PC8477B (SuperFDC TM ) Advanced Floppy Disk Controller Y General Description The PC8477B CMOS advanced floppy disk controller is an enhanced version of National’s DP8473 floppy controller. The PC8477B is software compatible with the DP8473 and NEC mPD765 floppy disk controllers. In addition, it is pin and software compatible with the Intel 82077AA floppy controller. The PC8477B, a 24 MHz crystal, a device chip select, and a resistor package are all that is needed for a complete PC-ATÉ, PS/2É or EISA floppy controller solution. The PC8477B includes advanced features such as a 16 byte FIFO (Burst and Non-Burst modes), support of Perpendicular Recording Mode disk drives, PS/2 diagnostic registers for Model 30 and Models 50/60/80, standard CMOS disk I/O, and additional commands to control these new features. The 16 byte FIFO will increase system performance at higher data rates and with multi-tasking bus structures. This controller is designed to fit into all PC-AT, EISA, and PS/2 designs, as well as other advanced applications. Features Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Pin and software compatible with Intel 82077AA FDC Software compatible with NSC’s DP8473 Y Y 16 byte FIFO (default disabled) Ð Burst and Non-Burst modes Ð Programmable threshold Perpendicular Mode Recording drive support High performance internal analog data separator (no external filter components required) Low power CMOS with manual power down mode Automatic power down mode, for complete software transparency Integrates all PC-AT, and PS/2 logic Ð On chip Oscillator Ð PC compatible FDC address decode Ð PS/2 Model 30 and Model 50/60/80 diagnostic registers Ð DMA control circuitry Ð High current CMOS disk interface outputs Ð Data Rate and Digital Output registers Ð 12 mA mP bus interface buffers Data Rate Support: 250/300 kb/s, 500 kb/s, and 1 Mb/s Write precompensation software programmable 68 pin PLCC package 60 pin PQFP package Ideal for space limited applications Functional Block Diagram TL/F/11332 – 3 FIGURE 1-1 SuperFDCTM is a trademark of National Semiconductor Corporation. TRI-STATEÉ is a registered trademark of National Semiconductor Corporation. IBMÉ, PC-ATÉ and PS/2É are registered trademarks of International Business Machines Corp. C1995 National Semiconductor Corporation TL/F/11332 RRD-B30M75/Printed in U. S. A. PC8477B (SuperFDC) Advanced Floppy Disk Controller August 1993 Table of Contents 4.2.15 Scan Commands 1.0 INTRODUCTION 4.2.16 Seek Command 4.2.17 Sense Drive Status Command 4.2.18 Sense Interrupt Command 4.2.19 Set Track Command 4.2.20 Specify Command 4.2.21 Verify Command 4.2.22 Version Command 4.2.23 Write Data Command 4.2.24 Write Deleted Data Command 5.0 FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION 5.1 Microprocessor Interface 5.2 Modes of Operation 5.3 Controller Phases 5.3.1 Command Phase 5.3.2 Execution Phase DMA ModeÐFIFO Disabled DMA ModeÐFIFO Enabled Interrupt ModeÐFIFO Disabled Interrupt ModeÐFIFO Enabled Software Polling 5.3.3 Result Phase 5.3.4 Idle Phase 5.3.5 Drive Polling Phase 5.4 Data Separator 5.5 Crystal Oscillator 5.6 Dynamic Window Margin Performance 5.7 Perpendicular Recording Mode 5.8 Data Rate Selection 5.9 Write Precompensation 5.10 Low Power Mode Logic 5.11 Reset Operation 6.0 DEVICE DESCRIPTION 6.1 DC Electrical Characteristics 6.2 AC Electrical Characteristics 6.2.1 AC Test Conditions 6.2.2 Clock Timing 6.2.3 Microprocessor Read Timing 6.2.4 Microprocessor Write Timing 6.2.5 DMA Timing 6.2.6 Reset Timing 6.2.7 Write Data Timing 6.2.8 Drive Control Timing 6.2.9 Read Data Timing 7.0 REFERENCE SECTION 7.1 Mnemonic Definitions for PC8477B Commands 7.2 PC8477B Enhancements vs. 82077AA 7.3 PC8477B Interface in a PC-AT 7.4 Software Initialization Sequence 7.5 PC8477B/PC8477A differences 7.6 Revision History 2.0 PIN DESCRIPTION 3.0 REGISTER DESCRIPTION 3.1 Status Register A (SRA) 3.1.1 SRAÐPS/2 Mode 3.1.2 SRAÐModel 30 Mode 3.2 Status Register B (SRB) 3.2.1 SRBÐPS/2 Mode 3.2.2 SRBÐModel 30 Mode 3.3 Digital Output Register (DOR) 3.4 Tape Drive Register (TDR) 3.5 Main Status Register (MSR) 3.6 Data Rate Select Register (DSR) 3.7 Data Register (FIFO) 3.8 Digital Input Register (DIR) 3.8.1 DIRÐPC-AT Mode 3.8.2 DIRÐPS/2 Mode 3.8.3 DIRÐModel 30 Mode 3.9 Configuration Control Register (CCR) 3.9.1 CCRÐPC-AT and PS/2 Modes 3.9.2 CCRÐModel 30 Mode 3.10 Result Phase Status Registers 3.10.1 Status Register 0 (ST0) 3.10.2 Status Register 1 (ST1) 3.10.3 Status Register 2 (ST2) 3.10.4 Status Register 3 (ST3) 4.0 COMMAND SET DESCRIPTION 4.1 Command Set Summary 4.2 Command Description 4.2.1 Configure Command 4.2.2 Dumpreg Command 4.2.3 Format Command 4.2.4 Invalid Command 4.2.5 Lock Command 4.2.6 Mode Command 4.2.7 NSC Command 4.2.8 Perpendicular Mode Command 4.2.9 Read Data Command 4.2.10 Read Deleted Data Command 4.2.11 Read ID Command 4.2.12 Read A Track Command 4.2.13 Recalibrate Command 4.2.14 Relative Seek Command 2 List of Figures PC8477B Functional Block Diagram ÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀ1-1 PC8477B Pin Diagram for 68 Pin PLCC and 60 Pin PQFP ÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀ1-2 IBMÉ, Perpendicular, and ISO Formats Supported by Format CommandÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀ4-1 PC8477B Data Separator Block Diagram 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It improves on the window margin performance standards of the DP8473, and is compatible with the strict data separator requirements of floppy and floppy-tape drives. The PC8477B contains write precompensation and circuitry that will default to 125 ns for 250, 300, and 500 kb/s, 41.67 ns at 1 Mb/s. These values can be overridden through software to disable write precompensation or to provide levels of precompensation up to 250 ns. The PC8477B has internal 12 mA data bus buffers which allow direct connection to the system bus. The internal 48 mA totem-pole disk interface buffers are compatible with both CMOS drive inputs and 150X resistor terminated disk drive inputs. The PC8477B is available in a 68 pin Plastic Leaded Chip Carrier (PLCC) package, and in a 60 pin Plastic Quad Flat Package (PQFP). The PC8477B advanced floppy disk controller is suitable for all PC-AT, EISA, PS/2, and general purpose applications. The operational mode (PC-AT, PS/2, and Model 30) of the PC8477B is determined by hardware strapping of the IDENT and MFM pins. DP8473 and Intel 82077AA software compatibility is provided. Key features include the 16 byte FIFO, PS/2 diagnostic register support, the perpendicular recording mode, CMOS disk interface, and a high performance analog data separator. The PC8477B supports the standard PC data rates of 250, 300, 500 kb/s, and 1 Mb/s in MFM encoded data mode, but is no longer guaranteed through functional testing to support the older FM encoded data mode. References to the older FM mode remain in this document to clarify the true functional operation of the device. The 1 Mb/s data rate is used by new high performance tape and floppy drives emerging in the PC market today. The new floppy drives utilize high density media which requires the PC8477B supported perpendicular recording mode format. When used with the 1 Mb/s data rate this new format allows the use of 4 Mb floppy drives which format ED media to 2.88 MB data capacity. 4 Connection Diagrams TL/F/11332 – 1 Plastic Chip Carrier (V) Order Number PC8477BV-1 See NS Package Number V68A TL/F/11332 – 2 Plastic Quad Flat Package (VF) Order Number PC8477BVF-1 See NS Package Number VF60A FIGURE 1-2 5 2.0 Pin Description PLCC Pin PQFP Pin A0 A1 A2 7 8 10 44 45 46 AVCC 46 17 CS 6 43 I D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 11 13 14 15 17 19 20 22 47 48 49 50 52 54 55 56 I/O DACK 3 40 I DMA Acknowledge. Active low input to acknowledge the DMA request and enable the RD and WR inputs during a DMA transfer. DACK should be held inactive high during normal read or write accesses when CS is active. When in PC-AT or Model 30 mode, this signal is enabled by bit D3 of the DOR. When in PS/2 mode, DAK is always enabled, and bit D3 of the DOR is reserved. DENSEL 49 19 O Density Select. Indicates when a high density data rate (500 kb/s or 1 Mb/s) or a low density data rate (250 or 300 kb/s) has been selected. DENSEL is active high for high density (5.25× drives) when IDENT is high, and active low for high density (3.5× drives) when IDENT is low. DENSEL is also programmable via the Mode command (see Section 4.2.6). DIR 56 26 O Direction. This output determines the direction of the head movement (active e step in, inactive e step out) during a seek operation. During read or writes, DIR will be inactive. DR0 DR1 DR2 DR3 58 62 64 67 28 32 34 36 O Drive Select 0–3. These are the decoded drive select outputs that are controlled by Digital Output Register bits D0, D1. The Drive Select outputs are gated by DOR bits 4 – 7. DRATE0 DRATE1 28 29 2 3 O Data Rate 0,1. These outputs reflect the currently selected data rate, (bits 0 and 1 in the CCR or the DSR, whichever was written to last). These pins are totem-pole buffered outputs (6 mA sink, 4 mA source). DRQ 24 58 O DMA Request. Active high output to signal the DMA controller that a data transfer is needed. When in PC-AT or Model 30 mode, this signal is enabled by bit D3 of the DOR. When in PS/2 mode, DRQ is always enabled, and bit D3 of the DOR is reserved. DRV2 30 4 I Drive2. This input indicates whether a second disk drive has been installed. The state of this pin is available from Status Register A in PS/2 mode. DSKCHG 31 5 I Disk Change. The input indicates if the drive door has been opened. The state of this pin is available from the Digital Input register. This pin can also be configured as the RGATE data separator diagnostic input via the Mode command (see Section 4.2.6). 9, 12, 16, 21, 36, 50, 54, 59, 65 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 20, 24, 29, 51 45 16 Symbol GND GNDA I/O I Function Address. These address lines from the microprocessor determine which internal FDC register is accessed. See TABLE 3-1 in the Register Description section. A0 – A2 are don’t cares during a DMA transfer. Analog Supply. This pin is the 5V supply for the analog data separator. Chip Select. Active low input from address decoder used to enable the RD and WR inputs during register I/O. Should be held inactive during DMA transfers. Data. Bi-directional data lines to the microprocessor. D0 is the LSB and D7 is the MSB. These signals all have 12 mA buffered outputs. Ground Analog Ground. This is the analog ground for the data separator. 6 2.0 Pin Description (Continued) Symbol PLCC Pin PQFP Pin I/O HDSEL 51 21 O HIFIL 38 (Note 1) IDENT 27 1 Function Head Select. This output determines which side of the disk drive is accessed. Active selects side 1, inactive selects side 0. High Filter. No connect. No external capacitor is required. An external capacitor can be connected, but it will have no effect on the data separator performance. I Identity. During chip reset, the IDENT and MFM pins are sampled to determine the mode of operation according to the following table: IDENT MFM Mode 1 1 0 0 1 or NC 0 1 or NC 0 PC-AT Mode Illegal PS/2 Mode Model 30 Mode AT ModeÐThe DMA enable bit in the DOR is valid. TC is active high. Status Registers A and B are disabled (TRI-STATEÉ). Model 30 ModeÐThe DMA enable bit in the DOR is valid. TC is active high. Status Registers A and B are enabled. PS/2 ModeÐThe DMA enable bit in the DOR is a don’t care, and the DRQ and INT signals will always be enabled. TC is active low. Status Registers A and B are enabled. After chip reset, the state of IDENT determines the polarity of the DENSEL output. When IDENT is a logic ‘‘1’’, DENSEL is active high for 500 kb/s and 1 Mb/s data rates. When IDENT is a logic ‘‘0’’, DENSEL is active low for 500 kb/s and 1 Mb/s data rates. (See Mode command for further explanation of DENSEL.) INDEX 26 60 I Index. This input signals the beginning of a track. INT 23 57 O Interrupt. Active high output to signal the completion of the execution phase for certain commands. Also used to signal when a data transfer is ready during a Non-DMA operation. When in PC-AT or Model 30 mode, this signal is enabled by bit D3 of the DOR. When in PS/2 mode, INT is always enabled, and bit D3 of the DOR is reserved. INVERT 35 9 I Invert. Determines the polarity of all disk interface signals. When tied low, the internal disk output buffers and inverting Schmitt input receivers are enabled, and the disk interface signals are active low. When tied high, the disk interface signals are active high, and external receivers and output buffers are required. LOFIL 37 (Note 1) MFM 48 18 MTR0 MTR1 MTR2 MTR3 57 61 63 66 27 31 33 35 NC 42 43 44 47 (Note 1) Low Filter. No connect. No external capacitor is required. An external capacitor can be connected, but it will have no effect on the data separator performance. I/O MFM. During a chip reset when in PS/2 mode (IDENT low), this pin is sampled to select the PS/2 mode (MFM high), or the Model 30 mode (MFM low). An internal pull-up or external pull-down 10 kX resistor will select between the two PS/2 modes. When the PC-AT mode is desired (IDENT high), MFM should be left pulled high internally. MFM reflects the current data encoding format when RESET is inactive. MFM e high, FM e low. Defaults to low after a chip reset. This signal can also be configured as the PUMP data separator diagnostic output via the Mode command (see Section 4.2.6). O Motor Select 0–3. These are the motor enable lines for drives 0 – 3, and are controlled by bits D7 – D4 of the Digital Output register. No Connect. These pins must be left unconnected. 7 2.0 Pin Description (Continued) PLCC Pin PQFP Pin 39 40 (Note 1) RD 4 41 I Read. Active low input to signal a read from the controller to the microprocessor. RDATA 41 13 I Read Data. This input is the raw serial data read from the disk drive. RESET 32 6 I Reset. Active high input that resets the controller to the idle state, and resets all disk interface outputs to their inactive states. The DOR, DSR, CCR, Mode command, Configure command, and Lock command parameters are cleared to their default values. The Specify command parameters are not affected. STEP 55 25 O Step. This output signal issues pulses to the disk drive at a software programmable rate to move the head during a seek operation. TC 25 59 I Terminal Count. Control signal from the DMA controller to indicate the termination of a DMA transfer. TC is accepted only when DACK is active. TC is active high in PC-AT and Model 30 modes, and active low in PS/2 mode. TRK0 2 39 I Track 0. This input indicates to the controller that the head of the selected disk drive is at track zero. VCC 18 60 68 30 37 53 WDATA 53 23 O Write Data. This output is the write precompensated serial data that is written to the selected disk drive. Precompensation is software selectable. WGATE 52 22 O Write Gate. This output signal enables the write circuitry of the selected disk drive. WGATE has been designed to prevent glitches during power up and power down. This prevents writing to the disk when power is cycled. Symbol PLL0 PLL1 I/O Function Phase Locked Loop 0,1. No connects. These pins can be tied high or low with no affect on the data separator performance. Voltage. This is the a 5V supply voltage for the digital circuitry. WP 1 38 I Write Protect. This input indicates that the disk in the selected drive is write protected. WR 5 42 I Write. Active low input to signal a write from the microprocessor to the controller. XTAL1/CLK 33 7 I Crystal1/Clock. One side of an external 24 MHz crystal is attached here. If a crystal is not used, a TTL or CMOS compatible clock is connected to this pin. XTAL2 34 8 I Crystal2. One side of an external 24 MHz crystal is attached here. This pin is left unconnected if an external clock is used. Note 1: When converting the 68 pin PLCC to a 60 pin PQFP, eight pins were removed. The following signals were affected in this conversion process: 1. NC (No Connect) signals on pins 42 and 43 of the 68 pin PLCC were converted to GND (Ground) signals on pins 14 and 15 of the 60 pin PQFP, respectively. 2. NC (No Connect) signals on pins 44 and 47 of the 68 pin PLCC were removed for the 60 pin PQFP. 3. HIFIL (pin 38) and LOFIL (pin 37) of the 68 pin PLCC were removed for the 60 pin PQFP. 4. PLL0 (pin 39) and PLL1 (pin 40) of the 68 PLCC were converted to GND (ground) signals on the PQFP (pins 11 and 12 respectively). 5. The GND (ground) signals on pins 9, 12, 21, and 65 of the 68 pin PLCC are not available for the 60 pin PQFP. These signals are tied to ground internally. 8 3.0 Register Description PC-AT mode, PS/2 mode (Models 50/60/80), and the Model 30 mode (Model 30). See Section 5.1 for more details on how each register mode is enabled. When applicable, the register definition for each mode of operation will be given. If no special notes are made, then the register is valid for all three register modes. The following PC8477B registers are mapped into the addresses shown below, with the base address range being provided by the CS pin. For PC-AT or PS/2 applications, the diskette controller primary address range is 3F0 to 3F7 (hex), and the secondary address range is 370 to 377 (hex). The PC8477B supports three different register modes: the TABLE 3-1. Register Description and Addresses A2 A1 A0 IDENT R/W 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 X X X X X X X X R R R/W R/W R W R/W X R W Register Status Register A Status Register B Digital Output Register Tape Drive Register Main Status Register Data Rate Select Register Data Register (FIFO) None (Bus TRI-STATE) Digital Input Register Configuration Control Register SRA SRB DOR TDR MSR DSR FIFO DIR CCR Note: SRA and SRB are enabled by IDENT e 0 during a chip reset only. 3.1 STATUS REGISTER A (SRA) Read Only This is a read only diagnostic register that is part of the PS/2 floppy controller register set, and is enabled when in the PS/2 or Model 30 mode. This register monitors the state of the INT pin and some of the disk interface signals. The state of these bits is independent of the INVERT pin. The SRA can be read at any time when in PS/2 mode. In the PC-AT mode, D7–D0 are TRI-STATE during a mP read. 3.1.2 SRAÐ Model 30 Mode 3.1.1 SRAÐPS/2 Mode D7 D7 D1 D0 D6 D5 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 0 N/A D5 0 D4 N/A D3 0 D2 RESET COND INT DESC DRV2 STEP TRK0 HDSEL INDX WP DIR PEND RESET COND D6 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 INT DESC DRQ STEP TRK0 HDSEL INDX WP DIR PEND N/A N/A 0 Interrupt Pending: This active high bit reflects the state of the INT pin. 2nd Drive Installed: Active low status of the DRV2 disk interface input, indicating if a second drive has been installed. Step: Active high status of the STEP disk interface output. Track 0: Active low status of the TRK0 disk interface input. Head Select: Active high status of the HDSEL disk interface output. Index: Active low status of the INDEX disk interface input. Write Protect: Active low status of the WP disk interface input. Direction: Active high status of the DIR disk interface output. D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 0 0 0 N/A 1 N/A N/A 1 Interrupt Pending: This active high bit reflects that state of the INT pin. DMA Request: Active high status of the DRQ signal. Step: Active high status of the latched STEP disk interface output. This bit is latched with the STEP output going active, and is cleared with a read from the DIR, or with a hardware or software reset. Track 0: Active high status of TRK0 disk interface input. Head Select: Active low status of the HDSEL disk interface output. Index: Active high status of the INDEX disk interface input. Write Protect: Active high status of the WP disk interface input. Direction: Active low status of the DIR disk interface output. 