iC-HB TRIPLE 155 MHz LASER SWITCH Rev A4, Page 1/8 FEATURES APPLICATIONS ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Laser printers ♦ Data transmission ♦ Laser scanning devices Laser switch for frequencies from CW up to 155 MHz Spike-free switching of the laser currents Three channels with independent current control at pins CIx Operates as a voltage-controlled current sink LVDS/TTL switching inputs with TTL monitor outputs Pulsed operation with up to 300 mA per channel CW operation with up to 65 mA per channel Laser current monitor output Thermal shutdown with open drain error output Protective ESD circuitry PACKAGES QFN24 4 mm x 4 mm BLOCK DIAGRAM IMON LDK1 LDK2 LDKB VDD VTTL CIB IKB iC−HB 1k SYNB ENB EPB LVDS/TTL CI2 IK2 1k LVDS/TTL CI1 IK1 1k NER SYN2 EN2 EP2 SYN1 EN1 EP1 LVDS/TTL OVERTEMP SHUTDOWN TTL AGND1 AGND2 Copyright © 2013 iC-Haus AGNDB GND http://www.ichaus.com iC-HB TRIPLE 155 MHz LASER SWITCH Rev A4, Page 2/8 DESCRIPTION Triple Laser Switch iC-HB enables the spike-free switching of laser diodes with well-defined current pulses at frequencies ranging from DC to 155 MHz. The diode current is determined by the voltages at pins CIx. The three fast switches are controlled independently via LVDS/TTL inputs. Input TTL = hi selects TTL type inputs. The laser diode can thus be turned on and off or switched between different current levels (LDKx connected) defined by the voltages at CI1, CI2 and CIB. Channel B is preferably used for biasing. For current monitoring purpose IMON sinks a fraction of the sum of currents into LDKx: I(IMON) = I(LDK1 ) + I(LDK2 ) I(LDKB ) + 92 75 Each channel can be operated at 65 mA DC (channel B: 60 mA) and up to 300 mA (channel B: 275 mA) pulsed current depending on the frequency, duty cycle and heat dissipation. The integrated thermal shutdown feature protects the IC from damage by excessive temperature. PACKAGING INFORMATION QFN24 to JEDEC PIN CONFIGURATION QFN24 4 mm x 4 mm 24 23 22 21 20 19 1 18 2 17 16 3 HB code... ... 4 5 15 14 13 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 PIN FUNCTIONS No. Name Function 1 AGND2 Analogue ground channel 2 2 LDK2 Laser diode cathode channel 2 3 LDKB Laser diode cathode channel B 4 AGNDB Analogue ground channel B 5 LDK1 Laser diode cathode channel 1 6 AGND1 Analogue ground channel 1 PIN FUNCTIONS No. Name Function 7 EP1 Positive LVDS/TTL switching input channel 1 8 EN1 Negative LVDS switching input channel 1 9 SYN1 Sync output channel 1 10 VTTL Sync TTL output supply voltage 11 SYNB Sync output channel B 12 CI1 Current control voltage channel 1 13 ENB Negative LVDS switching input channel B 14 EPB Positive LVDS/TTL switching input channel B 15 VDD +5 V supply voltage 16 GND Ground 17 CIB Current control voltage channel B 18 IMON Laser diode current monitor output 19 CI2 Current control voltage channel 2 20 NER Temperature shutdown monitor output 21 TTL TTL inputs selector (EPx) 22 SYN2 Sync output channel 2 23 EN2 Negative LVDS switching input channel 2 24 EP2 Positive LVDS/TTL switching input channel 