AMG-LM302 Ballast Controller for Metal Halide Lamps 1. Functional Description of the AMG-LM302 The AMG-LM302 is a Ballast Controller IC for Metal Halide Lamps (HID, CDM, HQI…). The AMG-LM302 integrates all functions necessary for control off Metal Halide lamps including power factor correction (PFC), ignition voltage generation and overdrive, current supply and power management. The ballast controller specifically supports high stability of color temperature. 2. Features PFC PFC operates in current controlled transition mode (TM) with overvoltage protection Separate undervoltage lockout for PFC and HID part Zero current detection for TM operation Real multiplier for excellent THD High pulse current driver output for HV Power MOS Internal reference voltage HID Current mode controlled buck converter Buck converter with Driver for external transistor Power drive mode for HV MOSFETS Safe ignition through burst oscillation 30kHz PWM in capture compare mode with maximum duty cycle of 50% Regulation of lamp power Slope compensation Open load and short-circuit detection Completely adjustable current and power ramp during lamp warm-up period Full bridge drive for acoustic control Automatic time control for all function Monitoring of lamp state General Wide supply range of 14.5V to 35V Low power startup current Disable function to shut down the ballast and reduce power consumption Over temperature protection Short-circuit protected Ambient temperature range: -25°C to +125°C Package: TQFP48 3. Application The AMG-LM302 is suitable for all application where the light spectrum and color temperature of the sun, which is given by Metal Halide lamps, are needed. The AMG-LM302 controls the whole lamp ballast and thus not only provides for a low cost solution, but also one, which is high quality and easy to design. AMG-LM302 Revision: A 29. Jul. 2010 © All rights reserved Page 1 of 23 AMG-LM302 Ballast Controller for Metal Halide Lamps 3.1. Example Application Drawing AMG-DF102 230VAC Buck HSD CDM Lamp HSD LSD LSD Control OTh PWM PWM Vc Supply OVLO Digital Control AMG-LM302 UVLO PFC CDM Figure 1: Simplified application drawing. 3.2. Application Notes Please see AMG-AN-LM302. AMG-LM302 Revision: A 29. Jul. 2010 © All rights reserved Page 2 of 23 AMG-LM302 Ballast Controller for Metal Halide Lamps Table of Contents 1.Functional Description of the AMG-LM302............................................................................. 1 2.Features................................................................................................................................. 1 3.Application............................................................................................................................. 1 3.1.Example Application Drawing................................................................................................... 2 3.2.Application Notes..................................................................................................................... 2 4.Block Diagram....................................................................................................................... 4 5.Block Descriptions (optional).................................................................................................. 5 6.Pinning / Pad Coordinates..................................................................................................... 6 7.Pin description (optional)....................................................................................................... 8 8.Absolute Maximum Ratings................................................................................................... 8 9.Electrical Characteristics...................................................................................................... 10 9.1.Operational Range................................................................................................................. 