3.2 STATUS REGISTER B (SRB) Read Only This is a read only diagnostic register that is part of the PS/2 floppy controller register set, and is enabled when in the PS/2 or Model 30 mode. The state of these bits is independent of the INVERT pin. The SRB can be read at any time when in PS/2 mode. In the PC-AT mode, D7 – D0 are TRI-STATE during a mP read. 9 3.0 Register Description (Continued) 3.3 DIGITAL OUTPUT REGISTER (DOR) Read/Write 3.2.1 SRBÐPS/2 Mode DESC RESET COND D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 D7 D6 1 1 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 The DOR controls the drive select and motor enable disk interface outputs, enables the DMA logic, and contains a software reset bit. The contents of the DOR are set to 00 (hex) after a hardware reset, and are unaffected by a software reset. The DOR can be written to at any time. D0 DR0 WDATA RDATA WGATE MTR1 MTR0 N/A N/A 0 0 0 0 0 0 DOR Reserved: Always 1. Reserved: Always 1. Drive Select 0: Reflects the status of the Drive Select 0 bit in the DOR (address 2, bit 0). This bit is cleared after a hardware reset, not a software reset. Write Data: Every inactive edge transition of the WDATA disk interface output causes this bit to change states. Read Data: Every positive edge transition of the RDATA disk interface output causes this bit to change states. Write Gate: Active high status of the WGATE disk interface output. Motor Enable 1: Active high status of the MTR1 disk interface output. Low after a hardware reset, unaffected by a software reset. Motor Enable 0: Active high status of the MTR0 disk interface output. Low after a hardware reset, unaffected by a software reset. D7 DESC RESET COND D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 RESET COND D7 1 1 0 0 0 1 D4 D3 D2 D1 0 0 0 0 0 0 D0 0 0 Motor Enable 3: This bit controls the MTR3 disk interface output. A 1 in this bit causes the MTR3 pin to go active. The actual level of MTR3 depends on the state of the INVERT pin. Motor Enable 2: Same function as D7 except for MTR2. D5 Motor Enable 1: Same function as D7 except for MTR1. D4 Motor Enable 0: Same function as D7 except for MTR0. D3 DMA Enable: This bit has two modes of operation. PC-AT mode or Model 30 mode: Writing a 1 to this bit will enable the DRQ, DAK, INT and TC pins. Writing a 0 to this bit will TRI-STATE DRQ and INT, and disable DAK and TC. This bit is a 0 after a reset when in these modes. PS/2 mode: This bit is reserved, and the DRQ, DAK, INT and TC pins will always be enabled. During a reset, the DRQ, DAK, and INT lines will remain enabled, and D3 will be a 0. D2 Reset Controller: Writing a 0 to this bit resets the controller. It will remain in the reset condition until a 1 is written to this bit. A software reset does not affect the DSR, CCR, and other bits of the DOR. A software reset will affect the Configure and Mode command bits (see Section 4.0 Command Set Description). The minimum time that this bit must be low is 100 ns. Thus, toggling the Reset Controller bit during consecutive writes to the DOR is an acceptable method of issuing a software reset. D1 – D0 Drive Select: These two bits are binary encoded for the four drive selects DR0 – DR3, so that only one drive select output is active at a time. The actual level of the drive select outputs is determined by the state of the INVERT pin. It is common programming practice to enable both the motor enable and drive select outputs for a particular drive. Table 3-2 below shows the DOR values to enable each of the four drives. D6 D0 DRV2 DR1 DR0 WDATA RDATA WGATE DR3 DR2 N/A D5 DRIVE DRIVE DESC MTR3 MTR2 MTR1 MTR0 DMAEN RESET SEL 1 SEL 0 3.2.2 SRBÐModel 30 Mode D7 D6 1 2nd Drive Installed: Active low status of the DRV2 disk interface input. Drive Select 1: Active low status of the DR1 disk interface output. Drive Select 0: Active low status of the DR0 disk interface output. Write Data: Active high status of latched WDATA signal. This bit is latched by the inactive going edge of WDATA and is cleared by a read from the DIR. This bit is not gated by WGATE. Read Data: Active high status of latched RDATA signal. This bit is latched by the inactive going edge of RDATA and is cleared by a read from the DIR. Write Gate: Active high status of latched WGATE signal. This bit is latched by the active going edge of WGATE and is cleared by a read from the DIR. Drive Select 3: Active low status of the DR3 disk interface output. Drive Select 2: Active low status of the DR2 disk interface output. TABLE 3-2. Drive Enable Values 10 Drive DOR Value 0 1 2 3 1C (Hex) 2D 4E 8F 3.0 Register Description (Continued) 3.4 DRIVE REGISTER (TDR) Read/Write Request for Master: Indicates that the controller is ready to send or receive data from the mP through the FIFO. This bit is cleared immediately after a byte transfer and will become set again as soon as the disk controller is ready for the next byte. During a Non-DMA Execution phase, the RQM indicates the status of the interrupt pin. Data I/O (Direction): Indicates whether the controller is expecting a byte to be written to (0) or read from (1) the Data Register. Non-DMA Execution: Indicates that the controller is in the Execution Phase of a byte transfer operation in the Non-DMA mode. Used for multiple byte transfers by the mP in the Execution Phase through interrupts or software polling. Command in Progress: This bit is set after the first byte of the Command Phase is written. This bit is cleared after the last byte of the Result Phase is read. If there is no Result Phase in a command, the bit is cleared after the last byte of the Command Phase is written. Drive 3 Busy: Set after the last byte of the Command Phase of a Seek or Recalibrate command is issued for drive 3. Cleared after reading the first byte in the Result Phase of the Sense Interrupt Command for this drive. Drive 2 Busy: Same as above for drive 2. Drive 1 Busy: Same as above for drive 1. Drive 0 Busy: Same as above for drive 0. D7 This register is used to assign a particular drive number with the tape drive support mode of the data separator. All other logical drives are assigned floppy drive support with the data separator. Any future reference to the assigned tape drive will invoke tape drive support. The TDR is unaffected by a software reset. TDR D6 DESC D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 X X X X X X D1 D0 TAPE TAPE SEL1 SEL0 RESET N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A COND 0 D5 0 Reserved: These bits are ignored when written to and are TRI-STATE when read. Tape Select 1,0: These two bits assign a logical drive number to be a tape drive. Drive 0 is not available as a tape drive, and is reserved as the floppy disk boot drive. See Table 3-3 for the tape drive assignment values. D7 – D2 D1 – D0 D4 D3 TABLE 3-3. Tape Drive Assignment Values TAPESEL1 TAPESEL0 DRIVE SELECTED 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 None 1 2 3 D2 D1 D0 3.6 DATA RATE SELECT REGISTER (DSR) Write Only This write only register is used to program the data rate, amount of write precompensation, power down mode, and software reset. The data rate is programmed via the CCR, not the DSR, for PC-AT and PS/2 Model 30 and MicroChannel applications. Other applications can set the data rate in the DSR. The data rate of the floppy controller is determined by the most recent write to either the DSR or CCR. The DSR is unaffected by a software reset. A hardware reset will set the DSR to 02 (hex), which corresponds to the default precompensation setting and 250 kb/s. 3.5 MAIN STATUS REGISTER (MSR) Read Only The read only Main Status Register indicates the current status of the disk controller. The Main Status Register is always available to be read. One of its functions is to control the flow of data to and from the Data Register (FIFO). The Main Status Register indicates when the disk controller is ready to send or receive data through the Data Register. It should be read before each byte is transferred to or from the Data Register except during a DMA transfer. No delay is required when reading this register after a data transfer. After a hardware or software reset, or recovery from a power down state, the Main Status Register is immediately available to be read by the mP. It will contain a value of 00 hex until the oscillator circuit has stabilized, and the internal registers have been initialized. When the PC8477B is ready to receive a new command, it will report an 80 hex to the mP. The system software can poll the MSR until it is ready. The worst case time allowed for the MSR to report an 80 hex value (RQM set) is 2.5 ms after reset or power up. DSR D7 DESC RESET COND D7 MSR D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 D6 RQM DIO NON CMD DRV3 DRV2 DRV1 DRV0 DESC DMA PROG BUSY BUSY BUSY BUSY RESET COND 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 S/W LOW PRE- PRE- PRE0 DRATE1 DRATE0 RESET PWR COMP2 COMP1 COMP0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 Software Reset: A 1 in this bit location will reset the part similar to the DOR RESET (D2) except that this software reset is self-clearing. Low Power: A 1 to this bit will put the controller into the Manual Low Power mode. The oscillator and data separator circuits will be turned off. Manual Low Power can also be accessed via the Mode command. The chip will come out of low power after a software reset, or access to the Data Register or Main Status Register. 3.0 Register Description (Continued) D5 Undefined: Should be set to 0. D4 – D2 Precompensation Select: These three bits select the amount of write precompensation the floppy controller will use on the WDATA disk interface output. Table 3-4 shows the amount of precompensation used for each bit pattern. In most cases, the default values (Table 3-5) can be used; however, alternate values can be chosen for specific types of drives and media. Track 0 is the default starting track number for precompensation. The starting track number can be changed in the Configure command. Data Rate Select 1,0: These bits determine the data rate for the floppy controller. See Table 3-6 for the corresponding data rate for each value of D1, D0. The data rate select bits are unaffected by a software reset, and are set to 250 kb/s after a hardware reset. D1 – D0 only the Execution Phase byte transfers use the 16 byte FIFO. The FIFO is always disabled during the Command and Result Phases of a controller operation. If the FIFO is enabled, it will not be disabled after a software reset if the LOCK bit is set in the Lock Command. After a hardware reset, the FIFO is disabled to maintain compatibility with PCAT systems. The 16 byte FIFO can be used for DMA, Interrupt, or software polling type transfers during the execution of a read, write, format, or scan command. In addition, the FIFO can be put into a Burst or Non-Burst mode with the Mode command. In the Burst mode, DRQ or INT remains active until all of the bytes have been transferred to or from the FIFO. In the Non-Burst mode, DRQ or INT is deasserted for 350 ns to allow higher priority transfer requests to be serviced. The Mode command can also disable the FIFO for either reads or writes separately. The FIFO allows the system a larger latency without causing a disk overrun/underrun error. Typical uses of the FIFO would be at the 1 Mb/s data rate, or with multi-tasking operating systems. The default state of the FIFO is disabled, with a threshold of zero. The default state is entered after a hardware reset. TABLE 3-4. Write Precompensation Delays PRECOMP 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 Precompensation Delay 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 Data Register (FIFO) 0.0 ns 41.7 ns 83.3 ns 125.0 ns 166.7 ns 208.3 ns 250.0 ns DEFAULT D7 Precompensation Delay 1 Mb/s 500 kb/s 300 kb/s 250 kb/s 41.7 ns 125.0 ns 125.0 ns 125.0 ns Data Rate 1 2 MFM FM 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 Mb/s 500 kb/s 300 kb/s 250 kb/s Illegal 250 kb/s 150 kb/s 125 kb/s D4 D3 Data [7:0] RESET COND Byte Mode D2 D1 D0 This formula is good for all data rates with the FIFO enabled or disabled. THRESH is a four bit value programmed in the Configure command, which sets the FIFO threshold. If the FIFO is disabled, THRESH is zero in the above formula. The last term of the formula, (16 c tICP) is an inherent delay due to the microcode overhead required by the PC8477B. This delay is also data rate dependent. See Table 6-1 for the tDRP and tICP times. The programmable FIFO threshold (THRESH) is useful in adjusting the floppy controller to the speed of the system. In other words, a slow system with a sluggish DMA transfer capability would use a high value of THRESH, giving the system more time to respond to a data transfer service request (DRQ for DMA mode or INT for Interrupt mode). Conversely, a fast system with quick response to a data transfer service request would use a low value of THRESH. TABLE 3-6. Data Rate Select Encoding Data Rate Select D5 During the Execution Phase of a command involving data transfer to/from the FIFO, the system must respond to a data transfer service request based on the following formula: Maximum Allowable Data Transfer Service Time (THRESH a 1) c 8 c tDRP b (16 c tICP) TABLE 3-5. Default Precompensation Delays Data Rate D6 DESC Note: FM mode is not guaranteed through functional testing. 3.7 DATA REGISTER (FIFO) Read/Write The FIFO (read/write) is used to transfer all commands, data, and status between the mP and the PC8477B. During the Command Phase, the mP writes the command bytes into the FIFO after polling the RQM and DIO bits in the MSR. During the Result Phase, the mP reads the result bytes from the FIFO after polling the RQM and DIO bits in the MSR. The enabling of the FIFO and setting of the FIFO threshold is done via the Configure command. If the FIFO is enabled, 3.8 DIGITAL INPUT REGISTER (DIR) Read Only This diagnostic register is used to detect the state of the DSKCHG disk interface input and some diagnostic signals. The function of this register depends on the register mode of operation. When in the PC-AT mode, the D6 – D0 are TRI-STATE to avoid conflict with the fixed disk status register at the same address. The DIR is unaffected by a software reset. 12 3.0 Register Description (Continued) 3.9.1 CCRÐPC-AT and PS/2 Modes 3.8.1 DIRÐPC-AT Mode D7 DESC RESET COND D7 D6 – D0 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 DSKCHG X X X X X X X N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A DESC DESC DSKCHG RESET COND D7 D6 – D3 D2 – D1 D0 N/A D4 1 D3 1 1 N/A N/A N/A N/A D2 D1 DESC D0 N/A N/A D7 – D3 D2 1 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D1 – D0 0 0 DMAEN NOPRE DRATE1 DRATE0 RESET COND 0 0 D7 D6 – D4 D3 D2 D1 – D0 0 0 0 1 D1 D0 DRATE1 DRATE0 1 0 Reserved: Should be set to 0. Data Rate Select 1,0: These bits determine the data rate of the floppy controller. See Table 3-6 for the appropriate values. 0 0 0 0 D2 D1 D0 0 NOPRE DRATE1 DRATE0 0 1 0 Reserved: Should be set to 0. No Precompensation: This bit can be set by software, but it has no functionality. It can be read by bit D2 of the DIR when in the Model 30 register mode. Unaffected by a software reset. Data Rate Select 1,0: These bits determine the data rate of the floppy controller. See Table 3-6 for the appropriate values. 3.10 RESULT PHASE STATUS REGISTERS The Result Phase of a command contains bytes that hold status information. The format of these bytes are described below. Do not confuse these status bytes with the Main Status Register, which is a read only register that is always valid. The Result Phase status registers are read from the Data Register (FIFO) only during the Result Phase of certain commands (see Section 4.1 Command Set Summary). The status of each register bit is indicated when the bit is a 1. D0 DESC DSKCHG 0 0 D2 0 RESET N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A COND HIGH DRATE1 DRATE0 DEN 3.8.3 DIRÐModel 30 Mode N/A D3 0 3.9.2 CCRÐModel 30 Mode Disk Changed: Active high status of DSKCHG disk interface input, independent of INVERT value. Reserved: Always 1. Data Rate Select 1,0: These bits indicate the status of the DRATE1–0 bits programmed through the DSR/CCR. High Density: This bit is low when the 1 Mb/s or 500 kb/s data rate is chosen, and high when the 300 kb/s or 250 kb/s data rate is chosen. This bit is independent of the IDENT or INVERT value. D7 D4 0 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D5 1 D5 0 D7 – D2 D1 – D0 3.8.2 DIRÐPS/2 Mode D6 D6 0 RESET N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A COND Disk Changed: Active high status of DSKCHG disk interface input, independent of INVERT value. Undefined: TRI-STATE. Used by hard disk controller status register. D7 D7 3.10.1 Status Register 0 (ST0) D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 DESC IC IC SE EC 0 HDS DS1 DS0 RESET COND 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Disk Changed: Active low status of DSKCHG disk interface input, independent of INVERT value. Reserved: Always 0. DMA Enable: Active high status of the DMAEN bit in the DOR. No Precompensation: Active high status of the NOPRE bit in the CCR. Data Rate Select 1,0: These bits indicate the status of the DRATE1–0 bits programmed through the DSR/CCR. D7 – D6 3.9 CONFIGURATION CONTROL REGISTER (CCR) Write Only This is the write only data rate register commonly used in PC-AT applications. This register is not affected by a software reset, and is set to 250 kb/s after a hardware reset. The data rate of the floppy controller is determined by the last write to either the CCR or DSR. D5 D4 D3 13 Interrupt Code: 00 e Normal Termination of Command. 01 e Abnormal Termination of Command. Execution of command was started, but was not successfully completed. 10 e Invalid Command Issued. Command issued was not recognized as a valid command. 11 e Internal drive ready status changed state during the drive polling mode. Only occurs after a hardware or software reset. Seek End: Seek, Relative Seek, or Recalibrate command completed by the controller. (Used during a Sense Interrupt command.) Equipment Check: After a Recalibrate command, Track 0 signal failed to occur. (Used during Sense Interrupt command.) Not Used. Always 0. 3.0 Register Description (Continued) D2 D1 – D0 Head Select: Indicates the active high status of the HDSEL pin at the end of the Execution Phase. Drive Select 1,0: These two binary encoded bits indicate the logical drive selected at the end of the Execution Phase. 00 e Drive 0 selected. 01 e Drive 1 selected. 10 e Drive 2 selected. 11 e Drive 3 selected. 3.10.3 Status Register 2 (ST2) D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 DESC 0 CM CD WT SEH SNS BT MD RESET COND 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D7 D6 3.10.2 Status Register 1 (ST1) D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 DESC ET 0 CE OR 0 ND NW MA RESET COND 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 D5 D4 End of Track: Controller transferred the last byte of the last sector without the TC pin becoming active. The last sector is the End of Track sector number programmed in the Command Phase. Not Used. Always 0. CRC Error: If this bit is set and bit 5 of ST2 is clear, then there was a CRC error in the Address Field of the correct sector. If bit 5 of ST2 is also set, then there was a CRC error in the Data Field. Overrun: Controller was not serviced by the mP soon enough during a data transfer in the Execution Phase. For read operations, indicates a data overrun. For write operations, indicates a data underrun. Not Used. Always 0. No Data: Three possible problems: 1. Controller cannot find the sector specified in the Command Phase during the execution of a Read, Write, Scan, or Verify command. An address mark was found however, so it is not a blank disk. 2. Controller cannot read any Address Fields without a CRC error during a Read ID command. 