LMH6702 Ultra Low Distortion, Wideband Op Amp General Description Features The LMH6702 is a very wideband, DC coupled monolithic operational amplifier designed specifically for wide dynamic range systems requiring exceptional signal fidelity. Benefiting from National’s current feedback architecture, the LMH6702 offers unity gain stability at exceptional speed without need for external compensation. With its 720MHz bandwidth (AV = 2V/V, VO = 2VPP), 10-bit distortion levels through 60MHz (RL = 100Ω), 1.83nV/ input referred noise and 12.5mA supply current, the LMH6702 is the ideal driver or buffer for high-speed flash A/D and D/A converters. VS = ± 5V, TA = 25˚C, AV = +2V/V, RL = 100Ω, VOUT = 2VPP, Typical unless Noted: n 2nd/3rd Harmonics (5MHz, SOT23-5) −100/−96dBc n −3dB Bandwidth (VOUT = 2VPP) 720MHz n Low noise 1.83nV/ n Fast settling to 0.1% 13.4ns n Fast slew rate 3100V/µs n Supply current 12.5mA n Output current 80mA n Low Intermodulation Distortion (75MHz) −67dBc n Improved Replacement for CLC409 and CLC449 Wide dynamic range systems such as radar and communication receivers, requiring a wideband amplifier offering exceptional signal purity, will find the LMH6702’s low input referred noise and low harmonic and intermodulation distortion make it an attractive high speed solution. The LMH6702 is constructed using National’s VIP10™ complimentary bipolar process and National’s proven current feedback architecture. The LMH6702 is available in SOIC and SOT23-5 packages. Inverting Frequency Response DS200390 n n n n n n Flash A/D driver D/A transimpedance buffer Wide dynamic range IF amp Radar/communication receivers Line driver High resolution video Harmonic Distortion vs. Load and Frequency 20039002 © 2003 National Semiconductor Corporation Applications 20039007 www.national.com LMH6702 Ultra Low Distortion, Wideband Op Amp June 2003 LMH6702 Absolute Maximum Ratings Human Body Model (Note 1) Machine Model If Military/Aerospace specified devices are required, please contact the National Semiconductor Sales Office/ Distributors for availability and specifications. IOUT (Note 3) Common Mode Input Voltage V− to V+ Maximum Junction Temperature Storage Temperature Range Thermal Resistance Package −65˚C to +150˚C Soldering Information Wave Soldering (10 sec.) −65˚C to +150˚C Operating Ratings (Note 1) +150˚C Infrared or Convection (20 sec.) 200V Storage Temperature Range ± 6.75V VS 2000V (θJC) (θJA) 8-Pin SOIC 75˚C/W 160˚C/W 5-Pin SOT23 120˚C/W 187˚C/W 235˚C Operating Temperature −40˚C to +85˚C 260˚C Nominal Supply Voltage ± 5V to ± 6V ESD Tolerance (Note 4) Electrical Characteristics (Note 2) AV = +2, VS = ± 5V, RL = 100Ω, RF = 237Ω; unless specified Symbol Parameter Conditions Min (Note 6) Typ (Note 6) Max (Note 6) Units Frequency Domain Performance SSBWLG -3dB Bandwidth LSBWLG SSBWHG VOUT = 2VPP 720 VOUT = 4VPP 480 MHz VOUT = 2VPP, AV = +10 140 GF0.1dB 0.1dB Gain Flatness VOUT = 2VPP 120 MHz LPD Linear Phase Deviation DC to 100MHz 0.09 deg DG Differential Gain RL =150Ω, 3.58MHz/4.43MHz 0.024/0.021 % DP Differential Phase RL = 150Ω, 3.58MHz/4.43MHz 0.004/0.007 deg Time Domain Response TRS/TRL Rise and Fall Time 2V Step 0.87/0.77 ns 6V Step 1.70/1.70 ns OS Overshoot 2V Step 0 % SR Slew Rate 6VPP, 40% to 60% (Note 5) 3100 V/µs Ts Settling Time to 0.1% 2V Step 13.4 ns 2VPP, 5MHz (Note 9) (SOT23-5/SOIC) −100/ −87 dBc HD2 2VPP, 20MHz (Note 9) (SOT23-5/SOIC) −79/ −72 dBc HD2H 2VPP, 60MHz (Note 9) (SOT23-5/SOIC) −63/ −64 dBc 2VPP, 5MHz (Note 9) (SOT23-5/SOIC) −96/ −98 dBc HD3 2VPP, 20MHz (Note 9) (SOT23-5/SOIC) −88/ −82 dBc HD3H 2VPP, 60MHz (Note 9) (SOT23-5/SOIC) −70/ −65 dBc Distortion And Noise Response HD2L HD3L 2nd Harmonic Distortion 3rd Harmonic Distortion OIM3 IMD 75MHz, PO = 10dBm/ tone −67 VN Input Referred Voltage Noise 1.83 nV/ IN Input Referred Inverting Noise Current > 