Sonardyne UK (Head Office) T. +44 (0) 1252 872288 F. +44 (0) 1252 876100 E. [email protected] Datasheet Radian – Miniature Attitude & Heading Reference System Description Radian is a miniature marine Attitude and Heading Reference Systems (AHRS) using a triad of modern high quality solid state MEMS inertial and earth magnetic field sensors. The embedded processor allows the real-time output of high accuracy gyro compensated magnetic heading, pitch, roll and related information at high output rates to provide the user with an optimum orientation solution. To correct for any local disturbances to the magnetic field caused by a vessels engines for example, a full magnetic field calibration can be carried out with easy to use software supplied. A correction table is then stored within the device. Radian supports RS232, 485 with a range or proprietary or marine industry standard serial outputs. With the software supplied you can view the heading, pitch, roll data in realtime on a PC, or configure serial outputs to other systems. Supplied within a 300 or 3,000 metre rated underwater pressure housing and accepting a wide range of input voltages, Radian can be mounted anywhere on vessels, ROVs, AUVs and other vehicles or structures. Radian is compatible with Sonardyne’s family of Scout USBL tracking systems. Key Features • Miniature affordable marine high accuracy magnetic heading, pitch, and roll sensor • Surface or Subsea (300 or 3,000 Metre depth rating) • Industry standard serial outputs • Supplied with advanced software • 18 to 50 Volt input range • Low power consumption <450mW • High update rate of 100Hz • Low latency • Suitable for highly dynamic conditions as gyro compensated • Magnetic field calibration system provided Applications • Inshore hydrographic survey The relative weighting between the magnetic heading sensor data and gyro data can be adjusted to enable absolute or relative heading output, dependent on the magnetic environment that it is installed in. The filter response can be adjusted to suit different vehicle dynamics. • Vessels: Compensation of Bathymetry systems, Dynamic Position system input • ROVs : Orientation displays, Imaging sonar compensation • AUVs : Dead reckoning, Imaging sonar compensation Sonardyne UK (Head Office) T. +44 (0) 1252 872288 F. +44 (0) 1252 876100 E. [email protected] Specifications Radian – Miniature Attitude & Heading Reference System Feature Depth Rating Dimensions Weight in Air/Water Type 8041-000-01 300 Metres 160mm x 92mm x 78mm 0.64kg / 0.05kg Type 8041-000-02 3,000 Metres 160mm x 92mm x 78mm 1.21kg / 0.61kg Raw sensor performance Full Scale (standard) Rate of Turn ±150 deg/s Linearity Bias stability (1σ) 0.1% of FS 5 deg/s Scale Factor Stability (1σ) Noise density 0.1 deg/s/√Hz Alignment error Bandwidth (standard) 0.1 deg 40 Hz Acceleration ±50 m/s2 0.2% of FS 0.02 m/s2 0.05% 2 0.001 m/s /√Hz 0.1 deg 30 Hz Magnetic Field ±750 mGauss 0.5% 0.5 mGauss (1σ) Temperature -10 to +60oC <1% of FS 0.5 oC accuracy - 0.1 deg 10 Hz - 0.2% of FS 0.5 mGauss Orientation performance in marine conditions Dynamic range All angles 3D Angular resolution 0.05 Deg Pitch Accuracy <0.5 Deg Roll Accuracy <0.5 Deg Heading Accuracy <1 Deg Statically, <2 Deg in real marine environment Interfacing Proprietary Outputs Industry Standard Max update rate Digital interface Operating voltage Power consumption 3D orientations (Quaternions, Euler Angles, Rotation Matrix), 3D acceleration, 3D rate of turn, 3D earth-magnetic field (normalized), Device Temperature $HCHDM, $HCHDG, TSS2, $PHTRO, $PRDID, EM1000 512Hz (sensors only), 100Hz (orientation data) RS232, RS485 18 to 50 VDC 450mWatts Specifications subject to change without notice - 07/2007