Design Example Report 30W Multiple Output Power Supply using TOP245R Title Input: 90–264 VAC Specification Output: 1.8V/0.9A, 3.3V/1.3A, 5V/1.8A, 12V/50mA, 18V/0.6A, 23V/0.6A Application Set Top Box Author Power Integrations Applications Department Document Number DER-50 Date April 20, 2005 Revision 1.0 Summary and Features • • • • Tight cross-regulation of ±5% on 3.3V and 5V. Small low cost EMI filter Highly integrated low cost solution Line feed-forward and over voltage protection The products and applications illustrated herein (including circuits external to the products and transformer construction) may be covered by one or more U.S. and foreign patents or potentially by pending U.S. and foreign patent applications assigned to Power Integrations. A complete list of Power Integrations’ patents may be found at Power Integrations 5245 Hellyer Avenue, San Jose, CA 95138 USA. Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 DER-50 Set Top Box Design using TOP245R April 20, 2005 Table Of Contents 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Introduction................................................................................................................. 3 Power Supply Specification ........................................................................................ 4 Schematic................................................................................................................... 5 Circuit Description ...................................................................................................... 6 PCB Layout ................................................................................................................ 8 Bill Of Materials .......................................................................................................... 9 Transformer Specification......................................................................................... 11 7.1 Electrical Diagram ............................................................................................. 11 7.2 Electrical Specifications..................................................................................... 11 7.3 Materials............................................................................................................ 12 7.4 Transformer Build Diagram ............................................................................... 13 7.5 Transformer Construction.................................................................................. 14 8 Transformer Spreadsheets....................................................................................... 15 9 Performance Data .................................................................................................... 18 9.1 Efficiency........................................................................................................... 18 9.2 No-load Input Power.......................................................................................... 18 9.3 Regulation ......................................................................................................... 19 9.3.1 Line Regulation (Transformer Outputs only) .............................................. 19 9.3.2 Cross Regulation (18V Output) .................................................................. 20 9.3.3 Cross Regulation (23V Output) .................................................................. 20 10 Waveforms............................................................................................................ 22 10.1 Drain Voltage and Current, Normal Operation .................................................. 22 10.2 Output Voltage Start-up Profile (from Transformer Outputs only) ..................... 22 10.3 Drain Voltage and Current Start-up Profile........................................................ 