1MHz > 1MHz 18.5 pA/ INN Input Referred Non-Inverting Noise Current > 1MHz 3.0 pA/ SNF Total Input Noise Floor > 1MHz −158 dBm1Hz INV Total Integrated Input Noise 1MHz to 150MHz 35 µV www.national.com 2 dBc (Continued) AV = +2, VS = ± 5V, RL = 100Ω, RF = 237Ω; unless specified Symbol Parameter Conditions Min (Note 6) Typ (Note 6) Max (Note 6) Units ± 1.0 ± 4.5 ± 6.0 mV Static, DC Performance VIO Input Offset Voltage DVIO Input Offset Voltage Average Drift (Note 8) −13 IBN Input Bias Current Non-Inverting (Note 7) −6 DIBN Input Bias Current Average Drift Non-Inverting (Note 8) +40 IBI Input Bias Current Inverting (Note 7) −8 µV/˚C ± 15 ± 21 µA nA/˚C ± 30 ± 34 µA DIBI Input Bias Current Average Drift Inverting (Note 8) −10 nA/˚C PSRR Power Supply Rejection Ratio DC 47 45 52 dB CMRR Common Mode Rejection Ration DC 45 44 48 dB ICC Supply Current RL = ∞ 11.0 10.0 12.5 16.1 17.5 mA Miscellaneous Performance RIN Input Resistance Non-Inverting 1.4 MΩ CIN Input Capacitance Non-Inverting 1.6 pF ROUT Output Resistance Closed Loop VOL Output Voltage Range RL = 100Ω CMIR Input Voltage Range Common Mode IO Output Current 30 mΩ ± 3.3 ± 3.2 ± 1.9 ± 3.5 V ± 2.2 V 50 80 mA Note 1: Absolute Maximum Ratings indicate limits beyond which damage to the device may occur. Operating Ratings indicate conditions for which the device is intended to be functional, but specific performance is not guaranteed. For guaranteed specifications, see the Electrical Characteristics tables. Note 2: Electrical Table values apply only for factory testing conditions at the temperature indicated. Factory testing conditions result in very limited self-heating of the device such that TJ = TA. No guarantee of parametric performance is indicated in the electrical tables under conditions of internal self-heating where TJ > TA. Min/Max ratings are based on production testing unless otherwise specified. Note 3: The maximum output current (IOUT) is determined by device power dissipation limitations. Note 4: Human body model: 1.5kΩ in series with 100pF. Machine model: 0Ω in series with 200pF. Note 5: Slew Rate is the average of the rising and falling edges. Note 6: Typical numbers are the most likely parametric norm. Bold numbers refer to over temperature limits. Note 7: Negative input current implies current flowing out of the device. Note 8: Drift determined by dividing the change in parameter at temperature extremes by the total temperature change. Note 9: Harmonic distortion is strongly influenced by package type (SOT23-5 or SOIC). See Application Note section under "Harmonic Distortion" for more information. 3 www.national.com LMH6702 Electrical Characteristics (Note 2) LMH6702 Connection Diagrams 8-Pin SOIC 5-Pin SOT23 20039024 20039025 Top View Top View Ordering Information Package Part Number Package Marking Transport Media 8-pin SOIC LMH6702MA LMH6702MA 95 Units/Rail LMH6702MAX 5-Pin SOT23 LMH6702MF 2.5k Units Tape and Reel A83A LMH6702MFX www.national.com 1k Units Tape and Reel 3k Units Tape and Reel 4 NSC Drawing M08A MF05A (TA = 25˚C, VS = ± 5V, RL = 100Ω, Rf = 237Ω; Unless Speci- Non-Inverting Frequency Response Inverting Frequency Response 20039001 20039002 Frequency Response for Various RL’s, AV = +2 Frequency Response for Various RL’s, AV = +4 20039018 20039017 Step Response, 2VPP Step Response, 6VPP 20039006 20039005 5 www.national.com LMH6702 Typical Performance Characteristics fied). LMH6702 Typical Performance Characteristics (TA = 25˚C, VS = ±5V, RL = 100Ω, Rf = 237Ω; Unless Specified). (Continued) Harmonic Distortion vs. Load and Frequency (SOIC package) Percent Settling vs. Time 20039020 20039007 2 Tone 3rd Order Spurious Level (SOIC package) RS and Settling Time vs. CL 20039021 20039013 HD2 vs. Output Power (across 100Ω) (SOIC package) HD3 vs. Output Power (across 100Ω) (SOIC package) 20039008 