3. Controller cannot find starting sector during execution of Read A Track command. Not Writable: Write Protect pin is active when a Write or Format command is issued. Missing Address Mark: If bit 0 of ST2 is clear then the controller cannot detect any Address Field Address Mark after two disk revolutions. If bit 0 of ST2 is set then the controller cannot detect the Data Field Address Mark after finding the correct Address Field. D3 D2 D1 D0 Not Used. Always 0. Control Mark: Controller tried to read a sector which contained a deleted data address mark during execution of Read Data or Scan commands. Or, if a Read Deleted Data command was executed, a regular address mark was detected. CRC Error in Data Field: Controller detected a CRC error in the Data Field. Bit 5 of ST1 is also set. Wrong Track: Only set if desired sector is not found, and the track number recorded on any sector of the current track is different from the track address specified in the Command Phase. Scan Equal Hit: ‘‘Equal’’ condition satisfied during any Scan command. Scan Not Satisfied: Controller cannot find a sector on the track which meets the desired condition during any Scan command. Bad Track: Only set if the desired sector is not found, the track number recorded on any sector on the track is FF (hex) indicating a hard error in IBM format, and is different from the track address specified in the Command Phase. Missing Address Mark in Data Field: Controller cannot find the Data Field AM during a Read, Scan, or Verify command. Bit 0 of ST1 is also set. 3.10.4 Status Register 3 (ST3) D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 DESC 0 WP 1 TK0 1 HDS DS1 DS0 RESET COND 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 – D0 14 Not Used. Always 0. Write Protect: Indicates active high status of the WP pin. Not Used. Always 1. Track 0: Indicates active high status of the TRK0 pin. Not Used. Always 1. Head Select: Indicates the active high status of the HD bit in the Command Phase. Drive Select 1,0: These two binary encoded bits indicate the DS1 – DS0 bits in the Command Phase. 4.0 Command Set Description The following is a table of the PC8477B command set. Each command contains a unique first command byte called the opcode byte which will identify to the controller how many command bytes to expect. If an invalid command byte is issued to the controller, it will immediately go into the Result Phase and the status will be 80 (hex), which signifies Invalid Command. Result Phase Status Register 0 Status Register 1 Status Register 2 Undefined Undefined 4.1 COMMAND SET SUMMARY Undefined CONFIGURE Command Phase Undefined 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 EIS FIFO POLL 0 1 1 0 0 0 INVALID Command Phase Invalid Op Codes THRESH Result Phase PRETRK Status Register 0 (80 hex) Execution Phase: Internal registers written. No Result Phase LOCK Command Phase LOCK DUMPREG Command Phase 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 Execution Phase: Internal register is written. 0 0 1 1 1 0 Result Phase Execution Phase: Internal registers read. 0 0 0 LOCK 0 0 Result Phase MODE Command Phase PTR Drive 0 PTR Drive 1 PTR Drive 2 0 0 0 0 PTR Drive 3 TMR IAF IPS 0 FWR FRD Step Rate Time Motor Off Time Motor On Time DENSEL DMA 0 Sectors per Track/End of Track LOCK 0 DC3 DC2 0 EIS FIFO POLL DC1 DC0 GAP BST R255 BFR WLD 0 0 0 0 0 LOW PWR 0 0 0 1 1 ETR 0 0 Head Settle 0 RG O PU Execution Phase: Internal registers are written. WG No Result Phase THRESH PRETRK NSC Command Phase Note: Sectors per Track parameter returned if last command issued was Format. End of Track parameter returned if last command issued was Read or Write. 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 Result Phase FORMAT TRACK Command Phase 0 0 MFM 0 0 1 1 0 1 X X X X X HD DR1 DR0 1 PERPENDICULAR MODE Command Phase Bytes per Sector Sectors per Track Format Gap 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 OW 0 DC3 DC2 DC1 DC0 GAP WG Execution Phase: Internal registers are written. Data Pattern No Result Phase Execution Phase: System transfers four ID bytes (track, head, sector, bytes/sector) per sector to the floppy controller via DMA or Non-DMA modes. The entire track is formatted. The data block in the Data Field of each sector is filled with the data pattern byte. 15 4.0 Command Set Description (Continued) Result Phase READ DATA Command Phase Status Register 0 MT MFM SK 0 0 1 1 0 Status Register 1 IPS X X X X HD DR1 DR0 Status Register 2 Track Number Track Number Drive Head Number Head Number Sector Number Sector Number Bytes per Sector Bytes per Sector End of Track Sector Number Intersector Gap Length READ A TRACK Command Phase Data Length Execution Phase: Data read from disk drive is transferred to system via DMA or Non-DMA modes. 0 MFM 0 0 0 0 1 0 IPS X X X X HD DR1 DR0 Result Phase Track Number Status Register 0 Drive Head Number Status Register 1 Sector Number Status Register 2 Bytes per Sector Track Number End of Track Sector Number Head Number Intersector Gap Length Sector Number Data Length Bytes per Sector Execution Phase: Data read from disk drive is transferred to system via DMA or Non-DMA modes. READ DELETED DATA Command Phase Result Phase MT MFM SK 0 1 1 0 0 IPS X X X X HD DR1 DR0 Status Register 0 Status Register 1 Status Register 2 Track Number Track Number Drive Head Number Head Number Sector Number Sector Number Bytes per Sector Bytes per Sector End of Track Sector Number Intersector Gap Length RECALIBRATE Command Phase Data Length Execution Phase: Data read from disk drive is transferred to system via DMA or Non-DMA modes. Result Phase 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 DR1 DR0 Status Register 0 Execution Phase: Disk drive head is stepped out to Track 0. Status Register 1 No Result Phase Status Register 2 RELATIVE SEEK Command Phase Track Number Head Number Sector Number 1 DIR 0 0 1 1 1 1 Bytes per Sector X X X X X HD DR1 DR0 Relative Track Number Execution Phase: Disk drive head stepped in or out a programmable number of tracks. READ ID Command Phase 0 MFM 0 0 1 0 1 0 X X X X X HD DR1 DR0 No Result Phase Execution Phase: Controller reads first ID Field header bytes it can find and reports these bytes to the system in the result bytes. 16 4.0 Command Set Description (Continued) SCAN LOW OR EQUAL Command Phase SCAN EQUAL Command Phase MT MFM SK 1 0 0 0 1 MT MFM SK 1 1 0 0 1 IPS X X X X HD DR1 DR0 IPS X X X X HD DR1 DR0 Track Number Track Number Drive Head Number Drive Head Number Sector Number Sector Number Bytes per Sector Bytes per Sector End of Track Sector Number End of Track Sector Number Intersector Gap Length Intersector Gap Length Sector Step Size Sector Step Size Execution Phase: Data transferred from system to controller is compared to data read from disk. Execution Phase: Data transferred from system to controller is compared to data read from disk. Result Phase Result Phase Status Register 0 Status Register 0 Status Register 1 Status Register 1 Status Register 2 Status Register 2 Track Number Track Number Head Number Head Number Sector Number Sector Number Bytes per Sector Bytes per Sector SEEK Command Phase SCAN HIGH OR EQUAL Command Phase MT MFM SK IPS X X 1 1 1 0 1 X X HD DR1 DR0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 X X X X X HD DR1 DR0 0 0 0 New Track Number Track Number MSN of Track Number Drive Head Number 0 Note: Last Command Phase byte is required only if ETR is set in Mode Command. Sector Number Execution Phase: Disk drive head is stepped in or out to a programmable track. Bytes per Sector End of Track Sector Number No Result Phase Intersector Gap Length SENSE DRIVE STATUS Command Phase Sector Step Size Execution Phase: Data transferred from system to controller is compared to data read from disk. Result Phase 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 X X X X X HD DR1 DR0 Execution Phase: Disk drive status information is detected and reported. Status Register 0 Status Register 1 Result Phase Status Register 2 Status Register 3 Track Number Head Number SENSE INTERRUPT Command Phase Sector Number Bytes per Sector 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 Execution Phase: Status of interrupt is reported. Result Phase Status Register 0 Present Track Number (PTR) MSN of PTR 0 0 0 0 Note: Third Result Phase byte can only be read if ETR is set in the Mode Command. 17 4.0 Command Set Description (Continued) WRITE DATA Command Phase SET TRACK Command Phase 0 WNR 1 0 0 0 0 1 MT MFM 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 MSB DR1 DR0 IPS X X X X HD DR1 DR0 New Track Number (PTR) Track Number Drive Head Number Execution Phase: Internal register is read or written. Sector Number Result Phase Bytes per Sector Value End of Track Sector Number Intersector Gap Length SPECIFY Command Phase 0 0 Data Length 0 0 0 0 Step Rate Time 1 Execution Phase: Data is transferred from the system to the controller via DMA or Non-DMA modes and written to the disk. 1 Motor Off Time Motor On Time DMA Result Phase Execution Phase: Internal registers are written. Status Register 0 No Result Phase Status Register 1 Status Register 2 VERIFY Command Phase Track Number MT MFM SK 1 0 1 1 0 Head Number EC X X X X HD DR1 DR0 Sector Number Bytes per Sector Track Number Drive Head Number WRITE DELETED DATA Command Phase Sector Number Bytes per Sector End of Track Sector Number MT MFM 0 0 1 0 0 1 Intersector Gap Length IPS X X X X HD DR1 DR0 Track Number Data Length/Sector Count Drive Head Number Execution Phase: Data is read from disk but not transferred to the system. Sector Number Bytes per Sector Result Phase End of Track Sector Number Status Register 0 Intersector Gap Length Status Register 1 Data Length Status Register 2 Head Number Execution Phase: Data is transferred from the system to the controller via DMA or Non-DMA modes and written to the disk. Sector Number Result Phase Track Number Bytes per Sector Status Register 0 Status Register 1 VERSION Command Phase 0 0 0 Status Register 2 1 0 0 0 Track Number 0 Head Number Result Phase 1 0 Sector Number 0 1 0 0 0 0 Bytes per Sector 18 4.0 Command Set Description (Continued) 4.2 COMMAND DESCRIPTION 4.2.2 Dumpreg Command 4.2.1 Configure Command The Dumpreg command is designed to support system runtime diagnostics and application software development and debug. This command has a one byte command phase and a ten byte result phase, which return the values of parameters set in other commands. That is, the PTR (Present Track Register) contains the least significant byte of the track the microcode has stored for each drive. The Step Rate Time, Motor Off and Motor On Times, and the DMA bit are all set in the Specify command. The sixth byte of the result phase varies depending on which commands have been previously executed. If a format command has previously been issued, and no reads or writes have been issued since then, then this byte will contain the Sectors per track value. If a read or a write command has been executed more recently than a format command, this byte will contain the End of Track value. The LOCK bit is set in the Lock command. The eighth result byte also contains the bits programmed in the Perpendicular Mode command. The last two bytes of the Dumpreg Result Phase are set in the Configure command. After a hardware or software reset, the parameters in the result bytes will be set to their appropriate default values. The Configure Command will control some operation modes of the controller. It should be issued during the initialization of the PC8477B after power up. The function of the bits in the Configure registers is described below. These bits are set to their default values after a hardware reset. The value of each bit after a software reset is explained. The default value of each bit is denoted by a ‘‘bullet’’ to the left of each item. EIS: Enable Implied Seeks. Default after a software reset. # 0 e Implied seeks disabled through Configure command. Implied seeks can still be enabled through the Mode command when EIS e 0. (default) 1 e Implied seeks enabled for a read, write, scan, or verify operation. A seek and sense interrupt operation will be performed prior to the execution of the read, write, scan, or verify operation. The IPS bit does not need to be set. FIFO: Enable FIFO for Execution Phase data transfers. Default after a software reset if the LOCK bit is 0. If the LOCK bit is 1, then the FIFO bit will retain its previous value after a software reset. 0 e FIFO enabled for both reads and writes. Note: Some of these parameters are unaffected by a software reset, depending on the state of the LOCK bit. 4.2.3 Format Track Command This command will format one track on the disk in IBM, ISO, or Perpendicular Format. After the index hole is detected, data patterns are written on the disk including all Gaps, Address Marks, Address Fields, and Data Fields. The exact format is determined by the following parameters: 1. The MFM bit in the Opcode (first command) byte, which determines the format of the Address Marks and the encoding scheme. 2. The IAF bit in the Mode command, which selects between IBM and ISO format. 3. The WGATE and GAP bits in the Perpendicular Mode command, which select between the conventional and Toshiba Perpendicular format. 4. The Bytes per Sector code, which determines the sector size. 5. The Sectors per Track parameter, which determines how many sectors will be formatted on the track. 6. The Data Pattern byte, which is used as the filler byte in the Data Field of each sector. To allow for flexible formatting, the mP must supply the four Address Field bytes (track, head, sector, bytes per sector code) for each sector formatted during the Execution Phase. This allows for non-sequential sector interleaving. This transfer of bytes from the mP to the controller can be done in the DMA or Non-DMA mode, with the FIFO enabled or disabled. # 1 e FIFO disabled. (default) POLL: Disable for Drive Polling Mode. Default after a software reset. # 0 e Enable polling mode. An interrupt is generated after a reset. (default) 1 e Disable drive polling mode. If the Configure command is issued within 500 ms of a hardware or software reset, then an interrupt will not be generated. In addition, the four Sense Interrupt commands to clear the ‘‘Ready Changed State’’ of the four logical drives will not be required. THRESH: The FIFO threshold in the Execution Phase of read and write data transfers. Programmable from 00 to 0F hex. Defaults to 00 after a software reset if the LOCK bit is 0. If the LOCK bit is 1, then THRESH will retain its value. A high value of THRESH is suited for slow response systems, and a low value of THRESH is better for fast response systems. PRETRK: Starting track number for write precompensation. Programmable from track 0 (‘‘00’’) to track 255 (‘‘FF’’). Defaults to track 0 (‘‘00’’) after a software reset if the LOCK bit is 0. If the LOCK bit is 1, then PRETRK will retain its value. 19 4.0 Command Set Description (Continued) TL/F/11332 – 4 Notes: FE* e Data Pattern of FE, Clock Pattern of C7 FC* e Data Pattern of FC, Clock Pattern of D7 FB* e Data Pattern of FB, Clock Pattern of C7 F8* e Data Pattern of F8, Clock Pattern of C7 A1* e Data Pattern of A1, Clock Pattern of 0A C2* e Data Pattern of C2, Clock Pattern of 14 All byte counts in decimal All byte values in hex Two byte CRC uses standard polynomial x16 a x12 a x5 a 1 FM mode is not guaranteed through functional testing. Perpendicular Format GAP2 e 41 bytes for 1 Mb/s All other data rates use GAP2 e 22 bytes FIGURE 4-1. IBM, Perpendicular, and ISO Formats Supported by Format Command 20 4.0 Command Set Description (Continued) The Format command terminates when the index hole is detected a second time, at which point an interrupt is generated. Only the first three status bytes in the Result Phase are significant. The Format Gap byte in the Command Phase is dependent on the data rate and type of disk drive, and will control the length of GAP3. Some typical values for the programmable GAP3 are given in Table 4-1 below. Figure 4-1 shows the track format for the different formats recognized by the Format Command. 4.2.4 Invalid Command If an invalid command (illegal Opcode byte in the Command Phase) is received by the controller, the controller will respond with ST0 in the Result Phase. The controller does not generate an interrupt during this condition. Bits 6 and 7 in the MSR are both set to a 1, indicating to the mP that the controller is in the Result Phase and the contents of ST0 must be read. The system will read an 80 (hex) value from ST0 indicating an invalid command was received. TABLE 4-1. Typical Format Gap Length Values Mode Sector Size Sector Code EOT Sector Gap Format GAP3 Decimal Hex Hex Hex Hex 125 kb/s FM 128 128 256 512 1024 2048 00 00 01 02 03 04 12 10 08 04 02 01 07 10 18 46 C8 C8 09 19 30 87 FF FF 250 kb/s MFM 256 256 512 512 1024 2048 4096 01 01 02 02 03 04 05 12 10 08 09 04 02 01 0A 20 2A 2A 80 C8 C8 0C 32 50 50 F0 FF FF 250 kb/s FM 128 256 512 1024 2048 4096 00 01 02 03 04 05 1A 0F 08 04 02 01 07 0E 1B 47 C8 C8 1B 2A 3A 8A FF FF 500 kb/s MFM 256 512 512 1024 2048 4096 8192 01 02 02 03 04 05 06 1A 0F 12 08 04 02 01 0E 1B 1B 35 99 C8 C8 36 54 6C 74 FF FF FF Note: FM mode is not guaranteed through functional testing. Typical Values for PC Compatible Diskette Media Media Type 360K 1.2M 720K 1.44M 2.88M Sector Size Sector Code EOT Sector Gap Format GAP Decimal Hex Hex Hex Hex 512 512 512 512 512 02 02 02 02 02 09 0F 09 12 24 2A 1B 1B 1B 1B 50 54 50 6C 53 Notes: Sector Gap refers to the Intersector Gap Length parameter specified in the Command Phase of the Read, Write, Scan, and Verify commands. Although this is the recommended value, the PC8477B treats this byte as a don’t care in the Read, Write, Scan, and Verify commands. Format Gap is the suggested value to use in the Format Gap parameter of the Format command. This is the programmable GAP3 as shown in Figure 4-1 . The 2.88M diskette media is a new Barium Ferrite media intended for use in Perpendicular Recording drives at the data rate of up to 1 Mb/s. 21 4.0 Command Set Description (Continued) ETR: Extended Track Range. Default after a software reset. 4.2.5 Lock Command The Lock command allows the user full control of the FIFO parameters after a software reset. If the LOCK bit is set to 1, then the FIFO, THRESH, and PRETRK bits in the Configure command are not affected by a software reset. In addition, the FWR, FRD, and BST bits in the Mode command will be unaffected by a software reset. If the LOCK is 0 (default after a hardware reset), then the above bits will be set to their default values after a software reset. This command is useful if the system designer wishes to keep the FIFO enabled and retain the other FIFO parameter values (such as THRESH) after a software reset. After the command byte is written, the result byte must be read before continuing to the next command. The execution of the Lock command is not performed until the result byte is read by the mP. If the part is reset after the command byte is written but before the result byte is read, then the Lock command execution will not be performed. This is done to prevent accidental execution of the Lock command. # 0e Track number is stored as a 12-bit value. The upper four bits of the track value are stored in the upper four bits of the head number in the sector Address Field. This allows access to up to 4096 tracks during a seek operation. With this bit set, an extra byte is required in the Seek Command Phase and Sense Interrupt Result Phase. FWR: FIFO Write Disable for mP write transfers to controller. Default after a software reset if LOCK is 0. If LOCK is 1, FWR will retain its value after a software reset. 