规格书编号 SPEC NO : 产品规格书 SPECIFICATION CUSTOMER 客 户: SAW FILTER PRODUCT 产 品: HDF4651 MODEL NO 型 号: PREPARED 编 制: CHECKED 审 核: Houshihong APPROVED 批 准: CHARLES D A T E 日 期: 2007-01-25 客户确认 CUSTOMER RECEIVED: 审核 CHECKED 批准 APPROVED 日期 DATE 无锡市好达电子有限公司 Shoulder Electronics Limited www.shoulder.cn Tel:0755-82916880 Fax:0755-82916881 E-mail:info@shoulder.cn Page 1 of 13 HDF4651 SAW FILTER 更改历史记录 History Record 更改日期 Date www.shoulder.cn 规格书编号 Spec No 产品型号 Part No 客户产品型号 Customer No Tel:0755-82916880 Fax:0755-82916881 更改内容描述 Modify Content E-mail:info@shoulder.cn 备注 Remark Page 2 of 13 HDF4651 SAW FILTER 1.Features _ RF bandpass filter for CDMA450 Rx. Part _ Usable bandwidth 5MHz (462.5MHz ~ 467.5 MHz) _ High attenuation _ No matching 50Ω single-ended operation _ Ceramic Surface Mounted Device Package ( 3.8 mm * 3.8 mm ) 2. ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATION Parameter Operating Temperature Range Storage Temperature Range DC Voltage VDC Power Handling Capability Rating -30~85 -40~85 10 27 Unit °C °C V dBm 2-1-1.Electrical characteristics( T=25°C) Minimum Center Frequency ( F0 ) MHz Insertion Loss (F0 +/- 2.5 MHz) Amplitude Ripple (F0 +/- 2.5 MHz) dB dB VSWR (F0 +/- 2.5 MHz) Relative Attenuation 0.3 MHz ~ 452.5 MHz 452.5 MHz ~ 457.5 MHz 485.0 MHz ~ 507.5 MHz 507.5 MHz ~ 1200 MHz 1200 MHz ~ 1700 MHz Input/Output Impedance www.shoulder.cn Tel:0755-82916880 - Typical 465.0 Maximum - - 3.0 3.3 - 1.0 2.2 - 1.5 2.0 - dB Ω Fax:0755-82916881 45 35 40 35 25 - E-mail:info@shoulder.cn 50 43 45 50 - Page 3 of 13 HDF4651 SAW FILTER 2-1-2.Electrical characteristics( T=+70°C~-20°C) Minimum Center Frequency ( F0 ) MHz Insertion Loss (F0 +/- 2.5 MHz) dB VSWR (F0 +/- 2.5 MHz) Relative Attenuation 0.3 MHz ~ 452.5 MHz 452.5 MHz ~ 457.5 MHz(+70°C~-20°C) 485.0 MHz ~ 507.5 MHz 507.5 MHz ~ 1200 MHz 1200 MHz ~ 1700 MHz dB Input/Output Impedance Ω 465.0 - dB Amplitude Ripple (F0 +/- 2.5 MHz) Typical Maximum - - 3.0 3.6 - 1.0 2.2 - 1.5 2.4 - 45 30 40 35 25 50 45 - - 50 - 2-2.Typical frequency response CH1 S 21 log MAG 10 dB/ REF -41 dB 7 Jul 2006 09:16:17 4_:-1.9112 dB 467.500 000 MHz Cor 4 1_:-52.403 dB 452.5 MHz 2_:-52.259 dB 457.5 MHz 3 1 CH1 CENTER 455.000 000 MHz www.shoulder.cn Tel:0755-82916880 Fax:0755-82916881 3_:-2.5788 dB 462.5 MHz 2 SPAN 100.000 000 MHz E-mail:info@shoulder.cn Page 4 of 13 HDF4651 SAW FILTER 2-3 Input / Output VSWR Charts CH1 S 11 SWR 1 / 7 Jul 2006 09:16:26 4_: 1.4321 REF 1 467.500 000 MHz 1_: 9.3965 452.5 MHz 2_: 5.135 457.5 MHz 1 3_: 1.4927 462.5 MHz 2 4 3 CH1 CENTER 455.000 000 MHz CH1 S 22 SWR SPAN 100.000 000 MHz 1 / 8 Jul 2006 09:18:28 4_: 1.4655 REF 1 467.500 000 MHz 1_: 8.6401 452.5 MHz 2_: 4.6519 457.5 MHz 3_: 1.3043 462.5 MHz 1 2 4 3 CH1 CENTER 455.000 000 MHz www.shoulder.cn Tel:0755-82916880 Fax:0755-82916881 SPAN 100.000 000 MHz E-mail:info@shoulder.cn Page 5 of 13 HDF4651 SAW FILTER 2-4 Input / Output Smith Charts www.shoulder.cn Tel:0755-82916880 Fax:0755-82916881 E-mail:info@shoulder.cn Page 6 of 13 HDF4651 SAW FILTER 3. TEST CIRCUIT 4-1. DIMENSION www.shoulder.cn Tel:0755-82916880 Fax:0755-82916881 E-mail:info@shoulder.cn Page 7 of 13 HDF4651 SAW FILTER 4-2Marking Configuration 1) Pad Number 1 Index 2) Manufacturer name 3) Marking Number 4) Lot Number 4-3 picture www.shoulder.cn Tel:0755-82916880 Fax:0755-82916881 E-mail:info@shoulder.cn Page 8 of 13 HDF4651 SAW FILTER 5.Environmental Performance Characteristics Item High temperature Low temperature Humidity Thermal shock Resistance to Soldering heat www.shoulder.cn Condition The specimen shall be store at a temperature of 85±2℃ for 96±4h. Then it shall be subjected to standard atmospheric conditions for 1h, after which measurement shall be made within 