Tel : 0044 (0)118 979 1238 Fax : 0044 (0)118 979 1283 email : ACT530SMX-2&4 The ACT530SMX-2/4 family is a low cost, 2/4 pad, high quality, low aging 5x3.2mm SMD Crystal in a ceramic base / metal lid package, seam welded for good long term reliability. The 4 pad device has the lid grounded via the package to reduce EMI issues. The wide frequency range and specification options ensure suitability for many applications. APPLICATIONS: Bluetooth, WLAN, Audio-visual, Pagers, Card readers, Cellular, PC & Accessories, Notebook, Audio-visual, Process Control, Consumer & Communications Specification Under Change Parameter Symbol Specification Frequency Range Frequency Tolerance (@25°C) Stability over temp range Temp Operating Range Temp Storage Range Equivalent Series Resistance Load Capacitance Shunt Capacitance Drive Level fo Δf/fo Tc Topr Tstg ESR CL C0 DL 10.0 ~ 150.0MHz ( Standard Range) ±5,±10,±15,±20,±30 & ±50ppm(Std ) ±5ppm ~ 50ppm (See table 2) 0~+50°C ~ -40~+85°C ( See table 2) -40 ~+85°C See table 1 10pF ~ 50pF & Series 5pF max 100μW typical (500μW max) ESR min to max <1.3 FL min to max <1.3 500MΩ min ±3ppm p/year Drive Level Dependency DLD Insulation Resistance IR Aging Fa Condition Please specify Please specify Please specify Please specify (16,20 & 30pF Std. Please specify ) (Custom available - Please enquire) 0.01, 0.1,1,10,100,500 μW steps @100V DC (First year max @ 25°C) Table 1 Freq. Range (MHz) 10.000 ~ 11.999 12.000 ~ 14.999 15.000 ~ 50.000 45.000 ~ 79.999 80.000 ~ 90.000 90.001 ~ 150.000 ESR (Ω) max 80 60 50 90 90 150 Mode / Cut Fundamental / AT Fundamental / AT Fundamental / AT RD 3 Overtone / AT RD 3 Overtone / AT RD 3 Overtone / AT Pad Surface Material: Gold (Au) Dimensions (mm) 4 Pad Device Connections #1. Crystal #2. Grounded to lid #3. Crystal #4. Grounded to lid 2 Pad Device Connections #1. Crystal #2. Crystal Please note that all parameters can not necessarily be specified in the same device Customer to specify : Frequency, Frequency Tolerance, Temperature Stability, Operating Temperature & Load Capacitance In line with our ongoing policy of product evolvement and improvement, the above specification may subject to change without notice ISO9001:2000 Registered For quotations or further information please contact us at: 3 The Business Centre, Molly Millars Lane, Wokingham, Berkshire, RG41 2EY, UK Issue 3 C1F DATE: 24/01/07 1 of 2 Tel : 0044 (0)118 979 1238 Fax : 0044 (0)118 979 1283 email : ACT530SMX-2/4 Table 2 Stability Temp 0~+50°C +/- 5ppm +/- 10ppm +/- 20ppm +/- 30ppm +/- 50ppm O O O O O O Available stabilities O O O O -20~+70°C O O O O -30~+80°C O O O O O O Standard stabilities -10+60°C O O -40~+85°C O O Standard Re-flow Profile Tape & Reel Specification (mm) ( IK pcs each reel ) Tolerance Dimension W ±0.3 12.0 Wo ±0.1 5.5 W1 ±0.1 5.4 TAPE Lo L1 Ho H1 ±0.1 ±0.1 ±0.05 ±0.1 3.5 8.0 3.0 1.1 A ±1 178 REEL B C ±1 ±0.5 80 13.5 D ±0.2 2.0 In line with our ongoing policy of product evolvement and improvement, the above specification may subject to change without notice ISO9001:2000 Registered For quotations or further information please contact us at: 3 The Business Centre, Molly Millars Lane, Wokingham, Berkshire, RG41 2EY, UK Issue 3 C1F DATE: 24/01/07 2 of 2