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Their complementary emitter follower output stage is the simple class C type and optimized for low frequency applications where crossover distortion is not critical. These amplifiers are not recommended for audio, transducer or deflection coil drive circuits above 1kHz or when distortion is critical. The safe operating area (SOA) is fully specified and can be observed for all operating conditions by selection of user programmable current limiting resistors. Both amplifiers are internally compensated for all gain settings. For continuous operation under load, mounting on a heatsink of proper rating is recommended. This hybrid circuit utilizes thick film conductors, ceramic capacitors, and semiconductor chips to maximize reliability, minimize size, and give top performance. Ultrasonically bonded aluminum wires provide reliable interconnections at all operating temperatures. The 8-pin TO-3 package is electrically isolated and hermetically sealed. The use of compressible thermal washers and/or improper mounting torque voids the product warranty. Please see “General Operating Considerations”. EQUIVALENT SCHEMATIC 3 Q1A LOAD RF2 SENSE LO –42V RTN RW FIGURE 1. PROGRAMMABLE POWER SUPPLY WITH REMOTE SENSING TYPICAL APPLICATION Due to its high current drive capability, PA61 applications often utilize remote sensing to compensate IR drops in the wiring. The importance of remote sensing increases as accuracy requirements, output currents, and distance between amplifier and load go up. The circuit above shows wire resistance from the PA61 to the load and back to the local ground via the power return line. Without remote sensing, a 7.5A load current across only 0.05 ohm in each line would produce a 0.75V error at the load. With the addition of the second ratio matched RF/RIN pair and two low current sense wires, IR drops in the power return line become common mode voltages for which the op amp has a very high rejection ratio. Voltage drops in the output and power return wires are inside the feedback loop. Therefore, as long as the Power Op Amp has the voltage drive capability to overcome the IR losses, accuracy remains the same. Application Note 7 presents a general discussion of PPS circuits. Q1B 2 EXTERNAL CONNECTIONS Q3 RCL+ 4 A1 CL+ 1 +VS 5 3 2 1 Q4 +IN C1 OUT 8 TOP VIEW 5 Q6A Q6B RCL– –IN 6 –VS 6 OUTPUT 4 8 7 CL– N.C. APEX MICROTECHNOLOGY CORPORATION • TELEPHONE (520) 690-8600 • FAX (520) 888-3329 • ORDERS (520) 690-8601 • EMAIL [email protected] ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS SPECIFICATIONS PA61 • PA61A SUPPLY VOLTAGE, +VS to –VS OUTPUT CURRENT, within SOA POWER DISSIPATION, internal INPUT VOLTAGE, differential INPUT VOLTAGE, common mode TEMPERATURE, pin solder-10s TEMPERATURE, junction1 TEMPERATURE RANGE, storage OPERATING TEMPERATURE RANGE, case ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS SPECIFICATIONS PARAMETER 90V 10A 97W ±VS–3V ±VS 300°C 200°C –65 to +150°C –55 to +125°C PA61 TEST CONDITIONS 2 PA61A MIN TYP MAX ±6 ±65 ±200 ±VS–5 74 ±2 ±10 ±30 ±20 12 ±50 ±10 ±12 ±50 200 3 ±VS–3 100 MIN TYP MAX UNITS ±3 ±40 * * * ±1 * * * 10 * * ±5 * * * * * mV µV/°C µV/V µV/W nA pA/°C pA/V nA pA/°C MΩ pF V dB INPUT OFFSET VOLTAGE, initial OFFSET VOLTAGE, vs. temperature OFFSET VOLTAGE, vs. supply OFFSET VOLTAGE, vs. power BIAS CURRENT, initial BIAS CURRENT, vs. temperature BIAS CURRENT, vs. supply OFFSET CURRENT, initial OFFSET CURRENT, vs. temperature INPUT IMPEDANCE, DC INPUT CAPACITANCE COMMON MODE VOLTAGE RANGE3 COMMON MODE REJECTION, DC3 TC = 25°C Specified