MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Order this document by MC141555 SEMICONDUCTOR TECHICAL DATA Product Preview USB Hub Controller MC141555 CMOS Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... This device is a self-contained USB Hub which complies with USB Hub Specification Rev 1.0. This device is used to expand the USB ports of your PC system while needed. Because of its self-contained and bus-powered/selfpowered capability, it can hide the complexity from the user and be flexibly placed anywhere, such as monitor, keyboard, motherboard, Hub-box, etc. The MC141555 consists of Serial Interface Engine (SIE), Hub Repeater, and Hub Controller, supporting one upstream port and up to five downstream ports. 28 1 P SUFFIX PLASTIC PACKAGE CASE 655 ORDERING INFORMATION MC141555P1 Both Low Speed Mode (1.5Mbps) and Full Speed Mode (12Mbps) are supported by automatically detecting which data line (D+ or D-) is pulled high whenever downstream devices are connected to the bus or at power-up. PIN ASSIGNMENT MC141555 Hub can be Self Powered or Bus Powered. When self-powered, MC141555 is powered by an external 5 volt supply and capable of deliver 500mA current to each downstream port. Power management for all downstream ports supports power-switching and overcurrent detection with Individual or Ganged control; a self-powered MC141555 supports Individual control only, but bus-powered MC141555 supports either Individual or Ganged control. When Ganged control, PWRSW1 and OVR1 are dedicated for power management. VDD 1 28 DM5/SEL0 OSC1 2 27 DP5/SEL1 OSC2 3 26 PWRSW5 VSS 4 25 OVR5/GANG PL 5 24 DM4 DP0 6 23 DP4 DM0 7 22 PWRSW4 VDD3CAP 8 21 OVR4 OVR1 9 20 DM3 PWRSW1 10 19 DP3 DP1 11 18 PWRSW3 DM1 12 17 OVR3 Features Highlight Hub • Self-contained Hub Includes Serial Interface Engine (SIE), Hub Repeater and Hub Controller • Universal Serial Bus (USB) Version 1.0 Compliant • Self-powered or Bus-powered OVR2 13 16 DM2 PWRSW2 14 15 DP2 • Individual/Ganged Downstream Port Power Switching • Individual/Ganged Downstream Port Overcurrent Detection • All Downstream Ports Support Full Speed and Low Speed Operation • Suspend and Resume Operations • Host Reset Operation General Characteristics • 28 DIP Package • Crystal Input 24MHz • Internal 3.3Volt Regulator • Single 5Volt Power Supply • Low-power CMOS Technology This document contains information on a new product. Specifications and information herein are subject to change without notice. © Motorola, Inc. 1998 Plastic Dip REV 3.0 For More Information On This Product, 03/98 Go to: Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Figure 1. BLOCK DIAGRAM 11 Downstream PORT 1 PL 5 12 10 9 Hub Controller Serial Interface Engine DP1 DM1 PWRSW1 OVR1 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... (SIE) 15 Downstream PORT 2 OSC1 2 Clock Doubler OSC2 3 16 14 13 48MHz Repeater Downstream PORT 3 20 18 17 VSS 1 4 Power Supply & 3.3V Regulator 23 VDD3CAP 3.3 Volts 8 Downstream PORT 4 24 22 21 DP0 DM0 6 7 Root Port 27 28 Downstream PORT 5 26 25 MC141555 2 DM2 PWRSW2 OVR2 Frame Counter (1ms) 19 VDD DP2 For More Information On This Product, Go to: DP3 DM3 PWRSW3 OVR3 DP4 DM4 PWRSW4 OVR4 DP5/SEL1 DM5/SEL0 PWRSW5 OVR5/GANG MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Voltage Referenced to V SS Symbol V DD Vin Characteristic Value Unit Supply Voltage - 0.3 to + 7.0 V Input Voltage V SS – 0.3 to V V DD + 0.3 Id Current Drain per Pin Excluding V DD and V SS Ta Operating Temperature Range Tstg Storage Temperature Range 25 mA 0 to 85 °C – 65 to + 150 °C should be constrained to the range V SS ≤ (Vin or Vout) ≤ V DD. Unused inputs must always be tied to an appropriate logic voltage level (e.g., either V SS or NOTE: Maximum Ratings are those values beyond which damage to the device may occur. Functional operation should be restricted to the limits in the Electrical Characteristics tables or Pin Description section. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... This device contains protection circuitry to guard against damage due to high static voltages or electric fields. However, precautions must be taken to avoid applications of any voltage higher than maximum rated voltages to this high-impedance circuit. For proper operation, V in and Vout VDD). Unused outputs must be left open. AC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (VDD/VDD(A) = 5.0 V, VSS /VSS(A) = 0 V, TA = 25C, Voltage Referenced to VSS) FULL SPEED MODE CHARACTERISTICS Symbol tr Parameter Conditions Min Max Unit 4 4 20 20 ns ns 90 110 % — 1.3 2.0 V Conditions Min Max Unit Rise Time for DP/DM Fall Time for DP/DM Cload = 50 pF tRFM Rise/Fall Time Matching (tr/tf ) x 100 VCRS Output Signal Crossover Voltage tf Cload = 50 pF LOW SPEED MODE CHARACTERISTICS Symbol tr tf Parameter Rise Time for DP/DM Fall Time for DP/DM Cload = 50 pF to 350 pF Cload = 50 pF to 350 pF 75 75 300 300 ns ns tRFM Rise/Fall Time Matching (tr/tf ) x 100 80 120 % VCRS Output Signal Crossover Voltage 1.3 2.0 V — R1 R2 Cload Data R3 DP DM R1 DM R2 Cload Ω R2 = 15 kΩ R3 = 1.5 kΩ VOH 90% 10% 10% VOL tr tf R1 = 22 Figure 2. Differential Driver Switching Load MOTOROLA 90% VCRS Figure 3. Differential Driver Switching Characteristics For More Information On This Product, Go to: MC141555 3 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. DC CHARACTERISTICS VDD/VDD(A) = 5.0 V ± 10%, V SS/VSS(A) = 0 V, TA = 25°C, Voltage Referenced to VSS Symbol Conditions Min Max Unit VBUS Powered (Host or Hub) Port — 4.65 5.25 V VBUS Bus-powered Hub Port — 4.40 5.25 V VOH High Level Output Voltage — 2.8 3.6 V V OL Low Level Output Voltage — — 0.3 V Digital Input Voltage Logic Low Logic High — VIL — 0.7 VDD 0.3 V DD — V V I II High-Z Leakage Current (output pins) — – 10 + 10 µA I II Input Current — – 10 + 10 µA Supply Current (No Load on Any Output) — — + 25 mA I CCINIT Unconfig. Function/Hub (in) — — 100 mA V DI Differential Input Sensitivity |(D+)-(D-)| Refer to Figure 4 0.2 — V V CM Differential Common Mode Range Includes V DI range 0.8 2.5 V V SE Single Ended Receiver Threshold — 0.8 2.0 V Vbus to GND 120 — µF V IH I DD CHPB Downstream Hub Port Bypass Capacitance Minimum Differential Sensitivity (volts) Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Parameter 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3.0 3.2 Common Mode Input Voltage (volts) Figure 4. Differential Input Sensitivity Over Entire Common Mode Range MC141555 4 For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. FULL SPEED OPERATING HUB ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Symbol tHDD1 tHDD2 tHDJ1 tHDJ2 tSOP Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... tHESK Parameter Conditions Hub Differential Data Delay (with cable) (without cable) Min Max Unit — — 70 40 ns ns Figure 5, Figure 6 Hub Differential Driver Jitter (including cable) To Next Transition For Paired Transitions — -3 -1 3 1 ns ns Data Bit Width Distortion After SOP — -5 3 ns Hub EOP Output Width Skew — -15 15 ns Conditions Min Max Unit Figure 5, Figure 6 — 300 ns — -45 -15 45 15 ns ns -45 -45 45 45 ns ns LOW SPEED OPERATING HUB ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Symbol tLHDD Parameter Hub Differential Data Delay