Intel® Desktop Board D945GNT Technical Product Specification May 2005 Order Number: D14069-001US The Intel® Desktop Board D945GNT may contain design defects or errors known as errata that may cause the product to deviate from published specifications. Current characterized errata are documented in the Intel Desktop Board D945GNT Specification Update. Revision History Revision -001 Revision History First release of the Specification. Date Intel® Desktop Board D945GNT Technical Product May 2005 This product specification applies to only the standard Intel Desktop Board D945GNT with BIOS identifier NT94510J.86A. Changes to this specification will be published in the Intel Desktop Board D945GNT Specification Update before being incorporated into a revision of this document. INFORMATION IN THIS DOCUMENT IS PROVIDED IN CONNECTION WITH INTEL® PRODUCTS. NO LICENSE, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, BY ESTOPPEL OR OTHERWISE, TO ANY INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS IS GRANTED BY THIS DOCUMENT. EXCEPT AS PROVIDED IN INTEL’S TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE FOR SUCH PRODUCTS, INTEL ASSUMES NO LIABILITY WHATSOEVER, AND INTEL DISCLAIMS ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY, RELATING TO SALE AND/OR USE OF INTEL PRODUCTS INCLUDING LIABILITY OR WARRANTIES RELATING TO FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, MERCHANTABILITY, OR INFRINGEMENT OF ANY PATENT, COPYRIGHT OR OTHER INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHT. INTEL PRODUCTS ARE NOT INTENDED FOR USE IN MEDICAL, LIFE SAVING, OR LIFE SUSTAINING APPLICATIONS. All Intel desktop boards are evaluated as Information Technology Equipment (I.T.E.) for use in personal computers (PC) for installation in homes, offices, schools, computer rooms, and similar locations. The suitability of this product for other PC or embedded non-PC applications or other environments, such as medical, industrial, alarm systems, test equipment, etc. may not be supported without further evaluation by Intel. Intel Corporation may have patents or pending patent applications, trademarks, copyrights, or other intellectual property rights that relate to the presented subject matter. The furnishing of documents and other materials and information does not provide any license, express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, to any such patents, trademarks, copyrights, or other intellectual property rights. Intel may make changes to specifications and product descriptions at any time, without notice. Designers must not rely on the absence or characteristics of any features or instructions marked “reserved” or “undefined.” Intel reserves these for future definition and shall have no responsibility whatsoever for conflicts or incompatibilities arising from future changes to them. Intel® desktop boards may contain design defects or errors known as errata, which may cause the product to deviate from published specifications. Current characterized errata are available on request. Contact your local Intel sales office or your distributor to obtain the latest specifications before placing your product order. Copies of documents which have an ordering number and are referenced in this document, or other Intel literature, may be obtained from: Intel Corporation P.O. Box 5937 Denver, CO 80217-9808 or call in North America 1-800-548-4725, Europe 44-0-1793-431-155, France 44-0-1793-421-777, Germany 44-0-1793-421-333, other Countries 708-296-9333. Intel, Pentium, and Celeron are registered trademarks of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries in the United States and other countries. * Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others. Copyright © 2005, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. Preface This Technical Product Specification (TPS) specifies the board layout, components, connectors, power and environmental requirements, and the BIOS for the Intel® Desktop Board D945GNT. It describes the standard product and available manufacturing options. Intended Audience The TPS is intended to provide detailed, technical information about the Desktop Board D945GNT and its components to the vendors, system integrators, and other engineers and technicians who need this level of information. It is specifically not intended for general audiences. What This Document Contains Chapter 1 2 3 4 Description A description of the hardware used on the Desktop Board D945GNT A map of the resources of the Desktop Board The features supported by the BIOS Setup program A description of the BIOS error messages, beep codes, and POST codes Typographical Conventions This section contains information about the conventions used in this specification. Not all of these symbols and abbreviations appear in all specifications of this type. Notes, Cautions, and Warnings NOTE Notes call attention to important information. # INTEGRATOR’S NOTES Integrator’s notes are used to call attention to information that may be useful to system integrators. CAUTION Cautions are included to help you avoid damaging hardware or losing data. WARNING Warnings indicate conditions, which if not observed, can cause personal injury. iii Intel Desktop Board D945GNT Technical Product Specification Other Common Notation iv # Used after a signal name to identify an active-low signal (such as USBP0#) (NxnX) When used in the description of a component, N indicates component type, xn are the relative coordinates of its location on the Desktop Board D945GNT, and X is the instance of the particular part at that general location. For example, J5J1 is a connector, located at 5J. It is the first connector in the 5J area. GB Gigabyte (1,073,741,824 bytes) GB/sec Gigabytes per second Gbits/sec Gigabits per second KB Kilobyte (1024 bytes) Kbit Kilobit (1024 bits) kbits/sec 1000 bits per second MB Megabyte (1,048,576 bytes) MB/sec Megabytes per second Mbit Megabit (1,048,576 bits) Mbit/sec Megabits per second xxh An address or data value ending with a lowercase h indicates a hexadecimal value. x.x V Volts. Voltages are DC unless otherwise specified. * This symbol is used to indicate third-party brands and names that are the property of their respective owners. Contents 1 Product Description 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13 Overview ...................................................................................................................... 10 1.1.1 Feature Summary.......................................................................................... 10 1.1.2 Manufacturing Options .................................................................................. 11 1.1.3 Board Layout ................................................................................................. 12 1.1.4 Block Diagram ............................................................................................... 14 Online Support ............................................................................................................. 15 Processor ..................................................................................................................... 15 System Memory ........................................................................................................... 16 1.4.1 Memory Configurations ................................................................................. 17 Intel® 945G Chipset ..................................................................................................... 21 1.5.1 Intel 945G Graphics Subsystem.................................................................... 21 1.5.2 USB ............................................................................................................... 23 1.5.3 IDE Support ................................................................................................... 24 1.5.4 Real-Time Clock, CMOS SRAM, and Battery................................................ 26 PCI Express Connectors.............................................................................................. 26 IEEE-1394a Connectors (Optional).............................................................................. 26 Legacy I/O Controller ................................................................................................... 27 1.8.1 Serial Port...................................................................................................... 27 1.8.2 Parallel Port ................................................................................................... 27 1.8.3 Diskette Drive Controller................................................................................ 27 1.8.4 Keyboard and Mouse Interface ..................................................................... 27 Audio Subsystem ......................................................................................................... 28 1.9.1 Audio Subsystem Software ........................................................................... 28 1.9.2 Audio Connectors .......................................................................................... 28 1.9.3 8-Channel (7.1) Audio Subsystem................................................................. 29 1.9.4 6-Channel (5.1) Audio Subsystem................................................................. 31 LAN Subsystem ........................................................................................................... 32 1.10.1 LAN Subsystem Software.............................................................................. 32 1.10.2 10/100 Mbits/sec LAN Subsystem................................................................. 32 1.10.3 Gigabit LAN Subsystem ................................................................................ 33 1.10.4 Intel® Active Management Technology (Optional)......................................... 34 1.10.5 Alert Standard Format (ASF) Support (Optional) .......................................... 36 Hardware Management Subsystem............................................................................. 36 1.11.1 Hardware Monitoring and Fan Control ASIC ................................................. 37 1.11.2 Chassis Intrusion and Detection.................................................................... 37 1.11.3 Fan Monitoring............................................................................................... 37 1.11.4 Thermal Monitoring........................................................................................ 38 Power Management ..................................................................................................... 39 1.12.1 ACPI .............................................................................................................. 39 1.12.2 Hardware Support ......................................................................................... 41 Trusted Platform Module (Optional) ............................................................................. 45 v Intel Desktop Board D945GNT Technical Product Specification 2 Technical Reference 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 2.10 2.11 2.12 2.13 2.14 2.15 Introduction .................................................................................................................. 47 Memory Resources ...................................................................................................... 47 2.2.1 Addressable Memory..................................................................................... 47 2.2.2 Memory Map.................................................................................................. 49 DMA Channels ............................................................................................................. 49 Fixed I/O Map............................................................................................................... 50 PCI Configuration Space Map...................................................................................... 51 Interrupts ...................................................................................................................... 52 PCI Conventional Interrupt Routing Map ..................................................................... 53 Connectors................................................................................................................... 55 2.8.1 Back Panel Connectors ................................................................................. 55 2.8.2 Component-side Connectors......................................................................... 58 Jumper Block ............................................................................................................... 67 Mechanical Considerations .......................................................................................... 68 2.10.1 Form Factor ................................................................................................... 68 2.10.2 I/O Shield....................................................................................................... 69 Electrical Considerations.............................................................................................. 71 2.11.1 DC Loading.................................................................................................... 71 2.11.2 Add-in Board Considerations......................................................................... 71 2.11.3 Fan Connector Current Capability ................................................................. 72 2.11.4 Power Supply Considerations ....................................................................... 72 Thermal Considerations ............................................................................................... 73 Reliability...................................................................................................................... 75 Environmental .............................................................................................................. 76 Regulatory Compliance................................................................................................ 77 2.15.1 Safety Regulations ........................................................................................ 77 2.15.2 EMC Regulations........................................................................................... 77 2.15.3 European Union Declaration of Conformity Statement.................................. 78 2.15.4 Recycling Considerations .............................................................................. 79 2.15.5 Product Certification Markings (Board Level) ................................................ 80 3 Overview of BIOS Features 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 vi Introduction .................................................................................................................. 81 BIOS Flash Memory Organization ............................................................................... 82 Resource Configuration ............................................................................................... 82 3.3.1 PCI Autoconfiguration.................................................................................... 82 3.3.2 PCI IDE Support ............................................................................................ 82 System Management BIOS (SMBIOS) ........................................................................ 83 Legacy USB Support.................................................................................................... 83 BIOS Updates .............................................................................................................. 84 3.6.1 Language Support ......................................................................................... 84 3.6.2 Custom Splash Screen.................................................................................. 84 Boot Options ................................................................................................................ 85 3.7.1 CD-ROM Boot ............................................................................................... 85 3.7.2 Network Boot ................................................................................................. 85 3.7.3 Booting Without Attached Devices ................................................................ 85 3.7.4 Changing the Default Boot Device During POST .......................................... 85 Contents 3.8 3.9 Adjusting Boot Speed................................................................................................... 86 3.8.1 Peripheral Selection and Configuration ......................................................... 86 3.8.2 BIOS Boot Optimizations............................................................................... 86 BIOS Security Features ............................................................................................... 87 4 Error Messages and Beep Codes 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 Speaker ....................................................................................................................... 89 BIOS Beep Codes........................................................................................................ 89 BIOS Error Messages .................................................................................................. 89 Port 80h POST Codes ................................................................................................. 90 Figures 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. Board Components ...................................................................................................... 12 Block Diagram.............................................................................................................. 14 Memory Channel and DIMM Configuration .................................................................. 17 Dual Channel (Interleaved) Mode Configuration with Two DIMMs .............................. 18 Dual Channel (Interleaved) Mode Configuration with Three DIMMs............................ 18 Dual Channel (Interleaved) Mode Configuration with Four DIMMs.............................. 