DMS-20PC-0/5 Series 0-5V and 0-10V Input 3½ Digit, LED Display Process Control Monitors FEATURES N Accepts 0-5V and 0-10V inputs N Large, easy-to-read, 0.37"/9.4mm LED display N Choice of 5 LED power/color options N High input impedance, 100kΩ N +5V to +40V model draws 9mA typ. N Miniature size: 1.38" x 1.25" x 0.95" N High-quality, 20-turn, span (gain) and zero (offset) adjustments N DIP-switch selectable range and decimal points N Vibration-resistant package; Reliable screw-terminal input connections N Hundreds of different input/readout combinations DATEL's DMS-20PC-0/5 Series are the world's smallest, full-featured, 0-5V input process control monitors. Their large, easy-to-read, 0.37"/9.4mm LED displays are available in a choice of 4 LED color/intensity options: standard red, standard green, super-bright red, and low-power red. Two power supply input ranges are also available: the industry-standard +5V and a wide-range +5V to +40V (which typically draws 9mA at +24V). Gain (span) and offset (zero) adjustments are performed with on-board, precision, 20-turn potentiometers. All decimal-point and range-change selections are made on an 8-position, vibration-resistant, gold-plated DIP switch. Unlike competitive meters, there are no jumpers or solder gaps to open or close, and to further enhance reliability, the entire assembly utilizes 100% soldered connections. Both power-supply and input-signal connections are made via reliable screw-type terminal blocks. The DMS-20PC-0/5's DIP switch and potentiometers accommodate hundreds of inputvoltage/output-reading combinations. This practically eliminates the need for more costly, long-lead-time, factory "specials" in applications which use several different-range meters. A supplied bezel assembly––featuring metal fasteners and a rubber gasket––simplifies panel mounting and also provides excellent resistance to environmental dust and moisture. All these outstanding features combine to make the DMS-20PC-0/5 the perfect meter for prototype and OEM, 0-5V input, process control monitoring. SIMPLIFIED SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM DMS-20PC-0/5 3½ Digit A/D Converter DATA –5V +5V DP1 DP2 DP3 N.C. R3 R7 Zero Adjust Gain Adjust ON DIP Switches 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 N.C. +5V Band-Gap Reference Circuit DC/DC Converter 1 TB1 + For full details go to +5V –5V 2 1 TB2 – HI LO Signal Input + –5V 2 – +V –V Power Supply Input Figure 1. DMS-20PC-0/5 simplified schematic Technical enquiries email:, tel: +1 508 339 3000 MPM_DMS20pc_5V.B04 Page 1 of 4 DMS-20PC-0/5 Series 0-5V and 0-10V Input 3½ Digit, LED Display Process Control Monitors Performance/Functional Specifications TECHNICAL NOTES Typical at TA = +25°C, unless otherwise noted. Inputs Min. Typ. Max. Units Full Scale Input Range~ 4.9 5.0 5.1 Volts Input Impedence 100 – 140 kΩ – – ±40 Volts Overvoltage Protection Performance Sampling Rate 1. Input Configuration: The DMS-20PC-0/5 has its input low terminal (TB1 "LO") internally connected to the power supply ground terminal (TB2 "–V"). This connection effectively places the meter's input in a single-ended configuration. In some applications, single-ended inputs can cause ground-loop induced errors (the meter's display becomes unstable or bounces). This occurs because the LED drive currents flow through both the –V terminal and the signal LO terminal. 2.5 reading per second Accuracy (1 minute warm-up): Temperature Drift (0 to +60°C) ±0.05%FS ±1 Count – ±0.15 ±0.3 Cnts/°C DMS-20PC-0/5-5RS (@90mA max.) +4.75 +5.00 +5.25 Volts DMS-20PC-0/5-5GS (@120mA max.) +4.75 +5.00 +5.25 Volts Power Supply Requirements DMS-20PC-0/5-5RL (@15mA max.) +4.75 +5.00 +5.25 Volts DMS-20PC-0/5-5RH (@90mA max.) +4.75 +5.00 +5.25 Volts DMS-20PC-0/5-24RS (@15mA max.) +4.75 – +40.0 Volts Display Display Type and Size 3½ digit, 0.37"/9.4mm high LED Polarity Indication "–" for negative VIN Overrange Indication If suspected ground-loop errors are encountered, and the input signal LO terminal is externally connected to –V somewhere else in the system, try removing the connection to TB1 "LO". Inputs which have no ground-return connection to –V (commonly referred to as "floating inputs") must have their most negative potential tied to TB1 "LO". Please consult DATEL for more information. Applications which require electrical isolation between the input signal source and the system power supply must use a separate transformer-isolated supply to power the meter. 