KING BILLION ELECTRONICS CO., LTD 駿 億 電 子 股 份 有 限 公 司 HE84761 HE80000 SERIES A. HE84761 Introduction HE84761 is a member of 8-bit Micro-controller series developed by King Billion Electronics Ltd, User can configure 32COM:【3072 dot LCD driver + 16 Bit I/O Port】…【2304 dot LCD driver + 40 Bit I/O Port】LCD driver,or 48COM:【3840 dot LCD driver + 16 Bit I/O Port】…【2688 dot LCD driver + 40 Bit I/O Port】 ,or 64COM:【4096 dot LCD driver + 16 Bit I/O Port】…【2560 dot LCD driver + 40 Bit I/O Port】。Built-in power regulator circuit,make the LCD display more stable。The built-in OP comparator can be used with (light, voice, temperature, humility) sensor or battery low detection. A 7-bit current type D/A converter and PWM device provide the complete speech output mechanism.。 The 256KB ROM and 4KB RAM can be used as the storage of large speech data, graphic, text etc. It can be used for Dictionary, Data Bank, Medium Level Educational Toy, Low duration Voice Recording System etc.. The instruction set are quite easy to learn and simple to use. There are only about thirty instructions with four-type addressing modes are provided. Most of instructions take only 3 oscillator clocks (machine cycles), which is the high efficiency and low power MCU. B. HE84761 Features z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z Operation Voltage: System Clock: Internal ROM: Internal RAM: Dual Clock System: 2.4V – 3.6V 4MHz ~ 8MHz 256K Bytes 4K Bytes; Dedicated RAM VDD Normal(Fast) clock: 32.768K ~ 8MHz(No Internal Clock) Slow clock: 32.768KHz Operation Mode: DUAL、FAST、SLOW、IDLE、and SLEEP mode。 New RC type oscillator,accuracy at ±5%,maximum frequency up to around 10 MHz。Please refer to the detail frequency table on section F。 Internal Power on Reset circuit。 With WDT (WATCH DOG TIMER) to prevent deadlock condition.。 16~40 bit Bi-directional I/O port. Mask Option can select PUSH-PULL or OPEN DRAIN output mode for each I/O pin. The new built-in hardware auto scan keyboard(4*20)(shared with LCD SEG pin),not only reduce the hardware cost, but also reduce the firmware effort。 Built-in OP comparator。 User can select any one of three LCD configurations --- 32COM*96SEG LCD,48COM*80SEG LCD,or 64COM*64SEG LCD。The LCD scan signal are Type B(please refer to HE80000 user’s manual, section 4.3.9 LCD control register), It is built-in type-IV LCD driver. The highest LCD voltage LVP must be lower than 8.5Volt。 Provide LFR and LDL output signal,which can be connected to KDS80,as a LCD Segment extension。 One 7-bit current type D/A 。The new DAC output structure,which do not need to use capacitor to adjust the input current of 8050C。