19 Single Channel (Asymmetric) Mode Configuration with One DIMM............................. 20 Single Channel (Asymmetric) Mode Configuration with Three DIMMs ........................ 20 Front/Back Panel Audio Connector Options for 8-Channel (7.1) Audio Subsystem .... 29 8-channel (7.1) Audio Subsystem Block Diagram........................................................ 30 Front/Back Panel Audio Connector Options for 6-Channel (5.1) Audio Subsystem .... 31 6-Channel (5.1) Audio Subsystem Block Diagram....................................................... 31 LAN Connector LED Locations .................................................................................... 33 LAN Connector LED Locations .................................................................................... 34 Thermal Sensors and Fan Connectors ........................................................................ 38 Location of the Standby Power Indicator LED ............................................................. 44 Detailed System Memory Address Map ....................................................................... 48 Back Panel Connectors for 8-Channel (7.1) Audio Subsystem ................................... 56 Back Panel Connectors for 6-Channel (5.1) Audio Subsystem ................................... 57 Component-side Connectors ....................................................................................... 58 Connection Diagram for Front Panel Connector .......................................................... 64 Connection Diagram for Front Panel USB Connectors................................................ 66 Connection Diagram for IEEE 1394a Connectors........................................................ 66 Location of the Jumper Block....................................................................................... 67 Board Dimensions........................................................................................................ 68 I/O Shield Dimensions for Boards with the 8-Channel (7.1) Audio Subsystem............ 69 I/O Shield Dimensions for Boards with the 6-Channel (5.1) Audio Subsystem............ 70 Processor Heatsink for Omni-directional Airflow.......................................................... 73 Localized High Temperature Zones ............................................................................. 74 Tables 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Feature Summary ........................................................................................................ 10 Manufacturing Options ................................................................................................. 11 Board Components Shown in Figure 1 ........................................................................ 13 Supported Memory Configurations .............................................................................. 16 LAN Connector LED States ......................................................................................... 33 vii Intel Desktop Board D945GNT Technical Product Specification 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. viii LAN Connector LED States ......................................................................................... 34 Effects of Pressing the Power Switch .......................................................................... 39 Power States and Targeted System Power ................................................................. 40 Wake-up Devices and Events ...................................................................................... 41 System Memory Map ................................................................................................... 49 DMA Channels ............................................................................................................. 49 I/O Map ........................................................................................................................ 50 PCI Configuration Space Map...................................................................................... 51 Interrupts ...................................................................................................................... 52 PCI Interrupt Routing Map ........................................................................................... 54 Back Panel Connectors Shown in Figure 18................................................................ 56 Back Panel Connectors Shown in Figure 19................................................................ 57 Component-side Connectors Shown in Figure 20 ....................................................... 59 Front Panel Audio Connector....................................................................................... 60 Chassis Intrusion Connector ........................................................................................ 60 SCSI Hard Drive Activity LED Connector (Optional) .................................................... 60 Serial ATA Connectors................................................................................................. 60 Processor Fan Connector ............................................................................................ 61 Front and Rear Chassis Fan Connectors..................................................................... 61 Auxiliary Fan Connector (optional)............................................................................... 61 Main Power Connector................................................................................................. 62 ATX12V Power Connector ........................................................................................... 62 Auxiliary Front Panel Power/Sleep LED Connector ..................................................... 63 Front Panel Connector ................................................................................................. 64 States for a One-Color Power LED .............................................................................. 65 States for a Two-Color Power LED .............................................................................. 65 BIOS Setup Configuration Jumper Settings................................................................. 67 DC Loading Characteristics ......................................................................................... 71 Fan Connector Current Capability................................................................................ 72 Thermal Considerations for Components .................................................................... 75 Environmental Specifications ....................................................................................... 76 Safety Regulations ....................................................................................................... 77 EMC Regulations ......................................................................................................... 77 Product Certification Markings ..................................................................................... 80 BIOS Setup Program Menu Bar................................................................................... 82 BIOS Setup Program Function Keys............................................................................ 82 Boot Device Menu Options .......................................................................................... 85 Supervisor and User Password Functions ................................................................... 87 Beep Codes ................................................................................................................. 89 BIOS Error Messages .................................................................................................. 89 Port 80h POST Code Ranges...................................................................................... 90 Port 80h POST Codes ................................................................................................. 91 Typical Port 80h POST Sequence ............................................................................... 94 1 Product Description What This Chapter Contains 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13 Overview ...................................................................................................................... 10 Online Support ............................................................................................................. 15 Processor ..................................................................................................................... 15 System Memory ........................................................................................................... 16 Intel® 945G Chipset ..................................................................................................... 21 PCI Express Connectors.............................................................................................. 26 IEEE-1394a Connectors (Optional).............................................................................. 26 Legacy I/O Controller ................................................................................................... 27 Audio Subsystem ......................................................................................................... 28 LAN Subsystem ........................................................................................................... 32 Hardware Management Subsystem............................................................................. 36 Power Management ..................................................................................................... 39 Trusted Platform Module (Optional) ............................................................................. 45 9 Intel Desktop Board D945GNT Technical Product Specification 1.1 Overview 1.1.1 Feature Summary Table 1 summarizes the major features of the board. Table 1. Feature Summary Form Factor ATX (12.00 inches by 9.60 inches [304.80 millimeters by 243.84 millimeters]) Processor Support for an Intel® Pentium® 4 processor in an LGA775 socket with a 1066, 800, or 533 MHz system bus Memory • Four 240-pin DDR2 SDRAM Dual Inline Memory Module (DIMM) sockets • Support for DDR2 667, DDR2 533, or DDR2 400 MHz DIMMs • Support for up to 4 GB of system memory Chipset Intel® 945G Chipset, consisting of: • Intel® 82945G Graphics Memory Controller Hub (GMCH) • Intel® 82801G I/O Controller Hub (ICH7) Video Intel® GMA950 onboard graphics subsystem Audio Refer to Table 2 on page 11 for a description of audio subsystem options Legacy I/O Control Legacy I/O controller for diskette drive, serial, parallel, and PS/2* ports USB Support for USB 2.0 devices Peripheral Interfaces • Eight USB ports • One serial port • One parallel port • Four Serial ATA interfaces • One Parallel ATA IDE interface with UDMA 33, ATA-66/100 support • One diskette drive interface • PS/2 keyboard and mouse ports LAN Support Refer to Table 2 on page 11 for a description of LAN subsystem options. BIOS • Intel® BIOS (resident in the SPI Flash device) • Support for Advanced Configuration and Power Interface (ACPI), Plug and Play, and SMBIOS Expansion Capabilities • Four PCI Conventional* bus connectors • Two PCI Express* x1 bus add-in card connectors • One PCI Express x16 bus add-in card connector Instantly Available PC Technology • Support for PCI Local Bus Specification Revision 2.3 • Support for PCI Express Revision 1.0a • Suspend to RAM support • Wake on PCI, RS-232, front panel, PS/2 devices, and USB ports Hardware Monitor Subsystem • Hardware monitoring and fan control ASIC • Voltage sense to detect out of range power supply voltages • Thermal sense to detect out of range thermal values • Three fan connectors • Three fan sense inputs used to monitor fan activity • Fan speed control 10 Product Description 1.1.2 Manufacturing Options Table 2 describes the manufacturing options. Not every manufacturing option is available in all marketing channels. Please contact your Intel representative to determine which manufacturing options are available to you. Table 2. Manufacturing Options Audio Subsystem Intel® High Definition Audio subsystem in one of the following configurations: • 8-channel (7.1) audio subsystem with five analog audio outputs and two S/PDIF digital audio outputs (coaxial and optical) using the Sigmatel* 9223 audio codec • 6-channel (5.1) audio subsystem with three analog audio outputs using the Sigmatel 9220 audio codec Auxiliary fan connector Additional fan connector for use in larger chassis IEEE-1394a Interface IEEE-1394a controller and three IEEE-1394a connectors (one back panel connector, two front-panel connectors) LAN subsystem The board provides one of the following: • Gigabit (10/100/1000 Mbits/sec) LAN subsystem using the Intel® 82573E/82573V/82574V Gigabit Ethernet Controller • 10/100 Mbits/sec LAN subsystem using the Intel® 82562GX/82562GZ Platform LAN Connect (PLC) device SATA RAID Intel® 82801GR I/O Controller Hub (ICH7-R) for RAID support (levels 0,1, 0+1, and 5) on the SATA interface SCSI Hard Drive Activity LED Connector Allows add-in hard drive controllers (SCSI or other) to use the same LED as the onboard IDE controller Trusted Platform Module (TPM), revision 1.2 A component that enhances platform security For information about Refer to Available configurations for the board Section 1.2, page 15 11 Intel Desktop Board D945GNT Technical Product Specification 1.1.3 Board Layout Figure 1 shows the location of the major components. B A D C G E F H I J HH K L GG FF EE DD M N CC O BB P Q AA W Y Z V U T S R X OM17738 Figure 1. Board Components Table 3 lists the components identified in Figure 1. 12 Product Description Table 3. Board Components Shown in Figure 1 Item/callout from Figure 1 Description A Auxiliary fan connector (optional) B Speaker C PCI Express x1 bus add-in card connectors [2] D Audio codec E Front panel audio connector F Ethernet device G PCI Conventional bus add-in card connectors [2] H PCI Express x16 bus add-in card connector I Back panel connectors J +12V power connector (ATX12V) K Rear chassis fan connector L LGA775 processor socket M Intel 82945G GMCH N Processor fan connector O DIMM Channel A sockets [2] P DIMM Channel B sockets [2] Q SCSI LED connector (optional) R Legacy I/O controller S Power connector T Diskette drive connector U Parallel ATE IDE connector V Battery W Front chassis fan connector X BIOS Setup configuration jumper block Y Serial ATA connectors [4] Z Auxiliary front panel power LED connector AA Front panel connector BB Front panel USB connectors [2] CC Chassis intrusion connector DD Intel 82801G I/O Controller Hub (ICH7) EE SPI flash device FF IEEE-1394a controller (optional) GG Front panel IEEE-1394a connectors (optional) [2] HH PCI Conventional bus add-in card connectors [2] 13 Intel Desktop Board D945GNT Technical Product Specification 1.1.4 Block Diagram Figure 2 is a block diagram of the major functional areas. Gigabit Ethernet Controller (Optional) PCI Express x1 Interface PCI Express x1 Slot 1 LAN Connector Back Panel/Front Panel USB Ports USB PCI Express x1 Slot 2 Serial Port Parallel ATA IDE Connector Legacy I/O Controller Parallel ATA IDE Interface Parallel Port PS/2 Mouse PS/2 Keyboard PCI Express x16 Interface System Bus (1066/800/533 MHz) Intel 945G Chipset Intel 82945G Graphics and Memory Controller Hub (GMCH) PCI Express x16 Connector VGA Port Intel 82801G I/O Controller Hub (ICH7) LAN Connect Interface Display Interface SMBus Channel B DIMMs (2) IEEE-1394a Connectors (optional) IEEE-1394a Controller (optional) PCI Bus High Definition Audio Link Dual-Channel Memory Bus Channel A DIMMs (2) Diskette Drive Connector LPC Bus DMI Interconnect LGA775 Processor Socket Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) Flash Device TPM Component (Optional) LPC Bus 10/100 LAN PLC (Optional) Serial ATA IDE Interface LAN Connector Serial ATA IDE Connectors (4) Line Out PCI Bus Mic In Line In/Retasking Jack PCI Slot 1 PCI Slot 2 Line Out/Retasking Jack SMBus Audio Codec PCI Slot 3 PCI Slot 4 Hardware Monitoring and Fan Control ASIC Mic In/Retasking Jack Center and LFE/ Retasking Jack (optional) Surround L-R/ Retasking Jack (optional) S/PDIF (optional) = connector or socket OM17819 Figure 2. Block Diagram 14 Product Description 1.2 Online Support To find information about… Visit this World Wide Web site: Intel Desktop Board D945GNT under “Desktop Board Products” or “Desktop Board Support” Available configurations for the Desktop Board D945GNT Processor data sheets ICH7 addressing Custom splash screens Audio software and utilities LAN software and drivers Supported video modes Intel® Active Management Technology 1.3 Processor The board is designed to support Intel Pentium 4 processors in an LGA775 processor socket with a 1066, 800, or 533 MHz system bus. See the Intel web site listed below for the most up-to-date list of supported processors. For information about… Refer to: Supported processors CAUTION Use only the processors listed on web site above. Use of unsupported processors can damage the board, the processor, and the power supply. # INTEGRATOR’S NOTE Use only ATX12V-compliant power supplies. For information about Refer to Power supply connectors Section, page 62 15 Intel Desktop Board D945GNT Technical Product Specification 1.4 System Memory The board has four DIMM sockets and support the following memory features: • • 1.8 V (only) DDR2 SDRAM DIMMs with gold-plated contacts Unbuffered, single-sided or double-sided DIMMs with the following restriction: Double-sided DIMMS with x16 organization are not supported. • • • • • 4 GB maximum total system memory. Refer to Section 2.2.1 on page 47 for information on the total amount of addressable memory. Minimum total system memory: 128 MB Non-ECC DIMMs Serial Presence Detect DDR2 667, DDR2 533, or DDR2 400 MHz SDRAM DIMMs NOTES • • Remove the PCI Express x16 video card before installing or upgrading memory to avoid interference with the memory retention mechanism. To be fully compliant with all applicable DDR SDRAM memory specifications, the board should be populated with DIMMs that support the Serial Presence Detect (SPD) data structure. This allows the BIOS to read the SPD data and program the chipset to accurately configure memory settings for optimum performance. If non-SPD memory is installed, the BIOS will attempt to correctly configure the memory settings, but performance and reliability may be impacted or the DIMMs may not function under the determined frequency. Table 4 lists the supported DIMM configurations. Table 4. Supported Memory Configurations DIMM Capacity Configuration SDRAM Density SDRAM Organization Front-side/Back-side Number of SDRAM Devices 128 MB SS 256 Mbit 16 M x 16/empty 4 256 MB SS 256 Mbit 32 M x 8/empty 8 256 MB SS 512 Mbit 32 M x 16/empty 4 512 MB DS 256 Mbit 32 M x 8/32 M x 8 16 512 MB SS 512 Mbit 64 M x 8/empty 8 512 MB SS 1 Gbit 64 M x 16/empty 4 1024 MB DS 512 Mbit 64 M x 8/64 M x 8 16 1024 MB SS 1 Gbit 128 M x 8/empty 8 2048 MB DS 1 Gbit 128 M x 8/128 M x 8 16 Note: In the second column, “DS” refers to double-sided memory modules (containing two rows of SDRAM) and “SS” refers to single-sided memory modules (containing one row of SDRAM). # INTEGRATOR’S NOTE It is possible to install four 2048 MB (2 GB) modules for a total of 8 GB of system memory, however, only 4 GB of address space is available. Refer to Section 2.2.1, on page 47 for additional information on available memory. 