2 For improved heat dissipation the thermal pad is to be connected to a ground plane on the PCB. Only pin 1 marking on top or bottom defines the package orientation ( HB label and coding is subject to change). iC-HB TRIPLE 155 MHz LASER SWITCH Rev A4, Page 3/8 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Beyond these values damage may occur; device operation is not guaranteed. Item No. Symbol Parameter Conditions Unit Min. Max. G001 VDD Voltage at VDD -0.7 6 V G002 I(VDD) Current in VDD -10 150 mA G003 V(CIx) Voltage at CI1, CI2, CIB -0.7 6 V G004 I(LDKc) Current in LDK1, LDK2, LDKB DC current -10 300 mA G005 I(AGND1) Current in AGND1, AGND2, AGNDB DC current -150 10 mA G006 V() Voltage at EN1, EN2, AGND1, AGND2, AGNDB -0.7 6 V G007 V(LDKx) Voltage at LDK1, LDK2, LDKB -0.7 6 V G008 Vd() Susceptibility to ESD at all pins 4 kV G009 Tj Operating Junction Temperature -40 150 °C G010 Ts Storage Temperature Range -40 150 °C HBM, 100 pF discharged through 1.5 kΩ THERMAL DATA Operating Conditions: VDD = 3.5...5.5 V, VTTL = 3.15...5.5 V Item No. Symbol Parameter Conditions Unit Min. T01 Ta Operating Ambient Temperature Range (extended range on request) T02 Rthja Thermal Resistance Chip/Ambient Typ. -25 soldered to PCB, therm. pad soldered to approx. 2 cm² cooling area All voltages are referenced to ground unless otherwise stated. All currents flowing into the device pins are positive; all currents flowing out of the device pins are negative. 30 Max. 85 °C 60 K/W iC-HB TRIPLE 155 MHz LASER SWITCH Rev A4, Page 4/8 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Operating Conditions: VDD = 3.5...5.5 V, VTTL = 3.15...5.5 V, Tj = -25...125 °C unless otherwise stated Item No. Symbol Parameter Conditions Unit Min. Typ. Max. Total Device 001 VDD Permissible Supply Voltage 3.5 5.5 002 VTTL Permissible Supply Voltage at VTTL 3.15 5.5 003 I(VDD) Supply Current in VDD CW operation 004 I(VDD) Supply Current in VDD pulsed operation, f(ENx, EPx) = 150 MHz 005 I(VTTL) Supply Current in VTTL 006 V(LDKx) Permissible Voltage at LDK1, LDK2, LDKB 007 Vc(CIx)hi Clamp Voltage hi at CI1, CI2, CIB Vc(CIx) = V(CIx) − VDD, I(CIx) = 10 mA, other pins open 008 Vc(TTL)hi Clamp Voltage hi at TTL 009 2 V 8 mA 80 mA 1 mA 0 5.5 V 0.4 1.25 V Vc(TTL)hi = V(TTL) − VDD, I(TLL) = 0.1 mA, other pins open 0.4 1.25 V Vc(SYNx)hi Clamp Voltage hi at SYN1, SYN2, SYNB Vc(SYNx)hi = V(SYNx) − VTTL, I(EN) = 1 mA, other pins open 0.4 1.25 V 010 Vc()lo Clamp Voltage lo at VDD, LDK, CI1, CI2, CIB, EN1, EN2, ENB, EP1, EP2, EPB, TTL, AGND1, AGND2, AGNDB, NER, VTTL, SYN1, SYN2, SYNB, IMON I() = -10 mA, other pins open -1.25 -0.4 V 011 Ipd() Pull-Down Current at CI1, CI2, CIB, TTL V() = 0.7...5.5 V 0.5 5 µA 012 Ipd(EPx) Pull-Down Current at EP1, EP2, EPB TLL = hi, V() = 0.7...5.5 V 0.5 5 µA 013 Toff Overtemperature Shutdown 120 165 °C 65 mA Laser Control 101 Icw(LDKx) Permissible CW Current in LDK1, LDK2 102 Icw(LDKB) Permissible CW Current in LDKB 60 mA 103 Ipk(LDKx) Permissible Pulsed Current in LDK1, LDK2 f > 100 kHz, thi / T < 1:10 