CAPZero™ Family Zero1 Loss Automatic X Capacitor Discharge IC Product Highlights • • • • • • • • Blocks current through X capacitor discharge resistors when AC voltage is connected Automatically discharges X capacitors through discharge resistors when AC is disconnected Simplifies EMI filter design – larger X capacitor allows smaller inductive components with no change in consumption Only two terminals – meets safety standards for use before or after system input fuse >4 mm creepage on package and PCB Self supplied – no external bias required High common mode surge immunity – no external ground connection High differential surge withstand – 1000 V internal MOSFETs R1 D1 AC X Capacitor CAPZero MOV and Other EMI Filter Components D2 R2 PI-6599-110711 EcoSmart ® – Energy Efficient • <5 mW consumption at 230 VAC for all X capacitor values Applications • All ACDC converters with X capacitors >100 nF • Appliances requiring EuP Lot 6 compliance • Adapters requiring ultra low no-load consumption • All converters requiring very low standby power Figure 1. Typical Application – Not a Simplified Circuit. Component Selection Table Product3 BVDSS When AC voltage is applied, CAPZero blocks current flow in the X capacitor safety discharge resistors, reducing the power loss to less than 5 mW, or essentially zero1 at 230 VAC. When AC voltage is disconnected, CAPZero automatically discharges the X capacitor by connecting the series discharge resistors. This operation allows total flexibility in the choice of the X capacitor to optimize differential mode EMI filtering and reduce inductor costs, with no change in power consumption. CAP002DG 825 V CAP012DG 1000 V Description CAP003DG 825 V CAP013DG 1000 V CAP004DG 825 V CAP014DG 1000 V CAP005DG 825 V Designing with CAPZero is simply a matter of selecting the appropriate CAPZero device and external resistor values in Table 1 for the X capacitor value being used. This design choice will provide a worst case RC time constant, when the AC supply is disconnected, of less than 1 second as required by international safety standards. CAP015DG 1000 V CAP006DG 825 V CAP016DG 1000 V Maximum Total X Capacitance Total Series Resistance2 (R1 + R2) ≤ 500 nF 1.5 MW 750 nF 1.02 MW 1 mF 780 kW 1.5 mF 480 kW 2 mF 360 kW 2.5 mF 300 kW 3.5 mF 200 kW 5 mF 150 kW CAP007DG 825 V CAP017DG 1000 V CAP008DG 825 V The simplicity and ruggedness of the two terminal CAPZero IC makes it an ideal choice in systems designed to meet EuP Lot 6 requirements. CAP018DG 1000 V The CAPZero family has two voltage grades: 825 V and 1000 V. The voltage rating required depends on surge requirement and circuit configuration of the application. See Key Applications Considerations section for details. Table 1. Component Selection Table. Notes: 1. IEC 62301 clause 4.5 rounds standby power use below 5 mW to zero. 2. Values are nominal. RC time constant is <1 second with ±20% X capacitor and ±5% resistance from these nominal values. 3. Packages: D: SO-8. CAP009DG 825 V CAP019DG 1000 V November 2011 CAPZero Family Pin Functional Description The pin configuration of Figure 2 ensures that the width of the SO-8 package is used to provide creepage and clearance distance of over 4 mm. D Package (SO-8) NC Although electrical connections are only made to pins 2, 3, 6 and 7, it is recommended that pins 1-4 and pins 5-8 are coupled together on the PCB – see Applications Section. D1 D1 NC 1 8 2 7 3 6 4 5 NC D2 D2 NC PI-5608-060810 Figure 2. Pin Configuration. 2 Rev. D 11/11 CAPZero Family R1 D1 MOVPOS1 AC Other EMI Filter Components CEXT X Capacitor1 X Capacitor2 D2 CAPZero R2 Figure 3. MOVPOS2 PI-6600-110711 Placement Options of MOV and CEXT. Key Application Considerations Breakdown Voltage Selection Figure 3 illustrates possible system configurations influencing the choice of CAPZero breakdown voltage. The system configuration variables include the placement of the system MOV and X capacitor(s) as well as the differential surge voltage specifications of the application. As shown in Table 1, each device in the CAPZero family has a 825 V or 1000 V option. For applications where the system MOV is placed in position 1 (MOVPOS1 in Figure 3), the 825 V option will typically provide adequate voltage withstand for surge requirements up to 3 kV or more. The 1 kV CAPZero would be recommended for higher surge requirements or if additional voltage margin is required. For MOV placement that is not directly across the X Capacitor1 (for example MOVPOS2 in Figure 3) the 1000 V CAPZero devices can be used up to a surge specification of 1.5 kV. For differential surge voltage specifications of >1.5 kV it is recommended that the MOV is always placed in the location shown in Figure 3 as MOVPOS1. It is always recommended that