA external transfer Unlike the ’5410, the ’5409 DMA mode control register (DMMCRx) has two additional bits; DLAXS (DMMCRn[5]) and SLAXS (DMMCRn[11]). These new bits specify the on/off-chip memory for the source and destination of the program/data/IO spaces. D When DLAXS is set to 0 (default), the DMA does not perform an external access for the destination. When DLAXS is set to 1, the DMA performs an external access to the destination location. D When SLAXS is set to 0 (default), the DMA does not perform an external access for the source. When DLAXS is set to 1, the DMA performs an external access from the source location. Two new registers are added to the ’5409 DMA to support DMA accesses to/from DMA extended data memory, page 1 to page 127. D The DMA extended source data page register (XSRCDP[6:0]) is located at subbank address 028h. D The DMA extended destination data page register (XDSTDP[6:0]) is located at subbank address 029h. POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251−1443 25 SGUS046 − JULY 2003 DMA memory map The DMA memory map, as shown in Figure 9, allows DMA transfers to be unaffected by the status of the MP/MC, DROM, and OVLY bits. Program Hex 010000 Hex 0000 Program Hex xx0000 Hex 0000 Reserved 001F 0020 DRR20 0021 DRR10 0022 DXR20 0023 DXR10 0024 Reserved 002F 0030 DRR22 0031 DRR12 0032 DXR22 0033 DXR12 Reserved 007F 0080 DARAM Internal 32K 7FFF 8000 External External 017FFF 018000 Data Program On-Chip ROM External BFFF C000 0034 0035 0036 0037 0038 0039 003A 003B 003C Hex xx0000 Data Hex 0000 I/O Reserved RCERA2 XCERA2 Reserved RCERA0 XCERA0 External Reserved 003F 0040 DRR21 0041 DRR11 0042 DXR21 0043 DXR11 0044 Reserved 0049 004A RCERA1 004B XCERA1 004C Reserved 005F 0060 ScratchPad RAM 007F 0080 External DARAM 7FFF 8000 FFFF xxFFFF 01FFFF Page 0 Page n External FFFF Page 5, 6, ... xxFFFF Page 1, 2, ... 127 FFFF Page 0, 1, ... 127 NOTE: n = 1, 2, 3, or 4 Figure 9. 320VC5409 DMA Memory Map DMA priority level Each DMA channel can be independently assigned high priority or low priority relative to each other. Multiple DMA channels that are assigned to the same priority level are handled in a round-robin manner. 26 POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251−1443 SGUS046 − JULY 2003 DMA source/destination address modification The DMA provides flexible address-indexing modes for easy implementation of data management schemes such as autobuffering and circular buffers. Source and destination addresses can be indexed separately and can be post-incremented, post-decremented, or post-incremented with a specified index offset. DMA in autoinitialization mode The DMA can automatically reinitialize itself after completion of a block transfer. Some of the DMA registers can be preloaded for the next block transfer through the DMA global reload registers (DMGSA, DMGDA, and DMGCR). Autoinitialization allows: D Continuous operation: Normally, the CPU would have to reinitialize the DMA immediately after the completion of the current block transfer; but with the global reload registers, it can reinitialize these values for the next block transfer any time after the current block transfer begins. D Repetitive operation: The CPU does not preload the global reload register with new values for each block transfer but only loads them on the first block transfer. DMA transfer counting The DMA channel element count register (DMCTRx) and the frame count register (DMFRCx) contain bit fields that represent the number of frames and the number of elements per frame to be transferred. D Frame count. This 8-bit value defines the total number of frames in the block transfer. The maximum number of frames per block transfer is 128 (FRAME COUNT= 0ffh). The counter is decremented upon the last read transfer in a frame transfer. Once the last frame is transferred, the selected 8-bit counter is reloaded with the DMA global frame reload register (DMGFR) if the AUTOINIT bit is set to 1. A frame count of 0 (default value) means the block transfer contains a single frame. D Element count. This 16-bit value defines the number of elements per frame. This counter is decremented after the read transfer of each element. The maximum number of elements per frame is 65536 (DMCTRn = 0FFFFh). In autoinitialization mode, once the last frame is transferred, the counter is reloaded with the DMA global count reload register (DMGCR). DMA transfers in double-word mode (Internal Only) Double-word mode allows the DMA to transfer 32-bit words in any index mode. In double-word mode, two consecutive 16-bit transfers are initiated and the source and destination addresses are automatically updated following each transfer. In this mode, each 32-bit word is considered to be one element. DMA channel index registers The particular DMA channel index register is selected by way of the SIND and DIND field in the DMA mode control register (DMMCRx). Unlike basic address adjustment, in conjunction with the frame index DMFRI0 and DMFRI1, the DMA allows different adjustment amounts depending on whether or not the element transfer is the last in the current frame. The normal adjustment value (element index) is contained in the element index registers DMIDX0 and DMIDX1. The adjustment value (frame index) for the end of the frame is determined by the selected DMA frame index register (either DMFRI0 or DMFRI1). The element index and the frame index affect address adjustment as follows: D Element index: For all except the last transfer in the frame, the element index determines the amount to be added to the DMA channel for the source/destination address register (DMSRCx/DMDSTx) as selected by the SIND/DIND bits. D Frame index: If the transfer is the last in a frame, the frame index is used for address adjustment as selected by the SIND/DIND bits. This occurs in both single-frame and multi-frame transfer. POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251−1443 27 SGUS046 − JULY 2003 DMA interrupts The ability of the DMA to interrupt the CPU based on the status of the data transfer is configurable and is determined by the IMOD and DINM bits in the DMA channel mode control register (DMMCRn). The available modes are shown in Table 10. Table 10. DMA Interrupts MODE DINM IMOD INTERRUPT ABU (non-decrement) 1 0 At full buffer only ABU (non-decrement) 1 1 At half buffer and full buffer Multi-Frame 1 0 At block-transfer complete (DMCTRn = DMSEFCn[7:0] = 0) Multi-Frame 1 1 At end of frame and end of block (DMCTRn = 0) Either 0 X No interrupt generated Either 0 X No interrupt generated DMA controller synchronization events The internal transfers associated with each DMA channel can be synchronized to one of several events. The DSYN bit field of the DMSEFCn register selects the synchronization event for a channel. The list of possible events and the DSYN values are shown in Table 11. Table 11. DMA Synchronization Events DSYN VALUE 28 DMA SYNCHRONIZATION EVENT 0000b No synchronization used 0001b McBSP0 receive event 0010b McBSP0 transmit event 0011b McBSP2 receive event 0100b McBSP2 transmit event 0101b McBSP1 receive event 0110b McBSP1 transmit event 0111b Reserved 1000b Reserved 1001b Reserved 1010b Reserved 1011b Reserved 1100b Reserved 1101b Timer interrupt event 1110b External interrupt 3 1111b Reserved POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251−1443 SGUS046 − JULY 2003 DMA channel interrupt selection The DMA controller can generate a CPU interrupt for each of the six channels. However, due to a limit on the number of internal CPU interrupt inputs, channels 0, 1, 2, and 3 are multiplexed with other interrupt sources. DMA channels 0, 1, 2, and 3 share an interrupt line with the receive and transmit portions of the McBSP. When the ’5409 is reset, the interrupts from these three DMA channels are deselected. The INTSEL bit field in the DMPREC register can be used to select these interrupts, as shown in Table 12. Table 12. DMA Channel Interrupt Selection INTSEL Value IMR/IFR[6] IMR/IFR[7] IMR/IFR[10] IMR/IFR[11] 00b (reset) BRINT2 BXINT2 BRINT1 BXINT1 01b BRINT2 BXINT2 DMAC2 DMAC3 10b DMAC0 DMAC1 DMAC2 DMAC3 11b Reserved memory-mapped registers The ’5409 has 27 memory-mapped CPU registers, which are mapped in data memory space addresses 0h to 1Fh. The device also has a set of memory-mapped registers associated with peripherals. Table 13 gives a list of CPU memory-mapped registers (MMRs) available on ’5409. Table 14 shows additional peripheral MMRs associated with the ’5409. POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251−1443 29 SGUS046 − JULY 2003 memory-mapped registers (continued) Table 13. CPU Memory-Mapped Registers ADDRESS NAME DESCRIPTION DEC HEX IMR 0 0 Interrupt mask register IFR 1 1 Interrupt flag register Reserved for testing – 2−5 2−5 ST0 6 6 Status register 0 ST1 7 7 Status register 1 AL 8 8 Accumulator A low word (15−0) AH 9 9 Accumulator A high word (31−16) AG 10 A Accumulator A guard bits (39−32) BL 11 B Accumulator B low word (15−0) BH 12 C Accumulator B high word (31−16) BG 13 D Accumulator B guard bits (39−32) TREG 14 E Temporary register TRN 15 F Transition register AR0 16 10 Auxiliary register 0 AR1 17 11 Auxiliary register 1 AR2 18 12 Auxiliary register 2 AR3 19 13 Auxiliary register 3 AR4 20 14 Auxiliary register 4 AR5 21 15 Auxiliary register 5 AR6 22 16 Auxiliary register 6 AR7 23 17 Auxiliary register 7 SP 24 18 Stack pointer register BK 25 19 Circular buffer size register BRC 26 1A Block repeat counter RSA 27 1B Block repeat start address REA 28 1C Block repeat end address PMST 29 1D Processor mode status (PMST) register XPC 30 1E Extended program page register – 31 1F Reserved 30 POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251−1443 SGUS046 − JULY 2003 memory-mapped registers (continued) Table 14. Peripheral Memory-Mapped Registers NAME ADDRESS DESCRIPTION TYPE DRR20 20h Data receive register 2 McBSP #0 DRR10 21h Data receive register 1 McBSP #0 DXR20 22h Data transmit register 2 McBSP #0 DXR10 23h Data transmit register 1 McBSP #0 TIM 24h Timer register Timer PRD 25h Timer period counter Timer TCR 26h Timer control register Timer – 27h Reserved SWWSR 28h Software wait-state register External Bus BSCR 29h Bank-switching control register External Bus – 2Ah Reserved SWCR 2Bh Software wait-state control register 2Ch HPI control register HPIC – 2Dh−2Fh External Bus HPI Reserved DRR22 30h Data receive register 2 McBSP #2 DRR12 31h Data receive register 1 McBSP #2 DXR22 32h Data transmit register 2 McBSP #2 DXR12 33h Data transmit register 2 McBSP #2 SPSA2 34h McBSP2 subbank address register McBSP #2 35h McBSP2 subbank data register McBSP #2 SPSD2 – SPSA0 36−37h 38h Reserved McBSP0 subbank address register McBSP #0 ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ SPCD0 – 39h 3Ah−3Bh McBSP0 subbank data register McBSP #0 Reserved GPIOCR 3C General-purpose I/O pins control register GPIO GPIOSR 3D General-purpose I/O pins status register GPIO – 3E−3F Reserved DRR21 40h Data receive register 1 McBSP #1 DRR11 41h Data receive register 2 McBSP #1 DXR21 42h Data transmit register 1 McBSP #1 43h Data transmit register 2 McBSP #1 DXR11 – 44h−47h Reserved SPSA1 48h McBSP1 subbank address register McBSP #1 SPCD1 49h McBSP1 subbank data register McBSP #1 – 4Ah−53h Reserved DMPREC 54h DMA channel priority and enable control register DMA DMSA 55h DMA subbank address register DMA DMSDI 56h DMA subbank data register with autoincrement DMA ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ DMSDN 57h DMA subbank data register DMA CLKMD 58h Clock mode register PLL – 59h−5Fh Reserved POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251−1443 31 SGUS046 − JULY 2003 McBSP control registers and subaddresses The control registers for the multichannel buffered serial port (McBSP) are accessed using the subbank addressing scheme. This allows a set or subbank of registers to be accessed through a single memory location. The serial port subbank address (SPSA) register is used as a pointer to select a particular register within the subbank. The serial port subbank data (SPSD) register is used to access (read or write) the selected register. Table 15 shows the McBSP control registers and their corresponding subaddresses. Table 15. McBSP Control Registers and Subaddresses ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ McBSP0 McBSP1 McBSP2 NAME ADDRESS NAME ADDRESS SUB ADDRESS 39h SPCR11 49h SPCR12 35h 00h Serial port control register 1 39h SPCR21 49h SPCR22 35h 01h Serial port control register 2 RCR10 39h RCR11 49h RCR12 35h 02h Receive control register 1 RCR20 39h RCR21 49h RCR22 35h 03h Receive control register 2 XCR10 39h XCR11 49h XCR12 35h 04h Transmit control register 1 NAME ADDRESS SPCR10 SPCR20 DESCRIPTION XCR20 39h XCR21 49h XCR22 35h 05h Transmit control register 2 SRGR10 39h SRGR11 49h SRGR12 35h 06h Sample rate generator register 1 SRGR20 39h SRGR21 49h SRGR22 35h 07h Sample rate generator register 2 MCR10 39h MCR11 49h MCR12 35h 08h Multichannel register 1 MCR20 39h MCR21 49h MCR22 35h 09h Multichannel register 2 RCERA0 39h RCERA1 49h RCERA2 35h 0Ah Receive channel enable register partition A RCERB0 39h RCERB1 49h RCERB2 35h 0Bh Receive channel enable register partition B XCERA0 39h XCERA1 49h XCERA2 35h 0Ch Transmit channel enable register partition A XCERB0 39h XCERB1 49h XCERB2 35h 0Dh Transmit channel enable register partition B PCR0 39h PCR1 49h PCR2 35h 0Eh Pin control register DMA subbank addressed registers The direct memory access (DMA) controller has several control registers associated with it. The main control register (DMPREC) is a standard memory mapped register. However, the other registers are accessed using the subbank addressing scheme. This allows a set, or subbank of registers to be accessed through a single memory location. The DMA subbank address (DMSA) register is used as a pointer to select a particular register within the subbank, while the DMA subbank data (DMSDN) register or the DMA subbank data register with autoincrement (DMSDI) is used to access (read or write) the selected register. When the DMSDI register is used to access the subbank, the subbank address is automatically postincremented so that a subsequent access affects the next register within the subbank. This autoincrement feature is intended for efficient, successive accesses to several control registers. If the auto-increment feature is not required, the DMSDN register should be used to access the subbank. Table 16 shows the DMA controller subbank addressed registers and their corresponding subaddresses. 32 POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251−1443 SGUS046 − JULY 2003 DMA subbank addressed registers (continued) Table 16. DMA Subbank Addressed Registers DMA ADDRESS SUB ADDRESS DMSRC0 56h/57h 00h DMA channel 0 source address register DMDST0 56h/57h 01h DMA channel 0 destination address register DMCTR0 56h/57h 02h DMA channel 0 element count register DMSFC0 56h/57h 03h DMA channel 0 sync select and frame count register DMMCR0 56h/57h 04h DMA channel 0 transfer mode control register DMSRC1 56h/57h 05h DMA channel 1 source address register DMDST1 56h/57h 06h DMA channel 1 destination address register DMCTR1 56h/57h 07h DMA channel 1 element count register DMSFC1 56h/57h 08h DMA channel 1 sync select and frame count register DMMCR1 56h/57h 09h DMA channel 1 transfer mode control register DMSRC2 56h/57h 0Ah DMA channel 2 source address register DMDST2 56h/57h 0Bh DMA channel 2 destination address register DMCTR2 56h/57h 0Ch DMA channel 2 element count register DMSFC2 56h/57h 0Dh DMA channel 2 sync select and frame count register DMMCR2 56h/57h 0Eh DMA channel 2 transfer mode control register DMSRC3 56h/57h 0Fh DMA channel 3 source address register DMDST3 56h/57h 10h DMA channel 3 destination address register DMCTR3 56h/57h 11h DMA channel 3 element count register DMSFC3 56h/57h 12h DMA channel 3 sync select and frame count register DMMCR3 56h/57h 13h DMA channel 3 transfer mode control register DMSRC4 56h/57h 14h DMA channel 4 source address register DMDST4 56h/57h 15h DMA channel 4 destination address register DMCTR4 56h/57h 16h DMA channel 4 element count register DMSFC4 56h/57h 17h DMA channel 4 sync select and frame count register DMMCR4 56h/57h 18h DMA channel 4 transfer mode control register DMSRC5 56h/57h 19h DMA channel 5 source address register DMDST5 56h/57h 1Ah DMA channel 5 destination address register DMCTR5 56h/57h 1Bh DMA channel 5 element count register DMSFC5 56h/57h 1Ch DMA channel 5 sync select and frame count register DMMCR5 56h/57h 1Dh DMA channel 5 transfer mode control register DMSRCP 56h/57h 1Eh DMA source program page address (common channel) DMDSTP 56h/57h 1Fh DMA destination program page address (common channel) DMIDX0 56h/57h 20h DMA element index address register 0 DMIDX1 56h/57h 21h DMA element index address register 1 DMFRI0 56h/57h 22h DMA frame index register 0 DMFRI1 56h/57h 23h DMA frame index register 1 DMGSA 56h/57h 24h DMA global source address reload register DMGDA 56h/57h 25h DMA global destination address reload register DMGCR 56h/57h 26h DMA global count reload register DMGFR 56h/57h 27h DMA global frame count reload register XSRCDP 56h/57h 28h DMA global extended source register XDSTDP 56h/57h 29h DMA global extended destination register ÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ NAME DESCRIPTION POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251−1443 33 SGUS046 − JULY 2003 interrupts Vector-relative locations and priorities for all internal and external interrupts are shown in Table 17. Table 17. Interrupt Locations and Priorities NAME LOCATION DECIMAL HEX PRIORITY FUNCTION RS, SINTR 0 00 1 Reset (hardware and software reset) NMI, SINT16 4 04 2 Nonmaskable interrupt SINT17 8 08 — Software interrupt #17 SINT18 12 0C — Software interrupt #18 SINT19 16 10 — Software interrupt #19 SINT20 20 14 — Software interrupt #20 SINT21 24 18 — Software interrupt #21 SINT22 28 1C — Software interrupt #22 SINT23 32 20 — Software interrupt #23 SINT24 36 24 — Software interrupt #24 SINT25 40 28 — Software interrupt #25 SINT26 44 2C — Software interrupt #26 SINT27 48 30 — Software interrupt #27 SINT28 52 34 — Software interrupt #28 SINT29 56 38 — Software interrupt #29 SINT30 60 3C — Software interrupt #30 INT0, SINT0 64 40 3 External user interrupt #0 INT1, SINT1 68 44 4 External user interrupt #1 INT2, SINT2 72 48 5 External user interrupt #2 TINT, SINT3 76 4C 6 Timer interrupt BRINT0, SINT4 80 50 7 McBSP #0 receive interrupt (default) BXINT0, SINT5 84 54 8 McBSP #0 transmit interrupt (default) BRINT2, SINT7, DMAC0 88 58 9 McBSP #2 receive interrupt (default) BXINT2, SINT6, DMAC1 92 5C 10 McBSP #2 transmit interrupt (default) INT3, SINT8 96 60 11 External user interrupt #3 HINT, SINT9 100 64 12 HPI interrupt BRINT1, SINT10, DMAC2 104 68 13 McBSP #1 receive interrupt (default) BXINT1, SINT11, DMAC3 108 6C 14 McBSP #1 transmit interrupt (default) DMAC4,SINT12 112 70 15 DMA channel 4 interrupt (default) DMAC5,SINT13 116 74 16 DMA channel 5 interrupt (default) 120−127 78−7F — Reserved ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ Reserved 34 POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251−1443 SGUS046 − JULY 2003 interrupts (continued) The bits of the interrupt flag register (IFR) and interrupt mask register (IMR) are arranged as shown in Figure 10. The function of each bit is described in Table 18. 