Hub Differential Driver Jitter (including cable) tLDHJ1 tLDHJ2 tLDHJ2 tLDHJ2 tSOP tLHESK Upstream End of Cable Vss Downstream Port Downstream: To Next Transition For Paired Transitions Upstream: To Next Transition For Paired Transitions Data Bit Width Distortion After SOP — -60 45 ns Hub EOP Output Width Skew — -300 300 ns 50% Point of Initial Swing Vss Hub Delay Downstream tHDD1 Crossover Point Vss Figure 5. Downstream Hub Delay MOTOROLA Crossover Point Downstream Port Hub Delay Downstream tHDD1 , tHDD2 Upstream End of Cable Vss Crossover Point Figure 6. Upstream Hub Delay For More Information On This Product, Go to: MC141555 5 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. PIN DESCRIPTION VDD (Pin 1) This is the +5V power pin of the chip. OSC1 (Pin 2), OSC2 (Pin 3) The OSC1 and OSC2 pins are the connections for the onchip oscillator. The crystal frequency is 24MHz . OSC1 may be driven by an external oscillator if an external crystal circuit is not used. VSS (Pin 4) This is the ground pin of the chip. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... PL (Pin 5) This pin requires to be pulled low to GND. DP0 (Pin 6) This is the upstream differential data plus I/O pin of the Hub. DM0 (Pin 7) This is the upstream differential data minus I/O pin of the Hub. VDD 3CAP (Pin 8) This pin must connect an external capacitor for the internal 3.3V regulator which supply transceivers of all USB ports. OVR1 (Pin 9) This is the over-current detection pin of the downstream port 1. Active low is to indicate overcurrent condition occurs. In GANG mode, OVR1 is the common detection pin for all the four downstream ports. PWRSW1 (Pin 10) This is an output pin which can be used to switch on/off the external power regulator for the downstream port 1. Active high is to switch on the power. In GANG mode, PWRSW1 is the common output pin for all the four downstream ports. DP1 (Pin 11) This is the differential data plus I/O pin of the downstream DM2 (Pin 16) This is the differential data minus I/O pin of the downstream port 2. OVR3 (Pin 17) This is the over-current detection pin of the downstream port 3. Active low is to indicate overcurrent condition occurs. PWRSW3 (Pin 18) This is an output pin which can be used to switch on/off the external power regulator for the downstream port 3. Active high is to switch on the power. DP3 (Pin 19) This is the differential data plus I/O pin of the downstream port 3. DM3 (Pin 20) This is the differential data minus I/O pin of the downstream port 3. OVR4 (Pin 21) This is the over-current detection pin of the downstream port 4. Active low is to indicate overcurrent condition occurs. PWRSW4 (Pin 22) This is an output pin which can be used to switch on/off the external power regulator for the downstream port 4. Active high is to switch on the power. DP4 (Pin 23) This is the differential data plus I/O pin of the downstream port 4. DM4 (Pin 24) This is the differential data minus I/O pin of the downstream port 4. OVR5/GANG (Pin 25) In self-powered mode, this input pin acts as OVR5, which is overcurrent detection of downstream port 5; active low is to indicate overcurrent occurs. In bus-powered mode, this input pin acts as GANG to determine Power Control Mode; pulling this pin low configures the Hub as Ganged control, and pulling it high as Individual control. port 1. DM1 (Pin 12) This is the differential data minus I/O pin of the downstream port 1. OVR2 (Pin 13) This is the over-current detection pin of the downstream port 2. Active low is to indicate overcurrent condition occurs. PWRSW2 (Pin 14) This is an output pin which