23 10.4 Load Transient Response ................................................................................. 23 Output Ripple Measurements ...................................................................................... 25 10.4.1 Ripple Measurement Technique ................................................................ 25 10.4.2 Measurement Results (Transformer Outputs only) .................................... 26 11 Conducted EMI ..................................................................................................... 28 12 Revision History.................................................................................................... 30 Important Note: Although this board is designed to satisfy safety isolation requirements, the engineering prototype has not been agency approved. Therefore, all testing should be performed using an isolation transformer to provide the AC input to the prototype board. Design Reports contain a power supply design specification, schematic, bill of materials, and transformer documentation. Performance data and typical operation characteristics are included. Typically only a single prototype has been built. Page 2 of 31 Power Integrations Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 DER-50 Set Top Box Design using TOP245R April 20, 2005 1 Introduction This document describes a 30W power supply prototype design using a TOP245R. The supply delivers 34W peak. The document contains the power supply specification, schematic, bill of materials, transformer documentation, printed circuit layout, and performance data. Figure 1 – Populated Circuit Board Photograph. Page 3 of 31 Power Integrations Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 DER-50 Set Top Box Design using TOP245R April 20, 2005 2 Power Supply Specification Description Symbol Min Typ Max Units VIN fLINE 90 47 50/60 264 64 VAC Hz Outputs Output Voltage 1 Output Ripple Voltage 1 Output Current 1 Output Voltage 2 Output Ripple Voltage 2 Output Current 2 VOUT1 VRIPPLE1 IOUT1 VOUT2 VRIPPLE2 IOUT2 1.78 1.8 1.89 27 0.02 3.17 0.9 3.3 0.23 1.3 V mV A V mV A Output Voltage 3 Output Ripple Voltage 3 Output Current 3 Output Voltage 4 Output Ripple Voltage 4 VOUT3 VRIPPLE3 IOUT3 VOUT4 VRIPPLE4 4.75 5 IOUT4 0 VOUT5 VRIPPLE5 16.2 IOUT5 0 0.6 VOUT6 VRIPPLE6 20.7 23 Input Voltage Frequency Output Current 4 Output Voltage 5 Output Ripple Voltage 5 Output Current 5 Output Voltage 6 Output Ripple Voltage 6 Output Current 6 IOUT6 Total Output Power Continuous Output Power Peak Output Power 0.55 12.6 0 3.43 50 5.25 25 2.3 11.4 100 V mV A V mV 0.05 0.2 A 18 19.8 72 V mV 1.8 12 A 25.3 92 V mV 0.6 A POUT 30 W POUT_PEAK 34 W Safety Page 4 of 31 +5% / -1% 20 MHz Bandwidth ± 4% 20 MHz Bandwidth ±5% 20 MHz Bandwidth ±5% 20 MHz Bandwidth Dual to the following load (their total gives 1 A) ±10% 20 MHz Bandwidth Dual to the following load (their total gives 0.6 A) ±10% 20 MHz Bandwidth Dual to the previous load (their total gives 0.6 A) Meets EN60065 Meets EN55013/20 Meets EN61000 Conducted EMI Ambient Temperature Comment TAMB 0 50 o C Free convection, Sea level Power Integrations Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 DER-50 Set Top Box Design using TOP245R April 20, 2005 3 Schematic Figure 2 – Schematic. Page 5 of 31 Power Integrations Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 DER-50 Set Top Box Design using TOP245R April 20, 2005 4 Circuit Description AC input power is rectified and filtered by D4, D5, D9, D10 and C23 to provide high voltage DC bus, which is applied to the primary of transformer T1. TOP245R DRAIN pin drives the other side of the transformer primary. Components C18, R20, R5 and D12 clamp the DRAIN voltage leakage inductance spike to below 700 V maximum rating of the TOPSwitch. The additional RC Snubber R21 and C27 is used to get better