10 9.2.DC Characteristics................................................................................................................. 10 9.3.AC Characteristics.................................................................................................................. 14 10.Flow Chart ........................................................................................................................ 16 11.Timing Diagrams................................................................................................................ 17 12.Application......................................................................................................................... 18 12.1.Example Application Circuit(s)............................................................................................. 18 12.2.Calculating PFC Parameters................................................................................................18 12.3.Calculating HID Parameters.................................................................................................19 12.4.Application Notes................................................................................................................. 20 13.IC-Package........................................................................................................................ 20 14.IC-Marking......................................................................................................................... 20 15.Ordering Information.......................................................................................................... 21 16.Notes and Cautions........................................................................................................... 21 16.1.ESD Protection..................................................................................................................... 21 16.2.Storage conditions................................................................................................................ 21 17.Disclaimer.......................................................................................................................... 21 18.Contact Information............................................................................................................ 22 AMG-LM302 Revision: A 29. Jul. 2010 © All rights reserved Page 3 of 23 AMG-LM302 Ballast Controller for Metal Halide Lamps 4. Block Diagram AMG-LM302 Revision: A 29. Jul. 2010 © All rights reserved Page 4 of 23 AMG-LM302 Ballast Controller for Metal Halide Lamps 5. Block Descriptions The whole application for a metal halide lamp needs the following major function blocks: • mains rectification • PFC • lamp power regulation • lamp ignition control • high voltage bridge • bridge drivers The mains rectification and the high voltage bridge are completely built using discrete components. There are two basic options to do the bridge drivers, either discrete or integrated. Alpha recommends the use of a fully integrated full bridge gate driver AMG-DF102. The AMG-LM302 does have the PFC, lamp power regulation, ignition control and other subfunctions integrated. The PFC part of the AMG-LM302 is a standard power factor correction regulator. The CDM part contains the power and ignition control of the lamp. For power control the lamp current Iouti and the lamp voltage Vouti get measured and then multiplied to receive the actual lamp power. The power is then outputed via the CTRLo pin. It can be manipulated and filtered by external devices and will then get fed (as the actual value) into an error amplifier via the FB pin. The error amplifier uses an internal 2.5V reference voltage as the set value. The output of the error amplifier is fed into a current limiter stage and finally outputed via the PWMo pin. The signal from the PWMo pin eventually drives the