LMX2370/LMX2371/LMX2372 PLLatinum™ Dual Frequency Synthesizer for RF Personal Communications LMX2370 LMX2371 LMX2372 The LMX237x are available in a 24-pad chip scale (CSP) or a 20-pin TSSOP surface mount plastic package. 2.5 GHz/1.2 GHz 2.0 GHz/1.2 GHz 1.2 GHz/1.2 GHz Features General Description The LMX237x family of monolithic, integrated dual frequency synthesizers, including prescalers, is designed to be used as a first and second local oscillator for dual mode or dual conversion transceivers. It is fabricated using National’s 0.5u ABiCV silicon BiCMOS process. The LMX237x contains two dual modulus prescalers. A 32/33 or a 16/17 prescaler can be selected for the 2.5 GHz and 2.0 GHz RF synthesizers with the 16/17 prescaler rated for input frequencies below 1.2 GHz. A 16/17 or an 8/9 prescaler can be selected for the 1.2 GHz RF synthesizers with the 8/9 prescaler rated for input frequencies below 550 MHz. Using a digital phase locked loop technique, the LMX237x can generate very stable, low noise control signals for UHF and VHF voltage controlled oscillators (VCOs). Serial data is transferred into the LMX237x via a 1.8 V three wire interface (Data, Enable, Clock) compatible with low voltage baseband processors. Supply voltage can range from 2.7V to 5.5V. The LMX237x family features very low current consumption typically: LMX2370 - 6.0 mA at 3V, LMX2371 - 5.0 mA at 3V, LMX2372 - 4.0 mA at 3V. n n n n n n n n n 2.7V–5.5V operation Ultra low current consumption Low phase detector noise floor Low voltage MICROWIRE™ interface (1.8V up to VCC) Low prescaler values 32/33 at fIN ≤ 2.5 GHz 16/17 at fIN ≤ 1.2 GHz 8/9 at fIN ≤ 550 MHz Selectable charge pump current levels Selectable FastLock™ mode Enhanced ESD protection Available in small 24-pad chip scale package (3.5 x 4.5 x 1.0 mm) Applications n n n n Portable wireless communications (PCS/PCN, cordless) Dual mode cellular telephone systems Spread spectrum communication systems (CDMA) Cable TV tuners (CATV) Functional Block Diagram DS101026-4 FastLock™, PLLatinum™ and MICROWIRE™ are trademarks of National Semiconductor Corporation. TRI-STATE ® is a registered trademark of National Semiconductor Corporation. © 2000 National Semiconductor Corporation DS101026 www.national.com LMX2370/LMX2371/LMX2372 PLLatinum Dual Frequency Synthesizer for RF Personal Communications July 2000 LMX2370/LMX2371/LMX2372 Connection Diagrams TSSOP 20-Pin Package CSP 24-Pin Package DS101026-2 Top View Order Number LMX2370TM, LMX2370TMX, LMX2371TM, LMX2371TMX, LMX2372TM or LMX2372TMX See NS Package Number MTC20 DS101026-3 Top View Order Number LMX2370SLBX, LMX2371SLBX or LMX2372SLBX See NS Package Number SLB24A Pin Descriptions Pin No. Pin Name I/O Description 1 VCC1 — Power supply voltage input for RF analog and RF digital circuits. Input may range from 2.7V to 5.5V. VCC1 must equal VCC2. Bypass capacitors should be placed as close as possible to this pin and be connected directly to the ground plane. 2 2 Vp1 — Power supply for Main charge pump. Must be ≥ VCC. 3 3 CPo1 O Internal Main charge pump output. For connection to a loop filter for driving the input of an external VCO. 4 4 GND — Ground for Main digital circuitry. 5 5 fIN1 I Main prescaler input. Small signal input from the VCO. 6 6 fIN1b I Main prescaler complementary input. For single ended operation, a bypass capacitor should be placed as close as possible to this pin and be connected directly to the ground plane. 7 7 GND — 24-Pin CSP 20-Pin TSSOP 24 www.national.com Ground for Main analog circuitry. 2 Pin No. (Continued) Pin Name I/O 8 OSCin I 10 9 GND — Ground for Aux digital, MICROWIRE, FoLD, and oscillator circuits. 11 10 Fo/LD O Multiplexed output of the Main/Aux programmable or reference dividers, Main/Auxiliary lock detect signals and Fastlock mode. CMOS output (see Programmable Modes in the Datasheet). 12 11 Clock I High impedance CMOS Clock input. Data for the various counters is clocked in on the rising edge, into the 22-bit shift register. 14 12 Data I Binary serial data input. Data entered MSB first. The last two bits are the control bits. High impedance CMOS input. 15 13 LE I Load enable. High impedance CMOS input. When LE goes HIGH, data stored in the shift registers is loaded into one of the 4 appropriate latches (control bit dependent). 16 14 Vµc — Power supply for MICROWIRE circuitry. Must be ≤ VCC. Typically connected to same supply level as µprocessor or baseband controller to enable programming at low voltages. 17 15 GND — Ground for Aux analog circuitry. 18 16 fIN2 I Auxiliary prescaler input. Small signal input from the VCO. 19 17 GND — Ground for Aux digital, MICROWIRE, FoLD, and oscillator. 