can be used to switch on/off the external power regulator for the downstream port 2. Active high is to switch on the power. DP2 (Pin 15) This is the differential data plus I/O pin of the downstream port 2. MC141555 6 PWRSW5 (Pin 26) In self-powered mode, this output pin is to switch on/off the external power regulator for downstream port 5; active high is to switch on the power. DP5/SEL1 (Pin 27) In initialization, this pin, along with SEL0 and OVR5, determines Power Mode and Power Control Mode. (refer to Table1 for detail) After initialization, if self-powered, this pin is differential data plus I/O pin of downstream port 5. DM5/SEL0 (Pin 28) In initialization, this pin, along with SEL1 and OVR5, determines Power Mode and Power Control Mode. (refer to Table1 for detail) After initialization, if self-powered, this pin is differential data minus I/O pin of downstream port 5; if bus-powered, pull this pin high. For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Table 1. Configuration Selection SYSTEM DESCRIPTION MC141555 is booted up from the Power-On Reset which will initialize all the internal hardware circuitry and reset the program counter of the internal processor. During Power-On Reset, MC141555 must be set to the desired configuration by the input states of the pins, OVR5/GANG, PWRSW5, DP5/SEL1 and DM5/SEL0. See Table1 Configuration Selection for detail. DP5/ SEL1 DM5/ SEL0 PWRSW5 OVR5/ GANG Configuration 0 0 0 1 X 1 Bus Power & Individual Control 0 1 X 0 Bus Power & Ganged Control PWRSW5 OVR5 Self Power & Individual Control X: don’t care Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... After Power-On, the Hub Repeater will handle the connectivity in per packet basis, and all downstream ports transition to the powered off state. After all initialization, the Hub Controller takes over the responsibility for receiving Host’s commands, Downstream Power Management and to report status in per port basis while Repeater is detecting the connectivity of each downstream port. MC141555 accepts the Host Reset request to generate a per port reset and receives reset signalling from root port to complete its own reset sequence. HUB CONFIGURATION MC141555 can be configured as one of the three operating modes: Self Power Mode with Individual Control, Bus Power Mode with Individual Control and Bus Power Mode with Ganged Control. (a) Self-powered Mode with Individual Control (Monitor Application) During Power-On Reset, pull DP5/SEL1 and DM5/SEL0 low to select this mode. Meanwhile, MC141555 is configured to be self powered with 5 downstream ports whose power management is in Individual Control; that is, after Power-On Reset, DP5/SEL1 acts as DP5, DM5/SEL0 acts as DM 5 and OVR5/GANG acts as OVR5 . (b) Bus-powered Mode with Individual Control During Power-On Reset, pull DP5/SEL1 low, pull OVR5/ GANG and DM5/SEL0 high to select this mode. Meanwhile, MC141555 is configured to be bus powered with 4 downstream ports whose power management is in Individual Control; that is, after Power-On Reset, DP5/SEL1, DM5/SEL0, OVR5/GANG and PWRSW5 have no further usage. (c) Bus-powered Mode with Ganged Control During Power-On Reset, pull DP5/SEL1 and OVR5/ GANG low and pull DM5/SEL0 high to select this mode. Meanwhile, MC141555 is configured to be bus-powered with 4 downstream ports whose power management is in Ganged Control. In this mode, only PWRSW1 and OVR1 are dedicated to power management for all 4 downstream ports. All three operating modes with pin input states during Power-On Reset are summarized in Table 1. MOTOROLA For More Information On This Product, Go to: MC141555 7 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. DESCRIPTOR The Hub Controller supports the following standard USB descriptors and one Hub specific descriptor. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Table2. Device Descriptor Offset Field Size Value Description 0 bLength 1 12h No. of bytes in this descriptor = 18 1 bDescriptorType 1 01h Device descriptor type 2 bcdUSB 2 0100h USB Spec. Release Number = Rev 1.00 4 bDeviceClass 1 09h Class code 5 bDeviceSubClass 1 00h Subclass code 6 bDeviceProtocol 1 00h Protocol code 7 wMaxPacketSize0 1 08h Max. packet size for Endpoint 0 = 8 8 idVendor 2 1063h Vendor ID = Motorola Corporation (assigned by USB) 10 idProduct 2 1555h Product ID = MC141555 12 bcdDevice 2 0100h Device Release No. = 1.00 14 iManufacturer 1 00h Manufacturer string descriptor = Open 15 iProduct 1 00h Product string descriptor = Open 16 iSerialNumber 1 00h Serial Number string = Open 17 bNumConfigurations 1 01h No. of possible configurations = 1 Table 3. Configuration Descriptor Offset Field Size Value Description 0 bLength 1 09h No. of bytes in this descriptor = 9 1 bDescriptorType 1 02h Configuration descriptor type 2 wTotalLength 2 0019h Total length of data returned for this configuration. Includes configuration, interface, endpoint, and class specific descriptors 4 bNumInterfaces 1 01h No. of interfaces supported in this configuration = 1 5 bConfigurationValue 1 01h Value to use as an argument to select this configuration =1 6 iConfiguration 1 00h Index of string descriptor describing this configuration 7 bmAttributes 1 60h/A0h Configuration characteristics 60h: SelfPowered, RemoteWakeup A0h: BusPowered, RemoteWakeup 8 MaxPower 1 01/FAh Maximum power consumption of USB device from the bus: 01h: 2mA when self-powered FAh: 500mA when bus-powered MC141555 8 For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Table 4. Interface Descriptor Offset Field Size Value Description 0 bLength 1 09h No. of bytes in this descriptor = 9 1 bDescriptorType 1 04h Interface descriptor type 2 bInterfaceNumber 1 00h No. of Interface = 0 3 bAlternateSetting 1 00h Alternate setting value for the interface identified in the prior field =0 4 bNumEndpoints 1 01h No. of endpoints used by this interface = 1 5 bInterfaceClass 1 09h Class code = 09 (assigned by USB) 6 bInterfaceSubClass 1 00h SubClass code = 01 (assigned by USB) 7 bInterfaceProtocol 1 00h Protocol code = 00 (assigned by USB) 8 iInterface 1 00h Index of string descriptor describing this interface = 0 Table 5. Endpoint Descriptor Offset Field Size Value Description 0 bLength 1 07h No. of bytes in this descriptor = 7 1 bDescriptorType 1 05h Endpoint descriptor type 2 bEndpointAddress 1 81h Endpoint No. = 1, IN endpoint 3 bmAttributes 1 03h Endpoint attributes = b00000011, Transfer type = Interrupt 4 wMaxPacketSize 2 0001h Max. packet size this endpoint is capable of sending = 1 byte 6 bInterval 1 FFh Interval for polling endpoint for data transfer = 255 ms Table 6. Hub Descriptor Offset Field Size Value Description 0 bLength 1 09h No. of bytes in this descriptor = 9 1 bDescriptorType 1 29h Hub descriptor type 2 bNbrPorts 1 04h/05h No. of downstream ports 3 wHubCharacteristics 2 0000h / Hub’s characteristics 0004h/ Power Switching Mode: 0009h/ BIT1..BIT0 = 00: Ganged Power Switching 000Dh BIT1..BIT0 = 01: Individual Port Power Switching Compound Device: BIT2=0: Not Compound Device BIT2=1: Compound Device Overcurrent Protection Mode: BIT4..BIT3=00: Global Overcurrent Protection BIT4..BIT3=01: Individual Port Overcurrent Protection 5 bPwrOn2PwrGood 1 32h Time from the power on to power good = 100 ms 6 bHubContrCurrent 1 64h Maximum current requirements of the Hub controller electronics 64h: 100 mA MOTOROLA For More Information On This Product, Go to: MC141555 9 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Offset Field Size Value Description 7 DeviceRemovable 1 00h/20h 00h: Indicate all the ports connected to this Hub are removable. 