RT9602 Preliminary Dual Channel Synchronous-Rectified Buck MOSFET Driver General Description Features The RT9602 is a, twin power channel MOSFET driver z Drives Four N-Channel MOSFETs specifically designed to drive four power N-Channel z Adaptive Shoot-Through Protection MOSFETs in a synchronous-rectified buck converter z Internal Bootstrap Devices topology. a z Small 14-Lead SOIC Package RT9237/RT9241 series of Multi-Phase Buck PWM z 5V to 12V Gate-Drive Voltages for Optimal These drivers combined with controller provide a complete core voltage regulator solution for advanced microprocessors. Efficiency z Tri-State Input for Bridge Shutdown The RT9602 can provide flexible gate driving for both z Supply Under-Voltage Protection high side and low side drivers. This gives more z Power ON Over-Voltage Protection flexibility of MOSFET selection. Applications The output drivers in the RT9602 have the capability z to drive a 3000pF load with a 40ns propagation delay Core Voltage Supplies for Intel Pentium 4 and AMD Athlon TM Microprocessors and 80ns transition time. This device implements z High Frequency Low Profile DC-DC Converters bootstrapping on the upper gates with only a single z High Current Low Voltage DC-DC Converters external capacitor required for each power channel. This reduces implementation complexity and allows the use of higher performance, cost effective, NChannel MOSFETs. Adaptive shoot-through protection is integrated to prevent both MOSFETs from conducting simultaneously. The RT9602 can detect high side MOSFET drain-tosource electrical short at power on and pull the 12V power by low side MOS and cause power supply to go into over current shutdown to prevent damage of Pin Configurations Part Number Pin Configurations RT9602CS (Plastic SOP-14) TOP VIEW PWM1 PWM2 GND 1 14 VCC 2 13 3 12 PHASE1 UGATE1 LGATE1 PVCC 4 11 BOOT1 5 10 PGND 6 9 LGATE2 7 8 BOOT2 UGATE2 PHASE2 CPU. Ordering Information RT9602 Package type S : SOP-14 Operating temperature range C: Commercial standard DS9602-00 January 2002 www.richtek-ic.com.tw 1 RT9602 Preliminary Pin Description Pin No. Pin Name 1 PWM1 Channel 1 PWM Input 2 PWM2 Channel 2 PWM Input 3 GND Ground Pin 4 LGATE1 Lower Gate Drive of Channel 1 5 PVCC Upper and Lower Gate Driver Power Rail 6 PGND Lower Gate Driver Ground Pin 7 LGATE2 Lower Gate Drive of Channel 2 8 PHASE2 Connect this pin to phase point of channel 2. Phase point is the connection point of high side MOSFET source and low side MOSFET drain 9 UGATE2 Upper Gate Drive of Channel 2 10 BOOT2 Floating Bootstrap Supply Pin of Channel 2 11 BOOT1 Floating Bootstrap Supply Pin of Channel 1 12 UGATE1 Upper Gate Drive of Channel 1 13 PHASE1 14 VCC www.richtek-ic.com.tw 2 Pin Function Connect this pin to phase point of channel 1. Phase point is the connection point of high side MOSFET source and low side MOSFET drain Control Logic Power Supply DS9602-00 January 2002 RT9602 Preliminary Function Block Diagram VCC PVCC Internal 5V BOOT1 19K Shoot-through Protection PWM1 UGATE1 PHASE1 19K Power-on OVP PVCC Shoot-through Protection Control Logic Internal 5V LGATE1 PGND PGND BOOT2 PVCC Shoot-through Protection UGATE2 PHASE2 19K Power-on OVP PWM2 PVCC 19K Shoot-through Protection LGATE2 GND PGND DS9602-00 January 2002 www.richtek-ic.com.tw 3 RT9602 Preliminary Absolute Maximum Ratings z Supply Voltage (VCC) 15V z Supply Voltage (PVCC) VCC + 0.3V z BOOT Voltage (VBOOT-VPHASE) 15V z Input Voltage (VPWM) GND–0.3V to 7V z UGATE VPHASE-0.3V to VBOOT+0.3V z LGATE GND-0.3V to VPVCC+0.3V z Package Thermal Resistance SOP-14, θJA 160°C /W z Ambient Temperature 0°C ~ 70°C z Junction Temperature 0°C ~ 125°C z Storage Temperature Range -40°C ~ 150°C z Lead Temperature (Soldering, 10 sec.) 260°C z ESD Level HBM 2KV MM 200V Electrical Characteristics Parameter Symbol Test Conditions Min Typ Max Units VCC Supply Current Bias Supply Current IVCC fPWM = 250KHz, VPVCC = 12V, Cboot = 0.1µF, Rphase = 20Ω -- 3 -- mA Power Supply Current IPVCC fPWM = 250kHz, VPVCC = 12V, Cboot = 0.1µF, Rphase = 20Ω -- 8 -- mA VCC Rising Threshold 9.1 9.6 10 V VCC Falling Threshold 7.5 8.1 8.5 V Power-On