.,” 0 un.s.195cu/113 26 JmurY 1565 !a--iwlg Smxncmm Kn.rrA.w SEXIWHLUCIOR DEVICE, ‘lllAK5151WR, Pm, Cmu.mw, mm- TYFE 2i17bA 1. 5c@PE 1.1 k. Thin w.eclric.tl.n tmr,,iatnr and in in aocordanco cover. tbs detail rewiwta for a kigh+rxer, FIP germrdum with IUL-.5-195O3 except ● n oWAE* c+u.Lfi*d ~=in. 1.L 2. AP?LICAEU — 2.1 ‘l-M foil.nling PP=PO-1, fo-. i-t dmmmts, .f t~ of tha lame 10 ●ffect ~ w -~.t v.citi..ti.. an &u .< invitation wO~i*d for bib or roqwst co. ~r.~~ SPDXP1UTIOU MuSSu EIL4-19X0 - 8cmicm&ctar MvIc.., ommrel Specifimti.an for. 3WMQJ UM9zl I FIL-STD-7%1 - Teat I!atho& for Sm.imm$uct.nr D@ticaa. (copi.. of ap.cific.tioru, *uo&ti, dmwmgm, and wE.UC.U.U9 rewired b .IL)I #p.clfi. p.cur.mmt functions dmuld b obtained from t.b procuring .ctl. tba .Ontractlr.g Mric. r. ) ❑uppll.rs ity . . u i. cdirect.d EEl M.. by ,y;<-~. :-7-,?; -, ;;\. ..t -. ,. ,.. - - . . --------—. . .. . . . ---- -[ l&S-195c0/U2 ‘;3 . j Rwmlk5m 3.1 &!g.c& %#r6m9nts 3.2 Abbreviations . defined in KIL-5-19,503 u’, shall kls. and definition. and as follow,: ‘ME . 3.4 IIx . an fiulu’o atio, !Wk&& aLW33 iWnMm 4.2 ~cified -cat in tiblcm 1..3 WCtians. *U 1..3.2 II. ri.3.3 table 111. production , s>mt.als , .,,3 u.p.r. ‘m of SPecifi, L.L. 1 mnrklng h.4.4 de,.initioc. L.L.6 making the , construction, c,nd physicil Per fommr,ce ctmractariatics BIIU1l h es specif led 2. herein dina,,: ion, ir, tables 1, 11, (.lti ban -d .C-3r .ltimllt tu@ Tr~sisto,, shall opr.ste aatisractorl~ In). ❑Pcifiu5 in N13.-9-1950O, w ba ~ltted fm .Cti.o.Se.@iJW and lns~cticw c.hall k in .CCO14UIC.3 with 1.3” Insoac tiom. 1, II, and 111. !z-=r’~im “ GualiCLcation inwectlon. CU.” . Im++ction ‘iuality shall consist of the bady of !UL-.9-195W, .2c.ti.m-mnnce ins+wt ion GrouP A ln,poctim shall c.aneir, t of BFI?.11 ccm, the and “, or groups wnc.ist examlm.tion, A, B, and c and teat; ,peci~ied in and tint, specified’ in B insm .9Ctiom Gr.auP B inqmcti.an GW, ?M* c in SDeitio& Groq C Inqeotion ,hall ,O”sic.t of the examination, and test, speeif iad bs .Onduotid an tlw initial lot and there.fter every six months during sIu1l rmd teat. I%thcda salt ,Z.r,, tafoi-a the ( Corrosi on The transistor spclf ied meammewnts are Jnsr,,otion conditicm,d mlm mea.ureoan~ Spcil-ied. W. t lI!JL Test All of are shall F’ULWJmsasm.eu.e”tn and test shrill ha ,xn!ninad for mmde (,.. table 11) . mensureme”t, meamement ,xamir,,tio” the ,Xaminc, tions and tests F Inqmcticm istof the A.mll the exmui.etions -hall h b used k evidence thermal in aceardmma ‘The insulation I!Oistul.1 re.Lstan c.. end-pin t .er.uurem.sn t. -L D Md ,trenzth [,t”d ~ H of f 16ur.a 1. Elonsatl.an may k in table, corrosion and legibility of removed r,.. the otherwi,e equilibrium with emlttar Acoqt.ante crit,erln .m%ar the stud “111 ta allcwed within these limit,, i“ as specified made at Tc = 25°C umlps, be made after k still ha. Sectio. 