EMI results at higher frequencies. Resistors R6 and R13 connected to the LINE SENSE pin (L) of the TOPSwitch-GX U1 are used to implement the built-in line voltage feed-forward and overvoltage protection features. The line feed forward feature modulates the control circuit of the TOPSwitch-GX with the AC line frequency ripple component of the input DC, reducing the line frequency ripple at the output of the supply. This simplifies the design of the power supply control loop by reducing the amount of control loop gain required at the line ripple frequency in order to meet output ripple specifications. The overvoltage feature shuts down the power supply if the rectified DC bus voltage exceeds approximately 450V, set by the value of R6 and R13. The supply resumes operation when the bus voltage falls again below the overvoltage threshold value. This feature allows the supply to withstand severe line transients or extended surge conditions without damage. Resistor R18 connected to the EXTERNAL CURRENT LIMIT pin (X) of U1 is used to externally program the device current limit to just above the peak primary current of the supply required for maximum peak load, minimum line voltage. This allows the transformer to be better optimized for the chosen operating conditions, while at the same time avoiding transformer core saturation during start-up or overload conditions. D7 and C12 provide a DC voltage of approximately 15V to power the TOP245R. A relatively large value of C12 (1uF) is used to provide bias voltage ride-through during severe output load transients. Capacitors C24 and C25 filters the internal bias supply of the TOPSwitch-GX, with C24 providing the necessary peak currents to drive the gate of its internal high voltage MOSFET. The larger capacitor C25 also determines the TOPSwitch-GX auto-restart frequency, and along with resistor R17, helps to compensate the power supply control loop. Fine tuning and centering of the output voltage levels can be achieved by appropriate choice of diode (D2, D3, D6 and D8) for each output: by changing diode types, there is the option to change the voltage drop across it, and therefore the correspondent output voltage level. Page 6 of 31 Power Integrations Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 DER-50 Set Top Box Design using TOP245R April 20, 2005 Inductors L2, L3, L4, L6 are used along with capacitors C5, C7, C10, C15 to provide high frequency filtering for the outputs of the supply. These filters greatly reduce the switching frequency ripple and high frequency spike noise at the outputs of the supply. A voltage divider consisting of resistors R8, R9 and R15 monitors the voltage on the 5V and 3.3V outputs. The resistor values are weighted so that the voltage feedback loop is controlled mostly by the 5V output (2/3), with some contribution from the 3.3V output (1/3). Sharing the voltage regulation control between the two outputs in this way improves the cross regulation for the 3.3V output at the expense of a slight change in the regulation of the 5V output. Resistor R11 is used to set the overall gain of the supply control loop, while R7 provides bias current for U2. R14 and C20 provide frequency compensation for U2 to help stabilize the power supply control loop. Capacitor C22 is used to provide open loop feedback through optocoupler ISO1 during start-up, which in conjunction with the built-in soft start-up feature of the TOPSwitch, completely controls the start-up drain current profile, preventing transformer saturation and output overshoot. The approach used for this prototype is a multiple output flyback converter using the integrated functions of TOPSwitch-GX to minimize component count and system cost. In contrast to typical supplies, the design specification includes some extra requirements: • Regulation on the 18V and 23V rails