1h. The specimen shall be store at a temperature of -30±3℃ for 96±4h. Then it shall be subjected to standard atmospheric conditions for 1h, after which measurement shall be made within 1h. The specimen shall be store at a temperature of 40±2℃ with relative humidity of 90% to 96% for 96±4h. Then it shall be subjected to standard atmospheric conditions for 1h, after which measurement shall be made within 1h. The specimen shall be subjected to 8 continuous cycles each as shown below. Then it shall be subjected to standard atmospheric conditions for 1h, after which measurement shall be made within 1h. Temperature Duration 1 +25℃=>-40℃ 0.5h 2 -40℃ 4h 3 -40℃=>+85℃ 2h 4 +85℃ 4h 5 +85℃=>+25℃ 0.5h 6 +25℃ 1h Reflow soldering method Peak: 255 ±5 ℃, 220 ±5℃, 40s At electrode temperature of the specimen. Tel:0755-82916880 Fax:0755-82916881 E-mail:info@shoulder.cn Specifications Mechanical characteristics and specifications in electrical characteristics shall be satisfied. There shall be no excessive change in appearance. Page 9 of 13 HDF4651 SAW FILTER Solder ability The specimen shall be passed through the reflow furnace with the condition shown in the above profile for 1 time. The specimen shall be stored at standard atmospheric conditions for 1h, after which the measurement shall be made. Test board shall be 1.6 mm thick. Base material shall be glass fabric base epoxy resin. Immerse the pins melt solder at 260℃+5/-0℃ More then 95% of for 5 sec. total area of the pins should be covered with solder 6.Mechanical Test Items Vibration Drop Lead pull Lead bend Conditions 600-3300rpm amplitude 1.5mm 3 directions 2 H each On maple plate from 1m high 3 times Pull with 1kg force for 30 seconds 90o bending with 500g weigh 2 times Specifications There shall be no damage. 7. REMARK 7.1 Static voltage Static voltage between signal load & ground may cause deterioration &destruction of the component. Please avoid static voltage. 7.2 Ultrasonic cleaning Ultrasonic vibration may cause deterioration & destruction of the component. Please avoid ultrasonic cleaning 7.3 Soldering Only leads of component may be soldered. Please avoid soldering another part of component. www.shoulder.cn Tel:0755-82916880 Fax:0755-82916881 E-mail:info@shoulder.cn Page 10 of 13 HDF4651 SAW FILTER 8. Packing 8.1 Dimensions (1) Carrier Tape: Figure 1 (2) Reel: Figure 2 (3) The product shall be packed properly not to be damaged during transportation and storage. 8.2 Reeling Quantity 1000 pcs/reel 7’’ 3000 pcs/reel 13’’ 8.3 Taping Structure (1) The tape shall be wound around the reel in the direction shown below. (2) Label Device Name User Product Name Quantity Lot No. (3) Leader part and vacant position specifications. www.shoulder.cn Tel:0755-82916880 Fax:0755-82916881 E-mail:info@shoulder.cn Page 11 of 13 HDF4651 SAW FILTER 9. TAPE SPECIFICATIONS 9.1 Tensile Strength of Carrier Tape: 4.4N/mm width 9.2 Top Cover Tape Adhesion (See the below figure) (1) pull off angle: 0~15º (2) speed: 300mm/min. (3) force: 20~70g [Figure 1] Carrier Tape Dimensions [Unit:mm] W F E P0 P1 P2 D0 D1 t1 t2 A B 12.00 ±0.30 5.50 ±0.10 1.75 ±0.10 4.00 ±0.10 8.00 ±0.10 2.00 ±0.10 Ø1.50 Ø1.0 ±0.25 0.25 ±0.05 1.65 ±0.10 4.04 ±0.10 4.10 ±0.10 www.shoulder.cn Tel:0755-82916880 Fax:0755-82916881 E-mail:info@shoulder.cn Page 12 of 13 HDF4651 SAW FILTER [Figure 2] [Unit:mm] A B C D E W t r Ø330 ±1.0 Ø100 ±0.5 Ø13 ±0.5 Ø21 ±0.8 2 ±0.5 13 ±0.3 3 max. 1.0 max. 10.REVIRION Date 2005-6-15 2006-5-16 2006-5-25 2006-7-7 2008-1-30 www.shoulder.cn Page Tel:0755-82916880 Revision A B C D E Fax:0755-82916881 Reason NEW Customer’s require Customer’s require Customer’s require Customer’s require E-mail:info@shoulder.cn Page 13 of 13