1, specified, ken reached at L or KfL-STC-750. lead, only. TIM insulating 1 inch af Chs ae, tir,g Plane, new aolde, cm, tirq tn and Lmse leads tarqu, tnst .’ .< u,,(I t.re. the desl@ t ~? !IOldc.rnbllity taat shall ?.PPIY ti the two flexible 4.L.5 ~ sIes.e Sb-111 h r-cd durillz this tint. TIM depth of imersi.n1S tn k within 4ccePtanm m-ltar%a shall k that the determir.atl.an i, 95% covered by e continu.au, vithln 1-1/L Inch t l/8 inch or tla .eatlng Ph. , .“. !,,. ms10M9 tv conformance’ “L.4.3 Teat tusprature L.L.7 ,- diMMicQM d h,,, C-=m-3 of origin. Ikmfactau-er,. Identlficetlcm. 4. k IW.hods of exnaination andlll and a, follows: 4. L. 2 tha shall cmd ,. k-ein. .4.3.1 tibia 1. of m-d tabla ;s.. A5213Um2 L. 1 Cpoifiad 11, sbb,eriatlorx ~~ting-~se TIM C011C4111Z mnrkina, (.) (b) I Th, HL-5-10!OO, amd as ran-a: 3.5 trusi.torz tiblo with .1.- 3.4-1 MUMiW .+UiL4 wI.M.mting 4. . . ~ Trar,sistirm 3.3 V=~i.d d in .m.wdmm h PrLar shall ta t.i ‘““:. 1. MIL-s-l?500/13B SEATING PLANE EMITTERJ A --j BASE G L DIAk- NOTES: 1. All dimensions 2. dimensions in irches. Metric equivalents (to the nearest .01 M) ore given for general information only and are hosed Figure 1. Physical EN INSULATING EVE INDICATING BASE upon I inch . 25.4 mm. 3. 10-32 4. 5. Two leads. The collector the mounting 6. 7. Measured from the seating plane. A preferred alinement gage is shown an figure 2. of transistor UN F-2A. shall base. type 2N174A. be internally connected to I ● MIL-s-19500/13B y:3f%L%005 0’” \ #500* .0005DlA w-— —— -—- —+ -0 ._._— -—___ —- INCHES MM .0005 1/64 .1500 .2030 .2340 1/4 .3450 1.1/4 .01 .40 3.81 5.16 5.94 6.35 8.76 31.75 ?- -14-641-1+1 -— NOTES: 1. Metric only equivalents ad Figure II (to Ihe nearest are based upon 2. .01 mm) are given for geneml 1 inch = 25,4 mm. Alinement gage for transistor type 2N174A. in fornmtion ● ✎ ..4 ● MIL-s-19500/13B — Linit, L Exrminatl’an — tes L or P Sy..ba D 1 un — — -60 .- hit 10 2071 and BSChmnical exnmln. tion Vlmml 5 Breakdown VO1t=.KO, emitter to bww Cdlectc.r W cutoff M.sa current F1LWIJ!4 Fate”tial collector to emitter voltage 3J326 Bias cond. D; lE = -113 mAdc 3036 Bias cmni. D; VCB = -2 vdc ml Bias cond. D; Ic = -15 Q.Ldo 30.23 VCB = -51 Vdc ; V.alt,mtm input rst.lstnr.ce = 10 M,B. d“. 