Agilent E6833A cdma2000/1xEV-DO
Calibration Application
For the E6601A Wireless Communications Test Set
Data Sheet
The next generation of mobile phone
manufacturing test.
E6601A/E6890A Features and
General Specifications
The Agilent E6601A is the new, one-box test set that expedites
mobile phone calibration. Combining industry-leading measurement speed, selectable formats, flexible licensing, and an
integrated open Windows® XP PC, the E6601A helps you achieve
the lowest cost of test in mobile phone manufacturing.
The E6601A and its available technology-specific software
applications deliver industry leading measurement speed and
accuracy for your mobile phone test needs.
The Agilent E6833A cdma2000/1xEV-DO Calibration Application
is a non-signaling application optimized for cdma2000®/1xEV-DO
mobile phone calibration. The E6833A also provides a choice of
perpetual, transportable, or term licenses for maximizing asset
utilization and your cost per test.
The test set and its applications use emerging advancements such
as fast device tune features to deliver fast, high-quality calibration.
Because it’s Agilent, you can be confident—it operates using
trusted, proven measurement methodology that ensures measurement integrity that is never compromised.
CW, AM, FM, DSB-SC-SC source modulation
RF analyzer
Spectrum monitor
Transmitter power measurement
Power versus time measurement
Frequency error measurement
Optional IQ capture waveform sampling
Internal OCXO timebase
Built-in open Windows XP PC
Run test programs with internal or external PC
GPIB, USB, and LAN connectivity and control
E6833A Features
Source modulation
• CW, amplitude, frequency, IS-95, cdma2000, and 1xEV-DO
Power measurements
• Mean power
• Root-raised cosine power
Power measurements
• Channel power
• Dynamic power
• Fast device tune
Spectral measurements
• Tx spurious emissions
• Occupied bandwidth
• Spectrum monitor
Modulation quality measurements
• IS-95, cdma2000 RC1 rho
Technical Specifications
RF Generator
These specifications apply to an E6601A mainframe and the
E6833A cdma2000/1xEVDO Calibration Application firmware
revision A.03 or higher. Only feature additions beyond the
E6890A General Purpose Application are included in this document. Specifications describe the test set’s warranted performance and are valid for the unit’s operation within ±10 °C of the
last self alignment. All specifications are valid after a 30-minute
warm-up period of continuous operation with valid self alignment.
If the instrument has been off for longer than 48 hours, a 48-hour
warm-up period followed by a self alignment is required.
Supplemental characteristics are intended to provide typical, but
non-warranted, performance parameters that may be useful in
applying the instrument. These characteristics are shown in italics
and labeled as “typical.” All units shipped from the factory meet
these typical numbers at +25 °C ambient temperature without
including measurement uncertainty.
W-CDMA cellular bands
US cellular band
1-799, 991-1023, 1024-1323
(860.04-893.97 MHz)
US PCS band
0-1199 (1930-1990 MHz)
Korean PCS band
0-599 (1840-1870 MHz)
Japan CDMA band
1-799, 801-1039, 1041-1199,
(832.0125-869.9875 MHz)
IMT-2000 band
0-1199 (2110-2169.950 MHz)
NMT-450 band
1-400, 472-871, 1039-1473,
1792-2016 (approx 420-494 MHz)
Secondary 800 band
0-719, 720-919
(851-869, 935-940 MHz)
US PCS 1900 band
0-1299 (1930-1995 MHz)
AWS band
0-899 (2110-2155 MHz)
Output port control
Output level range
RF in/out port
RF out only port
User control of RF source routing
to either the RF in/out port or
the RF out only port
–115 dBm/1.23 MHz to
–15 dBm/1.23 MHz
–115 dBm/1.23 MHz to
–5 dBm/1.23 MHz
Composite absolute output level accuracy
(< ±10 °C and < 24 hours from the last alignment,
–108 to –15 dBm/1.23 MHz)
RF in/out port
RF out only port
< ±1.0 dB, typically ±0.65 dB
< ±1.0 dB, typically ±0.65 dB
Modulation quality
Residual rho
Residual EVM
Spectrally correct IS-95,
cdma2000 RC3, 1xEV-DO
Typically > 0.99
Typically < 3%
RF Analyzer
Reverse Traffic Channel Suite
Triggering this measurement suite results in the capture of
one block of samples from which is derived the channel power,
occupied bandwidth, and Tx spurious emissions parameters.