16 Product Description 1.4.1 Memory Configurations The Intel 82945G GMCH supports two types of memory organization: • • Dual channel (Interleaved) mode. This mode offers the highest throughput for real world applications. Dual channel mode is enabled when the installed memory capacities of both DIMM channels are equal. Technology and device width can vary from one channel to the other but the installed memory capacity for each channel must be equal. If different speed DIMMs are used between channels, the slowest memory timing will be used. Single channel (Asymmetric) mode. This mode is equivalent to single channel bandwidth operation for real world applications. This mode is used when only a single DIMM is installed or the memory capacities are unequal. Technology and device width can vary from one channel to the other. If different speed DIMMs are used between channels, the slowest memory timing will be used. Figure 3 illustrates the memory channel and DIMM configuration. NOTE The DIMM0 sockets of both channels are blue. The DIMM1 sockets of both channels are black. Channel A, DIMM 0 Channel A, DIMM 1 Channel B, DIMM 0 Channel B, DIMM 1 OM17739 Figure 3. Memory Channel and DIMM Configuration 17 Intel Desktop Board D945GNT Technical Product Specification Dual Channel (Interleaved) Mode Configurations Figure 4 shows a dual channel configuration using two DIMMs. In this example, the DIMM0 (blue) sockets of both channels are populated with identical DIMMs. 1 GB Channel A, DIMM 0 Channel A, DIMM 1 1 GB Channel B, DIMM 0 Channel B, DIMM 1 OM17123 Figure 4. Dual Channel (Interleaved) Mode Configuration with Two DIMMs Figure 5 shows a dual channel configuration using three DIMMs. In this example, the combined capacity of the two DIMMs in Channel A equal the capacity of the single DIMM in the DIMM0 (blue) socket of Channel B. 256 MB 256 MB Channel A, DIMM 0 Channel A, DIMM 1 512 MB Channel B, DIMM 0 Channel B, DIMM 1 OM17122 Figure 5. Dual Channel (Interleaved) Mode Configuration with Three DIMMs 18 Product Description Figure 6 shows a dual channel configuration using four DIMMs. In this example, the combined capacity of the two DIMMs in Channel A equal the combined capacity of the two DIMMs in Channel B. Also, the DIMMs are matched between DIMM0 and DIMM1 of both channels. 256 MB 512 MB Channel A, DIMM 0 Channel A, DIMM 1 256 MB 512 MB Channel B, DIMM 0 Channel B, DIMM 1 OM17124 Figure 6. Dual Channel (Interleaved) Mode Configuration with Four DIMMs 19 Intel Desktop Board D945GNT Technical Product Specification Single Channel (Asymmetric) Mode Configurations NOTE Dual channel (Interleaved) mode configurations provide the highest memory throughput. Figure 7 shows a single channel configuration using one DIMM. In this example, only the DIMM0 (blue) socket of Channel A is populated. Channel B is not populated. 256 MB Channel A, DIMM 0 Channel A, DIMM 1 Channel B, DIMM 0 Channel B, DIMM 1 OM17125 Figure 7. Single Channel (Asymmetric) Mode Configuration with One DIMM Figure 8 shows a single channel configuration using three DIMMs. In this example, the combined capacity of the two DIMMs in Channel A does not equal the capacity of the single DIMM in the DIMM0 (blue) socket of Channel B. 256 MB 512 MB Channel A, DIMM 0 Channel A, DIMM 1 512 MB Channel B, DIMM 0 Channel B, DIMM 1 OM17126 Figure 8. Single Channel (Asymmetric) Mode Configuration with Three DIMMs 20 Product Description 1.5 Intel® 945G Chipset The Intel 945G chipset consists of the following devices: • • Intel 82945G Graphics Memory Controller Hub (GMCH) with Direct Media Interface (DMI) interconnect Intel 82801G I/O Controller Hub (ICH7) with DMI interconnect The GMCH component provides interfaces to the CPU, memory, PCI Express, and the DMI interconnect. The component also provides integrated graphics capabilities supporting 3D, 2D and display capabilities. The ICH7 is a centralized controller for the board’s I/O paths. For information about Refer to The Intel 945G chipset Resources used by the chipset Chapter 2 1.5.1 Intel 945G Graphics Subsystem The Intel 945G chipset contains two separate, mutually exclusive graphics options. Either the GMA950 graphics controller (contained within the 82945G GMCH) is used, or a PCI Express x16 add-in card can be used. When a PCI Express x16 add-in card is installed, the GMA950 graphics controller is disabled. Intel® GMA950 Graphics Controller The Intel GMA950 graphics controller features the following: • • • • • 400 MHz core frequency High performance 3-D setup and render engine High quality texture engine ⎯ DX9* Compliant Hardware Pixel Shader 2.0 ⎯ Alpha and luminance maps ⎯ Texture color-keying/chroma-keying ⎯ Cubic environment reflection mapping ⎯ Enhanced texture blending functions 3D Graphics Rendering enhancements ⎯ 1.3 Dual Texture GigaPixel/Sec Fill Rate ⎯ 16 and 32 bit color ⎯ Maximum 3D supported resolution of 1600 x 1200 x 32 at 85 Hz ⎯ Vertex cache ⎯ Anti-aliased lines ⎯ OpenGL* version 1.4 support with vertex buffer and EXT_Shadow extensions 2D Graphics enhancements ⎯ 8, 16,and 32 bit color ⎯ Optimized 256-bit BLT engine ⎯ Color space conversion ⎯ Anti-aliased lines 21 Intel Desktop Board D945GNT Technical Product Specification • Video ⎯ Hardware motion compensation for MPEG2 • ⎯ Software DVD at 30 fps full screen Display ⎯ Integrated 24-bit 400 MHz RAMDAC ⎯ Up to 2048 x 1536 at 75 Hz refresh (QXGA) ⎯ DDC2B compliant interface ⎯ With Advanced Digital Display (ADD2/ADD2+) cards, support for TV-out / TV-in and DVI digital display connections ⎯ Supports flat panels up to 2048 x 1536 at 60Hz or digital CRT/HDTV at 1920 x 1080 at 85 Hz (with ADD2/ADD2+) • • ⎯ Two multiplexed DVO port interfaces with 200 MHz pixel clocks using an ADD2/ADD2+ card Dynamic Video Memory Technology (DVMT) support up to 224 MB Intel® Zoom Utility For information about Refer to DVMT Section, page 22 Obtaining graphics software and utilities Section 1.2, page 15 Dynamic Video Memory Technology (DVMT) DVMT enables enhanced graphics and memory performance through Direct AGP, and highly efficient memory utilization. DVMT ensures the most efficient use of available system memory for maximum 2-D/3-D graphics performance. Up to 224 MB of system memory can be allocated to DVMT on systems that have 512 MB or more of total system memory installed. Up to 128 MB can be allocated to DVMT on systems that have 256 MB but less than 512 MB of total installed system memory. Up to 64 MB can be allocated to DVMT when less than 256 MB of system memory is installed. DVMT returns system memory back to the operating system when the additional system memory is no longer required by the graphics subsystem. DVMT will always use a minimal fixed portion of system physical memory (as set in the BIOS Setup program) for compatibility with legacy applications. An example of this would be when using VGA graphics under DOS. Once loaded, the operating system and graphics drivers allocate additional system memory to the graphics buffer as needed for performing graphics functions. NOTE The use of DVMT requires operating system driver support. 22 Product Description Advanced Digital Display (ADD2/ADD2+) Card Support The GMCH routes two multiplexed DVO ports that are each capable of driving up to a 200 MHz pixel clock to the PCI Express x16 connector. The DVO ports can be paired for a dual channel configuration to support up to a 400 MHz pixel clock. When an ADD2/ADD2+ card is detected, the Intel GMA950 graphics controller is enabled and the PCI Express x16 connector is configured for DVO mode. DVO mode enables the DVO ports to be accessed by the ADD2/ADD2+ card. An ADD2/ADD2+ card can either be configured to support simultaneous display with the primary VGA display or can be configured to support dual independent display as an extended desktop configuration with different color depths and resolutions. ADD2/ADD2+ cards can be designed to support the following configurations: • • • • • • TV-Out (composite video) Transition Minimized Differential Signaling (TMDS) for DVI 1.0 Low Voltage Differential Signaling (LVDS) Single device operating in dual channel mode VGA output HDTV output Configuration Modes A list of supported modes for the Intel GMA950 graphics controller is available as a downloadable document. For information about Refer to Supported video modes for the board Section 1.2, page 15 1.5.2 USB The board supports up to eight USB 2.0 ports, supports UHCI and EHCI, and uses UHCI- and EHCI-compatible drivers. The ICH7 provides the USB controller for all ports. The port arrangement is as follows: • • Four ports are implemented with dual stacked back panel connectors adjacent to the audio connectors Four ports are routed to two separate front panel USB connectors NOTE Computer systems that have an unshielded cable attached to a USB port may not meet FCC Class B requirements, even if no device is attached to the cable. Use shielded cable that meets the requirements for full-speed devices. For information about Refer to The location of the USB connectors on the back panel Figure 19, page 57 The location of the front panel USB connectors Figure 20, page 58 23 Intel Desktop Board D945GNT Technical Product Specification 1.5.3 IDE Support The board provides five IDE interface connectors: • • One parallel ATA IDE connector that supports two devices Four serial ATA IDE connectors that support one device per connector Parallel ATE IDE Interface The ICH7’s Parallel ATA IDE controller has one bus-mastering Parallel ATA IDE interface. The Parallel ATA IDE interface supports the following modes: • • • • • Programmed I/O (PIO): processor controls data transfer. 8237-style DMA: DMA offloads the processor, supporting transfer rates of up to 16 MB/sec. Ultra DMA: DMA protocol on IDE bus supporting host and target throttling and transfer rates of up to 33 MB/sec. ATA-66: DMA protocol on IDE bus supporting host and target throttling and transfer rates of up to 66 MB/sec. ATA-66 protocol is similar to Ultra DMA and is device driver compatible. ATA-100: DMA protocol on IDE bus allows host and target throttling. The ICH7’s ATA-100 logic can achieve read transfer rates up to 100 MB/sec and write transfer rates up to 88 MB/sec. NOTE ATA-66 and ATA-100 are faster timings and require a specialized cable to reduce reflections, noise, and inductive coupling. The Parallel ATA IDE interface also supports ATAPI devices (such as CD-ROM drives) and ATA devices using the transfer modes. The BIOS supports Logical Block Addressing (LBA) and Extended Cylinder Head Sector (ECHS) translation modes. The drive reports the transfer rate and translation mode to the BIOS. For information about Refer to The location of the Parallel ATA IDE connector Figure 20, page 58 Serial ATA Interfaces The ICH7’s Serial ATA controller offers four independent Serial ATA ports with a theoretical maximum transfer rate of 3 Gbits/sec per port. One device can be installed on each port for a maximum of four Serial ATA devices. A point-to-point interface is used for host to device connections, unlike Parallel ATA IDE which supports a master/slave configuration and two devices per channel. For compatibility, the underlying Serial ATA functionality is transparent to the operating system. The Serial ATA controller can operate in both legacy and native modes. In legacy mode, standard IDE I/O and IRQ resources are assigned (IRQ 14 and 15). In Native mode, standard PCI Conventional bus resource steering is used. Native mode is the preferred mode for configurations using the Windows* XP and Windows 2000 operating systems. 24 Product Description NOTE Many Serial ATA drives use new low-voltage power connectors and require adaptors or power supplies equipped with low-voltage power connectors. For more information, see: For information about Refer to The location of the Serial ATA IDE connectors Figure 20, page 58 Serial ATA RAID (Optional) The optional ICH7-R supports the following RAID (Redundant Array of Independent Drives) levels: • • • • RAID 0 - data striping. Multiple physical drives can be teamed together to create one logical drive. As data is written or retrieved from the logical drive, both drives operate in parallel, thus increasing the throughput. The ICH7-R allows for more than two drives to be used in a RAID 0 configuration. RAID 1 - data mirroring. Multiple physical drives maintain duplicate sets of all data on separate disk drives. Level 1 provides the highest data reliability because two complete copies of all information are maintained. The ICH7-R allows for two or four drives to be used in a RAID 1 configuration. RAID 0+1 (or RAID 10) - data striping and mirroring. RAID 0+1 combines multiple mirrored drives (RAID 1) with data striping (RAID 0) into a single array. This provides the highest performance with data protection. Data is striped across all mirrored sets. RAID 0+1 utilizes several drives to stripe data (increased performance) and then makes a copy of the striped drives to provide redundancy. The mirrored disks eliminate the overhead and delay of parity. RAID 5 - distributed parity. RAID Level 5 stripes data at a block level across several drives and distributes parity among the drives; no single disk is devoted to parity. Because parity data is distributed on each drive, read performance tends to be lower than other RAID types. RAID 5 requires the use of three or four drives. SCSI Hard Drive Activity LED Connector (Optional) The SCSI hard drive activity LED connector is a 1 x 2-pin connector that allows an add-in hard drive controller to use the same LED as the onboard IDE controller. For proper operation, this connector should be wired to the LED output of the add-in hard drive controller. The LED indicates when data is being read from, or written to, either the add-in hard drive controller or the onboard IDE controller (Parallel ATA or Serial ATA). For information about Refer to The location of the SCSI hard drive activity LED connector Figure 20, page 58 The signal names of the SCSI hard drive activity LED connector Table 21, page 60 25 Intel Desktop Board D945GNT Technical Product Specification 1.5.4 Real-Time Clock, CMOS SRAM, and Battery A coin-cell battery (CR2032) powers the real-time clock and CMOS memory. When the computer is not plugged into a wall socket, the battery has an estimated life of three years. When the computer is plugged in, the standby current from the power supply extends the life of the battery. The clock is accurate to ± 13 minutes/year at 25 ºC with 3.3 VSB applied. NOTE If the battery and AC power fail, custom defaults, if previously saved, will be loaded into CMOS RAM at power-on. 1.6 PCI Express Connectors The board provides the following PCI Express connectors: • • One PCI Express x16 connector supporting simultaneous transfer speeds up to 8 GBytes/sec Two PCI Express x1 connectors. The x1 interfaces support simultaneous transfer speeds up to 500 MBytes/sec The PCI Express interface supports the PCI Conventional bus configuration mechanism so that the underlying PCI Express architecture is compatible with PCI Conventional compliant operating systems. Additional features of the PCI Express interface include the following: • • • • • • Support for the PCI Express enhanced configuration mechanism Automatic discovery, link training, and initialization Support for Active State Power Management (ASPM) SMBus 2.0 support Wake# signal supporting wake events from ACPI S1, S3, S4, or S5 Software compatible with the PCI Power Management Event (PME) mechanism defined in the PCI Power Management Specification Rev. 1.1 1.7 IEEE-1394a Connectors (Optional) The optional IEEE-1394a interface addresses interconnection of both computer peripherals and consumer electronics. The IEEE-1394a interface provides a throughput ranging from 100 Mbits/sec to 400 Mbits/sec. As a manufacturing option, the board includes three IEEE-1394a connectors as follows: • • 26 One IEEE-1394a connector located on the back panel. Two IEEE-1394a front-panel connectors located on the component side. For information about Refer to The location of the back panel IEEE-1394a connector Figure 18, page 56 The location of the front panel IEEE-1394a connectors Figure 20, page 58 The signal names of the front panel IEEE-1394a connectors Section, page 66 Product Description 1.8 Legacy I/O Controller The legacy I/O controller provides the following features: • • • • • • • One serial port One parallel port with Extended Capabilities Port (ECP) and Enhanced Parallel Port (EPP) support Serial IRQ interface compatible with serialized IRQ support for PCI Conventional bus systems PS/2-style mouse and keyboard interfaces Interface for one 1.44 MB or 2.88 MB diskette drive Intelligent power management, including a programmable wake-up event interface PCI Conventional bus power management support The BIOS Setup program provides configuration options for the legacy I/O controller. 