300 mA 104 Ipk(LDKB) Permissible Pulsed Current in LDKB f > 100 kHz, thi / T < 1:10 275 mA 105 Vsat(LKDx) Saturation Voltage at LKD1, LKD2, LDKB I(LDKx) = 30 mA I(LDKx) = 60 mA 0.8 1.2 V V 106 Imon() Switching Channels 1, 2 V(IMON) > 1.5 V, V(LDKx) > 1.5 V 1/105 1/85 I(LDKx) 107 Imon() Bias Channel V(IMON) > 1.5 V, V(LDKx) > 1.5 V 1/80 1/70 I(LDKB) 108 I0(LDKx) Leakage Current in LDK1, LDK2, V(EPx) < V(ENx), V(LDKx) = VDD LDKB 0 10 µA 109 tr() Current Rise Time at LDK1, LDK2, LDKB Iop(LDKx) = 55 mA, I(LDKx): 10% → 90%Iop, cf. Fig. 1 1.5 ns 110 tf() Current Fall Time at LDK1, LDK2, Iop(LDKx) = 55 mA, I(LDKx): 90% → 10%Iop, LDKB cf. Fig. 1 1.5 ns 111 tp() Propagation Delay V(EPx, ENx) → I(LDKx) 112 Vcm() Common Mode Input Voltage Range at ENx, EPx 10 TLL = lo; VDD = 3.5...5.5 V VDD = 4.5...5.5 V ns 0.8 0.6 2.3 2.3 V V -100 100 mV TLL = lo, V(ENx) < VDD − 2 V, V(EPx) < VDD − 2 V 0.6 3 kΩ 2 V VDD = 5 V 0.8 113 Vd() Input Differential Voltage at ENx, TLL = lo EPx 114 R() Differential Input Impedance at ENx, EPx 115 Vt(TTL)hi Input Threshold Voltage hi 116 Vt(TTL)lo Input Threshold Voltage low 117 Vhys(TTL) Hysteresis V 100 mV iC-HB TRIPLE 155 MHz LASER SWITCH Rev A4, Page 5/8 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Operating Conditions: VDD = 3.5...5.5 V, VTTL = 3.15...5.5 V, Tj = -25...125 °C unless otherwise stated Item No. Symbol Parameter Conditions Unit Min. Typ. Max. 118 Vt(EPx)hi Input Threshold Voltage hi at EP1, EP2, EPB TTL = hi, ENx = open 119 Vt(EPx)lo Input Threshold Voltage low at EP1, EP2, EPB TTL = hi, ENx = open 0.8 120 Vhys(EPx) Hysteresis 121 Vt(CIx) Threshold Voltage at CI1, CI2, CIB I(LDKx) < 5 mA 0.9 1.4 122 CR() Current Matching Channel1 / Channel2 V(CI1) = V(CI2) = 0...VDD, I(LDKx) = 30...300 mA 0.9 1.1 123 I(NER) Current in NER Tj > Toff, V(NER) > 0.6 V 20 mA 124 Vsat(NER) Saturation Voltage at NER Tj > Toff, I(NER) = 1 mA 600 mV 125 Vs(SYNx)hi Saturation Voltage hi at SYN1, SYN2, SYNB Vs(SYNx)hi = VDD − V(SYNx), I() = -1 mA, V(EPx) < V(ENx) 0.4 V 126 Vs(SYNx)lo Saturation Voltage lo at SYN1, SYN2, SYNB I() = 1 mA, V(EPx) > V(ENx) 0.4 V 127 Isc(SYNx)hi Short-Circuit Current hi at SYN1, V(EPx) < V(ENx), V(SYNx) = 0 V, VTTL = 3.3 V SYN2, SYNB -20 -3 mA 128 Isc(SYNx)lo Short-Circuit Current lo at SYN1, V(EPx) > V(ENx), V(SYNx) = VTTL, SYN2, SYNB VTTL = 3.3 V 3 20 mA 20 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS DIAGRAMS I(LDK) tr 2 tf I op 90 % I op 10 % I op t Figure 1: Laser current pulse in LDK 1 V mV V iC-HB TRIPLE 155 MHz LASER SWITCH Rev A4, Page 6/8 CURRENT CONTROL The voltage at pins CI1/2/B sets the current in pins LDK1/2/B. Figures 2 and 3 show the temperature dependency of the current in a single LDKx output versus the voltage at CIx for a typical device. Figures 4 and 5 show the min., typ. and max. variations between devices at 27 °C temperature. Figure 2: I(LDK1/2) vs. V(CI1/2) at VDD = 5 V Figure 3: I(LDK1/2) vs. V(CI1/2) at VDD = 3.3 V Figure 4: I(LDKx) vs. V(CIx) at VDD = 5 V Figure 5: I(LDKx) vs. V(CIx) at VDD = 3.3 V DEMO BOARD