www.national.com 20039009 6 Input Offset for 3 Representative Units Inverting Input Bias for 3 Representative Units 20039015 20039014 Non-Inverting Input Bias for 3 Representative Units Noise 20039016 20039012 CMRR, PSRR, ROUT Transimpedance 20039019 20039011 7 www.national.com LMH6702 Typical Performance Characteristics (TA = 25˚C, VS = ±5V, RL = 100Ω, Rf = 237Ω; Unless Specified). (Continued) LMH6702 Typical Performance Characteristics (TA = 25˚C, VS = ±5V, RL = 100Ω, Rf = 237Ω; Unless Specified). (Continued) DG/DP (NTSC) DG/DP (PAL) 20039003 20039004 www.national.com 8 monic distortion. For absolute minimum distortion levels, it is also advisable to keep the supply decoupling currents (ground connections to CPOS, and CNEG in Figure 1 and Figure 2) separate from the ground connections to sensitive input circuitry (such as RG, RT, and RIN ground connections). Splitting the ground plane in this fashion and separately routing the high frequency current spikes on the decoupling caps back to the power supply (similar to "Star Connection" layout technique) ensures minimum coupling back to the input circuitry and results in best harmonic distortion response (especially 2nd order distortion). FEEDBACK RESISTOR If this lay out technique has not been observed on a particular application board, designer may actually find that supply decoupling caps could adversely affect HD2 performance by increasing the coupling phenomenon already mentioned. Figure 3 below shows actual HD2 data on a board where the ground plane is "shared" between the supply decoupling capacitors and the rest of the circuit. Once these capacitors are removed, the HD2 distortion levels reduce significantly, especially between 10MHz-20MHz, as shown in Figure 3 below: 20039028 FIGURE 1. Recommended Non-Inverting Gain Circuit 20039022 20039027 FIGURE 3. Decoupling Current Adverse Effect on a Board with Shared Ground Plane FIGURE 2. Recommended Inverting Gain Circuit At these extremely low distortion levels, the high frequency behavior of decoupling capacitors themselves could be significant. In general, lower value decoupling caps tend to have higher resonance frequencies making them more effective for higher frequency regions. A particular application board which has been laid out correctly with ground returns "split" to minimize coupling, would benefit the most by having low value and higher value capacitors paralleled to take advantage of the effective bandwidth of each and extend low distortion frequency range. Another important variable in getting the highest fidelity signal from the LMH6702 is the package itself. As already noted, coupling between high frequency current transients on supply lines and the device input can lead to excess harmonic distortion. An important source of this coupling is in fact through the device bonding wires. A smaller package, in general, will have shorter bonding wires and therefore lower coupling. This is true in the case of the SOT23-5 compared to the SOIC package where a marked improvement in HD can be measured in the SOT23-5 package. Figure 4 below shows the HD comparing SOT23-5 to SOIC package: The LMH6702 achieves its excellent pulse and distortion performance by using the current feedback topology. The loop gain for a current feedback op amp, and hence the frequency response, is predominantly set by the feedback resistor value. The LMH6702 is optimized for use with a 237Ω feedback resistor. Using lower values can lead to excessive ringing in the pulse response while a higher value will limit the bandwidth. Application Note OA-13 discusses this in detail along with the occasions where a different RF might be advantageous. HARMONIC DISTORTION The LMH6702 has been optimized for exceptionally low harmonic distortion while driving very demanding resistive or capacitive loads. Generally, when