2. Panel Mounting: In most standard through-the-panel installations, the DMS-20PC-0/5 must be secured to the panel with DMS-BZL4 bezel assemblies (see the Mechanical Specifications section for more information). "–1_ _ _ " for negative inputs "1_ _ _ " for positive inputs Physical/Environmental Operating Temperature Storage Temperature Humidity (non-condensing) Case Material 0 – +60 °C –20 – +75 °C 0 – 95 % Polycarbonate Weight 0.6 ounces (17 grams) ~ The DMS-20PC-0/5 can also be used in most 0-10V applications. See the section on 0-10V inputs for more information. See Note 3 on Table 1. INPUT LO (TB1 "–LO") is internally connected to the power return (TB2 "–V"). Overvoltage specifications apply to the INPUT HI (TB1 "+HI") connection. OPERATING AND SETUP INSTRUCTIONS As shipped, the DMS-20PC-0/5 is factory calibrated to read "000" for a 0.0V input and "1999" for a 5.0V input. The following worst-case procedure assumes the DMS-20PC-0/5 is completely mis-adjusted, i.e., both potentiometers and the DIP switches are randomly set. 1. Set R7 (full scale span/gain adjust) and R3 (zero/offset adjust) fully clockwise, roughly 22 turns, and place SW1-SW8 to OFF (down position). 2. Select DIP switch setting #1 in Table 1. 3. Apply a precision 0.0V input and adjust R3 until the meter's display reads "000". Ordering Information DMS-20PC-0/5-5RS-C DMS-20PC-0/5-5GS-C DMS-20PC-0/5-5BS-C DMS-20PC-0/5-5RL-C DMS-20PC-0/5-5RH-C DMS-20PC-0/5-24RL-C DMS-PS1-CM-C DMS-PS4-CM-C DMS-PS7-CM-C +5V supply, standard-intensity red LED's +5V supply, standard-intensity green LED's +5V supply, bright blue LED's +5V supply, low-power red LED's +5V supply, high-intensity red LED's +5V to +40V supply, low-power red LED's +5V/1.0A AC/DC power supply module +24V/0.45A AC/DC power supply module +24V/0.7A AC/DC power supply module DMS-20-CP Panel cutout punch 4. Apply a precision 5.0V input and adjust R7 until the meter's display reads "1999". Repeat steps 3 and 4 to make sure the adjustments do not affect one another. 5. Select the appropriate decimal point by setting SW6, SW7 or SW8 to ON (DP1, DP2 or DP3 respectively). NOTE: The "000" to "1999" display readings referred to in the instructions above are for illustrative purposes only. If other display readings such as "000" to "1200" are desired, refer to the DIPSwitch Settings Tables for SW1-SW4 settings. (SW5 is reserved for future use, it has no affect on display operation.) The initial setting of R3 and R7 fully clockwise is recommended in the adjustment procedure for all the following examples. Note: A DMS-BZL4 bezel assembly with a sealing gasket is supplied with each meter. Technical enquiries email:, tel: +1 508 339 3000 MPM_DMS20pc_5V.B04 Page 2 of 4 DMS-20PC-0/5 Series 0-5V and 0-10V Input 3½ Digit, LED Display Process Control Monitors Examples (0-5V Inputs) 4. Desired display readings are: 1. Desired display readings are: 1.0V input = "000" 6.0V input = "090" ON 0.0V input = "0.00" 5.0V input = "6.00" 1 3 2 4 5 6 7 8 Use DIP-switch setting #3 in Table 1 and enable decimal point DP2 via SW7. Apply 0.0V and adjust R3 so the display reads "0.00". Apply 5.0V and adjust R7 so the display reads "6.00". 2. Desired display readings are: ON 0.0V input = "000" 5.0V input = "800" 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ON 0.0V input = ".000" 5.0V input = ".250" 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 Table 1. 0-5V DIP-Switch Settings 0.0V Input 1. 000 2. 000 3. 000 4. 000 5. 000 6. 000 7. 000 8. 000 5.0V Input 1200-1999 700-1200 400-700 300-400 190-300 120-190 100-150 90-140 SW2 SW3 SW4 Off On Off Off Off Off Off On Off Off On Off On Off On On Off Off Off On On On On On Off Off Off Off Off On On On 4 5 6 7 8 Even though this input is positioned between +1.0V and +6.0V, it still meets the 5V full scale input range listed in the Functional Specifications section. Use DIP-switch setting #8 in Table 1. Apply 1.0V and adjust R3 so the display reads "000". Apply 6.0V and adjust R7 so the display reads "090". With this type of input, it is advisable to recheck both input levels to be sure the potentiometer settings do not affect one another. 