发行日期 ISSUED DATE 06/15/01 射阳县宏茂胜电子有限公司 JIANGSU HANSE-JOHN ELECTRONICS CO., LTD 陶瓷滤波器规格书 CERAMIC FILTER SPECIFICATION Manufacturer:JIANGSU HANSE-JOHN ELECTRONICS CO., LTD 客 户 名 称 : CUSTOMER : 产品型号 PART NO. LTUC455KA 部 品 名 PART NAME 规格书号 SPEC. NO. HM-070.083e 部 品 号 PART NO. 制造商: 射阳县宏茂胜电子有限公司 陶瓷滤波器 CERAMIC FILTER 客户接受 This Specifications is received 接受日: DATE: 拟制 Drafted by 审核 Check by 批准 Approved by 地 址:中国. 江苏省.盐城.射阳.海河.宏茂电子 ADD:YOUYI STREET, HAIHE TOWN,SHEYANG, YANCHENG,JIANGSU, CHINA TEL : 86 510 85620096 FAX : 86 510 85620096 射阳县宏茂胜电子有限公司 JIANGSU SHEYANG HANSE-JOHN ELECTRONICS CO., LTD 1.适用范围 Scope 本规格书适用于通讯设备用455KHz 四脚贴面陶瓷滤波器 。 The specification shall cover the characteristics of four leads SMDceramic filter with 455KHz in middle-frequency circuit of communication equipment. 2.规格书号Spec No.:HM-070.083e 3.产品型号Part No.:LTUC455KA 4.电气性能Electrical Characteristics NO. 项 目 Item 规格Specification 4–1 中心频率f0 (6dB带宽中心) Center Frequency f0 (Center of 6dB Bandwidth) 455±2.0KHz 4–2 带宽(3dB) Bandwidth(3dB) ±13.0KHz min 带宽(6dB) Bandwidth(6dB) ±17.5KHz min 带宽(40dB) Bandwidth(50dB) ±40.0KHz min 4–3 阻带衰减(fo±100KHz) Stop Band Attenuation 25dB min 4–4 波动(f0±12 khz) Ripple (f0±12 khz) 1.0dB max 4–5 插入衰耗(最小损耗点) Insertion Loss (At minimum loss point) 4.0dB max 4–6 温度稳定性 (-20℃~ +80℃ ) Temperature Stability (-20℃~ +80℃ ) ±0.5% max (-25℃ ~ +80℃) 4-7 虚假响应(0.1~1MHz)Spurious Response 20dB min 4-8 群延时偏差(fo± kHz)GDT Ripple deviation 15μsec max 4-9 工作温度 Operating Temperature -20℃ ~ +80℃ 4-10 储存温度 Storage Temperature -40℃ ~ +85℃ 4-11 绝缘阻抗 Insulation Resistance(DC 25V 1 minute) 100MΩ min 4 – 12 输入/输出阻抗 Input/Output Impedance 1.0 KΩ 5. 测试:Measurement 5-1. 测试条件. Measurement Condition 标准温度应为25℃±2℃ 如无特殊要求,测试可在5℃~ 35℃的温度范围内进行。 Measurement shall be carried out at the standard temperature of 25±2℃. If no specific requirements, Test can be carried out under 5-35℃. 5-2. 测试电路Measuring Circuit 6.外形/outline 6-1.外观:标志完整清晰,外表光洁无损坏。 Appearance:Mark shall be clear,appearance shall be smooth and no damage. 6-2.尺寸: Dimensions:(mm) 7.机械性能Physical Characteristics NO. 7-1 7-2 7-3 7-4 7-5 测 试 项 目 Item 测 试 条 件 Measurement condition 性 能 要 求 Requirement 自由跌落 Random Drop 滤波器从0.3 米的高度自由落到水泥地面上 3 次后再测。 Filter shall be measured after 3 times random drops from the height of 30cm on concrete floor 没有可见损伤,且测得值 满足表1。 No visible damage and it meet Table 1 振 动 Vibration 振动幅度为1.5mm,其振动频率为10-55Hz。 振动沿三个互相垂直的方向进行,各2 个小 时。 Filter shall be measured after being applied vibration of amplitude of 1.5mm with 10-55Hz band of vibration frequency to each of 3 perpendicular directions for 2 hours 没有可见损伤,且测得值 满足表1。 No damage and it meet Table 1. 可 焊 性 Solderability 引线端子须插入助焊剂中5 秒,后浸入230 ±5℃的焊接槽中3±0.5 秒。 Lead terminals are immersed in aide solder for 5 sec and then immersed in soldering bath of 230±5℃, for 3±0.5 sec. 最少95%的引线脚端子 须浸上焊料。 At least 95% lead terminals shall be covered with solder. 