TRACE32 - Technical Information 2 Hardware Concept TRACE32-PowerTrace/NEXUS The NEXUS support is based on the universal hardware module TRACE32PowerTrace. The connection to the NEXUS interface on the target is done by a CPU specific NEXUS adapter. TRACE32-PowerTrace includes a USB and Ethernet interface. NEXUS Adapter Ethernet connector TRACE32-PowerTrace NEXUS-PPC Hardware Concept TRACE32 - Technical Information Host 3 Power Trace (PC or Workstation) NEXUS Adapter NEXUS connector Target PowerTrace ❏ Universal debugger hardware for all architectures ❏ Ethernet or USB interface included ❏ Program and data flow trace for NEXUS up to 100MHz ❏ 16 MFrame trace memory ❏ 96 channels ❏ 32 bit time stamp, 20 ns resolution CPU specific NEXUS Adapter NEXUS-PPC Hardware Concept TRACE32 - Technical Information 4 Software Concept Debugger Symbolic Debugging A hierarchical symbol database enables structured symbolic debugging. Symbol names can be used to show single program addresses, mod- NEXUS-PPC Software Concept Debugger ule names and memory classes. The disassembler can use the symbols for labels and/or operands. Demangling for C++ signatures is supported. TRACE32 - Technical Information 5 High-Level Language Debugging TRACE32 can directly load the output of all standard compilers for C, C++, JAVA, Pascal, Modula2, PEARL and ADA from most compiler vendors. Program display and debugging can be done in assembler, high-level or in a mixture of both. It is possible to con- struct both assembler and high-level windows on the screen simultaneously. All variable types specific to the highlevel language can be displayed and modified. Addresses can be absolute, relative or line number based. Real-time update Real-time update of memory and variables is possible while the CPU is running. Debugging The debugger uses the following breakpoint implementations to stop the program execution at a certain instruction: ❏ unlimited number of software breakpoints for code in RAM NEXUS-PPC Software Concept Debugger ❏ Umlimited Code Breakpoints in FLASH areas ❏ a limited number of onchip breakpoints for code in ROM/ FLASH TRACE32 - Technical Information The onchip breakpoints can also be used to stop the program execution after a read/write access to a specific memory address. 6 The number of available onchip breakpoints depends on the resources provided by the CPU used. Advanced breakpoints The NEXUS provides also a simple way to set complex break conditions: ❏ Setting of breakpoints to the reading and writing of specific data values ❏ Linking the breakpoint with a condition NEXUS-PPC Software Concept Debugger ❏ Linking the breakpoint with commands that are executed whenever the breakpoint is reached ❏ Spot breakpoints on data accesses A combination of all 4 new features is also possible. TRACE32 - Technical Information 7 RTOS Awareness The NEXUS Debuggers provide display functions, closely mirroring the command set of the integral debugger of the RTOS. The system resources e.g. tasks, objects, partitions, queues, OSEK awareness with ORTI support ASAP2 based scaled variable display NEXUS-PPC Software Concept Debugger regions and semaphores can be displayed. These functions are also available if the integral debugger is not linked to the software. TRACE32 - Technical Information 8 Peripherals ❏ Display of onchip peripherals ❏ User definable display of the onchip peripherals ❏ Pull down menues for settings ❏ Additional description for each field ❏ Definition is done interactive supported by softkeys Flash Programming The NEXUS debugger support