Frequency range in ch annel numbers
US cellular band
1-799, 991-1023, 1024-1323
(815.04-848.97 MHz)
US PCS band
0-1199 (1850-1910 MHz)
Korean PCS band
0-599 (1750-1780 MHz)
Japan CDMA band
1-799, 801-1039, 1041-1199,
(887.0125-924.9875 MHz)
Trigger setup
External, immediate,
RF generator ARB
Channel power measurement
Measurement method
Measures the total power in a
1.23 MHz bandwidth centered
on the reverse channel center
IMT-2000 band
0-1199 (1920-1979.950 MHz)
NMT-450 band
1-400, 472-871, 1039-1473,
1792-2016 (approx 410-484 MHz)
Measurement interval
Secondary 800 band
0-719, 720-919
(806-824, 896-901 MHz)
1.25 ms for cdma2000 or
1.67 ms for 1xEV-DO
Measurement range
–61 dBm/1.23 MHz to
+28 dBm/1.23 MHz
US PCS 1900 band
0-1299 (1850-1915 MHz)
AWS band
0-899 (1710-1755 MHz)
Input level range
Channel power
Peak input power
Self alignment validity
–61 dBm/1.23 MHz to
+28 dBm/1.23 MHz
–61 dBm/1.23 MHz to
+37 dBm/1.23 MHz
< ±10 °C change and < 30 days
from last self alignment
Measurement accuracy
–61 to +28 dBm/1.23 MHz
< ±0.7 dB, typically < ±0.2 dB
Measurement repeatability
Typically < ±0.05 dB
Modulation quality measurement
Input frequency ranges
Same as RF analyzer
Measurement chip rate
1.2288 Mcps
Measurement method
IS-95 or cdma2000 RC1: single
code rho
Input level range
Average power –25 to +37 dBm/
1.23 MHz
Modulation quality measurement range
(for signals with < ±1 kHz frequency error)
IS-95, RC1
Measurement interval
0.40 to 1.00 rho
1.042 ms (5 Walsh symbols)
Modulation quality measurement accuracy
IS-95, RC1 rho
< ±0.003 + residual error for
0.8 < rho < 1.0
Modulation quality measurement residuals
> 0.999
Frequency error
±2 Hz plus timebase error
Measurement results
rho, frequency error, phase error,
magnitude error, carrier
Dynamic Power Measurement
Occupied bandwidth
Measurement method
Measures the bandwidth that
contains 99.0% of the total
integrated power of the
transmitted signal centered on
the selected reverse channel
Input level range
+5 to +28 dBm/1.23 MHz
Measurement accuracy
±60 kHz for 99.0% total
integrated power
Tx spurious emissions
Measurement method
Measures the active carrier
power in a 1.23 MHz bandwidth,
then measures the power in a
30 kHz bandwidth at two offsets
above and below the active
carrier and displays the ratio
of the offset powers to the
active carrier power in dBc
Input level range
+0 to +30 dBm/1.23 MHz
Measurement offsets
Frequencies < 1000 MHz
Frequencies > 1000 MHz
±885 kHz, ±1.98 MHz
±1.25 MHz, ±1.98 MHz
Measurement bandwidth
1.23 MHz flat channel filter
30 kHz synchronously tuned,
five-pole filter with approximately
Gaussian shape
Measurement accuracy
±885 kHz, ±1.25 MHz
±1.98 MHz
< ±0.35 dB, typically < ±0.15 dB
< ±0.6 dB, typically < ±0.25 dB
Residual noise floor
±885 kHz, ±1.25 MHz
±1.98 MHz offsets
< –73 dBc/30 kHz BW
< –75 dBc/30 kHz BW
Mobile pass/fail limits
Auto mode
Frequencies < 1000 MHz
Measurement method
Captures a user-defined trace
consisting of 5, 10, or 20 ms
duration power steps with
user-defined step size produced
by a test mode in the device
under test. Measures the total
power in each step period in a
1.23 MHz bandwidth centered
on the reverse channel center
Input level range
–61 to +28 dBm/1.23 MHz
Amplitude capture range
With 4 dB crest < ±2 dB of
expected power
Measurement accuracy1 (within +2 to –45 dB of expected power)
–61 to +28 dBm/1.23 MHz
< ±0.7 dB, typically < ±0.2 dB
Measurement accuracy1 (within 45 dB of expected power with
< 48 hours warm-up before self alignment initiation)
