Data Sheet PULSE-WIDTH-MODULATION CONTROL CIRCUITS General Description Features The AZ7500E is a voltage mode pulse width modulation switching regulator control circuit designed primarily for power supply control. · The AZ7500E consists of a reference voltage circuit, two error amplifiers, an on-chip adjustable oscillator, a dead-time control (DTC) comparator, a pulse-steering control flip-flop, and an output control circuit. The precision of voltage reference (VREF) is improved up to ± 1% through trimming and this provides a better output voltage regulation. The AZ7500E provides for pushpull or single-ended output operation, which can be selected through the output control. AZ7500E is the enhanced version of AZ7500B for it improves REF Pin's reliability comparing with AZ7500B. The AZ7500E is available in standard packages of DIP-16 and SOIC-16. · · · · · AZ7500E Stable 4.95V Reference Voltage Trimmed to ±1.0% Accuracy Uncommitted Output TR for 200mA Sink or Source Current Single-End or Push-Pull Operation Selected by Output Control Internal Circuitry Prohibits Double Pulse at Either Output Complete PWM Control Circuit with Variable Duty Cycle On-Chip Oscillator With Master or Slave Operation Applications · · · SMPS Back Light Inverter Charger DIP-16 SOIC-16 Figure 1. Package Types of AZ7500E Oct. 2008 Rev. 1. 2 BCD Semiconductor Manufacturing Limited 1 Data Sheet PULSE-WIDTH-MODULATION CONTROL CIRCUITS AZ7500E Pin Configuration M Package (SOIC-16) P Package (DIP-16) 1IN + 1 16 2IN + 1IN + 1 16 2IN + 1IN - 2 15 2IN - 1IN - 2 15 2IN - FEEDBACK 3 14 REF FEEDBACK 3 14 REF DTC 4 13 OUTPUT CTRL DTC 4 13 OUTPUT CTRL CT 5 12 VCC CT 5 12 VCC RT 6 11 C2 RT 6 11 C2 GND 7 10 E2 GND 7 10 E2 C1 8 9 E1 C1 8 9 E1 Figure 2. Pin Configuration of AZ7500E (Top View) Output Function Control Table Signal for Output Control Output Function VI = GND Single-ended or parallel output VI = VREF Normal push-pull operation Functional Block Diagram OUTPUT CTRL RT CT 6 5 8 13 Oscillator Pulse-Steering Flip-Flop Q1 Dead-Time Control Comparator DTC 9 D 4 + 11 CK 0.12V Error Amplifier 1 1IN + 1IN - 1 + 10 PWM Comparator FEEDBACK E2 2 12 2IN - E1 C2 Q2 + Error Amplifier 2 2IN + C1 16 + 14 Reference Regulator 15 0.7mA 7 VCC REF GND 3 Figure 3. Functional Block Diagram of AZ7500E Oct. 2008 Rev. 1. 2 BCD Semiconductor Manufacturing Limited 2 Data Sheet PULSE-WIDTH-MODULATION CONTROL CIRCUITS AZ7500E Ordering Information AZ7500 E1: Lead Free G1: Green Circuit Type TR: Tape and Reel Blank: Tube Package M: SOIC-16 P: DIP-16 Reference Voltage E: 4.95V Package Temperature Range SOIC-16 o -40 to 85 C DIP-16 Part Number Lead Free Marking ID Green Lead Free Green Packing Type AZ7500EM-E1 AZ7500EM-G1 AZ7500EM-E1 AZ7500EM-G1 Tube AZ7500EMTR-E1 AZ7500EMTR-G1 AZ7500EM-E1 AZ7500EM-G1 Tape & Reel AZ7500EP-E1 AZ7500EP-G1 AZ7500EP-G1 Tube AZ7500EP-E1 BCD Semiconductor's Pb-free products, as designated with "E1" suffix in the part number, are RoHS compliant. Products with "G1" suffix are available in green packages. Oct. 2008 Rev. 1. 