Agilent 34420A NanoVolt/Micro-Ohm Meter Data Sheet • 7 1/2 digits resolution Two Input Channels Unequaled Versatility • 100pV, 100 nΩ sensitivity An integral two-channel programmable scanner simplifies voltage comparisons. Built-in ratio and difference functions enable automated two channel measurements without the need for an external nanoVolt scanner. Both channels share the same low noise specifications to ensure accurate comparisons. The 34420A gives you the versatility to tackle your most challenging tasks, both on the benchtop and in your automated system. Standard features include RS-232 and GPIB interfaces, SCPI and Keithley 181 programming language, 1024-reading memory, scaling and statistics, and a chart recorder analog output. Built-In Resistance and Temperature Agilent IntuiLink:Easy Data Access • 1.3 nVrms, 8 nVpp noise performance • Built-in low noise 2 channel scanner • Direct SPRT, RTD, Thermistor, and Thermocouple measurements Nanovolt Performance at a Microvolt Price The Agilent Technologies 34420A nanoVolt/micro-Ohm meter is a high-sensitivity multimeter optimized for performing low-level measurements. It combines low-noise voltage measurements with resistance and temperature functions, setting a new standard in low-level flexibility and performance. Take the Uncertainty Out of Your Low-Level Measurements Low-noise input amplifiers and a highly tuned input protection scheme bring reading noise down to 8 nVpp. Combine this with 71/2 digits of resolution, selectable analog and digital filtering, 2 ppm basic 24-hour dcV accuracy, and a shielded, copper pin connector and you’ve got accurate, repeatable measurements you can count on. The 34420A combines its low-noise nanoVolt input circuits with a high-stability current source to provide precise low-level resistance measurements – no more hassling with the cost and complexity of an external current source. Three resistance modes are included: • Standard • Low-power • Voltage-limited for dry-circuit testing Offset compensation is also provided to minimize thermal EMFs and associated errors. SPRT Measurements Built-in ITS-90 conversion routines accept the calibration coefficients from your SPRT probe for direct temperature measurement and conversion. Thermocouples, thermistors, and RTDs are also supported. The included Agilent IntuiLink software allows your captured data to be put to work easily, using PC applications such as Microsoft Excel® or Word® to analyze, interpret, display, print, and document the data you get from the 34420A. You can specify the meter setup and take a single reading or log data to the Excel spreadsheet in specified time intervals. To find out more about IntuiLink visit Quality You Can Count On The 34420A gives you the quality and reliability you expect from Agilent Technologies. From the product’s proven >150,000 hour Mean Time Between Failure, to its standard 1-year warranty, Agilent stands behind you to bring a new level of confidence to your low-level measurements. Specifications Accuracy Specifications ±(% of reading + % of range) 1 Function Range2 dc Voltage 1.0000000 mV3 10.000000 mV3 100.00000 mV 1.0000000 V 10.000000 V 100.00000 V4 Resistance 5 1.0000000 Ω 10.000000 Ω 100.00000 Ω 1.0000000 KΩ 10.000000 KΩ 100.00000 KΩ 1.0000000 MΩ Low Power Resistance 5 Voltage Limited Resistance 5, 6 24 Hour 23 °C ± 1 °C 90 Day 23 °C ± 5 °C 1 Year 23 °C ± 5 °C Temperature Coefficient 0 °C—18 °C 28 °C—55 °C 0.0025 + .0020 0.0025 + .0002 0.0015 + .0003 0.0010 + .0003 0.0002 + .0001 0.0010 + .0004 0.0040 + .0020 0.0040 + .0002 0.0030 + .0004 0.0025 + .0004 0.0020 + .0004 0.0025 + .0005 0.0050 + .0020 0.0050 + .0003 0.0040 + .0004 0.0035 + .0004 0.0030 + .0004 0.0035 + .0005 0.0004 + .0001 