15−14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 RES DMAC5 DMAC4 BXINT1 DMAC3 BRINT1 DMAC2 HINT INT3 BXINT2 DMAC1 BRINT2 DMAC0 BXINT0 BRINT0 TINT INT2 INT1 INT0 Figure 10. IFR and IMR Registers Table 18. IFR and IMR Register Bit Fields BIT NUMBER FUNCTION NAME 15−14 − 13 DMAC5 Reserved for future expansion DMA channel 5 interrupt flag/mask bit 12 DMAC4 DMA channel 4 interrupt flag/mask bit 11 BXINT1/DMAC3 McBSP1 transmit interrupt flag/mask bit 10 BRINT1/DMAC2 McBSP1 receive interrupt flag/mask bit 9 HINT Host to ’54x interrupt flag/mask 8 INT3 External interrupt 3 flag/mask 7 BXINT2/DMAC1 McBSP2 transmit interrupt flag/mask bit 6 BRINT2/DMAC0 McBSP2 receive interrupt flag/mask bit 5 BXINT0 McBSP0 transmit interrupt flag/mask bit 4 BRINT0 McBSP0 receive interrupt flag/mask bit 3 TINT Timer interrupt flag/mask bit 2 INT2 External interrupt 2 flag/mask bit 1 INT1 External interrupt 1 flag/mask bit 0 INT0 External interrupt 0 flag/mask bit POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251−1443 35 SGUS046 − JULY 2003 documentation support Extensive documentation supports all TMS320 family generations of devices from product announcement through applications development. The following types of documentation are available to support the design and use of the ’C5000 family of DSPs: D D D D D TMS320C5000 DSP Family Functional Overview (literature number SPRU307) Device-specific data sheets (such as this document) Complete User Guides Development-support tools Hardware and software application reports The five-volume TMS320C54x DSP Reference Set (literature number SPRU210) consists of: D D D D D Volume 1: CPU and Peripherals (literature number SPRU131) Volume 2: Mnemonic Instruction Set (literature number SPRU172) Volume 3: Algebraic Instruction Set (literature number SPRU179) Volume 4: Applications Guide (literature number SPRU173) Volume 5: Enhanced Peripherals (literature number SPRU302) The reference set describes in detail the TMS320C54x products currently available, and the hardware and software applications, including algorithms, for fixed-point TMS320 devices. For general background information on DSPs and Texas Instruments (TIt) devices, see the three-volume publication Digital Signal Processing Applications with the TMS320 Family (literature numbers SPRA012, SPRA016, and SPRA017). A series of DSP textbooks is published by Prentice-Hall and John Wiley & Sons to support digital signal processing research and education. The TMS320 newsletter, Details on Signal Processing, is published quarterly and distributed to update TMS320 customers on product information. Information regarding TI DSP products is also available on the Worldwide Web at uniform resource locator (URL). TI is a trademark of Texas Instruments Incorporated. 36 POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251−1443 SGUS046 − JULY 2003 absolute maximum ratings over specified temperature range (unless otherwise noted)†‡ Supply voltage I/O range, DVDD§ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . −0.3 V to 4.0 V Supply voltage core range, CVDD§ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . −0.3 V to 2.4 V Input voltage range, VI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . −0.3 V to 4.5 V Output voltage range, VO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . −0.3 V to 4.5 V Operating case temperature range, TC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . −40°C to 100°C Storage temperature range, Tstg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . −55°C to 150°C † Stresses beyond those listed under “absolute maximum ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated under “recommended operating conditions” is not implied. Exposure to absolute-maximum-rated conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. ‡ Long term high−temperature storage and/or extended use at maximum recommended operating conditions may result in a reduction of overall device life. See for additional information on enhanced plastic packaging. § All voltage values are with respect to VSS. recommended operating conditions DVDD Device supply voltage, I/O§ CVDD Device supply voltage, core§ VSS Supply voltage, GND VIH VIL IOH IOL High-level input voltage, I/O Low-level input voltage MIN NOM MAX 3 3.3 3.6 V 1.71 1.8 1.98 V 0 UNIT V RS, INTn, NMI, BIO, BCLKR0, BCLKR1, BCLKR2, BCLKX0, BCLKX1, BCLKX2, HAS, HCS, HDS1, HDS2, TCK, CLKMDn, DVDD = 3.3"0.3 V 2.2 DVDD + 0.3 TRST 2.5 DVDD + 0.3 X2/CLKIN 1.4 CVDD + 0.3 All other inputs 2.0 DVDD + 0.3 RS, INTn, NMI, X2/CLKIN, BIO, BCLKR0, BCLKR1, BCLKR2, BCLKX0, BCLKX1, BCLKX2, HAS, HCS, HDS1, HDS2, TCK, CLKMDn, DVDD = 3.3"0.3 V −0.3 0.6 All other inputs −0.3 0.8 V V High-level output current −300 µA Low-level output current 1.5 mA TC Operating case temperature −40 100 °C § Texas Instrument DSPs do not require specific power sequencing between the core supply and the I/O supply. However, systems should be designed to ensure that neither supply is powered up for extended periods of time if the other supply is below the proper operating voltage. Excessive exposure to these conditions can adversely affect the long-term reliability of the devices. System-level concerns such as bus contention may require supply sequencing to be implemented. In this case, the core supply should be powered up at the same time as or prior to the I/O buffers, and then powered down after the I/O buffers. POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251−1443 37 SGUS046 − JULY 2003 electrical characteristics over recommended operating case temperature range (unless otherwise noted) PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS MIN VOH High-level output voltage IOH = MAX VOL Low-level output voltage IIZ Input current for D[15:0], HD[7:0], A[15:0] outputs in high impedance All other inputs IOL = MAX Bus holders enabled, DVDD = MAX, VI = VSS to DVDD II DVDD = MAX, VO = VSS to DVDD TRST With internal pulldown HPIENA, HPI16 With internal pulldown TMS, TCK, TDI, HPI} With internal pullups, HPIENA = 0 (VI = VSS to DVDD) IDDP UNIT V 0.4 All other input-only pins IDDC MAX 2.4 X2/CLKIN Input current TYP† −200 200 −5 5 −40 40 −5 200 −5 200 −200 5 −5 V µA µA 5 Supply current, core CPU CVDD = 1.8 V, fclock = 100 MHz,w TC = 25°C¶ 37 mA Supply current, pins DVDD = 3.3 V, fclock = 100 MHz,w TC = 25°C# 45 mA 2 mA 20 µA 5 pF IDD Supply current, standby Ci Input capacitance IDLE2 PLL × 2 mode, IDLE3 Divide-by-two mode, CLKIN stopped 50 MHz input Co Output capacitance 5 pF † All values are typical unless otherwise specified. ‡ HPI input signals except for HPIENA. § Clock mode: PLL × 1 with external source ¶ This value represents the current consumption of the CPU, on-chip memory, and on-chip peripherals. Conditions include: program execution from on-chip RAM, with 50% usage of MAC and 50% usage of NOP instructions. Actual operating current varies with program being executed. # This value was obtained using the following conditions: external memory writes at a rate of 20 million writes per second, CLKOFF=0, full-duplex operation of all three McBSPs at a rate of 10 million bits per second each, and 15-pF loads on all outputs. For more details on how this calculation is performed, refer to the Calculation of TMS320C54x Power Dissipation Application Report (literature number SPRA164). PARAMETER MEASUREMENT INFORMATION The following load circuit in Figure 11 was used on all outputs pins and I/O pins in input mode. All timing measurements in this data sheet were measured from the ’5409 connection to the following load circuit. IOL 50 Ω Tester Pin Electronics VLoad CT IOH Where: IOL IOH VLoad CT = = = = 1.5 mA (all outputs) 300 µA (all outputs) 1.5 V 40-pF typical load circuit capacitance Figure 11. 3.3-V Test Load Circuit 38 POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251−1443 Output Under Test SGUS046 − JULY 2003 internal oscillator with external crystal The internal oscillator is enabled by connecting a crystal across X1 and X2/CLKIN. The frequency of CLKOUT is a multiple of the oscillator frequency. The multiply ratio is determined by the bit settings in the CLKMD register. The crystal should be in fundamental-mode operation, and parallel resonant, with an effective series resistance of 30 Ω and power dissipation of 1 mW. The connection of the required circuit, consisting of the crystal and two load capacitors, is shown in Figure 12. The load capacitors, C1 and C2, should be chosen such that the equation below is satisfied. CL in the equation is the load specified for the crystal. CL + C 1C 2 (C 1 ) C 2) recommended operating conditions of internal oscillator with external crystal (see Figure 12) MIN fclock Input clock frequency 10 X1 NOM MAX UNIT 20 MHz X2/CLKIN Crystal C1 C2 Figure 12. Internal Oscillator With External Crystal POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251−1443 39 SGUS046 − JULY 2003 divide-by-two/divide-by-four clock option (PLL disabled) The frequency of the reference clock provided at the X2/CLKIN pin can be divided by a factor of two or four to generate the internal machine cycle. The selection of the clock mode is described in the clock generator section. When an external clock source is used, the frequency injected must conform to specifications listed in the timing requirements table. switching characteristics over recommended operating conditions [H = 0.5tc(CO)]† (see Figure 12, Figure 13, and the recommended operating conditions table) PARAMETER MIN 40 TYP MAX † ns 17 ns tc(CO) td(CIH-CO) Cycle time, CLKOUT tf(CO) tr(CO) Fall time, CLKOUT 2 ns Rise time, CLKOUT 2 ns Delay time, X2/CLKIN high to CLKOUT high/low 4 2tc(CI) 10 UNIT tw(COL) Pulse duration, CLKOUT low H−2 H−1 H ns tw(COH) Pulse duration, CLKOUT high H−2 H−1 H ns † This device utilizes a fully static design and therefore can operate with tc(CI) approaching ∞. The device is