MAGNETIC ANGLE SENSOR KMT32B Preliminary Preliminary Data Sheet KMT32B HL PLANARTECHNIK GmbH • Hauert 13 • 44227 Dortmund • Germany • • phone: +49-(0)231-97400 • fax: +49-(0)231-974020 KMT32B_PreliminaryDataSheet (2007-01-12)-1.doc Last update 19.01.07 Preliminary MAGNETIC ANGLE SENSOR KMT32B FEATURES APPLICATIONS Contactless angular position Ideal for harsh environments due to magnetic sensing Factory optimized linearity Low Cost High Accuracy High rotational speed up to 30,000 rpm Extended operating temperature range (-40 °C to +150 °C) Low Power RoHS compliant (lead free) SMD package • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Absolute and incremental angle Angle Measurement Motor motion control Robotics Camera positioning Potentiometer replacement Automotive PACKAGES SM8 SO8 TDFN Die General Description The KMT32B is a magnetic field sensor based on the anisotropic magnetoresistance effect. The sensor contains two parallel supplied Wheatstone bridges, which enclose a sensitive angle of 45 degrees. A rotating magnetic field in the surface parallel to the chip (x-y plane) will deliver two independent sinusoidal output signals, one following a cos(2α) and the second following a sin(2α) function, α being the angle between sensor and field direction (see Figure 1). 15 10 Uo/Ucc [mV/V] 5 KMT32B 0 0 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 -5 -10 360 -Vo1 GND1 -Vo2 GND2 +Vcc2 +Vo2 +Vcc1 +Vo1 -15 α [de g] bridge1 (sin) bridge2 (cos) Figure 1: Characteristic curves for KMT32B HL PLANARTECHNIK GmbH • Hauert 13 • 44227 Dortmund • Germany • • phone: +49-(0)231-97400 • fax: +49-(0)231-974020 KMT32B_PreliminaryDataSheet (2007-01-12)-1.doc Last update 19.01.07 Preliminary MAGNETIC ANGLE SENSOR KMT32B The KMT32B magnetic field sensor is suited for high precision angle measurement applications under low field conditions (regularly H0 = 25 kA/m, with reduced accuracy applicable down to H0 = 8 kA/m; beware of earth’s magnetic field !). Circuit Diagram CHARACTERISTIC VALUES (PRELIMINARY) PARAMETER CONDITION SYMBOL MIN TYP M AX UNIT A. Operating Limits max. supply voltage Vcc,max max. current (single bridge) Icc,max 10 V 4 mA TBD mW power dissipation Ptot operating temperature Top -40 +150 °C storage temperature Tst -25 +150 °C 5 8.5 V 2400 3000 3600 Ω @T= TBD °C B. Sensor Specifications (T=25 °C) Supply voltage Vcc Resistance (single bridge) Rb Output signal range ∆V/Vcc Condition A, B 17 20 Offset voltage Voff Condition A, B -1 0 +1 mV/V angular inaccuracy ∆α Condition A, B 0.05 0.2 deg angular hysteresis ∆αH Condition A, B 0.1 deg mV/V C. Sensor Specifications TC of amplitude TCSV Condition A, C -0.36 -0.32 -0.28 %/K TC of resistance TCBR Condition A, C +0.27 +0.32 +0.37 %/K TC of offset TCVoff Condition A, C -4 0 +4 µV/V/K Stress above one or more of the limiting values may cause permanent damage to the device. Exposure to limiting values for extended periods may affect device reliability. HL PLANARTECHNIK GmbH • Hauert 13 • 44227 Dortmund • Germany • • phone: +49-(0)231-97400 • fax: +49-(0)231-974020 KMT32B_PreliminaryDataSheet (2007-01-12)-1.doc Last update 19.01.07 Preliminary MAGNETIC ANGLE SENSOR KMT32B MEASUREMENT CONDITIONS PARAMETER UNIT SYMBOL CONDITION A. Set Up Conditions ambient temperature T °C T = 23±5 °C (unless otherwise noted) supply voltage Vcc V Vcc=5 V applied magnetic field H kA/m H=25 kA/m B. Sensor Specifications (T=25 °C, 360° turn , H=25 kA/m , Vomax>0, Vomin<0) signal amplitude ∆V/V mV/V ∆V/V=Vomax - Vomin signal offset Voff mV/V Voff=Vomax + Vomin angular hysteresis ∆αH deg ∆αH = MAX|αleft turn -αright turn| max. angular difference between left and right turn angular inaccuracy ∆α deg ∆α=MAX|α0-α| max. angular difference between actual value α0 and measured angle; offset voltage error contributions not included C. Sensor Specifications (T=-25°C, +125°C) ambient temperatures T °C T1=-25 °C, T0=+25 °C, T2=+125 °C TC of amplitude TCSV %/K ∆V ∆V (T2 ) − (T1 ) 1 V V TCV = ⋅ ⋅ 100% ∆V (T2 − T1 ) (T1 ) V TC of resistance TCBR %/K TCR = TC of offset TCVoff R(T2 ) − R(T1 ) 1 ⋅ ⋅ 100% (T2 − T1 ) R(T1 ) µV/(VK) TCVoff = Voff (T2 ) − Voff (T1 ) (T2 − T1 ) HL PLANARTECHNIK GmbH • Hauert 13 • 44227 Dortmund • Germany • • phone: +49-(0)231-97400 • fax: +49-(0)231-974020 KMT32B_PreliminaryDataSheet (2007-01-12)-1.doc Last update 19.01.07 MAGNETIC ANGLE SENSOR KMT32B Preliminary PACKAGES SM8 SO8 HL PLANARTECHNIK GmbH • Hauert 13 • 44227 Dortmund • Germany • • phone: +49-(0)231-97400 • fax: +49-(0)231-974020 KMT32B_PreliminaryDataSheet (2007-01-12)-1.doc Last update 19.01.07 MAGNETIC ANGLE SENSOR KMT32B Preliminary TDFN8 DIE HL PLANARTECHNIK GmbH • Hauert 13 • 44227 Dortmund • Germany • • phone: +49-(0)231-97400 • fax: +49-(0)231-974020 KMT32B_PreliminaryDataSheet (2007-01-12)-1.doc Last update 19.01.07 MAGNETIC ANGLE SENSOR KMT32B Preliminary ORDERING CODE KMT32B SO8 300130?? KMT32B SM8 30013030 KMT32B TDFN8 30013050 KMT32B chip 30013000 LEGAL DISCLAIMER This product is not designed for use in life support appliances, devices or systems where malfunction of this product can reasonably be expected to result in personal injury. HL Planartechnik GmbH customers using or selling this product for use in such applications do so at their own risk and agree to fully indemnify HL Planartechnik GmbH for any damages resulting from such improper use or sale. This data sheet contains target specifications for product development which my be subject to changes without notice. HL PLANARTECHNIK GmbH • Hauert 13 • 44227 Dortmund • Germany • • phone: +49-(0)231-97400 • fax: +49-(0)231-974020 KMT32B_PreliminaryDataSheet (2007-01-12)-1.doc Last update 19.01.07