HP N5391A

I2C and SPI Triggering and Decode for
Infiniium 8000 and 90000 Oscilloscopes
Data Sheet
Quickly decode I2C
and SPI serial packets
Lower-speed serial bus interfaces are
widely used for connecting EEPROMs,
DACs, ADCs, and other peripheral ICs
to microcontrollers and processors.
Because these interfaces are relatively
simple to implement and have few
wires taking up board space, they are
found in a wide array of embedded
designs. Two common low-speed serial
bus interfaces found pre-packaged on
many vendors’ ICs are inter-integrated
circuit (I2C) and serial peripheral
interface (SPI).
The N5391A triggering and decode
for I2C and SPI software provides
the integration of the Infiniium
oscilloscope, a powerful everyday
signal integrity test tool, with protocol
analysis capabilities. With this
integration, you can isolate serial
packets to find sources of errors
due hardware related problems and
software related problems. Quickly
pinpoint timing or signal integrity
issues such as noise or coupling on
your I2C or SPI bus. Easily see the
information transfer leading up to or
following a particular event or failure.
Effectively troubleshoot an embedded
system capturing and decoding I2C or
SPI buses, correlating them with other
signals in the design, such as digital
control signals using a mixed signal
oscilloscope (MSO), and analog signals
interfacing with the real world.
Easy-to-Setup Dialog Box
The N5391A triggering and decode
application extends Infiniium 8000 and
90000 Series oscilloscopes ease-ofuse advantages to serial data analysis.
A dialog box makes it easy to set up
the process to perform serial decode.
The figures on this page show the
dialog box selections for setting up
the serial decode for I2C and SPI. Note
that SPI comes in a 2-wire version
(without a chip select signal) or 3-wire
(with a chip select signal and single
bidirectional data line) or four-wire
version (with a chip select signal and
two unidirectional data lines). The
software supports the 3 versions. Any
combination of analog and digital input
channels can be used as the data,
clock, and chip select sources.
Figure 1: Setup dialog box for I2C
The application provides a simple
one-button start-of-frame trigger or
end-of-frame trigger that automatically
sets your Infiniium scope to trigger
on a generic I2C or SPI serial packet.
This button also automatically scales
Infiniium’s measurement thresholds
corresponding to the voltage levels of
your I2C or SPI signal.
Figure 2: Setup dialog box for SPI
On-Screen Serial Decode
Once the application has been set up
and turned on, the numerical decode is
automatically displayed below the data
signal’s waveform. In the setup dialog
box, you can vary the display format
between hexadecimal, decimal, and
binary. The numerical decode values
are displayed along with minor and
major tick marks. The minor tick marks
indicate clock transitions for both I2C
and SPI. The major tick marks for I2C
indicate sections of the serial packet,
such as the address, acknowledge,
and data. The major tick marks for
SPI indicate the beginning and end of
each data word in the serial packet.
You can click on the decode values and
tick marks with the Infiniium scope’s
mouse and drag them vertically
anywhere on the scope display.
Figure 3: On-screen serial decode of an I2C packet on an Infiniium 8000 Series.
Figure 3B. Quickly move between physical and I2C protocol layer information using the time-correlated tracing marker. Display protocol content
using embedded decode in the waveform area. Or, see protocol events in
a compact listing format using the industry’s first scope-based multi-tab
protocol viewer.
On-Screen Serial Decode (continued)
With deep memory the application
becomes particularly valuable. You can
capture, decode, and search through
many packets of I2C or SPI transmission
over a relatively long period of time,
maintaining an appropriate sample rate
to digitize all the signal details. You can
analyze a series of serial packets that
lead up to or follow a particular event
of interest or failure in the system.
You can use additional channels (up
to 20 channels in the MSO models) to
probe other test points in the system
to correlate traffic on the serial bus to
other causes and effects in the system.
Figure 4: On-screen serial decode of a SPI packet.
Listing Window with Automatic Click and Zoom
This application also offers a listing
window view with automatic click and
zoom capability. When the application
has been set up and turned on, a sliding tab is available to either show or
hide a protocol decode list of all I2C or
SPI packets that have been captured
in an acquisition. The listing window
shows the index number, time stamp
value, and data content of each serial
packet in the list. With the listing window, you can easily scroll through all
decoded serial packets in an acquisition to find particular events of interest or errors in the transmission. The
listing window can be shown in full
screen to see more decoded packets at
one time, or in half screen to see the
listing window along with the captured
waveforms. The data in the listing window can be saved to a .csv or .txt file
for off-line analysis or documentation
Figure 5: Listing window hidden with sliding tab available to expand.
Figure 6: Full screen listing window of an I2C capture
Figure 7: Half screen listing window of an I2C capture.
Listing Window with Automatic Click and Zoom (continued)
To enable easy correlation between the
listing window and the captured waveform, the listing window highlights
those serial packets that are currently
being viewed in the waveform display.
For instance, if you are viewing five
serial packets in the waveform display, the listing window will highlight
those five serial packet items in the
list. This listing window features a
click and zoom capability so that once
a particular packet of interest is found
in the list, you can click on it to have
the scope automatically zoom into that
packet for more detailed analysis.
Figure 8: SPI capture with five packets being viewed in the waveform display,
highlighting those five packets in the listing window.
Figure 9: Listing window of a SPI capture, demonstrating the automatic click and
zoom capability. The item in the listing window that was clicked on becomes highlighted in blue. After clicking on an item, the Undo Zoom button becomes available in
the listing window.
Oscilloscope Compatibility
You can upgrade existing Infiniium oscilloscopes with earlier software revisions
using free upgrade software available for order on CD from
http://www.agilent.com/find/infiniium_software and downloadable from
Operating System
Software Revision
8000 Series
Windows XP Pro
A.04.90 or higher
90000 Series
Windows XP Pro
A.01.00 or higher
Ordering Information
To order the I2C/SPI application software with an oscilloscopes, please order the
option indicated in the table.
Option Number
8000 Series
Factory-installed license for I2C and SPI triggering
and decode application
90000 Series
Factory-installed license for I2C and SPI triggering
and decode application
User-installed license for I2C and SPI triggering and decode application
Related Literature
Publication Title
Publication Type
Publication Number
Infiniium 8000 Series Oscilloscopes
Data Sheet
Infiniium 90000 Series oscilloscopes
Data Sheet
XP is a registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.
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Revised: October 1, 2008
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© Agilent Technologies, Inc. 2009
Printed in USA, June 1, 2009
Agilent Technologies Oscilloscopes
Multiple form factors from 20 MHz to >90 GHz | Industry leading specs | Powerful applications