PMC Modules NEW! PMC520 Octal Serial 232 Communication These modules provide eight asynchronous serial communication ports from a single PMC carrier slot. Software-configuration helps you quickly set baud rates, character-sizes,stop bits,and parity. Signal support for RTS/CTS handshaking is also included. The data ports generate individually controlled transmit, receive,line status,and data set interrupts. A global interrupt source register provides interrupt status indication for all eight channels to speed up interrupt parsing. Features ■ Eight RS232E ports ■ 64-byte transmit FIFO buffers 64-byte receive FIFO buffers ■ Programmable baud rate (up to 120Kbps) ■ Individual handshake lines (RTS,CTS) on each channel ■ Line-break and false start-bit detection ■ Industry-standard software-compatible 16C550 configuration registers Benefits ■ High-density design lowers per-port costs and saves PMC carrier card slots for other functions. ■ 64-byte FIFO buffers minimize CPU interaction for improved system performance. ■ Each serial channel provides handshake support to simplify interfacing with modems. Specifications Ordering Information RS232E Serial Ports PMC Modules Configuration: Independent,non-isolated serial ports with a common single return connection and configured as a DTE device. Data rate: Programmable up to 120K bits/second using internal baud rate generator. Max. cable length: 15 meters (50 feet) typical,limited to a cable capacitive load of 2500pF. Character size: 5 to 8 bits,software-programmable. Parity: Odd,even,or no parity;software-programmable. Stop bits: 1,1-1/2,or 2 bits;software-programmable. Data register buffers: Double buffered or 64-byte FIFO buffered,mode selectable. Interrupts: Receiver line status (overrun,parity,framing error, or break interrupt);received data available (FIFO level reached) or character time-out;transmitter (FIFO level reached);or modem status (CTS). Environmental Operating temperature: 0 to 70°C (PMC520-64) or -40 to 85°C (PMC520-64E). Storage temperature: -55 to 125°C. Relative humidity: 5 to 95% non-condensing. Power: +5V (±5%),consult factory for current specifications. MTBF: Consult factory. PMC Compliance Conforms to PCI Local Bus Specification,Revision 2.3 and CMC/PMC Specification,P1386.1. 4K Memory Space Required: One Base Address Register. Signaling: 3.3V and 5V compliant. PMC520-64 Eight RS232E serial ports,front I/O connector PMC520-64E Same as PMC520-64 plus extended temperature range. PMC520-64R Same as PMC520-64 except with rear I/O connector PMC520-64RE Same as PMC520-64R plus extended temperature range Customized PMC Modules 5085-x Modified PMC520-64 with user-specified crystal/baud rate. † Specify x = crystal frequency when ordering. Minimum quantity per order is two units. † Software (see Catalog 8400-139 for more info) PMCSW-API-VXW VxWorks® software support package PCISW-API-QNX QNX® software support package PCISW-API-WIN Windows® DLL software support Accessories (see Catalog 8400-139 for more info) 5025-288 Termination panel,SCSI-3 connector, 68 screw terminals 5028-432 Cable,shielded,SCSI-3 connector both ends All trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Acromag, Inc. • PO Box 437, Wixom, MI 48393 • Phone: 248-624-1541 • Fax: 248-624-9234 • e-mail: • 8400-386 Printed in USA 7/04 Copyright © 2004 Acromag, Inc. Data subject to change without notice PMC Modules For more efficient data processing,each serial port is equipped with 64-character FIFO buffers on the transmit and receive lines. With eight serial ports per module, the PMC520 provides a high-density solution to reduce costs and use fewer card slots.