buck converter, thus impacting the bridge voltage and in turn the lamp power. A capacitor connected to the COP pin sets the frequency of the internal oscillator. The oscillator frequency eventually determines the switching frequency of the bridge. The oscillator frequency needs to be double the resonant frequency of the LC low pass filter for the CDMlamp. The output BR drives a low and it's corresponding high side transistor. The output nBR is inverted to BR and drives the other low and high side transistors. A dead time is automatically inserted before the rising edges of BR and nBR so to avoid shoot through. This dead time can externally be influenced with a capacitor connected to the CDT pin. The switching frequency of the oscillator should not be high enough, to avoid audible noise from the plasma in the lamp. It should not be too high either, cause this will increase power consumption. There is a control logic, which senses the state of the lamp. For ignition, it will generate a high AMG-LM302 Revision: A 29. Jul. 2010 © All rights reserved Page 5 of 23 AMG-LM302 Ballast Controller for Metal Halide Lamps switching frequency on the bridge. For burn state, it will generate a low switching frequency on the bridge. The open drain output Flag indicates the current state of the application: Flag is high impedance = standby, low power mode Flag is low = start up phase Flag is changing state between low and high impedance = lamp ignition phase The Flag output maybe used to drive an LED (with ext. resistor) or as a status indication to other circuitry. When the lamp is hot, the ignition phase can be very long (up to 30min.). For the calculation of the various values of resistors and capacitors, please refer to section 11. Applications and/or application note AMG-AN-LM302. AMG-LM302 Revision: A 29. Jul. 2010 © All rights reserved Page 6 of 23 AMG-LM302 Ballast Controller for Metal Halide Lamps 6. Pinning CDT PWMo Ipk IOuti VOuti VOuts CTRLo FB 37 1 Comp nBR BR ISET Bdis ɑLM302 YYWW LLxxyy.z AGNDH RMp Rtd CP Po Rtu Pof COP Vref Flag Pi Act ZCD AGNDR CS 25 Top View AMG-LM302 Revision: A PGND SUB PWMp V15V DRV V5V VS EN 13 29. Jul. 2010 © All rights reserved Page 7 of 23 AMG-LM302 Ballast Controller for Metal Halide Lamps PIN # Symbol 1 nc 2 comp Frequency compensation output of the CDM error amplifier 3 AGNDH Ground connection for analog circuitry in the CDM part 4 ISET Adjust bias current with 500kOhm to AGNDH 5 RMp Adjust steady state lamp current with resistor to AGNDH 6 Rtd Setting upper voltage threshold for lamp power in the steady-state mode (<180V) with a resistor to AGNDH 7 Rtu Setting lower voltage threshold for lamp power in the steady-state mode (>50V) with a resistor to AGNDH 8 COP A capacitor from COP to AGNDH together with ISET determines the PWM and bridge frequency 9 Flag Indication of CDM-lamp state - Flag = high impedance => standy or low power mode - Flag = low => start up phase - Flag changes between high and low impedance => ignition phase 10 act Connection with V5V activates the power MOS driver, connection with PGND or open deactivates the power MOS driver 11 AGNDR Ground connection for analog circuitry in the PFC part 12 nc 13 nc 14 nc 15 EN A high level enables the IC and starts operation a low level puts the IC into standby (reduced power consumption) 16 V5V Internally generated 5V power supply for analog and digital stages, may also feed external devices 17 VS Main supply for the IC, input voltage range 14.5V to 35V 18 V15V Internally generated 15V power supply for PFC and CDM drivers, may feed external devices 19 DRV PFC power MOS Driver output 20 nc 21 PGND Driver Ground 22 SUB Substrate, connect to PGND 23 PWMp Additional power MOS driver supplied with V15V, activated when pin “act” is connected to V5V 24 nc 25 nc 26 CS Current sense = peak current detection of PFC 27 ZCD Zero current sense input for PFC inductor 28 Pi