RP12/24ADA ADA Strobe Retrofit Plate A Division of Pittway 3825 Ohio Avenue, St. Charles, IL 60174 1-800-SENSOR2 (736-7672), Fax 630-377-6495 http://www.systemsensor.com Models Available RP2415ADA RP241575ADA RP2475ADA RP24110ADA RP1215ADA RP121575ADA Features • Fits most 4″ or 5″ square horn or speaker • Multiple light intensities –24 VDC: 15,15/75, 75 or 110 cd models –12 VDC: 15 or 15/75 cd models • Low strobe current draw. 93 mA on the RP241575ADA with regulated power • Low installed cost • No measurable strobe in-rush in excess of peak current • Intended for primary signaling • “Installer Easy” –Plug-in terminal strip –Wire strip guage and wiring diagram on back • Wall mount only System Sensor RP12/24ADA Series Strobe Retrofit Plate complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and the demanding requirements of the UL 1971 Standard for the Hearing Impaired. The 15/75 version is UL 1971 listed at 15 cd. The new model RP12/24ADA Series Retrofit Plate allows adding an ADA compliant visible notification to most existing 4 or 5 inch square horns or speakers. To insure compliance with ADA and UL 1971, use the System Sensor 75 candela models for non-sleeping areas, and the 110 candela models for sleeping areas. Available in red only at 12 or 24 VDC, the RP12/ 24ADA Series Strobe Retrofit Plate can be mounted directly to a standard 4″ backbox. Specifications Input terminals: Shipping Weight: RP12/24ADA Series Strobes: Operating Temperature Range: Mounting: Surface: Semiflush: 18 – 12 AWG Dimensions: 57/8″ 3″ 14 oz. (397g) 32° F to 120° F (0° C to 49° C) 73/4″ 4″ × 4″ × 11/2″ standard backbox (21/8″ recommended) 4″ × 4″ × 11/2″ standard backbox (21/8″ recommended) APPROVED © System Sensor 8/96 This document is not intended to be used for installation purposes. A05-249-01 General Description The new model RP12/24ADA Series Retrofit Plate allows adding an ADA compliant visible notification appliance to most existing 4 or 5 inch square horns or speakers. All RP12/24ADA Series Strobe Retrofit Plates are suitable for primary signaling in public mode life safety applications. The Strobe Retrofit Plates can be connected to the alarm indicating circuit of a UL listed fire alarm control panel. They are compatible with DC line supervision. Panels may have full-wave rectified, unfiltered power supplies. The Strobe Retrofit Plates are available for 24VDC operation or 12VDC operation. The strobe features low current draw with no measurable in-rush in excess of peak current. The Strobe Retrofit Plate is intended for wall mounting only to a 4″ square electrical backbox. Electrical Ratings – Strobe Only Model RP2415ADA RP241575ADA RP2475ADA RP24110ADA RP1215ADA RP121575ADA Supply Voltage Range 20–30VDC 20–30VDC 20–30VDC 20–30VDC 10.5–17VDC 10.5–17VDC Peak Operating Current (mA) 180 220 400 500 380 560 In-rush Current in Excess of Peak Operating Current (mA) 0 0 0 0 0 0 Average Operating Current from Regulated Supply (mA) 75 93 170 210 170 225 Average Operating Current from Full Wave Rectified, Unfiltered Supply (mArms)* 90 120 200 245 200 270 * For additional information, see installation manual D900-09-00. Actual 12 volt operating voltage cannot be less than 8.5 VDC or greater than 18.7 VDC; actual 24 volt operating voltage cannot be less than 16 greater than 33 VDC. Engineering Specifications ADA Strobe Retrofit Plate shall be a System Sensor Model ______ listed to Standard UL 1971 for the Hearing Impaired and shall be approved for Fire Protective Service. The ADA Strobe Retrofit Plate series shall retrofit most 4″ or 5″ square horn or speaker into an ADA compliant visible notification device. Strobe Retrofit Plate shall be wired as a Primary Signaling Notification appliance. Strobe Retrofit Plate shall also comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act