the programming of external flash memory as well as the programming of internal flash memory of microcontrollers. The NEXUS-PPC Software Concept Debugger programming can be controlled by the debugger or by a routine in the target system. TRACE32 - Technical Information 9 Software Concept Trace Program/Data Flow Trace TRACE32-PowerTrace for NEXUS samples all trace messages output via the NEXUS Auxiliary Output Port e.g. branch trace messages, data trace messages…. Selective Tracing TRACE32-PowerTrace/NEXUS supports selective tracing on 2 data address ranges. Selective tracing is supported on: NEXUS-PPC Software Concept Trace ❏ Specified data accesses only TRACE32 - Technical Information 10 ❏ Specified data accesses plus the complete program flow information CTS Context Tracking System and SmartTrace ❏ Reconstucts registers and memory from trace Statistic functions The very large trace buffer allows function runtime analysis over a long period. NEXUS-PPC Software Concept Trace ❏ SmartTrace fills trace gaps caused by buffer overflow TRACE32 - Technical Information 11 Trace-based Performance Analysis The performance measurement used by TRACE32-PowerTrace/NEXUS is a statistical process. To determine for example which function or which module uses the greatest proportion of the total runtime the recording into the Code Coverage It is also possible to perform a code coverage analysis based on the comprehensive information from the trace memory. NEXUS-PPC Software Concept Trace trace memory is stopped briefly to determine the current program counter contents. This measurement has absolutely no influence on the real-time behaviour. TRACE32 - Technical Information 12 TPU Support The TPU Debugger allows debugging the TPU (Timing Processor Unit) found on many Motorola Devices. It allows setting break conditions on different Code Compression ❏ Full support of Phase B code conpression NEXUS-PPC Software Concept Trace events and single stepping the TPU microcode while watching the internal registers of the TPU. TRACE32 - Technical Information Standby Mode Standby mode and debugging thru power-down cycle is supported. ETK Support The NEXUS for PowerPC can work with ETAS ETK NEXUS-PPC Software Concept Trace 13 TRACE32 - Technical Information 14 MPC533 MPC534 MPC535 MPC536 MPC561 MPC562 MPC563 MPC564 MPC565 MPC566 NEXUS-PPC Supported Processors YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES INSTRUCTION SIMULATOR POWER INTEGRATOR ICD TRACE ICD MONITOR ICD DEBUG FIRE ICE CPU Supported Processors YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES TRACE32 - Technical Information 15 Operation Voltage and Frequency Operation Voltage This list contains information on probes available for other voltage ranges. Probes not noted here supply an operation voltage range from 4.5V to 5.5V. Adapter Code OrderNo Voltage Range Nexus Adapter for MPC56x family/ NEXUSAMP40NS MPC565AMP40NS LA-7781 2.3 .. 3.0 V Nexus Adapter for MPC56x family/ NEXUSGlenair51 MPC565GLEN51 LA-7782 2.3 .. 3.0 V Nexus Adapter for MPC56x family/ NEXUSAMP50 MPC565AMP50 LA-7783 2.3 .. 3.0 V Nexus Adapter for MPC56x family/ NEXUSMictor38 MPC565MICTOR LA-7791 2.3 .. 