characterized at frequencies approaching 0 Hz. timing requirements (see Figure 13) MIN MAX 20 † ns Fall time, X2/CLKIN 8 ns Rise time, X2/CLKIN 8 ns tc(CI) tf(CI) Cycle time, X2/CLKIN tr(CI) tw(CIL) Pulse duration, X2/CLKIN low 5 UNIT ns tw(CIH) Pulse duration, X2/CLKIN high 5 ns † This device utilizes a fully static design and therefore can operate with tc(CI) approaching ∞. The device is characterized at frequencies approaching 0 Hz. tr(CI) tw(CIH) tw(CIL) tc(CI) tf(CI) X2/CLKIN tc(CO) tw(COH) tf(CO) tr(CO) td(CIH-CO) CLKOUT Figure 13. External Divide-by-Two Clock Timing 40 POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251−1443 tw(COL) SGUS046 − JULY 2003 multiply-by-N clock option (PLL enabled) The frequency of the reference clock provided at the X2/CLKIN pin can be multiplied by a factor of N to generate the internal machine cycle. The selection of the clock mode and the value of N is described in the clock generator section. When an external clock source is used, the external frequency injected must conform to specifications listed in the timing requirements table. switching characteristics over (see Figure 12 and Figure 14) recommended operating conditions PARAMETER MIN [H = MAX 10 TYP tc(CI)/N† 4 10 17 tc(CO) td(CI-CO) Cycle time, CLKOUT tf(CO) tr(CO) Fall time, CLKOUT 2 Rise time, CLKOUT 2 tw(COL) tw(COH) Pulse duration, CLKOUT low H−2 H−1 Pulse duration, CLKOUT high H−2 H−1 Delay time, X2/CLKIN high/low to CLKOUT high/low 0.5tc(CO)] tp Transitory phase, PLL lock up time † N = Multiplication factor UNIT ns ns ns ns H ns H ns 30 ms timing requirements (see Figure 14)† Integer PLL multiplier N (N = 1−15) PLL multiplier N = x.5 tc(CI) Cycle time, X2/CLKIN tf(CI) tr(CI) Fall time, X2/CLKIN tw(CIL) Pulse duration, X2/CLKIN low PLL multiplier N = x.25, x.75 MIN 20‡ MAX 20‡ 20‡ 100 Rise time, X2/CLKIN 5 UNIT 200 ns 50 8 ns 8 ns ns tw(CIH) Pulse duration, X2/CLKIN high 5 ns † N = Multiplication factor ‡ The multiplication factor and minimum X2/CLKIN cycle time should be chosen such that the resulting CLKOUT cycle time is within the specified range (tc(CO)) tf(CI) tw(CIH) tw(CIL) tr(CI) tc(CI) X2/CLKIN td(CI-CO) tc(CO) tw(COL) tp CLKOUT tf(CO) tw(COH) tr(CO) Unstable Figure 14. External Multiply-by-One Clock Timing POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251−1443 41 SGUS046 − JULY 2003 memory and parallel I/O interface timing switching characteristics over recommended operating conditions for a memory read (MSTRB = 0)† (see Figure 15) td(CLKL-A) td(CLKH-A) td(CLKL-MSL) td(CLKL-MSH) PARAMETER Delay time, CLKOUT low to address valid‡ MIN MAX UNIT 0 3 ns Delay time, CLKOUT high (transition) to address valid§ 0 3 ns Delay time, CLKOUT low to MSTRB low 0 3 ns Delay time, CLKOUT low to MSTRB high 0 3 ns 0 3 ns 0 3 ns th(CLKL-A)R Hold time, address valid after CLKOUT low‡ th(CLKH-A)R Hold time, address valid after CLKOUT high§ † Address, PS, and DS timings are all included in timings referenced as address. ‡ In the case of a memory read preceded by a memory read § In the case of a memory read preceded by a memory write timing requirements for a memory read (MSTRB = 0) [H = 0.5 tc(CO)]† (see Figure 15) MIN ta(A)M ta(MSTRBL) Access time, read data access from address valid MAX 2H−10¶ Access time, read data access from MSTRB low 2H−10¶ tsu(D)R th(D)R Setup time, read data before CLKOUT low 8 ns Hold time, read data after CLKOUT low 0 ns th(A-D)R Hold time, read data after address invalid 0 ns 1 ns th(D)MSTRBH Hold time, read data after MSTRB high † Address, PS, and DS timings are all included in timings referenced as address. ¶ This access timing reflects a zero wait-state timing. 42 POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251−1443 UNIT ns ns SGUS046 − JULY 2003 memory and parallel I/O interface timing (continued) CLKOUT td(CLKL-A) th(CLKL-A)R A[22:0] th(A-D)R tsu(D)R ta(A)M th(D)R D[15:0] th(D)MSTRBH td(CLKL-MSL) td(CLKL-MSH) ta(MSTRBL) MSTRB R/W PS, DS NOTE A: A[22:16] apply to DMA accesses to extended I/O, DATA, PROGRAM memory. The CPU has access to only extended PROGRAM memory. Figure 15. Memory Read (MSTRB = 0) POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251−1443 43 SGUS046 − JULY 2003 memory and parallel I/O interface timing (continued) switching characteristics over recommended operating conditions for a memory write (MSTRB = 0) [H = 0.5 tc(CO)]† (see Figure 16) td(CLKH-A) td(CLKL-A) PARAMETER Delay time, CLKOUT high to address valid‡ MIN MAX UNIT 0 3 ns Delay time, CLKOUT low to address valid§ 0 3 ns td(CLKL-MSL) td(CLKL-D)W Delay time, CLKOUT low to MSTRB low 0 3 ns Delay time, CLKOUT low to data valid 0 8 ns td(CLKL-MSH) td(CLKH-RWL) Delay time, CLKOUT low to MSTRB high 0 3 ns Delay time, CLKOUT high to R/W low 0 4 ns td(CLKH-RWH) td(RWL-MSTRBL) Delay time, CLKOUT high to R/W high 0 4 ns H−2 H+1 ns th(A)W Hold time, address valid after CLKOUT high‡ 0 3 ns H+6§ ns Delay time, R/W low to MSTRB low th(D)MSH tw(SL)MS Hold time, write data valid after MSTRB high Pulse duration, MSTRB low 2H−2 H−3 ns tsu(A)W tsu(D)MSH Setup time, address valid before MSTRB low 2H−2 ns Setup time, write data valid before MSTRB high 2H−6 2H+6§ ns H−5 ns ten(D−RWL) Enable time, data bus driven after R/W low tdis(RWH−D) Disable time, R/W high to data bus high impedance † Address, PS, and DS timings are all included in timings referenced as address. ‡ In the case of a memory write preceded by a memory write § In the case of a memory write preceded by an I/O cycle 44 POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251−1443 0 ns SGUS046 − JULY 2003 memory and parallel I/O interface timing (continued) CLKOUT td(CLKH-A) td(CLKL-A) th(A)W A[22:0] td(CLKL-D)W th(D)MSH tsu(D)MSH D[15:0] td(CLKL-MSL) tsu(A)W tdis(RWH-D) td(CLKL-MSH) MSTRB td(CLKH-RWL) ten(D-RWL) td(CLKH-RWH) tw(SL)MS td(RWL-MSTRBL) R/W PS, DS NOTE A: A[22:16] apply to DMA accesses to extended I/O, DATA, PROGRAM memory. The CPU has access to only extended PROGRAM memory. Figure 16. Memory Write (MSTRB = 0) POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251−1443 45 SGUS046 − JULY 2003 memory and parallel I/O interface timing (continued) switching characteristics over recommended operating conditions for a parallel I/O port read (IOSTRB = 0)† (see Figure 17) PARAMETER td(CLKL-A) td(CLKH-ISTRBL) MIN MAX Delay time, CLKOUT low to address valid 0 3 ns Delay time, CLKOUT high to IOSTRB low 0 3 ns 0 3 ns 0 3 ns td(CLKH-ISTRBH) Delay time, CLKOUT high to IOSTRB high th(A)IOR Hold time, address after CLKOUT low † Address and IS timings are included in timings referenced as address. UNIT timing requirements for a parallel I/O port read (IOSTRB = 0) [H = 0.5 tc(CO)]† (see Figure 17) MIN MAX UNIT 3H−9 ns 2H−8 ns ta(A)IO ta(ISTRBL)IO Access time, read data access from address valid‡ Access time, read data access from IOSTRB low‡ tsu(D)IOR th(D)IOR Setup time, read data before CLKOUT high 8 ns Hold time, read data after CLKOUT high 0 ns 0 ns th(ISTRBH-D)R Hold time, read data after IOSTRB high † Address and IS timings are included in timings referenced as address. ‡ This access timing reflects a zero wait-state timing. CLKOUT th(A)IOR td(CLKL-A) A[22:0] tsu(D)IOR ta(A)IO th(D)IOR D[15:0] th(ISTRBH-D)R td(CLKH-ISTRBH) ta(ISTRBL)IO td(CLKH-ISTRBL) IOSTRB R/W IS NOTE A: A[22:16] apply to DMA accesses to extended I/O, DATA, PROGRAM memory. The CPU has access to only extended PROGRAM memory. Figure 17. Parallel I/O Port Read (IOSTRB = 0) 46 POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251−1443 SGUS046 − JULY 2003 memory and parallel I/O interface timing (continued) switching characteristics over recommended operating conditions for a parallel I/O port write (IOSTRB = 0) [H = 0.5 tc(CO)]† (see Figure 18) PARAMETER MIN MAX UNIT td(CLKL-A) td(CLKH-ISTRBL) Delay time, CLKOUT low to address valid 0 3 ns Delay time, CLKOUT high to IOSTRB low 0 3 ns td(CLKH-D)IOW td(CLKH-ISTRBH) Delay time, CLKOUT high to write data valid H−5 H+8 ns Delay time, CLKOUT high to IOSTRB high 0 3 ns td(CLKL-RWL) td(CLKL-RWH) Delay time, CLKOUT low to R/W low 0 3 ns Delay time, CLKOUT low to R/W high 0 3 ns th(A)IOW Hold time, address valid after CLKOUT low 0 3 ns th(D)IOW Hold time, write data after IOSTRB high H−3 H+7 ns tsu(D)IOSTRBH Setup time, write data before IOSTRB high H−7 H+1 ns H−2 H+2 ns tsu(A)IOSTRBL Setup time, address valid before IOSTRB low † Address and IS timings are included in timings referenced as address. CLKOUT tsu(A)IOSTRBL td(CLKL-A) th(A)IOW A[22:0] td(CLKH-D)IOW th(D)IOW D[15:0] td(CLKH-ISTRBL) td(CLKH-ISTRBH) tsu(D)IOSTRBH IOSTRB td(CLKL-RWH) td(CLKL-RWL) R/W IS NOTE A: A[22:16] apply to DMA accesses to extended I/O, DATA, PROGRAM memory. The CPU has access to only extended PROGRAM memory. Figure 18. Parallel I/O Port Write (IOSTRB = 0) POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251−1443 47 SGUS046 − JULY 2003 ready timing for externally generated wait states timing requirements for externally generated wait states [H = 0.5 tc(CO)]† (see Figure 19, Figure 20, Figure 21, and Figure 22) MIN tsu(RDY) th(RDY) tv(RDY)MSTRB th(RDY)MSTRB tv(RDY)IOSTRB th(RDY)IOSTRB MAX UNIT Setup time, READY before CLKOUT low 7 ns Hold time, READY after CLKOUT low Valid time, READY after MSTRB low‡ 0 ns Hold time, READY after MSTRB low‡ Valid time, READY after IOSTRB low‡ 4H Hold time, READY after IOSTRB low‡ 5H 4H−9 ns ns 5H−9 ns ns tv(MSCL) Valid time, MSC low after CLKOUT low 0 3 ns tv(MSCH) Valid time, MSC high after CLKOUT low 0 3 ns † The hardware wait states can be used only in conjunction with the software wait states to extend the bus cycles. To generate wait states using READY, at least two software wait states must be programmed. ‡ These timings are included for reference only. The critical timings for READY are those