L6380 L6381 HIGH VOLTAGE HIGH-SIDE DRIVER PRODUCT PREVIEW VH.V. UP TO 600 V SUPPLY VOLTAGE UP TO 17 V DRIVER CURRENT CAPABILITY: SINK CURRENT = 200 mA SOURCE CURRENT = 100 mA UNDER VOLTAGE LOCKOUT WITH HYSTERESIS CMOS/LSTTL COMPATIBLE INVERTING INPUT dV/dt IMMUNITY ± 50 V/nS IN FULL TEMPERATURE RANGE CURRENT MODE CONTROL REFERENCE INPUT CURRENT/VOLTAGE MODE OPERATION (L6380) VOLTAGE MODE OPERATION (L6381) 8 PINS PACKAGE DESCRIPTION The L6380/L6381 is an high-voltage device with a MINIDIP SO8 ORDERING NUMBERS: L6380 (MINIDIP) L6380D (SO) L6381 (MINIDIP) L6381D (SO) driving stage floating up to 500V. It can be used to drive N-channel power MOSFET and IGBT, in high-side and low-side configurations. The device has a logic input (CMOS and LSTTL compatible) and two comparator inputs compatible to ground. L6380 BLOCK DIAGRAM VS VS VS + B. G. REG. LI Under Voltage Comparator HVG LEVEL SHIFTER ON - OUT 10V 1.4V H.V. BOOT 7V LOAD OFF S CI + - RI Q R Current Mode 7V + Voltage Mode PULSE GENERATOR GND D94IN077 March 1995 1/9 This is advanced information on a new product now in development or undergoing evaluation. Details are subject to change without notice. L6380 - L6381 To drive the external power device the signal coming from input logic is fed into a pulse generator that in turns drives the level shifting sructure (that include two High Voltage DMOS) designed to ensure low power dissipation and high noise immunity. The output buffer (in Totem Pole arrangement) is able to sink from or source to the gate of the external device the current needed to switch it ON or OFF. The falling edge of the signal coming from the input logic will turn ON while the rising edge will turn OFF the driven power device. This operation will ensure low current sinking from the HV rail during commutations. Current / Voltage Mode Operation To select the Voltage Mode Operation the user have to set on the RI pin a voltage higher than the internal reference (7V). In this way the IC will function as an inverting buffer driven by the LI input pin (see Voltage Mode Timing Diagram). If the voltage on RI input pin is lower than 7V the Current Mode Operation will be enabled. In this configuration the RI input will set the reference voltage to the non inverting input of the Current Mode Comparator (see block diagram), whose inverting input, the CI input pin, in allowable to close a current control loop with a voltage drop coming from a sense resistor. To summarise (see Current Mode Timing Diagrams): The output of the Current Mode Comparator will mask the LI input whenever the CI voltage is higher than the RI input (and the RI voltage is below 7V). Under Voltage Lockout The output buffer if switched off whenever Vs decrease below Vth OFF. The IC will remail in this shut down status until Vs has risen above VthON, the hysteresis will provide a good noise immunity. Applications The L6380/L6381 can be used in motor control applications (AC, DC and switched reluctance), electronic ballasts, heating and welding, switching power supplies and UPS. L6381 BLOCK DIAGRAM VS VS VS 10V 1.4V 20KΩ + B. G. REG. LI H.V. BOOT Under Voltage Comparator HVG LEVEL SHIFTER ON - OUT 7V LOAD OFF S CI Q + - RI R Current Mode 7V + Voltage Mode PULSE GENERATOR GND D94IN078 2/9 L6380 - L6381 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Symbol Parameter Value Unit VBOOT Supply voltage of bootstrapped section 600+VS V VHVG Gate voltage of upper driver 600+VS V VOUT Output voltage 600 V VBOOT - VOUT Difference between boot voltage and output voltage 18 V VHVG - VOUT Difference between gate voltage of upper gate and output voltage 18 V VS Supply voltage 18 V VIN Input voltage VS V Transient offset supply voltage ±50 V/ns Difference between output voltage and ground (tp ≤ 100 ns) -10 V -25 to +85 °C