requirements for visible signaling appliances. Strobe Retrofit Plate shall operate on 12 or 24VDC from a regulated DC supply or full-wave rectified, Page 2 unfiltered supply. The Strobe Retrofit Plate shall be powered from a non-coded power supply when powered with horn or speaker. Strobe Retrofit Plate shall have no measurable in-rush current in excess of operating peak current. Visual signaling devices are to be installed in all non-sleeping/corridor and sleeping areas per plans and specifications. The strobe light shall consist of a xenon flash tube and associated lens/reflector system. All Strobe Retrofit Plates shall be capable of mounting to a standard 4″ × 4″ × 11/2″ backbox. A05-249-01 Standard Light Distribution Vertical Dispersion Horizontal Dispersion Degree 0 5-30 5 35 40 45 10 50 55 15 60 65 70 20 75 80 85 25 90 ZERO AXIS 0 W A L L 90˚ 85 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 FLOOR 35 30 Percent of Rating 100 90 65 46 34 27 22 18 16 15 13 12 12 12 0˚ –45˚ 45˚ LIGHT 90˚ WALL Degree 0 5-25 30-45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 –90˚ 90 Percent of Rating 100 90 75 55 45 40 35 35 30 30 25 25 A polar light distribution in both horizontal and vertical directions is mandated for the strobes by the Standard UL 1971 for the Hearing Impaired, with specific minimum intensity percentages as shown in the graphs above. With its specially designed lens/reflector system, the RP12/24ADA Strobe Retrofit Plate Series meets or exceeds these requirements at all angles. Wiring (-)IN (-)OUT (+)IN (+)OUT – VDC To Next + VDC Device – VDC or EOL + VDC (–) (–) (+) IN OUT IN OUT IN OUT STROBE STROBE ONLY ONLY (+) IN OUT STROBE NON-CODED SUPPLY To Next SOUNDER CAN BE CODED SUPPLY From panel or previous device Device – VDC or EOL + VDC (–) (–) (+) IN OUT IN OUT IN OUT STROBE STROBE ONLY ONLY (+) IN OUT From panel or previous device Note: Use uncoded supply only. Independent Horn/Strobe Wiring Combination Horn/Strobe Wiring Mounting ADA Strobe Retrofit Plate with 4″ Horn Page 3 ADA Strobe Retrofit Plate with 5″ Speaker A05-249-01 Ordering Information Operating Voltage Models – ADA Compliant, UL 1971 Listed Strobe Retrofit Plates Description RP2415ADA RP241575ADA RP2475ADA RP24110ADA RP1215ADA RP121575ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA ADA Strobe Strobe Strobe Strobe Strobe Strobe Retrofit Retrofit Retrofit Retrofit Retrofit Retrofit Plate Plate Plate Plate Plate Plate 24 24 24 24 12 12 VDC VDC VDC VDC VDC VDC Strobe Current (Average mA) Candela 75 93 170 210 170 225 15 15/75 75 110 15 15/75* *Measured to be 75 cd at 0˚ viewing angle (See Light Distribution Graph). How to Order RP1215ADAB B=Beige Strobe 15 = 15 cd, UL 1971 Strobe 75 = 75 cd, UL 1971 Strobe 110 = 110 cd, UL 1971 Strobe 1575 = 15 cd, UL 1971 12 = 12 Volt 24 = 24 Volt SS = Signal Strobe PS = Mini-Alert Sounder/Strobe RP = Retrofit Plate MASS = Multi-Alert Sounder/Strobe MAEH = Multi-Alert Sounder/Strobe with Electromechanical Tone V4R = 400 Series Speaker, Red SP1R = SP101 Series Speaker (Strobe), Red SP1W = SP101 Series Speaker (Strobe), White System Sensor Worldwide Distribution In Canada: System Sensor Canada 6581 Kitimat Road, Unit #7 Mississauga, Ontario Canada L5N 3T5 Telephone: 905-812-0767 Fax: 905-812-0771 Page 4 In the United Kingdom: System Sensor Europe, Ltd. Horsham Gates III, North St. Horsham, West Sussex RH13 5PJ, United Kingdom Telephone: 44-1403-276500 Fax: 44-1403-276501 In India: System Sensor India A-204 Maheshwari Nagar Orkay Mills Lane Andheri East, Mumbai 400093 Telefax: 91-022-8202564 In the Far East: System Sensor Pittway Far East, Ltd. Suite 706, World Shipping Centre 7 Canton Road Tsimshatsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong Telephone: 852-2730-9090 Fax: 852-2736-6580 A05-249-01