0.0004 + .0001 0.0004 + .00006 0.0004 + .00004 0.0001 + .00002 0.0004 + .00005 10 mA 10 mA 10 mA 1 mA 100 µA 10 µA 5 µA 0.0015 + .0002 0.0015 + .0002 0.0015 + .0002 0.0015 + .0002 0.0015 + .0002 0.0015 + .0003 0.0020 + .0003 0.0050 + .0002 0.0040 + .0002 0.0040 + .0002 0.0040 + .0002 0.0040 + .0002 0.0040 + .0004 0.0050 + .0004 0.0070 + .0002 0.0060 + .0002 0.0060 + .0002 0.0060 + .0002 0.0060 + .0002 0.0060 + .0004 0.0070 + .0004 0.0005 + .00002 0.0005 + .00001 0.0005 + .00001 0.0005 + .00001 0.0005 + .00001 0.0005 + .00002 0.0006 + .00003 1Ω 1Ω 10 Ω 100 Ω 1 KΩ 1 KΩ 1 KΩ 1.0000000 Ω 10.000000 Ω 100.00000 Ω 1.0000000 KΩ 10.000000 KΩ 100.00000 KΩ 1.0000000 MΩ 10 mA 10 mA 1 mA 100 µA 10 µA 5 µA 5 µA 0.0015 + .0002 0.0015 + .0002 0.0015 + .0002 0.0015 + .0002 0.0015 + .0004 0.0015 + .0012 0.0020 + .0003 0.0050 + .0002 0.0040 + .0002 0.0040 + .0002 0.0040 + .0002 0.0040 + .0004 0.0040 + .0015 0.0050 + .0004 0.0070 + .0002 0.0060 + .0002 0.0060 + .0002 0.0060 + .0002 0.0060 + .0004 0.0060 + .0015 0.0070 + .0004 0.0005 + .00002 0.0005 + .00001 0.0005 + .00001 0.0005 + .00001 0.0005 + .00001 0.0005 + .00003 0.0006 + .00003 1Ω 1Ω 10 Ω 100 Ω 1 KΩ 1 KΩ 1 KΩ 10.000000 Ω 100.00000 Ω 1 mA 100 µA 0.0020 + .0002 0.0025 + .0002 0.0050 + .0002 0.0050 + .0002 0.0070 + .0002 0.0070 + .0002 0.0005 + .00002 0.0005 + .00002 1Ω 5Ω Channel 1 / Channel 2 (dcV Ratio) Channel 1-Channel 2 (dcV Difference) Test Current Ratio Error in % = Channel 1 accuracy in % + Channel 2 accuracy in % Difference Error = Channel 1 (% of reading + % of range) + Channel 2 (% of reading + % of range) Temperature (resolution = 0.001 °C) SPRT 7 RTD Thermistor Thermocouple 8 SPRT Probe Accuracy + 0.003°C RTD Probe Accuracy + 0.05°C Thermistor Probe Accuracy + 0.1°C Thermocouple Probe Accuracy + 0.2°C DC Voltage Noise 9 Observation Period Range 2-Minute RMS Noise 2-Minute Peak-Peak Noise 24-Hour Peak-Peak Noise 1 mV 10 mV 100 mV 1V 10 V 100 V 1.3 nVrms 1.5 nVrms 10 nVrms 100 nVrms 450 nVrms 11 µVrms 8 nVpp 10 nVpp 65 nVpp 650 nVpp 3 µVpp 75 µVpp 12 nVpp 14 nVpp 80 nVpp 800 nVpp 3.7 µVpp 90 µVpp DC Voltage Noise vs Source Resistance 10 Source Resistance Noise Analog Filter Digital Filter 0Ω 100 Ω 1k Ω 10k Ω 100k Ω 1M Ω 1.3 nVrms 1.7 nVrms 4 nVrms 13 nVrms 41 nVrms 90 nVrms Off Off Off Off On On Med Med Med Med Med Slow 2 Maximum per Lead Resistance 1 Specifications are for Channel 1 or Channel 2, after 2-hour warm-up, resolution at 7.5 digits (100 NPLC), with FILTERS off. RESISTANCE specifications are for 4-wire Ohms or 2-wire ohms using Null. Without Null, add 0.2 Ohms additional error in 2-wire Ohms function. For Analog Filter ON, add 0.002% of reading. 2 20% overrange on all ranges except 5% on Voltage Limited Resistance. 3 After using Math Null. If Null is not used add 100 nanoVolts. 4 Channel 1 only. 5 Channel 1 only. Resistance measurements, for NPLC <1, add 160 µΩ rms noise. 6 Voltage limit can be set to 20 mV (default), 100 mV, or 500 mV. Measured resistance plus Channel 1 HI and LO lead resistance is limited to 10.5 Ω on the 10 Ω range and 105 Ω on the 100 Ω range. 7 For 25 Ω SPRT with triple-point of water check within the last 4 hours. Without the triple-point of water check, add 0.013°C for 24 hours, add 0.035°C for 90 day, and add 0.055°C for 1 year specifications. 8 For fixed reference junction. Add 0.3ûC for external reference junction, add 2.0ûC for internal reference junction. 9 After a 2-hour warm-up, ± 1ûC, 6.5 digits (10 PLC) with Analog Filter Off and Digital Filter Medium (50 reading average). 2-minute rms and 24-hour noise typical. For measurements using 0.02 or 0.2 NPLC, add 800 nV rms noise. 