the peak voltage between terminals D1 and D2 of CAPZero is measured during surge tests in the final system. Measurements of peak voltage across CAPZero during surge tests should be made with oscilloscope probes having appropriate voltage rating and using an isolated supply to the oscilloscope to avoid ground currents influencing measurement results. When making such measurements, it is recommended that 50 V engineering margin is allowed below the breakdown voltage specification (for example 950 V with the 1000 V CAPZero). If the measured peak Drain voltage exceeds 950 V, an external 1 kV ceramic capacitor of value up to 47 pF can also be placed between D1 and D2 terminals to attenuate the voltage applied between the CAPZero terminals during surge. This optional external capacitor placement is shown as CEXT in Figure 3. It should be noted that use of an external capacitor in this way will increase power consumption slightly due to the CEXT charge/ discharge currents flowing in R1 and R2 while AC is connected. A CEXT value of 33 pF will add approximately 0.5 mW at 230 VAC, 50 Hz. PCB Layout and External Resistor Selection Figure 4 shows a typical PCB layout configuration for CAPZero. The external resistors in this case are divided into two separate surface mount resistors to distribute loss under fault conditions – for example where a short-circuit exists between CAPZero terminals D1 and D2. R1 and R2 values are selected according to Table 1. Under a fault condition where CAPZero terminals D1 and D2 are shorted together, each resistor will dissipate a power that can be calculated from the applied AC voltage and the R1 and R2 values. For example in an application using CAP004 or CAP014, R1=R2=390 kW. If CAPZero is shorted out at 265 VAC R1 and R2 will each dissipate 45 mW. Resistors R1 and R2 should also be rated for 50% of the system input voltage again to allow for the short-circuitry of CAPZero D1 to D2 pins during single point fault testing. If lower dissipation or lower voltage across each resistor is required during fault tests, the total external resistance can be divided into more discrete resistors, however the total resistance must be equal to that specified in Table 1. 3 Rev. D 11/11 CAPZero Family Safety CAPZero meets safety requirements even if placed before the system input fuse. If a short-circuit is placed between D1 and D2 terminals of CAPZero, the system is identical to existing systems where CAPZero is not used. X Capacitor R1 R2 ≥4 mm PI-5610-041310 Figure 4. Typical PCB Layout. With regard to open circuit tests, it is not possible to create a fault condition through a single pin fault (for example lifted pin test) since there are two pins connected to each of D1 and D2. If several pins are lifted to create an open circuit, the condition is identical to an open circuit X capacitor discharge resistor in existing systems where CAPZero is not used. If redundancy against open circuit faults is required, two CAPZero and R1 / R2 configurations can be placed in parallel. Discharge Operation To meet the safety regulations, when the AC supply is disconnected, CAPZero will discharge the X capacitor to the safety extra low voltage (SELV) levels according to the above functional description. Although there are no specific safety requirements below SELV, CAPZero still continues the discharge until the X capacitor is fully discharged. As such CAPZero can be safely used at low input voltages such as the common industrial 18 VAC and 24 VAC supply rails while retaining X capacitor discharge when the AC source is disconnected. 4 Rev. D 11/11 CAPZero Family Absolute Maximum Ratings4 DRAIN Pin Voltage1 CAP002-CAP009 ..............................825 V CAP012-CAP019 .............................1000 V DRAIN Peak Current2 CAP002/CAP012..................... 0.553 mA CAP003/CAP013......................0.784 mA CAP004/CAP014......................1.026 mA CAP005/CAP015......................1.667 mA CAP006/CAP016..................... 2.222 mA CAP007/CAP017.......................2.667 mA CAP008/CAP018..................... 4.000 mA CAP009/CAP019..................... 5.333 mA Storage Temperature....................................... -65 °C to 150 °C Lead Temperature3...........................................................260 °C Operating Ambient Temperature....................... -10 °C to 105 °C Maximum Junction Temperature....................... -10 °C to 110 °C Parameter Notes: 1. Voltage of D1 pin relative to D2 pin in either polarity. 2. The peak DRAIN current is allowed while the DRAIN voltage is simultaneously less than 400 V. 3. 1/16 in. from case for 5 seconds. 