Specification Sheet 4X FSC NTSC PRE FILTER FSC4NF Filter Shape Low pass Passband Shape Flat Sampling Frequency 14.32 MHz Insertion Loss at 100 kHz <1.0 dB End Of Passband 4.5 MHz Passband Amplitude Ripple <0.1 dB to 3.6 MHz <0.2 dB to 4.5 MHz Loss wrt 100 kHz @ ½ S.F. >12 dB Start Of Stopband 9.82 MHz Stopband Attenuation wrt 100 kHz > 40 dB Attenuation @ 14.32 MHz > 55 dB Stopband Measured To 100 MHz Group Delay Ripple < 10 ns Group Delay Bandwidth 4.0 MHz Delay Time at 200 kHz 203 ns Luminance / Chrominance Gain <2% Luminance / Chrominance Delay < 5 ns Impedance 75 ohms Temperature Range 0°C to 70°C Aqueous Washable Yes Package DR00008B © Faraday Technology. As part of continual product improvement the specifications, details and dimensions shown in this publication are subject to change without notice Fara240p Page 1 of 2 Oct-00(A) PACKAGE DETAIL All dimensions in millimetres (inches). Gen Tolerance ± 0,05 (0.002) unless otherwise stated. DO NOT SCALE © Faraday Technology Ltd Croft Road Newcastle-U-Lyme ST5 0QZ England Tel (044) 01782 661501 Fax 630101 Third Angle Projection TOP VIEW 8,0 (0.31) Max. 13,6 (0.54) Max. 0,75 (0.03) Nom 3,81 (0.15) Min. 40,1 (1.58) Max. Pin 15 Pin 1 4,25 (0.167) Nom. 2,54 (0.1) Typ. Notes; 2,3 (0.09) Nom. Pins Matl; Phosphor Bronze Hot Tin dipped. Pins Size; 0,51 (0.02) x 0,25 (0.01) Pin Assignments; Pins 1 & 15 = Input/Output. Pins 2 to 14 incl = Gnd. Template: DT00008 Change Note No; 511 Faraday Technology Ltd. Croft Road Industrial Estate, Newcastle, Staffordshire ST5 0QZ. England. Fara240p Drawn: B A Knapper Auth: P Dutton Date: Date: 09/10/98 09/10/98 Title: Drg No: FILTER ASSY Tel: Fax: Email: Web site: Page 2 of 2 DR00008B + 44 (0)1782 661501 + 44 (0)1782 630101 sales@faradaytech.co.uk http://www.faradaytech.co.uk Oct-00(A)