Mains voltage phase sense input AMG-LM302 Description Revision: A 29. Jul. 2010 © All rights reserved Page 8 of 23 AMG-LM302 Ballast Controller for Metal Halide Lamps PIN # Symbol Description 29 Vref 2.5V internal Vref, may also be used for external circuitry, needs a C 30 Pof PFC voltage control input 31 Po PFC phase control input 32 CP Compensation output for PFC regulation low pass filter (20Hz) 33 Bdis Bdis=H: disables the full bridge for the lamp, all driver outputs = L 34 BR Output to drive low and corresponding high side of the bridge 35 nBR Inverted BR, drives other low and high side (dead time inserted automatically) 36 nc 37 nc 38 CDT Capacitor (connected to AGNDH) sets dead time of the MOSFETS 39 PWMo PWM output of the HV-driver for the buck power MOS 40 nc 41 Ipk Current mode control input for PWM driver of CDM part limiting the peak driver current 42 Iouti Monitors the lamp current with a sense resistor, lamp power is calculated using Iouti*Vouti 43 nc 44 Vouti Voltage divider input to sense the lamp voltage with respect to AGNDH (99:1) 45 Vouts Resistor to convert VOUT in to a related current 46 CTRLo This control output generates the feedback for the error amplifier. Output depends on the operating mode (Lamp current or power) 47 FB Feedback input (actual value) to the error amplifier 2.5V (set value) is the other input to the error amplifier 48 nc 1) 7. Absolute Maximum Ratings The Absolute Maximum Ratings may not be exceeded under any circumstances. # Symbol Parameter Min Max Unit 1 VS Supply voltage -0.3 37 V 2 V15V Internal supply voltage -0.3 18 V 3 V5V Internal supply voltage -0.3 6.2 V 4 Iout_s Power supply output current V15V, V5V -5 0.01 mA 5 IDRV; IPWMp Driver peak current -800 800 mA AMG-LM302 Revision: A 29. Jul. 2010 © All rights reserved Page 9 of 23 AMG-LM302 Ballast Controller for Metal Halide Lamps # Symbol Max Unit 6 EDRV; EPWMp Driver peak energy 5 μJ 7 Vinp_hv High voltage input EN -0.3 VS+0.3 V 8 VFlag_H Open drain high voltage -0.3 VS+0.3 V 9 IFlag_L Flag ON current -1.0 5.0 mA 10 Vinp_lv Low voltage input Pi, CS, Po, Pof, Ipk, COP, act, CDT, Rtu, Rtd, CM3, RMp, FB, Iouti, Vouti, Vouts -0.3 V5V+0.3 V 11 Iinp_zcd Input current ZCD -10 10 mA 12 Ioutp_hv High voltage control output BR, nBR, PWMo, Bdis -1.0 1.0 mA 13 Ioutp_lv Low voltage control output CP, comp, CTRLo, Vref -5.0 5.0 mA 14 VISET Bias adjust input voltage -0.3 V5V+0.3 V 15 IISET Bias adjust input current -200 1 µA 16 AGNDH AGNDP PGND Ground voltages related to substrate (SUB) -0.3 0.3 V 17 Tstg Storage temperature -65 150 °C 18 Rthja Thermal resistance junction to ambient tbd K/W 19 VESD ESD rating 1 kV AMG-LM302 Parameter Revision: A Min 29. Jul. 2010 © All rights reserved Page 10 of 23 AMG-LM302 Ballast Controller for Metal Halide Lamps 8. Electrical Characteristics 8.1. Operational Range # Symbol Parameter Min Max Unit 1 VS Supply voltage 14.5 35 V 2 Ta Ambient temperature range -25 85 °C Note: 8.2. DC Characteristics DC characteristics contain the spread of values guarantee within the specified supply voltage and temperature range and the technology process parameter range unless otherwise specified. RISET=500kΩ±0.5%; COP=180pF±0.5%; RPo=RPC=10kΩ±0.5%; RFc=RFB=10kΩ±0.5%; VEN=VS; Vact=0V; RVOUTA=RVOUTB=RVOUTC=10kΩ±0.5%; Rtd=69.5kΩ; Rtu=250kΩ Typical characteristics represent the medium of production at VS=27V; Ta=25°C # Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Unit tbd tbd mA 1.0 mA SECTION: General (G) SUBSECTION: Supply 1 IVS Operating supply current 2 IVS_STBY Standby current VEN=0V or VS=7V 3 VV15V Internal DC voltage 15V VS=16.5V to 35V; IV15V=-5mA 4 VV15V_drop VS-VV15V 5 VV5V -10% 15 +10% V VS=8V ... 