–59 to +28 dBm/1.23 MHz
< ±0.7 dB, typically < ±0.3 dB
–65 to < –59 dBm/1.23 MHz < ±0.8 dB, typically < ±05 dB
Measurement repeatability
Typically < ±0.05 dB for returning
to the same level and frequency
with no temperature change and
insignificant time change
Trigger setup
Sources external, fall, rise
User specified
maximum power
Step size
Step duration
–42 dBc/30 kHz for
±885 kHz offsets
–54 dBc/30 kHz for
±1.98 MHz offsets
Frequencies > 1000 MHz
–42 dBc/30 kHz for
±1.25 MHz offsets
–50 dBc/30 kHz for
±1.98 MHz offsets
Manual mode
Settable from –10 to –65 dBc
with 0.01 dB resolution
1. Additional accuracy error when using RF OUT ONLY port is < ±0.1 dB.
Fast Device Tune Measurement
Measurement method
Allows simultaneous calibration
of a device’s transmitter output
power and receiver input level
across level and frequency in a
single sweep (per frequency
band). The device must operate
in a test mode, which forces it
to transmit a predefined series
of power steps at various
reverse link frequencies, and
simultaneously tune its receiver
to perform measurements (such
as RSSI) of the test set’s signal
at various forward link
frequencies and power levels
Measurement range
–65 dBm/1.23 MHz to
+28 dBm/1.23 MHz
Measurement interval
1.25 ms
Measurement filter
1.23 MHz brick wall
Step size range
5 to 20 ms
Trigger sources
Immediate and RF rise
Output level setting (to be within 0.1 dB of the final power level)
Amplitude switch
< 1 ms, typically < 250 µs
Frequency switch
< 1 ms, typically < 500 µs
within band
Measurement accuracy1 (within 45 dB of expected power with
< 48 hours warm-up before self alignment initiation)
–54 to +28 dBm/1.23 MHz
< ±0.75 dB, typically < ±0.3 dB
–61 to < –55 dBm/1.23 MHz < ±0.85 dB, typically < ±0.3 dB
RF source output level range
RF in/out port
RF out only port
–115 dBm/1.23 MHz to
–15 dBm/1.23 MHz
–115 dBm/1.23 MHz to
–5 dBm/1.23 MHz
Composite absolute output level accuracy (< ±10 °C and
< 24 hours from the last alignment, –108 to –15 dBm/1.23 MHz)
RF in/out port
< ±1.0 dB, typically ±0.65 dB
RF out only port
< ±1.0 dB, typically ±0.65 dB
RF output level settling
< 1 ms to be within 0.1 dB of the
final value
1. Additional accuracy error when using RF OUT ONLY port is < ±0.1 dB.
Remove all doubt
Our repair and calibration services will get your equipment
back to you, performing like new, when promised. You will
get full value out of your Agilent equipment throughout its
lifetime. Your equipment will be serviced by Agilent-trained
technicians using the latest factory calibration procedures,
automated repair diagnostics and genuine parts. You will
always have the utmost confidence in your measurements.
Agilent offers a wide range of additional expert test and
measurement services for your equipment, including initial
start-up assistance onsite education and training, as well as
design, system integration, and project management.
For more information on repair and calibration services, go to
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United States
877 894 4414
305 269 7500
800 829 4444
Asia Pacific
Hong Kong
1 800 629 485
800 810 0189
800 938 693
1 800 112 929
81 426 56 7832
080 769 0800
1 800 888 848
1 800 375 8100
0800 047 866
1 800 226 008
Europe & Middle East
0820 87 44 11
32 (0) 2 404 93 40
45 70 13 15 15
358 (0) 10 855 2100
0825 010 700*
*0.125 € fixed network rates
01805 24 6333*
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1890 924 204
972 3 9288 504/544
39 02 92 60 8484
31 (0) 20 547 2111
34 (91) 631 3300
0200-88 22 55
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41 (21) 8113811 (Opt 2)
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0800 80 53 53 (Opt 1)
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44 (0) 118 9276201
Other European Countries:
Revised: October 24, 2007
cdma2000 is a registered certification mark of the Telecommunications Industry
Association. Used under license.
Product specifications and descriptions
in this document subject to change
without notice.
© Agilent Technologies, Inc. 2006, 2007
Printed in USA, December 6, 2007