2 BCD Semiconductor Manufacturing Limited 3 Data Sheet PULSE-WIDTH-MODULATION CONTROL CIRCUITS AZ7500E Absolute Maximum Ratings (Note 1) Parameter Symbol Value Unit Supply Voltage (Note 2) VCC 40 V Amplifier Input Voltage VI -0.3 to VCC + 0.3 V Collector Output Voltage VO 40 V Collector Output Current IO 250 mA M Package 73 P Package 67 o RθJA Package Thermal Impedance (Note 3) Lead Temperature 1.6mm from case for 10 seconds oC 260 TSTG Storage Temperature Range o -65 to 150 ESD rating (Machine Model) C/W 200 C V Note 1: Stresses greater than those listed under "Absolute Maximum Ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated under "Recommended Operating Conditions" is not implied. Exposure to "Absolute Maximum Ratings" for extended periods may affect device reliability. Note 2: All voltage values are with respect to the network ground terminal. Note 3: Maximum power dissipation is a function of TJ(max), RθJA and TA. The maximum allowable power dissipation at any allowable ambient temperature is PD = ( TJ(max) - TA )/RθJA. Operating at the absolute maximum TJ of 150oC can affect reliability. Recommended Operating Conditions Parameter Supply Voltage Symbol Min Typ Max Unit VCC 7 15 36 V 30 36 V 200 mA VCC - 2 V Collector Output Voltage VC1, VC2 Collector Output Current (Each Transistor) IC1, IC2 Amplifier Input Voltage VI Current Into Feedback Terminal IFB 0.3 mA Reference Output Current IREF 10 mA 0.3 Timing Capacitor CT 0.00047 0.001 10 µF Timing Resistor RT 1.8 30 500 KΩ Oscillator Frequency fosc 1.0 40 200 KHz 0.3 5.3 V TA -40 85 oC PWM Input Voltage (Pin 3, 4, 14) Operating Free-Air Temperature Oct. 2008 Rev. 1. 2 BCD Semiconductor Manufacturing Limited 4 Data Sheet PULSE-WIDTH-MODULATION CONTROL CIRCUITS AZ7500E Electrical Characteristics TA = 25oC, VCC=20V, f=10KHz unless otherwise noted. Parameter Symbol Conditions Min Typ Max Unit 4.90 4.95 5.0 V 4.85 4.95 5.05 V Reference Section IREF=1mA Output Reference Voltage VREF o IREF=1mA, TA= -40 to 85 C Line Regulation RLINE VCC = 7V to 36V 2 25 mV Load Regulation RLOAD IREF=1mA to 10mA 1 15 mV 35 50 mA Short-Circuit Output Current ISC VREF = 0V 10 Oscillator Section CT=0.001µF, RT=30KΩ, Oscillator Frequency fOSC CT=0.01µF, RT=12KΩ 9.2 CT=0.01µF, RT=12KΩ, TA= -40 to 85oC Frequency Change with Temperature ∆f /∆T 40 10 9.0 10.8 KHz 12 CT=0.01µF, RT=12KΩ, TA= -40 to 85oC 1 % -10 µA Dead-Time Control Section Input Bias Current Maximum Duty Cycle Input Threshold Voltage IBIAS D(MAX) VITH VCC=15V, V4= 0 to 5.25V VCC=15V, V4= 0V, Pin 13= VREF -2 45 Zero Duty Cycle Maximum Duty Cycle % 3 3.3 0 V Error-Amplifier Section Input Offset Voltage VIO V3 = 2.5V 2 10 mV Input Offset Current IIO V3 = 2.5V 25 250 nA Input Bias Current IBIAS V3 = 2.5V 0.2 1 µA Common-Mode Input Voltage Range VCM VCC=7V to 36V VCC-2 V Open-Loop Voltage Gain GVO VO =0.5V to 3.5V Unity-Gain Bandwidth 70 BW Common-Mode Rejection Ratio CMRR Output Sink Current (Feedback) ISINK Output Source Current (Feedback) -0.3 ISOURCE VID = -15mV to -5V, V3 = 0.7V VID=15mV to 5V V3 = 3.5V Oct. 2008 Rev. 1. 