must be maintained to within ±10% from zero load to full 0.6A load. Due to leakage inductance, track resistance, winding resistance diode current/voltage characteristics, the 18V rail will most probably experience peak charging under zero load conditions. In order to maintain the ±10% regulation requirements on this rail, there are two possibilities: 1. Pre-load the 18V rail to such a level to keep within ±10% when the current drawn from this rail falls to zero. 2. Post-regulate the 18V rail to ensure tight regulation during the peak charging conditions. The supply itself uses a TOP245R and EF25 core. Although the TOP244R could be used, the TOP245R was used to lower the system losses at low line input. Front end protection is provided by F1, RT1 and RV1. C11 and L5 provide both common mode and differential mode conducted EMI filtering. The frequency jittering feature of TOPSwitch-GX has allowed for small EMI filter components. Page 7 of 31 Power Integrations Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 DER-50 Set Top Box Design using TOP245R April 20, 2005 5 PCB Layout Figure 3 – Printed Circuit Layout. Page 8 of 31 Power Integrations Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 DER-50 Set Top Box Design using TOP245R April 20, 2005 6 Bill Of Materials Item Qty Value Description Part Reference 1 2.2nF Cap,Cer,2.2nF, Y1, 250VAC C1 2 2 220uF Cap,Al Elect,220uF,35V KZE Series C4 C6 Nippon Chemi-Con 3 2 56uF Cap,Al Elect,56uF,35VKZE Series C5 C7 Nippon Chemi-Con 4 1 470pF Cap,Cer, 470 pF, 50V, COG, 5% C8 Panasonic 5 1 1000uF Cap,Al Elect,1000uF,25V,KZE Series C9 Nippon Chemi-Con 6 1 220uF Cap,Al Elect,220uF,25V,KZE Series C10 Nippon Chemi-Con 7 1 220nF 8 1 1uF 9 1 10 11 1 Mfg Cap,Metal Poly,0.22uF, X2,250Vac C11 Panasonic Cap,Al Elect,1uF,50V,LXZ Series C12 Panasonic 1500uF Cap,Al Elect,1500uF,16V,KZE Series C14 Nippon Chemi-Con 1 220uF Cap,Al Elect,220uF,16V,LXZ Series C15 Nippon Chemi-Con 1 100uF Cap,Al Elect,100uF,16V,LXZ Series C17 Nippon Chemi-Con 12 1 1nF Cap,Cer,1000 pF, 1000V,10% C18 Panasonic 13 1 56nF CAP 56000pF 50V CERM CHIP C20 Panasonic 14 1 22uF Cap,Al Elect,22uF,50V,LXZ Series, C22 Nippon Chemi-Con 15 1 100uF Cap,Al Elect,100uF,400V,TSED Series C23 Panasonic 16 1 100nF Cap,Cer, 0.10 uF, 50V, Z5U, 20% C24 Panasonic 17 1 47uF Cap,Al Elect,47uF,16V,LXZ Series C25 Nippon Chemi-Con 18 1 100uF Cap,Al Elect,100uF,35V,LXZ Series C26 Nippon Chemi-Con 19 1 56 pF Cap,Cer,56 pF, 1000V,SL/GP 5% C27 Panasonic 220pF Cap,Cer,220pF, 1000V, 10% C28 NIC Components Corp D2 D3 Philips 20 1 21 1 22 5 1N4007 Rectifier GPP 1000V 1A DO-41 D4 D5 D9 D10 D12 23 1 MBR745 Diode Schottky 45V 7.5A TO-220AC D6 24 1 BAV21 Diode Fast Switch 250V 500MW DO35 D7 25 1 MBR735 Diode Schottky 35V 7.5A TO-220AC D8 26 1 3.15A FUSE T-LAG 3.15A, 250V,Slo-Blo IEC SHORT TR5 F1 Wickman 27 1 CON2 CONN HEADER 2POS(1 X 2) .156 VERT TIN Molex 28 7 29 4 3.3uH 30 1 20mH CHOKE,20mH,1.3A,SU9V-03050,TOKIN L5 31 1 33R Res, 33, 1/4W, 5%, Carbon Film R3 32 1 47k Res, 47K ,2W, 5%, Metal Film R5 Yageo 33 2 1M0 Res, 1.0M, 1/4W, 5%, Carbon Film R6 R13 Yageo 34 1 1k0 Res, 1.0K, 1/4W, 5%, Carbon Film R7 Yageo 35 1 9k53 Res,9.51K, 1/4W, 1%, M-FILM R8 Yageo 36 1 15k0 Res,15.0K, 1/4W, 1%, M-FILM R9 Yageo 37 1 75R Res, 75, 1/4W, 5%, Carbon Film R11 Yageo 38 1 2k0 Res, 2.0K, 1/4W, 5%, Carbon Film R14 Yageo 39 1 10k Res,10.0K, 1/4W, 1%, M-FILM R15 Yageo 40 1 6R8 Res, 6.8, 1/4W, 5%, Carbon Film R17 Yageo 41 1 10k5 Res,10.5K, 1/4W, 1%, M-FILM R18 Yageo 42 1 2M0 Res, 2.0M, 1/4W, 5%, Carbon Film R19 Yageo 43 1 33R Res, 33, 1/2W, 5%, Carbon Film R20 Yageo BYV-27-100 Rectifier Ultrafast 100V, 2A, SOD57 23V @ 0.6A Terminal,1Pin,18AWG Page 9 of 31 Inductor,3.3uH,2.66A J1 J2 J3 J4 J5 J6 J7 J8 L2 L3 L4 L6 Toko Yageo Power Integrations Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 DER-50 Set Top Box Design using TOP245R 44 1 91R 45 1 68R 