02h: Indicate Port5 is dedicated to internal use and permanent attached. 8 PortPwrCtrlMask 1 3Eh/ 1Eh/ 00h Indicates all the ports connected to this Hub are not affected by a Ganged-mode power request, Ports always require SetPortFeature (PORT_POWER) to control the port’s power state. 3Eh: 5 downstream ports are individual-controlled 1Eh: 4 downstream ports are individual-controlled 00h: all downstream ports are ganged-controlled Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... STATUS CHANGE REGISTER The additional endpoint 1 of the Hub Controller supports interrupt transfer which reports the Hub and Port Status Change Register, as shown in following table. This register contains only one byte. Table 7. Status Change Register Bit Function Value Description 0 Hub status change 0 No status change in Hub 1 Hub status change detected 1 Port 1 status change 0 No status change in Port 1 1 Port 1 status change detected 0 No status change in Port 2 1 Port 2 status change detected 0 No status change in Port 3 1 Port 3 status change detected 0 No status change in Port 4 1 Port 4 status change detected 0 No status change in Port 5 1 Port 5 status change detected 00 Default values 2 Port 2 status change 3 Port 3 status change 4 5 6-7 Port 4 status change Port 5 status change Reserved REQUEST The Hub Controller will respond to the HOST Request through the endpoint 0 pipe in the way as illustrated in following tables. If the Hub responses with STALL packet, it means the request is not supported. MC141555 10 For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Table 8. Standard Requests bmRequestType bRequest wValue wIndex wLength Data/Handshake 00000000b 01h 0001h 0000h 0000h None/Ack (device) Clear_Feature 00000001b Disable remote wakeup feature xxxxh xxxxh xxxxh STALL 0000h 0000h (e.p. 0) 0000h None/Ack (interface) 00000010b (endpoint) 10000000b 0081h (e.p. 1) 08h Clear Endpoint Stall condition 0000h 0000h 0001h ConfigurationValue 06h 0100h 0000h 0012h Device Descriptor Get_Descriptor 0200h 0019h Configuration Descriptor 0400h xxxx STALL 0500h xxxx STALL Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Get_Configuration 10000000b 10000001b 0Ah 0000h 0001h 0001h 00h 0000h 0000h 0002h current Remote Wakeup/ Powered status Get_Interface 10000000b 00h (device) Get_Status xxxxh 0000h 10000010b 0000h 0001h = STALLed (endpoint) 0081h 0000h = not STALLed 10000001b (interface) 00000000b 05h Device address 0000h 0000h None/Ack 0000h 0000h None/Ack Set_Configuration 0000h/ 0001h 07h xxxxh xxxxh xxxxh xxxx/STALL 0001h 0000h 0000h None/Ack Set_Address 00000000b 00000000b 09h Set_Descriptior 00000000b 03h (device) Set_Feature 00000001b Enable remote wakeup feature xxxxh xxxxh xxxxh None/STALL 0000h 0000h (e.p. 0) 0000h None/ACK (interface) 00000010b (endpoint) 00000001b 0081h (e.p. 1) 0Bh Set Endpoint STALL condition 0000h 0000h 0000h None/Ack xxxxh xxxxh xxxxh STALL Set_Interface 10000010b 0Ch Synch_Frame MOTOROLA For More Information On This Product, Go to: MC141555 11 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Table 9. Hub Class-specific Request bmRequestType bRequest wValue wIndex wLength Data/Handshake 00100000b 01h Feature 0000h 0000h None/Ack