4. The Absolute Maximum Ratings specified may be applied one at a time without causing permanent damage to the product. Exposure to Absolute Maximum Rating conditions for extended periods of time may affect product reliability. Symbol Conditions TA = -10 to 105 °C (Unless Otherwise Specified) tDETECT Line Cycle Frequency 47-63 Hz Min Typ Max Units 22 31.4 ms Control Functions AC Removal Detection Time Drain Saturation CurrentA,B Supply Current IDSAT ISUPPLY CAP002/012 0.25 CAP003/013 0.37 CAP004/014 0.48 CAP005/015 0.78 CAP006/016 1.04 CAP007/017 1.25 CAP008/018 1.88 CAP009/019 2.5 TA = 25 °C mA 21.7 mA Notes A. Saturation current specifications ensure a natural RC discharge characteristic at all voltages up to 265 VAC pk with the external resistor values specified in Component Selection Table 1. B. Specifications are guaranteed by characterization and design. 5 Rev. D 11/11 CAPZero Family Typical Performance Characteristics PI-6020-062110 1.20 1.10 ISUPPLY (Normalized to 25 °C) 1.00 0.90 0.80 0.70 0.60 0.50 0.40 0.30 0.20 0.10 0.00 -25 0 25 50 75 100 125 Temperature (°C) Figure 5. ISUPPLY vs. Temperature. 6 Rev. D 11/11 CAPZero Family SO-8 (D Package) 4 B 0.10 (0.004) C A-B 2X 2 DETAIL A 4.90 (0.193) BSC A 4 8 D 5 2 3.90 (0.154) BSC GAUGE PLANE SEATING PLANE 6.00 (0.236) BSC C 0-8 1.04 (0.041) REF 0.10 (0.004) C D 2X 1 Pin 1 ID 4 0.25 (0.010) BSC 0.40 (0.016) 1.27 (0.050) 0.20 (0.008) C 2X 7X 0.31 - 0.51 (0.012 - 0.020) 0.25 (0.010) M C A-B D 1.27 (0.050) BSC 1.25 - 1.65 (0.049 - 0.065) 1.35 (0.053) 1.75 (0.069) o DETAIL A 0.10 (0.004) 0.25 (0.010) 0.10 (0.004) C H 7X SEATING PLANE 0.17 (0.007) 0.25 (0.010) C Reference Solder Pad Dimensions + 1.45 (0.057) 4.00 (0.157) + D08A + 5.45 (0.215) + 1.27 (0.050) Notes: 1. JEDEC reference: MS-012. 2. Package outline exclusive of mold flash and metal burr. 3. Package outline inclusive of plating thickness. 4. Datums A and B to be determined at datum plane H. 5. Controlling dimensions are in millimeters. Inch dimensions are shown in parenthesis. Angles in degrees. 0.60 (0.024) PI-5615-041210 Part Ordering Information • CAPZero Product Family • 002 Series Number • Package Identifier D Plastic SO-8 • Package Material G GREEN: Halogen Free and RoHS Compliant • Tape & Reel and Other Options CAP 002 D G - TL Blank Standard Configurations TL Tape & Reel, 2.5 k pcs. 7 Rev. D 11/11 Revision Notes Date A Code A release. 04/14/10 B Updated ISUPPLY condition. Added figure 5. Parameter TDETECT was updated. 06/08/10 C Updated Table 1. Updated Note 1 in Table 1. Added “Discharge Operation” paragraph. Updated Absolute Maximum Ratings Table. C Added Maximum Junction Temperature specification. D Updated Figures 1 and 3. 02/11 04/11 11/07/11 For the latest updates, visit our website: Power Integrations reserves the right to make changes to its products at any time to improve reliability or manufacturability. Power Integrations does not assume any liability arising from the use of any device or circuit described herein. POWER INTEGRATIONS MAKES NO WARRANTY HEREIN AND SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, AND NON-INFRINGEMENT OF THIRD PARTY RIGHTS. Patent Information The products and applications illustrated herein (including transformer construction and circuits external to the products) may be covered by one or more U.S. and foreign patents, or potentially by pending U.S. and foreign patent applications assigned to Power Integrations. A complete list of Power Integrations patents may be found at Power Integrations grants its customers a license under certain patent rights as set forth at Life Support Policy POWER INTEGRATIONS PRODUCTS ARE NOT AUTHORIZED FOR USE AS CRITICAL COMPONENTS IN LIFE SUPPORT DEVICES OR SYSTEMS WITHOUT THE EXPRESS WRITTEN APPROVAL OF THE PRESIDENT OF POWER INTEGRATIONS. As used herein: 1. A Life support device or system is one which, (i) is intended for surgical implant into the body, or (ii) supports or sustains life, and (iii) whose failure to perform, when properly used in accordance with instructions for use, can be reasonably expected to result in significant injury or death to the user. 2. A critical component is any component of a life support device or system whose failure to perform can be reasonably expected to cause the failure of the life support device or system, or to affect its safety or effectiveness. The PI logo, TOPSwitch, TinySwitch, LinkSwitch, DPA-Switch, PeakSwitch, CAPZero, SENZero, LinkZero, HiperPFS, HiperTFS, HiperLCS, Qspeed, EcoSmart, Clampless, E-Shield, Filterfuse, StakFET, PI Expert and PI FACTS are trademarks of Power Integrations, Inc. Other trademarks are property of their respective companies. ©2011, Power Integrations, Inc. Power Integrations Worldwide Sales Support Locations World Headquarters 5245 Hellyer Avenue San Jose, CA 95138, USA. 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