16.5V; IV15V=-5mA Internal DC voltage 5V 1.5 -10% 5 V +10% V SUBSECTION: Over temperature 6 TjOT Thermal shutdown junction temperature 130 °C SUBSECTION: Under voltage lockout (UVLO) 7 VVS_ON VS turn on threshold 8 VV15V_OFF V15V turn off threshold 24 V 8.5 10.5 V SUBSECTION: Enable (EN) 9 VEN_H IC enable 10 VEN_L IC disable 11 VEN_hys Switch hysteresis 12 IEN EN input current AMG-LM302 Revision: A 3.0 V 1.5 VEN=0V 29. Jul. 2010 -15 © All rights reserved V 500 mV -5 µA Page 11 of 23 AMG-LM302 Ballast Controller for Metal Halide Lamps # Symbol Parameter 13 IEN EN input current Conditions Min VEN=VS -1 Typ Max Unit 1 µA 0.8 V 5 µA 2.5 +3% V 2.5 2.7 V SUBSECTION: Lamp monitoring 14 VFlag_L Flag low output voltage IFlag=5mA 15 IFlag_H Flag high leakage current VFlag=VS 0.5 -5 SUBSECTION: Reference voltage 16 Vref Reference for PFC andHID 17 Vref+I Reference load capability -3% Iref=+5mA 18 Vref-I Iref=-5mA 2.3 2.5 tbd 2.5 19 VFB Reference for lamp volta-ge regulation: 2.5V tbd 20 VISET Biasing reference Voltage tbd V tbd V 2.5 V 21 VPof_OVLO OVLO threshold 2.5 V 22 VOVLO-hys OVLO hysteresis 200 mV SECTION: Power factor correction (PFC) SUBSECTION: Over voltage lockout (OVLO) SUBSECTION: HID enable (Bdis) 23 VPof_Bdis HID and Bridge enable threshold 2.0 V 24 VBdis-hys HID and Bridge enable hysteresis 800 mV 25 VBdis_H Output high voltage, bridge disabled IBdis=-2mA 26 VBdis_L Output low voltage, bridge enabled 27 VPof_Bdis HID and Bridge enable threshold V15V -1.5 V IBdis=2mA 1.5 2.0 V V SUBSECTION: PFC multiplier 28 VPi Linear input voltage 3 V 29 MG Multiplier gain VPi=0.5V; ΔVCP=3V 1.07 V-1 30 MR Multiplier ratio ΔVCS / ΔVPi @Rpk_PFC=1Ohm ΔVPi=0V ... 0.5V; VCP=4.7V 3.2 A/V ΔVPi=0V ... 1.0V; VCP=2.5V 1.6 A/V 1.75 V SUBSECTION: PFC current sense 31 VCS Upper sense clamp reference VCP=4.7, VPi=1.0V 32 ICS Input bias current VCS=1V 33 VCS_offs (DC) sense offset voltage 34 ttrans Transition time to DRV -1 VCP=4.7V, VPi=1.0V, CDRV=2.2nF 1 µA 10 mV 250 ns 2.5 V SUBSECTION: PFC error amplifier 35 VPo Feedback input threshold AMG-LM302 Revision: A 29. Jul. 2010 © All rights reserved Page 12 of 23 AMG-LM302 Ballast Controller for Metal Halide Lamps # Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ -1 Max Unit 1 µA 36 IPo Input bias current 37 AV Voltage gain Open loop 38 ICP_L Pos. current capability VCP=2.5V; VPo=3.25V 3 mA 39 ICP_H Neg. current capability VCP=2.5V; VPo=1.75V -2 mA 40 VCP_H Upper output voltage limit ICP=-0.5mA 41 VCP_L Lower output voltage limit ICP=0.5mA 60 dB V5V1.0 V 1.0 V SUBSECTION: Zero current detector (ZCD) 42 VZCD_CLH Upper clamp voltage IZCD=3mA 3.2 4.5 V 43 VZCD_CLL Lower clamp voltage IZCD=-3mA 0.5 1.7 V 44 VZCD_th ZCD threshold 45 IZCD_C Pos. current capability 46 IZCD_C Neg. current capability 2.5 V 7 mA -10 mA SUBSECTION: PFC driver 47 VDRV_H Driver output high drop voltage related to V15V IDRV=-20mA 0.5 V 48 VDRV_H Driver output high drop voltage related to V15V IDRV=-200mA 2.0 V 49 VDRV_L Driver output low voltage IDRV=20mA 0.3 V 50 VDRV_L Driver output low voltage IDRV=200mA 1.5 V 51 IDRV_pk Driver peak current 2.2nF from DRV to PGND 400 mA 51 IDRV_dis Disable driver current VEN=0V or VS=7V; VDRV=1V 5 mA SECTION: HID controller (HID) SUBSECTION: Lamp voltage V/I convert 52 Vouti_OV Overvoltage threshold 3.45 V 53 Vouti_bst Ignition try threshold (burst) 2.9 V 54 Vouti_ign Ignition OK threshold 1.8 V 55 Vouti_bu Upper break voltage 1.8 V 56 Vouti_bd Lower break voltage 0.5 V 57 IVOUTi Input current -1 1 µA SUBSECTION: Lamp current V/I convert 58 VIouti Constant regulation 59 IIouti Iouti input current 625 -1 mV 1 µA SUBSECTION: Oscillator 60 ICOP_up Pull_up current AMG-LM302 Revision: A VCOP=1V 29. Jul. 2010 -70 © All rights reserved µA Page 13 of 23 AMG-LM302 Ballast Controller for Metal Halide Lamps # Symbol Parameter 61 ICOP_down Pull_down current 62 VCOP_thH 63 VCOP_thL Conditions Min VCOP=4V Typ Max Unit 105 µA Sawtooth upper threshold 3.33 V Sawtooth lower threshold 1.67 V 2.5 V SUBSECTION: HID error amplifier 64 VFB Feedback voltage closed loop 65 IFB FB input current 67 Vcomp comp output voltage Icomp=-2mA; closed loop 68 Vcomp