1.8.1 Serial Port The Serial port A connector is located on the back panel. The serial port supports data transfers at speeds up to 115.2 kbits/sec with BIOS support. For information about Refer to The location of the serial port A connector Figure 19, page 57 1.8.2 Parallel Port The 25-pin D-Sub parallel port connector is located on the back panel. Use the BIOS Setup program to set the parallel port mode. For information about Refer to The location of the parallel port connector Figure 19, page 57 1.8.3 Diskette Drive Controller The legacy I/O controller supports one diskette drive. Use the BIOS Setup program to configure the diskette drive interface. For information about Refer to The location of the diskette drive connector Figure 20, page 58 1.8.4 Keyboard and Mouse Interface PS/2 keyboard and mouse connectors are located on the back panel. NOTE The keyboard is supported in the bottom PS/2 connector and the mouse is supported in the top PS/2 connector. Power to the computer should be turned off before a keyboard or mouse is connected or disconnected. For information about Refer to The location of the keyboard and mouse connectors Figure 19, page 57 27 Intel Desktop Board D945GNT Technical Product Specification 1.9 Audio Subsystem The board supports the Intel High Definition audio subsystem based on the Sigmatel 9223 or the Sigmatel 9220 audio codec. The audio subsystem supports the following features: • • • • 1.9.1 Advanced jack sense for the back panel audio jacks that enables the audio codec to recognize the device that is connected to an audio port. The back panel audio jacks are capable of retasking according to user’s definition, or can be automatically switched depending on the recognized device type. Stereo input and output for all back panel jacks Line out and Mic in functions for front panel audio jacks A signal-to-noise (S/N) ratio of 95 dB Audio Subsystem Software Audio software and drivers are available from Intel’s World Wide Web site. For information about Refer to Obtaining audio software and drivers Section 1.2, page 15 1.9.2 Audio Connectors The board contains audio connectors on both the back panel and the component side of the board. The front panel audio connector provides mic in and line out signals for the front panel. The functions of the back panel audio connectors are dependent on which subsystem is present. The 8-channel (7.1) audio subsystem is described in Section 1.9.3; the 6-channel (5.1) audio subsystem is described in Section 1.9.4. 28 For information about Refer to The location of the front panel audio connector Figure 20, page 58 The signal names of the front panel audio connector Table 19, page 60 The back panel audio connectors Section 2.8.1, page 55 Product Description 1.9.3 8-Channel (7.1) Audio Subsystem The 8-channel (7.1) audio subsystem includes the following: • • • Intel 82801G I/O Controller Hub (ICH7) Sigmatel 9223 audio codec Microphone input that supports a single dynamic, condenser, or electret microphone The back panel audio connectors are configurable through the audio device drivers. The available configurable audio ports are shown in Figure 9. Front Panel Audio Connectors Line Out Mic In Surround Left and Right/Retasking Jack [Black] Center channel and LFE (Subwoofer)/ Retasking Jack [Orange] Side Surround Left and Right/ Line In/Retasking Jack [Blue] S/PDIF Digital Audio Out Optical Mic In/Retasking Jack [Pink] Line Out/Retasking Jack [Lime Green] OM17816 Figure 9. Front/Back Panel Audio Connector Options for 8-Channel (7.1) Audio Subsystem 29 Intel Desktop Board D945GNT Technical Product Specification Figure 10 is a block diagram of the 8-channel (7.1) audio subsystem. Line Out Front Panel Mic In 82801G I/O Controller Hub (ICH7) Line In/Side Surround L-R/Retasking Jack Intel High Definition Audio Link Sigmatel 9223 Audio Codec Line Out/Retasking Jack Mic In/Retasking Jack Center and LFE/Retasking Jack Back Panel Surround Left-Right/Retasking Jack S/PDIF OM17817 Figure 10. 8-channel (7.1) Audio Subsystem Block Diagram For information about The back panel audio connectors 30 Refer to Section 2.8.1, page 55 Product Description 1.9.4 6-Channel (5.1) Audio Subsystem The 6-channel (5.1) audio subsystem includes the following: • • • Intel 82801G I/O Controller Hub (ICH7) Sigmatel 9220 audio codec Microphone input that supports a single dynamic, condenser, or electret microphone The back panel audio connectors are configurable through the audio device drivers. The available configurable audio ports are shown in Figure 11. Back Panel Audio Connectors Front Panel Audio Connectors Line Out Mic In Line In/ Retasking Jack Line Out/ Retasking Jack Mic In/ Retasking Jack OM17560 Figure 11. Front/Back Panel Audio Connector Options for 6-Channel (5.1) Audio Subsystem Figure 12 is a block diagram of the 6-channel (5.1) audio subsystem. Line Out 82801G I/O Controller Hub (ICH7) Intel High Definition Audio Link Sigmatel 9220 Audio Codec Front Panel Mic In Line In/Retasking Jack Line Out/Retasking Jack Back Panel Mic In/Retasking Jack OM17818 Figure 12. 6-Channel (5.1) Audio Subsystem Block Diagram For information about The back panel audio connectors Refer to Section 2.8.1, page 55 31 Intel Desktop Board D945GNT Technical Product Specification 1.10 LAN Subsystem The LAN subsystem consists of the following: • Physical layer interface device. As a manufacturing option, the board includes one of the following LAN devices: ⎯ Intel® 82562GX/82562GZ PLC for 10/100 Mbits/sec Ethernet LAN connectivity • ⎯ Intel® 82573E/82573V/82574V for Gigabit (10/100/1000 Mbits/sec) Ethernet LAN connectivity RJ-45 LAN connector with integrated status LEDs Additional features of the LAN subsystem include: • • • CSMA/CD protocol engine LAN connect interface that supports the 82562GX and 82562GZ PCI Conventional bus power management ⎯ Supports ACPI technology ⎯ Supports LAN wake capabilities 1.10.1 LAN Subsystem Software LAN software and drivers are available from Intel’s World Wide Web site. For information about Refer to Obtaining LAN software and drivers Section 1.2, page 15 1.10.2 10/100 Mbits/sec LAN Subsystem The 10/100 Mbits/sec LAN subsystem consists of the following: • • • Intel 82801G ICH7 Intel 82562GX/82562GZ PLC RJ-45 LAN connector with integrated status LEDs. Intel® 82562GX/82562GZ Physical Layer Interface Device The Intel 82562GX provides the following functions: • • • • 10/100 Ethernet LAN connectivity Full device driver compatibility Programmable transit threshold Configuration EEPROM that contains the MAC address The Intel® 82562GZ additionally provides Alert Standard Format (ASF) 1.03 support. 32 Product Description RJ-45 LAN Connector with Integrated LEDs Two LEDs are built into the RJ-45 LAN connector (shown in Figure 13). Green LED Yellow LED OM15076 Figure 13. LAN Connector LED Locations Table 5 describes the LED states when the board is powered up and the 10/100 Mbits/sec LAN subsystem is operating. Table 5. LAN Connector LED States LED Color LED State Condition Green Off LAN link is not established. On LAN link is established. Blinking LAN activity is occurring. Off 10 Mbits/sec data rate is selected. On 100 Mbits/sec data rate is selected. Yellow 1.10.3 Gigabit LAN Subsystem The Gigabit (10/100/1000 Mbits/sec) LAN subsystem includes the Intel 82573/82574 controller and an RJ-45 LAN connector with integrated status LEDs. Intel® 82573E/82573V/82574V Gigabit Ethernet Controller The Intel 82573E/82573V/82574V Gigabit Ethernet Controller supports the following features: • • • • • • • • • PCI Express link 10/100/1000 IEEE 802.3 compliant Compliant to IEEE 802.3x flow control support Jumbo frame support TCP, IP, UDP checksum offload Transmit TCP segmentation Advanced packet filtering Full device driver compatibility PCI Express Power Management Support The 82573E Gigabit Ethernet Controller also supports the following: • • Intel® Active Management Technology Alert Standard Format (ASF) 2.0. 33 Intel Desktop Board D945GNT Technical Product Specification RJ-45 LAN Connector with Integrated LEDs Two LEDs are built into the RJ-45 LAN connector (as shown in Figure 14). Table 6 describes the LED states when the board is powered up and the Gigabit LAN subsystem is operating. Green LED Green/Yellow LED OM16513 Figure 14. LAN Connector LED Locations Table 6. LED Color Left LED State Condition Off LAN link is not established. On LAN link is established. Blinking LAN activity is occurring. N/A Off 10 Mbits/sec data rate is selected. Green On 100 Mbits/sec data rate is selected. Yellow On 1000 Mbits/sec data rate is selected. Green Right 1.10.4 LAN Connector LED States Intel® Active Management Technology (Optional) NOTE Intel Active Management Technology (AMT) is available only on boards that use the Intel® 82573E Ethernet Controller. Intel Active Management Technology (AMT) offers IT organizations tamper-resistant and persistent management capabilities. Specifically, Intel® AMT is a hardware-based solution that offers encrypted and persistent asset management and remote diagnostics and/or recovery capabilities for networked platforms. With Intel AMT, IT organizations can easily get accurate platform information, and can perform remote updating, diagnostics, debugging, and repair of a system, regardless of the state of the operating system and the power state of the system. Intel AMT enables IT organizations to discover, heal, and protect all of their computing assets, regardless of system state in the manner described below. • Discovering hardware and software computing assets: ⎯ Intel AMT stores hardware and software asset information in non-volatile memory and allows IT to read the asset information anytime, even if the PC is off • ⎯ Users cannot remove or prevent IT organization access to the information because it does not rely on software agents Healing systems remotely, regardless of the operating system or system state: ⎯ Intel AMT provides out-of-band diagnostics and recovery capabilities for IT organizations to remotely diagnose and repair PCs after software, operating system, or hardware failures 34 Product Description • ⎯ Alerting and event logging help IT organizations detect and diagnose problems quickly to reduce end-user downtime Protecting the enterprise against malicious software attacks: ⎯ Intel AMT helps IT organizations keep software versions and virus protection consistent and up-to-date across the enterprise ⎯ Version information is stored in non-volatile memory for access anytime by third party software to check and, if necessary, wake a system to perform off-hours updates The key features of Intel AMT include: • Secure Out of Band (OOB) system management that allows remote management of PCs regardless of system power or operating system state ⎯ SSL3.1/TLS encryption ⎯ HTTP authentication ⎯ TCP/IP ⎯ HTTP web GUI • ⎯ XML/SOAP API Remote troubleshooting and recovery that can significantly reduce desk-side visits and potentially increasing efficiency of IT technical staff ⎯ System event log ⎯ IDE-Redirection or PXE boot; Network drive or remote CD boot ⎯ Serial over LAN ⎯ OOB diagnostics ⎯ Remote control • ⎯ Remote BIOS update Proactive alerting that decreases downtime and minimizes time to repair ⎯ Programmable policies ⎯ Operating system lock-up alert ⎯ Boot failure alert • ⎯ Hardware failure alerts Third party non-volatile storage that prevents users from removing critical inventory, remote control, or virus protection agents ⎯ Nonvolatile storage for agents • ⎯ Tamper-resistant Remote hardware and software asset tracking that eliminates time-consuming manual inventory tracking, which also reduces asset accounting costs ⎯ E-Asset Tag ⎯ HW/SW inventory For information about Refer to Intel Active Management Technology Section 1.2, page 15 35 Intel Desktop Board D945GNT Technical Product Specification 1.10.5 Alert Standard Format (ASF) Support (Optional) NOTE Alter Standard Format (ASF) support is available only on boards that use the Intel 82573E Ethernet Controller or the Intel 82562GZ PLC device. The board provides the following ASF support for PCI Express x1 bus add-in LAN cards and PCI Conventional bus add-in LAN cards installed in PCI Conventional bus slot 2: • Monitoring of system firmware progress events, including: ⎯ BIOS present ⎯ Primary processor initialization ⎯ Memory initialization ⎯ Video initialization ⎯ PCI resource configuration ⎯ Hard-disk initialization ⎯ User authentication • ⎯ Starting operating system boot process Monitoring of system firmware error events, including: ⎯ Memory missing ⎯ Memory failure ⎯ No video device ⎯ Keyboard failure ⎯ Hard-disk failure • • • ⎯ No boot media Boot options to boot from different types of boot devices Reset, shutdown, power cycle, and power up options LAN Subsystem Software 1.11 Hardware Management Subsystem The hardware management features enable the board to be compatible with the Wired for Management (WfM) specification. The board has several hardware management features, including the following: • • • 36 Chassis intrusion detection Fan monitoring and control (through the hardware monitoring and fan control ASIC) Thermal and voltage monitoring Product Description 1.11.1 Hardware Monitoring and Fan Control ASIC The features of the hardware monitoring and fan control ASIC include: • • • • • Internal ambient temperature sensor Two remote thermal diode sensors for direct monitoring of processor temperature and ambient temperature sensing Power supply monitoring of five voltages (+5 V, +12 V, +3.3 VSB, +1.5 V, and +VCCP) to detect levels above or below acceptable values Thermally monitored closed-loop fan control, for all three fans, that can adjust the fan speed or switch the fans on or off as needed SMBus interface For information about Refer to The location of the fan connectors and sensors for thermal monitoring Figure 15, page 38 1.11.2 Chassis Intrusion and Detection The board supports a chassis security feature that detects if the chassis cover is removed. The security feature uses a mechanical switch on the chassis that attaches to the chassis intrusion connector. When the chassis cover is removed, the mechanical switch is in the closed position. 1.11.3 Fan Monitoring Fan monitoring can be implemented using Intel® Desktop Utilities or third-party software. The level of monitoring and control is dependent on the hardware monitoring ASIC used with the board. For information about Refer to The functions of the fan connectors Section, page 42 37 Intel Desktop Board D945GNT Technical Product Specification 1.11.4 Thermal Monitoring Figure 15 shows the location of the sensors and fan connectors. 4 1 1 A 3 B 4 1 1 G D C 3 F E OM17741 Item Description A Remote ambient temperature sensor B Thermal diode, located on processor die C Ambient temperature sensor, internal to hardware monitoring and fan control ASIC D Processor fan E Rear chassis fan F Front chassis fan G Auxiliary fan (optional) Figure 15. Thermal Sensors and Fan Connectors 38 Product Description 1.12 Power Management Power management is implemented at several levels, including: • • 1.12.1 Software support through Advanced Configuration and Power Interface (ACPI) Hardware support: ⎯ Power connector ⎯ Fan connectors ⎯ LAN wake capabilities ⎯ Instantly Available PC technology ⎯ Resume on Ring ⎯ Wake from USB ⎯ Wake from PS/2 devices ⎯ Power Management Event signal (PME#) wake-up support ACPI ACPI gives the operating system direct control over the power management and Plug and Play functions of a computer. The use of ACPI with this board requires an operating system that provides full ACPI support. ACPI features include: • • • • • • Plug and Play (including bus and device enumeration) Power management control of individual devices, add-in boards (some add-in boards may require an ACPI-aware driver), video displays, and hard disk drives Methods for achieving less than 15-watt system operation in the power-on/standby sleeping state A Soft-off feature that enables the operating system to power-off the computer Support for multiple wake-up events (see Table 9 on page 41) Support for a front panel power and sleep mode switch Table 7 lists the system states based on how long the power switch is pressed, depending on how ACPI is configured with an ACPI-aware operating system. Table 7. Effects of Pressing the Power Switch If the system is in this state… Off (ACPI G2/G5 – Soft off) On (ACPI G0 – working state) On (ACPI G0 – working state) Sleep (ACPI G1 – sleeping state) Sleep (ACPI G1 – sleeping state) …and the power switch is pressed for Less than four seconds Less than four seconds More than four seconds Less than four seconds More than four seconds …the system enters this state Power-on (ACPI G0 – working state) Soft-off/Standby (ACPI G1 – sleeping state) Fail safe power-off (ACPI G2/G5 – Soft off) Wake-up (ACPI G0 – working state) Power-off (ACPI G2/G5 – Soft off) 39 Intel Desktop Board D945GNT Technical Product Specification System States and Power States Under ACPI, the operating system directs all system and device power state transitions. The operating system puts devices in and out of low-power states based on user preferences and knowledge of how devices are being used by applications. Devices that are not being used can be turned off. The operating system uses information from applications and user settings to put the system as a whole into a low-power state. Table 8 lists the power states supported by the board along with the associated system power targets. See the ACPI specification for a complete description of the various system and power states. Table 8. Power States and Targeted System Power Global States G0 – working state G1 – sleeping state Sleeping States S0 – working Processor States C0 – working S1 – Processor stopped C1 – stop grant G1 – sleeping state S3 – Suspend to RAM. Context saved to RAM. S4 – Suspend to disk. Context saved to disk. S5 – Soft off. Context not saved. Cold boot is required. No power to the system. No power G1 – sleeping state G2/S5 G3 – mechanical off AC power is disconnected from the computer. No power No power No power Device States D0 – working state. Targeted System Power (Note 1) Full power > 30 W D1, D2, D3 – device specification specific. D3 – no power except for wake-up logic. D3 – no power except for wake-up logic. D3 – no power except for wake-up logic. 5 W < power < 52.5 W D3 – no power for wake-up logic, except when provided by battery or external source. No power to the system. Service can be performed safely. Power < 5 W (Note 2) Power < 5 W (Note 2) Power < 5 W (Note 2) Notes: 1. Total system power is dependent on the system configuration, including add-in boards and peripherals powered by the system chassis’ power supply. 2. Dependent on the standby power consumption of wake-up devices used in the system. One-Watt Standby In 2001, the U.S. government issued an executive order requiring a reduction in power for appliances and personal computers. This board meets that requirement by operating at 1 W (or less) in S5 (Standby) mode. One-Watt operation applies only to the S5 state when the computer is turned off, but still connected to AC power. One-Watt operation does not apply to the S3 (Suspend to RAM) or S4 (Suspend to disk) states. Newer energy-efficient power supplies using less than 0.5 W (in Standby mode) may also be needed to achieve this goal. 40 Product Description Wake-up Devices and Events Table 9 lists the devices or specific events that can wake the computer from specific states. Table 9. Wake-up Devices and Events These devices/events can wake up the computer… …from this state LAN S1, S3, S4, S5 (Note) Modem (back panel Serial Port A) S1, S3 PME# signal S1, S3, S4, S5 (Note) Power switch S1, S3, S4, S5 PS/2 devices S1, S3 RTC alarm S1, S3, S4, S5 USB S1, S3 WAKE# signal S1, S3, S4, S5 Note: For LAN and PME# signal, S5 is disabled by default in the BIOS Setup program. Setting this option to Power On will enable a wake-up event from LAN in the S5 state. NOTE The use of these wake-up events from an ACPI state requires an operating system that provides full ACPI support. In addition, software, drivers, and peripherals must fully support ACPI wake events. 1.12.2 Hardware Support CAUTION Ensure that the power supply provides adequate +5 V standby current if LAN wake capabilities and Instantly Available PC technology features are used. Failure to do so can damage the power supply. The total amount of standby current required depends on the wake devices supported and manufacturing options. The board provides several power management hardware features, including: • • • • • • • • • Power connector Fan connectors LAN wake capabilities Instantly Available PC technology Resume on Ring Wake from USB Wake from PS/2 keyboard PME# signal wake-up support WAKE# signal wake-up support LAN wake capabilities and Instantly Available PC technology require power from the +5 V standby line. Resume on Ring enables telephony devices to access the computer when it is in a power-managed state. The method used depends on the type of telephony device (external or internal). 41 Intel Desktop Board D945GNT Technical Product Specification NOTE The use of Resume on Ring and Wake from USB technologies from an ACPI state requires an operating system that provides full ACPI support. Power Connector ATX12V-compliant power supplies can turn off the system power through system control. When an ACPI-enabled system receives the correct command, the power supply removes all non-standby voltages. When resuming from an AC power failure, the computer returns to the power state it was in before power was interrupted (on or off). The computer’s response can be set using the Last Power State feature in the BIOS Setup program’s Boot menu. For information about Refer to The location of the main power connector Figure 20, page 58 The signal names of the main power connector Table 26, page 62 Fan Connectors The function/operation of the fan connectors is as follows: • • • • • The fans are on when the board is in the S0 or S1 state. The fans are off when the board is off or in the S3, S4, or S5 state. Each fan connector is wired to a fan tachometer input of the hardware monitoring and fan control ASIC. All fan connectors support closed-loop fan control that can adjust the fan speed or switch the fan on or off as needed. All fan connectors have a +12 V DC connection. For information about Refer to The location of the fan connectors Figure 20, page 58 The location of the fan connectors and sensors for thermal monitoring Figure 15, page 38 The signal names of the processor fan connector Table 23, page 61 The signal names of the chassis fan connectors Table 24, page 61 LAN Wake Capabilities CAUTION For LAN wake capabilities, the +5 V standby line for the power supply must be capable of providing adequate +5 V standby current. Failure to provide adequate standby current when implementing LAN wake capabilities can damage the power supply. LAN wake capabilities enable remote wake-up of the computer through a network. The LAN network adapter monitors network traffic at the Media Independent Interface. Upon detecting a Magic Packet* frame, the LAN subsystem asserts a wake-up signal that powers up the computer. Depending on the LAN implementation, the board supports LAN wake capabilities with ACPI in the following ways: 42 Product Description • • • The PCI Express WAKE# signal The PCI Conventional bus PME# signal for PCI 2.3 compliant LAN designs The onboard LAN subsystem Instantly Available PC Technology CAUTION For Instantly Available PC technology, the +5 V standby line for the power supply must be capable of providing adequate +5 V standby current. Failure to provide adequate standby current when implementing Instantly Available PC technology can damage the power supply. Instantly Available PC technology enables the board to enter the ACPI S3 (Suspend-to-RAM) sleep-state. While in the S3 sleep-state, the computer will appear to be off (the power supply is off, and the front panel LED is amber if dual colored, or off if single colored.) When signaled by a wake-up device or event, the system quickly returns to its last known wake state. Table 9 on page 41 lists the devices and events that can wake the computer from the S3 state. The board supports the PCI Bus Power Management Interface Specification. Add-in boards that also support this specification can participate in power management and can be used to wake the computer. The use of Instantly Available PC technology requires operating system support and PCI 2.3 compliant add-in cards, PCI Express add-in cards, and drivers. Resume on Ring The operation of Resume on Ring can be summarized as follows: • • • Resumes operation from ACPI S1 or S3 states Detects incoming call similarly for external and internal modems Requires modem interrupt be unmasked for correct operation Wake from USB USB bus activity wakes the computer from ACPI S1 or S3 states. NOTE Wake from USB requires the use of a USB peripheral that supports Wake from USB. Wake from PS/2 Devices PS/2 device activity wakes the computer from an ACPI S1 or S3 state. PME# Signal Wake-up Support When the PME# signal on the PCI Conventional bus is asserted, the computer wakes from an ACPI S1, S3, S4, or S5 state (with Wake on PME enabled in BIOS). 43 Intel Desktop Board D945GNT Technical Product Specification WAKE# Signal Wake-up Support When the WAKE# signal on the PCI Express bus is asserted, the computer wakes from an ACPI S1, S3, S4, or S5 state. +5 V Standby Power Indicator LED The +5 V standby power indicator LED shows that power is still present even when the computer appears to be off. Figure 16 shows the location of the standby power indicator LED. CAUTION If AC power has been switched off and the standby power indicator is still lit, disconnect the power cord before installing or removing any devices connected to the board. Failure to do so could damage the board and any attached devices. CR3J1 OM17740 Figure 16. Location of the Standby Power Indicator LED 44 Product Description 1.13 Trusted Platform Module (Optional) The optional Trusted Platform Module (TPM) is a component on the desktop board that is specifically designed to enhance platform security above-and-beyond the capabilities of today’s software by providing a protected space for key operations and other security critical tasks. Using both hardware and software, the TPM protects encryption and signature keys at their most vulnerable stages—operations when the keys are being used unencrypted in plain-text form. The TPM is specifically designed to shield unencrypted keys and platform authentication information from software-based attacks. For information about Refer to TPM 45 Intel Desktop Board D945GNT Technical Product Specification 46 2 Technical Reference What This Chapter Contains 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 2.10 2.11 2.12 2.13 2.14 2.15 Introduction .................................................................................................................. 47 Memory Resources ...................................................................................................... 47 DMA Channels ............................................................................................................. 49 Fixed I/O Map............................................................................................................... 50 PCI Configuration Space Map...................................................................................... 51 Interrupts ...................................................................................................................... 52 PCI Conventional Interrupt Routing Map ..................................................................... 53 Connectors................................................................................................................... 55 Jumper Block ............................................................................................................... 67 Mechanical Considerations .......................................................................................... 68 Electrical Considerations.............................................................................................. 71 Thermal Considerations ............................................................................................... 73 Reliability...................................................................................................................... 75 Environmental .............................................................................................................. 76 Regulatory Compliance................................................................................................ 77 2.1 Introduction Sections 2.2 - 2.6 contain several standalone tables. Table 10 describes the system memory map, Table 11 lists the DMA channels, Table 12 shows the I/O map, Table 13 defines the PCI Conventional bus configuration space map, and Table 14 describes the interrupts. The remaining sections in this chapter are introduced by text found with their respective section headings. 2.2 Memory Resources 2.2.1 Addressable Memory The board utilizes 4 GB of addressable system memory. Typically the address space that is allocated for PCI Conventional bus add-in cards, PCI Express configuration space, BIOS (SPI Flash), and chipset overhead resides above the top of DRAM (total system memory). On a system that has 4 GB of system memory installed, it is not possible to use all of the installed memory due to system address space being allocated for other system critical functions. These functions include the following: • • • • • BIOS/ SPI Flash (2 MB) Local APIC (19 MB) Digital Media Interface (40 MB) Front side bus interrupts (17 MB) PCI Express configuration space (256 MB) 47 Intel Desktop Board D945GNT Technical Product Specification • • MCH base address registers, internal graphics ranges, PCI Express ports (up to 512 MB) Memory-mapped I/O that is dynamically allocated for PCI Conventional and PCI Express addin cards The amount of installed memory that can be used will vary based on add-in cards and BIOS settings. Figure 17 shows a schematic of the system memory map. All installed system memory can be used when there is no overlap of system addresses. 4 GB Top of System Address Space FLASH APIC ~20 MB Reserved PCI Memory Range contains PCI, chipsets, Direct Media Interface (DMI), and ICH ranges (approximately 750 MB) 0FFFFFH 0F0000H 0EFFFFH Top of usable DRAM (memory visible to the operating system) 0E0000H 0DFFFFH 0C0000H 0BFFFFH DRAM Range 1 MB DOS Compatibility Memory 640 KB 0A0000H 1 MB Upper BIOS area (64 KB) 960 KB Lower BIOS area (64 KB; 16 KB x 4) 896 KB Add-in Card BIOS and Buffer area (128 KB; 16 KB x 8) 768 KB Standard PCI/ ISA Video Memory (SMM Memory) 128 KB 640 KB 09FFFFH DOS area (640 KB) 0 MB 00000H 0 KB OM17140 Figure 17. Detailed System Memory Address Map 48 Technical Reference 2.2.2 Memory Map Table 10 lists the system memory map. Table 10. System Memory Map Address Range (decimal) Address Range (hex) Size Description 1024 K - 4194304 K 100000 - FFFFFFFF 4095 MB Extended memory 960 K - 1024 K F0000 - FFFFF 64 KB Runtime BIOS 896 K - 960 K E0000 - EFFFF 64 KB Reserved 800 K - 896 K C8000 - DFFFF 96 KB Potential available high DOS memory (open to the PCI Conventional bus). Dependent on video adapter used. 640 K - 800 K A0000 - C7FFF 160 KB Video memory and BIOS 639 K - 640 K 9FC00 - 9FFFF 1 KB Extended BIOS data (movable by memory manager software) 512 K - 639 K 80000 - 9FBFF 127 KB Extended conventional memory 0 K - 512 K 00000 - 7FFFF 512 KB Conventional memory 2.3 DMA Channels Table 11. DMA Channels DMA Channel Number Data Width System Resource 0 8 or 16 bits Open 1 8 or 16 bits Parallel port 2 8 or 16 bits Diskette drive 3 8 or 16 bits Parallel port (for ECP or EPP) 4 8 or 16 bits DMA controller 5 16 bits Open 6 16 bits Open 7 16 bits Open 49 Intel Desktop Board D945GNT Technical Product Specification 2.4 Fixed I/O Map Table 12. I/O Map Address (hex) Size Description 0000 - 00FF 256 bytes 0170 - 0177 01F0 - 01F7 8 bytes 8 bytes Used by the Desktop Board D945GNT. Refer to the ICH7 data sheet for dynamic addressing information. Secondary Parallel ATA IDE channel command block Primary Parallel ATA IDE channel command block 0228 - 022F (Note 1) 0278 - 027F (Note 1) 02E8 - 02EF (Note 1) 02F8 - 02FF (Note 1) 0374 - 0377 0377, bits 6:0 0378 - 037F 03E8 - 03EF 03F0 - 03F5 03F4 – 03F7 03F8 - 03FF 04D0 - 04D1 LPTn + 400 0CF8 - 0CFB (Note 2) 0CF9 (Note 3) 0CFC - 0CFF FFA0 - FFA7 FFA8 - FFAF 8 bytes 8 bytes 8 bytes 8 bytes 4 bytes 7 bits 8 bytes 8 bytes 6 bytes 1 byte 8 bytes 2 bytes 8 bytes 4 bytes 1 byte 4 bytes 8 bytes 8 bytes LPT3 LPT2 COM4 COM2 Secondary Parallel ATA IDE channel control block Secondary IDE channel status port LPT1 COM3 Diskette channel Primary Parallel ATA IDE channel control block COM1 Edge/level triggered PIC ECP port, LPTn base address + 400h PCI Conventional bus configuration address register Reset control register PCI Conventional bus configuration data register Primary Parallel ATA IDE bus master registers Secondary Parallel ATA IDE bus master registers Notes: 1. Default, but can be changed to another address range 2. Dword access only 3. Byte access only NOTE Some additional I/O addresses are not available due to ICH7 address aliasing. The ICH7 data sheet provides more information on address aliasing. 50 For information about Refer to Obtaining the ICH7 data sheet Section 1.2, page 15 Technical Reference 2.5 PCI Configuration Space Map Table 13. PCI Configuration Space Map Bus Number (hex) Device Number (hex) Function Number (hex) Description 00 00 00 Memory controller of Intel 82945G component 00 01 00 PCI Express x16 graphics port (Note 1) 00 02 00 Integrated graphics controller 00 1B 00 Intel High Definition Audio Controller 00 1C 00 PCI Express port 1 00 1C 01 PCI Express port 2 00 1C 02 PCI Express port 3 00 1C 03 PCI Express port 4 00 1D 00 USB UHCI controller 1 00 1D 01 USB UHCI controller 2 00 1D 02 USB UHCI controller 3 00 1D 03 USB UHCI controller 4 00 1D 07 EHCI controller 00 1E 00 PCI bridge 00 1F 00 PCI controller 00 1F 01 Parallel ATA IDE controller 00 1F 02 Serial ATA controller 00 1F 03 SMBus controller (Note 2) 00 00 Gigabit LAN controller (if present) (Note 2) 00 00 PCI Conventional bus connector 1 (Note 2) 01 00 PCI Conventional bus connector 2 (Note 2) 02 00 PCI Conventional bus connector 3 (Note 2) 03 00 PCI Conventional bus connector 4 (Note 2) 05 00 IEEE-1394a controller (if present) (Note 2) 08 00 Intel 82562 10/100 Mbits/sec LAN PLC (if present) Notes: 1. Present only when a PCI Express x16 graphics card is installed. 2. Bus number is dynamic and can change based on add-in cards used. 51 Intel Desktop Board D945GNT Technical Product Specification 2.6 Interrupts The interrupts can be routed through either the Programmable Interrupt Controller (PIC) or the Advanced Programmable Interrupt Controller (APIC) portion of the ICH7 component. The PIC is supported in Windows 98 SE and Windows ME and uses the first 16 interrupts. The APIC is supported in Windows 2000 and Windows XP and supports a total of 24 interrupts. Table 14. Interrupts IRQ System Resource NMI I/O channel check 0 Reserved, interval timer 1 Reserved, keyboard buffer full 2 Reserved, cascade interrupt from slave PIC 3 User available 4 COM1 (Note 1) 5 User available 6 Diskette drive 7 LPT1 (Note 1) 8 Real-time clock 9 User available 10 User available 11 User available 12 Onboard mouse port (if present, else user available) 13 Reserved, math coprocessor 14 Primary Parallel ATA/Serial ATA – Legacy Mode (if present, else user available) 15 Secondary Parallel ATA/Serial ATA – Legacy Mode (if present, else user available) 16 (Note 2) User available (through PIRQA) 17 (Note 2) User available (through PIRQB) 18 (Note 2) User available (through PIRQC) 19 (Note 2) User available (through PIRQD) 20 (Note 2) User available (through PIRQE) 21 (Note 2) User available (through PIRQF) 22 (Note 2) User available (through PIRQG) 23 (Note 2) User available (through PIRQH) Notes: 52 1. Default, but can be changed to another IRQ. 2. Available in APIC mode only. Technical Reference 2.7 PCI Conventional Interrupt Routing Map This section describes interrupt sharing and how the interrupt signals are connected between the PCI Conventional bus connectors and onboard PCI Conventional devices. The PCI Conventional specification describes how interrupts can be shared between devices attached to the PCI Conventional bus. In most cases, the small amount of latency added by interrupt sharing does not affect the operation or throughput of the devices. In some special cases where maximum performance is needed from a device, a PCI Conventional device should not share an interrupt with other PCI Conventional devices. Use the following information to avoid sharing an interrupt with a PCI Conventional add-in card. PCI Conventional devices are categorized as follows to specify their interrupt grouping: • • • INTA: By default, all add-in cards that require only one interrupt are in this category. For almost all cards that require more than one interrupt, the first interrupt on the card is also classified as INTA. INTB: Generally, the second interrupt on add-in cards that require two or more interrupts is classified as INTB. (This is not an absolute requirement.) INTC and INTD: Generally, a third interrupt on add-in cards is classified as INTC and a fourth interrupt is classified as INTD. The ICH7 has eight Programmable Interrupt Request (PIRQ) input signals. All PCI Conventional interrupt sources either onboard or from a PCI Conventional add-in card connect to one of these PIRQ signals. Some PCI Conventional interrupt sources are electrically tied together on the board and therefore share the same interrupt. Table 15 shows an example of how the PIRQ signals are routed. For example, using Table 15 as a reference, assume an add-in card using INTA is plugged into PCI Conventional bus connector 3. In PCI bus connector 3, INTA is connected to PIRQB, which is already connected to the ICH7 audio controller. The add-in card in PCI Conventional bus connector 3 now shares an interrupt with the onboard interrupt source. 