Stepper Motor Driver IC MTD Series Dual Full-bridge Microstepping PWM Motor Driver MTD2018G Features ●Dual full bridge for a bipolar stepper motor driver ●Load supply voltage 35V , Output current 0.8A ●Constant current control (Fixed OFF time PWM control) ●2-bit selectable current level (Full step/Half step/Quarter step) ●Logic supply 3.3V only ●Stand-by function ●Built-in flywheel and flyback diodes ●Under voltage lock out function ●Thermal shutdown with hysteresis ●Surface mount package with heat sink(HSOP24) HSOP24 ■Absolute maxmum ratings / Ta=25℃ Parameter Symbol Rating Unit Output voltage Vmm 35 V Output current IOUT 0.8 A Logic supply Vcc 0∼3.6 V Logic input VLOGIC 0∼Vcc V Power dissipation PD *1 2.1 W Storage temperature range Tstg -40∼150 ℃ Maximum Junction temperature Tj 150 ℃ *1 : 50.8×50.8×1mm3 Glass Epoxy Board(FR4),200mm2 ■Pin Assignment ■Truth table MTD2018G PHA 1 Vcc 1 Vmm 1 OUT 1A SENSE 1 OUT 1B 1 2 3 4 5 6 TOP VIEW 24 23 22 21 20 19 GND OUT 2B SENSE 2 OUT 2A Vmm 2 Vcc 2 PHA 2 I0 1 I1 1 Vs 1 VREF 1 CR 1 STB GND 7 8 9 10 11 12 Cupper Pattern 18 17 16 15 14 13 Shindengen Electric Mfg.Co.Ltd GND CR 2 VREF 2 Vs 2 I1 2 I0 2 PHA 1 or 2 OUT A OUT B L L H H H L I0 I1 Output current ratio[%] Vr[V] (at VREF=3.3V) L L 100 0.330±5% H L 67 0.221±8% L H 33 0.109±10% H H 0 - STB Mode L stand by H active W1002 Stepper Motor Driver IC MTD2018G ■Electrical Characteristics Ta=25℃, Vcc=3.3V unless otherwise specified item symbol Logic supply current(2circuit ON) Icc(ON) condition MIN TYP MAX unit 50.0 62.0 mA Logic supply current(2circuit OFF) Icc(OFF) I0=I1=H 17.0 21.0 mA Load supply current(2circuit OFF) Imm(OFF) Vmm=35V,I0=I1=H 5.0 7.4 mA 3.5 4.7 mA 10.0 μA - Vcc V - 0.6 V - - 10.0 μA VPHA =0V - -1.0 -10.0 μA Vmm=12V 2.3 - Vcc V V(I0,I1) L Vmm=12V GND - 0.6 V I(I0,I1) H V(I0,I1)=3.3V - - 10.0 μA V(I0,I1)=0V - -2.0 -30.0 μA Vcc V Logic supply current(STB) Icc(STB) STB=L Load supply current(STB) Imm(STB) Vmm=35V,STB=L PHA“H”input voltage VPHA H 2.3 PHA“L”input voltage VPHA L GND PHA“H”input current IPHA H VPHA =3.3V PHA“L”input current IPHA L I0,I1“H”input voltage V(I0,I1) H I0,I1“L”input voltage I0,I1“H”input current I0,I1“L”input current I(I0,I1) L STB“H”input voltage VSTB H 2.3 STB“L”input voltage VSTB L GND 0.6 V Vref input voltage VREF 1.0 - 3.6 V Vref input current IREF VREF=0V -1.0 - 10.0 μA Vs input current Is Vs=0V -1.0 - 10.0 μA comparator threshold(100%) Vs1 VREF=3.3V,I0=L,I1=L 0.314 0.330 0.347 V comparator threshold(67%) Vs2 VREF=3.3V,I0=H,I1=L 0.203 0.221 0.239 V comparator threshold(33%) Vs3 VREF=3.3V,I0=L,I1=H 0.098 0.109 0.120 V Upper transistor saturation drop Vce(SAT)H Ic=0.8A - 1.20 1.40 V Lower transistor saturation drop Vce(SAT)L Ic=0.8A - 0.70 1.00 V Output leak current Ir Vmm=Vce(sus)V,Vout=0V - - 10.0 μA Upper diode forward drop VF H If=0.8A - 1.30 1.50 V Lower diode forward drop VF L If=0.8A - 1.40 1.60 V One Shot OFF time T OFF Ct=3300pF,Rt=4.7KΩ - 17.1 - μS UVLO threshold Vuv - 2.7 - V Thermal shutdown temperature TjTSD - 170 - ℃ ■Recommended operation conditions Parameter Symbol Recommendation Unit Junction temperature Tj -25∼120 ℃ Logic supply Vcc 3.0∼3.6 V Load supply Vmm 7∼27 V ■Thermal resistance Symbol Rating Unit θja *1 58 ℃/W *1 : 50.8×50.8×1mm3 Glass Epoxy Board(FR4),200mm2 Cupper Pattern Shindengen Electric Mfg.Co.Ltd W1002 Stepper Motor Driver IC MTD2018G ■Block