comp output voltage Icomp=3mA; closed loop 69 Vcomp_H comp high output voltage Icomp=-0.5mA; VFB=2V 70 Vcomp_L comp low output voltage Icomp=0.5mA; VFB=3V -1 1 2.0 µA V 3.0 V5V1.0 V V 1.0 V SUBSECTION: Pulse width modulator (PWMo) 71 DCmax Maximum duty cycle 50 72 DCmin Minimum duty cycle 73 VIpk_max Maximum IPK voltage 1.25 V 74 VIpk_OC Over current IPK voltage 2.5 V 75 VPWMo_H Output high voltage IPWMo=-2mA 76 VPWMo_L Output low voltage IPWMo=2mA 1.5 V 1.5 % 2.3 5 V15V -1.5 % V SUBSECTION: HID driver (PWMp) 77 VPWMp_H Driver output high drop voltage related to V15V IPWMp=-20mA; Vact=V5V 0.5 V 78 VPWMp_H Driver output high drop voltage related to V15V IPWMp=-200mA; Vact=V5V 2.0 V 79 VPWMp_L Driver output low voltage IPWMp=20mA; Vact=V5V 0.3 V 80 VPWMp_L Driver output low voltage IPWMp=200mA; Vact=V5V 1.5 V 81 IPWMp_pk Driver peak current 2.2nF from PWMp to PGND; Vact=V5V 400 mA 82 IPWMp_dis Disable driver current VEN=0V or VS=7V; VPWMp=1V 5 mA 83 Vact_H PWMp driver activated 3.5 V 84 Vact_L PWMp driver deactivated 85 Iact pull down current 1.5 Vact=5V 10 V µA SUBSECTION: Acoustic bridge driver 86 VBR_H Output high voltage IBR=-2mA 87 VBR_L Output low voltage IBR=2mA 88 VnBR_H Output high voltage InBR=-2mA AMG-LM302 Revision: A 29. Jul. 2010 V15V -1.5 V 1.5 V5V1.5 © All rights reserved V V Page 14 of 23 AMG-LM302 Ballast Controller for Metal Halide Lamps # Symbol Parameter 89 VnBR_L Conditions Output low voltage Min Typ InBR=2mA Max Unit 1.5 V SUBSECTION: Power scale 90 VRMp Reference voltage for power scale resistor 2.5 V SUBSECTION: Adjustable voltage threshold 91 VRtd Upper reference voltage for adjustable monitor resistor 2.5 V 92 VRtu Lower reference voltage for adjustable monitor resistor 2.5 V 8.3. AC Characteristics AC characteristics contain the spread of values guarantee within the specified supply voltage and temperature range and the technology process parameter range unless otherwise specified. RISET=500kΩ±0.5%; COP=180pF±0.5%; RPo=RPC=10kΩ±0.5%; RFc=RFB=10kΩ±0.5%; VEN=VS; Vact=0V; RVOUTA=RVOUTB=RVOUTC=10kΩ±0.5%; Rtd=69.5kΩ; Rtu=250kΩ Typical characteristics represent the medium of production at VS=27V; Ta=25°C # Sym bol Parameter Conditions 1 tr_DRV PFC driver output rise time CDRV=2.2nF 50 ns 2 tf_DRV PFC driver output fall time CDRV=2.2nF 50 ns 3 FDRV PFC frequency range over one mains period 20 4 FOSC Oscillator frequency COP=100pF 240 kHz 5 tr_PWMo PWM output rise time CPWMo=100pF 100 ns 6 tf_PWMo PWM output fall time CPWMo=100pF 100 ns 7 tr_PWMp PWM power output rise time CDRV=2.2nF 50 ns 8 tf_PWMp PWM power output fall time CBR=100pFCDRV=2.2nF 50 ns 9 FPWMo PWM switch frequency CBR=100pFCDRV=2.2nF FOSC 8 kHz CBR=100pFCDRV=2.2nF FOSC 2 kHz 10 FBR_IG Ignition resonance frequency Min Typ Max Uni t 20 N 120 kHz 11 tr_BR Bridge driver output rise time CBR=100pFCDRV=2.2nF 100 ns 12 tf_BR Bridge driver output fall time CBR=100pF 100 ns 13 FBR_A Bridge acoustic switch frequency FOSC 211 Hz 14 tIt_on Ignition burst enable time AMG-LM302 Revision: A s 29. Jul. 2010 © All rights reserved Page 15 of 23 AMG-LM302 Ballast Controller for Metal Halide Lamps # Sym bol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Uni t 15 tIt_off Ignition burst disable time 2 23 FOSC 16 Nip Number of ignition pulses for one burst 2 23 FOSC 17 tIb Ignition burst repeat rate 10 s 18 tTI Total ignition trial time 210 FOSC s 19 tbtM Lamp voltage monitor block time after ignition (tracking timer) 17 * 2 24 FOSC s AMG-LM302 Revision: A 29. Jul. 2010 © All rights reserved s Page 16 of 23 AMG-LM302 Ballast Controller for Metal Halide Lamps 9. Flow Chart Working Mode Function Flow Chart CDM Description Bridge phase: Power ON Standby --> Currentless Break the flow by detection of a fundamental error New start by switch off, on the mains voltage or by EN --> M1 M2 Break (In this case the used PLamp =150W) M3 M4 Enable to ON? Phase "0" - M3, M4 ON Phase "1" - M1, M4 