53 Intel Desktop Board D945GNT Technical Product Specification Table 15. PCI Interrupt Routing Map ICH7 PIRQ Signal Name PCI Interrupt Source PIRQA PIRQB PIRQC PIRQD PIRQE PIRQF PIRQG PIRQH ICH7 LAN INTA PCI bus connector 1 INTD INTA INTB INTC PCI bus connector 2 INTC INTB INTA INTD INTC INTD PCI bus connector 3 INTD INTC PCI bus connector 4 IEEE-1394a controller (optional) INTA INTB INTB INTA INTA NOTE In PIC mode, the ICH7 can connect each PIRQ line internally to one of the IRQ signals (3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, and 15). Typically, a device that does not share a PIRQ line will have a unique interrupt. However, in certain interrupt-constrained situations, it is possible for two or more of the PIRQ lines to be connected to the same IRQ signal. Refer to Table 14 for the allocation of PIRQ lines to IRQ signals in APIC mode. PCI interrupt assignments to the USB ports, Serial ATA ports, and PCI Express ports are dynamic. 54 Technical Reference 2.8 Connectors CAUTION Only the following connectors have overcurrent protection: back panel USB, front panel USB, and PS/2. The other internal connectors are not overcurrent protected and should connect only to devices inside the computer’s chassis, such as fans and internal peripherals. Do not use these connectors to power devices external to the computer’s chassis. A fault in the load presented by the external devices could cause damage to the computer, the power cable, and the external devices themselves. This section describes the board’s connectors. The connectors can be divided into these groups: • • 2.8.1 Back panel I/O connectors (see page 57) Component-side I/O connectors (see page 55) Back Panel Connectors The back panel configuration is dependent upon which audio subsystem is present. The configurations are as follows: • 8-channel (7.1) audio subsystem (five analog audio output connectors and one digital audio output connector), described on page 56 • 6-channel (5.1) audio subsystem (three analog audio output connectors), described on page 57 55 Intel Desktop Board D945GNT Technical Product Specification Back Panel Connectors For 8-Channel (7.1) Audio Subsystem Figure 18 shows the location of the back panel connectors for boards equipped with the 8-channel (7.1) audio subsystem. The back panel connectors are color-coded. The figure legend (Table 16) lists the colors used (when applicable). A D C B F E G H J K L I M N O OM17558 Figure 18. Back Panel Connectors for 8-Channel (7.1) Audio Subsystem Table 16 lists the back panel connectors identified in Figure 18. NOTE The back panel audio line out connector is designed to power headphones or amplified speakers only. Poor audio quality occurs if passive (non-amplified) speakers are connected to this output. Table 16. Back Panel Connectors Shown in Figure 18 Item/callout from Figure 18 56 Description A PS/2 mouse port [Green] B PS/2 keyboard port [Purple] C Serial port A [Teal] D Parallel port [Burgundy] E VGA port F IEEE-1394a connector G USB ports (two) H LAN I USB ports (two) J Center channel and LFE (subwoofer) audio out/ Retasking Jack [Orange] K Surround left/right channel audio out/Retasking Jack [Black] L Audio line in/Retasking Jack [Blue] M Digital audio out optical N Mic in/Retasking Jack [Pink] O Front left/right channel audio out/Two channel audio line out/Retasking Jack [Lime green] Technical Reference Back Panel Connectors For 6-Channel (5.1) Audio Subsystem Figure 19 shows the location of the back panel connectors for boards equipped with the 6-channel (5.1) audio subsystem. The back panel connectors are color-coded. The figure legend (Table 17) lists the colors used (when applicable). A B I G D C E F H J K OM17559 Figure 19. Back Panel Connectors for 6-Channel (5.1) Audio Subsystem Table 17 lists the back panel connectors identified in Figure 19. NOTE The back panel audio line out connector is designed to power headphones or amplified speakers only. Poor audio quality occurs if passive (non-amplified) speakers are connected to this output. Table 17. Back Panel Connectors Shown in Figure 19 Item/callout from Figure 19 Description A PS/2 mouse port [Green] B PS/2 keyboard port [Purple] C Serial port A [Teal] D Parallel port [Burgundy] E VGA port F USB ports (two) G LAN H USB ports (two) I Audio line in/Retasking Jack [Blue] J Mic in/Retasking Jack [Pink] K Front left/right channel audio out/Two channel audio line out/Retasking Jack [Lime green] 57 Intel Desktop Board D945GNT Technical Product Specification 2.8.2 Component-side Connectors Figure 20 shows the locations of the component-side connectors. A B C D E 4 1 F GH 1 2 9 10 I J 1 2 3 K 4 1 3 10 2 1 10 BB AA 2 1 4 1 Z Y 1 L 2 10 X 24 2 1 23 40 2 39 1 2 1 W V U T S 1 34 33 P R Q 1 O M N 1 2 1 10 1 9 1 1 2 1 1 3 1 OM17745 Figure 20. Component-side Connectors 58 Technical Reference Table 18 lists the component-side connectors identified in Figure 20. Table 18. Component-side Connectors Shown in Figure 20 Item/callout from Figure 20 Description A PCI Conventional bus add-in card connector 4 B Auxiliary fan connector (optional) C PCI Conventional bus add-in card connector 3 D PCI Express x1 bus add-in card connector 2 E PCI Express x1 bus add-in card connector 1 F Front panel audio connector G PCI Conventional bus add-in card connector 2 H PCI Conventional bus add-in card connector 1 I PCI Express x16 bus add-in card connector J Rear chassis fan connector K +12V power connector (ATX12V) L Processor fan connector M SCSI LED connector (optional) N Power connector O Diskette drive connector P Parallel ATA IDE connector Q Serial ATA connector 3 R Front chassis fan connector S Serial ATA connector 2 T Serial ATA connector 0 U Auxiliary front panel power LED connector V Front panel connector W Serial ATA connector 1 X Front panel USB connector Y Chassis intrusion connector Z Front panel USB connector AA Front panel IEEE-1394a connector (optional) BB Front panel IEEE-1394a connector (optional) 59 Intel Desktop Board D945GNT Technical Product Specification Table 19. # Front Panel Audio Connector Pin Signal Name Pin Signal Name 1 Port E [Port 1] Left Channel 2 Ground 3 Port E [Port 1] Right Channel 4 Presence# (dongle present) 5 Port F [Port 2] Right Channel 6 Port E [Port 1] Sense return (jack detection) 7 Port E [Port 1] and Port F [Port 2] Sense send (jack detection) 8 Key 9 Port F [Port 2] Left Channel 10 Port F [Port 2] Sense return (jack detection) INTEGRATOR’S NOTE The front panel audio connector is colored yellow. Table 20. Pin Signal Name 1 Intruder 2 Ground Table 21. SCSI Hard Drive Activity LED Connector (Optional) Pin Signal Name 1 SCSI_ACT# 2 No connect Table 22. 60 Chassis Intrusion Connector Serial ATA Connectors Pin Signal Name 1 Ground 2 TXP 3 TXN 4 Ground 5 RXN 6 RXP 7 Ground Technical Reference Table 23. Processor Fan Connector Pin Signal Name 1 Ground 2 +12 V 3 FAN_TACH 4 FAN_CONTROL Chassis Fan Connectors The board has two standard and one optional chassis fan connectors: • • • Front chassis fan Rear chassis fan Auxiliary fan connector (optional) Table 24 lists the signal names for the front and rear chassis fan connectors. Table 26 lists the signal names for the auxiliary fan connector. Table 24. Pin Front and Rear Chassis Fan Connectors Signal Name 1 FAN_CONTROL 2 +12 V 3 FAN_TACH Table 25. Auxiliary Fan Connector (optional) Pin Signal Name 1 Ground 2 +12 V 3 FAN_TACH (Note) 4 FAN_CONTROL Note: The tachometer output is not monitored by the hardware monitoring and fan control ASIC. 61 Intel Desktop Board D945GNT Technical Product Specification Power Supply Connectors The board has power supply connectors: • • # Main power – a 2 x 12 connector. This connector is compatible with 2 x 10 connectors previously used on Intel desktop boards. The board supports the use of ATX12V power supplies with either 2 x 10 or 2 x 12 main power cables. When using a power supply with a 2 x 10 main power cable, attach that cable on the rightmost pins of the main power connector, leaving pins 11, 12, 23, and 24 unconnected. ATX12V power – a 2 x 2 connector. This connector provides power directly to the processor voltage regulator and must always be used. Failure to do so will prevent the board from booting. INTEGRATOR’S NOTE When using high wattage PCI Express x16 graphics cards, use a power supply with a 2 x 12 main power cable. The 2 x 12 main power cable can provide up to 144 W of power from the +12 V rail. Table 26. Main Power Connector Pin Signal Name Pin Signal Name 1 +3.3 V 13 +3.3 V 2 +3.3 V 14 -12 V 3 Ground 15 Ground 4 +5 V 16 PS-ON# (power supply remote on/off) 5 Ground 17 Ground 6 +5 V 18 Ground 7 Ground 19 Ground 8 PWRGD (Power Good) 20 No connect 9 +5 V (Standby) 21 +5 V 10 +12 V 22 +5 V 11 +12 V 23 +5 V 12 2 x 12 connector detect 24 Ground (Note) (Note) (Note) (Note) Note: When using a 2 x 10 power supply cable, this pin will be unconnected. Table 27. 62 ATX12V Power Connector Pin Signal Name Pin Signal Name 1 Ground 2 Ground 3 +12 V 4 +12 V Technical Reference Add-in Card Connectors The board has the following add-in card connectors: • • • PCI Express x16: one connector supporting simultaneous transfer speeds up to 8 GBytes/sec. PCI Express x1: two PCI Express x1 connectors. The x1 interfaces support simultaneous transfer speeds up to 500 MBytes/sec. PCI Conventional (rev 2.3 compliant) bus: four PCI Conventional bus add-in card connectors. The SMBus is routed to PCI Conventional bus connector 2 only (ATX expansion slot 6). PCI Conventional bus add-in cards with SMBus support can access sensor data and other information residing on the board. Note the following considerations for the PCI Conventional bus connectors: • • All of the PCI Conventional bus connectors are bus master capable. SMBus signals are routed to PCI Conventional bus connector 2. This enables PCI Conventional bus add-in boards with SMBus support to access sensor data on the boards. The specific SMBus signals are as follows: ⎯ The SMBus clock line is connected to pin A40. ⎯ The SMBus data line is connected to pin A41. NOTE The PCI Express x16 connector is configured to support only a PCI Express x1 link when the Intel GMA950 graphics controller is enabled. Auxiliary Front Panel Power/Sleep LED Connector Pins 1 and 3 of this connector duplicate the signals on pins 2 and 4 of the front panel connector. Table 28. Auxiliary Front Panel Power/Sleep LED Connector Pin Signal Name In/Out Description 1 HDR_BLNK_GRN Out Front panel green LED 2 Not connected 3 HDR_BLNK_YEL Out Front panel yellow LED 63 Intel Desktop Board D945GNT Technical Product Specification Front Panel Connector This section describes the functions of the front panel connector. Table 29 lists the signal names of the front panel connector. Figure 21 is a connection diagram for the front panel connector. Table 29. Pin Front Panel Connector Signal In/Out Description Pin Signal In/Out Hard Drive Activity LED [Yellow] Description Power LED [Green] 1 HD_PWR Out Hard disk LED pull-up (750 Ω) to +5 V 2 HDR_BLNK_ GRN Out Front panel green LED 3 HAD# Out Hard disk active LED 4 HDR_BLNK_ YEL Out Front panel yellow LED Reset Switch [Purple] 5 Ground 7 FP_RESET# In On/Off Switch [Red] Ground 6 FPBUT_IN Reset switch 8 Ground Not Connected Power 10 N/C Dual-colored Power LED Single-colored Power LED + − − + Not connected +5 V DC 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Purple Red 9 Green Power Switch N/C Yellow +5 V Power switch Ground Power 9 In Reset Switch − + Hard Drive Activity LED OM17000 Figure 21. Connection Diagram for Front Panel Connector Hard Drive Activity LED Connector [Yellow] Pins 1 and 3 [Yellow] can be connected to an LED to provide a visual indicator that data is being read from or written to a hard drive. Proper LED function requires one of the following: • • 64 A Serial ATA hard drive connected to an onboard Serial ATA connector An IDE hard drive connected to an onboard IDE connector Technical Reference Reset Switch Connector [Purple] Pins 5 and 7 [Purple] can be connected to a momentary single pole, single throw (SPST) type switch that is normally open. When the switch is closed, the board resets and runs the POST. Power/Sleep LED Connector [Green] Pins 2 and 4 [Green] can be connected to a one- or two-color LED. Table 30 shows the possible states for a one-color LED. Table 31 shows the possible states for a two-color LED. Table 30. States for a One-Color Power LED LED State Description Off Power off/sleeping Steady Green Running Table 31. States for a Two-Color Power LED LED State Description Off Power off Steady Green Running Steady Yellow Sleeping NOTE The colors listed in Table 30 and Table 31 are suggested colors only. Actual LED colors are product- or customer-specific. Power Switch Connector [Red] Pins 6 and 8 [Red] can be connected to a front panel momentary-contact power switch. The switch must pull the SW_ON# pin to ground for at least 50 ms to signal the power supply to switch on or off. (The time requirement is due to internal debounce circuitry on the board.) At least two seconds must pass before the power supply will recognize another on/off signal. 65 Intel Desktop Board D945GNT Technical Product Specification Front Panel USB Connectors Figure 22 is a connection diagram for the front panel USB connectors. # INTEGRATOR’S NOTES • • • • The +5 V DC power on the USB connector is fused. Pins 1, 3, 5, and 7 comprise one USB port. Pins 2, 4, 6, and 8 comprise one USB port. Use only a front panel USB connector that conforms to the USB 2.0 specification for highspeed USB devices. One USB Port Power (+5 V DC) 1 2 Power (+5 V DC) D− 3 4 D− D+ 5 6 D+ Ground 7 8 Ground 10 No Connect Key (no pin) One USB Port OM15963 Figure 22. Connection Diagram for Front Panel USB Connectors Front Panel IEEE 1394a Connectors (Optional) Figure 23 is a connection diagram for the optional IEEE 1394a connectors. Key (no pin) Ground 10 +12 V DC 8 7 +12 V DC TPB− 6 5 TPB Ground 4 3 Ground TPA− 2 1 TPA+ OM17834 Figure 23. Connection Diagram for IEEE 1394a Connectors # 66 INTEGRATOR’S NOTES • • • The IEEE 1394a connectors are colored blue. The +12 V DC power on the IEEE 1394a connectors is fused. Each IEEE 1394a connector provides one IEEE 1394a port. Technical Reference 2.9 Jumper Block CAUTION Do not move the jumper with the power on. Always turn off the power and unplug the power cord from the computer before changing a jumper setting. Otherwise, the board could be damaged. Figure 24 shows the location of the jumper block. The jumper block determines the BIOS Setup program’s mode. Table 32 describes the jumper settings for the three modes: normal, configure, and recovery. When the jumper is set to configure mode and the computer is powered-up, the BIOS compares the processor version and the microcode version in the BIOS and reports if the two match. 3 1 J7J3 OM17743 Figure 24. Location of the Jumper Block Table 32. BIOS Setup Configuration Jumper Settings Function/Mode Jumper Setting Configuration Normal 1-2 3 1 The BIOS uses current configuration information and passwords for booting. Configure 2-3 3 1 After the POST runs, Setup runs automatically. The maintenance menu is displayed. Recovery None 3 1 The BIOS attempts to recover the BIOS configuration. A recovery diskette is required. 67 Intel Desktop Board D945GNT Technical Product Specification 2.10 Mechanical Considerations 2.10.1 Form Factor The board is designed to fit into an ATX-form-factor chassis. Figure 25 illustrates the mechanical form factor of the board. Dimensions are given in inches [millimeters]. The outer dimensions are 12.00 inches by 9.60 inches [304.80 millimeters by 243.84 millimeters]. Location of the I/O connectors and mounting holes are in compliance with the ATX specification. 1.800 [45.72] 6.500 [165.10] 6.100 [154.94] 5.200 [132.08] 0.00 2.850 [72.39] 3.100 [78.74] 5.550 [140.97] 0.00 4.900 [124.46] 2.600 [66.04] 6.450 6.200 [163.83] [157.48] OM17744 Figure 25. Board Dimensions 68 Technical Reference 2.10.2 I/O Shield The back panel I/O shield for the board must meet specific dimension and material requirements. Systems based on this board need the back panel I/O shield to pass certification testing. Figure 26 shows the I/O shield for boards with the 8-channel (7.1) audio subsystem. Figure 27 shows the I/O shield for boards with the 6-channel (5.1) audio subsystem. Dimensions are given in millimeters [inches]. The figures also indicate the position of each cutout. Additional design considerations for I/O shields relative to chassis requirements are described in the ATX specification. NOTE The I/O shield drawings in this document are for reference only. I/O shields compliant with the ATX chassis specification 2.03 are available from Intel. 