2 95 dB 650 KHz 65 80 dB -0.3 -0.7 mA 2 mA BCD Semiconductor Manufacturing Limited 5 Data Sheet PULSE-WIDTH-MODULATION CONTROL CIRCUITS AZ7500E Electrical Characteristics (Continued) Parameter Symbol Conditions Min Typ Max Unit 4 4.5 V PWM Comparator Section Input Threshold Voltage VITH Zero duty cycle Input Sink Current ISINK V3 = 0.7V -0.3 -0.7 mA Output Section Common Emitter VCE (SAT) VE = 0V, IC =200mA 1.1 1.3 Emitter Follower VCC (SAT) VCC = 15V, IE = -200mA 1.5 2.5 Collector Off-State Current IC (OFF) VCE = 36V, VCC=36V 2 100 µA Emitter Off-State Current IE(OFF) VCC = VC = 36V, VE = 0 -100 µA ICC Pin 6 = VREF, VCC=15V 6 10 mA Output Saturation Voltage V Total Device Supply Current Output Switching Characteristics Rise Time tR Common Emitter Common Collector 100 200 ns Fall Time tF Common Emitter Common Collector 25 100 ns Oct. 2008 Rev. 1. 2 BCD Semiconductor Manufacturing Limited 6 Data Sheet PULSE-WIDTH-MODULATION CONTROL CIRCUITS AZ7500E Parameter Measurement information VCC = 20V 12 VCC 4 Test Inputs 3 12KΩ 6 5 DTC C1 FEEDBACK E1 RT C2 E2 CT 8 150Ω 4W 150Ω 4W Output 1 9 11 Output 2 10 0.01uF 1 1IN+ 2 1IN- 16 2IN+ 15 2IN- 13 OUTPUT CTRL GND REF 14 50KΩ 7 Test Circuit Voltage at C1 VCC Voltage at C2 VCC 0V 0V Voltage at CT Threshold Voltage DTC 0V Threshold Voltage FEEDBACK 0.7V Duty Cycle 0% 0% MAX Voltage Waveforms Figure 4. Operational Test Circuit and Waveforms Oct. 2008 Rev. 1. 2 BCD Semiconductor Manufacturing Limited 7 Data Sheet PULSE-WIDTH-MODULATION CONTROL CIRCUITS AZ7500E Parameter Measurement information (Continued) Amplifier Under Test + VI FEEDBACK + Vref Other Amplifier Figure 5. Error Amplifier Characteristics 20V 68Ω 4W Each Output Circuit tf Output tr 90% 90% CL = 15pF (See Note A) 10% 10% Note A: CL includes probe and jig capacitance. Figure 6. Common-Emitter Configuration 20V Each Output Circuit 90% 90% Output CL = 15pF (See Note A) 10% 10% 68Ω 4W tr tf Note A: CL includes probe and jig capacitance. Figure 7. Emitter-Follower Configuration Oct. 2008 Rev. 1. 2 BCD Semiconductor Manufacturing Limited 8 Data Sheet PULSE-WIDTH-MODULATION CONTROL CIRCUITS AZ7500E Typical Performance Characteristics VCC=20V f - Oscillator Frequency (Hz) 100k O TA=25 C 0.001µF 10k 0.01µF 0.1µF 1k 1k 10k 100k 1M RT - Timing Resistance (Ω) Figure 8. Oscillator Frequency vs. RT and CT 100 VCC=20V ∆VO=3V 90 Voltage Gain (dB) 80 o TA=25 C 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 1 10 100 1k 10k 100k 1M Frequency (Hz) Figure 9. Error Amplifier Small-Signal Voltage Gain vs. Frequency Oct. 2008 Rev. 1. 2 BCD Semiconductor Manufacturing Limited 9 Data Sheet PULSE-WIDTH-MODULATION CONTROL CIRCUITS AZ7500E Typical Applications 1mH 2A (VI=10V to 40V) KSA1010 (VO=5V, IO=1A) VO VI(+) 47 12 11 VCC 8 C2 1M 0.1µ 150 C1 5.1k 3 2 FEED BACK 1IN- 14 + REF 2IN- AZ7500E + 50µ 50V 1IN+ 2IN+ DTC GND 4 7 E1 9 OUTPUT CTRL 13 E2 10 RT 6 47k 15 5.1k 5.1k 1 16 CT 150 5 + 50µ 10V 50µ + 10V 0.001µ GND 0.1 VI(-) Figure 10. Pulse Width Modulated Step-Down Converter Oct. 2008 Rev. 1. 