46 1 47 1 6k2 Res, 91, 1/2W, 5%, Carbon Film R21 April 20, 2005 Yageo Res, 68, 1/4W, 5%, Carbon Film R22 Yageo JUMPER R23 Yageo Res, 6.2K, 1/4W, 5%, Carbon Film R24 Yageo 48 1 10 Thermistor,10 Ohms,1.7 A RT1 THERMOMETRICS 49 1 275 VARISTOR 275V 75J 14MM RADIAL LA RV1 Littlefuse 50 2 51 1 SCR_6-32 SCR,Phillips,6-32X1/4 EF25 BEF25_10P SCREW1 SCREW2 T1 52 1 TOP245R IC,TOP245R,INT. U1 53 1 TL431CLP IC,TL431CLP, ADJ SHUNT REG TO-92 U2 TI 54 1 PC817X1 IC,PC817X1,PHOTOCOUPLER U3 Sharp 55 1 SPX3940 LDO 1.8V 1A U4 56 1 L78L12A Volt-Reg 12V, 0.1A U5 Page 10 of 31 Power Int. TI Power Integrations Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 DER-50 Set Top Box Design using TOP245R April 20, 2005 7 Transformer Specification 7.1 Electrical Diagram Core Shield 16 Turns 2*0.25 Heavy Nyleze 1 1/2 Primary Wi di 30 T 0.25mm Heavy N l Primary 1/2 10 2 Wi di 30 T 0.25mm Heavy N l Bias Wi di 9 T 2*0.25mm Heavy N l 9 3 8 4 6 5 7 23V Wi di 3 T 2*0.40mm Heavy N l 18V Wi di 7 T 2*0.40mm Heavy N l 5V Wi di 1 T 0.10mm CU F il 3V3 Wi di 2 T 0.10mm CU F il EF25 Figure 4 –Transformer Electrical Diagram 7.2 Electrical Specifications Electrical Strength Primary Inductance Primary Leakage Inductance Page 11 of 31 1 second, 60 Hz, from Pins 1 - 3 to Pins 7 - 10 Pins 1-3, all other windings open, measured at 100 kHz, 0.4 VRMS Pins 1-3, with Pins 7-10 shorted, measured at 100 kHz, 0.4 VRMS 3000 VAC 504 µH, -0/+20% 20 µH (Max.) Power Integrations Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 DER-50 7.3 Set Top Box Design using TOP245R April 20, 2005 Materials Item [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] Description 2 Core: PC40EF25, TDK or equivalent Gapped for AL of 140 nH/T Bobbin: EF25 Vertical 10 pin Magnet Wire: 0.25mm Copper Foil: 10mm x 0.1mm Magnet Wire: 0.40mm Tape: 3M 1298 Polyester Film, 15 mm wide Tape: 3M 1298 Polyester Film, 8 mm wide Tape: 3M 44 Margin Tape, 3 mm wide Varnish Page 12 of 31 Power Integrations Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 DER-50 7.4 Set Top Box Design using TOP245R April 20, 2005 Transformer Build Diagram PIN 2 ½ Primary W inding PIN 9 PIN 1 PIN 10 18V / 23V W inding PIN 8 PIN 7 5V W inding PIN 6 PIN 8 3V3 W inding PIN 4 PIN 5 PIN 3 PIN 2 Bias W inding ½ Primary W inding PIN 1 N.C. Core Shield W inding Figure 5 – Transformer Build Diagram. 10mm 7mm 0.1mm Thick Copper Foil Insulation Tape Page 13 of 31 Power Integrations Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 DER-50 7.5 Set Top Box Design using TOP245R April 20, 2005 Transformer Construction Bobbin Preparation Core Shield Tape ½ Primary Basic Insulation Bifilar Bias Winding Insulation 3V3 and 5V Windings Tape 18V and 23V Windings ½ Primary Outer Wrap Final Assembly Page 14 of 31 Place 3mm of Margin tape on each side of the EF25 Bobbin. Fix the bifilar item [3] to PIN 2. Wind 16 bifilar turns from left to right covering a single full layer. Finish winding at PIN 1. Unwrap the other end of the winding from PIN 2 and leave that end inside. 1 layer of item [6] for mechanical fixing. Start at Pin 3. Wind 30 turns of item [3] in approximately 1 layer from right to left. Bring finish lead back to start. Finish on Pin 2. 1 layer of item [6] for basic insulation. Starting at Pin 4, wind 9 bifilar turns of item [3] from right to left. Spread turns evenly across bobbin. Finish at Pin 5. Use 3 layers of item [6] for safety insulation. Start at Pin 8. Wind 2 turns of copper foil [4]. Bring termination wire out onto pin 6. Continue with one further copper foil turn and finish with termination on pin 7. 