基板弯曲试验 Substrate Bending Test 按箭头所示方向将基板以每秒0.5mm 的速 度弯 曲(见图3) ,弯曲到3mm时,保持30 秒。 Apply pressure in the direction of arrow (see Fig. 3) at a rate of about 0.5mm per second until it reaches a bend of 3mm and hold for 30 seconds. It shall meet table 1. 测得值需满足表1。 结合力 Adhesion 按箭头所示方向施加固定的20N的压力于产 品中 心部分(见图4),时间保持10 秒。产品需快 速 地、紧紧地被焊接在印刷电路板上。 A static load of 20N to the direction of the arrow (see Fig. 4) shall be applied on the core of the component and hold for 10 seconds. Filter shall be soldered It shall meet Table 1. 测得值满足表1。 correctly and tightly to PCB. 7-6 回流焊接 Reflow Soldering 将焊接膏放在印制线路板上(见图5),产品 安装 好后,在所示条件下焊接(见图6) ,测量前 在常 温中放置24 小时。 Put on the solder paste on the printed wiring board (pattern is shown in Fig. 5), the samples shall be mounted and soldered under the condition (pattern is shown in Fig. 6), then it shall be subjected to the room atmosphere for 24 hours prior to the measurement. It shall meet Table 1. 测得值需满足表1。 8.环境性能Environmental Characteristics NO. 8–1 8–2 8–3 8–4 测试项目 Item 测 试 条 件 Measurement condition 性 能 要 求 Requirement 湿度试验 Humidity 将滤波器放在相对湿度为90-95%、温度为 +40±2℃的湿度箱中100 小时,后置于自 然环境中1 小时,再进行测试。 After being placed in a chamber with 90-95% R.H. at 40±2℃ for 100 hours and then being placed in room temperature for 1 hour, filter shall be measured. 测得值必须满足表1 的 要求。 It shall meet Table 1. 耐焊接热 Resistance to Solder Heat 引线端子应插入350±10℃的焊接槽中3± 0.5秒或260±5℃的焊接槽中10±1 秒,插 入深度为滤波器主体1.5mm,而后放在自然 环境中1 小时,再进行测试。 Lead terminals are immersed up to 1.5mm from filter’s body in soldering bath of 350± 10℃, for 3±0.5 sec. And then filter shall be measured after being placed in room temperature for 1 hour. 测得值必须满足表1 的 要求。 It shall meet Table 1. 高温试验 High Temperature 将滤波器放在+80±2℃的温箱中100 小 时,后置于自然环境中1 小时,再进行测试。 After being placed in a chamber with 80±2 ℃,for 100 hours and then being placed in room temperature for 1 hour , filter shall be measured. 测得值须满足表1。 It shall meet Table1 低温试验 Low Temperature 将滤波器放在-20±2℃的温箱中100 小时, 后置于自然环境中1 小时,再进行测试。 After being placed in a chamber with -20±2 ℃,for 100 hours and then being placed in room temperature for 1 hour, filter shall be 测得值须满足表1。 It shall meet Table 1 measured. 8–5 热冲击试验 Heat Shock 将滤波器从室温中取出,置于-55℃的低温 中30 分钟,后立即置于+85℃的高温中30 分钟,然后再回到-55℃的低温中,如此循环5 次,再将滤波器置于自然环境中1 小时,再进 行测试。 After being kept at room temperature, filter shall be placed at temperature of –55 ℃ , for 30 minutes, then be placed at temperature. 85 ℃, for 30 minutes. After that returned to –55 ℃ again. Repeated above cycle for 5 times. After being kept in room temp. for 1 hour, filter shall be measured 测得值须满足表1。 It shall meet Table 1 表 1 Table 1 测试项目 Item 规格 Specification 中心频率 Center Frequency 455±2.0 KHz max 带宽(6dB) Bandwidth(6dB) ±17.5 KHz min 选择性(40dB) Selectivity(50dB) ±40.0KHz max 阻带衰减(fo±100KHz) Stop Band Attenuation 25dB min 波动 Ripple 1.0dB max 插入衰耗 Insertion Loss 4.0dB max