diagram / Typical application Vcc Vcc Vmm 2 CPU or GATE ARRAY 1 4 Vcc1 PHA1 6 3 OUT1A OUT1B 10 Vmm1 7 Vmm2 9 OUT2B 11 Vcc2 OUT2A PHA2 12 CPU or GATE ARRAY 16 VREF1 Vcc R1 VREF1 21 R2 VREF2 1/10 1/10 Vr VREF2 Vr TSD ONE SHOT Current Sensor 120deg + Current Sensor 170deg + UVLO ONE SHOT STB I1 1 23 I0 1 CR1 24 Vs1 20 22 SENSE1 5 18 Rf A CPU or GATE ARRAY Ct A Rt A Cf A ●Constant chopping current level Ichop = VREF − 0.015 10 Rs ●ONE SHOT OFF TIME Rs A GND STB 19 SENSE2 GND TAB Vs2 8 15 CR2 I0 2 17 I1 2 13 14 Rf B STB signal Rs B Cf B Rt B CtB CPU or GATE ARRAY ●Recommended component values Symbol Recommended component values Unit Ct 3300 pF Rt 4.7 kΩ Cf 820 pF Rf 1.0 kΩ Toff = 1.1CtRt Shindengen Electric Mfg.Co.Ltd W1002 Stepper Motor Driver IC MTD2018G ■Outline Drawing (Unit : mm) Shindengen Electric Mfg.Co.Ltd W1002 Stepper Motor Driver IC ! ! MTD2018G Although we are constantly making every effort to improve the quality and reliability of our products, there nevertheless remains a certain probability that the semiconductor products may occasionally fail or malfunction. Please take careful precautions against product failures or malfunctions to avoid any injuries, fire accidents or social loss by implementing safety designs such as redundancy designs, designs for fi re spread prevention, and designs for preventing malfunctions. Our semiconductor products listed in this document are not designed or manufactured to be used in devices or systems requiring extremely high levels of quality and reliability, or the failure or malfunction of which may directly threaten human lives or cause injury. In the cases where the products are to be used in devices or systems for special applications or devices or systems for specialized applications shown below, always make sure to consult us in advance. Special Applications Transportation devices (automotive, marine, etc.), communication devices for core network, traffic signal devices, fire prevention/anticrime devices, various safety devices, medical devices, etc. Specialized Applications Nuclear power control systems, aircraft and aerospace devices, submarine relay devices, and systems for preserving life, etc. Even if it is not for a special or specialized application, when IC products are to be used for devices or systems that are desired to last for a long period under continuous operation, please make sure to consult our sales representative in advance. ● We reserve the right to make any changes to the contents of this manual without prior notice in accordance with modifications to IC products. ● Details of specifications should be exchanged at the adoption of the IC products. ● All information included in this manual is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, our company takes no responsibility for any injury or damage incurred when using the IC products as described in this manual. Neither do we take any responsibility for issues arising from infringement of patent or other rights caused by using this manual. ● The provision of this manual does not guarantee the right to use any third party's patent or other rights, or grant permission to use the patent or other rights of our company. ● No part of this manual may be reproduced or copied without the specific written consent of Shindengen Electric Mfg. Co., Ltd. Shindengen Electric Mfg.Co.Ltd W1002