1 layer of item [6] for mechanical fixing. Start at Pin 10. Wind 3 turns of 2 parallel strands of item [5] from right to left. Terminate on pin 9. Continue with 7 further turns of 2 parallel strands of item [5]. Finish on pin 8. Start at Pin 2. Wind 30 turns of item [3] in approximately 1 layer from left to right. Bring finish lead back to start. Finish on Pin 1. Wrap windings with 2 layers of tape item [6]. Assemble and secure core halves so that the tape wrapped E core is at the bottom of the transformer. Varnish impregnate (item [9]). Power Integrations Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 DER-50 Set Top Box Design using TOP245R April 20, 2005 8 Transformer Spreadsheets INPUT ENTER APPLICATION VARIABLES VACMIN VACMAX fL VO PO n Z VB tC CIN ENTER TOPSWITCH-GX VARIABLES TOP-GX Chosen Device KI ILIMITMIN ILIMITMAX Frequency - (F)=132kHz, (H)=66kHz fS fSmin fSmax VOR VDS VD VDB KP INFO OUTPUT UNIT 90 264 50 3.3 29.64 0.8 0.5 17 3 100 Volts Volts Hertz Volts Watts Volts mSeconds uFarads top245 TOP245 1.38Amps 1.68Amps f CURRENT WAVEFORM SHAPE PARAMETERS DMAX IAVG IP IR IRMS 132000.00Hertz 124000.00Hertz 140000.00Hertz Volts Volts Volts Volts 120 10 0.7 0.7 0.8 3 2 2 DC INPUT VOLTAGE PARAMETERS VMIN VMAX Universal 60W 0.85 ENTER TRANSFORMER CORE/CONSTRUCTION VARIABLES Core Type ef25 Core Bobbin AE LE AL BW M L NS Power Out EF25 EF25_BOBBI N P/N: P/N: 0.52cm^2 5.78cm 2000.00nH/T^2 15.60mm mm 104.94Volts 373.35Volts 0.56 0.35Amps 1.05Amps 0.84Amps 0.51Amps TRANSFORMER PRIMARY DESIGN Page 15 of 31 Power Integrations Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 DER-50 Set Top Box Design using TOP245R April 20, 2005 PARAMETERS LP NP NB ALG BM BP BAC ur LG BWE OD INS DIA AWG CM CMA 504.33 60.00 8.85 140.09 1710.26 2730.98 684.10 1775.89 0.43 19.20 0.32 0.05 0.27 30.00 101.59 200.66 mm mm mm mm mm AWG Cmils Cmils/Amp 31.62 13.51 8.98 10.09 Amps Amps Amps Amps CMS AWGS DIAS ODS INSS 2702.07 15.00 1.45 4.80 1.67 Cmils AWG mm mm mm VOLTAGE STRESS PARAMETERS VDRAIN PIVS PIVB 645.35 15.75 72.07 Volts Volts Volts TRANSFORMER SECONDARY DESIGN PARAMETERS (SINGLE OUTPUT / SINGLE OUTPUT EQUIVALENT) Lumped parameters ISP ISRMS IO IRIPPLE uHenries nH/T^2 Gauss Gauss Gauss TRANSFORMER SECONDARY DESIGN PARAMETERS (MULTIPLE OUTPUTS) 1st output VO1 18.0 IO1 0.780 PO1 VD1 0.8 NS1 ISRMS1 IRIPPLE1 PIVS1 9.40 1.17 0.88 76.49 Amps Amps Volts CMS1 AWGS1 DIAS1 ODS1 234.65 26.00 0.41 1.02 Cmils AWG mm mm 14.04 Volts Amps Watts Volts 2nd output Page 16 of 31 Power Integrations Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 DER-50 Set Top Box Design using TOP245R VO2 IO2 PO2 VD2 NS2 ISRMS2 IRIPPLE2 PIVS2 5.0 1.800 9.00 0.7 CMS2 AWGS2 DIAS2 ODS2 3rd output VO3 IO3 PO3 VD3 NS3 ISRMS3 IRIPPLE3 PIVS3 April 20, 2005 Volts Amps Watts Volts 2.85 2.71 2.02 22.73 Amps Amps Volts 541.51 22.00 0.65 3.37 Cmils AWG mm mm 3.3 2.000 6.60 0.7 Volts Amps Watts Volts 2.00 3.01 2.25 15.75 Amps Amps Volts CMS3 AWGS3 DIAS3 ODS3 601.68 22.00 0.65 4.80 Cmils AWG mm mm Total power 29.64 Watts Page 17 of 31 Power Integrations Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 DER-50 Set Top Box Design using TOP245R April 20, 2005 9 Performance Data All measurements performed at room temperature, 50 Hz input frequency. 9.1 Efficiency Efficiency % 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 Input Voltage in VAC Figure 6- Efficiency vs. Input Voltage, Room Temperature, 50 Hz. 9.2 No-load Input Power 1000 900 800 Input Power in mW 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 Input Voltage in V Figure 7- Zero Load Input Power vs. Input Line Voltage, Room Temperature, 50 Hz. Page 18 of 31 Power Integrations Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 DER-50 9.3 Set Top Box Design using TOP245R April 20, 2005 Regulation 9.3.1 Line Regulation (Transformer Outputs only) 30 Output Voltage in V 25 20 15 10 5 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 Input Voltage in V Figure 8 – Line Regulation, Room Temperature, Full Load. Page 19 of 31 Power Integrations Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 300 DER-50 Set Top Box Design using TOP245R April 20, 2005 9.3.2 