referenced to CLKOUT. CLKOUT A[22:0] tsu(RDY) th(RDY) READY tv(RDY)MSTRB th(RDY)MSTRB MSTRB tv(MSCH) tv(MSCL) MSC Wait States Generated Internally Wait State Generated by READY NOTE A: A[22:16] apply to DMA accesses to extended I/O, DATA, PROGRAM memory. The CPU has access to only extended PROGRAM memory. Figure 19. Memory Read With Externally Generated Wait States 48 POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251−1443 SGUS046 − JULY 2003 ready timing for externally generated wait states (continued) CLKOUT A[22:0] D[15:0] th(RDY) tsu(RDY) READY tv(RDY)MSTRB th(RDY)MSTRB MSTRB tv(MSCH) tv(MSCL) MSC Wait States Generated Internally Wait State Generated by READY NOTE A: A[22:16] apply to DMA accesses to extended I/O, DATA, PROGRAM memory. The CPU has access to only extended PROGRAM memory. Figure 20. Memory Write With Externally Generated Wait States POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251−1443 49 SGUS046 − JULY 2003 ready timing for externally generated wait states (continued) CLKOUT A[22:0] th(RDY) tsu(RDY) READY tv(RDY)IOSTRB th(RDY)IOSTRB IOSTRB tv(MSCH) tv(MSCL) MSC Wait States Generated Internally Wait State Generated by READY NOTE A: A[22:16] apply to DMA accesses to extended I/O, DATA, PROGRAM memory. The CPU has access to only extended PROGRAM memory. Figure 21. I/O Read With Externally Generated Wait States 50 POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251−1443 SGUS046 − JULY 2003 ready timing for externally generated wait states (continued) CLKOUT A[22:0] D[15:0] th(RDY) tsu(RDY) READY tv(RDY)IOSTRB th(RDY)IOSTRB IOSTRB tv(MSCH) tv(MSCL) MSC Wait States Generated Internally Wait State Generated by READY NOTE A: A[22:16] apply to DMA accesses to extended I/O, DATA, PROGRAM memory. The CPU has access to only extended PROGRAM memory. Figure 22. I/O Write With Externally Generated Wait States POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251−1443 51 SGUS046 − JULY 2003 HOLD and HOLDA timings switching characteristics over recommended operating conditions for memory control signals and HOLDA, [H = 0.5 tc(CO)] (see Figure 23) PARAMETER MIN MAX UNIT tdis(CLKL-A) tdis(CLKL-RW) Disable time, address, PS, DS, IS high impedance from CLKOUT low 5 ns Disable time, R/W high impedance from CLKOUT low 5 ns tdis(CLKL-S) ten(CLKL-A) Disable time, MSTRB, IOSTRB high impedance from CLKOUT low 5 ns Enable time, address, PS, DS, IS from CLKOUT low 2H+5 ns ten(CLKL-RW) ten(CLKL-S) Enable time, R/W enabled from CLKOUT low 2H+5 ns tv(HOLDA) tw(HOLDA) Enable time, MSTRB, IOSTRB enabled from CLKOUT low 1 2H+5 ns Valid time, HOLDA low after CLKOUT low 0 4 ns Valid time, HOLDA high after CLKOUT low 0 4 ns Pulse duration, HOLDA low duration 2H−1 ns timing requirements for memory control signals and HOLD, [H = 0.5 tc(CO)] (see Figure 23) MIN tw(HOLD) tsu(HOLD) 52 Pulse duration, HOLD low Setup time, HOLD low/high before CLKOUT low POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251−1443 MAX UNIT 4H+8 ns 8 ns SGUS046 − JULY 2003 HOLD and HOLDA timings (continued) CLKOUT tsu(HOLD) tsu(HOLD) tw(HOLD) HOLD tv(HOLDA) tv(HOLDA) tw(HOLDA) HOLDA tdis(CLKL-A) ten(CLKL-A) A[22:0] PS, DS, IS D[15:0] tdis(CLKL-RW) ten(CLKL-RW) tdis(CLKL-S) ten(CLKL-S) tdis(CLKL-S) ten(CLKL-S) R/W MSTRB IOSTRB NOTE A: A[22:16] apply to DMA accesses to extended I/O, DATA, PROGRAM memory. The CPU has access to only extended PROGRAM memory. Figure 23. HOLD and HOLDA Timings (HM = 1) POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251−1443 53 SGUS046 − JULY 2003 reset, BIO, interrupt, and MP/MC timings timing requirements for reset, BIO, interrupt, and MP/MC [H = 0.5 tc(CO)] (see Figure 24, Figure 25, and Figure 26) MIN MAX UNIT th(RS) th(BIO) Hold time, RS after CLKOUT low 0 ns Hold time, BIO after CLKOUT low 0 ns th(INT) th(MPMC) Hold time, INTn, NMI, after CLKOUT low† 0 ns Hold time, MP/MC after CLKOUT low Pulse duration, RS low‡§ 0 ns 4H+4 ns Pulse duration, BIO low, synchronous 2H+1 ns 4H ns 2H+1 ns tw(RSL) tw(BIO)S tw(BIO)A tw(INTH)S Pulse duration, BIO low, asynchronous tw(INTH)A tw(INTL)S Pulse duration, INTn, NMI high (asynchronous) tw(INTL)A tw(INTL)WKP Pulse duration, INTn, NMI low (asynchronous) tsu(RS) tsu(BIO) Pulse duration, INTn, NMI high (synchronous) Pulse duration, INTn, NMI low (synchronous) 4H ns 2H+1 ns 4H ns Pulse duration, INTn, NMI low for IDLE2/IDLE3 wake up Setup time, RS before X2/CLKIN low¶ 8 ns 6 ns Setup time, BIO before CLKOUT low 7 10 ns tsu(INT) Setup time, INTn, NMI, RS before CLKOUT low 8 10 ns tsu(MPMC) Setup time, MP/MC before CLKOUT low 8 ns † The external interrupts (INT0−INT3, NMI) are synchronized to the core CPU by way of a two-flip-flop synchronizer which samples these inputs with consecutive falling edges of CLKOUT. The input to the interrupt pins is required to represent a 1-0-0 sequence at the timing that is corresponding to three CLKOUT sampling sequences. ‡ If the PLL mode is selected, then at power-on sequence, or at wake up from IDLE3, RS must be held low for at least 50 µs to ensure synchronization and lock-in of the PLL. § Note that RS may cause a change in clock frequency, therefore changing the value of H. ¶ Divide-by-two mode 54 POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251−1443 SGUS046 − JULY 2003 reset, BIO, interrupt, and MP/MC timings (continued) X2/CLKIN tsu(RS) tw(RSL) RS, INTn, NMI tsu(INT) th(RS) CLKOUT tsu(BIO) th(BIO) BIO tw(BIO)S Figure 24. Reset and BIO Timings CLKOUT tsu(INT) tsu(INT) th(INT) INTn, NMI tw(INTH)A tw(INTL)A Figure 25. Interrupt Timing CLKOUT RS th(MPMC) tsu(MPMC) MP/MC Figure 26. MP/MC Timing POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251−1443 55 SGUS046 − JULY 2003 instruction acquisition (IAQ), interrupt acknowledge (IACK), external flag (XF), and TOUT timings switching characteristics over recommended operating conditions for IAQ and IACK [H = 0.5 tc(CO)] (see Figure 27) PARAMETER MIN MAX UNIT td(CLKL-IAQL) td(CLKL-IAQH) Delay time, CLKOUT low to IAQ low 0 3 ns Delay time, CLKOUT low to IAQ high 0 3 ns td(A)IAQ td(CLKL-IACKL) Delay time, address valid to IAQ low 1 ns Delay time, CLKOUT low to IACK low 0 3 ns td(CLKL-IACKH) td(A)IACK Delay time , CLKOUT low to IACK high 0 3 ns 1 ns th(A)IAQ th(A)IACK Hold time, IAQ high after address invalid tw(IAQL) tw(IACKL) Pulse duration, IAQ low Pulse duration, IACK low 2H−2 ns Delay time, address valid to IACK low Hold time, IACK high after address invalid −2 ns −2 ns 2H−2 ns CLKOUT A[22:0] td(CLKL-IAQH) td(CLKL-IAQL) th(A)IAQ td(A)IAQ tw(IAQL) IAQ td(CLKL-IACKL) td(CLKL-IACKH) th(A)IACK td(A)IACK tw(IACKL) IACK MSTRB NOTE A: A[22:16] apply to DMA accesses to extended I/O, DATA, PROGRAM memory. The CPU has access to only extended PROGRAM memory. Figure 27. IAQ and IACK Timings 56 POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251−1443 SGUS046 − JULY 2003 instruction acquisition (IAQ), interrupt acknowledge (IACK), external flag (XF), and TOUT timings (continued) switching characteristics over recommended operating conditions for XF and TOUT [H = 0.5 tc(CO)] (see Figure 28 and Figure 29) PARAMETER MIN MAX Delay time, CLKOUT low to XF high 0 2 Delay time, CLKOUT low to XF low 0 2 td(TOUTH) td(TOUTL) Delay time, CLKOUT low to TOUT high 0 4 ns Delay time, CLKOUT low to TOUT low 0 4 ns tw(TOUT) Pulse duration, TOUT td(XF) 2H UNIT ns ns CLKOUT td(XF) XF Figure 28. XF Timing CLKOUT td(TOUTH) td(TOUTL) TOUT tw(TOUT) Figure 29. TOUT Timing POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251−1443 57 SGUS046 − JULY 2003 multichannel buffered serial port timing timing requirements for the McBSP† [H=0.5tc(CO)] (see Figure 30 and Figure 31) MIN tc(BCKRX) tw(BCKRX) MAX UNIT Cycle time, BCLKR/X BCLKR/X ext 4H ns Pulse duration, BCLKR/X or BCLKR/X high BCLKR/X ext 2H−1 ns th(BCKRL-BFRH) Hold time, external BFSR high after BCLKR low th(BCKRL-BDRV) Hold time, BDR valid after BCLKR low th(BCKXL-BFXH) Hold time, external BFSX high after BCLKX low tsu(BFRH-BCKRL) Setup time, external BFSR high before BCLKR low tsu(BDRV-BCKRL) Setup time, BDR valid before BCLKR low tsu(BFXH-BCKXL) Setup time, external BFSX high before BCLKX low BCLKR int 0 BCLKR ext 4 BCLKR int 0 BCLKR ext 4 BCLKX int 0 BCLKX ext 4 BCLKR int 7 BCLKR ext 2 BCLKR int 7 BCLKR ext 2 BCLKX int 7 BCLKX ext 2 ns ns ns ns ns ns tr(BCKRX) Rise time, BCKR/X BCLKR/X ext 8 ns tf(BCKRX) Fall time, BCKR/X BCLKR/X ext 8 ns † Polarity bits CLKRP = CLKXP = FSRP = FSXP = 0. If the polarity of any of the signals is inverted, then the timing references of that signal are also inverted. 58 POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251−1443 SGUS046 − JULY 2003 multichannel buffered serial port timing (continued) switching characteristics for the McBSP† [H=0.5tc(CO)] (see Figure 30 and Figure 31) PARAMETER MIN tc(BCKRX) tw(BCKRXH) Cycle time, BCLKR/X BCLKR/X int Pulse duration, BCLKR/X high BCLKR/X int 4H D−3‡ tw(BCKRXL) td(BCKRH-BFRV) Pulse duration, BCLKR/X low BCLKR/X int Delay time, BCLKR high to internal BFSR valid td(BCKXH-BFXV) Delay time, BCLKX high to internal BFSX valid tdis(BCKXH-BDXHZ) Disable time, BCLKX high to BDX high impedance following last data bit MAX UNIT ns ns C−3‡ D+1‡ C+1‡ BCLKR int −2 2 ns BCLKX int 0 6 BCLKX ext 4 12 BCLKX int −4 7 BCLKX ext 3 9 Delay time, BCLKX high to BDX valid. This applies to all bits except the first bit transmitted. BCLKX int 0 7 BCLKX ext 4 12 Delay time, BCLKX high to BDX valid.¶§ Only applies to first bit transmitted when in Data Delay 1 or 2 (XDATDLY=01b or 10b) modes BCLKX int 7 DXENA = 0 BCLKX ext 12 te(BCKXH-BDX) Enable time, BCLKX high to BDX driven.¶§ Only applies to first bit transmitted when in Data Delay 1 or 2 (XDATDLY=01b or 10b) modes DXENA = 0 td(BFXH-BDXV) Delay time, BFSX high to BDX valid.