162.3 REF [6.390] 1.6 ± 0.12 [0.063 ± 0.005] 20 ± 0.254 TYP [0.787 ± 0.10] 159.2 ± 0.12 [6.268 ± 0.005] 1.55 REF [0.061] 22.45 [0.884] 7.01 [0.276] Ø 1.00 [0.039] 8x R 0.5 MIN A A 0.00 [0.00] 11.81 [0.465] 11.81 [0.465] 12.04 [0.474] 146.88 [5.783] 113.63 [4.473] 93.74 [3.690] 56.31 [2.217] 26.91 [1.059] 20.28 [0.799] 0.00 [0.00] 8.81 [0.347] 14.17 [0.558] Pictorial View OM17932 Figure 26. I/O Shield Dimensions for Boards with the 8-Channel (7.1) Audio Subsystem 69 Intel Desktop Board D945GNT Technical Product Specification 162.3 REF [6.390] 1.6 ± 0.12 [0.063 ± 0.005] 20 ± 0.254 TYP [0.787 ± 0.10] 159.2 ± 0.12 [6.268 ± 0.005] 1.55 REF [0.061] 22.45 [0.884] 7.01 [0.276] Ø 1.00 [0.039] 8x R 0.5 MIN A A 0.00 [0.00] 11.81 [0.465] 11.81 [0.465] 12.04 [0.474] 146.88 [5.783] 113.63 [4.473] 93.74 [3.690] 56.31 [2.217] 26.91 [1.059] 20.28 [0.799] 0.00 [0.00] 8.81 [0.347] 14.17 [0.558] Pictorial View OM17933 Figure 27. I/O Shield Dimensions for Boards with the 6-Channel (5.1) Audio Subsystem 70 Technical Reference 2.11 Electrical Considerations 2.11.1 DC Loading Table 33 lists the DC loading characteristics of the boards. This data is based on a DC analysis of all active components within the board that impact its power delivery subsystems. The analysis does not include PCI add-in cards. Minimum values assume a light load placed on the board that is similar to an environment with no applications running and no USB current draw. Maximum values assume a load placed on the board that is similar to a heavy gaming environment with a 500 mA current draw per USB port. These calculations are not based on specific processor values or memory configurations but are based on the minimum and maximum current draw possible from the board’s power delivery subsystems to the processor, memory, and USB ports. Use the datasheets for add-in cards, such as PCI, to determine the overall system power requirements. The selection of a power supply at the system level is dependent on the system’s usage model and not necessarily tied to a particular processor speed. Table 33. DC Loading Characteristics DC Current at: Mode DC Power +3.3 V +5 V +12 V -12 V +5 VSB Minimum loading 275 W 3.5 A 12 A 17 A 0A 0.34 A (S0) 1.00 A (S3) Maximum loading 500 W 16 A 23 A 29 A 0.20 A 0.34 A (S0) 1.10 A (S3) 2.11.2 Add-in Board Considerations The boards are designed to provide 2 A (average) of +5 V current for each add-in board. The total +5 V current draw for both boards is as follows: a fully loaded D945GNT board (all six expansion slots and the PCI Express x16 slot filled) must not exceed 14 A. 71 Intel Desktop Board D945GNT Technical Product Specification 2.11.3 Fan Connector Current Capability CAUTION The processor fan must be connected to the processor fan connector, not to a chassis fan connector. Connecting the processor fan to a chassis fan connector may result in onboard component damage that will halt fan operation. Table 34 lists the current capability of the fan connectors. Table 34. Fan Connector Current Capability Fan Connector Maximum Available Current Processor fan 3.0 A Front chassis fan 1.5 A Rear chassis fan 1.5 A Auxiliary fan (optional) 3.0 A 2.11.4 Power Supply Considerations CAUTION The +5 V standby line for the power supply must be capable of providing adequate +5 V standby current. Failure to do so can damage the power supply. The total amount of standby current required depends on the wake devices supported and manufacturing options. System integrators should refer to the power usage values listed in Table 33 when selecting a power supply for use with the board. Additional power required will depend on configurations chosen by the integrator. The power supply must comply with the following recommendations found in the indicated sections of the ATX form factor specification. • The potential relation between 3.3 VDC and +5 VDC power rails (Section 4.2) • The current capability of the +5 VSB line (Section • All timing parameters (Section • All voltage tolerances (Section 4.2.2) 72 Technical Reference 2.12 Thermal Considerations CAUTION A chassis with a maximum internal ambient temperature of 38 oC at the processor fan inlet is a requirement. Use a processor heatsink that provides omni-directional airflow (similar to the type shown in Figure 28) to maintain required airflow across the processor voltage regulator area. OM16996 Figure 28. Processor Heatsink for Omni-directional Airflow CAUTION Failure to ensure appropriate airflow may result in reduced performance of both the processor and/or voltage regulator or, in some instances, damage to the board. For a list of chassis that have been tested with Intel desktop boards please refer to the following website: All responsibility for determining the adequacy of any thermal or system design remains solely with the reader. Intel makes no warranties or representations that merely following the instructions presented in this document will result in a system with adequate thermal performance. CAUTION Ensure that the ambient temperature does not exceed the board’s maximum operating temperature. Failure to do so could cause components to exceed their maximum case temperature and malfunction. For information about the maximum operating temperature, see the environmental specifications in Section 2.14. 73 Intel Desktop Board D945GNT Technical Product Specification CAUTION Ensure that proper airflow is maintained in the processor voltage regulator circuit. Failure to do so may result in damage to the voltage regulator circuit. The processor voltage regulator area (item A in Figure 29) can reach a temperature of up to 85 oC in an open chassis. Figure 29 shows the locations of the localized high temperature zones. A B D C OM17742 Item A B C D Description Processor voltage regulator area Processor Intel 82945G GMCH Intel 82801G ICH7 Figure 29. Localized High Temperature Zones 74 Technical Reference Table 35 provides maximum case temperatures for the components that are sensitive to thermal changes. The operating temperature, current load, or operating frequency could affect case temperatures. Maximum case temperatures are important when considering proper airflow to cool the board. Table 35. Thermal Considerations for Components Component Maximum Case Temperature Intel Pentium 4 processor For processor case temperature, see processor datasheets and processor specification updates Intel 82945G GMCH 99 oC (under bias) Intel 82801G ICH7 110 oC (under bias, without heatsink) 99 oC (under bias, with heatsink) For information about Intel Pentium 4 processor datasheets and specification updates Refer to Section 1.2, page 15 2.13 Reliability The Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF) prediction is calculated using component and subassembly random failure rates. The calculation is based on the Bellcore Reliability Prediction Procedure, TR-NWT-000332, Issue 4, September 1991. The MTBF prediction is used to estimate repair rates and spare parts requirements. The MTBF data is calculated from predicted data at 55 ºC. The MTBF for the D945GNT board is 108,165 hours. 75 Intel Desktop Board D945GNT Technical Product Specification 2.14 Environmental Table 36 lists the environmental specifications for the board. Table 36. Environmental Specifications Parameter Specification Temperature Non-Operating -40 °C to +70 °C Operating 0 °C to +55 °C Shock Unpackaged 50 g trapezoidal waveform Velocity change of 170 inches/second Packaged Half sine 2 millisecond Product Weight (pounds) Free Fall (inches) Velocity Change (inches/sec) <20 36 167 21-40 30 152 41-80 24 136 81-100 18 118 Vibration Unpackaged 5 Hz to 20 Hz: 0.01 g² Hz sloping up to 0.02 g² Hz Packaged 5 Hz to 40 Hz: 0.015 g² Hz (flat) 20 Hz to 500 Hz: 0.02 g² Hz (flat) 40 Hz to 500 Hz: 0.015 g² Hz sloping down to 0.00015 g² Hz 76 Technical Reference 2.15 Regulatory Compliance This section describes the Desktop Boards’ compliance with U.S. and international safety and electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) regulations. 2.15.1 Safety Regulations Table 37 lists the safety regulations that the Desktop Board D945GNT complies with when correctly installed in a compatible host system. Table 37. Safety Regulations Regulation Title UL 60950-1:2003/ Information Technology Equipment - Safety - Part 1: General Requirements (USA and Canada) CSA C22.2 No. 60950-1-03 EN 60950-1:2002 Information Technology Equipment - Safety - Part 1: General Requirements (European Union) IEC 60950-1:2001, First Edition Information Technology Equipment - Safety - Part 1: General Requirements (International) 2.15.2 EMC Regulations Table 38 lists the EMC regulations the Desktop Board D945GNT complies with when correctly installed in a compatible host system. Table 38. EMC Regulations Regulation Title FCC (Class B) Title 47 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Parts 2 and 15, Subpart B, Radio Frequency Devices. (USA) ICES-003 (Class B) Interference-Causing Equipment Standard, Digital Apparatus. (Canada) EN55022: 1998 (Class B) Limits and methods of measurement of Radio Interference Characteristics of Information Technology Equipment. (European Union) EN55024: 1998 Information Technology Equipment – Immunity Characteristics Limits and methods of measurement. (European Union) AS/NZS CISPR 22 (Class B) Australian Communications Authority, Standard for Electromagnetic Compatibility. (Australia and New Zealand) CISPR 22, 3rd Edition (Class B) Limits and methods of measurement of Radio Disturbance Characteristics of Information Technology Equipment. (International) CISPR 24: 1997 Information Technology Equipment – Immunity Characteristics – Limits and Methods of Measurements. (International) VCCI (Class B) Voluntary Control for Interference by Information Technology Equipment (Japan) 77 Intel Desktop Board D945GNT Technical Product Specification FCC Compliance Statement (USA) Product Type: D945GNT Desktop Board This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential environment. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures: • • • • Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. Increase the separation between the equipment and the receiver. Connect the equipment to a different electrical branch circuit from that to which the receiver is connected. Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help. Any changes or modifications to the equipment not expressly approved by Intel Corporation could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment. Tested to comply with FCC standards for home or office use. Canadian Compliance Statement This Class B digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003. Cet appereil numérique de la classe B est conforme à la norme NMB-003 du Canada. 2.15.3 European Union Declaration of Conformity Statement We, Intel Corporation, declare under our sole responsibility that the product: Intel Desktop Board D945GNT is in conformity with all applicable essential requirements necessary for CE marking, following the provisions of the European Council Directive 89/336/EEC (EMC Directive) and Council Directive 73/23/EEC (Safety/Low Voltage Directive). The product is properly CE marked demonstrating this conformity and is for distribution within all member states of the EU with no restrictions. This product follows the provisions of the European Directives 89/336/EEC and 73/23/EEC. Dansk Dette produkt er i overensstemmelse med det europæiske direktiv 89/336/EEC & 73/23/EEC. 78 Technical Reference Dutch Dit product is in navolging van de bepalingen van Europees Directief 89/336/EEC & 73/23/EEC. Suomi Tämä tuote noudattaa EU-direktiivin 89/336/EEC & 73/23/EEC määräyksiä. Français Ce produit est conforme aux exigences de la Directive Européenne 89/336/EEC & 73/23/EEC. Deutsch Dieses Produkt entspricht den Bestimmungen der Europäischen Richtlinie 89/336/EEC & 73/23/EEC. Icelandic Þessi vara stenst reglugerð Evrópska Efnahags Bandalagsins númer 89/336/ EEC & 73/23/EEC. Italiano Questo prodotto è conforme alla Direttiva Europea 89/336/EEC & 73/23/EEC. Norsk Dette produktet er i henhold til bestemmelsene i det europeiske direktivet 89/336/ EEC & 73/23/EEC. Portuguese Este produto cumpre com as normas da Diretiva Européia 89/336/EEC & 73/23/EEC. Español Este producto cumple con las normas del Directivo Europeo 89/336/EEC & 73/23/EEC. Svenska Denna produkt har tillverkats i enlighet med EG-direktiv 89/336/EEC & 73/23/EEC. 2.15.4 Recycling Considerations Intel encourages its customers to recycle its products and their components (e.g., batteries, circuit boards, plastic enclosures, etc.) whenever possible. In the U.S., a list of recyclers in your area can be found at: In the absence of a viable recycling option, products and their components must be disposed of in accordance with all applicable local environmental regulations. 79 Intel Desktop Board D945GNT Technical Product Specification 2.15.5 Product Certification Markings (Board Level) Table 39 lists the board’s product certification markings. Table 39. Product Certification Markings Description Marking UL joint US/Canada Recognized Component mark. Includes adjacent UL file number for Intel Desktop Boards: E210882 (component side). FCC Declaration of Conformity logo mark for Class B equipment; includes Intel name and D945GNT model designation (component side). CE mark. Declares compliance to European Union (EU) EMC directive (89/336/EEC) and Low Voltage directive (73/23/EEC) (component side). The CE mark should also be on the shipping container. Australian Communications Authority (ACA) C-Tick mark. Includes adjacent Intel supplier code number, N-232. The C-tick mark should also be on the shipping container. Printed wiring board manufacturer’s recognition mark: consists of a unique UL recognized manufacturer’s logo, along with a flammability rating (solder side). V-0 or 94V-0 Lead – Free Certification Pb-free certification markings are per the JEDEC spec. Pb-free symbol - PB_FREE_SILK e1 symbol (specifies the composition of the solder paste) - E1_SILK 2ND Level Interconnect (used until a board is considered Pb-free per the RoHS definition – This must follow the Pb-free symbol. It is abbreviated per spec) - 2ND_LVL_INTCT_SILK 260 °C (specifies maximum safe processing temperature) - 260C_SILK 80 Pb 2ND LVL INTCT 260 oC e1 3 Overview of BIOS Features What This Chapter Contains 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 Introduction .................................................................................................................. 81 BIOS Flash Memory Organization ............................................................................... 82 Resource Configuration ............................................................................................... 82 System Management BIOS (SMBIOS) ........................................................................ 83 Legacy USB Support.................................................................................................... 83 BIOS Updates .............................................................................................................. 84 Boot Options ................................................................................................................ 85 Adjusting Boot Speed................................................................................................... 86 BIOS Security Features ............................................................................................... 87 3.1 Introduction The boards use an Intel BIOS that is stored in the Serial Peripheral Interface Flash Memory (SPI Flash) and can be updated using a disk-based program. The SPI Flash contains the BIOS Setup program, POST, the PCI auto-configuration utility, and Plug and Play support. The BIOS displays a message during POST identifying the type of BIOS and a revision code. The initial production BIOSs are identified as NT94510J.86A. When the BIOS Setup configuration jumper is set to configure mode and the computer is poweredup, the BIOS compares the CPU version and the microcode version in the BIOS and reports if the two match. The BIOS Setup program can be used to view and change the BIOS settings for the computer. The BIOS Setup program is accessed by pressing the <F2> key after the Power-On Self-Test (POST) memory test begins and before the operating system boot begins. The menu bar is shown below. Maintenance Main Advanced Security Power Boot Exit NOTE The maintenance menu is displayed only when the Desktop Board is in configure mode. Section 2.9 on page 67 shows how to put the Desktop Board in configure mode. 81 Intel Desktop Board D945GNT Technical Product Specification Table 40 lists the BIOS Setup program menu features. Table 40. BIOS Setup Program Menu Bar Maintenance Main Advanced Security Power Boot Clears passwords and displays processor information Displays processor and memory configuration Configures advanced features available through the chipset Sets passwords and security features Selects boot Configures options power management features and power supply controls Exit Saves or discards changes to Setup program options Table 41 lists the function keys available for menu screens. Table 41. BIOS Setup Program Function Keys BIOS Setup Program Function Key Description <←> or <→> Selects a different menu screen (Moves the cursor left or right) <↑> or <↓> Selects an item (Moves the cursor up or down) <Tab> Selects a field (Not implemented) <Enter> Executes command or selects the submenu <F9> Load the default configuration values for the current menu <F10> Save the current values and exits the BIOS Setup program <Esc> Exits the menu 3.2 BIOS Flash Memory Organization The Serial Peripheral Interface Flash Memory (SPI Flash) includes a 4 Mbit (512 KB) flash memory device. 3.3 Resource Configuration 3.3.1 PCI Autoconfiguration The BIOS can automatically configure PCI devices. PCI devices may be onboard or add-in cards. Autoconfiguration lets a user insert or remove PCI cards without having to configure the system. When a user turns on the system after adding a PCI card, the BIOS automatically configures interrupts, the I/O space, and other system resources. Any interrupts set to Available in Setup are considered to be available for use by the add-in card. 3.3.2 PCI IDE Support If you select Auto in the BIOS Setup program, the BIOS automatically sets up the PCI IDE connector with independent I/O channel support. The IDE interface supports hard drives up to ATA-66/100 and recognizes any ATAPI compliant devices, including CD-ROM drives, tape drives, and Ultra DMA drives. The interface also supports second-generation SATA drives. The BIOS determines the capabilities of each drive and configures them to optimize capacity and performance. To take advantage of the high capacities typically available today, hard drives are 82 Overview of BIOS Features automatically configured for Logical Block Addressing (LBA) and to PIO Mode 3 or 4, depending on the capability of the drive. You can override the auto-configuration options by specifying manual configuration in the BIOS Setup program. To use ATA-66/100 features the following items are required: • • • An ATA-66/100 peripheral device An ATA-66/100 compatible cable ATA-66/100 operating system device drivers NOTE Do not connect an ATA device as a slave on the same IDE cable as an ATAPI master device. For example, do not connect an ATA hard drive as a slave to an ATAPI CD-ROM drive. 