一级代理商, 深圳市诚信联科技有限公司.联系人:古小姐, 13249827170/0755-86091963 QQ:1139196806 18 &KDQQHO+LJK3RZHU&RQVWDQW&XUUHQW/(''ULYHU )HDWXUHV $SSOLFDWLRQV z z z z z z z z z z 20mA~150mA, 8 channels constant current regulator Output current adjustable by external resistor 3V ~ 12V wide range supply voltage 1MHz OE PWM dimming support 0V ~ 17V output sustain voltage low output voltage dropout 0.25V @ 40mA/ch (total 320mA output) 0.6V @ 150mA/ch (total 1.2A output) z Minimized IDD consumption z Low speed VDD dimming support half power thermal protect z 160 General LED Lighting Decoration lighting for architecture LCD back lighting Street lamp 3DFNDJH7\SH z TSSOP 173 mil 20 pin !4% chip current skew Less than !9% channel to channel current skew z Less than z z z z z Less than 0.5%/V line regulation Less that 1%/V load regulation 25nS channel stagger output Green package 3URGXFW'HVFULSWLRQ The NU508 is a dedicated designed constant current LED driver for general lighting. It can drive 8 channel LEDs simultaneously and provide each channel sink current up to 150mA. 7HUPLQDO'HVFULSWLRQ !"#$# !"#$# 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 The wide range of power supply capability makes the NU508 be driven easily by a simple circuit. For example, using a zener diode lowers down the VLED voltage for VDD or just routing VDD pin into the LED loading loop gets popper voltage for NU508. In the application of dimming function, the OE pin can switch all output channels on or off simultaneously with 25nS time stagger between odd and even channels. The fast transient speed of OE function in NU508 is best for most of dimming requirements and the stagger function will lower the EMI generation in fast dimming situation. While in full current output, the NU508 only need about 0.6V drop on each output channel. This makes NU508 to be the lowest power lost LED driver that compared with the other types of LED drivers. The minimized voltage drop in NU508 will increase the efficiency of entire lighting system and lower the heat generation from LED driver. !"#"%&'# !"#"%&'# VDD NC OE NC OUT0 OUT1 OUT2 OUT3 NC NC NC NC OUT4 OUT5 OUT6 OUT7 NC REXT NC GND ()"*+!," Power supply Output enable Output channel 1 Output channel 2 Output channel 3 Output channel 4 Output channel 5 Output channel 6 Output channel 7 Output channel 8 R external Ground ͲϭͲ WůĞĂƐĞǀŝƐŝƚŚƚƚƉ͗ͬͬǁǁǁ͘ŶƵŵĞŶͲƚĞĐŚ͘ĐŽŵĨŽƌŵŽƌĞƉĂƚĞŶƚŝŶĨŽƌŵĂƚŝŽŶ͘ ƚŚ ϯ&͕͘EŽ͘ϵϲ͕^ĞĐ͘ϭ͕:ŝĂĨŽŶŐϲ ZŽĂĚ͕:ŚƵďĞŝŝƚLJ͕,ƐŝŶĐŚƵŽƵŶƚLJϯϬϮ͕dĂŝǁĂŶ͘ d> &y͗нϴϴϲͲϯͲϱϱϬͲϮϴϬϱ sĞƌ͘Ϭϭ