¶§ Only applies to first bit transmitted when in Data Delay 0 (XDATDLY=00b) mode. DXENA = 0 te(BFXH-BDX) Enable time, BFSX high to BDX driven.¶§ Only applies to first bit transmitted when in Data Delay 0 (XDATDLY=00b) mode DXENA = 0 td(BCKXH-BDXV) BCLKX int −4 BCLKX ext 2 ns ns ns ns ns BFSX int 2 BFSX ext 12 ns BFSX int −1 BFSX ext 2 ns † Polarity bits CLKRP = CLKXP = FSRP = FSXP = 0. If the polarity of any of the signals is inverted, then the timing references of that signal are also inverted. ‡ T=BCLKRX period = (1 + CLKGDV) * 2H C=BCLKRX low pulse width = T/2 when CLKGDV is odd or zero and = (CLKGDV/2) * 2H when CLKGDV is even D=BCLKRX high pulse width = T/2 when CLKGDV is odd or zero and = (CLKGDV/2 + 1) * 2H when CLKGDV is even § See the TMS320C54x Enhanced Peripherals Reference Set, Volume 5 (literature number SPRU302) for a description of the DX enable (DXENA) and data delay features of the McBSP. ¶ The transmit delay enable (DXENA) and A-bis mode (ABIS) features of the McBSP are not implemented on the 320VC5409. POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251−1443 59 SGUS046 − JULY 2003 multichannel buffered serial port timing (continued) tc(BCKRX) tw(BCKRXH) tr(BCKRX) tw(BCKRXL) BCLKR td(BCKRH−BFRV) tr(BCKRX) td(BCKRH−BFRV) BFSR (int) tsu(BFRH−BCKRL) th(BCKRL−BFRH) BFSR (ext) th(BCKRL−BDRV) tsu(BDRV−BCKRL) BDR (RDATDLY=00b) Bit (n−1) (n−2) tsu(BDRV−BCKRL) (n−3) (n−4) th(BCKRL−BDRV) BDR (RDATDLY=01b) Bit (n−1) (n−2) tsu(BDRV−BCKRL) BDR (RDATDLY=10b) (n−3) th(BCKRL−BDRV) Bit (n−1) (n−2) Figure 30. McBSP Receive Timings tc(BCKRX) tw(BCKRXH) tw(BCKRXL) tr(BCKRX) tf(BCKRX) BCLKX td(BCKXH−BFXV) td(BCKXH−BFXV) BFSX (int) tsu(BFXH−BCKXL) th(BCKXL−BFXH) BFSX (ext) te(BDFXH−BDX) BDX (XDATDLY=00b) Bit 0 td(BDFXH−BDXV) Bit (n−1) td(BCKXH−BDXV) (n−2) te(BCKXH−BDX) BDX (XDATDLY=01b) Bit (n−1) Bit 0 td(BCKXH−BDXV) (n−2) (n−3) te(BCKXH−BDX) Bit 0 Bit (n−1) Figure 31. McBSP Transmit Timings 60 (n−4) td(BCKXH−BDXV) tdis(BCKXH−BDXHZ) BDX (XDATDLY=10b) (n−3) POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251−1443 (n−2) SGUS046 − JULY 2003 multichannel buffered serial port timing (continued) timing requirements for McBSP general-purpose I/O (see Figure 32) MIN Setup time, BGPIOx input mode before CLKOUT high† Hold time, BGPIOx input mode after CLKOUT high† tsu(BGPIO-COH) th(COH-BGPIO) † BGPIOx refers to BCLKRx, BFSRx, BDRx, BCLKXx, or BFSXx when configured as a general-purpose input. MAX UNIT 9 ns 0 ns switching characteristics for McBSP general-purpose I/O (see Figure 32) PARAMETER td(COH-BGPIO) Delay time, CLKOUT high to BGPIOx output mode‡ ‡ BGPIOx refers to BCLKRx, BFSRx, BCLKXx, BFSXx, or BDXx when configured as a general-purpose output. tsu(BGPIO-COH) MIN MAX −10 10 UNIT ns td(COH-BGPIO) CLKOUT th(COH-BGPIO) BGPIOx Input Mode† BGPIOx Output Mode‡ † BGPIOx refers to BCLKRx, BFSRx, BDRx, BCLKXx, or BFSXx when configured as a general-purpose input. ‡ BGPIOx refers to BCLKRx, BFSRx, BCLKXx, BFSXx, or BDXx when configured as a general-purpose output. Figure 32. McBSP General-Purpose I/O Timings POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251−1443 61 SGUS046 − JULY 2003 multichannel buffered serial port timing (continued) timing requirements for McBSP as SPI master or slave: [H=0.5tc(CO)] CLKSTP = 10b, CLKXP = 0† (see Figure 33) tsu(BDRV-BCKXL) th(BCKXL-BDRV) Setup time, BDR valid before BCLKX low tsu(BFXL-BCKXH) Setup time, BFSX low before BCLKX high MASTER SLAVE MIN MIN Hold time, BDR valid after BCLKX low MAX MAX UNIT 10 − 12H ns 0 5 + 12H ns 10 ns 32H ns tc(BCKX) Cycle time, BCLKX 12H † For all SPI slave modes, CLKG is programmed as 1/2 of the CPU clock by setting CLKSM = CLKGDV = 1. switching characteristics for McBSP as SPI master or slave: [H=0.5tc(CO)] CLKSTP = 10b, CLKXP = 0† (see Figure 33) MASTER‡ PARAMETER MIN th(BCKXL-BFXL) td(BFXL-BCKXH) Hold time, BFSX low after BCLKX low§ Delay time, BFSX low to BCLKX high¶ td(BCKXH-BDXV) Delay time, BCLKX high to BDX valid tdis(BCKXL-BDXHZ) Disable time, BDX high impedance following last data bit from BCLKX low tdis(BFXH-BDXHZ) Disable time, BDX high impedance following last data bit from BFSX high SLAVE MAX MIN MAX UNIT T−4 T+4 ns C−5 C+3 ns −3 7 C−2 C+3 6H + 5 10H + 14 ns ns 2H+ 3 6H + 17 ns td(BFXL-BDXV) Delay time, BFSX low to BDX valid 4H + 2 8H + 17 ns † For all SPI slave modes, CLKG is programmed as 1/2 of the CPU clock by setting CLKSM = CLKGDV = 1. ‡ T = BCLKX period = (1 + CLKGDV) * 2H C = BCLKX low pulse width = T/2 when CLKGDV is odd or zero and = (CLKGDV/2) * 2H when CLKGDV is even § FSRP = FSXP = 1. As a SPI master, BFSX is inverted to provide active-low slave-enable output. As a slave, the active-low signal input on BFSX and BFSR is inverted before being used internally. CLKXM = FSXM = 1, CLKRM = FSRM = 0 for master McBSP CLKXM = CLKRM = FSXM = FSRM = 0 for slave McBSP ¶ BFSX should be low before the rising edge of clock to enable slave devices and then begin a SPI transfer at the rising edge of the master clock (BCLKX). LSB tc(BCKX) MSB tsu(BFXL-BCKXH) BCLKX th(BCKXL-BFXL) td(BFXL-BCKXH) BFSX tdis(BFXH-BDXHZ) td(BFXL-BDXV) td(BCKXH-BDXV) tdis(BCKXL-BDXHZ) BDX Bit 0 Bit(n-1) tsu(BDRV-BCLXL) BDR Bit 0 (n-2) (n-3) (n-4) th(BCKXL-BDRV) Bit(n-1) (n-2) (n-3) Figure 33. McBSP Timing as SPI Master or Slave: CLKSTP = 10b, CLKXP = 0 62 POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251−1443 (n-4) SGUS046 − JULY 2003 multichannel buffered serial port timing (continued) timing requirements for McBSP as SPI master or slave: [H=0.5tc(CO)] CLKSTP = 11b, CLKXP = 0† (see Figure 34) tsu(BDRV-BCKXL) th(BCKXH-BDRV) Setup time, BDR valid before BCLKX low tsu(BFXL-BCKXH) Setup time, BFSX low before BCLKX high MASTER SLAVE MIN MIN Hold time, BDR valid after BCLKX high MAX MAX UNIT 10 − 12H ns 0 5 + 12H ns 10 ns 32H ns tc(BCKX) Cycle time, BCLKX † For all SPI slave modes, CLKG is programmed as 1/2 of the CPU clock by setting CLKSM = CLKGDV = 1. switching characteristics for McBSP as SPI master or slave: [H=0.5tc(CO)] CLKSTP = 11b, CLKXP = 0† (see Figure 34) MASTER‡ PARAMETER SLAVE MIN MAX UNIT MIN MAX C−4 C+4 ns T−5 T+3 ns th(BCKXL-BFXL) td(BFXL-BCKXH) Hold time, BFSX low after BCLKX low§ Delay time, BFSX low to BCLKX high¶ td(BCKXL-BDXV) Delay time, BCLKX low to BDX valid −3 7 6H + 5 10H + 14 ns tdis(BCKXL-BDXHZ) Disable time, BDX high impedance following last data bit from BCLKX low −2 4 6H + 3 10H + 17 ns td(BFXL-BDXV) Delay time, BFSX low to BDX valid D−1 D+ 4 4H − 2 8H + 17 ns † For all SPI slave modes, CLKG is programmed as 1/2 of the CPU clock by setting CLKSM = CLKGDV = 1. ‡ T = BCLKX period = (1 + CLKGDV) * 2H C = BCLKX low pulse width = T/2 when CLKGDV is odd or zero and = (CLKGDV/2) * 2H when CLKGDV is even D = BCLKX high pulse width = T/2 when CLKGDV is odd or zero and = (CLKGDV/2 + 1) * 2H when CLKGDV is even § FSRP = FSXP = 1. As a SPI master, BFSX is inverted to provide active-low slave-enable output. As a slave, the active-low signal input on BFSX and BFSR is inverted before being used internally. CLKXM = FSXM = 1, CLKRM = FSRM = 0 for master McBSP CLKXM = CLKRM = FSXM = FSRM = 0 for slave McBSP ¶ BFSX should be low before the rising edge of clock to enable slave devices and then begin a SPI transfer at the rising edge of the master clock (BCLKX). tsu(BFXL-BCKXH) LSB tc(BCKX) MSB BCLKX td(BFXL-BCKXH) th(BCKXL-BFXL) BFSX tdis(BCKXL-BDXHZ) BDX td(BCKXL-BDXV) td(BFXL-BDXV) Bit 0 Bit(n-1) tsu(BDRV-BCKXH) BDR Bit 0 (n-2) (n-3) (n-4) th(BCKXH-BDRV) Bit(n-1) (n-2) (n-3) (n-4) Figure 34. McBSP Timing as SPI Master or Slave: CLKSTP = 11b, CLKXP = 0 POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251−1443 63 SGUS046 − JULY 2003 multichannel buffered serial port timing (continued) timing requirements for McBSP as SPI master or slave: [H=0.5tc(CO)] CLKSTP = 10b, CLKXP = 1† (see Figure 35) tsu(BDRV-BCKXH) th(BCKXH-BDRV) Setup time, BDR valid before BCLKX high tsu(BFXL-BCKXL) Setup time, BFSX low before BCLKX low MASTER SLAVE MIN MIN Hold time, BDR valid after BCLKX high MAX MAX UNIT 10 − 12H ns 0 5 + 12H ns 10 ns 32H ns tc(BCKX) Cycle time, BCLKX † For all SPI slave modes, CLKG is programmed as 1/2 of the CPU clock by setting CLKSM = CLKGDV = 1. switching characteristics for McBSP as SPI master or slave: [H=0.5tc(CO)] CLKSTP = 10b, CLKXP = 1† (see Figure 35) MASTER‡ PARAMETER MIN th(BCKXH-BFXL) td(BFXL-BCKXL) Hold time, BFSX low after BCLKX high§ Delay time, BFSX low to BCLKX low¶ td(BCKXL-BDXV) Delay time, BCLKX low to BDX valid tdis(BCKXH-BDXHZ) Disable time, BDX high impedance following last data bit from BCLKX high tdis(BFXH-BDXHZ) Disable time, BDX high impedance following last data bit from BFSX high SLAVE MAX MIN MAX UNIT T−4 T+4 ns D−5 D+3 ns −3 7 D−2 D+3 6H + 5 10H + 14 ns ns 2H + 3 6H + 17 ns td(BFXL-BDXV) Delay time, BFSX low to BDX valid 4H − 2 8H + 17 ns † For all SPI slave modes, CLKG is programmed as 1/2 of the CPU clock by setting CLKSM = CLKGDV = 1. ‡ T = BCLKX period = (1 + CLKGDV) * 2H D = BCLKX high pulse width = T/2 when CLKGDV is odd or zero and = (CLKGDV/2 + 1) * 2H when CLKGDV is even § FSRP = FSXP = 1. As a SPI master, BFSX is inverted to provide active-low slave-enable output. As a slave, the active-low signal input on BFSX and BFSR is inverted before being used internally. CLKXM = FSXM = 1, CLKRM = FSRM = 0 for master McBSP CLKXM = CLKRM = FSXM = FSRM = 0 for slave McBSP ¶ BFSX should be low before the rising edge of clock to enable slave devices and then begin a SPI transfer at the rising edge of the master clock (BCLKX). tsu(BFXL-BCKXL) LSB tc(BCKX) MSB BCLKX th(BCKXH-BFXL) td(BFXL-BCKXL) BFSX td(BFXL-BDXV) tdis(BFXH-BDXHZ) tdis(BCKXH-BDXHZ) BDX td(BCKXL-BDXV) Bit 0 Bit(n-1) tsu(BDRV-BCKXH) BDR Bit 0 (n-2) (n-3) th(BCKXH-BDRV) Bit(n-1) (n-2) (n-3) Figure 35. McBSP Timing as SPI Master or Slave: CLKSTP = 10b, CLKXP = 1 64 POST