20 18 CPo2 O Aux internal charge pump output. For connection to a loop filter for driving the input of an external VCO. 22 19 Vp2 — Power supply for Aux charge pump. Must be ≥ VCC. 24-Pin CSP 20-Pin TSSOP 8 LMX2370/LMX2371/LMX2372 Pin Descriptions Description Oscillator input. The input has a VCC/2 input threshold and can be driven from an external CMOS or TTL logic gate. 3 www.national.com LMX2370/LMX2371/LMX2372 Pin Descriptions Pin No. (Continued) Pin Name I/O Description 20 VCC2 — Power supply voltage input for Aux analog, Aux digital, FoLD, and oscillator circuits. Input may range from 2.7V to 5.5V. VCC2 must equal VCC1. Bypass capacitors should be placed as close as possible to this pin and be connected directly to the ground plane. — NC — No Connect 24-Pin CSP 20-Pin TSSOP 23 1, 9, 13, 21 Block Diagram (Note 1) DS101026-8 Note 1: * The numbers in () represent the equivalent chipscale package (CSP) pinout www.national.com 4 Recommended Operating Conditions (Note 4) If Military/Aerospace specified devices are required, please contact the National Semiconductor Sales Office/ Distributors for availability and specifications. Power Supply Voltage VCC1 VCC2 VCC1–VCC2 Vp1 Vp2 Vµc Operating Temperature (TA) Power Supply Voltage VCC1 −0.3V to 6.5V −0.3V to 6.5V VCC2 Vp1 −0.3V to 6.5V Vp2 −0.3V to 6.5V Vµc −0.3V to 6.5V Voltage on any pin with −0.3V to VCC +0.3V GND = 0V (VI) −65˚C to +150˚C Storage Temperature Range (TS) +260˚C Lead Temperature (solder, 4 sec.) (TL) < 2 keV ESD - Human Body Model (Note 3) 2.7V to 5.5V 2.7V to 5.5V −0.2V to 0.2V VCC to 5.5V VCC to 5.5V 1.72V to VCC −40˚C to +85˚C Note 2: Absolute Maximum Ratings indicate limits beyond which damage to the device may occur. Operating Ratings indicate conditions for which the device is intended to be functional, but do not guarantee specific performance limits. For guaranteed specifications and test conditions, see the Electrical Characteristics. The guaranteed specifications apply only for the test conditions listed. Note 3: This device is a high performance RF integrated circuit and is ESD sensitive. Handling and assembly of this device should only be done at ESD free workstations. Note 4: VCC is defined as VCC = VCC1 = VCC2. Electrical Characteristics (VCC = Vp = Vµc = 3.0V; −40˚C < TA < 85˚C except as specified). GENERAL Value Symbol ICC Parameter Power Supply Current Conditions Unit Main = On, Aux = On 6 8.5 mA Main = On, Aux = On 5 7.5 mA LMX2372 Main = On, Aux = On 4 6.0 mA LMX2370 /71/72 Aux Only 2 3.25 mA Power Down Current EN_Main, EN_Aux = 0 Main PLL Operating Frequency P = 32/33 LMX2370 LMX2371 LMX2372 Auxiliary PLL Operating Frequency fφ Phase Detector Frequency PfIN1, PfIN2 RF Input Sensitivity 50 µA 1.2 15 2.5 GHz P = 16/17 45 1200 MHz P = 32/33 1.2 2.0 GHz P = 16/17 45 1200 MHz P = 16/17 45 1200 MHz P = 8/9 45 550 MHz P = 16/17 45 1200 MHz P = 8/9 45 550 MHz 10 MHz 2.7 ≤ VCC ≤ 3.6V −15 0 dBm 3.6 ≤ VCC ≤ 5.5V −10 0 dBm OSCILLATOR INPUT Value Parameter OSCin Reference Oscillator Input Operating Frequency Conditions VOSC Oscillator Input Sensitivity OSCin IIH OSCin Input Current VIH = VCC = 5.5V IIL OSCin Input Current VIL = 0, VCC = 5.5V Min Typ Max 50 MHz 0.5 VCC VPP 100 µA −100 µA Value Parameter Min Typ Max Unit VCPo = Vp/2, ICPo_4X = 0 - 1.0 mA VCPo = Vp/2, ICPo_4X = 0 1.0 mA ICPo-source VCPo = Vp/2, ICPo_4X = 1 - 4.0 mA ICPo-sink VCPo = Vp/2, ICPo_4X = 1 4.0 mA ICPo-source ICPo-sink Main and Auxiliary Charge Pump Output Current (Note 5) Conditions Unit 2 CHARGE PUMP Symbol Max LMX2371 fIN1 Symbol Typ LMX2370 ICC-PWDN fIN2 Min 5 www.national.com LMX2370/LMX2371/LMX2372 Absolute Maximum Ratings (Notes 2, 3) LMX2370/LMX2371/LMX2372 Electrical Characteristics (VCC = Vp = Vµc = 3.0V; −40˚C < TA < 85˚C except as specified). (Continued) CHARGE PUMP Symbol Value Parameter Min Typ Max −2.5 0.1 2.5 nA 3 10 % 8 15 % ICPo-TRI Charge Pump TRI-STATE ® Current 0.5 ≤ VCPo ≤ Vp − 0.5, −40˚C < TA < 85˚C ICPo-sink vs ICPo-source CP Sink vs Source Mismatch VCPo = Vp/2, TA = 25˚C ICPo vs VCPo CP Current vs Voltage 0.5 ≤ VCPo ≤ Vp − 0.5, TA = 25˚C ICPo vs TA CP Current vs Temperature VCPo = Vp/2, −40˚C < TA < 85˚C 8 DIGITAL INTERFACE (DATA, CLOCK, LE) Symbol Parameter % Value Conditions Min VIH High-Level Input Voltage Vµc = 1.72V to 5.5V VIL Low-Level Input Voltage Vµc = 1.72V to 5.5V IIH High-Level Input Current VIH = Vµc = 5.5V −1.0 IIL Low-Level Input Current VIL = 0, Vµc = 5.5V −1.0 VOL Low-Level Output Current IOL = 1.0 mA, VEXT = 1.8V (Note 6) Typ Max 0.8 Vµc 0.2 Vµc V 1.0 µA 1.0 µA 0.4 V Value Parameter Conditions Min Unit V 0.1 MICROWIRE TIMING Symbol Unit Conditions Typ Max Unit tCS Data to Clock Setup Time See Data Input Timing 50 ns tCH Data to Clock Hold Time See Data Input Timing 20 ns tCWH Clock Pulse Width High See Data Input Timing 50 ns tCWL Clock Pulse Width Low See Data Input Timing 50 ns tES Clock to Load Enable Setup Time See Data Input Timing 50 ns tEW Load Enable Pulse Width See Data Input Timing 50 ns Note 5: Main and Auxiliary Charge Pump magnitude are controlled by Main_ICPo_4X and Aux_ICPo_4X bits respectively. Note 6: Lock Detect open drain output only pulled up to VEXT. Typically VEXT = VCC. www.national.com 6 LMX2370/LMX2371/LMX2372 Charge Pump Current Specification Definitions DS101026-19 I1 = CP sink current at VDo = VP − ∆V I2 = CP sink current at VDo = VP/2 I3 = CP sink current at VDo = ∆V I4 = CP source current at VDo = VP − ∆V I5 = CP source current at VDo = VP/2 I6 = CP source current at VDo = ∆V ∆V = Voltage offset from positive and negative rails. Dependent on VCO tuning range relative to VCC and ground. Typical values are between 0.5V and 1.0V. 1. IDo vs VDo = Charge Pump Output Current magnitude variation vs Voltage = [1⁄2 * {|I1| − |I3|}]/[1⁄2 * {|I1| + |I3|}] * 100% and [1⁄2 * {|I4| − |I6|}]/[1⁄2 * {|I4| + |I6|}] * 100% 2. IDo-sink vs IDo-source = Charge Pump Output Current Sink vs Source Mismatch = [|I2| − |I5|]/[1⁄2 * {|I2| + |I5|}] * 100% 3. IDo vs TA = Charge Pump Output Current magnitude variation vs Temperature = [|I2 @ temp| − |I2 @ 25˚C|]/|I2 @ 25˚C| * 100% and [|I5 @ temp| − |I5 @ 25˚C|]/|I5 @ 25˚C| * 100% RF Sensitivity Test Block Diagram DS101026-20 Note: N = 10,000 R = 50 P = 64 Note: Sensitivity limit is reached when the error of the divided RF output, FoLD, is ≥ 1 Hz. 7 www.national.com LMX2370/LMX2371/LMX2372 Typical Performance Characteristics ICC vs VCC LMX2370 ICC vs VCC LMX2371 DS101026-21 ICC vs VCC LMX2372 DS101026-22 ICPo TRI-STATE vs CPO Voltage DS101026-24 DS101026-23 Charge Pump Current vs CPO Voltage ICPO = HIGH Charge Pump Current vs CPO Voltage ICPO = LOW DS101026-25 www.national.com DS101026-26 8 (Continued) Sink vs Source 1x-Mode Mismatch (See Note 2 under Charge Pump Current Specification Definitions) Sink vs Source 4x-Mode Mismatch (See Note 2 under Charge Pump Current Specification Definitions) DS101026-27 RF Input Impedance, T = 25˚C VCC = 2.7V to 5.5V, fIN1 = 30 kHz to 3 GHz DS101026-28 AUX Input Impedance, T = 25˚C VCC = 2.7V to 5.5V, fIN2 = 10 MHz to 1000 MHz DS101026-29 Marker Marker Marker Marker 1 2 3 4 = = = = 500 MHz, Real = 21.602, Imag. = −84.160 1 GHz, Real = 9.2314, Imag. = −28.793 2 GHz, Real = 9.9365, Imag. = 27.582 2.5 GHz, Real = 25.867, Imag. = 71.137 DS101026-30 Marker 1 = 500 MHz, Real = 21.836, Imag. = −85.836 Marker 2 = 750 MHz, Real = 12.824, Imag. = −50.973 Marker 3 = 1 GHz, Real = 9.6270, Imag. = −29.989 9 www.national.com LMX2370/LMX2371/LMX2372 Typical Performance Characteristics LMX2370/LMX2371/LMX2372 Typical Performance Characteristics (Continued) LMX2370 RF Sensitivity vs Frequency LMX2371 RF Input Sensitivity vs Frequency DS101026-32 DS101026-31 LMX2372 RF Sensitivity vs Frequency Auxiliary Input Sensitivity vs Frequency DS101026-33 DS101026-34 Oscillator Input Sensitivity vs Frequency DS101026-35 www.national.com 10 The basic phase-lock-loop (PLL) configuration consists of a high-stability crystal reference oscillator, a frequency synthesizer such as the National Semiconductor LMX2370/2371/2372, a voltage controlled oscillator (VCO), and a passive loop filter. The frequency synthesizer includes a phase detector, a current mode charge pump, as well as programmable reference [R] and feedback [N] frequency dividers. The VCO frequency is established by dividing the crystal reference signal down via the R-counter to obtain a comparison reference frequency. This reference signal (fR) is then presented to the input of a phase/frequency detector and compared with the feedback signal (fN), which is obtained by dividing the VCO frequency down by way of the N-counter. The phase/frequency detector’s current source output pumps charge into the loop filter, which then integrates into the VCO’s control voltage. The function of the phase/frequency comparator is to adjust the control voltage presented to the VCO until the feedback signal frequency and phase match that of the reference signal. When this “Phase-Locked” condition exists, the VCO frequency will be N times that of the comparison frequency, where N is the integer divide ratio. 1.1 REFERENCE OSCILLATOR INPUT The reference oscillator frequency for the Main and Auxiliary PLLs is provided from the external reference through the OSCin pin. OSCin can operate up to 50 MHz with input sensitivity of 0.5 VPP. The OSCin pin drives both the Main R-counter and the Auxiliary R-counter. The input has a VCC/2 input threshold that can be driven from an external CMOS or TTL logic gate. Typically, the OSCin is connected to the output of a crystal oscillator. 1.2 REFERENCE DIVIDERS (R-COUNTERS) The Main and Auxiliary R-counters are both clocked through the oscillator block in common. The maximum frequency is 50 MHz. Both R-counters are CMOS design and 15-bit in length with programmable divider ratio from 2 to 32,767. 1.3 PRESCALERS The complimentary fIN and fINB inputs drive a differential-pair amplifier which feeds to the respective prescaler. The Main PLL complementary fIN1 and fIN1b inputs can be driven differentially, or the negative input can be AC coupled to ground through an external capacitor for single ended configuration. The Auxiliary PLL has the complimentary input AC coupled to ground through an internal 10 pF capacitor. The Auxilllary PLL complimentary input is not brought out to a pin, and is intended for single ended configuration only. The LMX237x has a dual modulus prescaler with 2 selectable modulo. For PLL’s rated at 2.5 GHz or 2.0 GHz a 32/33 or 16/17 prescaler is available. For PLL’s rated at 1.2 GHz a 16/17 or 8/9 can be chosen. Both Main and Auxiliary prescalers’ outputs drive the subsequent CMOS flip-flop chain comprising the programmable N feedback counters. The proper prescaler value must be chosen to in order not to exceed the maximum CMOS frequency. For fIN > 1.2 GHz, the 32/33 prescaler must be selected, similarly for fIN > 550 MHz, the prescaler value must be at least 16/17, and for fIN < 550 MHz, an 8/9 prescaler value is allowable. 1.4 FEEDBACK DIVIDERS (N-COUNTERS) The Main and Auxiliary N-counters are clocked by the output of Main and Aux prescalers respectively. The N-counter is composed of a 13-bit integer divider and a 5-bit swallow counter. Selecting a 32/33 prescaler provides a minimum continuous divider range from 992 to 262,143 while selecting a 16/17 or 8/9 prescaler value allows for continuous divider values between and 240 to 131,087 and 56 to 65,559 respectively. 1.5 PHASE/FREQUENCY DETECTORS The phase/frequency detectors are driven from their respective N- and R-counter outputs. The maximum frequency at the phase detector inputs is 10 MHz unless limited by the minimum continuous divide ratio of the dual-modulus prescaler. The phase detector output controls the charge pump. The polarity of the pump-up or pump-down control is programmed using Main_PD_POL or Aux_PD_POL, depending on whether Main or Auxiliary VCO characteristics is positive or negative. The phase detector also receives a feedback signal from the charge pump in order to eliminate dead zone. 1.6 CHARGE PUMPS The phase detector’s current source output pumps charge into an external loop filter, which then integrates into the VCO’s control voltage. The charge pump steers the charge pump output CPo to VP (pump-up) or Ground (pump-down). When locked, CPo is primarily in a TRI-STATE mode with small corrections. The charge pump output current magnitude can be selected as 1.0 mA or 4.0 mA by programming the Main_ICPo_4X or Aux_ICPo_4X bits. 1.7 MICROWIRE SERIAL INTERFACE The programmable register set is accessed through the Microwire serial interface. The interface is comprised of three signal pins: clock, data and load enable (LE). The supply for the MICROWIRE circuitry is separate from the rest of the IC to allow for controller voltages down to 1.8V. Serial data is clocked into the 22-bit shift register upon the rising edge of clock. The MSB bit of data shifts first. The last two bits decode the internal register address. On the rising edge of LE, data stored in the shift register is loaded into one of the four latches according to the address bits. The synthesizer can be programmed even in power down state. A complete programming description is followed in Section 2.0. 1.8 MULTIFUNCTION OUTPUTS The LMX2370/LMX2371/LMX2372 FoLD output pin can be configured as the FastLock output or CMOS programmed output, analog lock detects as well as showing the internal block status such as the counter outputs. 11 www.national.com LMX2370/LMX2371/LMX2372 1.0 Functional Description LMX2370/LMX2371/LMX2372 1.0 Functional Description (Continued) 1.8.1 Lock Detect Output An analog lock detect status generated from the phase detector is available on the Fo/LD output pin, if selected. The lock detect output goes high when the charge pump is inactive. It goes low when the charge pump is active during a comparison cycle. The lock detect signal output is an open drain configuration. When a PLL is in power down mode, the respective lock detect output is always high. 1.8.2 FastLock Outputs When configured as FastLock mode, the current can be increased 4x while maintaining loop stability by synchronously switching a parallel loop filter resistor to ground, resulting in a ∼2x change in loop bandwidth. The zero gain crossover point of the open loop gain, or the loop bandwidth is effectively shifted up in frequency by a factor of √4 = 2 during FastLock mode. For ω’ = 2ω, the phase margin during FastLock will also remain constant. The charge pump current is programmed via MICROWIRE interface. When the charge pump circuit receives an input to deliver 4 times the normal current per unit phase error, an open drain NMOS on chip device (FoLD) switches in a second resistor element to ground. The user calculates the loop filter component values for the normal steady state considerations. The device configuration ensures that as long as a second resistor equal to the primary resistor value is wired in appropriately, the loop will lock faster without any additional stability considerations to account for. 1.9 POWER CONTROL Each PLL is individually power controlled by device power-down (PWDN) bits. The Main_PWDN and Aux_PWDN bits determine the state of power control. Activation of any PLL power-down condition results in the disabling of the respective N-counter and de-biasing of its respective fIN input (to a high impedance state). The R-counter functionality also becomes disabled under this condition. The reference oscillator input block is powered down when both Main_PWDN and Aux_PWDN bits are asserted. The OSCin pin reverts to a high impedance state when this condition exists. Power down forces the respective charge pump and phase comparator logic to a TRI-STATE condition. During the power down condition, both N- and R-counters are held at reset. Upon powering up, the N-counter resumes counting in “close” alignment with the R-counter. The maximum error is at most one prescaler cycle. The MICROWIRE interface remains active and it is capable of loading and latching in data during all of the power down modes. 2.0 Programming Description 2.1 MICROWIRE INTERFACE The LMX237x register set can be accessed through the MICROWIRE interface. A 22-bit shift register is used as a temporary register to indirectly program the on-chip registers. The shift register consists of a 20-bit DATA[19:0] field and a 2-bit ADDRESS[1:0] field as shown below. The address field is used to decode the internal register address. Data is clocked into the shift register in the direction from MSB to LSB, when the CLOCK signal goes high. On the rising edge of Load Enable (LE) signal, data stored in the shift register is loaded into the addressed latch. MSB LSB DATA[19:0] ADDRESS[1:0] 21 2 1 0 2.1.1 Registers’ Address Map When Load Enable (LE) is transitioned high, data is transferred from the 22-bit shift register into the appropriate latch depending on the state of the ADDRESS[1:0] bits. A multiplexing circuit decodes these address bits and writes the data field to the corresponding internal register. www.national.com ADDRESS[1:0] REGISTER FIELD ADDRESSED 0 0 Aux_R Register 0 1 Aux_N Register 1 0 Main_R Register 1 1 Main_N Register 12 13 P_ Aux Aux_ N18 Aux_ N19 Aux_ R18 Aux_ PWDN Aux_ R19 FoLD 1 FoLD 0 Aux_ N17 Aux_ R17 Aux_ CPo_ TRI 19 Aux_ N16 Aux_ R16 Aux_ CPo_ 4X 18 Aux_ N15 Aux_ R15 Aux_ PD_ POL 17 Main_N P_ Main Main_ N18 Main_ N19 Main_ R18 Main_ PWDN Main_ R19 Aux_ N14 Aux_ R14 16 Aux_ N13 Aux_ R13 15 Aux_ R11 13 Aux_ N12 Aux_ N11 11 Aux_ R10 Aux_ N10 Aux_ N9 Aux_ R9 Data Field 12 9 8 Aux_ N7 Aux_ R7 Aux_ N6 Aux_ R6 Main_R_CNTR[14:0] Aux_ N8 Aux_ R8 Aux_R_CNTR[14:0] 10 SHIFT REGISTER BIT LOCATION Aux_B_CNTR[12:0] Aux_ R12 14 Aux_ N5 Aux_ R5 7 Aux_ N4 Aux_ R4 6 Aux_ R2 4 Aux_ R1 3 Aux_ N3 Aux_ N2 Aux_ N1 Aux_A_CNTR[4:0] Aux_ R3 5 Aux_ N0 Aux_ R0 Main_A_CNTR[4:0] Main_ Main_ Main_ Main_ Main_ Main_ Main_ Main_ Main_ Main_ Main_ Main_ Main_ Main_ Main_ Main_ Main_ Main_ N17 N16 N15 N14 N13 N12 N11 N10 N9 N8 N7 N6 N5 N4 N3 N2 N1 N0 Main_B_CNTR[12:0] 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 Address Field 1 Least Significant Bit 2 Main_ Main_ Main_ Main_ Main_ Main_ Main_ Main_ Main_ Main_ Main_ Main_ Main_ Main_ Main_ Main_ Main_ Main_ R17 R16 R15 R14 R13 R12 R11 R10 R9 R8 R7 R6 R5 R4 R3 R2 R1 R0 Main_R FoLD 3 FoLD 2 Main_ Main_ Main_ CPo_ CPo_ PD_ TRI 4X POL Aux_N Aux_R 20 (Continued) LMX2370/LMX2371/LMX2372 21 Most Significant Bit 2.1.2 Registers’ Truth Table 2.0 Programming Description www.national.com (Continued) 2.2 PROGRAMMABLE REFERENCE DIVIDERS (Main and Aux R Counters) 2.2.1 Aux_R Register If the ADDRESS[1:0] field is set to 0 0, data is transferred from the 22-bit shift register into the Aux_R register when Load Enable (LE) signal goes high. The Aux_R register sets the Aux PLL’s 15-bit R-counter divide ratio and various programmable modes. The divide ratio is put into the Aux_R_CNTR[14:0] field. The divider ratio must be ≥ 2. For the description of bits Aux_R15–Aux_R19 see Section 2.4. Most Significant Bit 21 20 19 18 SHIFT REGISTER BIT LOCATION 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 Least Significant Bit 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Address Field Aux_R_CNTR[14:0] 0 Aux_R0 Aux_R1 Aux_R2 Aux_R3 Aux_R4 Aux_R5 Aux_R6 Aux_R7 Aux_R8 Aux_R9 Aux_R10 Aux_R11 Aux_R12 Aux_R13 0 Aux_R14 Aux_R15 Aux_PD_POL Aux_CPo_4X Aux_R16 FoLD 0 Aux_R18 Aux_R19 FoLD 1 Aux_R Aux_R17 Aux_CPo_TRI Data Field 2.2.2 Main_R Register If the ADDRESS[1:0] field is set to 1 0, data is transferred from the 22-bit shift register into the Main_R register which sets the Main PLL’s 15-bit R-counter divide ratio when Load Enable (LE) signal goes high. The divide ratio is put into the Main_R_CNTR[14:0] field. The divider ratio must be ≥ 2. For the description of bits Main_R15–Main_R19 see Section 2.4. Most Significant Bit 21 20 19 18 SHIFT REGISTER BIT LOCATION 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 Least Significant Bit 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Address Field Main_R_CNTR[14:0] 0 Main_R0 Main_R1 Main_R2 Main_R3 Main_R4 Main_R5 Main_R6 Main_R7 Main_R8 Main_R9 Main_R10 Main_R11 Main_R12 Main_R13 1 Main_R14 Main_R15 Main_PD_POL Main_CPo_4X Main_R16 FoLD 2 Main_R18 FoLD 3 Main_R17 Main_CPo_TRI Data Field Main_R Main_R19 LMX2370/LMX2371/LMX2372 2.0 Programming Description 2.2.3 Reference Divide Ratio (Main and Auxiliary R-Counters) If the ADDRESS[1:0] field is set to 0 0 or 1 0 (00 for Aux and 10 for Main) data is transferred MSB first from the 22-bit shift register into a latch which sets the respective 15-bit R-counter. Serial data format is shown below. Main_R_CNTR[14:0] or Aux_R_CNTR[14:0] Divide Ratio R14 R13 R12 R11 R10 R9 R8 R7 R6 R5 R4 R3 R2 R1 R0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 • 32,767 • 1 • 1 • 1 • 1 • 1 • 1 • 1 • 1 • 1 • 1 • 1 • 1 • 1 • 1 1 • Note: R-counter divide ratio must be from 2 to 32,767. 2.3 PROGRAMMABLE FEEDBACK [N] DIVIDERS 2.3.1 Aux_N Register If the ADDRESS[1:0] field is set to 0 1, data is transferred from the 22-bit shift register into the Aux_N register which sets the Auxiliary PLL’s 18-bit N-counter, prescaler value and power-down bit. The 18-bit N-counter consists of a 5-bit swallow counter, Aux_A_CNTR[4:0], and a 13-bit programmable counter, Aux_B_CNTR[12:0]. Serial data format is shown below. www.national.com 14 Most Significant Bit 21 20 19 18 (Continued) SHIFT REGISTER BIT LOCATION 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 Least Significant Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Address Field Aux_B_CNTR[12:0] Aux_A_CNTR[4:0] 1 Aux_N0 Aux_N1 Aux_N2 Aux_N3 Aux_N4 Aux_N5 Aux_N6 Aux_N7 Aux_N8 Aux_N9 Aux_N10 Aux_N11 Aux_N12 Aux_N13 Aux_N14 Aux_N15 Aux_N16 Aux_N17 0 Aux_N18 Aux_N19 Aux_PWDN P_Aux Data Field Aux_N 0 2.3.2 Main_N Register If the ADDRESS[1:0] field is set to 1 1, data is transferred from the 22-bit shift register into the Main_N register which sets the Main PLL’s 18-bit N-counter, prescaler value and power-down bit. The 18-bit N-counter consists of a 5-bit swallow counter, Main_A_CNTR[4:0], and a 13-bit programmable counter, Main_B_CNTR[12:0]. Serial data format is shown below. Most Significant Bit 21 20 19 18 SHIFT REGISTER BIT LOCATION 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 Least Significant Bit 6 5 4 3 2 1 P_Main Main_B_CNTR[12:0] Main_A_CNTR[4:0] 1 Main_N0 Main_N1 Main_N2 Main_N3 Main_N4 Main_N5 Main_N6 Main_N7 Main_N8 Main_N9 Main_N10 Main_N11 Main_N12 Main_N13 Main_N14 Main_N15 Main_N16 Main_N17 1 Main_N18 Main_N19 Main_PWDN Main_N 0 Address Field Data Field 2.3.3 Feedback Divide Ratio (Main B Counter, Auxiliary B Counter) Main_B_CNTR[12:0] or Aux_B_CNTR[12:0] Divide Ratio N17 N16 N15 N14 N13 N12 N11 N10 N9 N8 N7 N6 N5 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 • 8,191 • 1 • 1 • 1 • 1 • 1 • 1 • 1 • 1 • 1 • 1 • 1 • 1 • 1 Note: B-counter divide ratio must be ≥ 3. 2.3.4 Swallow Counter Divide Ratio (Main A Counter, Auxiliary A Counter) Main_A_CNTR[4:0] or Aux_A_CNTR[4:0] Divide Ratio Main_N4 Main_N3 Main_N2 Main_N1 Main_N0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 Notes: A • • • • • • 31 1 1 1 1 1 < P, B > A. 15 www.national.com LMX2370/LMX2371/LMX2372 2.0 Programming Description LMX2370/LMX2371/LMX2372 2.0 Programming Description (Continued) 2.3.5 PLL Prescaler Select (P_Aux, P_Main) The LMX2370, LMX2371 and LMX2372 contain two dual modulus prescalers. A 32/33 or a 16/17 prescaler can be selected for the 2.5 GHz and 2.0 GHz RF synthesizers in the LMX2370 and LMX2371 respectively. The 16/17 prescaler is only rated for input frequencies below 1.2 GHz. A 16/17 or an 8/9 prescaler can be selected for the both 1.2 GHz synthesizers on the LMX2372 as well as the 1.2 GHz synthesizers on the LMX2370 and LMX2371. The 8/9 prescaler is only rated for input frequencies below 550 MHz. Prescaler Value P_Main, (Main_N18) or P_Aux (Aux_N18) 2.5 GHz PLL 2.0 GHz PLL 0 16/17 16/17 8/9 1 32/33 32/33 16/17 1.2 GHz PLL Allowable Prescaler Values PLL Input Frequency 2.5 GHz PLL 2.0 GHz PLL fIN > 1.2 GHz 32/33 32/33 1.2 GHz PLL NA 550 < fIN < 1200 MHz 16/17 or 32/33 16/17 or 32/33 16/17 fIN < 550 MHz 16/17 or 32/33 16/17 or 32/33 8/9 or 16/17 Pulse Swallow Function fVCO = [(P x B) + A] x fOSC/R fVCO: B: A: fOSC: R: P: Output frequency of external voltage controlled oscillator (VCO) Preset divide ratio of binary 13-bit programmable counter (3 to 8191) Preset divide ratio of binary 5-bit swallow counter 0 ≤ A ≤ 31 {P=32} 0 ≤ A ≤ 15 {P=16} 0 ≤ A ≤ 7 {P=8} A≤B Output frequency of the external reference frequency oscillator Preset divide ratio of binary 15-bit programmable reference counter (3 to 32767) Preset modulus of dual modulus prescaler (P = 8, 16, or 32) 2.3.6 PLL Power Down Control (Aux_PWDN, Main_PWDN) The Aux_PWDN (Aux_N19) and Main_PWDN (Main_N19) bits are used to power down either the Main or Auxiliary PLL’s charge pump portion, or the entire PLL block depending on the setting of the respective charge pump TRI-STATE bit (Aux_CPo_TRI or Main_CPo_TRI) in the R_CNTR register. The power-down mechanism is described below. The R and N counters for each respective PLL are disabled and held at reset during the synchronous and asynchronous power down modes. This will allow a smooth acquisition of the Main RF signal when the oscillator input buffer is still active (Auxiliary loop powered up) and vice versa. Upon powering up, both R and N counters will start at the “zero” state, and the relationship between R and N will not be random. Synchronous Power Down Mode One of the PLL loops can be synchronously powered down by first setting the respective loop’s TRI-STATE mode bit LOW (R17 = 0) and then asserting its power down mode bit (N19 = 1). The power down function is gated by the charge pump. Once the power down program bits Aux_PWDN (Aux_N19) and Main_PWDN (Main_N19) and TRI-STATE bits Aux_CPo_TRI (Aux_R17) or Main_CPo_TRI (Main_R17) are loaded, the part will go into power down mode upon the completion of a charge pump pulse event. Asynchronous Power Down Mode One of the PLL loops can be asynchronously powered down by first setting the respective loop’s TRI-STATE mode bit HI (R17 = 1) and then asserting its power down mode bit (N19 = 1). The power down function is NOT gated by the charge pump. Once the power down program bits Aux_PWDN (Aux_N19) and Main_PWDN (Main_N19) and its respective TRI-STATE bit Aux_CPo_TRI (Aux_R17) or Main_CPo_TRI (Main_R17) are loaded, the part will go into power down mode immediately. www.national.com 16 (Continued) 2.3.7 Power Down Mode Table Auxiliary PLL Main Counters Active Active Active Powered Down Powered Down Active OFF ON ON Powered Down Powered Down OFF OFF OFF Main PLL Auxiliary Counters OSCin Buffer ON ON ON ON OFF ON 2.4 PROGRAMMABLE MODES Several modes of operation can be programmed with bits R15–R19 including the phase detector polarity, charge pump magnitude, charge pump TRI-STATE and the output of the Fo/LD pin. The programmable modes are shown in Table 1. Truth table for the programmable modes and Fo/LD output are shown in Table 2 and Table 3. 2.4.1 Programmable Modes Table R19 R18 fOUT/Lock Detect R17 R16 R15 Charge Pump TRI-STATE Charge Pump Magnitude Phase Detector Polarity Address[1:0] FoLD 1 FoLD 0 Aux_CPo_TRI Aux_CPo_4X Aux_PD_POL 00 FoLD 3 FoLD 2 Main_CPo_TRI Main_CPo_4X Main_PD_POL 10 2.4.2 Mode Select Truth Table CPo_TRI (Note 7) CPo_4X (Note 8) 0 Normal Operation 1X Current PD_POL (Note 9) LOW 1 TRI-STATE 4X Current HIGH Note 7: Both synchronous and asynchronous power down modes are available with the LMX237x family to be able to adapt to different types of applications. The MICROWIRE control register remains active and capable of loading and latching in data during all of the powerdown modes. Note 8: ICPo (charge pump current magnitude) is dependent on Vp. The ICPo LOW current state = 1/4 x ICPo HIGH current. Note 9: See Section 2.4.3 2.4.3 Phase Detector Polarity (Aux_PD_POL, Main_PD_POL) Depending upon VCO characteristics, the Aux_PD_POL (Aux_R15) and Main_PD_POL (Main_R15) bits should be set accordingly: When VCO characteristics are positive like (1), R15 should be set HIGH; When VCO characteristics are negative like (2), R15 should be set LOW. VCO CHARACTERISTICS DS101026-5 17 www.national.com LMX2370/LMX2371/LMX2372 2.0 Programming Description LMX2370/LMX2371/LMX2372 2.0 Programming Description (Continued) 2.4.4 The FoLD Output Truth Table Main R[18] Aux R[18] Main R[19] Aux R[19] 0 0 0 0 Disabled 0 1 0 0 Aux Lock Detect (Note 10) 1 0 0 0 Main Lock Detect (Note 10) 1 1 0 0 Main/Aux Lock Detect (Note 10) X 0 0 1 Aux Reference Divider Output X 0 1 0 Main Reference Divider Output X 1 0 1 Aux Programmable Divider Output X 1 1 0 Main Programmable Divider Output 0 0 1 1 FastLock Output. Open Drain Output (Note 11) 0 1 1 1 Reset Aux R and N Counters and TRI-STATE Aux Charge Pump (Note 12) 1 0 1 1 Reset Main R and N Counters and TRI-STATE Main Charge Pump (Note 12) 1 1 1 1 Reset All Four Counters and TRI-STATE both Charge Pumps (Note 12) Fo/LD Output State X - don’t care condition Note 10: Open drain lock detect output is provided to indicate when the VCO frequency is in “lock”. When the loop is locked and a lock detect mode is selected, the pin is HIGH, with narrow pulses LOW. In the Main/Aux lock detect mode a locked condition is indicated when Main and Aux are both locked. Note 11: The FastLock mode utilizes the FoLD output pin to switch a second loop filter damping resistor to ground during FastLock operation. Activation of FastLock occurs whenever the Main loop’s ICPo magnitude bit R[16] is selected HI while the R[18] and R[19] mode bits are set. Note 12: Aux and Main PLLs can be reset independently from each other by using the R[18] and R[19] bits. The Aux Counter Reset mode resets Aux PLL’s R and N counters and brings Aux charge pump output to TRI-STATE condition. The Main Counter Reset mode resets Main PLL’s R and N counters and brings Main charge pump output to a TRI-STATE condition. The Aux and Main Counter Reset modes reset all counters and bring both charge pump outputs to a TRI-STATE condition. Upon removal of the Reset bits, the N counter resumes counting in “close” alignment with the R counter. (The maximum error is one prescaler cycle.) 2.5 Serial Data Input Timing Serial Data Input Timing DS101026-6 NOTES: Parenthesis data indicates programmable reference divider data. Data shifted into register on clock rising edge. Data is shifted in MSB first. TEST CONDITIONS: The Serial Data Input Timing is tested using a symmetrical waveform around VCC/2. The test waveform has an edge rate of 0.6 V/ns with amplitudes of 2.2V @ VCC = 2.7V and 2.6V @ VCC = 5.5V. www.national.com 18 LMX2370/LMX2371/LMX2372 2.0 Programming Description (Continued) 2.6 Typical Lock Detect Timing Typical Lock Detect Timing DS101026-7 19 www.national.com LMX2370/LMX2371/LMX2372 Typical Application Example DS101026-36 Operational Notes: * VCO is assumed AC coupled. ** RIN increases impedance so that VCO output power is provided to the load rather than the PLL. Typical values are 10Ω to 200Ω depending on the VCO power level. fIN RF impedance ranges from 40Ω to 100Ω. fIN IF impedances are higher. *** 50Ω termination is often used on test boards to allow use of external reference oscillator. For most typical products a CMOS clock is used and no terminating resistor is required. OSCin may be AC or DC coupled. AC coupling is recommended because the input circuit provides its own bias. (See Figure below) **** Adding RC filters to the VCC line is recommended to reduce loop-to-loop noise coupling. DS101026-37 Proper use of grounds and bypass capacitors is essential to achieve a high level of performance. Crosstalk between pins can be reduced by careful board layout. This is an electrostatic sensitive device. It should be handled only at static free work stations. www.national.com 20 LMX2370/LMX2371/LMX2372 Application Information A block diagram of the basic phase locked loop is shown in Figure 1. DS101026-38 FIGURE 1. Basic Charge Pump Phase Locked Loop LOOP GAIN EQUATIONS A linear control system model of the phase feedback for a PLL in the locked state is shown in Figure 2. The open loop gain is the product of the phase comparator gain (Kφ), the VCO gain (KVCO/s), and the loop filter gain Z(s) divided by the gain of the feedback counter modulus (N). The passive loop filter configuration used is displayed in Figure 3, while the complex impedance of the filter is given in Equation (2). (5) From Equation (3) we can see that the phase term will be dependent on the single pole and zero such that the phase margin is determined in Equation (6). φ(ω) = tan−1 (ω • T2) − tan−1 (ω • T1) + 180˚ (6) A plot of the magnitude and phase of G(s)H(s) for a stable loop, is shown in Figure 4 with a solid trace. The parameter φp shows the amount of phase margin that exists at the point the gain drops below zero (the cutoff frequency wp of the loop). In a critically damped system, the amount of phase margin would be approximately 45 degrees. If we were now to redefine the cut off frequency, wp’, as double the frequency which gave us our original loop bandwidth, wp, the loop response time would be approximately halved. Because the filter attenuation at the comparison frequency also diminishes, the spurs would have increased by approximately 6 dB. In the proposed Fastlock scheme, the higher spur levels and wider loop filter conditions would exist only during the initial lock-on phase — just long enough to reap the benefits of locking faster. The objective would be to open up the loop bandwidth but not introduce any additional complications or compromises related to our original design criteria. We would ideally like to momentarily shift the curve of Figure 4 over to a different cutoff frequency, illustrated by the dotted line, without affecting the relative open loop gain and phase relationships. To maintain the same gain/phase relationship at twice the original cutoff frequency, other terms in the gain and phase Equations (5), (6) will have to compensate by the corresponding “1/w” or “1/w2” factor. Examination of Equations (3), (4), (6) indicates the damping resistor variable R2 could be chosen to compensate the “w” terms for the phase margin. This implies that another resistor of equal value to R2 will need to be switched in parallel with R2 during the initial lock period. We must also ensure that the magnitude of the open loop gain, H(s)G(s) is equal to zero at wp’ = 2wp. KVCO, Kφ, N, or the net product of these terms can be changed by a factor of 4, to counteract the w2 term present in the denominator of Equations (3), (4). The Kφ term was chosen to complete the transformation because it can readily be switch between 1X and 4X values. This is accomplished by increasing the charge pump output current from 1 mA in the standard mode to 4 mA in Fastlock. DS101026-39 FIGURE 2. PLL Linear Model DS101026-40 FIGURE 3. Passive Loop Filter (1) (2) The time constants which determine the pole and zero frequencies of the filter transfer function can be defined as (3) and T2 = R2 • C2 (4) The 3rd order PLL Open Loop Gain can be calculated in terms of frequency, ω, the filter time constants T1 and T2, and the design constants Kφ, KVCO, and N. 21 www.national.com LMX2370/LMX2371/LMX2372 Application Information (Continued) DS101026-43 FIGURE 4. Open Loop Response Bode Plot FASTLOCK CIRCUIT IMPLEMENTATION A diagram of the Fastlock scheme as implemented in National Semiconductors LMX233xA PLL is shown in Figure 5. When a new frequency is loaded, and the RF Icpo bit is set high the charge pump circuit receives an input to deliver 4 times the normal current per unit phase error while an open drain NMOS on chip device switches in a second R2 resistor element to ground. The user calculates the loop filter component values for the normal steady state considerations. The device configuration ensures that as long as a second iden- tical damping resistor is wired in appropriately, the loop will lock faster without any additional stability considerations to account for. Once locked on the correct frequency, the user can return the PLL to standard low noise operation by sending a MICROWIRE instruction with the RF Icpo bit set low. This transition does not affect the charge on the loop filter capacitors and is enacted synchronous with the charge pump output. This creates a nearly seamless change between Fastlock and standard mode. DS101026-44 FIGURE 5. Fastlock PLL Architecture www.national.com 22 LMX2370/LMX2371/LMX2372 Physical Dimensions inches (millimeters) unless otherwise noted Thin Shrink Small Outline (TSSOP) Package Order Number LMX2370TM, LMX2371TM or LMX2372TM *For Tape and Reel (2500 units per reel) Order Number LMX2370TMX, LMX2371TMX or LMX2372TMX NS Package Number MTC20 23 www.national.com LMX2370/LMX2371/LMX2372 PLLatinum Dual Frequency Synthesizer for RF Personal Communications Physical Dimensions inches (millimeters) unless otherwise noted (Continued) Chip Scale Package For Tape and Reel (2500 Units Per Reel) Order Numbers: LMX2370SLBX, LMX2371SLBX, LMX2372SLBX NS Package Number SLB24A LIFE SUPPORT POLICY NATIONAL’S PRODUCTS ARE NOT AUTHORIZED FOR USE AS CRITICAL COMPONENTS IN LIFE SUPPORT DEVICES OR SYSTEMS WITHOUT THE EXPRESS WRITTEN APPROVAL OF THE PRESIDENT AND GENERAL COUNSEL OF NATIONAL SEMICONDUCTOR CORPORATION. As used herein: 1. Life support devices or systems are devices or systems which, (a) are intended for surgical implant into the body, or (b) support or sustain life, and whose failure to perform when properly used in accordance with instructions for use provided in the labeling, can be reasonably expected to result in a significant injury to the user. National Semiconductor Corporation Americas Tel: 1-800-272-9959 Fax: 1-800-737-7018 Email: support@nsc.com www.national.com National Semiconductor Europe Fax: +49 (0) 180-530 85 86 Email: europe.support@nsc.com Deutsch Tel: +49 (0) 69 9508 6208 English Tel: +44 (0) 870 24 0 2171 Français Tel: +33 (0) 1 41 91 8790 2. A critical component is any component of a life support device or system whose failure to perform can be reasonably expected to cause the failure of the life support device or system, or to affect its safety or effectiveness. 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