Provide Mask Option to select different output current 3mA=>4Ω, 1.5mA=>8Ω, 0.75mA=>16Ω, 0.375mA=>16Ω,to make sure there will be no signal 1 V1.1 KING BILLION ELECTRONICS CO., LTD 駿 億 電 子 股 份 有 限 公 司 z z z z HE84761 HE80000 SERIES saturation。 PWM device。(No Rate Selection, connect with VDD & PWMP) 。Dedicated GND pin for PWM block。 Two external interrupts and three internal timer interrupts。 Two 16-bit timers and one Time-Base timer。 Instruction set: 32 instructions, 4 addressing modes. 12-bit DATA POINTER for RAM and 18-bit TABLE POINTER for ROM。 C. Application Circuit This circuit is only for bias 1/6.5, 1/7.0, 1/7.5 and 1/8.0. KB suggests user use this circuit at most conditions. The other two circuits are (1/5.0, 1/5.5, 1/6.0) and (1/8.5, 1/9.0, 1/9.5, 1/10.0). To make sure your LCD glass has best display effect, please use ICE5.x (Type-III LCD Driver) to simulate the equivalent effect of Type-IV LCD driver. The same bias and LV5 will get almost the same result of display effect. Please adjust your bias and LV5 on ICE 5.x and make sure the display of LCD is OK. Then the display effect of 84761 (Type-IV LCD driver) will be the same at the same bias and LV5. 2 V1.1 HE84761 KING BILLION ELECTRONICS CO., LTD 駿 億 電 子 股 份 有 限 公 司 VDD1 External Fast Clock: External Fast Clock: Crystal osc. RC osc. VDD2 10U 0.1U 10U 0.1u FXI VDD RSTP_N RESET 480K~8M FXI FXO SXI 0.1U SXO OPIP OPIN OPO FXI R 10P FXO VDD2 VDD_RAM VDD1 GND GND 10K FXI 10P VDD1 VDD2 VDD1 HE80000 SERIES External Slow Clock: External Slow Clock: RC osc. Crystal osc. FXO SXI SXI SXI 10P SXO R: Please ref. AN016 32.768K OPIP SXO 10P SXO OPIN OPO PRT10[3:2] 1U 1U 1U LVL5 PRT10[1]/KEYTONE LVL4 PRT10[0]/TONEO LVL3 PRTD[7:0] LCDVTB PRTC[7:4]/SCNI[3:0] SCNI[3:0] KEY MATRIX SCNO[19:0] PRTC[7:4]/SCNI[3:0] LCAP4B 1U LCD PANEL LCAP4A LCAP3B 1U 1U LCAP1A ~300K 1U LVL2 1U LCAP3A COM[31:0] LCAP2B CMSG[63:32] LCAP2A SEG[63:44] LCAP1B SCNO[19:0]/SGKY[43:24] LCAP1A PRT14[7:0]/SEG[23:16] LCDGS PRT15[7:0]/SEG[15:8] LVL2 COM[31:0] CMSG[63:32] 32 * 96 SEG[63:44] SCNO[19:0]/SGKY[43:24] PRT14[7:0]/SEG[23:16] PRT15[7:0]/SEG[15:8] PRT17[7:0]/SEG[7:0] PRT17[7:0]/SEG[7:0] 48 * 80 64 * 64 LVL1 1U VDD1 LCDVX 32 ohm Speaker PWMP 0.1U VDD LDL LFR LDL GND_PWM LFR TSTP_P Segment Extender 8 ohm Speaker VO 8050C HE84760 TestPad 0 ohm 3 V1.1 HE84761 KING BILLION ELECTRONICS CO., LTD 駿 億 電 子 股 份 有 限 公 司 HE80000 SERIES Application Circuit of Bias (1/8.5, 1/9.0, 1/9.5, 1/10.0) VDD1 External Fast Clock: External Fast Clock: Crystal osc. RC osc. VDD2 10U 0.1U 10U 0.1u FXI VDD GND 10K RSTP_N RESET 480K~8M FXO VDD2 VDD_RAM GND VDD1 VDD1 VDD2 VDD1 FXI FXO SXI 0.1U SXO OPIP OPIN OPO FXI 10P FXI R 10P External Slow Clock: External Slow Clock: Crystal osc. RC osc. FXO SXI SXI SXI 10P SXO R: Please ref. AN016 32.768K OPIP SXO 10P SXO OPIN OPO PRT10[3:2] 1U 1U 1U LVL5 PRT10[1]/KEYTONE LVL4 PRT10[0]/TONEO LVL3 PRTD[7:0] SCNI[3:0] PRTC[7:4]/SCNI[3:0] PRTC[7:4]/SCNI[3:0] LCDVTB KEY MATRIX SCNO[19:0] LCAP4B 1U LCD PANEL LCAP4A LCAP3B 1U 1U 1U ~300K 1U LVL2 1U LCAP3A COM[31:0] LCAP2B CMSG[63:32] LCAP2A SEG[63:44] LCAP1B SCNO[19:0]/SGKY[43:24] LCAP1A PRT14[7:0]/SEG[23:16] LCDGS PRT15[7:0]/SEG[15:8] COM[31:0] SEG[63:44] SCNO[19:0]/SGKY[43:24] PRT14[7:0]/SEG[23:16] PRT15[7:0]/SEG[15:8] PRT17[7:0]/SEG[7:0] PRT17[7:0]/SEG[7:0] LVL2 32 * 96 CMSG[63:32] 48 * 80 64 * 64 LVL1 1U VDD1 LCDVX 32 ohm Speaker PWMP 0.1U VDD LDL LFR LDL GND_PWM LFR TSTP_P Segment Extender 8 ohm Speaker VO 8050C HE84760 TestPad 0 ohm 4 V1.1 HE84761 KING BILLION ELECTRONICS CO., LTD 駿 億 電 子 股 份 有 限 公 司 HE80000 SERIES Application Circuit of Bias (1/5.0, 1/5.5, 1/6.0) VDD1 External Fast Clock: External Fast Clock: Crystal osc. RC osc. VDD2 10U 0.1U 10U 0.1u FXI VDD GND 10K RSTP_N RESET 480K~8M FXI FXO SXI 0.1U SXO OPIP OPIN OPO FXI R 10P FXO VDD2 VDD_RAM GND VDD1 VDD1 VDD2 VDD1 FXI 10P External Slow Clock: External Slow Clock: RC osc. Crystal osc. FXO SXI SXI SXI 10P SXO R: Please ref. AN016 32.768K OPIP SXO 10P SXO OPIN OPO PRT10[3:2] 1U 1U 1U LVL5 PRT10[1]/KEYTONE LVL4 PRT10[0]/TONEO LVL3 SCNI[3:0] KEY MATRIX SCNO[19:0] PRTD[7:0] LCDVTB PRTC[7:4]/SCNI[3:0] PRTC[7:4]/SCNI[3:0] LCAP4B 1U LCD PANEL LCAP4A LCAP3B 1U LCAP2A ~300K LVL2 1U 1U LCAP3A COM[31:0] LCAP2B CMSG[63:32] LCAP2A SEG[63:44] LCAP1B SCNO[19:0]/SGKY[43:24] LCAP1A PRT14[7:0]/SEG[23:16] LCDGS PRT15[7:0]/SEG[15:8] LVL2 COM[31:0] CMSG[63:32] 32 * 96 SEG[63:44] SCNO[19:0]/SGKY[43:24] PRT14[7:0]/SEG[23:16] PRT15[7:0]/SEG[15:8] PRT17[7:0]/SEG[7:0] PRT17[7:0]/SEG[7:0] 48 * 80 64 * 64 LVL1 1U VDD1 LCDVX 32 ohm Speaker PWMP 0.1U VDD LFR LDL GND_PWM LDL TSTP_P Segment Extender LFR 8 ohm Speaker VO 8050C HE84760 TestPad 0 ohm 5 V1.1 KING BILLION ELECTRONICS CO., LTD 駿 億 電 子 股 份 有 限 公 司 Formula: HE84761 HE80000 SERIES LV5 = LV2 / 2 * Bias; *1: Real VDD< Typical Min. VDD (LCD will be turned off.) Typical Min. VDD 2.70 2.60 2.50 2.40 2.30 2.20 2.10 2.00 *1 Bias LV2 2.40 2.30 2.20 2.10 2.00 1.90 1.80 5.0 5.5 6.00 5.75 5.50 5.25 5.00 4.75 4.50 6.60 6.33 6.05 5.78 5.50 5.23 4.95 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0 8.5 9.0 9.5 10.0 LV5 = LCD Glass Operating Voltage 7.20 7.80 8.40 6.90 7.48 8.05 6.60 7.15 7.70 8.25 6.30 6.83 7.35 7.88 8.40 6.00 6.50 7.00 7.50 8.00 8.50 5.70 6.18 6.65 7.13 7.60 8.08 8.55 5.40 5.85 6.30 6.75 7.20 7.65 8.10 8.55 1.70 4.25 4.68 5.10 5.53 5.95 6.38 6.80 7.23 7.65 8.08 6 8.5 V1.1