Cross Regulation (18V Output) Min Load (X) Max Load (M) Load Combinations 23V - 5V - 3V3 XXX XXM XMX MXX XMM MMX MMM Min (V) Max (V) % Below % Above 23V Rail (A) 0.2 0.6 Voltage (V) 5V Rail (A) 0.55 1.8 Voltage (V) 3V3 Rail (A) 0.23 1.3 Voltage (V) 23.24 24.3 24.01 22.73 24.88 23.16 23.76 22.73 24.88 -1.17 8.17 5.01 5.2 4.84 4.98 5.01 4.86 4.99 4.84 5.2 -3.20 4.00 3.26 3.2 3.32 3.25 3.23 3.29 3.22 3.2 3.32 -3.03 0.61 18V Rail (A) 0.2 0.6 Voltage (V) 5V Rail (A) 0.55 1.8 Voltage (V) 3V3 Rail (A) 0.23 1.3 Voltage (V) 18.08 18.76 18.49 17.18 19.34 17.58 18.05 17.18 19.34 -4.56 7.44 4.98 5.22 4.8 4.95 5 4.86 4.98 4.8 5.22 -4.00 4.40 3.22 3.19 3.34 3.25 3.23 3.3 3.23 3.19 3.34 -3.33 1.21 9.3.3 Cross Regulation (23V Output) Min Load (X) Max Load (M) Load Combinations 18V - 5V - 3V3 XXX XXM XMX MXX XMM MMX MMM Min (V) Max (V) % Below % Above Page 20 of 31 Power Integrations Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 DER-50 Set Top Box Design using TOP245R April 20, 2005 Thermal Performance Temperature Item Ambient 260 VAC 25°C 25°C Common Mode Choke (L5) 43.5°C 26°C Bridge (D4, D5, D9, D10) 42.5°C 37°C Transformer (T1) 56°C 53.5°C Clamp Resistor (R5) 46°C 31°C TOPSwitch (U1) 69.5°C 62°C Rectifier D2 48.5°C 41°C Rectifier D3 39.5°C 37°C Rectifier D6 41.5°C 39°C Rectifier D8 Resistor R21 Page 21 of 31 90 VAC 41°C 39.5°C 56.5°C 56°C Power Integrations Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 DER-50 Set Top Box Design using TOP245R April 20, 2005 10 Waveforms 10.1 Drain Voltage and Current, Normal Operation Figure 9 - 90 VAC, Full Load. Upper: IDRAIN, 0.5 A / div Lower: VDRAIN, 100 V, 2 µs / div Figure 10 - 265 VAC, Full Load Upper: IDRAIN, 0.5 A / div Lower: VDRAIN, 200 V / div 10.2 Output Voltage Start-up Profile (from Transformer Outputs only) Figure 11 – 3V3 Start-up Profile, 90VAC 1 V, 10 ms / div. Page 22 of 31 Figure 12 – 5V Start-up Profile, 90 VAC 1 V, 10 ms / div. Power Integrations Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 DER-50 Set Top Box Design using TOP245R Figure 13 – 18V Start-up Profile, 90VAC 5 V, 10 ms / div. April 20, 2005 Figure 14 –23V Start-up Profile, 90 VAC 5 V, 10 ms / div. 10.3 Drain Voltage and Current Start-up Profile Figure 15 - 90 VAC Input and Maximum Load. Upper: IDRAIN, 0.5 A / div. Lower: VDRAIN, 100 V & 1 ms / div. Figure 16 - 265 VAC Input and Maximum Load. Upper: IDRAIN, 0.5 A / div. Lower: VDRAIN, 200 V & 1 ms / div. 10.4 Load Transient Response In the figures shown below, signal averaging was used to better enable viewing the load transient response. The oscilloscope was triggered using the load current step as a trigger source. Since the output switching and line frequency occur essentially at random Page 23 of 31 Power Integrations Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 DER-50 Set Top Box Design using TOP245R April 20, 2005 with respect to the load transient, contributions to the output ripple from these sources will average out, leaving the contribution only from the load step response. Figure 17 – Transient Response, 90 VAC, 60-10060% Load Step. Top: Load Current, 1 A/div. Bottom: 3V3 Output Voltage 10 mV, 10 ms / div. Figure 18 – Transient Response, 90 VAC, 60-10060% Load Step Upper: Load Current, 1 A/ div. Bottom: 5V Output Voltage 10 mV, 10 ms / div. Figure 19 – Transient Response, 90 VAC, 50-10050% Load Step. Top: Load Current, 0.5 A/div. Bottom: 18V Output Voltage 10 mV, 10 ms / div. Figure 20 – Transient Response, 90 VAC, 50-10050% Load Step Upper: Load Current, 0.5 A/ div. Bottom: 23V Output Voltage 10 mV, 10 ms / div. Page 24 of 31 Power Integrations Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 DER-50 Set Top Box Design using TOP245R April 20, 2005 Output Ripple Measurements 10.4.1 Ripple Measurement Technique For DC output ripple measurements, a modified oscilloscope test probe must be utilized