ON Phase "2" - M2, M3 ON Phase "3" - M1,M4/M2,M3 switching n Durable watch: y M0 - Initial Mode: VS > 24V Vref -> ON OT -> OK V5V -> OK DC diagnosis All DC OK Restart n OT -> fail Break the flow by over temperature V15V< 9.5V Restart the flow by power supply error Flag=H Flag signalize the lamp state: - H -> break phase - L -> PFC + HID charge phase - blink -> Ignition phase - H -> steady-state y M1 - PFC on Mode: Bridge disabled Generate V PFC=400V V PFC > 350V V PFC runs to 400V. If VPFC will be reach 350V the flow switched in the next mode n y M2 - CDM charge Mode: Bridge phase "0" Generate V OUT=350V IOUT > Ishort The lamp controller start to charge the VOUT up to VPFC for lamp ignition y A short circuit will be detected continuous. If IOUT > Ishort jump the flow directly to break. n V OUT > 290V Ignition try start if VOUT is higher than 290V n y M3 - Ignition Mode: Bridge phase "3" fSW =100Hz each slop starts N pulses@fSW =125kHz; Burst 4kV Tw=1200s (dig. Timer) Rtd set VOUT_th =160V Burst for lamp ignition will be pulsed for a duration of 1200s. After this time without ignition goes the flow to break. Tw > 1200s IOUT > IIGNs V OUT < 160V (1A) y The CMD lamp is ignite successful when the lamp voltage is lower than 160V n y start Tw > 300s Tw=300s (dig. Timer) M4 - Overdrive Mode: Bridge phase "3" f SW =100Hz RML set I OUT =2.6A Lamp current 2.6A Calculate: POUT=IOUT*V OUT POUT < 150W y y Successfull ignition starts 300s tracking timer to test the lamp voltage VOUT . Is fail goes the flow to break. Overdrive mode (M4) stabilize the plasma of the lamp arc with a constant current. The voltage across the lamp is a function of the lamp temperature. If the lamp power is equal 150W the lamp slides to the next mode. n M5 - Steady-state Mode: Bridge phase "3" f SW =100Hz RMP set P=150W const. regulation Lamp power 150W Rtu set V OUT_th =50V Rtd set VOUT_th =160V V OUT > 50V V OUT < 160V Steady-state mode (M5) is power constant mode. Monitoring the state of the HID lamp in the course of the steadystate continuous operation n Zeichenblatt-1_09.03.09 AMG-LM302 Revision: A 29. Jul. 2010 © All rights reserved Page 17 of 23 AMG-LM302 Ballast Controller for Metal Halide Lamps 10. Timing Diagrams V 400V VPFC 350V 330V 290V 160V ignition detected ~ VRtd observation window after 300s trecking time 50V Vout VRtu ~ 35V VS 24V 15V V15V 5V V5V all DC ok t start PFC start Vout 15V Bdis t duty cycle =50% BR nBR 15V BR=H: 4ms burst (10-pulses) V t nBR=H: 4ms 4kV ~ ~ lamp ignition +350V VOUT t VLamp -350V ~ ~ P/I P Lamp t ILamp DC mode Start-up Ignition mode Constant current mode Constant power mode Steady state mode with constant power regulation Wf1_K2f_10.03.09 AMG-LM302 Revision: A 29. Jul. 2010 © All rights reserved Page 18 of 23 AMG-LM302 Ballast Controller for Metal Halide Lamps 11. Application The chip set AMG-LM302 and AMG-DF102 are suitable to drive 11.1. Example Application Circuit(s) Figure 2: Example Application Circuit 11.2. Calculating PFC Parameters Vrmain _ pk = Vrmain _ pk ⋅ 10 3 1) Startup resistor (6.2-G.2): R start ≤ 2) Input phase voltage divider (6.2-PFC-5): R Pi 2 3 ≤ R Pi1 + R Pi 2 V rmain _ pk 3) VS voltage limitation (6.1-1): VZD ≤ VS max 4) Output phase voltage divider: R Po 2 2.5 = R Po1 + R P 02 VPFC 5) Frequency compensation: C Po = tbd AMG-LM302 Revision: A 29. Jul. 2010 IVS _ STBY © All rights reserved Page 19 of 23 AMG-LM302 Ballast Controller for Metal Halide Lamps 6) Over voltage and PFC ready voltage divider R Pof 2 2.5 = R Pof 1 + R Pof 2 VPFC _ OV 7) PFC current sense resistor (6.2-PFC-9): R pk _ PFC ≤ VCS _ cl I PK _ PFC = 1.75 I PK _ PFC 11.3. Calculating HID Parameters 1) Biasing resistor: R ISET = 510kΩ 2) Lamp voltage divider: RVOUTC 1 = RVOUTC + RVOUTB 100 RVOUTA = 10kΩ 3) CDM current sense resistor: R ML = 4) Power scale resistor: R Mp = 5) Oscillator capacitor: COP = VIOUTi I overdrive = 0.625 I overdrive 3.906 ⋅ 10 