ClearHubFeature Clear_Feature Selector 0001h ~ 0005h 0000h None/Ack C_HubLocalPower 0000h C_HubOverCurrent 0001h 00100011b 01h Feature ClearPortFeature Clear_Feature Selector Port_Connection 0000h Port_Enable 0001h Port_Suspend 0002h Port_Over_Current 0003h STALL Port_Reset 0004h STALL Port_Power 0008h Port_Low_Speed 0009h C_Port_Connection 0010h C_Port_Enable 0011h C_Port_Suspend 0012h C_PortOverCurrent 0013h C_Port_Reset 0014h 10100011b 02h GetBusState Get_State 10100000b 06h GetHubDescriptor Get_Descriptor 10100000b 00h GetHubStatus Get_Status STALL STALL 0000h 0001h ~ 0005h 0001h Bus State per Port 0000h 0000h 0009h Hub Descriptor 0000h 0000h 0004h 00000000000000OPb, 00000000000000opb O: Over Current indicator P: Local Power status o: C_Hub_Over_Current p: C_Hub_Local_Power 10100011b 00h GetPortStatus Get_Status 0000h 0001h ~ 0005h 0004h 000000LP000ROSECb, 00000000000rosecb L: Port_Low_Speed P: Port_Power R: Port_Reset O: Port_Over_Current S: Port_Suspend E: Port_Enable C: Port_Connection r: C_Port_Reset o: C_Port_Over_Current s: C_Port_Suspend e: C_Port_Enable c: C_Port_Connection MC141555 12 For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. bmRequestType bRequest wValue wIndex wLength Data/Handshake 00100000b 07h xxxxh xxxxh xxxxh STALL SetHubDescriptor Set_Descriptor 00100000b 03h Feature 0000h 0000h STALL SetHubFeature Set_Feature Selector C_HubLocalPower 0000h STALL C_HubOverCurrent 0001h STALL 00100011b 03h Feature SetPortFeature Set_Feature Selector 0001h ~ 0005h 0000h None/Ack Port_Connection 0000h Port_Enable 0001h Port_Suspend 0002h Port_Over_Current 0003h Port_Reset 0004h Port_Power 0008h Port_Low_Speed 0009h STALL C_Port_Connection 0010h STALL C_Port_Enable 0011h STALL C_Port_Suspend 0012h STALL C_PortOverCurrent 0013h STALL C_Port_Reset 0014h STALL MOTOROLA For More Information On This Product, Go to: STALL STALL MC141555 13 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. APPLICATION DIAGRAM (Mode Selection) Table 10. MODE SELECTION Application Monitor Mode DP5/SEL1 DM5/SEL0 PWRSW5 OVR5/GANG Self-Powered & Individual Control 0 0 PWRSW5 OVR5 Self-Powered & Individual Control 0 0 PWRSW5 OVR5 Bus-Powered & Individual Control 0 1 X 1 Bus-Powered & Ganged Control 0 1 X 0 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Hub Box V BUS 1 VDD DM5/SEL0 28 2 OSC1 DP5/SEL1 27 3 OSC2 PWRSW5 26 10 pF 10Mohm 10 pF 24 MHz 4 VSS 5 PL 6 DP0 Upstream device 10 uF device 8 VDD3CAP 9 OVR1 10 PWRSW1 11 DP1 DM4 24 DP4 23 Downstream PWRSW4 22 OVR4 21 DM3 20 DP3 19 Downstream device PWRSW3 18 12 DM1 OVR3 17 13 OVR2 DM2 16 14 PWRSW2 MC141555 14 OVR5/GANG 25 device 7 DM0 1.5Kohm Downstream Connections depend on power mode selection. Refer to Table 10 for Mode Selection. DP2 15 For More Information On This Product, Go to: Downstream device MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. APPLICATION DIAGRAM (downstream port) 10ohm DPn DPn ( at MC141555) 10ohm DMn DMn (at MC141555) Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... 15K ohm 15Kohm ferrite bead ferrite bead V BUS (MC141555) V BUS + + 120UFuF 0.01uF - ferrite bead GND MOTOROLA GND (MC141555) For More Information On This Product, Go to: MC141555 15 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. APPLICATION DIAGRAM (Pull-high circuit of upstream port) VDD3CAP Pull-high CKT V BUS 1.5 Kohm Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... 10ohm DP0 DP0 ( at MC141555) 10ohm DM0 DM0 (at MC141555) DP0 (upstream device) 2N3906 VDD3CAP + 10uF - 61Kohm 20Kohm 390Kohm V BUS 2N3904 20Kohm MC141555 16 For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA