Optoway PT-3500 ************************************************************************************************************************************************************ 5V / 155 Mbps InGaAs PIN-TIA Receiver PT-3500 Series InGaAs PIN-TIA WITH RECEPTACLE ************************************************************************************************************************************************************ FEATURES ² InGaAs/InP PIN Photodiode with AGC transimpedance amplifier ² Differential ended output ² Single +5V operation ² - 40 ~ +85 ºC operation temperature DESCRIPTION PT-3500 series are designed as optical signal receivers with AGC transimpedance amplifier. Their wide dynamic ranges, differential outputs are suited for telecommunications, especially SONET OC-3 / SDH STM-1, Fast Ethernet, and Fiber Channel. AC / ELECTRICAL AND OPTICAL CHARACTERISTICS (TC=25°C) Symbol Parameter Test Conditions Dectection Range Min. Typ. Max. Unit 1100 1310 1650 nm 220 V/mW G Gain@10Mbs Differential λ=1300nm 0.17 - BW Bandwidth Pf =1 μW 120 140 Psat Saturation Power λ=1300nm -3 0 - dBm - -38 -36 dBm - 50 65 ohm 155 170 Mbps Sens Sensitivity Rout Output Resistance -10 BER=10 @155Mbps Operation Speed MHz DC / ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (TC=25°C) Symbol Parameter VCC Power Supply ICC Supply Current (no load) Min. Typ. Max. Unit 4.5 5 5.5 V - - 35 Value Unit 6 V mA ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATING (TC=25 ºC) Symbol Parameter V Voltage Topr Operating Temperature -40~+85 ºC Tstg Storage Temperature -40~+85 ºC MECHANICAL DIMENSION (mm) and PIN ASSIGNMENT ******************************************************************************************************************************************************* OPTOWAY TECHNOLOGY INC. No.38, Kuang Fu S. Road, Hu Kou, Hsin Chu Industrial Park, Hsin Chu, Taiwan 303 Tel: 886-3-5979798 Fax:886-3-5979737 e-mail: sales@optoway.com.tw http: // www.optoway.com.tw 5/18/2002 V1.0 Optoway PT-3500 ************************************************************************************************************************************************************ Note: Specifications subject to change without notice. M8*0.75 P. C. D P. C. D P. C. D P. C. D P. C. D P. C. D P. C. D P. C. D P. C. D P. C. D Thru Holes 2.2 dia. ORDER INFORMATION Part No.: P T Code 0 3 − 3 Voltage +5V +3.3V 5 □ 0 Code Blank B □ − □ □ PIN Assignment Type A Type B Code F FB T S SB Connector Type FC/PC FC/PC (Board Mount) ST/PC SC/PC SC/PC (Board Mount) ******************************************************************************************************************************************************* OPTOWAY TECHNOLOGY INC. No.38, Kuang Fu S. Road, Hu Kou, Hsin Chu Industrial Park, Hsin Chu, Taiwan 303 Tel: 886-3-5979798 Fax:886-3-5979737 e-mail: sales@optoway.com.tw http: // www.optoway.com.tw 5/18/2002 V1.0