dV OUT/dt VOUT - VGND Tamb Ambient Temperature Range (operative) TJ Junction temperature 150 °C TST Storage temperature -40 to +150 °C Ptot Total Power Dissipation (at Tj = 85°C) 650 mW MINIDIP SO8 Unit 100 150 °C/W THERMAL DATA Symbol Rth j-amb Parameter Thermal Resistance, Junction Ambient Max. L6380 PIN CONNECTION (Top view) OUT 1 8 VS HVG 2 7 LI BOOT 3 6 RI GND 4 5 CI D94IN080 L6381 PIN CONNECTION (Top view) OUT 1 8 VS HVG 2 7 LI BOOT 3 6 RI N.C. 4 5 GND D94IN081 3/9 L6380 - L6381 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS DC OPERATION (VS = 15V; Tj = 25°C; unless otherwise specified.) Symbol Pin VS VthON VthOFF Parameter Test Condition 8 V UV Turn-Off Theshold 9 9.5 10 V 0.5 0.75 1 V 300 500 mA 2 3 mA 0.8 V Quiescent Supply Current VS≤8V Logic Input Low Level Logic Input High Level 2 Vco 6 vs 5 Input Comparator Offset 0 VthRI 6 Mode Selection Internal Threshold Voltage 6.5 Iso 3 IlkgBOOT V 7 100 mV 7.5 V Source Current VBOOT-VOUT=12V; VHVG-VOUT=6V; tp≤10µs 100 mA Sink Current VBOOT-VOUT=12V; VHVG-VOUT=6V; tp≤10µs -200 mA Boot Supply Quiescent Current VHVG = VBOOT 70 µA Boot Leakage Current VBOOT=500V 10 µA 2 Isi V 11 Iqs Vih Unit 17 10.5 Quiescent Current Before Start-Up 7 Max. 10 Iq IqBOOT Typ. UV Turn-On Theshold UV Hysteresis VShys Vil Min. Supply Voltage (operative) IlkgHVG 2 Gate Driver Leakage Current VHVG=500V 10 µA IlkgOUT 1 Output Leakage Current VOUT=500V 10 µA 1 µA 10 µA Max. Unit Ibias 5, 6 Input Bias Current 7 AC OPERATION (VS = 15V; Tj = 25°C; unless otherwise specified.) Symbol 4/9 Parameter tr Gate Driver Rise Time tf Gate Driver Fall Time tON Turn-On Delay tOFF Turn-Off Delay Test Condition CL(HVG, OUT)=1nF; VOUT=0 to 500V Min. Typ. 200 ns 100 ns 600 ns 600 ns L6380 - L6381 Figure 1: AC Operation Test Circuit BOOT HVG 15V 1nF OUT D94IN082B Figure 2: Switching Waveforms VLIN 50% 50% tON t tOFF VHVG-VOUT 90% 90% 50% 50% 10% 10% tr tf D94IN083A t 5/9 L6380 - L6381 Voltage Mode Timing Diagrams LI HVG D94IN085 Current Mode Timing Diagrams LI RI CI HVG D94IN084A 6/9 L6380 - L6381 MINIDIP PACKAGE MECHANICAL DATA mm DIM. MIN. A TYP. inch MAX. MIN. 3.32 TYP. MAX. 0.131 a1 0.51 0.020 B 1.15 1.65 0.045 0.065 b 0.356 0.55 0.014 0.022 b1 0.204 0.304 0.008 0.012 D E 10.92 7.95 9.75 0.430 0.313 0.384 e 2.54 0.100 e3 7.62 0.300 e4 7.62 0.300 F 6.6 0.260 I 5.08 0.200 L Z 3.18 3.81 1.52 0.125 0.150 0.060 7/9 L6380 - L6381 SO8 PACKAGE MECHANICAL DATA mm DIM. MIN. TYP. A a1 inch MAX. TYP. 1.75 0.1 MAX. 0.069 0.25 a2 0.004 0.010 1.65 0.065 a3 0.65 0.85 0.026 0.033 b 0.35 0.48 0.014 0.019 b1 0.19 0.25 0.007 0.010 C 0.25 0.5 0.010 0.020 c1 45° (typ.) D 4.8 5.0 0.189 0.197 E 5.8 6.2 0.228 0.244 e 1.27 0.050 e3 3.81 0.150 F 3.8 4.0 0.15 0.157 L 0.4 1.27 0.016 0.050 M S 8/9 MIN. 0.6 0.024 8° (max.) L6380 - L6381 Information furnished is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, SGS-THOMSON Microelectronics assumes no responsibility for the consequences of use of such information nor for any infringement of patents or other rights of third parties which may result from its use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of SGS-THOMSON Microelectronics. Specifications mentioned in this publication are subject to change without notice. This publication supersedes and replaces all information previously supplied. SGS-THOMSON Microelectronics products are not authorized for use as critical components in life support devices or systems without express written approval of SGS-THOMSON Microelectronics. 1994 SGS-THOMSON Microelectronics - All Rights Reserved SGS-THOMSON Microelectronics GROUP OF COMPANIES Australia - Brazil - France - Germany - Hong Kong - Italy - Japan - Korea - Malaysia - Malta - Morocco - The Netherlands - Singapore Spain - Sweden - Switzerland - Taiwan - Thaliand - United Kingdom - U.S.A. 9/9