Reset PWM Input Maximum Input Current VPWM = 0 or 5V -- 200 -- µA PWM Floating Voltage Vcc=12V -- 1.9 -- V PWM Rising Threshold -- 3.7 -- V PWM Falling Threshold -- 1.1 -- V UGATE Rise Time VPVCC = VVCC = 12V, 3nF load -- 30 -- ns LGATE Rise Time VPVCC = VVCC = 12V, 3nF load -- 30 -- ns UGATE Fall Time VPVCC = VVCC = 12V, 3nF load -- 40 -- ns LGATE Fall Time VPVCC = VVCC = 12V, 3nF load -- 30 -- ns UGATE Turn-Off Propagation Delay VVCC = VPVCC = 12V, 3nF load -- 60 -- ns LGATE Turn-Off Propagation Delay VVCC = VPVCC = 12V, 3nF load -- 45 -- ns 1.1 -- 3.7 V Shutdown Window To be continued www.richtek-ic.com.tw 4 DS9602-00 January 2002 RT9602 Preliminary Parameter Symbol Test Conditions Min Typ Max Units Output Upper Drive Source RUGATE VVCC = 12V, VPVCC = 12V -- 1.5 -- Ω Upper Drive Sink RUGATE VVCC = 12V, VPVCC = 12V -- 1.45 2 Ω Lower Drive Source RLGATE VVCC = 12V, VPVCC = 12V -- 1.6 -- Ω Lower Drive Sink RLGATE VVCC = VPVCC = 12V -- 0.75 1 Ω Operation Descriptions The RT9602 has power on protection function which held UGATE and LGATE low before VCC up across the rising threshold voltage. After the initialization, the PWM signal takes the control. The rising PWM signal first forces the LGATE signal turns low then UGATE signal is allowed to go high just after a nonoverlapping time to avoid shoot-through current. The falling of PWM signal first forces UGATE to go low. When UGATE and PHASE signal reach a The RT9602 implements a power on over-voltage protection function. If the PHASE voltage exceeds 1.5V at power on, the LGATE would be turn on to pull the PHASE low until the PHASE voltage goes below 1.5V. Such function can protect the CPU from damage by some short condition happened before power on, which is sometimes encountered in the M/B manufacturing line. predetermined low level, LGATE signal is allowed to turn high. The non-overlapping function is also presented between UGATE and LGATE signal transient. The PWM signal is recognized as high if above rising threshold and as low if below falling threshold. Any signal level in this window is considered as tri-state, which causes turn-off of both high side and low-side MOSFET. When PWM input is floating (not connected), internal divider will pull the PWM to 1.9V to give the controller a recognizable level. The maximum sink/source capability of internal PWM reference is 60µA. The PVCC pin provides flexibility of both high side and low side MOSFET gate drive voltages. If 8V, for example, is applied to PVCC, then high side MOSFET gate drive is 8V-1.5V(approximately, internal diode plus series resistance voltage drop). The low side gate drive voltage is exactly 8V. DS9602-00 January 2002 www.richtek-ic.com.tw 5 12V www.richtek-ic.com.tw 6 18K 2.4K +5V 3K 66pF 15K 4 VID1 9 0.1µF 10 2.4K SS 13 14 12 18 17 19 20 PWM2 ISN2 16 11 ISP2 15 RT9241 DVD GND 8 ADJ ISN1 ISP1 PWM1 PGOOD VDD VSEN COMP VID0 VID1 VID2 VID3 VID4 FB 7 6 5 3 VID2 VID0 2 VID3 VID4 1 1µF 3K 3K 3K 3K +5V PGOOD 10K 2µH 2µH 1000µF ×1500µF 1000µF ×1500µF 1.2µH VCORE 12V PHB95N03LT 1µF PHB83N03LT 1µF PHB95N03LT PHB83N03LT 1µF 11 UGATE2 PGND 10 6 GND 3 7 LGATE2 BOOT2 8 PHASE2 9 PWM2 2 PWM1 1 PVCC 5 14 VCC RT9602 PHASE1 UGATE1 BOOT1 4 LGATE1 13 12 1µF 1µF 10Ω 12V RT9602 Preliminary Typical Application Circuit DS9602-00 January 2002 RT9602 Preliminary Package Information H M B B J A C F Symbol D I Dimensions In Millimeters Dimensions In Inches Min Max Min Max A 8.534 8.738 0.336 0.344 B 3.810 3.988 0.150 0.157 C 1.346 1.753 0.053 0.069 D 0.330 0.508 0.013 0.020 F 1.194 1.346 0.047 0.053 H 0.178 0.254 0.007 0.010 I 0.102 0.254 0.004 0.010 J 5.791 6.198 0.228 0.244 M 0.406 1.270 0.016 0.050 14–Lead SOP Plastic Package DS9602-00 January 2002 www.richtek-ic.com.tw 7 RT9602 Preliminary RICHTEK TECHNOLOGY CORP. RICHTEK TECHNOLOGY CORP. Headquarter Taipei Office (Marketing) 6F, No. 35, Hsintai Road, Chupei City 8F-1, No. 137, Lane 235, Paochiao Road, Hsintien City Hsinchu, Taiwan, R.O.C. Taipei County, Taiwan, R.O.C. Tel: (8863)5510047 Fax: (8863)5537749 Tel: (8862)89191466 Fax: (8862)89191465 Email: [email protected] www.richtek-ic.com.tw 8 DS9602-00 January 2002