OFFICE BOX 1443 (n-4) • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251−1443 (n-4) SGUS046 − JULY 2003 multichannel buffered serial port timing (continued) timing requirements for McBSP as SPI master or slave: [H=0.5tc(CO)] CLKSTP = 11b, CLKXP = 1† (see Figure 36) tsu(BDRV-BCKXL) th(BCKXL-BDRV) Setup time, BDR valid before BCLKX low tsu(BFXL-BCKXL) Setup time, BFSX low before BCLKX low MASTER SLAVE MIN MIN MAX UNIT MAX 10 − 12H ns 0 5 + 12H ns 10 ns 32H ns Hold time, BDR valid after BCLKX low tc(BCKX) Cycle time, BCLKX † For all SPI slave modes, CLKG is programmed as 1/2 of the CPU clock by setting CLKSM = CLKGDV = 1. switching characteristics for McBSP as SPI master or slave: [H=0.5tc(CO)] CLKSTP = 11b, CLKXP = 1† (see Figure 36) MASTER‡ PARAMETER SLAVE MIN UNIT MIN MAX MAX D−4 D+4 ns T−5 T+3 ns th(BCKXH-BFXL) td(BFXL-BCKXL) Hold time, BFSX low after BCLKX high§ Delay time, BFSX low to BCLKX low¶ td(BCKXH-BDXV) Delay time, BCLKX high to BDX valid −3 7 6H + 5 10H + 14 ns tdis(BCKXH-BDXHZ) Disable time, BDX high impedance following last data bit from BCLKX high −2 4 6H + 3 10H + 17 ns td(BFXL-BDXV) Delay time, BFSX low to BDX valid C−1 C+4 4H − 2 8H + 17 ns † For all SPI slave modes, CLKG is programmed as 1/2 of the CPU clock by setting CLKSM = CLKGDV = 1. ‡ T = BCLKX period = (1 + CLKGDV) * 2H C = BCLKX low pulse width = T/2 when CLKGDV is odd or zero and = (CLKGDV/2) * 2H when CLKGDV is even D = BCLKX high pulse width = T/2 when CLKGDV is odd or zero and = (CLKGDV/2 + 1) * 2H when CLKGDV is even § FSRP = FSXP = 1. As a SPI master, BFSX is inverted to provide active-low slave-enable output. As a slave, the active-low signal input on BFSX and BFSR is inverted before being used internally. CLKXM = FSXM = 1, CLKRM = FSRM = 0 for master McBSP CLKXM = CLKRM = FSXM = FSRM = 0 for slave McBSP ¶ BFSX should be low before the rising edge of clock to enable slave devices and then begin a SPI transfer at the rising edge of the master clock (BCLKX). LSB tsu(BFXL-BCKXL) tc(BCKX) MSB BCLKX th(BCKXH-BFXL) td(BFXL-BCKXL) BFSX tdis(BCKXH-BDXHZ) BDX td(BCKXH-BDXV) td(BFXL-BDXV) Bit 0 Bit(n-1) tsu(BDRV-BCKXL) BDR Bit 0 (n-2) (n-3) (n-4) th(BCKXL-BDRV) Bit(n-1) (n-2) (n-3) (n-4) Figure 36. McBSP Timing as SPI Master or Slave: CLKSTP = 11b, CLKXP = 1 POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251−1443 65 SGUS046 − JULY 2003 HPI8 timing switching characteristics over recommended operating conditions†‡§¶ [H = 0.5tc(CO)] (see Figure 37, Figure 38, Figure 40, and Figure 41) PARAMETER ten(DSL-HD) MIN Enable time, HD driven from DS low 2 Case 1a: Memory accesses when DMAC is active in 16-bit mode and tw(DSH) < 18H Case 1b: Memory accesses when DMAC is active in 16-bit mode and tw(DSH) ≥ 18H td(DSL-HDV1) Delay time, DS low to HDx valid for first byte of an HPI read ns 19 26H+19 – tw(DSH) ns 19 10H+19 – tw(DSH) Case 2b: Memory accesses when DMAC is inactive and tw(DSH) ≥ 10H 19 Case 3: Register accesses 19 tv(HYH-HDV) td(DSH-HYL) Valid time, HDx valid after HRDY high td(HCS-HRDY) td(COH-HYH) 19 Case 2a: Memory accesses when DMAC is inactive and tw(DSH) < 10H Delay time, DS low to HDx valid for second byte of an HPI read Hold time, HDx valid after DS high, for a HPI read 3 19 ns 5 ns 5 Delay time, DS high to HRDY low (see Note 1) Delay time, DS high to HRDY high UNIT 18H+19 – tw(DSH) Case 1c: Memory access when DMAC is active in 32-bit mode and tw(DSH) < 26H Case 1d: Memory access when DMAC is active in 32-bit mode and tw(DSH) ≥ 26H td(DSL-HDV2) th(DSH-HDV)R td(DSH-HYH) MAX 10 ns Case 1a: Memory accesses when DMAC is active in 16-bit mode 18H+10 ns Case 1b: Memory accesses when DMAC is active in 32-bit mode 26H+10 ns Case 2: Memory accesses when DMAC is inactive 10H+10 Case 3: Write accesses to HPIC register (see Note 2) 6H+10 ns Delay time, HCS low/high to HRDY low/high 15 ns Delay time, CLKOUT high to HRDY high 2 ns td(COH-HTX) Delay time, CLKOUT high to HINT change 5 ns NOTES: 1. The HRDY output is always high when the HCS input is high, regardless of DS timings. 2. This timing applies when writing a one to the DSPINT bit or HINT bit of the HPIC register. All other writes to the HPIC occur asynchronously, and do not cause HRDY to be deasserted. † DS refers to the logical OR of HCS, HDS1, and HDS2. ‡ HDx refers to any of the HPI data bus pins (HD0, HD1, HD2, etc.). § DMAC stands for direct memory access (DMA) controller. The HPI8 shares the internal DMA bus with the DMAC, thus HPI8 access times are affected by DMAC activity. ¶ GPIO refers to the HD pins when they are configured as general-purpose input/outputs. 66 POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251−1443 SGUS046 − JULY 2003 HPI8 timing (continued) timing requirements†‡§ (see Figure 37, Figure 38, Figure 40, and Figure 41) MIN MAX UNIT tsu(HBV-DSL) th(DSL-HBV) Setup time, HBIL valid before DS low 5 ns Hold time, HBIL valid after DS low 5 ns tsu(HSL-DSL) tw(DSL) Setup time, HAS low before DS low 5 ns Pulse duration, DS low 20 ns tw(DSH) tsu(HDV-DSH) Pulse duration, DS high 10 ns Setup time, HDx valid before DS high, HPI write 5 ns 5 ns th(DSH-HDV)W Hold time, HDx valid after DS high, HPI write † DS refers to the logical OR of HCS, HDS1, and HDS2. ‡ HDx refers to any of the HPI data bus pins (HD0, HD1, HD2, etc.). § GPIO refers to the HD pins when they are configured as general-purpose input/outputs. POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251−1443 67 SGUS046 − JULY 2003 HPI8 timing (continued) Second Byte First Byte Second Byte HAS tsu(HBV-DSL) tsu(HSL-DSL) th(DSL-HBV) HAD† Valid Valid tsu(HBV-DSL)‡ th(DSL-HBV)‡ HBIL HCS tw(DSH) tw(DSL) HDS td(DSH-HYH) td(DSH-HYL) HRDY ten(DSL-HD) td(DSL-HDV2) td(DSL-HDV1) th(DSH-HDV)R HD READ Valid Valid tsu(HDV-DSH) Valid tv(HYH-HDV) th(DSH-HDV)W HD WRITE Valid Valid td(COH-HYH) CLKOUT † HAD refers to HCNTL0, HCNTL1, and HR/W. ‡ When HAS is not used (HAS always high) Figure 37. Using HDS to Control Accesses (HCS Always Low) 68 POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251−1443 Valid SGUS046 − JULY 2003 HPI8 timing (continued) Second Byte First Byte Second Byte HCS HDS td(HCS-HRDY) HRDY Figure 38. Using HCS to Control Accesses HRDY td(COH−HYH) CLKOUT Figure 39. HRDY Relative to CLKOUT CLKOUT td(COH-HTX) HINT Figure 40. HINT Timing POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251−1443 69 SGUS046 − JULY 2003 timing requirements for GPIO (see Figure 41) MIN MAX UNIT tsu(GPIO-COH) Setup time, GPIOx input valid before CLKOUT high, GPIOx configured as general-purpose input. 7 ns th(GPIO-COH) Hold time, GPIOx input valid after CLKOUT high, GPIOx configured as general-purpose input. 0 ns switching characteristics for GPIO (see Figure 41) PARAMETER td(COH-GPIO) Delay time, CLKOUT high to GPIOx output change. GPIOx configured as general-purpose output. MIN MAX UNIT 0 6 ns CLKOUT tsu(GPIO-COH) th(GPIO-COH) GPIOx Input Mode† td(COH-GPIO) GPIOx Output Mode† † GPIOx refers to HD0, HD1, HD2, ...HD7, when the HD bus is configured for general-purpose input/output (I/O). Figure 41. GPIOx† Timings 70 POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251−1443 SGUS046 − JULY 2003 HPI16 timing switching characteristics over recommended operating conditions†‡§¶ [H = 0.5tc(CO)] (see Figure 42 and Figure 43) PARAMETER ten(DSL-HD) td(DSL-HDV1) Enable time, Dx driven from DS low Delay time, DS low to Dx valid for an HPI read MIN MAX UNIT 6 19 ns Case 1a: Memory accesses when DMAC is active in 16-bit mode and tw(DSH) < 18H Case 1b: Memory accesses when DMAC is active in 16-bit mode and tw(DSH) ≥ 18H 18H+19 – tw(DSH) 19 ns Case 2a: Memory accesses when DMAC is inactive and tw(DSH) < 10H 10H+19 – tw(DSH) Case 2b: Memory accesses when DMAC is inactive and tw(DSH) ≥ 10H 19 Case 3: Register accesses 19 th(DSH-HDV)R Hold time, Dx valid after DS rising edge, read§ 1 tv(HYH-HDV) Valid time, Dx valid before HRDY rising edge 0 td(DSH-HYL) Delay time, DS or HCS high to HRDY low‡ td(DSH-HYH) Delay time, DS high to HRDY high§ (writes and autoincrement reads) td(DSL-HYL) td(COH−HYH) 8 ns 6 ns 10 ns Case 1: Memory access when DMAC is active in 16-bit mode 18H+10 Case 2: Memory access when DMAC is inactive 10H+10 ns Delay time, HDS or HCS low/high to HRDY low/high 10 ns Delay time, CLKOUT high to HRDY high 2 ns NOTE: The HRDY output is always high when the HCS input is high, regardless of DS timings. † DS refers to the logical OR of HCS, HDS1, or HDS2. ‡ Dx refers to any of the DPI data bus pins (D0, D1, D2, etc.). § DMAC stands for direct memory access (DMA) controller. The HPI16 shares the internal DMA bus with the DMAC, thus HPI16 access times are affected by DMAC activity. ¶ GPIO refers to the HD pins when they are configured as general-purpose input/outputs. POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251−1443 71 SGUS046 − JULY 2003 HPI16 timing (continued) timing requirements†‡§ [H = 0.5tc(CO)] (see Note 1, Figure 42, and Figure 43) MIN MAX UNIT tsu(HBV-DSL) th(DSL-HBV) Setup time, HAD valid before DS falling edge†‡ Hold time, HAD valid after DS falling edge†‡ 5 ns 5 ns tsu(HAV-DSL) th(DSH-HAV) Setup time, HAD valid before DS falling edge† Hold time, address valid after DS rising edge† −4H+3 ns 1 ns tsu(HDV-DSH) th(DSH-HDV)W Setup time, Dx valid before DS high (HPI write) 3 ns Hold time, Dx valid after DS high (HPI write) Pulse duration, DS low‡ 2 ns 20 ns Pulse duration, DS high‡ 10 ns tw(DSL) tw(DSH) Cycle time, DS rising edge to next DS rising edge‡ Nonmultiplexed mode (no increment) with no DMA activity. 12H ns (Minimum timings represent WRITEs while maximum timings represent READs) Nonmultiplexed mode (no increment) with 16-bit DMA activity. 20H ns tc(DSH-DSH) † DS refers to the logical OR of HCS and HDS1 and HDS2. ‡ Dx refers to any of the HPI data bus pins (D0, D1, D2, etc.). § GPIO refers to the HD pins when they are configured as general-purpose input/outputs. 