used as the input amplifier to very high speed flash ADCs, the distortions introduced by the converter will dominate over the low LMH6702 distortions shown in the Typical Performance Characteristics section. The capacitor CSS, shown across the supplies in Figure 1 and Figure 2, is critical to achieving the lowest 2nd har9 www.national.com LMH6702 Application Section LMH6702 Application Section CAPACITIVE LOAD DRIVE (Continued) Figure 5 shows a typical application using the LMH6702 to drive an ADC. 20039029 20039023 FIGURE 5. Input Amplifier to ADC FIGURE 4. SOIC and SOT23-5 Packages Distortion Terms Compared The series resistor, RS, between the amplifier output and the ADC input is critical to achieving best system performance. This load capacitance, if applied directly to the output pin, can quickly lead to unacceptable levels of ringing in the pulse response. The plot of "RS and Settling Time vs. CL" in the Typical Performance Characteristics section is an excellent starting point for selecting RS. The value derived in that plot minimizes the step settling time into a fixed discrete capacitive load with the output driving a very light resistive load (1kΩ). Sensitivity to capacitive loading is greatly reduced once the output is loaded more heavily. Therefore, for cases where the output is heavily loaded, RS value may be reduced. The exact value may best be determined experimentally for these cases. In applications where the LMH6702 is replacing the CLC409, care must be taken when the device is lightly loaded and some capacitance is present at the output. Due to the much higher frequency response of the LMH6702 compared to the CLC409, there could be increased susceptibility to low value output capacitance (parasitic or inherent to the board layout or otherwise being part of the output load). As already mentioned, this susceptibility is most noticeable when the LMH6702’s resistive load is light. Parasitic capacitance can be minimized by careful lay out. Addition of an output snubber R-C network will also help by increasing the high frequency resistive loading. Referring back to Figure 5, it must be noted that several additional constraints should be considered in driving the capacitive input of an ADC. There is an option to increase RS, band-limiting at the ADC input for either noise or Nyquist band-limiting purposes. Increasing RS too much, however, can induce an unacceptably large input glitch due to switching transients coupling through from the "convert" signal. Also, CIN is oftentimes a voltage dependent capacitance. This input impedance non-linearity will induce distortion terms that will increase as RS is increased. Only slight adjustments up or down from the recommended RS value should therefore be attempted in optimizing system performance. The LMH6702 data sheet shows both SOT23 and SOIC data in the Electrical Characteristic section to aid in selecting the right package. The Typical Performance Characteristics section shows SOIC package plots only. 2-TONE 3rd ORDER INTERMODULATION The 2-tone, 3rd order spurious plot shows a relatively constant difference between the test power level and the spurious level with the difference depending on frequency. The LMH6702 does not show an intercept type performance, (where the relative spurious levels change at a 2X rate vs. the test tone powers), due to an internal full power bandwidth enhancement circuit that boosts the performance as the output swing increases while dissipating negligible quiescent power under low output power conditions. This feature enhances the distortion performance and full power bandwidth to match that of much higher quiescent supply current parts. www.national.com 10 two input noise currents, the output noise is developed through the same gain equations for each term but combined as the square