in order to reduce spurious signals due to pickup. Details of the probe modification are provided in Figure 21 and Figure 22. The 5125BA probe adapter is affixed with two capacitors tied in parallel across the probe tip. The capacitors include one (1) 0.1 µF/50 V ceramic type and one (1) 1.0 µF/50 V aluminum electrolytic. The aluminum electrolytic type capacitor is polarized, so proper polarity across DC outputs must be maintained (see below). Probe Ground Probe Tip Figure 21 - Oscilloscope Probe Prepared for Ripple Measurement. (End Cap and Ground Lead Removed) Figure 22 - Oscilloscope Probe with Probe Master 5125BA BNC Adapter. (Modified with wires for probe ground for ripple measurement, and two parallel decoupling capacitors added) Page 25 of 31 Power Integrations Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 DER-50 Set Top Box Design using TOP245R April 20, 2005 10.4.2 Measurement Results (Transformer Outputs only) Figure 23 – 3V3Ripple, 90 VAC, Full Load. 5 ms, 5 mV / div Figure 24 – 3V3 Ripple, 265 VAC, Full Load. 5 ms, 5 mV / div Figure 25 – 5V Ripple, 90 VAC, Full Load. 2 ms, 5 mV / div Figure 26 - 5 V Ripple, 265 VAC, Full Load. 2 ms, 2 mV / div Page 26 of 31 Power Integrations Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 DER-50 Set Top Box Design using TOP245R April 20, 2005 Figure 27 – 18V Ripple, 90 VAC, Full Load. 5 ms, 20 mV / div Figure 28 - 18V Ripple, 265 VAC, Full Load. 5 ms, 20 mV / div Figure 29 – 23V Ripple, 90 VAC, Full Load. 2 ms, 50 mV / div Figure 30 – 23V Ripple, 265 VAC, Full Load. 5 ms, 20 mV / div Page 27 of 31 Power Integrations Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 DER-50 Set Top Box Design using TOP245R April 20, 2005 11 Conducted EMI Figure 32 - Conducted EMI, Maximum Steady State Load, 115 VAC, 50 Hz, and EN55022 B Limits, Artificial Hand not connected Figure 33 - Conducted EMI, Maximum Steady State Load, 230 VAC, 50 Hz, and EN55022 B Limits. Artificial Hand connected Page 28 of 31 Power Integrations Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 DER-50 Set Top Box Design using TOP245R April 20, 2005 Figure 34 - Conducted EMI, Maximum Steady State Load, 115 VAC, 50 Hz, and EN55022 B Limits, Artificial Hand connected to secondary ground Figure 35 - Conducted EMI, Maximum Steady State Load, 230 VAC, 50 Hz, and EN55022 B Limits. Artificial Hand connected to secondary ground Page 29 of 31 Power Integrations Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 DER-50 Set Top Box Design using TOP245R April 20, 2005 12 Revision History Date April 20, 2005 Page 30 of 31 Author HM Revision 1.0 Description & changes Initial Release Reviewed VC / AM Power Integrations Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 DER-50 Set Top Box Design using TOP245R April 20, 2005 For the latest updates, visit our Web site: Power Integrations may make changes to its products at any time. Power Integrations has no liability arising from your use of any information, device or circuit described herein nor does it convey any license under its patent rights or the rights of others. POWER INTEGRATIONS MAKES NO WARRANTIES HEREIN AND SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, AND NON-INFRINGEMENT OF THIRD PARTY RIGHTS. PATENT INFORMATION The products and applications illustrated herein (including circuits external to the products and transformer construction) may be covered by one or more U.S. and foreign patents or potentially by pending U.S. and foreign patent applications assigned to Power Integrations. A complete list of Power Integrations’ patents may be found at The PI Logo, TOPSwitch, TinySwitch, LinkSwitch, and EcoSmart are registered trademarks of Power Integrations. PI Expert and DPA-Switch are trademarks of Power Integrations. © Copyright 2004, Power Integrations. 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