05046 422B - 422E Only One Name Means ProTek’Tion™ DATA PROCESS LINE PROTECTOR Description The 422B/E is a two stage transient voltage protector that provides primary and secondary protection against lightning, inductive switching and electrostatic discharge (ESD) transient threats. The first stage diverts the transient current through the ground terminal return path and the second stage clamps the voltage to a safe level without interruption of service. The 422B/E is designed to protect data lines from differential (line to line) and common mode (line to ground) transients. Terminals 1 and 2, 3 and 4 for the 422E and pins 2 and 3, 4 and 5 for the 422B are designated as line pairs. Each line pair is referenced to ground. A transient voltage suppressor is connected across each line pair for differential mode protection. 422B This product can also be used on telephone, signal/data lines, security, timing and control interface circuits. For most applications, the product should be located as close as possible to the equipment being protected. A low impedance grounding system is important to maintain a low voltage clamp between the line-to-ground connection. 422E Features applications • Compatible with IEC 61000-4-2 (ESD): Air - 15kV, Contact - 8kV • Compatible with IEC 61000-4-4 (EFT): 40A - 5/50ns • Compatible with IEC 61000-4-5 (Surge): 95A, 8/20µs, Level 4 (LineGnd) & 48A, Level 4 (Line-Line) • Designed for EIA Standard RS-422 Data Lines • Automatic Reset - Does Not Interrupt Service • Permanent Two Stage Line Pair Protection • Common Mode & Differential Mode Protection • Subnanosecond Response Time • Effective Against Lightning, Inductive Switching and ESD • Data Processing Equipment • Long Line Transmission Systems • Control Processing Computers • Building Management Systems Mechanical characteristics • Approximate Weight: 28 grams (422B) & 142 grams (422E) • Flammability Rating UL 94V-0 05046.R5 9/12 Page 1 www.protekdevices.com 05046 422B - 422E Only One Name Means ProTek’Tion™ typical device characteristics MAXIMUM RATINGS @ 25°C Unless Otherwise Specified PARAMETER SYMBOL VALUE UNITS VOP ±12 Volts Peak Operating Line Voltage Operating Line Current IO 200 mA Transient Voltage - 10 kV/Wire Transient Current - 8/20µs waveform - 10 kA/Wire Operating Temperature TA -55 to 100 °C TSTG -55 to 100 °C - <1 ns Storage Temperature Response Time ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS PER LINE @ 25°C Unless Otherwise Specified PART NUMBER 422B/E MAXIMUM CLAMPING VOLTAGE (8/20µs) line-line @ 500A VC ±volts MAXIMUM CLAMPING VOLTAGE (8/20µs) line-gnd @ 500A VC ±volts maximum line throughput resistance MAXIMUM LEAKAGE CURRENT maximum capacitance r ohms @ 12vop ID µA @ 0v, 1mhz c pF 24.0 24.0 12 5 5000 installation instructions There are five (5) terminals on the LINE SIDE and five (5) terminals on the EQUIPMENT SIDE of the 422E, 4 data lines and one ground. Both grounds are connected together internally. A single low impedance is ground sufficient. Incoming data lines are cut or disconnected from the equipment to insert the 422E/B products. The incoming lines are to be connected to the line side terminals as the equipment side lines are connected to the equipment side terminals. The location of the product should be as close to the equipment as possible. The 422E/B series is designed with a short circuit failure mode to give maximum protection. A fuse, fusible link, or circuit breaker is recommended for each data/signal line on the input side for those that require an open circuit failure mode. Caution: A low DC resistance ground may not be indicative of a good lightning ground. Lightning contains a broad spectrum of frequencies up to 1 MHz. A low impedance path to ground at the transient frequencies is necessary. A ground strap is recommended or a #6 AWG stranded wire. For wire lengths over 1.5 meters, there may be some excessive line to earth potential under severe thunderstorm conditions. 05046.R5 9/12 Page 2 www.protekdevices.com 05046 422B - 422E Only One Name Means ProTek’Tion™ package information 422B outline dimensions dim millimeters inches min max min max A - 12.7 - 0.50 B - 76.2 - 3.0 C - 48.2 - 1.90 D - 7.6 - 0.30 E - 17.8 - 0.7 Notes 1. I/O contacts spaced at 0.156” (3.96mm) centers. A B LINE EQUIPMENT D 05046.R5 9/12 C 14 4 3 15 2 13 ORIENTATION NOTCH 2 OUTPUT Connected to Transmit/Receive Circuits CONTINUITY INPUT OUTPUT 5 12 5 12 15 GND E Page 3 INPUT Connected to Line From Outside World www.protekdevices.com 05046 422B - 422E Only One Name Means ProTek’Tion™ package information 422E outline dimensions dim millimeters inches min max min max A - 95.5 - 3.8 B 82.22 82.98 3.235 3.265 C - 57.2 - 2.25 D - 30.2 - 1.125 E - 15.5 - 0.61 F - 30.2 - 1.19 A B 3 3 4 WARNING 4 LINE GND EQUIPMENT GND 2 2 C D Terminal Strip 1 1 Adhesive Mylar Label Terminal Screw Mounting Hole for #8 Screw #6 Screws F E ORDERING INFORMATION base PART NUMBER MARKING 422B Logo, Date Code, Terminal Designations and Part Number 422E Logo, Date Code, Terminal Designations and Part Number 05046.R5 9/12 Page 4 www.protekdevices.com 05046 422B - 422E Only One Name Means ProTek’Tion™ company information COMPANY PROFILE In business more than 20 years, ProTek Devices™ is a privately-held company located in Tempe, Arizona, that offers a product line of transient voltage suppressors (TVS); avalanche breakdown diodes; steering diode TVS arrays and other surge suppressor component products. These TVS devices protect electronic systems from the effects of lightning, electrostatic discharge (ESD), nuclear electromagnetic pulses (NEMP), inductive switching and EMI / RFI. ProTek Devices also offers high performance interface and linear products that include analog switches; multiplexers; LED drivers; audio control ICs; RF and related high frequency products. The analog devices work in a host of consumer; industrial; automotive and other applications. CONTACT US Corporate Headquarters 2929 South Fair Lane Tempe, Arizona 85282 USA By Telephone General: 602-431-8101 Sales: & Marketing: 602-414-5109 Customer Service: 602-414-5114 Product Technical Support: 602-414-5107 By Fax General: 602-431-2288 By E-mail: Sales: sales@protekdevices.com Customer Service: service@protekdevices.com Technical Support: support@protekdevices.com ProTek Devices (Asia Pacific) Pte. Ltd. 8 Ubi Road 2, #06-19 Zervex Singapore - 408538 Tel: +65-67488312 Fax: +65-67488313 Web www.protekdevices.com COPYRIGHT © ProTek Devices 1998 - This literature is subject to all applicable copyright laws and is not for resale in any manner. SPECIFICATIONS: ProTek reserves the right to change the electrical and or mechanical characteristics described herein without notice. DESIGN CHANGES: ProTek reserves the right to discontinue product lines without notice and that the final judgement concerning selection and specifications is the buyer’s and that in furnishing engineering and technical assistance. ProTek assumes no responsibility with respect to the selection or specifications of such products. ProTek makes no warranty, representation or guarantee regarding the suitability of its products for any particular purpose, nor does ProTek assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit and specifically disclaims any and all liability without limitation special, consequential or incidental damages. LIFE SUPPORT POLICY: ProTek Devices products are not authorized for use in life support systems without written consent from the factory. 05046.R5 9/12 Page 5 www.protekdevices.com