1e Note: This bit is only valid if the FIFO is enabled in the Configure command. If the FIFO is not enabled in the Configure command, then this bit is a don’t care. # 0e 4.2.6 Mode Command This command is used to select the special features of the controller. The bits for the Command Phase bytes are shown in Section 4.1 Command Set Summary, and their function is described below. These bits are set to their default values after a hardware reset. The default value of each bit is denoted by a ‘‘bullet’’ to the left of each item. The value of each parameter after a software reset will be explained. TMR: Motor Timer mode. Default after a software reset. # 0e Disable FIFO. All write data transfers take place without the FIFO. FRD: FIFO Read Disable for mP read transfer from controller. Default after a software reset if LOCK is 0. If LOCK is 1, FRD will retain its value after a software reset. Note: This bit is only valid if the FIFO is enabled in the Configure command. If the FIFO is not enabled in the Configure command, then this bit is a don’t care. # 0e Timers for motor on and motor off are defined for Mode 1. (See Specify command.) (default) Disable FIFO. All read data transfers take place without the FIFO. BST: Burst Mode Disable. Default after a software reset if LOCK is 0. If LOCK is 1, BST will retain its value after a software reset. The controller will format tracks with the Index Address Field included. (IBM and Perpendicular format.) Note: This bit is only valid if the FIFO is enabled in the Configure command. If the FIFO is not enabled in the Configure command, then this bit is a don’t care. # 0e The controller will format tracks without including the Index Address Field. (ISO format.) IPS: Implied Seek. Default after a software reset. 1e # Non-Burst mode enabled. The DRQ or INT pin will be strobed once for each byte to be transferred while the FIFO is enabled. R255: Recalibrate Step Pulses. The bit will determine the maximum number of recalibrate step pulses the controller will issue before terminating with an error. Default after a software reset. The implied seek bit in the command byte of a read, write or scan is ignored. Implied seeks could still be enabled by the EIS bit in the Configure command. The IPS bit in the command byte of a read, write or scan is enabled so that if it is set, the controller will perform seek and sense interrupt operations before executing the command. LOW PWR: Low Power mode. Default after a software reset. 01 e 10 e 11 e Burst mode enabled for FIFO Execution Phase data transfers. (default) 1e 1e # 00 e Enable FIFO. Execution Phase mP read transfer use the internal FIFO. (default) 1e Timers for motor on and motor off are defined for Mode 2. (See Specify command.) IAF: Index Address Format. Default after a software reset. 0e Enable FIFO. Execution Phase mP write transfers use the internal FIFO. (default) 1e 1e # 0e Track number is stored as a standard 8-bit value compatible with the IBM, ISO, and Perpendicular formats. This will allow access to up to 256 tracks during a seek operation. # 0e 85 maximum recalibrate step pulses. If ETR e 1, controller will issue 3925 recalibrate step pulses maximum. 255 maximum recalibrate step pulses. If ETR e 1, controller will issue 4095 maximum recalibrate step pulses. DENSEL: Density Select Pin Configuration. This two bit value will configure the Density Select output to one of three possible modes. The default mode will configure the DENSEL pin according to the state of the IDENT input pin after a data rate has been selected. That is, if IDENT is high, the DENSEL pin is active high for the 500 kb/s or 1 Mb/s data rates. 1e Completely disable the low power mode. (default) Automatic low power. Go into low power mode 512 ms after the head unload timer times out. This is based on 500 kb/s or 1 Mb/s data rate. Double this value for 250 kb/s. Manual low power. Go into low power mode now. Not used. 22 4.0 Command Set Description (Continued) 1 e Enable the MFM output to act as the active low output of the Data Separator charge pump. This signal consists of a series of pulses indicating when the phase comparator is making a phase correction. This Pump output will be active low for a pump up or pump down signal from the phase comparator, and is intended as a test mode to aid in the evaluation of the Data Separator. If IDENT is low, the DENSEL pin is active low for the 500 kb/s or 1 Mb/s data rates. In addition to these modes, the DENSEL output can be set to always low or always high, as shown in Table 4-2. This will allow the user more flexibility with new drive types. Note: The DENSEL output values shown below are with the INVERT pin tied low. If the INVERT pin is tied high, the outputs shown below have the opposite polarity. TABLE 4-2. DENSEL Decoding Bit 1 Bit 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 4.2.7 NSC Command The NSC command can be used to distinguish between the PC8477B version and the Intel 82077AA. The result Phase byte uniquely identifies the floppy controller as a PC8477B, which returns a value of 73 hex. The 82077AA and DP8473 return a value 80h signifying an invalid command. The lower four bits of this result byte are subject to change by NSC, and will reflect the particular version of the PC8477B part. DENSEL Pin Definition low high undefined DEFAULT TABLE 4-3. DENSEL Default Encoding Data Rate 250 kb/s 300 kb/s 500 kb/s 1 Mb/s Note: The PC8477A will return a value of 72h in the result phase of the NSC command. DENSEL (default) IDENT e 1 IDENT e 0 low low high high high high low low 4.2.8 Perpendicular Mode Command The Perpendicular Mode command is designed to support the unique Format and Write Data requirements of Perpendicular (Vertical) Recording disk drives (4 Mbytes unformatted capacity). The Perpendicular Mode command will configure each of the four logical drives as a perpendicular or conventional disk drive. Configuration of the four logical disk drives is done via the D3 – D0 bits, or with the GAP and WG control bits. This command should be issued during the initialization of the floppy controller. Perpendicular Recording drives operate in ‘‘Extra High Density’’ mode at 1 Mb/s, and are downward compatible with 1.44 Mbyte and 720 kbyte drives at 500 kb/s (High Density) and 250 kb/s (Double Density) respectively. If perpendicular drives are present in the system, this command should be issued during initialization of the floppy controller, which will configure each drive as perpendicular or conventional. Then, when a drive is accessed for a Format or Write Data command, the floppy controller will adjust the Format or Write Data parameters based on the data rate (see Table 4-4). Looking at the second command byte, DC3 – DC0 correspond to the four logical drives. A ‘‘0’’ written to DCn sets drive n to conventional mode, and a ‘‘1’’ sets drive n to perpendicular mode. Also, the OW (Overwrite) bit offers additional control. When OW e 1, changing the values of DC3 – DC0 (drive configuration bits) is enabled. When OW e 0, the internal values of DC3 – DC0 are unaffected, regardless of what is written to DC3 – DC0. BFR: CMOS Disk Interface Buffer Enable. # 0 e Drive output signals configured as standard 4 mA push-pull outputs (actually 48 mA sink, 4 mA source). (default) 1 e Drive output signals configured as 48 mA opendrain outputs. WLD: Scan Wild Card. # 0 e An FF (hex) from either the mP or the disk during a Scan command is interpreted as a wildcard character that will always match true. (default) 1 e The Scan commands do not recognize FF (hex) as a wildcard character. Head Settle: Time allowed for read/write head to settle after a seek during an Implied Seek operation. Data Rate HST Range 250 kb/s 300 kb/s 500 kb/s 1 Mb/s Nx8 N x 6.67 Nx4 Nx2 0–120 ms 0–100 ms 0–60 ms 0–30 ms Note: N e 8 (default) HST e Head Settle Time The function of the DCn bits must also be qualified by setting both WG and GAP to 0. If WG and GAP are used (i.e., not set to 00), they will override whatever is programmed in the DCn bits. Table 4-4A indicates the operation of the PC8477B based on the values of GAP and WG. Note that when GAP and WG are both 0, the DCn bits are used to configure each logical drive as conventional or perpendicular. DC3 – DC0 are unaffected by a software reset, but WG and GAP are both cleared to 0 after a software reset. A hardware reset will reset all the bits to zero (conventional mode for all drives). The Perpendicular Mode command bits may be rewritten at any time. RG: Read Gate Diagnostic. # 0 e Enable DSKCHG disk interface input for normal operation. (default) 1 e Enable DSKCHG to act as an external Read Gate input signal to the Data Separator. This is intended as a test mode to aid in evaluation of the Data Separator. PU: PUMP Pulse Output Diagnostic. # 0 e Enable MFM output pin for normal operation. (default) Note: When in the Perpendicular Mode for any drive at any data rate via the DC3–DC0 bits, write precompensation is set to zero. 23 4.0 Command Set Description (Continued) TABLE 4-4. Effect of Drive Mode and Data Rate on Format and Write Commands Drive Mode GAP2 Length Written During Format Portion of GAP2 Re-Written by Write Data Command 250/300/500 kb/s Conventional Perpendicular 22 bytes 22 bytes 0 bytes 19 bytes 1 Mb/s Conventional Perpendicular 22 bytes 41 bytes 0 bytes 38 bytes Data Rate TABLE 4-4A. Effect of GAP and WG on Format and Write Commands GAP WG Mode Description GAP2 Length Written During Format Portion of GAP2 Re-Written by Write Data Command 0 0 Conventional 22 bytes 0 bytes 0 1 Perpendicular (s500 kb/s) 22 bytes 19 bytes 1 0 Reserved (Conventional) 22 bytes 0 bytes 1 1 Perpendicular (1 Mb/s) 41 bytes 38 bytes Perpendicular Recording type disk drives have a Pre-Erase Head which leads the Read/Write Head by 200 mm, which translates to 38 bytes at the 1 Mb/s data transfer rate (19 bytes at 500 kb/s). The increased spacing between the two heads requires a larger GAP2 between the Address Field and Data Field of a sector at 1 Mb/s. (See Perpendicular Format in Table 4-1.) This GAP2 length of 41 bytes (at 1 Mb/s) will ensure that the Preamble in the Data Field is completely ‘‘pre-erased’’ by the Pre-Erase Head. Also, during Write Data operations to a perpendicular drive, a portion of GAP2 must be rewritten by the controller to guarantee that the Data Field Preamble has been pre-erased (see Table 4-4). TABLE 4-5. Sector Size Selection 4.2.9 Read Data Command The Read Data command reads logical sectors containing a Normal Data AM from the selected drive and makes the data available to the host mP. After the last Command Phase byte is written, the controller will simulate the Motor On Time for the selected drive internally. The user must turn on the drive motor directly by enabling the appropriate drive and motor select disk interface outputs with the Digital Output Register (DOR). If Implied Seeks are enabled, the controller will perform a Seek operation to the track number specified in the Command Phase. The controller will also issue a Sense Interrupt for the seek and wait the Head Settle time specified in the Mode command. The correct ID information (track, head, sector, bytes per sector) for the desired sector must be specified in the command bytes. See Table 4-5 Sector Size Selection for details on the bytes per sector code. In addition, the End of Track Sector Number (EOT) should be specified, allowing the controller to read multiple sectors. The Data Length byte is a don’t care and should be set to FF (hex). Bytes per Sector Code Number of Bytes in Data Field 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 128 256 512 1024 2048 4096 8192 16384 The controller then starts the Data Separator and waits for the Data Separator to find the next sector Address Field. The controller compares the Address Field ID information (track, head, sector, bytes per sector) with the desired ID specified in the Command Phase. If the sector ID bytes do not match, then the controller waits for the Data Separator to find the next sector Address Field. The ID comparison process repeats until the Data Separator finds a sector Address Field ID that matches that in the command bytes, or until an error occurs. Possible errors are: 1. The mP aborted the command by writing to the FIFO. If there is no disk in the drive, the controller will hang up. The mP must then take the controller out of this hung state by writing a byte to the FIFO. This will put the controller into the Result Phase. 2. Two index pulses were detected since the search began, and no valid ID has been found. If the track address ID differs, the WT bit or BT bit (if the track address is FF hex) will be set in ST2. If the head, sector, or bytes per sector code did not match, the ND bit is set in ST1. If the Address Field AM was never found, the MA bit is set in ST1. 3. The Address Field was found with a CRC error. The CE bit is set in ST1. 24 4.0 Command Set Description (Continued) 3. Overrun error. The OR bit in ST1 is set. The IC bits in ST0 are set to Abnormal Termination. If the mP cannot service a transfer request in time, the last correctly read byte will be transferred. 4. CRC error. The CE bit in ST1 and CD bit in ST2 are set. The IC bits in ST0 are set to Abnormal Termination. If MT was set in the Opcode command byte, and the last sector of side 0 has been transferred, the controller will then continue with side 1, starting with sector 1 and continuing until EOT sector number is reached or TC occurs. Upon terminating the Execution Phase of the Read Data command, the controller will assert INT, indicating the beginning of the Result Phase. The mP must then read the result bytes from the FIFO. The values that will be read back in the result bytes are shown in Table 4-7. If an error occurs, the result bytes will indicate the sector read when the error occurred. Once the desired sector Address Field is found, the controller waits for the Data Separator to find the subsequent Data Field for that sector. If the Data Field (normal or deleted) is not found with the expected time, the controller terminates the operation and enters the Result Phase (MD is set in ST2). If a Deleted Data Mark is found and SK was set in the Opcode command byte, the controller skips this sector and searches for the next sector Address Field as described above. The effect of SK on the Read Data command is summarized in Table 4-6. Having found the Data Field, the controller then transfers data bytes from the disk drive to the host (described in Section 5.3 Controller Phases) until the bytes per sector count has been reached, or the host terminates the operation (through TC, end of track, or implicitly through overrun). The controller will then generate the CRC for the sector and compare this value with the CRC at the end of the Data Field. Having finished reading the sector, the controller will continue reading the next logical sector unless one or more of the following termination conditions occurred: 1. The DMA controller asserted TC. The IC bits in ST0 are set to Normal Termination. 2. The last sector address (of side 1 if MT was set) was equal to EOT. The EOT bit in ST1 is set. The IC bits in ST0 are set to Abnormal Termination. This is the expected condition during Non-DMA transfers. 4.2.10 Read Deleted Data Command The Read Deleted Data command reads logical sectors containing a Deleted Data AM from the selected drive and makes the data available to the host mP. This command is identical to the Read Data command, except for the setting of the CM bit in ST2 and the skipping of sectors. The effect of SK on the Read Deleted Data command is summarized in Table 4-8. See Table 4-7 for the state of the result bytes for a Normal Termination of the command. TABLE 4-6. SK Effect on Read Data Command SK Data Type Sector Read? CM Bit (ST2) 0 Normal Y 0 Normal Termination Description of Results 0 Deleted Y 1 No Further Sectors Read 1 Normal Y 0 Normal Termination 1 Deleted N 1 Sector Skipped TABLE 4-7. Result Phase Termination Values with No Error MT HD ID Information at Result Phase Last Sector Track Head Sector Bytes/Sector 0 0 k EOT NC NC Sa1 NC 0 0 e EOT Ta1 NC 1 NC 0 1 k EOT NC NC Sa1 NC 0 1 e EOT Ta1 NC 1 NC 1 0 k EOT NC H Sa1 NC 1 0 e EOT Ta1 0 1 NC 1 1 k EOT NC H Sa1 NC 1 1 e EOT Ta1 0 1 NC EOT e End of Track Sector Number from Command Phase NC e No Change in Value S e Sector Number last operated on by controller T e Track Number programmed in Command Phase H e Head last selected by controller TABLE 4-8. SK Effect on Read Deleted Data Command SK Data Type Sector Read? CM Bit (ST2) Description of Results Y 1 No Further Sectors Read Deleted Y 0 Normal Termination Normal N 1 Sector Skipped Deleted Y 0 Normal Termination 0 Normal 0 1 1 25 4.0 Command Set Description (Continued) brate step pulse values based on the R255 and ETR bits in the Mode command. If the number of tracks on the disk drive exceeds the maximum number of recalibrate step pulses, another Recalibrate command may need to be issued. 4.2.11 Read ID Command The Read ID command finds the next available Address Field and returns the ID bytes (track, head, sector, bytes per sector) to the mP in the Result Phase. There is no data transfer during the Execution Phase of this command. An interrupt will be generated when the Execution Phase is completed. The controller first simulates the Motor On time for the selected drive internally. The user must turn on the drive motor directly by enabling the appropriate drive and motor select disk interface outputs with the Digital Output Register (DOR). The Read ID command does not perform an implied seek. After waiting the Motor On time, the controller starts the Data Separator and waits for the Data Separator to find the next sector Address Field. If an error condition occurs, the IC bits in ST0 are set to Abnormal Termination, and the controller enters the Result Phase. Possible errors are: 1. The mP aborted the command by writing to the FIFO. If there is no disk in the drive, the controller will hang up. The mP must then take the controller out of this hung state by writing a byte to the FIFO. This will put the controller into the Result Phase. 2. Two index pulses were detected since the search began, and no AM has been found. If the Address Field AM was never found, the MA bit is set in ST1. TABLE 4-9. Maximum Recalibrate Step Pulses Based on R255 and ETR R255 ETR Maximum Recalibrate Step Pulses 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 85 (default) 255 3925 4095 After the last command byte is issued, the DRx BUSY bit is set in the MSR for the selected drive. The controller will simulate the Motor On time, and then enter the Idle Phase. The execution of the actual step pulses occurs while the controller is in the Drive Polling Phase. An interrupt will be generated after the TRK0 signal is asserted, or after the maximum number of recalibrate step pulses are issued. There is no Result Phase. Recalibrates on more than one drive at a time should not be issued for the same reason as explained in the Seek command. No other command except the Sense Interrupt command should be issued while a Recalibrate command is in progress. 4.2.12 Read A Track Command The Read a Track command reads sectors in physical order from the selected drive and makes the data available to the host. This command is similar to the Read Data command except for the following differences: 1. The controller waits for the index pulse before searching for a sector Address Field. If the mP writes to the FIFO before the index pulse, the command will enter the Result Phase with the IC bits in ST0 set to Abnormal Termination. 