6 PLamp ⋅ R ML I COP _ up ⋅ I COP _ down ( FOSC ⋅ (I COP _ down − I COP _ up ) ⋅ VCOP _ thH − VCOP _ thL COP = ) 12.6 FOSC ⋅ R ISET 6) Upper true voltage threshold: R td = 1.25 ⋅ 10 7 VOUT _ th for VOUT _ th = 160V 7) Lower true voltage threshold: R tu = 1.25 ⋅ 10 7 VOUT _ th for VOUT _ th = 50V 8) Bridge dead time capacitor CDT ≈ 1.67 ⋅ 10 − 5 ⋅ t DT 9) Capacitor and resistor for frequency compensation at FPWMo=31kHz RQ = 100kΩ R F = tbd C F 1 = tbd C F 2 = tbd AMG-LM302 Revision: A 29. Jul. 2010 © All rights reserved Page 20 of 23 AMG-LM302 Ballast Controller for Metal Halide Lamps 11.4. Application Notes AMG-AN-LM302 12. IC-Package TQFP48 (7*7, 48L) MS-026 S y m b o l ABC Square MIN NOM MAX A 1.00 1.10 1.20 A1 0.05 0.10 0.15 A2 0.95 1.00 1.05 D 9.00 BSC D1 7.00 BSC E 9.00 BSC E1 7.00 BSC N 48 e 0.50 BSC b 0.17 0.22 0.27 b1 0.17 0.20 0.23 N o t e s Tolerance of form and position ccc 0.08 ddd 0.08 13. IC-Marking ɑLM302 4 digits date code = 2 digits year + 2 digits work week 8 digits lot number = 2 digits fab process + 4 digits lot number + 1 digit sub lot AMG-LM302 Revision: A 29. Jul. 2010 © All rights reserved Page 21 of 23 AMG-LM302 Ballast Controller for Metal Halide Lamps 14. Ordering Information AMG-LM302-ITQ48T shipment in trays 15. Notes and Cautions 15.1. ESD Protection The Requirements for Handling Electrostatic Discharge Sensitive Devices are described in the JEDEC standard JESD625-A. Please note the following recommendations: When handling the device, operators must be grounded by wearing a for the purpose designed grounded wrist strap with at least 1MΩ resistance and direct skin contact. Operators must at all times wear ESD protective shoes or the area should be surrounded by for ESD protection intended floor mats. Opening of the protective ESD package that the device is delivered in must only occur at a properly equipped ESD workbench. The tape with which the package is held together must be cut with a sharp cutting tool, never pulled or ripped off. Any unnecessary contact with the device or any unprotected conductive points should be avoided. Work only with qualified and grounded tools, measuring equipment, casing and workbenches. Outside properly protected ESD-areas the device or any electronic assembly that it may be part of should always be transported in EGB/ESD shielded packaging. 15.2. Storage conditions The AMG-LM302 corresponds to moisture sensitivity classification ML2 , according to JEDEC standard J-STD-020, and should be handled and stored according to J-STD-033. 16. Disclaimer Information given in this data sheet is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed for the consequences of its use nor for any infringement of patents or other rights of third parties that may result from its use. The values stated in Absolute Maximum Ratings may under no circumstances be exceeded. No warranty is given for use in life support systems or medical equipment without the specific written consent of alpha microelectronics gmbh. For questions regarding the application please contact the publisher. The declared data are only a description of the product. They are not guaranteed properties as defined by law. Examples are given without obligations and cannot give rise to any liability. Reprinting of this data sheet – or any part of it – is not allowed without the license of the publisher. Data sheets are subject to change without any notice. AMG-LM302 Revision: A 29. Jul. 2010 © All rights reserved Page 22 of 23 AMG-LM302 Ballast Controller for Metal Halide Lamps 17. Contact Information This data sheet is published by alpha microelectronics gmbh. To order samples or inquire information please contact: alpha microelectronics gmbh Im Technologiepark 1 15236 Frankfurt (Oder) Germany +49-335-557-1750 (telephone) +49-335-557-1759 (fax) © All rights reserved. AMG-LM302 Revision: A 29. Jul. 2010 © All rights reserved Page 23 of 23