iC-HB comes with a demo board for test purpose. Figures 6 and 7 show both the schematic and the component side of the demo board. iC-HB TRIPLE 155 MHz LASER SWITCH Rev A4, Page 7/8 J2 4 VDD VDD C16 4.7uF J2 3 C12 R6 C13 C14 C15 2 LDA GND1 J2 2 J2 1 C7 1uF R4 GND A A A D1 A RC C8 1uF A A C9 A C10 C17 4.7uF J1 20 J1 19 A MDA LDC 3 A J2 10 MDA C4 1 NER C6 100nF MDA J1 16 R5 SYNB IMON J2 9 IMON X1 iC-HB 18 IMON VTTL LDK 5 LDK1 2 LDK2 3 LDKB 15 VDD VTTL CIB_1 R31 CIB C5 100nF C31 R33 C3 1uF R22 J2 6 CI2_1 R21 A A CI2 CI2 A C21 R23 IK3 SYNB 11 iC-HB 1k R3 EPB 14 ENB ENB J1 6 EPB EPB J1 5 J1 8 LVDS/TTL 19 CI2 IK2 SYN2 22 SYN2 EN2 23 A J2 5 CI1_1 A R11 1k A CI1 12 CI1 CI1 VDD C11 R13 R2 EP2 24 NER J2 8 NER A A C1 1uF EN2 EP2 EP2 SYN1 9 A NER EN2 1k 20 NER OVERTEMP SHUTDOWN A A AGNDB 4 GND 16 A EN1 EP1 EP1 EP1 7 3 TTL 21 TTL AGND2 1 EN1 SUB EPAD J1 7 J1 10 J1 9 J1 4 SYN1 R1 LVDS/TTL AGND1 6 SYN2 LVDS/TTL IK1 EN1 8 R7 J1 11 SYNB ENB 13 C2 1uF R12 J1 13 J1 12 17 CIB CIB J1 15 J1 14 10 VTTL R32 J2 7 J1 18 J1 17 JP2 SYN1 J1 3 J1 2 J1 1 VDD 2 JP1 1 GND2 GND3 GND4 A Figure 6: Schematic of the demo board Figure 7: Demo board (component side) iC-Haus expressly reserves the right to change its products and/or specifications. An info letter gives details as to any amendments and additions made to the relevant current specifications on our internet website www.ichaus.de/infoletter; this letter is generated automatically and shall be sent to registered users by email. Copying – even as an excerpt – is only permitted with iC-Haus’ approval in writing and precise reference to source. iC-Haus does not warrant the accuracy, completeness or timeliness of the specification and does not assume liability for any errors or omissions in these materials. The data specified is intended solely for the purpose of product description. No representations or warranties, either express or implied, of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose or of any other nature are made hereunder with respect to information/specification or the products to which information refers and no guarantee with respect to compliance to the intended use is given. In particular, this also applies to the stated possible applications or areas of applications of the product. iC-Haus conveys no patent, copyright, mask work right or other trade mark right to this product. iC-Haus assumes no liability for any patent and/or other trade mark rights of a third party resulting from processing or handling of the product and/or any other use of the product. iC-HB TRIPLE 155 MHz LASER SWITCH Rev A4, Page 8/8 ORDERING INFORMATION Type Package Order Designation iC-HB QFN24 4 mm x 4 mm iC-HB QFN24 For technical support, information about prices and terms of delivery please contact: iC-Haus GmbH Am Kuemmerling 18 D-55294 Bodenheim GERMANY Tel.: +49 (0) 61 35 - 92 92 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 61 35 - 92 92 - 192 Web: http://www.ichaus.com E-Mail: [email protected] Appointed local distributors: http://www.ichaus.com/sales_partners