2. A comparison of the sector Address Field ID bytes will be performed, except for the sector number. The internal sector address is set to 1, and then incremented for each successive sector read. 3. If the Address Field ID comparison fails, the controller sets ND in ST1, but continues to read the sector. If there is a CRC error in the Address Field, the controller sets CE in ST1, but continues to read the sector. 4. Multi-track and Skip operations are not allowed. SK and MT should be set to 0. 4.2.14 Relative Seek Command The Relative Seek command steps the selected drive in or out a given number of steps. This command will step the read/write head an incremental number of tracks, as opposed to comparing against the internal present track register for that drive. The Relative Seek parameters are defined as follows: DIR: Read/Write Head Step Direction Control 0 e Step Head Out 1 e Step Head In RTN: Relative Track Number. This value will determine how many incremental tracks to step the head in or out from the current track number. The controller will issue RTN number of step pulses and update the Present Track Register for the selected drive. The one exception to this is if the TRK0 disk input goes active, which indicates that the drive read/write head is at the outermost track. In this case, the step pulses for the Relative Seek are terminated, and the PTR value is set according to the actual number of step pulses issued. The arithmetic is done modulo 255. The DRx BUSY bit in the MSR is set for the selected drive. The controller will simulate the Motor On time before issuing the step pulses. After the Motor On time, the controller will enter the Idle Phase. The execution of the actual step pulses occurs in the Idle Phase of the controller. After the step operation is complete, the controller will generate an interrupt. There is no Result Phase. Relative Seeks on more than one drive at a time should not be issued for the same reason as explained in the Seek command. No other command except the Sense Interrupt command should be issued while a Relative Seek command is in progress. 5. If there is a CRC error in the Data Field, the controller sets CE in ST1 and CD in ST2, but continues reading sectors. 6. The controller reads a maximum of EOT physical sectors. There is no support for multi-track reads. 4.2.13 Recalibrate Command The Recalibrate command is very similar to the Seek command. The controller sets the Present Track Register (PTR) of the selected drive to zero. It then steps the head of the selected drive out until the TRK0 disk interface input signal goes active, or until the maximum number of step pulses have been issued. See Table 4-9 for the maximum recali- 26 4.0 Command Set Description (Continued) command except a Sense Interrupt command should be issued while a Seek command is in progress. 4.2.15 Scan Commands The Scan commands allow data read from the disk to be compared against data sent from the mP. There are three Scan commands to choose from: Scan Equal Disk Data e mP Data Scan Low or Equal Disk Data s mP Data Scan High or Equal Disk Data t mP Data Each sector is interpreted with the most significant bytes first. If the Wildcard mode is enabled in the Mode command, an FF (hex) from either the disk or the mP is used as a don’t care byte that will always match equal. After each sector is read, if the desired condition has not been met, the next sector is read. The next sector is defined as the current sector number plus the Sector Step Size specified. The Scan command will continue until the scan condition has been met, or the EOT has been reached, or if TC is asserted. Read errors on the disk will have the same error conditions as the Read Data command. If the SK bit is set, sectors with deleted data marks are ignored. If all sectors read are skipped, the command will terminate with D3 of ST2 set (Scan Equal Hit). The Result Phase of the command is shown in Table 4-10. If the extended track range mode is enabled with the ETR bit in the Mode command, a fourth command byte should be written in the Command Phase to indicate the four most significant bits of the desired track number. Otherwise, only three command bytes should be written. 4.2.17 Sense Drive Status Command The Sense Drive Status command returns the status of the selected disk drive in ST3. This command does not generate an interrupt. 4.2.18 Sense Interrupt Command The Sense Interrupt command is used to determine the cause of interrupt when the interrupt is a result of the change in status of any disk drive. Four possible causes of the interrupt are: 1. Upon entering the Result Phase of: a. Read Data command b. Read Deleted Data command c. Read a Track command d. Read ID command e. Write Data command f. Write Deleted Data command g. Format command h. Scan command i. Verify command 2. During data transfers in the Execution Phase while in the Non-DMA mode. 3. Ready Changed State during the polling mode for an internally selected drive. (Occurs only after a hardware or software reset.) 4. Seek, Relative Seek, or Recalibrate termination. An interrupt due to reasons 1 and 2 does not require the Sense Interrupt command and is cleared automatically. This interrupt occurs during normal command operations and is easily discernible by the mP via the MSR. This interrupt is cleared reading or writing information from/to the Data Register (FIFO). Interrupts caused by reason 3 and 4 are identified with the aid of the Sense Interrupt command. The interrupt is cleared after the first result byte has been read. Use bits 5, 6, and 7 of ST0 to identify the cause of the interrupt as shown in Table 4-11. TABLE 4-10. Scan Command Termination Values Command Status Register 2 Conditions D2 D3 Scan Equal 0 1 1 0 Disk e mP Disk i mP Scan Low or Equal 0 0 1 1 0 0 Disk e mP Disk k mP Disk l mP Scan High or Equal 0 0 1 1 0 0 Disk e mP Disk k mP Disk l mP 4.2.16 Seek Command The Seek command issues step pulses to move the selected drive head in or out until the desired track number is reached. During the Execution Phase of the Seek command, the track number to seek to is compared with the present track number. The controller will determine how many step pulses to issue and the DIR disk interface output will indicate which direction the R/W head should move. The DRx BUSY bit is set in the MSR for the appropriate drive. The controller will wait the Motor On time before issuing the first step pulse. After the Motor On time, the controller will enter the Idle Phase. The execution of the actual step pulses occurs in the Drive Polling phase of the controller. The step pulse rate is determined by the value programmed in the Specify command. An interrupt will be generated one step pulse period after the last step pulse is issued. There is no Result Phase. A Sense Interrupt command should be issued to determine the cause of the interrupt. While the internal microengine is capable of multiple seeks on 2 or more drives at the same time, software should ensure that only one drive is seeking or recalibrating at a time. This is because the drives are actually selected via the DOR, which can only select one drive at a time. No other TABLE 4-11. Status Register 0 Termination Codes Status Register 0 Interrupt Code Seek End Cause D7 D6 D5 1 1 0 Internal Ready Went True 0 0 1 Normal Seek Termination 0 1 1 Abnormal Seek Termination Issuing a Sense Interrupt command without an interrupt pending is treated as an Invalid command. If the extended track range mode is enabled, a third byte should be read in the Result Phase, which will indicate the four most significant bits of the present track number. Otherwise, only two result bytes should be read. 27 4.0 Command Set Description (Continued) Motor Off Time: These four bits determine the simulated Motor Off time as shown in Table 4-14. 4.2.19 Set Track Command This command is used to inspect or change the value of the internal Present Track Register. This could be useful for recovery from disk mis-tracking errors, where the real current track could be read through the Read ID command, and then the Set Track command could be used to set the internal Present Track Register to the correct value. If the WNR bit is a 0, a track register is to be read. In this case, the Result Phase byte contains the value in the internal register specified, and the third byte in the Command Phase is a dummy byte. If the WNR bit is a 1, data is written to a track register. In this case the third byte of the Command Phase is written to the specified internal track register, and the Result Phase byte contains this new value written. The DS1 and DS0 bits select the Present Track Register for the particular drive. The internal register address depends on MSB, DS1, and DS0 as shown in Table 4-12. This command does not generate an interrupt. TABLE 4-14. Motor Off Time (MFT) Values 1 Mb/s 500 kb/s 300 kb/s 250 kb/s DS0 MSB Register Addressed 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 PTR0(LSB) PTR0(MSB) PTR1(LSB) PTR1(MSB) PTR2(LSB) PTR2(MSB) PTR3(LSB) PTR3(MSB) Mode 2 (TMR e 1) Value Range Value Range MFT x 8 MFT x 16 MFT x 80/3 MFT x 32 8 – 128 16 – 256 26.7 – 427 32 – 512 MFT x 512 MFT x 512 MFT x 2560/3 MFT x 1024 512 – 8192 512 – 8192 853 – 13653 1024 – 16384 Units ms ms ms ms Note: MFT e 0 is treated as Motor Off Time e 16. Motor On Time: These seven bits determine the simulated Motor On time as shown in Table 4-15. TABLE 4-15. Motor On Time (MNT) Values Data Rate Mode 1 (TMR e 0) Value 1 Mb/s MNT 500 kb/s MNT 300 kb/s MNT x 10/3 250 kb/s MNT x 4 TABLE 4-12. Set Track Register Address DS1 Mode 1 (TMR e 0) Data Rate Range Mode 2 (TMR e 1) Value 1–128 MNT x 32 1–128 MNT x 32 3.3–427 MNT x 160/3 4–512 MNT x 64 Units Range 32–4096 32–4096 53–6827 64–8192 ms ms ms ms Note 1: MNT e 0 is treated as Motor On Time e 128. Note 2: For PC8477A at 500 kb/s when TMR e 0 the value is MNT x 2 and range is 2–256. DMA: This bit selects the data transfer mode in the Execution Phase of a read, write, or scan operation. TABLE 4-13. Step Rate Time (SRT) Values Value Range Units 1 Mb/s 500 kb/s 300 kb/s 250 kb/s (16-SRT) x 0.5 (16-SRT) (16-SRT) x 1.67 (16-SRT) x 2 0.5–8 1–16 1.67–26.7 2–32 ms ms ms ms DMA mode is selected. 1 Non-DMA mode is selected. 4.2.21 Verify Command The Verify command reads logical sectors containing a Normal Data AM from the selected drive without transferring the data to the host. This command is identical to the Read Data command, except that no data is transferred during the Execution Phase. The Verify command is designed for post-format or postwrite verification. Data is read from the disk, as the controller checks for valid Address Marks in the Address and Data Fields. The CRC is computed and checked against the previously stored value on the disk. The EOT value should be set to the final sector to be checked on each side. If EOT is greater than the number of sectors per side, the command will terminate with an error and no useful Address Mark or CRC data will be given. The TC pin cannot be used to terminate this command since no data is transferred. The command can simulate a TC by setting the EC bit to a 1. In this case, the command will terminate when SC (Sector Count) sectors have been read. (If SC e 0 then 256 sectors will be verified.) If EC e 0, then the command will terminate when EOT is equal to the last sector to be checked. In this case, the Data Length parameter should be set to FF hex. Refer to Table 4-7 for the Result Phase values for a successful completion of the command. Also see Table 4-16 for further explanation of the result bytes with respect to the MT and EC bits. 4.2.20 Specify Command The Specify command sets the initial values for three internal timers. The function of these Specify parameters is described below. The parameters of this command are undefined after power up, and are unaffected by any reset. Thus, software should always issue a Specify command as part of an initialization routine. This command does not generate an interrupt. The Motor Off and Motor On timers are artifacts of the mPD765. These timers determine the delay from selecting a drive motor until a read or write operation is started, and the delay of deselecting the drive motor after the command is completed. Since the PC8477B enables the drive and motor select line directly through the DOR, these timers only provide some delay from the initiation of a command until it is actually started. Step Rate Time: These four bits define the time interval between successive step pulses during a seek, implied seek, recalibrate, or relative seek. The programming of this step rate is shown in Table 4-13. Data Rate 0 28 4.0 Command Set Description (Continued) TABLE 4-16. Verify Command Result Phase Table MT EC SC/EOT Value 0 0 DTL used (should be FF hex) EOT s Ý Sectors per Side No Errors Termination Result 0 0 DTL used (should be FF hex) EOT l Ý Sectors per Side Abnormal Termination 0 1 SC s Ý Sectors per Side AND SC s EOT No Errors 0 1 SC l Ý Sectors Remaining OR SC l EOT Abnormal Termination 1 0 DTL used (should be FF hex) EOT s Ý Sectors per Side No Errors 1 0 DTL used (should be FF hex) EOT l Ý Sectors per Side Abnormal Termination 1 1 SC s Ý Sectors per Side AND SC s EOT No Errors 1 1 SC s (EOT x 2) AND EOT s Ý Sectors per Side No Errors 1 1 SC l (EOT x 2) Abnormal Termination Note 1: Ý Sectors per Side e number of formatted sectors per each side of the disk. Note 2: Ý Sectors Remaining e number of formatted sectors left which can be read, which includes side 1 of the disk if the MT bit is set to 1. Note 3: If MT e 1 and the SC value is greater than the number of remaining formatted sectors on side 0, verifying will continue on side 1 of the disk. 2. Two index pulses were detected since the search began, and no valid ID has been found. If the track address ID differs, the WT bit or BT bit (if the track address is FF hex) will be set in ST2. If the head, sector, or bytes per sector code did not match, the ND bit is set in ST1. If the Address Field AM was never found, the MA bit is set in ST1. 3. The Address Field was found with a CRC error. The CE bit is set in ST1. 4. If the controller detects the Write Protect disk interface input is asserted, bit 1 of ST1 is set. If the correct Address Field is found, the controller waits for all (conventional mode) or part (perpendicular mode) of GAP2 to pass. The controller will then write the preamble field, address marks, and data bytes to the Data Field. The data bytes are transferred to the controller by the mP. Having finished writing the sector, the controller will continue reading the next logical sector unless one or more of the following termination conditions occurred: 1. The DMA controller asserted TC. The IC bits in ST0 are set to Normal Termination. 2. The last sector address (of side 1 if MT was set) was equal to EOT. The EOT bit in ST1 is set. The IC bits in ST0 are set to Abnormal Termination. This is the expected condition during Non-DMA transfers. 3. Underrun error. The OR bit in ST1 is set. The IC bits in ST0 are set to Abnormal Termination. If the mP cannot service a transfer request in time, the last correctly written byte will be written to the disk. 4.2.22 Version Command The Version command can be used to determine the floppy controller being used. The Result Phase uniquely identifies the floppy controller version. The PC8477B returns a value of 90 hex in order to be compatible with the 82077. The DP8473 and other NEC765 compatible controllers will return a value of 80 hex (invalid command). 4.2.23 Write Data Command The Write Data command receives data from the host and writes logical sectors containing a Normal Data AM to the selected drive. The operation of this command is similar to the Read Data command except that the data is transferred from the mP to the controller instead of the other way around. The controller will simulate the Motor On time before starting the operation. If implied seeks are enabled, the seek and sense interrupt functions are then performed. The controller then starts the Data Separator and waits for the Data Separator to find the next sector Address Field. The controller compares the Address ID (track, head, sector, bytes per sector) with the desired ID specified in the Command Phase. If there is no match, the controller waits to find the next sector Address Field. This process continues until the desired sector is found. If an error condition occurs, the IC bits in ST0 are set to Abnormal Termination, and the controller enters the Result Phase. Possible errors are: 1. The mP aborted the command by writing to the FIFO. If there is no disk in the drive, the controller will hang up. The mP must then take the controller out of this hung state by writing a byte to the FIFO. This will put the controller into the Result Phase. 29 4.0 Command Set Description (Continued) Model 30 ModeÐ(IDENT tied low, MFM pulled low externally): This mode supports the PS/2 Model 30 configuration and register set. The DMA enable bit in the Digital Output Register becomes valid (INT and DRQ can be TRI-STATE). TC is active high and DENSEL becomes active low (default to 3.5× floppy drive). If MT was set in the Opcode command byte, and the last sector of side 0 has been transferred, the controller will then continue with side 1, starting with sector 1 and continuing until EOT Sector Ý is reached or TC occurs. Result phase terminattion values listed in Table 4-7. 4.2.24 Write Deleted Data The Write Deleted Data command receives data from the host and writes logical sectors containing a Deleted Data AM to the selected drive. This command is identical to the Write Data command except that a Deleted Data AM is written to the Data Field instead of a Normal Data AM. 5.3 CONTROLLER PHASES The PC8477B has three separate phases of a command, the Command Phase, the Execution Phase, and the Result Phase. Each of these controller phases will determine how data is transferred between the floppy controller and the host microprocessor. In addition, when no command is in progress, the controller is in the Idle Phase or Drive Polling Phase. 5.0 Functional Description The PC8477B is pin compatible with the 82077AA floppy disk controller. It is software compatible with the DP8473 and 82077AA floppy disk controllers. Upon a power-on reset, the 16 byte FIFO will be disabled. Also, the disk interface outputs will be configured as active push-pull outputs, which are compatible with both CMOS inputs and open-collector resistor terminated disk drive inputs. The FIFO can be enabled with the Configure command. The FIFO can be very useful at the higher data rates, with systems that have a large amount of DMA bus latency, or with multi-tasking systems such as the EISA or MCA bus structures. The PC8477B will support all the DP8473 Mode command features as well as some additional features. These include control over the enabling of the FIFO for reads and writes, a Non-Burst mode for the FIFO, a bit that will configure the disk interface outputs as open-drain outputs, and programmability of the DENSEL output. 