temperature range TC = 25°C TC = 25°C TC = 25°C Specified temperature range TC = 25°C TC = 25°C Specified temperature range TC = 25°C TC = 25°C Specified temperature range Specified temperature range 30 ±500 ±30 20 * ±10 GAIN OPEN LOOP GAIN at 10Hz GAIN BANDWIDTH PRODUCT at 1MHz POWER BANDWIDTH PHASE MARGIN Full temp. range, full load TC = 25°C, full load TC = 25°C, IO = 8A, VO = 40VPP Full temperature range 96 10 108 1 16 45 * ±VS–5 ±VS–4 ±VS–6 * * * * * * * * dB MHz kHz ° * * V V V A µs V/µs nF OUTPUT VOLTAGE SWING3 VOLTAGE SWING3 VOLTAGE SWING3 CURRENT SETTLING TIME to .1% SLEW RATE CAPACITIVE LOAD, unit gain CAPACITIVE LOAD, gain>4 TC = 25°C, IO = 10A Full temp. range, IO = 4A Full temp. range, IO = 68mA TC = 25°C TC = 25°C, 2V step TC = 25°C, RL = 6Ω Full temperature range Full temperature range ±VS–7 ±VS–6 ±VS–5 ±10 1.0 2 2.8 * * * 1.5 SOA * * POWER SUPPLY VOLTAGE CURRENT, quiescent Full temperature range TC = 25°C ±10 ±32 3 ±45 10 1.0 1.5 30 25 1.2 1.8 * * * * * V mA * * * * * * °C/W °C/W °C/W °C THERMAL RESISTANCE, AC, junction to case4 RESISTANCE, DC, junction to case RESISTANCE, junction to air TEMPERATURE RANGE, case NOTES: * 1. 2. 3. 4. CAUTION F > 60Hz F < 60Hz Meets full range specification –25 +85 * * The specification of PA61A is identical to the specification for PA61 in applicable column to the left. Long term operation at the maximum junction temperature will result in reduced product life. Derate internal power dissipation to achieve high MTTF. The power supply voltage for all specifications is the TYP rating unless noted as a test condition. +VS and –VS denote the positive and negative supply rail respectively. Total VS is measured from +VS to –VS. Rating applies if the output current alternates between both output transistors at a rate faster than 60Hz. The internal substrate contains beryllia (BeO). Do not break the seal. If accidentally broken, do not crush, machine, or subject to temperatures in excess of 850°C to avoid generating toxic fumes. APEX MICROTECHNOLOGY CORPORATION • 5980 NORTH SHANNON ROAD • TUCSON, ARIZONA 85741 • USA • APPLICATIONS HOTLINE: 1 (800) 546-2739 PA61 • PA61A OUTPUT VOLTAGE SWING POWER DERATING 60 40 20 0 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 TEMPERATURE, TC (°C) SMALL SIGNAL RESPONSE 5.0 6 4.5 4.0 2.5 –60 PHASE, Φ (°) 80 –150 0 –180 0 5 2 0 –25 2 4 6 8 10 OUTPUT CURRENT, I O (A) 80 0 –2 –4 –6 –8 0 4 6 8 10 12 14 TIME, t (µs) 2 HARMONIC DISTORTION 10 VS = ±36 RL = 4 Ω AV = 10 1W 1 PO =. .3 PO .1 PO .03 30 = 5W W = 50 100 300 1K 3K 10K 30K FREQUENCY, F (Hz) 100 80 60 40 20 0 1 10 100 1K 10K .1M FREQUENCY, F (Hz) 1M QUIESCENT CURRENT 1.6 1.4 1.2 1.0 TC = 125°C T C = 25°C °C .8 TC = 5 –5 .6 .4 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 TOTAL SUPPLY VOLTAGE, VS (V) RCL = 0.3 Ω 0 25 75 100 125 50 CASE TEMPERATURE, TC (°C) POWER RESPONSE VS = ±40V 41 RL = 8 Ω 30 21 15 11 8 10K 10 100 1K 10K .1M 1M 10M FREQUENCY, F (Hz) COMMON MODE REJECTION 2Ω 58 NORMALIZED BIAS CURRENT, IB (X) 2 120 = .1 1 RL = 3 Ω 20K 30K 50K 70K FREQUENCY, F (Hz) .1M BIAS CURRENT 2.5 2.2 1.9 1.6 1.3 1.0 INPUT NOISE VOLTAGE, VN (nV/ √ Hz) 4 COMMON MODE REJECTION, CMR(dB) RL = 5 Ω AV = +1 6 NORMALIZED QUIESCENT CURRENT, IQ (X) PULSE RESPONSE L 3 PHASE RESPONSE 1 RC 4 –210 10 100 1K 10K .1M 1M 10M FREQUENCY, F (Hz) 8 OUTPUT VOLTAGE, VO (V) 5°C to 8 –90 20 –20 1 DISTORTION, (%) TC 5° =2 –120 40 .01 =– 3.0 –30 3 TC 3.5 100 60 C 25° 0 120 OPEN LOOP GAIN, AOL (dB) 7 CURRENT LIMIT, I LIM (A) T = TC 80 CURRENT LIMIT 5.5 OUTPUT VOLTAGE, VO (VPP ) 100 VOLTAGE DROP FROM SUPPLY (V) INTERNAL POWER DISSIPATION, P (W) TYPICAL PERFORMANCE GRAPHS .7 .4 25 50 75 100 125 –50 –25 0 CASE TEMPERATURE, TC (°C) 100 INPUT NOISE 70 50 40 30 20 10 10 1K 100 10K FREQUENCY, F (Hz) .1M APEX MICROTECHNOLOGY CORPORATION • TELEPHONE (520) 690-8600 • FAX (520) 888-3329 • ORDERS (520) 690-8601 • EMAIL [email protected] OPERATING CONSIDERATIONS PA61 • PA61A GENERAL Please read the “General Operating Considerations” section, which covers stability, supplies, heatsinking, mounting, current limit, SOA interpretation, and specification interpretation. Additional information can be found in the application notes. For information on the package outline, heatsinks, and mounting hardware, consult the “Accessory and Package Mechanical Data” section of the handbook. SAFE OPERATING AREA (SOA) The output stage of most power amplifiers has 3 distinct limitations: 1. The current handling capability of the transistor geometry and the wire bonds. 2. The second breakdown effect which occurs whenever the simultaneous collector current and collector-emitter voltage exceeds specified limits. 3. The junction temperature of the output transistors. 1. Under transient conditions, capacitive and dynamic* inductive loads up to the following maximum are safe: CAPACITIVE LOAD VS ILIM = 5A ILIM = 10A 45V 200 F 150 F 40V 400 F 200 F 35V 800 F 400 F 30V 1600 F 800 F 25V 5.0mF 2.5mF 20V 10mF 5.0mF 15V 20mF 10mF INDUCTIVE LOAD ILIM = 5A ILIM = 10A 8mH 2.8mH 11mH 4.3mH 20mH 5.0mH 35mH 6.2mH 50mH 15mH 400mH 20mH ** 100mH * If the inductive load is driven near steady state conditions, allowing the output voltage to drop more than 8V below the supply rail with ILIM = 10A or 15V below the supply rail with ILIM = 5A while the amplifier is current limiting, the inductor should be capacitively coupled or the current limit must be lowered to meet SOA criteria. s s 1m C 2. The amplifier can handle any EMF generating or reactive load and short circuits to the supply rail or shorts to common if the current limits are set as follows at TC=85°C. s 5m 25° DY EA E AT ST .7 .5 =1 t= 1 TC t= 5°C 3 2 1.5 5°C =8 ** Second breakdown effect imposes no limitation but thermal limitations must still be observed. .5m TC =2 t= TC ST INPUT CURRENT FROM +VS OR –VS (A) SAFE OPERATING AREA (SOA) 10 7 5 .3 .2 .15 .1 8 10 12 15 20 25 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 SUPPLY TO OUTPUT DIFFERENTIAL VOLTAGE VS – VO (V) The SOA curves combine the effect of all limits for this Power Op Amp. For a given application, the direction and magnitude of the output current should be calculated or measured and checked against the SOA curves. This is simple for resistive loads but more complex for reactive and EMF generating loads. The following guidelines may save extensive analytical efforts. ±VS 45V 40V 35V 30V 25V 20V 15V SHORT TO VS ± C, L, OR EMF LOAD 0.1A 0.2A 0.3A 0.5A 1.2A 1.5A 2.0A SHORT TO COMMON 1.3A 1.5A 1.6A 2.0A 2.4A 3.0A 4.0A These simplified limits may be exceeded with further analysis using the operating conditions for a specific application. 3. The output stage is protected against transient flyback. However, for protection against sustained, high energy flyback, external fast-recovery diodes should be used. This data sheet has been carefully checked and is believed be reliable, however, no responsibility assumed forARIZONA possible inaccuracies All specifications are subject to change without notice. APEX MICROTECHNOLOGY CORPORATION • to 5980 NORTH SHANNON ROAD •is TUCSON, 85741 or • omissions. USA • APPLICATIONS HOTLINE: 1 (800) 546-2739 PA61U REV. G DECEMBER 1997 © 1997 Apex Microtechnology Corp.