3.4 System Management BIOS (SMBIOS) SMBIOS is a Desktop Management Interface (DMI) compliant method for managing computers in a managed network. The main component of SMBIOS is the Management Information Format (MIF) database, which contains information about the computing system and its components. Using SMBIOS, a system administrator can obtain the system types, capabilities, operational status, and installation dates for system components. The MIF database defines the data and provides the method for accessing this information. The BIOS enables applications such as third-party management software to use SMBIOS. The BIOS stores and reports the following SMBIOS information: • • • • BIOS data, such as the BIOS revision level Fixed-system data, such as peripherals, serial numbers, and asset tags Resource data, such as memory size, cache size, and processor speed Dynamic data, such as event detection and error logging Non-Plug and Play operating systems, such as Windows NT*, require an additional interface for obtaining the SMBIOS information. The BIOS supports an SMBIOS table interface for such operating systems. Using this support, an SMBIOS service-level application running on a non-Plug and Play operating system can obtain the SMBIOS information. 3.5 Legacy USB Support Legacy USB support enables USB devices to be used even when the operating system’s USB drivers are not yet available. Legacy USB support is used to access the BIOS Setup program, and to install an operating system that supports USB. Legacy USB support operates as follows: 1. When you apply power to the computer, legacy support is disabled. 2. POST begins. 3. Legacy USB support is enabled by the BIOS allowing you to use a USB keyboard to enter and configure the BIOS Setup program and the maintenance menu. 4. POST completes. 83 Intel Desktop Board D945GNT Technical Product Specification 5. The operating system loads. While the operating system is loading, USB keyboards and mice are recognized and may be used to configure the operating system. 6. After the operating system loads the USB drivers, all legacy and non-legacy USB devices are recognized by the operating system, and Legacy USB support from the BIOS is no longer used. To install an operating system that supports USB, follow the operating system’s installation instructions. 3.6 BIOS Updates The BIOS can be updated using either of the following utilities, which are available on the Intel World Wide Web site: • • Intel® Express BIOS Update utility, which enables automated updating while in the Windows environment. Using this utility, the BIOS can be updated from a file on a hard disk, a 1.44 MB diskette, or a CD-ROM, or from the file location on the Web. Intel® Flash Memory Update Utility, which requires creation of a boot diskette and manual rebooting of the system. Using this utility, the BIOS can be updated from a file on a 1.44 MB diskette (from a legacy diskette drive or an LS-120 diskette drive) or a CD-ROM. Both utilities verify that the updated BIOS matches the target system to prevent accidentally installing an incompatible BIOS. NOTE Review the instructions distributed with the upgrade utility before attempting a BIOS update. For information about Refer to The Intel World Wide Web site Section 1.2, page 15 3.6.1 Language Support The BIOS Setup program and help messages are supported in US English. Additional languages are available in the Integrator’s Toolkit utility. Check the Intel website for details. 3.6.2 Custom Splash Screen During POST, an Intel® splash screen is displayed by default. This splash screen can be augmented with a custom splash screen. The Integrator’s Toolkit that is available from Intel can be used to create a custom splash screen. NOTE If you add a custom splash screen, it will share space with the Intel branded logo. 84 For information about Refer to The Intel World Wide Web site Section 1.2, page 15 Overview of BIOS Features 3.7 Boot Options In the BIOS Setup program, the user can choose to boot from a diskette drive, hard drives, CD-ROM, or the network. The default setting is for the diskette drive to be the first boot device, the hard drive second, and the ATAPI CD-ROM third. The fourth device is disabled. 3.7.1 CD-ROM Boot Booting from CD-ROM is supported in compliance to the El Torito bootable CD-ROM format specification. Under the Boot menu in the BIOS Setup program, ATAPI CD-ROM is listed as a boot device. Boot devices are defined in priority order. Accordingly, if there is not a bootable CD in the CD-ROM drive, the system will attempt to boot from the next defined drive. 3.7.2 Network Boot The network can be selected as a boot device. This selection allows booting from the onboard LAN or a network add-in card with a remote boot ROM installed. Pressing the <F12> key during POST automatically forces booting from the LAN. To use this key during POST, the User Access Level in the BIOS Setup program's Security menu must be set to Full. 3.7.3 Booting Without Attached Devices For use in embedded applications, the BIOS has been designed so that after passing the POST, the operating system loader is invoked even if the following devices are not present: • • • 3.7.4 Video adapter Keyboard Mouse Changing the Default Boot Device During POST Pressing the <F10> key during POST causes a boot device menu to be displayed. This menu displays the list of available boot devices (as set in the BIOS setup program’s Boot Device Priority Submenu). Table 42 lists the boot device menu options. Table 42. Boot Device Menu Options Boot Device Menu Function Keys Description <↑> or <↓> Selects a default boot device <Enter> Exits the menu, saves changes, and boots from the selected device <Esc> Exits the menu without saving changes 85 Intel Desktop Board D945GNT Technical Product Specification 3.8 Adjusting Boot Speed These factors affect system boot speed: • • 3.8.1 Selecting and configuring peripherals properly Optimized BIOS boot parameters Peripheral Selection and Configuration The following techniques help improve system boot speed: • • • • 3.8.2 Choose a hard drive with parameters such as “power-up to data ready” less than eight seconds, that minimize hard drive startup delays. Select a CD-ROM drive with a fast initialization rate. This rate can influence POST execution time. Eliminate unnecessary add-in adapter features, such as logo displays, screen repaints, or mode changes in POST. These features may add time to the boot process. Try different monitors. Some monitors initialize and communicate with the BIOS more quickly, which enables the system to boot more quickly. BIOS Boot Optimizations Use of the following BIOS Setup program settings reduces the POST execution time. In the Boot Menu: • • Set the hard disk drive as the first boot device. As a result, the POST does not first seek a diskette drive, which saves about one second from the POST execution time. Disable Quiet Boot, which eliminates display of the logo splash screen. This could save several seconds of painting complex graphic images and changing video modes. In the Peripheral Configuration submenu, disable the LAN device if it will not be used. This can reduce up to four seconds of option ROM boot time. NOTE It is possible to optimize the boot process to the point where the system boots so quickly that the Intel logo screen (or a custom logo splash screen) will not be seen. Monitors and hard disk drives with minimum initialization times can also contribute to a boot time that might be so fast that necessary logo screens and POST messages cannot be seen. This boot time may be so fast that some drives might be not be initialized at all. If this condition should occur, it is possible to introduce a programmable delay ranging from three to 30 seconds (using the Hard Disk Pre-Delay feature of the Advanced Menu in the Drive Configuration Submenu of the BIOS Setup program). 86 Overview of BIOS Features 3.9 BIOS Security Features The BIOS includes security features that restrict access to the BIOS Setup program and who can boot the computer. A supervisor password and a user password can be set for the BIOS Setup program and for booting the computer, with the following restrictions: • • • • • • • The supervisor password gives unrestricted access to view and change all the Setup options in the BIOS Setup program. This is the supervisor mode. The user password gives restricted access to view and change Setup options in the BIOS Setup program. This is the user mode. If only the supervisor password is set, pressing the <Enter> key at the password prompt of the BIOS Setup program allows the user restricted access to Setup. If both the supervisor and user passwords are set, users can enter either the supervisor password or the user password to access Setup. Users have access to Setup respective to which password is entered. Setting the user password restricts who can boot the computer. The password prompt will be displayed before the computer is booted. If only the supervisor password is set, the computer boots without asking for a password. If both passwords are set, the user can enter either password to boot the computer. For enhanced security, use different passwords for the supervisor and user passwords. Valid password characters are A-Z, a-z, and 0-9. Passwords may be up to 16 characters in length. Table 43 shows the effects of setting the supervisor password and user password. This table is for reference only and is not displayed on the screen. Table 43. Supervisor and User Password Functions Supervisor Password Set Mode User Mode Setup Options Password to Enter Setup Password During Boot Neither Can change all options (Note) Can change all None options (Note) None None Supervisor only Can change all options Can change a limited number of options Supervisor None User only N/A Can change all Enter Password options Clear User Password User User Supervisor and user set Can change all options Can change a limited number of options Supervisor or user Supervisor or user Note: Supervisor Password Supervisor Password Enter Password If no password is set, any user can change all Setup options. 87 Intel Desktop Board D945GNT Technical Product Specification 88 4 Error Messages and Beep Codes What This Chapter Contains 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 Speaker ....................................................................................................................... 89 BIOS Beep Codes........................................................................................................ 89 BIOS Error Messages .................................................................................................. 89 Port 80h POST Codes ................................................................................................. 90 4.1 Speaker The board-mounted speaker provides audible error code (beep code) information during POST. For information about Refer to The location of the onboard speaker Figure 1, page 12 4.2 BIOS Beep Codes Whenever a recoverable error occurs during POST, the BIOS displays an error message describing the problem (see Table 44). Table 44. Beep Codes Type Pattern Frequency Memory error Three long beeps 1280 Hz Thermal warning Four alternating beeps: High tone: 2000 Hz High tone, low tone, high tone, low tone Low tone: 1600 Hz 4.3 BIOS Error Messages Table 45 lists the error messages and provides a brief description of each. Table 45. BIOS Error Messages Error Message Explanation CMOS Battery Low The battery may be losing power. Replace the battery soon. CMOS Checksum Bad The CMOS checksum is incorrect. CMOS memory may have been corrupted. Run Setup to reset values. Memory Size Decreased Memory size has decreased since the last boot. If no memory was removed then memory may be bad. No Boot Device Available System did not find a device to boot. 89 Intel Desktop Board D945GNT Technical Product Specification 4.4 Port 80h POST Codes During the POST, the BIOS generates diagnostic progress codes (POST-codes) to I/O port 80h. If the POST fails, execution stops and the last POST code generated is left at port 80h. This code is useful for determining the point where an error occurred. Displaying the POST-codes requires a PCI bus add-in card, often called a POST card. The POST card can decode the port and display the contents on a medium such as a seven-segment display. NOTE The POST card must be installed in PCI bus connector 1. The following tables provide information about the POST codes generated by the BIOS: • • • Table 46 lists the Port 80h POST code ranges Table 47 lists the Port 80h POST codes themselves Table 48 lists the Port 80h POST sequence NOTE In the tables listed above, all POST codes and range values are listed in hexadecimal. Table 46. Port 80h POST Code Ranges Range Category/Subsystem 00 – 0F Debug codes: Can be used by any PEIM/driver for debug. 10 – 1F Host Processors: 1F is an unrecoverable CPU error. 20 – 2F Memory/Chipset: 2F is no memory detected or no useful memory detected. 30 – 3F Recovery: 3F indicated recovery failure. 40 – 4F Reserved for future use. 50 – 5F I/O Busses: PCI, USB, ISA, ATA, etc. 5F is an unrecoverable error. Start with PCI. 60 – 6F Reserved for future use (for new busses). 70 – 7F Output Devices: All output consoles. 7F is an unrecoverable error. 80 – 8F Reserved for future use (new output console codes). 90 – 9F Input devices: Keyboard/Mouse. 9F is an unrecoverable error. A0 – AF Reserved for future use (new input console codes). B0 – BF Boot Devices: Includes fixed media and removable media. BF is an unrecoverable error. C0 – CF Reserved for future use. D0 – DF Boot device selection. E0 – FF F0 – FF: FF processor exception. E0 – EE: Miscellaneous codes. See Table 47. EF boot/S3: resume failure. 90 Error Messages and Beep Codes Table 47. POST Code Port 80h POST Codes Description of POST Operation Host Processor 10 Power-on initialization of the host processor (Boot Strap Processor) 11 Host processor Cache initialization (including APs) 12 Starting Application processor initialization 13 SMM initialization Chipset 21 Initializing a chipset component 22 Reading SPD from memory DIMMs 23 Detecting presence of memory DIMMs 24 Programming timing parameters in the memory controller and the DIMMs 25 Configuring memory 26 Optimizing memory settings 27 Initializing memory, such as ECC init 28 Testing memory Memory PCI Bus 50 Enumerating PCI busses 51 Allocating resources to PCI bus 52 Hot Plug PCI controller initialization 53 – 57 Reserved for PCI Bus USB 58 Resetting USB bus 59 Reserved for USB ATA/ATAPI/SATA 5A Resetting PATA/SATA bus and all devices 5B Reserved for ATA SMBus 5C Resetting SMBUS 5D Reserved for SMBUS Local Console 70 Resetting the VGA controller 71 Disabling the VGA controller 72 Enabling the VGA controller Remote Console 78 Resetting the console controller 79 Disabling the console controller 7A Enabling the console controller continued 91 Intel Desktop Board D945GNT Technical Product Specification Table 47. POST Code Port 80h POST Codes (continued) Description of POST Operation Keyboard (PS2 or USB) 90 Resetting keyboard 91 Disabling keyboard 92 Detecting presence of keyboard 93 Enabling keyboard 94 Clearing keyboard input buffer 95 Instructing keyboard controller to run Self Test (PS2 only) 98 Resetting mouse 99 Disabling mouse 9A Detecting presence of mouse 9B Enabling mouse Mouse (PS2 or USB) Fixed Media B0 Resetting fixed media B1 Disabling fixed media B2 Detecting presence of a fixed media (IDE hard drive detection etc.) B3 Enabling/configuring a fixed media Removable media B8 Resetting removable media B9 Disabling removable media BA Detecting presence of a removable media (IDE, CD-ROM detection, etc.) BC Enabling/configuring a removable media BDS Dy Trying boot selection y (y=0 to 15) E0 Started dispatching PEIMs (emitted on first report of EFI_SW_PC_INIT_BEGIN EFI_SW_PEI_PC_HANDOFF_TO_NEXT E2 Permanent memory found. E1, E3 Reserved for PEI/PEIMs PEI Core DXE Core E4 Entered DXE phase E5 Started dispatching drivers E6 Started connecting drivers continued 92 Error Messages and Beep Codes Table 47. POST Code Port 80h POST Codes (continued) Description of POST Operation DXE Drivers E7 Waiting for user input E8 Checking password E9 Entering BIOS setup EA TBD – Flash Update EB Calling Legacy Option ROMs EE TBD – Calling INT 19. One beep unless silent boot is enabled. EF TBD – Unrecoverable Boot failure/S3 resume failure Runtime Phase/EFI OS Boot F4 Entering Sleep state F5 Exiting Sleep state F8 EFI boot service ExitBootServices ( ) has been called F9 EFI runtime service SetVirtualAddressMap ( ) has been called FA EFI runtime service ResetSystem ( ) has been called 30 Crisis Recovery has initiated per User request 31 Crisis Recovery has initiated by software (corrupt flash) 34 Loading recovery capsule PEIMs/Recovery 35 Handing off control to the recovery capsule 3F Unable to recover 93 Intel Desktop Board D945GNT Technical Product Specification Table 48. 94 Typical Port 80h POST Sequence POST Code Description 21 Initializing a chipset component 22 Reading SPD from memory DIMMs 23 Detecting presence of memory DIMMs 25 Configuring memory 28 Testing memory 34 Loading recovery capsule E4 Entered DXE phase 12 Starting Application processor initialization 13 SMM initialization 50 Enumerating PCI busses 51 Allocating resourced to PCI bus 92 Detecting the presence of the keyboard 90 Resetting keyboard 94 Clearing keyboard input buffer 95 Keyboard Self Test EB Calling Video BIOS 58 Resetting USB bus 5A Resetting PATA/SATA bus and all devices 92 Detecting the presence of the keyboard 90 Resetting keyboard 94 Clearing keyboard input buffer 5A Resetting PATA/SATA bus and all devices 28 Testing memory 90 Resetting keyboard 94 Clearing keyboard input buffer E7 Waiting for user input 01 INT 19 00 Ready to boot.