5.3.1 Command Phase During the Command Phase, the mP writes a series of bytes to the Data Register. The first command byte contains the opcode for the command, and the controller will know how many more bytes to expect based on this opcode byte. The remaining command bytes contain the particular parameters required for the command. The number of command bytes will vary for each particular command. All the command bytes must be written in the order specified in the Command Description Table. The Execution Phase starts immediately after the last byte in the Command Phase is written. Prior to performing the Command Phase, the Digital Output Register should be set and the data rate should be set with the Data Rate Select Register or Configuration Control Register. The Main Status Register controls the flow of command bytes, and must be polled by the software before writing each Command Phase byte to the Data Register. Prior to writing a command byte, the RQM bit (D7) must be set and the DIO bit (D6) must be cleared in the MSR. After the first command byte is written to the Data Register, the CMD PROG bit (D4) will also be set and will remain set until the last Result Phase byte is read. If there is no Result Phase, the CMD PROG bit will be cleared after the last command byte is written. A new command may be initiated after reading all the result bytes from the previous command. If the next command requires selecting a different drive or changing the data rate, the DOR and DSR or CCR should be updated. If the command is the last command, then the software should deselect the drive. 5.1 MICROPROCESSOR INTERFACE The PC8477B interface to the microprocessor consists of the CS, RD, and WR lines, which access the chip for reads and writes; the data lines D7–D0; the address lines A2–A0, which select the register to be accessed (see Table 3-1); the INT signal, and the DMA interface signals DRQ, DACK, and TC. It is through this microprocessor interface that the floppy controller receives commands, transfers data, and returns status information. 5.2 MODES OF OPERATION The PC8477B has three modes of operation: PC-AT mode, PS/2 mode, and Model 30 mode, which are determined by the state of the IDENT pin and MFM pin. IDENT can be tied directly to VCC or GND. The MFM pin must be tied high or low with a 10 kX resistor (there is an internal 40 kX – 50 kX resistor on the MFM pin). The state of these pins is interrogated by the controller during a chip reset to determine the mode of operation. See Section 3.0 Register Description for more details on the register set used for each mode of operation. After chip reset, the state of IDENT can be changed to change the polarity of DENSEL (see Section 2.0 Pin Description). PC-AT ModeÐ(IDENT tied high, MFM is a don’t care): The PC-AT register set is enabled. The DMA enable bit in the Digital Output Register becomes valid (INT and DRQ can be TRI-STATE). TC and DENSEL become active high signals (defaults to a 5.25× floppy drive). PS/2 ModeÐ(IDENT tied low, MFM pulled high internally): This mode supports the PS/2 Models 50/60/80 configuration and register set. The DMA enable bit in the Digital Output Register becomes a don’t care (INT and DRQ signals will always be valid). TC and DENSEL become active low signals (default to 3.5× floppy drive). Note: As a general rule, the operation of the controller core is independent of how the mP updates the DOR, DSR, and CCR. The software must ensure that the manipulation of these registers is coordinated with the controller operation. 5.3.2 Execution Phase During the Execution Phase, the disk controller performs the desired command. Commands that involve data transfers, such as a read, write, or format operation, will require the mP to write or read data to or from the Data Register at this time. Some commands such as a Seek or Recalibrate will control the read/write head movement on the disk drive during the Execution Phase via the disk interface signals. The execution of other commands does not involve any action by the mP or disk drive, and consists of an internal operation by the controller. If there is data to be transferred between the mP and the controller during the Execution, there are three methods that can be used, DMA mode, interrupt transfer mode, and 30 5.0 Functional Description (Continued) For both the Burst and Non-Burst modes, when the last byte in the FIFO has been read, DRQ will go inactive. DRQ will then be reasserted when the FIFO trigger condition is satisfied. After the last byte of a sector has been read from the disk, DRQ is again generated even if the FIFO has not yet reached its threshold trigger condition. This will guarantee that all the current sector bytes are read from the FIFO before the next sector byte transfer begins. Write Data Transfers Whenever the number of bytes in the FIFO is less than or equal to THRESH, a DRQ is generated. This is the trigger condition for the FIFO write data transfers from the mP to the floppy controller. Burst Mode: DRQ will remain active until enough bytes have been written to the controller to completely fill the FIFO. Non-Burst Mode: DRQ will be deasserted after each write transfer. If the FIFO is not yet full, DRQ will be reasserted after a 350 ns delay. This deassertion of DRQ will allow other higher priority DMA transfers to take place between floppy transfers. The FIFO has a byte counter which will monitor the number of bytes being transferred to the FIFO during write operations for both Burst and Non-Burst modes. When the last byte of a sector is transferred to the FIFO, DRQ will be deasserted even if the FIFO has not been completely filled. In this way, the FIFO will be cleared after each sector is written. Only after the floppy controller has determined that another sector is to be written will DRQ be asserted again. Also, since DRQ is deasserted immediately after the last byte of a sector is written to the FIFO, the system does not need to tolerate any DRQ deassertion delay and is free to do other work. Read and Write Data Transfers The DACK input signal from the DMA controller may be held active during an entire burst or it may be strobed for each byte transferred during a read or write operation. When in the Burst mode, the floppy controller will deassert DRQ as soon as it recognizes that the last byte of a burst was transferred. If DACK is strobed for each byte, the leading edge of this strobe is used to deassert DRQ. If DACK is strobed, RD or WR are not required. This is the case during the Read Verify mode of the DMA Controller. If DACK is held active during the entire burst, the trailing edge of the RD or WR strobe is used to deassert DRQ. DRQ will be deasserted within 50 ns of the leading edge of DACK, RD, or WR. This quick response should prevent the DMA controller from transferring extra bytes in most applications. Overrun Errors An overrun or underrun error will terminate the execution of the command if the system does not transfer data within the allotted data transfer time (see Section 3.7), which will put the controller into the Result Phase. During a read overrun, the mP is required to read the remaining bytes of the sector before the controller will assert INT, signifying the end of execution. During a write operation, an underrun error will terminate the Execution Phase after the controller has written the remaining bytes of the sector with the last correctly written byte to the FIFO and generated the CRC bytes. Whether there is an error or not, an interrupt is generated at the end of the Execution Phase, and is cleared by reading the first Result Phase byte. software polling mode. The last two modes are called the Non-DMA modes. The DMA mode is used if the system has a DMA controller. This allows the mP to do other tasks while the data transfer takes place during the Execution Phase. If the Non-DMA mode is used, an interrupt is issued for each byte transferred during the Execution Phase. Also, instead of using the interrupt during Non-DMA mode, the Main Status Register can be polled by software to indicate when a byte transfer is required. All of these data transfer modes will work with the FIFO enabled or disabled. DMA ModeÐFIFO Disabled The DMA mode is selected by writing a 0 to the DMA bit in the Specify command and by setting the DMA enabled bit (D3) in the DOR. With the FIFO disabled, a DMA request (DRQ) is generated in the Execution Phase when each byte is ready to be transferred. The DMA controller should respond in the DRQ with a DMA acknowledge (DACK) and a read or write strobe. The DRQ will be cleared by the leading edge of the active low DACK input signal. After the last byte is transferred, an interrupt is generated, indicating the beginning of the Result Phase. During DMA operations the chip select input (CS) must be held high. The DACK signal will act as the chip select for the FIFO in this case, and the state of the address lines A2–A0 is a don’t care. The Terminal Count (TC) signal can be asserted by the DMA controller to terminate the data transfer at any time. Due to internal gating, TC is only recognized when DACK is low. PC-AT Mode: When in the PC-AT interface mode with the FIFO disabled, the controller will be in single byte transfer mode. That is, the system will have one byte time to service a DMA request (DRQ) from the controller. DRQ will be deasserted between each byte. PS/2 and Model 30 Modes: When in the PS/2 or Model 30 modes, DMA transfers with the FIFO disabled are performed differently. Instead of a single byte transfer mode, the FIFO will actually be enabled with THRESH e 0F (hex). Thus, DRQ will be asserted when one byte has entered the FIFO during reads, and when one byte can be written to the FIFO during writes. DRQ will be deasserted by the leading edge of the DACK input, and will be reasserted when DACK goes inactive high. This operation is very similar to Burst mode transfer with the FIFO enabled except that DRQ is deasserted between each byte. DMA ModeÐFIFO Enabled Read Data Transfers Whenever the number of bytes in the FIFO is greater than or equal to (16bTHRESH), a DRQ is generated. This is the trigger condition for the FIFO read data transfers from the floppy controller to the mP. Burst Mode: DRQ will remain active until enough bytes have been read from the controller to empty the FIFO. Non-Burst Mode: DRQ will be deasserted after each read transfer. If the FIFO is not completely empty, DRQ will be reasserted after a 350 ns delay. This will allow other higher priority DMA transfers to take place between floppy transfers. In addition, this mode will allow the controller to work correctly in systems where the DMA controller is put into a read verify mode, where only DACK signals are sent to the FDC, with no RD pulses. This read verify mode of the DMA controller is used in some PC software. The FIFO Non-Burst mode allows the DACK input from the DMA controller to be strobed, which will correctly clock data from the FIFO. 31 5.0 Functional Description (Continued) signal. Otherwise, the data transfer is similar to the Interrupt Mode described above. This is true for the FIFO enabled or disabled. DACK asserted by itself without a RD or WR strobe is also counted as a transfer. If RD or WR are not being strobed for each byte, then DACK must be strobed for each byte so that the floppy controller can count the number of bytes correctly. A new command, the Verify command, has been added to allow easier verification of data written to the disk without the need of actually transferring the data on the data bus. 5.3.3 Result Phase During the Result Phase, the mP reads a series of bytes from the data register. These bytes indicate the status of the command. This status may indicate whether the command executed properly, or contain some control information (see the Command Description Table and Status Register Description). These Result Phase bytes are read in the order specified for that particular command. Some commands will not have a result phase. Also, the number of result bytes varies with each command. All of the result bytes must be read from the Data Register before the next command can be issued. Like the Command Phase, the Main Status Register controls the flow of result bytes, and must be polled by the software before reading each Result Phase byte from the Data Register. The RQM bit (D7) and DIO bit (D6) must both be set before each result byte can be read. After the last result byte is read, the COM PROG bit (D4) in the MSR will be cleared, and the controller will be ready for the next command. Interrupt ModeÐFIFO Disabled If the Interrupt (Non-DMA) mode is selected, INT is asserted instead of DRQ when each byte is ready to be transferred. The Main Status Register should be read to verify that the interrupt is for a data transfer. The RQM and NON DMA bits (D7 and D5) in the MSR will be set. The interrupt will be cleared when the byte is transferred to or from the Data Register. CS and RD or CS and WR must be used to transfer the data in or out of the Data Register (A2–A0 must be valid). CS asserted by itself is not significant. CS must be asserted with RD or WR for a read or write transfer to be recognized. The mP should transfer the byte within the data transfer service time (see Section 3.7). If the byte is not transferred within the time allotted, an Overrun Error will be indicated in the Result Phase when the command terminates at the end of the current sector. An interrupt will also be generated after the last byte is transferred. This indicates the beginning of the Result Phase. The RQM and DIO bits (D7 and D6) in the MSR will be set, and the NON DMA bit (D5) will be cleared. This interrupt is cleared by reading the first result byte. 5.3.4 Idle Phase After a hardware or software reset, or after the chip has recovered from the power down mode, the controller enters the Idle Phase. Also, when there are no commands in progress the controller will be in the Idle Phase. The controller will be waiting for a command byte to be written to the Data Register. The RQM bit will be set and the DIO bit will be cleared in the MSR. After receiving the first command (opcode) byte, the controller will enter the Command Phase. When the command is completed the controller again enters the Idle Phase. The Data Separator will remain synchronized to the reference frequency while the controller is idle. While in the Idle Phase, the controller will periodically enter the Drive Polling Phase (see below). Interrupt ModeÐFIFO Enabled The Interrupt (Non-DMA) mode with the FIFO enabled is very similar to the Non-DMA mode with the FIFO disabled. In this case, INT is asserted instead of DRQ under the exact same FIFO threshold trigger conditions. The MSR should be read to verify that the interrupt is for a data transfer. The RQM and NON DMA bits (D7 and D5) in the MSR will be set. CS and RD or CS and WR must be used to transfer the data in or out of the Data Register (A2–A0 must be valid). CS asserted by itself is not significant. CS must be asserted with RD or WR for a read or write transfer to be recognized. The Burst mode may be used to hold the INT pin active during a burst, or the Non-Burst mode may be used to toggle the INT pin for each byte of a burst. The Main Status Register is always valid from the mP point of view. For example, during a read command, after the last byte of data has been read from the disk and placed in the FIFO, the MSR will still indicate that the Execution Phase is active, and that data needs to be read from the Data Register. Only after the last byte of data has been read by the mP from the FIFO will the Result Phase begin. The same overrun and underrun error procedures from the DMA mode apply to the Non-DMA mode. Also, whether there is an error or not, an interrupt is generated at the end of the Execution Phase, and is cleared by reading the first Result Phase byte. 5.3.5 Drive Polling Phase While in the Idle Phase the controller will enter a Drive Polling Phase every 1 ms (based on the 500 kb/s data rate). While in the Drive Polling Phase, the controller will interrogate the Ready Changed status for each of the four logical drives. The internal Ready line for each drive is toggled only after a hardware or software reset, and an interrupt will be generated for drive 0. At this point, the software must issue four Sense Interrupt commands to clear the Ready Changed State status for each drive. This requirement can be eliminated if drive polling is disabled via the POLL bit in the Configure command. The Configure command must be issued within 500 ms of the hardware or software reset for drive polling to be disabled. Even if drive polling is disabled, drive stepping and delayed power down will occur in the Drive Polling Phase. The controller will check the status of each drive and if necessary it will issue a step pulse on the STEP output with the DIR signal at the appropriate logic level. Also, the controller uses the Drive Polling Phase to control the Automatic Low Power mode. When the Motor Off time has expired, the controller will wait 512 ms (based on 500 kb/s or 1 Mbs data rate) before powering down if this function is enabled via the Mode command. Software Polling If the Non-DMA Mode is selected and interrupts are not suitable, the mP can poll the MSR during the Execution Phase to determine when a byte is ready to be transferred. The RQM bit (D7) in the MSR reflects the state of the INT 32 5.0 Functional Description (Continued) TL/F/11332 – 5 FIGURE 5-1. PC8477B Data Separator Block Diagram disable the phase comparator when the raw data signal is missing a clock or data pulse in the MFM or FM pattern. A secondary PLL is used to automatically calibrate the quarter period delay line. The secondary PLL also calibrates the center frequency of the VCO. To eliminate the logic associated with controlling multiple data rates, the PC8477B supports each of the four data rates (250, 300, 500 kb/s, and 1 Mb/s) with a separate, optimized internal filter. The appropriate filter for each data rate is automatically switched into the data separator circuit when the data rate is selected via the Data Rate Select or Configuration Control Register. These filters have been optimized through lab experimentation, and are designed into the controller to reduce the external component cost associated with the floppy controller. The PC8477B has a dynamic window margin and lock range performance capable of handling a wide range of floppy disk drives. Also, the data separator will work well under a variety of conditions, including the high motor speed fluctuations of floppy compatible tape drives. The controller takes best advantage of the internal analog data separator by implementing a sophisticated read algorithm. The ID search algorithm, shown in Figure 5-2 , enhances the PLL’s lock characteristics by forcing the PLL to relock to the crystal reference frequency any time the data separator attempts to lock to a non-preamble pattern. This algorithm ensures that the PLL is not thrown way out of lock by write splices or bad data fields. 