3.0 V Frequency Trace The maximum operation frequency of TRACE32-RISC Trace or PowerTrace depends on: ❏ The divide factor between trace clock and core clock ❏ The speed of the trace adapter ❏ The max. frequency of the CPU ❏ The number of waitstates (bus trace) Module CPU TRACE LA-7781 MPC533 80.0 MHz LA-7781 MPC534 80.0 MHz LA-7781 MPC535 80.0 MHz LA-7781 MPC536 80.0 MHz LA-7781 MPC561 80.0 MHz LA-7781 MPC562 80.0 MHz LA-7781 MPC563 80.0 MHz LA-7781 MPC564 80.0 MHz LA-7781 MPC565 80.0 MHz LA-7781 MPC566 80.0 MHz LA-7782 MPC533 80.0 MHz LA-7782 MPC534 80.0 MHz LA-7782 MPC535 80.0 MHz NEXUS-PPC Operation Voltage and Frequency TRACE32 - Technical Information 16 Module CPU TRACE LA-7782 MPC536 80.0 MHz LA-7782 MPC561 80.0 MHz LA-7782 MPC562 80.0 MHz LA-7782 MPC563 80.0 MHz LA-7782 MPC564 80.0 MHz LA-7782 MPC565 80.0 MHz LA-7782 MPC566 80.0 MHz LA-7783 MPC533 80.0 MHz LA-7783 MPC534 80.0 MHz LA-7783 MPC535 80.0 MHz LA-7783 MPC536 80.0 MHz LA-7783 MPC561 80.0 MHz LA-7783 MPC562 80.0 MHz LA-7783 MPC563 80.0 MHz LA-7783 MPC564 80.0 MHz LA-7783 MPC565 80.0 MHz LA-7783 MPC566 80.0 MHz LA-7791 MPC533 80.0 MHz LA-7791 MPC534 80.0 MHz LA-7791 MPC535 80.0 MHz LA-7791 MPC536 80.0 MHz LA-7791 MPC561 80.0 MHz LA-7791 MPC562 80.0 MHz LA-7791 MPC563 80.0 MHz LA-7791 MPC564 80.0 MHz LA-7791 MPC565 80.0 MHz LA-7791 MPC566 80.0 MHz NEXUS-PPC Operation Voltage and Frequency TRACE32 - Technical Information 17 Dimensions and Adapters Modules Dimension NEXUS-MPC565-MICTOR 2475 1525 538 TOP VIEW CABLE CONVERTER TO AMP40 AMP50 1 675 1225 1675 1550 2475 1 1 300 SIDE VIEW 675 275 825 275 388 ALL DIMENSIONS IN 1/1000” NEXUS-PPC Dimensions and Adapters 1 751550 LA-7791 1 GLENAIR 51 1 1 1 275 75 825 275 825 525 TRACE32 - Technical Information 18 Connectors (MICTOR) Signal HRESETEVTIMSEIGND MCKI GND MCKO GND MSEO0GND MDO1 GND MDO3 N/C MSEO1GND MDO5 VENDEF0 MDO7 NEXUS-PPC Dimensions and Adapters Pin 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 Pin 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 Signal VREF RSTIMDI0 GND MDO0 GND EVTOGND ARBREQ GND MDO2 GND MDI1 N/C MDO4 VENDEF1 MDO6 NRES0 ARBGRANT TRACE32 - Technical Information 19 Order Information Module Description NEXUS-PPC Order Information OrderNo Code Text LA-7781 Nexus Adapter for MPC56x family/AMP40NS NEXUSMPC565AMP40NS Adapter for NEXUS on Spanish Oak (MPC565), Silver Oak (MPC561) and Green Oak (MPC563) 40 pin AMP connector (non standard) includes debug and trace software TRACE32-PowerView LA-7782 Nexus Adapter for MPC56x family/Glenair51 NEXUSMPC565GLEN51 Adapter for NEXUS on Spanish Oak (MPC565), Silver Oak (MPC561) and Green Oak (MPC563) 51 pin Glenair connector includes debug and trace software TRACE32-PowerView LA-7783 Nexus Adapter for MPC56x family/AMP50 NEXUSMPC565AMP50 Adapter for NEXUS on Spanish Oak (MPC565), Silver Oak (MPC561) and Green Oak (MPC563) 50 pin nonrobust AMP50 connector (AMP 104549-7) includes debug and trace software TRACE32-PowerView LA-7785 Conv. Large NEXUS Model to Small Model AMP50 NEXUS-CONVSMALL-50 Converter from large NEXUS model AMP50 to small NEXUS model AMP50 for adapter for NEXUS on Spanish Oak (MPC565), Silver Oak (MPC561) and Green Oak (MPC563) LA-7791 Nexus Adapter for MPC56x family/Mictor38 NEXUSMPC565MICTOR Adapter for NEXUS on Spanish Oak (MPC565), Silver Oak (MPC561) and Green Oak (MPC563) with 38 pin mictor connector AMP40NS NEXUS connector requires LA-7793 AMP50 NEXUS connector requires LA-7794 GLENAIR51 NEXUS connector requires LA-7797 includes debug and trace software TRACE32-PowerView requires PowerTrace hardware LA-7793 Converter Mictor38 to NEXUS/AMP40 for MPC56x CONVMICTOR38AMP40 Converter from the 38 pin mictor connector on Nexus Adapter for MPC56x family/Mictor38 (LA-7791) to NEXUS/AMP40NS LA-7794 Converter Mictor38 to NEXUS/AMP50 for MPC56x CONVMICTOR38AMP50 Converter from the 38 pin mictor connector on Nexus Adapter for MPC56x family/Mictor38 (LA-7791) to NEXUS/AMP50 LA-7797 Conv. Mictor38 to NEXUS/GLENAIR51 for