2 BCD Semiconductor Manufacturing Limited 10 Data Sheet PULSE-WIDTH-MODULATION CONTROL CIRCUITS AZ7500E Mechanical Dimensions SOIC-16 1.000(0.039) 1.300(0.051) Unit: mm(inch) 1.650(0.065) 0.700(0.028) 7° 0.406(0.016) φ 2.000(0.079) Depth 0.060(0.002) 0.100(0.004) 7° B A 20:1 0.250(0.010) 0.500(0.020) 10.000(0.394) 1° 5° R0.200(0.008) R0.200(0.008) 0.150(0.006) 0.250(0.010) 0.203(0.008) 6.040(0.238) 3.940(0.155) 8° 9.5 ° 0.200(0.008) S φ1.000(0.039) 8° 8° C-C 50:1 B 20:1 C 3° 7° 0.250(0.010) 0.200(0.008)MIN Depth 0.200(0.008) A 0.400(0.016)×45° 1.000(0.039) 1.270(0.050) 0.600(0.024) C Oct. 2008 Rev. 1. 2 BCD Semiconductor Manufacturing Limited 11 Data Sheet PULSE-WIDTH-MODULATION CONTROL CIRCUITS AZ7500E Mechanical Dimensions (Continued) DIP-16 Oct. 2008 Rev. 1. 2 Unit: mm(inch) BCD Semiconductor Manufacturing Limited 12 BCD Semiconductor Manufacturing Limited IMPORTANT NOTICE BCD Semiconductor Manufacturing Limited reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any products or specifications herein. BCD Semiconductor Manufacturing Limited does not assume any responsibility for use of any its products for any particular purpose, nor does BCD Semiconductor Manufacturing Limited assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any its products or circuits. BCD Semiconductor Manufacturing Limited does not convey any license under its patent rights or other rights nor the rights of others. MAIN SITE - Headquarters BCD Semiconductor Manufacturing Limited BCD Semiconductor Manufacturing Limited - Wafer Fab No. 1600, Zi Xing Road, Shanghai ZiZhu Science-basedLimited Industrial Park, 200241, China Shanghai SIM-BCD Semiconductor Manufacturing Tel: Fax: +86-21-24162277 800,+86-21-24162266, Yi Shan Road, Shanghai 200233, China Tel: +86-21-6485 1491, Fax: +86-21-5450 0008 REGIONAL SALES OFFICE Shenzhen OfficeSALES OFFICE REGIONAL - Wafer FabSemiconductor Manufacturing Limited BCD Shanghai SIM-BCD Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. - IC Design Group 800 Yi Shan Road, Shanghai 200233, China Corporation Advanced Analog Circuits (Shanghai) Tel: +86-21-6485 1491,YiFax: 0008200233, China 8F, Zone B, 900, Shan+86-21-5450 Road, Shanghai Tel: +86-21-6495 9539, Fax: +86-21-6485 9673 Taiwan Office Shanghai Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Shenzhen Office BCD Taiwan Semiconductor Shenzhen SIM-BCD Office Office (Taiwan) Company Limited Room E, 5F, Noble Center, No.1006,Manufacturing 3rd Fuzhong Road, Futian District,Office Shenzhen, 4F, 298-1, Guang Road,(Taiwan) Nei-Hu District, Taipei, Shanghai SIM-BCD Semiconductor Co., Ltd. Shenzhen BCDRui Semiconductor Company Limited 518026, China Taiwan Advanced Analog Circuits (Shanghai) Corporation Shenzhen Office 4F, 298-1, Rui Guang Road, Nei-Hu District, Taipei, Tel: +86-755-8826 Tel: +886-2-2656 2808 Room E, 5F, Noble 7951 Center, No.1006, 3rd Fuzhong Road, Futian District, Shenzhen 518026, China Taiwan Fax: +86-755-88267951 7865 Fax: +886-2-2656 28062808 Tel: +86-755-8826 Tel: +886-2-2656 Fax: +86-755-8826 7865 Fax: +886-2-2656 2806 USA Office BCD Office Semiconductor Corp. USA 30920Semiconductor Huntwood Ave.Corporation Hayward, BCD CA 94544, USA Ave. Hayward, 30920 Huntwood Tel :94544, +1-510-324-2988 CA U.S.A Fax:: +1-510-324-2988 +1-510-324-2788 Tel Fax: +1-510-324-2788