5.4 DATA SEPARATOR The internal data separator consists of an analog PLL and its associated circuitry. The PLL synchronizes the raw data signal read from the disk drive. The synchronized signal is used to separate the encoded clock and data pulses. The data pulses are deserialized into bytes and then sent to the mP by the controller. The main PLL consists of five main components, a phase comparator, a charge pump, a filter, a voltage controlled oscillator (VCO), and a programmable divider. The phase comparator detects the difference between the phase of the divider’s output and the phase of the raw data being read from the disk. This phase difference is converted to a current by the charge pump, which either charges or discharges one of three filters which is selected based on the data rate. The resulting voltage on the filter changes the frequency of the VCO and the divider output to reduce the phase difference between the input data and the divider’s output. The PLL is ‘‘locked’’ when the frequency of the divider is exactly the same as the average frequency of the data read from the disk. A block diagram of the data separator is shown in Figure 5-1 . To ensure optimal performance, the data separator incorporates several additional circuits. The quarter period delay line is used to determine the center of each bit cell, and to 33 5.0 Functional Description (Continued) *The PLL will remain locked to the crystal for 4 byte times before asserting Read Gate TL/F/11332 – 6 FIGURE 5-2. Read Data AlgorithmÐState Machine 250 kb/s 300 kb/s TL/F/11332–7 TL/F/11332 – 8 500 kb/s 1 Mb/s TL/F/11332–9 TL/F/11332 – 10 FIGURE 5-3. PC8477B Dynamic Window Margin Performance (Typical performance at VCC e 5.0V, 25§ C) 34 5.0 Functional Description (Continued) 500 kb/s 1 Mb/s TL/F/11332 – 11 TL/F/11332 – 12 FIGURE 5-4. PC8477B Dynamic Window Margin Performance with g 3% ISV at 1 kHz (Typical performance at VCC e 5.0V, 25§ C) (as they would be in a real floppy drive), and the frequency of the data stream is subject to changes arising from motor speed variations. Typical dynamic margin performance curves for the PC8477B are listed in Figure 5-3 . Thse measurements are taken using a FlexStar FS-540 Disk Simulator with a repetitive ‘‘DB6’’ data pattern. The graphs indicate motor speed variation (MSV) vs bit jitter tolerance for the floppy controller. For reliable performance with tape drives the data separator needs to be able to track to instantaneous changes as well. Figure 5-4 shows jitter tolerance vs MSV with an added instantaneous speed variation (ISV) of g 3% at frequency of 1 kHz. These are typical performance curves and measured at VCC e 5.0V, and 25§ C. A good data separator should be able to tolerate at least g 6% MSV and 60% window margin. 5.5 CRYSTAL OSCILLATOR The PC8477B is clocked by a single 24 MHz signal for the 250 kb/s, 300 kb/s, 500 kb/s, and 1 Mb/s data rates. An on-chip oscillator is provided to enable the attachment of a crystal or a clock signal. If a crystal is used, the following parameters are required: Crystal Specifications Frequency: 24 MHz Mode: Parallel Resonant (preferred) Fundamental Mode Effective Series Resistance (ESR): Less than 50X Shunt Capacitance: Less than 7 pF Recommended Crystals NEL Frequency Controls: SaRonix: NEL-C5480N NEL-C2800N NMP240 5.7 PERPENDICULAR RECORDING MODE The PC8477B is fully compatible with perpendicular recording mode disk drives at all data rates. These perpendicular mode drives are also called 4 Mbyte (unformatted) or 2.88 Mbyte (formatted) drives, which refers to their maximum storage capacity. Perpendicular recording will orient the magnetic flux changes (which represent bits) vertically on the disk surface, allowing for a higher recording density than the conventional longitudinal recording methods. With this increase in recording density comes an increase in the data rate of up to 1 Mb/s, thus doubling the storage capacity. In addition, the perpendicular 2.88M drive is read/write compatible with 1.44M and 720k diskettes (500 kb/s and 250 kb/s respectively). The 2.88M drive has unique format and write data timing requirements due to its read/write head and pre-erase head design (see Figure 5-5 ). Unlike conventional disk drives which have only a read/write head, the 2.88M drive has both a pre-erase head and read/write head. With conventional disk drives, the read/write head by itself is able to rewrite the disk without problems. For 2.88M drives, a preerase head is needed to erase the magnetic flux on the disk surface before the read/write can write to the disk surface. The pre-erase head is activated during disk write operations only, i.e. Format and Write Data commands. 24 MHz 24 MHz 24 MHz A parallel resonant crystal is preferred if at all possible. In some cases, a series resonant crystal can be used, but care must be taken to ensure that the crystal does not oscillate at a sub-harmonic frequency. The oscillator circuit is able to utilize high profile, low profile, and surface mount type crystal enclosures. External bypass capacitors (5 pF to 15 pF) should be connected from XTAL1 and XTAL2 to GND. If an external oscillator circuit is used, it must have a duty cycle of at least 40%–60%, and minimum input levels of 2.0V and 0.8V. The controller should be configured so that the external oscillator clock is input into the XTAL1/CLK pin, and XTAL2 is left unconnected. 5.6 DYNAMIC WINDOW MARGIN PERFORMANCE The performance of the data separator is measured by its ability to read and decode incoming pulses shifted away from the nominal position. The percentage window margin indicates how much bit shift the data separator will tolerate and still be able to read correctly. For a Dynamic Window Margin test all the bits in the data pattern are subject to jitter 35 5.0 Functional Description (Continued) TL/F/11332 – 13 FIGURE 5-5. Perpendicular Recording Drive R/W Head and Pre-Erase Head the register are used to set the data rate. The encoding of these bits is exactly the same as those in the CCR. The remainder of the bits in the DSR are used for other functions. Consult the Register Description (Section 5.1) for more details. The data rate is determined by the last value that is written to either the CCR or the DSR. In other words, either the CCR or the DSR can override the data rate selection of the other register. When the data rate is selected, the microengine and data separator clocks are scaled appropriately. Also, the DRATE0 and DRATE1 output pins will reflect the state of the data select bits that were last written to either the CCR or the DSR. In 2.88M drives, the pre-erase head leads the read/write head by 200 mm, which translates to 38 bytes at 1 Mb/s (19 bytes at 500 kb/s). For both conventional and perpendicular drives, WGATE is asserted with respect to the position of the read/write head. With conventional drives, this means that WGATE is asserted when the read/write head is located at the beginning of the Data Field preamble. With the 2.88M drives, since the preamble must be pre-erased before it is rewritten, WGATE should be asserted when the pre-erase head is located at the beginning of the Data Field preamble. This means that WGATE should be asserted when the read/write head is at least 38 bytes (at 1 Mb/s) before the preamble. See Table 4-4 for a description of the WGATE timing for perpendicular drives at the various data rates. Because of the 38 byte spacing between the read/write head and the pre-erase head at 1 Mb/s, the GAP2 length of 22 bytes used in the standard IBM disk format is not long enough. There is a new format standard for 2.88M drives at 1 Mb/s called the Perpendicular Format, which increases the GAP2 length to 41 bytes (see Figure 4-1 ). The Perpendicular Mode command of the PC8477B will put the floppy controller into perpendicular recording mode, which allows it to read and write perpendicular media. Once this command is invoked, the read, write and format commands can be executed in the normal manner. The perpendicular mode of the floppy controller will work at all data rates, adjusting the format and write data parameters accordingly. See Section 4.2.8 for more details. 5.9 WRITE PRECOMPENSATION Write precompensation is a way of preconditioning the WDATA output signal to adjust for the effects of bit shift on the data as it is written to the disk surface. Bit shift is caused by the magnetic interaction of data bits as they are written to the disk surface, and has the effect of shifting these data bits away from their nominal position in the serial MFM or FM data pattern. Data that is subject to bit shift is much harder to read by a data separator, and can cause soft read errors. Write precompensation predicts where bit shift could occur within a data pattern. It then shifts the individual data bits early, late, or not at all such that when they are written to the disk, the resultant shifted data bits will be back in their nominal position. The PC8477B supports software programmable write precompensation. Upon power up, the default write precomp values will be used (see Table 3-5). The programmer can choose a different value of write precomp with the DSR register if desired (see Table 3-4). Also on power up, the default starting track number for write precomp is track zero. This starting track number for write precomp can be changed with the Configure command. 5.8 DATA RATE SELECTION The data rate can be chosen two different ways with the PC8477B. For PC compatible software, the Configuration Control Register at address 3F7 (hex) is used to program the data rate for the floppy controller. The lower bits D1 and D0 are used in the CCR to set the data rate. The other bits should be set to zero. See Table 3-6 for the data rate select encoding. The data rate can also be set using the Data Rate Select Register at address 4. Again, the lower two bits of 5.10 LOW POWER MODE LOGIC The PC8477B supports a low power mode, in which the oscillator and data separator circuitry are turned off. The floppy controller will typically draw about 1 mA while in low 36 5.0 Functional Description (Continued) The Data Rate Select, Digital Output, and Configuration Control Registers are unaffected by the power down mode. They will remain active. It is up to the user to ensure that the Motor and Drive Select signals are turned off. power. Because the internal circuitry is driven from the oscillator clock, it will also be disabled while the oscillator is off. Upon entering the power down state, the RQM (Request For Master) bit in the MSR will be cleared. There are two ways the part can recover from the power down state and re-enable the oscillator and data separator. The part will power up after a software reset via the DOR or DSR. Since a software reset requires reinitialization of the controller, this method can be undesirable. The part will also power up after a read or write to either the Data Register or Main Status Register. This is the preferred method of power up since all internal register values are retained. It may take a few milliseconds for the oscillator to stabilize, and the mP will be prevented from issuing commands during this time through the normal Main Status Register protocol. That is, the RQM bit in the MSR will be a 0 until the oscillator has stabilized. When the controller has completely stabilized from power up, the RQM bit in the MSR is set to 1 and the controller can continue where it left off. There are two modes of low power in the floppy controller: manual low power and automatic low power. Manual low power is enabled by writing a 1 to bit D6 of the DSR. The chip will go into low power immediately. This bit will be cleared to 0 after the chip is brought out of low power. Manual low power can also be accessed via the Mode command. The function of the manual low power mode is a logical OR function between the DSR low power bit and the Mode command manual low power bit setting. When using an external clock with the PC8477B, you must wait at least 2 ms after low power mode is invoked before turning off the external clock. This will insure the PC8477B is powered down correctly. Automatic low power mode will switch the controller into low power 500 ms after it has entered the idle state (based on the 500 kb/s MFM data rate). Once the auto low power mode is set, it does not have to be set again, and the controller will automatically go into low power mode after it has entered the idle state. Automatic low power mode can only be set with the Mode command. Power up from automatic low power is performed by the method described above. 5.11 RESET OPERATION The PC8477B floppy controller can be reset by hardware or software. Hardware reset is enacted by pulsing the RESET input pin. A hardware reset will set all of the user addressable registers and internal registers to their default values. The Specify command values will be don’t cares, so they must be reinitialized. The major default conditions are: FIFO disabled, FIFO threshold e 0, Implied Seeks disabled, and Drive Polling enabled. A software reset can be performed through the Digital Output Register or Data Rate Select Register. The DSR reset bit is self-clearing, while the DOR reset bit is not self-clearing. If the LOCK bit in the Lock command was set to a 1 previous to the software reset, the FIFO, THRESH, and PRETRK parameters in the Configure command will be retained. In addition, the FWR, FRD, and BST parameters in the Mode command will be retained if LOCK is set to 1. This function eliminates the need for total reinitialization of the controller after a software reset. After a hardware or software reset, the Main Status Register is immediately available for read access by the mP. It will return a 00 hex value until all the internal registers have been updated and the data separator is stabilized. When the controller is ready to receive a command byte, the MSR will return a value of 80 hex (Request for Master bit is set). The MSR is guaranteed to return the 80 hex value within 2.5 ms after a hardware or software reset. All other user addressable registers other than the Main Status Register and Data Register (FIFO) can be accessed at any time, even while the part is in reset. 37 6.0 Device Description Absolute Maximum Ratings Recommended Operating Conditions (Notes 2 and 3) If Military/Aerospace specified devices are required, please contact the National Semiconductor Sales Office/Distributors for availability and specifications. b 0.5V to a 7.0V Supply Voltage (VCC, VCCA) Supply Differential (lVCC b VCCAl) Input Voltage (VI) Output Voltage (VO) Storage Temperature (TSTG) Power Dissipation (PD) Lead Temperature (TL) Soldering (10 seconds) Supply Voltage (VCC) Operating Temperature(TA) ESD Tolerance CZAP e 100 pF RZAP e 1.5 kX (Note 1) 0.6V b 0.5V to VCC a 0.5V b 0.5V to VCC a 0.5V Min 4.5 0 2000 Typ 5.0 Max 5.5 a 70 Unit V §C V b 65§ C to a 165§ C 1W a 260§ C Capacitance TA e 25§ C, f e 1 MHz Typ Max Units CIN Symbol Input Pin Capacitance Parameters Min 5 7 pF CIN1 Clock Input Capacitance 8 10 pF CIO I/O Pin Capacitance 10 12 pF CO Output Pin Capacitance 6 8 pF Note 1: Value based on test complying with NSC SOP5-028 human body model ESD testing using the ETS-910 tester. Note 2: Absolute Maximum Ratings are those values beyond which damage to the device may occur. Note 3: Unless otherwise specified all voltages are referenced to ground. 6.1 DC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS DC Characteristics Under Recommended Operating Conditions Symbol Max Units Input High Voltage 2.0 VCC V VIL Input Low Voltage b 0.5 0.8 V ICC VCC Average Supply Current (Note 5) VIL e 0.5V, VIH e 2.4V No Loads on Outputs 10 15 mA ICCSB VCC Quiescent Supply Current in Low Power Mode VIL e VSS VIH e VCC No Loads on Outputs 0.500 2.0 mA VCCA Average Supply Current (Note 5) VIL e 0.5V VIH e 2.4V No Loads on Outputs 7 10 mA VCCA Quiescent Supply Current in Low Power Mode VIL e VSS VIH e VCC No Loads on Outputs 5 50 mA Input Leakage Current (Note 4) VIN e VCC VIN e VSS 10 mA mA VIH ICCA ICCASB IIL Parameter Conditions Min Typ b 10 OSCILLATOR PIN (XTAL1/CLK) IOSC XTAL1 Input Current VIH XTAL1 Input High Voltage VIL XTAL1 Input Low Voltage VIN e VDD or GND g 400 mA 2.0 V 0.8 Note 4: The MFM pin is rated for 10 mA, b 150 mA because of an internal pull-up resistor. Note 5: 500 kb/s read of ‘‘DB6’’ pattern. 38 V 6.0 Device Description (Continued) DC Characteristics Under Recommended Operating Conditions (Continued) Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Units MICROPROCESSOR INTERFACE PINS (D7–D0, A2– A0, CS, RD, WR, INT, DRQ, DACK, TC, RESET) VOH Output High Voltage IOH e b4 mA VOL Output Low Voltage IOL e 12 mA Input TRI-STATE Leakage Current (D7–D0, INT, DRQ) VIN e VCC VIN e 0 IOZ 3.0 V 0.4 V 10 mA mA b 10 DISK INTERFACE PINS VH Input Hysteresis VOH Output High Voltage (Note 5) IOH e b4 mA VOL Output Low Voltage IOL e 48 mA Output High Leakage Current (Note 6) VIN e VCC, VIN e 0V ILKG 250 mV 3.0 V 0.4 V 10 mA mA b 10 MISCELLANEOUS PINS VOH Output High Voltage (DRATE0–1, MFM) IOH e b4 mA VOL Output Low Voltage (DRATE0–1) IOL e 6 mA 0.4 V VOL Output Low Voltage (MFM) IOL e 4 mA 0.4 V 3.0 V Note 5: VOH for the disk interface pins is valid for CMOS buffered outputs only. Note 6: This parameter is valid for Open Drain output configuration only. 6.2 PHASE LOCKED LOOP CHARACTERISTICS Parameter Symbol Conditions Min Typ Dynamic Window Margin TDW (Note) 68 73 Max Units % Note: Dynamic window margin is tested at both VCC extremes with a repeating ‘‘DB6’’ pattern and 0% MSV. 500 kb/s, 300 kb/s, 250 kb/s and 1 Mb/s are tested at 68%. 39 6.0 Device Description (Continued) 6.2 AC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS 6.2.1. AC Test Conditions TA e 0§ C to a 70§ C, VCC e 5.0V g 10% Load Circuit AC Testing Input, Output Waveform TL/F/11332 – 15 TL/F/11332–14 6.2.2 Clock Timing Symbol Parameter Min Max Units tCH Clock High Pulse Width 16 ns tCL Clock Low Pulse Width 16 ns tCP24 Clock Period 40 tICP Internal Clock Period (Table 6-1) tDRP Data Rate Period (Table 6-1) 43 ns TABLE 6-1. Nominal tICP, tDRP Values MFM Data Rate tDRP tICP Value Units 1 Mb/s 500 kb/s 300 kb/s 250 kb/s 1000 2000 3333 4000 3 x tCP 3 x tCP 5 x tCP 6 x tCP 125 125 208 250 ns ns ns ns TL/F/11332 – 16 FIGURE 6-1. Clock Timing 40 6.0 Device Description (Continued) 6.2.3 Microprocessor Read Timing Symbol Parameter Min Max Units tAR Address Setup to Read Active 5 ns tRR Read Active Pulse Width 60 ns tRA Address Hold from Read Inactive 0 ns tRD Data Valid from Read Active tRH Read Inactive Pulse Width tDF Data Output Float Delay 25 ns tRI Interrupt Delay from Read Inactive 55 ns tDH Data Output Hold from Read Inactive 45 45 5 ns ns ns TL/F/11332 – 17 FIGURE 6-2. Microprocessor Read Timing 41 6.0 Device Description (Continued) 6.2.4 Microprocessor Write Timing Symbol Parameter Min Max Units tAW Address Setup to Write Active 5 ns tWW Write Active Pulse Width 60 ns tWA Address Hold from Write Inactive 0 ns tWH Write Inactive Pulse Width 45 ns tADW Address Setup to Write Inactive 65 ns tDW Data Setup to Write Inactive 30 ns tWD Data Hold from Write Inactive 0 ns tWI Interrupt Delay from Write Inactive 55 ns TL/F/11332 – 18 FIGURE 6-3. Microprocessor Write Timing 42 6.0 Device Description (Continued) 6.2.5 DMA Timing Parameter Min tQP Symbol DRQ Period (Except Non-Burst DMA) (Note 8) 8 x tDRP tQQ DRQ Inactive Non-Burst Pulse Width tKQ DACK Active Edge to DRQ Inactive tRQ RD, WR Active Edge to DRQ Inactive (Note 7) tQR DRQ to RD, WR Active 15 tTT TC Active Pulse Width 50 tTQ TC Active Edge to DRQ Inactive (Note 9) tKK DACK Active Pulse Width 65 tKI DACK Inactive Pulse Width 25 ns tKR DACK Setup to RD, WR Active 5 ns tRK DACK Hold from RD, WR Inactive 0 ns tQW DRQ to End of RD, WR (Note 8) (DRQ Service Time) b 16 x tICP) DRQ to TC Active (Note 8) (DRQ Service Time) b 16 x tICP) tQT 300 Max Units ms 400 ns 65 ns 65 ns ns ns 75 ns ns (8 x tDRP (8 x tDRP ms ms Note 7: The active edge of RD or WR is recognized only when DACK is active. Note 8: Values shown are with the FIFO disabled, or with FIFO enabled and THRESH e 0. For nonzero values of THRESH, add (THRESH x 8 x tDRP) to the values shown. Note 9: During normal DMA operation TC should occur when DACK is active during the last byte of the last sector transferred. TL/F/11332 – 19 FIGURE 6-4. DMA Timing 43 6.0 Device Description (Continued) 6.2.6 Reset Timing Symbol Parameter Min tRW Reset Width (Note 10) tRC Reset to Control Inactive Max Units 100 ns 300 ns Note 10: The software reset pulse width is 100 ns. The hardware reset pulse width with an external 10 kX pull-up or pull-down resistor on the MFM pin is 100 ns. When using the internal pull-up resistor on the MFM pin, the hardware reset pulse width is 170 ns (assumes no load on MFM). TL/F/11332 – 20 FIGURE 6-5. Reset Timing 6.2.7 Write Data Timing Symbol Parameter Min Max Units tWDW Write Data Pulse Width Table 6-2 ns tHDS HDSEL Setup to WGATE Active 100 ms tHDH HDSEL Hold from WGATE Inactive 750 ms TABLE 6-2. Minimum tWDW Values Data Rate tDRP tWDW tWDW Value Units 1 Mb/s 1000 2 x tICP 250 ns 500 kb/s 2000 2 x tICP 250 ns 300 kb/s 3333 