MPC56x CONV-MIC38GL51-56X Converter from the 38 pin mictor connector on Nexus Adapter for MPC56x family/Mictor38 (LA-7791) to NEXUS 51 pin Glenair connector TRACE32 - Technical Information 20 Detailed Order Information Order No. LA-7781 LA-7782 LA-7783 LA-7785 LA-7791 LA-7793 LA-7794 LA-7797 Code Text NEXUS-MPC565AMP40NS NEXUS-MPC565GLEN51 NEXUS-MPC565AMP50 NEXUS-CONVSMALL-50 NEXUS-MPC565MICTOR CONVMICTOR38AMP40 CONVMICTOR38AMP50 CONV-MIC38GL51-56X Nexus Adapter for MPC56x family/AMP40NS Nexus Adapter for MPC56x family/Glenair51 Nexus Adapter for MPC56x family/AMP50 Conv. Large NEXUS Model to Small Model AMP50 Nexus Adapter for MPC56x family/Mictor38 Converter Mictor38 to NEXUS/AMP40 for MPC56x Converter Mictor38 to NEXUS/AMP50 for MPC56x Conv. Mictor38 to NEXUS/GLENAIR51 for MPC56x Additional Options LA-1370 NEXUS-PPC Order Information MICTORFLEXEXT Mictor Flex Extension TRACE32 - Technical Information 21 Contact International Representative Australia Embedded Logic Solutions Pty L Mr. Ramzi Kattan 391 Hume Highway Bankstown NSW 2200 Phone: ++61 2 9793 9542 FAX: ++61 2 9790 1183 EMAIL: Austria Lauterbach Datentechnik GmbH Mr. Norbert Weiss Fichtenstr. 27 D-85649 Hofolding Phone: ++49 8104 8943 183 FAX: ++49 8104 8943 170 EMAIL: Belgium Tritec Benelux B.V. Mr. Robbert de Voogt Stationspark 550 NL-3364 DA Sliedrecht Phone: ++31 184 41 41 31 FAX: ++31 184 42 36 11 EMAIL: Brazil ANACOM Software e Hardware Ltd Mr. Rodrigo Ferreira Rua Nazareth, 807, Bairro Barc BR-09551-200 Sao Caetano do Sul Phone: 0055 11 3422-4200 FAX: 0055 11 3422-4242 EMAIL: Canada Lauterbach Inc. 4 Mount Royal Ave. USA-Marlborough, MA 01752 Phone: ++1 508 303 6812 FAX: ++1 508 303 6813 EMAIL: China Watertek Inc. Mr. Liu Ming Room 1006, Hai Tai Building No.229,North Si Huan Zhong Rd. PRC-Beijing Hai Dian Distr., 100083 Phone: +86 10 82883933-680 FAX: +86 10 82883858 EMAIL: Denmark Nohau Danmark A/S Mr. Flemming Jensen Klausdalsbrovej 493 DK-2730 Herlev Phone: ++45 44 52 16 50 FAX: ++45 44 52 26 55 EMAIL: Egypt Wantech Mr. Nawara 5 Shafik Ghalie St., Suite 2 Off Pyramids Road, Giza Cairo 12111 Phone: ++20 2 5848020 FAX: ++20 2 5877303 EMAIL: NEXUS-PPC Contact Finland Nohau Mr. Leevi Lehtinen Teknobulevardi 3-5 FI-01531 Vantaa Phone: ++358 40 546 1469 FAX: ++358 9 2517 8101 EMAIL: France Logic Instrument Mr. Stephane Morice BP 116 71, route de Saint-Denis F-95170 Deuil la Barre Phone: ++33 1 342861 70 FAX: ++33 1 342800 50 EMAIL: Germany Lauterbach Datentechnik GmbH Mr. Norbert Weiss Fichtenstr. 27 D-85649 Hofolding Phone: ++49 8104 8943 183 FAX: ++49 8104 8943 170 EMAIL: Germany North Lauterbach Datentechnik GmbH Mr. Klaus Hommann Leonhardring 5 D-31319 Sehnde Phone: ++49 5138 6185 0 FAX: ++49 5138 6185 3 EMAIL: India Electro Systems Ass. Pvt. Ltd. Mr. G. V. Gurunatham 4215 JK Complex First Main Rd. IND-Bangalore 560 021 Phone: ++91 80 23577924 FAX: ++91 80 23475615 EMAIL: Ireland Lauterbach Ltd. Mr. Barry Lock 11 Basepoint Enterprise Centre Stroudley Road Basingstoke, Hants RG24 8UP Phone: ++44-1256-333-690 FAX: ++44-1256-336-661 EMAIL: Israel Itec Ltd. Mr. Mauri Gottlieb P.O.Box 10002 IL-Tel Aviv 61100 Phone: ++972 3 6491202 FAX: ++972 3 6497661 EMAIL: Italy Lauterbach Srl Mr. Maurizio Menegotto Via Enzo Ferrieri 12 I-20153 Milano Phone: ++39 02 45490282 FAX: ++39 02 45490428 EMAIL: TRACE32 - Technical Information Japan Lauterbach Japan, Ltd. Mr. Kenji Furukawa 3-9-5 Shinyokohama Kouhoku-ku Yokohama-shi, Japan 222-0033 Phone: ++81-45-477-4511 FAX: ++81-45-477-4519 EMAIL: Luxemburg Tritec Benelux B.V. Mr. Robbert de Voogt Stationspark 550 NL-3364 