10 Typical noise behavior for Ch 1 or Ch 2, after 2 hour warm-up, 6.5 digits (10 PLC), 2 minute observation period on 1 mV range. For peak-to-peak noise, multiply rms noise by 6. Measurement Characteristics Operating Characteristics4 DC Voltage Function Measurement Method: Continuously integrating multi-slope III A-D Converter dcV Thermocouple Resistance dcV1/DCV2 dcV 1-2 RTD Thermistor 0.2 plc Digits A-D Linearity: 0.00008% of reading + 0.00005% of range Input Resistance: 100V (Ch1 only): 10 MΩ +- 1% 1mV through 10V: > 10 GΩ, in parallel with < 3.6 nF Input Bias Current: <50 pA at 25 °C Injected Current: <50 nA pp at 50 or 60 Hz Input Protection: 150 V peak any input terminal to Channel 1 LO, continuous Channel-to-channel switching error (typical): 3 nV Channel Isolation: Isolation between input channels >1010 Ω Earth Isolation: 350 V peak any input terminal to earth. Impedance from any input terminal to earth is >10 GΩ and <400 pF Maximum Voltage: Channel 1 LO to Channel 2 LO, 150V peak Resistance Measurement Method: Selectable 4-wire or 2-wire ohms. Current Source referenced to Channel 1 LO input Offset Compensation: Used on all ranges except 100 kΩ and 1 MΩ. Can be turned off if desired Protection: 150 V peak Open Circuit Voltage: For Resistance and Low Power Resistance <14 V. 20 mV, 100 mV, 500 mV selectable clamp 0.02 plc Integration Time Readings/s 5 71/2 71/2 61/2 61/2 51/2 51/2 41/2 200 plc 100 plc 20 plc 10 plc 1 plc 0.2 plc 0.02 plc .15 (.125) .3 (.25) 1.5 (1.25) 3 (2.5) 25 (20.8) 100 (100) 250 (250) 71/2 71/2 61/2 61/2 51/2 50 (50) 41/2 125 (125) 200 plc 100 plc 20 plc 10 plc 1 plc .075 (.062) .15 (.125) .75 (.625) 1.5 (1.25) 12.5 (10.4) System Speeds6 Chart Out (Analog Out) Configuration Rates: 26/s to 50/s Autorange Rate (Volts): >30/s ASCII reading to RS-232: 55/s ASCII reading to GPIB: 250/s Max. Internal Trigger Rate: 250/s Max. Ext. Trig. Rate to Memory: 250/s Maximum output: ± 3V Triggering and Memory Span and Offset: Adjustable Reading HOLD Sensitivity: 10%, 1%, 0.1%, or 0.01% of range Samples/Trigger: 1 to 50,000 Trigger Delay: 0 to 3600 s; 10 µs step size External Trigger Delay: <1 ms External Trigger Jitter: <500 µs Memory: 1024 readings Standard Programming Languages Math Functions NULL (Channel 1 dcV, Channel 2 dcV, Difference, Resistance, Temperature) STATS (Min, Max, Average, Peak-Peak, Standard Deviation, Number of readings) SCALE (Allows linear scaling as y = mx+b) Temperature SPRT: ITS-90 calibrated temperature with the range of -190°C to +660°C CHART NULL (Establishes zero for rear panel output) Filter (Analog or Digital or Both) Thermistor: 5 kΩ Analog: Low pass 2 pole @ 13Hz, available for dcV on 1 mV, 10 mV, 100 mV range RTD: Type α =.00385 and α =.00392. R0 from 4.9 Ω to 2.1 kΩ. ITS -90 (IEC-751) Callendar Van Dusen conversion. Digital: Moving average filter, 10 (fast), 50 (medium), or 100 (slow) reading averages. Thermocouple: ITS-90 conversions of Type B, E, J, K, N, R, S, T Measurement Noise Rejection 60 (50) Hz1 dc CMRR: 140 dB ac CMRR: 70 dB Integration Time Normal Mode Rejection2 200 plc/3.335 s (4 s) 100 plc/1.675 s (2 s) 20 plc/334 ms (400 ms) 10 plc/167 ms (200 ms) 2 plc/33.3 ms (40 ms) 1 plc/16.7 ms (20 ms) <1 plc 110 dB3 105 dB3 100 dB3 95 dB3 90 dB 60 dB 0 1 For 1 kΩ unbalanced in LO lead. 2 For power line frequency ± - 0.1%, Filters OFF. For Digital Filter slow add 20 db, for medium or fast add 10 db for NPLC ³ 1. 3 For power line frequency ± - 1%, use 80 db, for ± - 3% use 60 db. 4 Speeds are for delay 0, Display OFF, Filters OFF, Offset Compensation OFF. 5 Reading speeds for 60 Hz or (50 Hz), 100 mV through 100 V ranges. 1 mV range 30/s MAX, 10 mV range 170/s MAX, thermocouple 120/s MAX. 6 Speeds are for NPLC 0.02, Delay 0, Display OFF, Chart Out OFF. Resolution: 16 bits Accuracy: ± 0.1% of output + 1 mV Output Resistance: 1 kΩ ± 5% Update rate: once per reading SCPI (IEEE 488.2), Keithley 181 Accessories Included 4 ft low thermal cable with copper spade lugs, Kelvin clip set, 4-wire shorting plug, user’s manual, service manual, test report, contact cleaner, and power cord. General Specifications Front Panel Connection: Shielded, low thermal, 99% copper contacts. Power Supply: 100V/120V/220V(230V)/240V +- 10%. Power Line Frequency: 45 Hz to 66 Hz and 360 Hz to 440 Hz. Automatically sensed at power-on. Power Consumption: 25VA peak (10W average). Operating Environment: Full accuracy for 0 °C to 55 °C. Full accuracy to 80% R.H. up to 30 °C. Storage Environment: -40 °C to 75 °C. Size: 254.4 mm W x 374.0 mm L x 103.6 mm H (10.02” W x 14.72” L x 4.08” H) Weight: 3 kg (6.5 lbs). Safety: Designed to CSA, UL-1244, IEC-1010. RFI and ESD: CISPR 11. 3 Remove all doubt Get the latest information on the products and applications you select. Quickly choose and use your test equipment solutions with confidence. LXI is the LAN-based successor to GPIB, providing faster, more efficient connectivity. Agilent is a founding member of the LXI consortium. Our repair and calibration services will get your equipment back to you, performing like new, when promised. You will get full value out of your Agilent equipment throughout its lifetime. Your equipment will be serviced by Agilent-trained technicians using the latest factory calibration procedures, automated repair diagnostics and genuine parts. You will always have the utmost confidence in your measurements. Agilent offers a wide range of additional expert test and measurement services for your equipment, including initial start-up assistance onsite education and training, as well as design, system integration, and project management. For more information on repair and calibration services, go to: For more information on Agilent Technologies’ products, applications or services, please contact your local Agilent office. The complete list is available at: Americas Canada Latin America United States (877) 894-4414 305 269 7500 (800) 829-4444 Asia Pacific Australia China Hong Kong India Japan Korea Malaysia Singapore Taiwan Thailand 1 800 629 485 800 810 0189 800 938 693 1 800 112 929 81 426 56 7832 080 769 0800 1 800 888 848 1 800 375 8100 0800 047 866 1 800 226 008 Europe Austria Belgium Denmark Finland France Germany Ordering Information Accessories 34102A Low-thermal input cable (fourconductor) with copper spade lugs Includes low-thermal input cable (34102A), 34103A Low-thermal shorting plug low-thermal shorting plug (34103A), Kelvin 34104A Low-thermal input connector clip set (11062A), operating manual, service 34161A Accessory pouch manual, and quick reference guide, test report with calibration sticker, 2.3 ml bottle of contact cleaner, and power cord. 34420A nanoVolt/micro-Ohm meter 0820 87 44 11 32 (0) 2 404 93 40 45 70 13 15 15 358 (0) 10 855 2100 0825 010 700 01805 24 6333* *0.14 /minute Ireland 1890 924 204 Italy 39 02 92 60 8484 Netherlands 31 (0) 20 547 2111 Spain 34 (91) 631 3300 Sweden 0200-88 22 55 Switzerland (French) 41 (21) 8113811(Opt 2) Switzerland (German) 0800 80 53 53 (Opt 1) United Kingdom 44 (0) 118 9276201 Other European Countries: Revised: May 7, 2007 Options 34420A-1CM Rack mount kit (P/N 5062-3972) 34420A-ABA English localization 34420A-ABD German localization: translated operating manual 34420A-ABF French localization: translated operating manual 34420A-ABJ Japanese localization: translated operating manual 34420A-A6J ANSI Z540 compliant calibration Product specifications and descriptions in this document subject to change without notice. © Agilent Technologies, Inc. 2009 Printed in USA, July 8, 2009 5968-0161EN