2 x tICP 375 ns 250 kb/s 4000 2 x tICP 500 ns TL/F/11332 – 21 FIGURE 6-6. Write Data Timing 44 6.0 Device Description (Continued) 6.2.8 Drive Control Timing Symbol Parameter Min tDRV DR0–DR3, MTR0–MTR3 from End of WR tDST DIR Setup to STEP Active tSTD Max 100 Units ns 6 ms DIR Hold from STEP Inactive tSRT ms tSTP STEP Active High Pulse Width 8 ms tSRT STEP Rate Time (see Table 4-13) 1 ms tIW Index Pulse Width 100 ns TL/F/11332 – 22 FIGURE 6-7. Drive Control Timing 6.2.9 Read Data Timing Symbol tRDW Parameter Min Read Data Pulse Width 50 Max Units ns TL/F/11332 – 23 FIGURE 6-8. Read Data Timing 45 7.0 Reference Section 7.1 MNEMONIC DEFINITIONS FOR PC8477B COMMANDS Symbol Description BFR Buffer enable bit used in the Mode command. Enabled open-collector output buffers. BST Burst Mode disable control bit used in Mode command. Selects the Non-Burst FIFO mode if the FIFO is enabled. Symbol Description MFM Modified Frequency Modulation control bit used in the Read, Write, Format, Scan and Verify commands. Selects MFM or FM data encoding. MFT Motor Off Time programmed in the Specify command. MNT Motor On Time programmed in the Specify command. MT Multi-Track enable bit used in the Read, Write, Scan and Verify commands. DENSEL Density Select control bits used in the Mode command. OW Overwrite control bit used in the Perpendicular Mode command. DIR Direction control bit used in Relative Seek command to indicate step in or out. POLL Enable Drive Polling bit used in the Configure command. DMA DMA mode enable bit used in the Specify command. PRETRK Precompensation Track Number used in the Configure command. DR0 Drive Select 0–1 bits used in most commands. Selects the logical drive. PTR DTL Data Length parameter used in the Read, Write, Scan and Verify commands. Present Track Register. Contains the internal track number for one of the four logical disk drives. PU EC Enable Count control bit used in the Verify command. When this bit is 1, the DTL parameter becomes SC (Sector Count). Pump diagnostic enable bit used in the Mode command. R255 Recalibrate control bit used in Mode command. Sets maximum recalibrate step pulses to 255. EIS Enable Implied Seeks. Used in the Configure command. RG Read Gate diagnostic enable bit used in the Mode command. EOT End of Track parameter set in the Read, Write, Scan, and Verify commands. RTN Relative Track Number used in the Relative Seek command. ETR Extended Track Range used with the Seek command. SC Sector Count control bit used in the Verify command. FIFO First-In First-Out buffer. Also a control bit used in the Configure command to enable or disable the FIFO. SK Skip control bit used in read and scan operations. FRD FIFO Read disable control bit used in the Mode command. SRT Step Rate Time programmed in the Specify command. Determines the time between step pulses for seek and recalibrates. FWR FIFO Write disable control bit used in the Mode command. GAP Gap2 control bit used in the Perpendicular Mode command. ST0 ST1 ST2 ST3 Status Register 0 – 3. Contains status information about the execution of a command. Read in the Result Phase of some commands. HD Head Select control bit used in most commands. Selects Head 0 or 1 of the disk. THRESH FIFO threshold parameter used in the Configure command. IAF Index Address Field control bit used in the Mode command. Enables the ISO Format during the Format command. TMR Timer control bit used in the Mode command. Affects the timers set in the Specify command. WG IPS Implied Seek enable bit used in the Mode, Read, Write, and Scan commands. Write Gate control bit used in the Perpendicular Mode command. WLD LOCK Lock enable bit in the Lock command. Used to make certain parameters unaffected by a software reset. Wildcard bit in the Mode command used to enable or disable the wildcard byte (FF) during Scan commands. LOW PWR Low Power control bits used in the Mode command. DC0 DC1 DC2 DC3 Drive Configuration 0–3. Used to set a drive to conventional or perpendicular mode. Used in Perpendicular Mode command. 46 7.0 Reference Section (Continued) PC8477B data separator is designed to work with the strictest motor speed and bit jitter requirements of both floppy and tape drives. 7.2 PC8477B ENHANCEMENTS VS 82077AA The enhancements listed below are additional functions of the PC8477B that the 82077AA does not have, and do not affect the compatibility between the two floppy controllers. Low Power Mode The typical measured low power current for the PC8477B (analog and digital) is 1 mA. The typical measured low power current for the 82077AA is 2 mA – 3 mA. The PC8477A supports the 82077AA manual low power mode by writing to the Low Power bit (D6) in the Data Rate Select register. The low power mode is turned off by issuing a reset to the chip, whereupon re-initialization is necessary. In addition, the PC8477B supports a manual low power AND automatic low power mode via the Mode command. Manual low power must be invoked every time the low power mode is desired. Automatic low power mode need only be invoked once during initialization, and then low power is entered whenever the floppy controller is idle. As mentioned, the 82077AA and PC8477B will exit the low power mode after a reset. The PC8477B will also exit the low power mode after any read or write to the Main Status Register or Data Register. In this way, the part can exit low power cleanly without requiring additional software initialization. This feature gives the PC8477B an advantage in that once software has initialized it for automatic low power, no additional software modifications are necessary, and the chip will power down whenever it is idle. Even for manual low power mode via the DSR or Mode command, the PC8477B can return to normal mode without re-initialization, as required for the 82077. Commands The following are PC8477B commands not supported by the 82077AA. Mode CommandÐControls several enhanced features of the PC8477B such as: Implied Seeks, Low Power mode, additional FIFO modes, and DENSEL encoding. The Mode command parameters are default to 82077AA compatible states, and will be unaffected by 82077AA-based software that does not recognize the existence of a Mode command. See the PC8477B data sheet for more details. NSC CommandÐThis one byte command is used to identify the PC8477B in the system. Other floppy controllers will return an 80 hex (invalid command), while the PC8477B will return a value of 73 hex (the lower four bits are reserved to indicate revision updates in the part). Set Track CommandÐThis command allows the user to program the value of any of the four Present Track Registers corresponding to the four logical drives. FIFO Operation The PC8477B FIFO is compatible with the 82077AA FIFO, with the addition of a Non-Burst mode. The default setting when the FIFO is enabled is the 82077AA compatible Burst mode. The Non-Burst mode is enabled via the Mode command. The Non-Burst mode will pulse the DRQ or INT signals during a burst transfer to or from the FIFO. For both the Burst and Non-Burst modes with the FIFO enabled, no external circuitry is required with the PC8477B during DMA verify transfers. During verify operations, the DMA controller will assert the DACK signal without a RD signal in response to a DRQ from the floppy controller. The 82077AA, however, requires external circuitry to create the RD signal during DMA verify operations with its FIFO enabled in order to work successfully without an overrun error. The published Intel bug fix for the 82077AA can only be used for motherboard applications and not for add-in boards. The PC8477B does not have this problem. Also, because of the byte counter in the PC8477B design, the DRQ or INT signal will be deasserted when the last byte of a sector is written to the FIFO during the execution phase of a write or format operation. The 82077AA does not deassert DRQ or INT until the last byte has been read out of the FIFO. This will cause a delay in the deassertion of DRQ or INT of up to 16 byte times, resulting in extra bytes transferred to the floppy controller. The PC8477B does not have this problem. Reset Pulse Width The PC8477B software reset pulse width is 100 ns minimum. This means that software can issue two consecutive writes to the Digital Output Register of the PC8477B to toggle the Reset Controller bit (D2) without intervening delay. This specification is significantly better than the 82077AA minimum software reset pulse width, which is specified as 3.5 ms (worst case at the 250 kb/s data rate). When using an external pull-up or pull-down 10 kX resistor on the MFM pin, the hardware reset pulse width is also 100 ns minimum for the PC8477B. The minimum hardware reset pulse width for the 82077AA is 7.1 ms. Again, the PC8477B specification is much better, allowing the system reset pulse to be very short. Tape Drive Register The PC8477B will support reads and writes to this register, just as the 82077AA does. However, the PC8477B will not use the information written to the Tape Drive Register to alter the state of the Data Separator. That is, there is only one mode of the internal PC8477B data separator, a high performance mode that will support the requirements for all floppy and tape drives. Implied Seeks The PC8477B supports our popular DP8473 method as well as the 82077AA method of implementing Implied Seeks. The DP8473 method is to set a bit in the Mode command for enabling Implied Seeks, and then set the Implied Seek bit if desired in the Read, Write, or Scan commands. The 82077AA method is to set the EIS bit (enable implied seeks) in the Configure command, and then Implied Seeks will always be enabled for Read, Write, and Verify commands. Data Separator The PC8477B data separator’s performance meets that of the 82077AA’s. However, there are no dual modes in the PC8477B data separator whereas the 82077AA data separator has an internal floppy drive mode and an internal tape drive mode. This singular mode design of the PC8477B data separator eliminates the need for hardware or software control and provides for more consistent performance. The 47 7.0 Reference Section (Continued) TABLE 7-1 8477B–82077 Parameter Comparison Description Absolute Maximum Ratings Supply Voltage DC Limits VIH Clock MIN IOL MFM pin (VOL e 0.4V) IOH MFM pin (VOH e 3.0V) ICC Low Power (Analog a Digital) Typical ICCLow Power (Analog a Digital) Tested AC Timings t5 (tICP) – INTERNAL Clock Period 1 Mb/s 500 kb/s 300 kb/s 250 kb/s t8 (tRR) – Read Active Pulse Width MIN t10 (tRD) – Read to Valid Data t11 (tRH) – Read Inactive Pulse Width t12 (tDF) – Delay to Float t13 (tRI) – Interrupt Delay from Read Inactive MAX 1 Mb/s 500 kb/s 300 kb/s 250 kb/s t16 (tWW) – Write Active Pulse Width MIN t19 (tDW) – Data Setup to Write Active t18 (tWH) – Write Inactive Pulse Width tADW – Address Setup to Write Inactive MIN t21 (tWI) – Interrupt Delay from Write Inactive 1 Mb/s 500 kb/s 300 kb/s 250 kb/s t22 (tQP) – DRQ Cycle Period MIN t23 (tKQ) – DACK Active to DRQ Inactive MAX t23a (tQK a tKK) –DRQ to DACK Inactive 1 Mb/s 500 kb/s 300 kb/s 250 kb/s t24 (tRQ) – RD, WR Active to DRQ Inactive MAX t27 (tQR) – DRQ to RD, WR Active MIN t29 (tTQ) – TC Active to DRQ Inactive MAX tKK – DACK Active Pulse Width MIN tKI – DACK Inactive Pulse Width MIN tQK – DRQ to DACK Active MIN t30 (tRW) – Reset Pulse Width MIN t30a (tRW) – Software Reset Pulse Width MIN (Worst Case) t31 (tRC) – Reset to Control Inactive t32 (tWDW) – Write Data Pulse Width MIN 1 Mb/s 500 kb/s 300 kb/s 250 kb/s 48 PC8477B 82077AA 82077SL Units b 0.5 – 7.0 b 0.5 – 8.0 b 0.5 – 8.0 V 2.0 4.0 b 4.0 0.505 2.05 3.9 2.5 b 2.5 1.5 no spec 3.9 2.5 b 2.5 Ð Ð V mA mA mA mA 125 125 208 250 60 45 45 25 125 250 420 500 90 80 60 35 125 250 420 500 90 80 60 35 ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns 55 55 55 55 60 30 45 65 250 375 545 625 90 70 60 no spec 250 375 545 625 90 70 60 no spec ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns 55 55 55 55 8 65 250 375 545 625 6.5 75 250 375 545 625 6.5 75 ns ns ns ns ms ns 60 60 60 60 65 15 75 65 25 10 100 100 160 no spec no spec no spec no spec 100 0 150 no spec no spec no spec 7083 3500 2000 83 166 280 333 100 0 150 no spec no spec no spec 7083 500 2000 ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns 250 250 416 500 150 360 615 740 150 360 615 740 ns ns ns ns 7.0 Reference Section (Continued) TABLE 7-1 8477B–82077AA Parameter Comparison (Continued) Description AC Timings (Continued) t35 (tDST)–DIR Setup to STEP Active MIN t36 (tSTD)–DIR Hold from STEP Inactive MIN t37 (tSTP)–STEP Active Pulse Width t39 (tIW)–Index Pulse Widh MIN 1 Mb/s 500 kb/s 300 kb/s 250 kb/s t41 (tHDH)–HDSEL Hold from WGATE Inactive MIN 1 Mb/s 500 kb/s 300 kb/s 250 kb/s tHDS – HDSEL Setup to WGATE Active PC8477B 82077AA 82077SL Units 6 tSRT 8 4 10 2.5 4 10 2.5 ms ms ms 100 100 100 100 625 1250 2100 2500 625 1250 2100 2500 ns ns ns ns *750 *750 *750 *750 *100 716 1432 2719 2864 no spec 716 1432 2719 2864 no spec ms ms ms ms ms *These timings are required to support perpendicular recording drives. 49 7.0 Reference Section (Continued) 7.3 PC8477B INTERFACE IN A PC-AT The PC8477B interface to the PC-AT bus is simple and requires only an external address decoder. All the microprocessor inputs and outputs of the PC8477B can be connected directly to the peripheral bus due to the 12 mA sink capability. Figure 7-1 shows the interface with the floppy drive header, and the signal connections to the AT bus. The design will support 1.2 Meg, 1.44 Meg, and 2.88 Meg drives. Support for the 2.88 Meg perpendicular drives is accomplished with the additional density encoding signal (DRATE0) on floppy header pin 6. This interface solution will support perpendicular drives with the encoding scheme listed in Table 7-2 below. The HD signal is floppy header pin 2, and the ED signal is header pin 6. This standard scheme is supported by a number of perpendicular drive manufacturers. Some new perpendicular drives are using an auto media sense for density selection. These drives will not require either the HD or ED signals. Here the data rate is determined optically by the drive due to the hole in the disk. The only use of the 16L8 PAL is address decoding for the proper floppy address range. The primary range is 3F0 – 3F7 while the secondary address range is 370 – 377. Selection between can be accomplished with a jumper if needed. The address lines A9 – A3 and AEN are input to the PAL from the peripheral bus. The following equation can be used for the primary range. CS e !(!AEN * A9 * A8 * A7 * A6 * A5 * A4 * !A3) TABLE 7-2. Density Encoding Media Data Rate HD ED 1 Meg 250 kb/s 0 0 2 Meg 500 kb/s 1 0 4 Meg 1 Mb/s X 1 In this design we have used 1 kX pull-up resistors on the floppy drive interface. If the intended design is to be used with external drives or long cabling, or if 5.25× disk drives are to be supported, 150 kX pull-ups should be considered. TL/F/11332 – 24 FIGURE 7-1. 8477B in PC-AT System 50 7.0 Reference Section (Continued) 7.4 SOFTWARE INITIALIZATION SEQUENCE Following power up the system will issue a hardware reset to the PC8477B. This will put the internal registers and circuitry into a known state after which the software initialization sequence can begin. End ResetÐThe first task is to bring the PC8477B out of the reset state by writing 0CH to the DOR register. The software should then poll the MSR until 80H is returned. At this point the controller is ready to begin processing commands. Service Ready Changed State InterruptÐOnce an interrupt is received the software should issue 4 SENSE INTERRUPT commands for each of the 4 logical drives. This is due to the fact that after a reset, drive polling is enabled by default. Set Data RateÐThe data rate should be set via a write to the CCR register. The default state is 250 kb/s following reset. Configure the FIFOÐThe default setting is with the FIFO disabled. If the perpendicular format is to be supported the FIFO will need to be enabled due to the higher data rates used. The FIFO threshold level should be set based on the DMA response time of the system. A lower value of THRESH corresponds to a fast system with a quick DMA response time, whereas a higher value of THRESH corresponds to a sluggish system with slower DMA response time. A write to the configuration register is also used to enable implied seeks if that feature is desired. LockÐThis command will lock the FIFO parameters which will leave them unaffected following a reset. Set the LOCK bit to 1 to lock the parameters. Specify CommandÐAfter a reset a specify command must always be issued in the initialization sequence. This is because there is no default for these values. With this command you will set up the motor on and motor off times as well as the step rate times. DMA mode is also enabled via this command. Mode CommandÐThere are several advanced features that can be enabled via the mode command. Head settling time for implied seeks, open collector drive interface outputs, ISO format pattern, low power modes, enabling 255 step pulses for higher density media, and FIFO burst mode are just some of the features. Recalibrate DriveÐFirst access to the drive should be to RECALIBRATE to track 0. Following the recalibrate command it is necessary to issue a SENSE INTERRUPT command to determine if the recalibrate was successful. If no track 0 was detected, an error will be reported. This is a common method to determine if a drive is connected. Seek/Read/Write/FormatÐAt this point the initialization is complete and normal disk I/O operations would start to occur. In normal operations it would not be necessary to reinitialize prior to each access. Normal disk I/O operations would include writes to CCR register to change data rates, recalibrating to track 0, toggling the motor and drive selects through the DOR register, seeking to the appropriate track, and initializing the DMA controller prior to Read/Write/Format commands. TL/F/11332 – 25 FIGURE 7-2. PC8477B Initialization 7.5 PC8477A/PC8477B DIFFERENCES There are two differences to note between the 8477A and 8477B versions. The NSC command result phase returns a 73H in the 8477B, and returns a 72H in the 8477A. This command is used strictly to distinguish new revisions of the part. The second difference pertains to the Motor On Time (MNT) values when the FDC is in Mode 1. The new table is listed in Table 4-15 of this document. The MNT values at 500 kb/s for Mode 1 were changed to be the same as the 1 Mb/s values. The changes to the MNT values should not affect application software. 7.6 REVISION HISTORY Nov. 1990 Preliminary PC8477 datasheet May 1992 Preliminary PC8477B datasheet ÐAdd new part markings ÐAdd PQFP package option ÐAdd 1.25 Mb/s data rate support ÐAdd Dynamic Window Margin spec. ÐImprove ICC and AC databus timings ÐAdd applications reference section June 1993 Final PC8477B datasheet ÐElimination of 1.25 Mb/s data rate support ÐElimination of FM mode functional testing ÐESD tolerance spec. raised to 2000V ÐReplace tQK spec. with tKR and tRK ÐChange tRC spec. from 160 ns to 300 ns ÐChange tWDW @ 300 Kb/s from 416 ns to 375 ns Figure 7-2 shows a block diagram representing the initialization sequence for the PC8477B. 51 52 Physical Dimensions inches (millimeters) Plastic Chip Carrier (V) Order Number PC8477BV-1 NS Package Number VA68A 53 PC8477B (SuperFDC) Advanced Floppy Disk Controller Physical Dimensions inches (millimeters) (Continued) Plastic Quad Flat Package (PQFP) Order Number PC8477BVF-1 NS Package Number VF60A LIFE SUPPORT POLICY NATIONAL’S PRODUCTS ARE NOT AUTHORIZED FOR USE AS CRITICAL COMPONENTS IN LIFE SUPPORT DEVICES OR SYSTEMS WITHOUT THE EXPRESS WRITTEN APPROVAL OF THE PRESIDENT OF NATIONAL SEMICONDUCTOR CORPORATION. As used herein: 1. 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