0-10V Inputs While the DMS-20PC-0/5 is optimized for operation with 0-5V inputs, its versatile input stage can also accommodate most 0-10V applications. The meter's zero/offset potentiometer (R3) has enough adjustment range to produce a "000" display reading with input signal levels between –0.1V and +1.0V. Table 2. summarizes the available ranges when the DMS-20PC-0/5 is used with 0-10V inputs. Example (0-10V Inputs) 1. Desired display readings are: ON 0.0V input = "000" 10.0V input = "500" SW1 3 8 Use DIP-switch setting #5 in Table 1 and enable decimal point DP1 via SW6. Apply 0.0V and adjust R3 so the display reads "000". Apply 5.0V and adjust R7 so the display reads ".250". Display Reading 2 8 Use DIP-switch setting #2 in Table 1. Apply 0.0V and adjust R3 so the display reads "000". Apply 5.0V and adjust R7 so the display reads "800". For these display readings, no decimal points are used. Set SW6, SW7 and SW8 to OFF. 3. Desired display readings are: ON The DMS-20PC-0/5 is optimized for handling 5V signal ranges that are positioned between –0.1V and +6.0V. As such, input ranges can be anywhere between –0.1V to +4.9V and +1.0V to +6.0V as long as their full range is 5 Volts. The meter's zero/offset potentiometer (R3) has enough adjustment range to produce a "000" display reading for input signal levels between – 0.1V and +1.0V. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Use DIP switch setting #4 in Table 2. Apply 0.0V and adjust R3 so the display reads "000". Apply 10.0V and adjust R7 so the display reads "500". Table 2. 0-10V DIP-Switch Settings Display Reading 0.0V Input 1. 000 2. 000 3. 000 4. 000 5. 000 6. 000 7. 000 10.0V Input 1400-1999 800-1400 600-800 380-600 240-380 200-300 180-280 SW1 SW2 SW3 SW4 On Off Off Off Off Off On Off On Off On Off On On Off Off On On On On On Off Off Off Off On On On Please note the DMS-20PC digital panel meter from which the DMS-20PC-0/5 is derived has an accuracy specification of ±2 counts (max.). Thus, it may not always be possible to obtain the exact desired display readings. Technical enquiries email:, tel: +1 508 339 3000 MPM_DMS20pc_5V.B04 Page 3 of 4 DMS-20PC-0/5 Series 0-5V and 0-10V Input 3½ Digit, LED Display Process Control Monitors MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS TOLERANCES: WIRE SIZE: STRIPPING LENGTH: 2 PL DEC ±0.02 (±0.51) 3 PL DEC ±0.010 (±0.254) 18 to 26 AWG (Solid or stranded) 0.20" (5.08mm) 0.95 (24.1) MADE IN USA DMS-20PC-0/5 ® 12 0.040 (1.02) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0.040 (1.02) 1.30 (33.0) 0.44 (11.2) TYP. 0.80 (20.3) 0.88 (22.4) 1.38 (35.1) 1 ON DIP Switches ® Back View 0.040 (1.02) 1.25 (31.8) 8 Front View Zero/Offset Adjust + R3 – + – R7 Gain/Span Adjust + – + – TB1 Signal Input TB2 Power Input DP1 (SW6) DP2 DP3 (SW7) (SW8) BEZEL INSTALLATION AND RECOMMENDED DRILL AND PANEL CUTOUT #2-56 INSERT 0.156 (3.96) DEEP FRONT VIEW 0.187 (4.75) BEZEL INSTALLATION 1.280 (32.51) PANEL ® 1.07 (27.18) 0.093 (2.362) DIA (4 REQUIRED) PANEL CUTOUT 1.336 (33.93) ® 1.826 (46.38) INTERNAL CORNER RADII: 0.032 (0.81) MAX. 0.116 (2.95) GASKET 0.838 (21.29) BEZEL 0.145 (3.68) 1.626 (41.30) USA: Murata Power Solutions, Inc. 11 Cabot Boulevard, Mansfield, MA 02048-1151 U.S.A. Tel: (508) 339-3000 (800) 233-2765 Fax: (508) 339-6356 email: ISO 9001 and 14001 REGISTERED 11/25/08 Murata Power Solutions, Inc. makes no representation that the use of its products in the circuits described herein, or the use of other technical information contained herein, will not infringe upon existing or future patent rights. The descriptions contained herein do not imply the granting of licenses to make, use, or sell equipment constructed in accordance therewith. Specifications are subject to change without notice. © 2008 Murata Power Solutions, Inc. Mansfield (MA), Tel: (508) 339-3000, email: Canada: Toronto, Tel: (866) 740-1232, email: UK: Milton Keynes, Tel: +44 (0)1908 615232, email: France: Montigny Le Bretonneux, Tel: +33 (0)1 34 60 01 01, email: Germany: München, Tel: +49 (0)89-544334-0, email: Japan: Tokyo, Tel: 3-3779-1031, email: Osaka, Tel: 6-6354-2025, email: China: Shanghai, Tel: +86 215 027 3678, email: Guangzhou, Tel: +86 208 221 8066, email: Singapore: Parkway Centre, Tel: +65 6348 9096, email: Technical enquiries email:, tel: +1 508 339 3000 MPM_DMS20pc_5V.B04 Page 4 of 4