DA Sliedrecht Phone: ++31 184 41 41 31 FAX: ++31 184 42 36 11 EMAIL: Malaysia Flash Technology Mr. Teo Kian Hock No 61, # 04-15 Kaki Bukit Av 1 Shun Li Industrial Park SGP-Singapore 417943 Phone: ++65 6749 6168 FAX: ++65 6749 6138 EMAIL: Netherlands Tritec Benelux B.V. Mr. Robbert de Voogt Stationspark 550 NL-3364 DA Sliedrecht Phone: ++31 184 41 41 31 FAX: ++31 184 42 36 11 EMAIL: New Zealand Embedded Logic Solutions Pty L Mr. Ramzi Kattan 391 Hume Highway Bankstown NSW 2200 Phone: ++61 2 9793 9542 FAX: ++61 2 9790 1183 EMAIL: Norway Nohau Elektronik AB Mr. Greger Andersson Derbyvägen 4 S-21235 Malmoe Phone: ++46 40 59 22 00 FAX: ++46 40 59 22 29 EMAIL: Poland Quantum Sp.z o.o. Korp. Transf Mr. Czeslaw Bil ul. Skwierzynska 21 53-521 Wroclaw Phone: ++48 71 362 6356 FAX: ++48 71 362 6357 EMAIL: Portugal Captura Electronica,SCCL Mr. Juan Martinez c/Albert Einstein s/n Edificio Forum de la Tecnol. E-08042 Barcelona Phone: ++34 93 291 76 33 FAX: ++34 93 291 76 35 EMAIL: Singapore Flash Technology Mr. Teo Kian Hock No 61, # 04-15 Kaki Bukit Av 1 Shun Li Industrial Park SGP-Singapore 417943 Phone: ++65 6749 6168 FAX: ++65 6749 6138 EMAIL: NEXUS-PPC Contact 22 South Korea MDS Technology Co.,Ltd. Mr. Hyunchul Kim 15F Kolon Digital Tower Vilant #222-7, Guro-3dong, Guro-gu Seoul, 152-848, ROK Phone: ++82 2 2106 6000 FAX: ++82 2 2106 6004 EMAIL: Spain Captura Electronica,SCCL Mr. Juan Martinez c/Albert Einstein s/n Edificio Forum de la Tecnol. E-08042 Barcelona Phone: ++34 93 291 76 33 FAX: ++34 93 291 76 35 EMAIL: Sweden Nohau Elektronik AB Mr.Greger Andersson Derbyvägen 4 SE-21235 Malmoe Phone: ++46 40 59 22 00 FAX: ++46 40 59 22 29 EMAIL: Switzerland JDT Jberg DatenTechnik Mr. Andreas Iberg Zimmereistrasse 2 CH-5734 Reinach AG Phone: ++41 62 7710 886 FAX: ++41 62 7717 187 EMAIL: Taiwan Superlink Technology Corp. Mr. Sulin Huang 3F-8,No.77,Shin-Tai-Wu Rd.Sec1 Taipei Hsien 221, Taiwan, R.O.C. Phone: ++886 2 26983456 FAX: ++886 2 26983535 EMAIL: Turkey Bildem Bilgisayar Ltd. Sti. Mr. Hakan Yavuz Koroglu Cad. 64/3 G.O.Pasa TR-06700 Ankara Phone: ++90 312 4472700 FAX: ++90 312 4472702 EMAIL: UK Lauterbach Ltd. Mr. Barry Lock 11 Basepoint Enterprise Centre Stroudley Rd Basingstoke, Hants RG24 8UP Phone: ++44 (0) 1256-333690 FAX: ++44 (0) 1256-336661 EMAIL: USA East Lauterbach Inc. Mr. Udo Zoettler 4 Mount Royal Ave. USA-Marlborough, MA 01752 Phone: ++1 508 303 6812 FAX: ++1 508 303 6813 EMAIL: USA West Lauterbach Inc. Mr. Jerry Flake 13256 SW. Hillshire Drive USA-Tigard, OR 97223 Phone: ++1 503 524 2222 FAX: (503) 524 2223 EMAIL: TRACE32 - Technical Information 23 Additional Information Lauterbach Datentechnik GmbH Fichtenstr. 27 D-85649 Hofolding Tel. ++49 8104 8943-188 FAX -187 Lauterbach Inc. 4 Mount Royal Ave. Marlboro MA 01752 Phone (508) 303 6812 FAX (508) 303 6813 Lauterbach Ltd. Lauterbach Japan, Ltd. 3-9-5 Shinyokohama Kouhoku-ku Yokohama-shi Japan 222-0033 Phone ++81-45-477-4511 FAX -4519 Lauterbach s.r.l. Lauterbach s.r.l. Via Enzo Ferrieri 12 I-20153 Milano Phone ++39 02 45490282 FAX ++39 02 45490428 11 Basepoint Enterprise Ctre Stroudley Road Basingstoke, Hants RG24 8UP Phone ++44-1256-333-690 FAX -661 http:/ Disclaimer The information presented is intended to give overview information only. Changes and technical enhancements or modifications can be made with- NEXUS-PPC Contact WWW.ALLDATASHEET.COM Copyright © Each Manufacturing Company. All Datasheets cannot be modified without permission. This datasheet has been download from : 100% Free DataSheet Search Site. Free Download. No Register. Fast Search System.