3b71 i lC = .12 MC; km lB = -2 Ad. — Vd, UMl -al — Vdc — -1.0 v& — -0.7 Vdc —- .0.9 Wdc (mtumted) h,. emitter 3066 Tmt cond. B; VCE = -2 Vdc; Ic . -5 Ad. trandor 3076 VCE = -2 V&; XC = -1.2 pulsed (me 4.4.4) L-C., 3G76 v ~L= ..ll*E. (tmsaLurWed) Fmward-aiw,”t ● ratio Fo-?d-current mtio P. Breakdwn mltwe to emitter , collector 3011 A&; -2 Vdo; lC = -5 Ad,; ad (s.. 4.4.4) Biaa cond. D; lC = -250 & U3 80 -— 25 -— — -Lo — Vdc 2.1 -— m I 10 snlll-sign.al dmrt-circuit High.temParmture collector cutoff 1~ = -1,2 Ad. I .ap,,ation, to tam VGE . -1.? UC; 3301 Cc.rvard-current ‘,.. ,f el-r.ti. c“torf rrqm.cy lW 3036 Blaa = +ll~c tin ..”d. .- D; VCB = -30 V& -6 mhic current — ● 5 ● MU..S.195M/13B Tc.bla 11. — L — !eth, — : D — Detail, L1mlt. — . — — !41, MM — — .. . --- --- --- --- .-. .— --- -— .- —- --- --- .— --- Icm --- .15 mAd b -- .10 mld 1.1, — Z-J ala 15 .m21 (?4, /.. /..5) 1051 105( 1021 initial hit c.a”ditimi~ (m /,.4.6) 3036 B1aa cmd. D; VCB = 3C61 W., D; V~ = -6.7 Vd 20s Gw.r.tir.s; lW G, w.. 1.5 me,; 5 blo+e in each Irimtatl.an: 11, Xl, 1*, m h — -— .— .- 2.2/,6 Io”q.r. —- — .— --- 3056 Imperating -- -— ,-- --- --- --- --- --- A; 2 lbs, -10 ,., — --- -- .— C;, ,2 In. -lb,. (see L. J.,7) — -- .— .- —- -- — .— --- .- --- cm ,.- 22 tide ,-- 22 tide cond. ..30 “d 15 Ccmstult .lCcderat ion Md $uini.a , (34MS M .Ubgrmq Z06 atrer@h Tm-ainal c.tre”gth Lot-qua ) ● 2) I/ ~ Terminal tlw 15 (tin, ien) 036 e,t (at,ud ?036 ‘e-t co”d. = 30 ,... cmd. m salt pray (mrrosl.n) .266 e,t COnd. B (U II,*!; ,,1: 01.,10. hall M 51 co”ar,tration .- = 10 1031 Collect.m t. base cutoff 036 1.. c.nd. D; V~B . -m 061 [- ma”d. D; mri-ent Emitter to tam cutoff mlrre”t VEEz .60 “d. “d, Em ● ✼ , ●’ lal..s.195m/13n Table 1;. ~. E ktaib Method Limit. ; D symbol Ml. tit. .3pr.ti~ End palnti: (%ua as mtumup ure v~~ = -2 Vdcl 1~ = -1.2 ?M6 pulsed [s.0 MC, 30 WE 4.4.4) A.1O T~=+75.cmln; ml. M24 unit Im — — — P~=mu Max T (CO”t) F.al-de.rd-currmt transfer r.ti. sw L ‘MI.-3TD-75O Exmhc.tie” or Cemt End points, - Continued 6) t — - ‘“t’on”r’e*’ I-=-F=+ Limiti lull SuuawLl Earmmtric pressure, retied (alti W& operation) aving Ibm-.t collector b i-e,iatAr.c. Pm-non 5.1 omll-m-m MQTL3 6.1 m. &livarg note. JJatc.dlar,n, b-a Navy - 5U Air Force - u .&,i.iti.* . . IJvit ‘J-C — qmcif and led tb i“ wlitx W-195m msmmnce pmvi.ims are aPP1l&.bla for to this preparation for delivery ,. t.hll’ ePeciflmU.an. 3Wi:y (PmJOct #tltit,t 5%3-2023) , ~iwr-m., m,m,nl nary - s Air Pm-co - U, 17, 0.., -. V& 5’51 Car Tim — = DmJvm m Prqv.rttion to WA-19X.3. 6. Ra,iow D, VCB = 40 3336 I (junction ta c...) 5. I Elucard. teat! Ease CUtm-r currant ?hmmal !JOmnl .mmting; PIW.,ur. s m Eg. for M se. d“; (m. 3.4.1) lml 85 id., Army - None Navy - CG, MC, W M r ?0,.. - Nmla 7 _