root of the sum of squared contributing elements. See Application Note OA-12 for a full discussion of noise calculations for current feedback amplifiers. (Continued) DC ACCURACY AND NOISE Example below shows the output offset computation equation for the non-inverting configuration using the typical bias current and offset specifications for AV = + 2: Output Offset : VO = ( ± IBN · RIN ± VIO) (1 + RF/RG) ± IBI · RF PRINTED CIRCUIT LAYOUT Generally, a good high frequency layout will keep power supply and ground traces away from the inverting input and output pins. Parasitic capacitances on these nodes to ground will cause frequency response peaking and possible circuit oscillations (see Application Note OA-15 for more information). National Semiconductor suggests the following evaluation boards as a guide for high frequency layout and as an aid in device testing and characterization: Where RIN is the equivalent input impedance on the noninverting input. Example computation for AV = +2, RF = 237Ω, RIN = 25Ω: VO = ( ± 6µA · 25Ω ± 1mV) (1 + 237/237) ± 8µA · 237 = ± 4.20mV A good design, however, should include a worst case calculation using Min/Max numbers in the data sheet tables, in order to ensure "worst case" operation. Further improvement in the output offset voltage and drift is possible using the composite amplifiers described in Application Note OA-7. The two input bias currents are physically unrelated in both magnitude and polarity for the current feedback topology. It is not possible, therefore, to cancel their effects by matching the source impedance for the two inputs (as is commonly done for matched input bias current devices). The total output noise is computed in a similar fashion to the output offset voltage. Using the input noise voltage and the Device Package Evaluation Board Part Number LMH6702MF SOT23-5 CLC730216 LMH6702MA SOIC CLC730227 These free evaluation boards are shipped when a device sample request is placed with National Semiconductor. 11 www.national.com LMH6702 Application Section LMH6702 Physical Dimensions inches (millimeters) unless otherwise noted 8-Pin SOIC NS Package Number M08A 5-Pin SOT23 NS Package Number MA05A www.national.com 12 LMH6702 Ultra Low Distortion, Wideband Op Amp Notes LIFE SUPPORT POLICY NATIONAL’S PRODUCTS ARE NOT AUTHORIZED FOR USE AS CRITICAL COMPONENTS IN LIFE SUPPORT DEVICES OR SYSTEMS WITHOUT THE EXPRESS WRITTEN APPROVAL OF THE PRESIDENT AND GENERAL COUNSEL OF NATIONAL SEMICONDUCTOR CORPORATION. As used herein: 1. Life support devices or systems are devices or systems which, (a) are intended for surgical implant into the body, or (b) support or sustain life, and whose failure to perform when properly used in accordance with instructions for use provided in the labeling, can be reasonably expected to result in a significant injury to the user. National Semiconductor Americas Customer Support Center Email: new.feedback@nsc.com Tel: 1-800-272-9959 www.national.com National Semiconductor Europe Customer Support Center Fax: +49 (0) 180-530 85 86 Email: europe.support@nsc.com Deutsch Tel: +49 (0) 69 9508 6208 English Tel: +44 (0) 870 24 0 2171 Français Tel: +33 (0) 1 41 91 8790 2. A critical component is any component of a life support device or system whose failure to perform can be reasonably expected to cause the failure of the life support device or system, or to affect its safety or effectiveness. National Semiconductor Asia Pacific Customer Support Center Email: ap.support@nsc.com National Semiconductor Japan Customer Support Center Fax: 81-3-5639-7507 Email: jpn.feedback@nsc.com Tel: 81-3-5639-7560 National does not assume any responsibility for use of any circuitry described, no circuit patent licenses are implied and National reserves the right at any time without notice to change said circuitry and specifications.