72 POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251−1443 SGUS046 − JULY 2003 HPI16 timing (continued) HCS tc(DSH−DSH) tw(DSH) HDS tw(DSL) tsu(HBV−DSL) th(DSL−HBV) HR/W th(DSH−HAV) tsu(HAV−DSL) HA[15:0] Valid Address (A[15:0]) Valid Address td(DSL−HDV1) th(DSH−HDV)R ten(DSL−HD) D[15:0] Data Valid Data Valid tv(HYH−HDV) HRDY td(DSL−HYH) Figure 42. Nonmultiplexed Read Timings POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251−1443 73 SGUS046 − JULY 2003 HPI16 timing (continued) HCS tw(DSH) tc(DSH−DSH) HDS tsu(HBV−DSL) tw(DSL) th(DSL−HBV) HR/W tsu(HAV−DSH) th(DSH−HAV) HA[15:0] A[15:0] Valid Address Valid Address tsu(HDV−DSH) D[15:0] Data Valid Data Valid td(DSH−HYH) HRDY td(DSL−HYL) Figure 43. Nonmultiplexed Write Timings 74 th(DSH−HDV)W POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251−1443 SGUS046 − JULY 2003 MECHANICAL DATA GGU (S-PBGA-N144) PLASTIC BALL GRID ARRAY PACKAGE 12,10 SQ 11,90 9,60 TYP 0,80 A1 Corner 0,80 N M L K J H G F E D C B A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 0,95 0,85 Bottom View 1,40 MAX Seating Plane 0,55 0,45 0,08 M 0,45 0,35 0,10 4073221−2/C 12/01 NOTES: B. All linear dimensions are in millimeters. C. This drawing is subject to change without notice. D. MicroStar BGA configuration Thermal Resistance Characteristics PARAMETER °C/W RΘJA 38 RΘJC 5 MicroStar BGA is a trademark of Texas Instruments Incorporated. POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251−1443 75 PACKAGE OPTION ADDENDUM 7-Apr-2009 PACKAGING INFORMATION Orderable Device Status (1) SM320VC5409GGU10EP ACTIVE BGA MI CROSTA R GGU 144 189 TBD SNPB Level-3-220C-168 HR V62/04649-01XA ACTIVE BGA MI CROSTA R GGU 144 189 TBD SNPB Level-3-220C-168 HR Package Type Package Drawing Pins Package Eco Plan (2) Qty Lead/Ball Finish MSL Peak Temp (3) (1) The marketing status values are defined as follows: ACTIVE: Product device recommended for new designs. LIFEBUY: TI has announced that the device will be discontinued, and a lifetime-buy period is in effect. NRND: Not recommended for new designs. Device is in production to support existing customers, but TI does not recommend using this part in a new design. PREVIEW: Device has been announced but is not in production. Samples may or may not be available. OBSOLETE: TI has discontinued the production of the device. (2) Eco Plan - The planned eco-friendly classification: Pb-Free (RoHS), Pb-Free (RoHS Exempt), or Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br) - please check for the latest availability information and additional product content details. TBD: The Pb-Free/Green conversion plan has not been defined. Pb-Free (RoHS): TI's terms "Lead-Free" or "Pb-Free" mean semiconductor products that are compatible with the current RoHS requirements for all 6 substances, including the requirement that lead not exceed 0.1% by weight in homogeneous materials. Where designed to be soldered at high temperatures, TI Pb-Free products are suitable for use in specified lead-free processes. Pb-Free (RoHS Exempt): This component has a RoHS exemption for either 1) lead-based flip-chip solder bumps used between the die and package, or 2) lead-based die adhesive used between the die and leadframe. The component is otherwise considered Pb-Free (RoHS compatible) as defined above. Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br): TI defines "Green" to mean Pb-Free (RoHS compatible), and free of Bromine (Br) and Antimony (Sb) based flame retardants (Br or Sb do not exceed 0.1% by weight in homogeneous material) (3) MSL, Peak Temp. -- The Moisture Sensitivity Level rating according to the JEDEC industry standard classifications, and peak solder temperature. Important Information and Disclaimer:The information provided on this page represents TI's knowledge and belief as of the date that it is provided. TI bases its knowledge and belief on information provided by third parties, and makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy of such information. Efforts are underway to better integrate information from third parties. TI has taken and continues to take reasonable steps to provide representative and accurate information but may not have conducted destructive testing or chemical analysis on incoming materials and chemicals. TI and TI suppliers consider certain information to be proprietary, and thus CAS numbers and other limited information may not be available for release. In no event shall TI's liability arising out of such information exceed the total purchase price of the TI part(s) at issue in this document sold by TI to Customer on an annual basis. Addendum-Page 1 MECHANICAL DATA MPBG021C – DECEMBER 1996 – REVISED MAY 2002 GGU (S–PBGA–N144) PLASTIC BALL GRID ARRAY 12,10 SQ 11,90 9,60 TYP 0,80 A1 Corner 0,80 N M L K J H G F E D C B A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Bottom View 0,95 0,85 1,40 MAX Seating Plane 0,55 0,45 0,08 0,45 0,35 0,10 4073221-2/C 12/01 NOTES: A. All linear dimensions are in millimeters. B. This drawing is subject to change without notice C. MicroStar BGAt configuration MicroStar BGA is a trademark of Texas Instruments Incorporated. POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALLAS, TEXAS 75265 1 IMPORTANT NOTICE Texas Instruments Incorporated and its subsidiaries (TI) reserve the right to make corrections, modifications, enhancements, improvements, and other changes to its products and services at any time and to discontinue any product or service without notice. Customers should obtain the latest relevant information before placing orders and should verify that such information is current and complete. All products are sold subject to TI’s terms and conditions of sale supplied at the time of order acknowledgment. TI warrants performance of its hardware products to the specifications applicable at the time of sale in accordance with TI’s standard warranty. Testing and other quality control techniques are used to the extent TI deems necessary to support this warranty. Except where mandated by government requirements, testing of all parameters of each product is not necessarily performed. TI assumes no liability for applications assistance or customer product design. Customers are responsible for their products and applications using TI components. To minimize the risks associated with customer products and applications, customers should provide adequate design and operating safeguards. TI does not warrant or represent that any license, either express or implied, is granted under any TI patent right, copyright, mask work right, or other TI intellectual property right relating to any combination, machine, or process in which TI products or services are used. Information published by TI regarding third-party products or services does not constitute a license from TI to use such products or services or a warranty or endorsement thereof. Use of such information may require a license from a third party under the patents or other intellectual property of the third party, or a license from TI under the patents or other intellectual property of TI. Reproduction of TI information in TI data books or data sheets is permissible only if reproduction is without alteration and is accompanied by all associated warranties, conditions, limitations, and notices. Reproduction of this information with alteration is an unfair and deceptive business practice. TI is not responsible or liable for such altered documentation. Information of third parties may be subject to additional restrictions. Resale of TI products or services with statements different from or beyond the parameters stated by TI for that product or service voids all express and any implied warranties for the associated TI product or service and is an unfair and deceptive business practice. TI is not responsible or liable for any such statements. TI products are not authorized for use in safety-critical applications (such as life support) where a failure of the TI product would reasonably be expected to cause severe personal injury or death, unless officers of the parties have executed an agreement specifically governing such use. Buyers represent that they have all necessary expertise in the safety and regulatory ramifications of their applications, and acknowledge and agree that they are solely responsible for all legal, regulatory and safety-related requirements concerning their products and any use of TI products in such safety-critical applications, notwithstanding any applications-related information or support that may be provided by TI. Further, Buyers must fully indemnify TI and its representatives against any damages arising out of the use of TI products in such safety-critical applications. TI products are neither designed nor intended for use in military/aerospace applications or environments unless the TI products are specifically designated by TI as military-grade or "enhanced plastic." Only products designated by TI as military-grade meet military specifications. Buyers acknowledge and agree that any such use of TI products which TI has not designated as military-grade is solely at the Buyer's risk, and that they are solely responsible for compliance with all legal and regulatory requirements in connection with such use. TI products are neither designed nor intended for use in automotive applications or environments unless the specific TI products are designated by TI as compliant with ISO/TS 16949 requirements. Buyers acknowledge and agree that, if they use any non-designated products in automotive applications, TI will not be responsible for any failure to meet such requirements. 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