S-Type Voltage Controlled Crystal Oscillator Features • Output Frequencies to 65.536MHz • 5 or 3.3 Vdc operation • Tri-State Output • Low jitter < 6pS rms (for freq >12MHz) • VCXO with CMOS outputs • 0/70 or –40/85 °C temperature range • Hermetically sealed ceramic SMD package The S-Type Voltage Controlled Crystal Oscillator Applications Output Buffer / Tri State • SONET/SDH • xDSL • Digital Video • Low jitter PLL’s ESD Diodes Description fO Vc Input Buffer Block Diagram Figure 1 Vectron International 166 Glover Avenue, Norwalk CT 06856-5160 The VI S-Type Voltage Controlled Crystal Oscillator (VCXO) is a quartz stabilized square wave generator with a CMOS output and is tested at CMOS (3.3 and 5V operation) and TTL (5 V operation) logic levels. Devices are tested for absolute pull range (APR) and start-up over the operating temperature range which insures the performance and reliability. Tel:1-88-VECTRON-1 e-mail: vectron@vectron.com S-Type Voltage Controlled Crystal Oscillator Performance Characteristics Table 1. Electrical Performance Parameter 1 Supply Voltage (+5 or +3.3 V) Supply Current Output Logic Levels 2 Output Logic High 2 Output Logic Low Transition Times 2 Rise Time 2 Fall Time 3 Symmetry or Duty Cycle Nominal Output Frequency Options Test Conditions for APR (+5V option) Test Conditions for APR (+3.3V option) Absolute Pull Range (ordering option) Gain Transfer Operating temperature (ordering option) Control Voltage Leakage Current Control Voltage Bandwidth (-3dB) Symbo l VDD IDD VOH VOL tR tF SYM fO VC VC APR Min Typical Maximum Units 0.9*VDD 1.1*VDD 10mA +0.25mA/MHz V mA 0.8*VDD V V 0.1VDD 5 5 45/55 65.536 4.5 3.0 1.024 0.5 0.3 ns ns % MHz V V ppm 50,80 or 100 Positive 0/70 or –40/85 °C uA KHz ±1 IVCXO BW 10 1. A 0.01uF capacitor should be located as close to the supply as possible (to ground) and a 0.1uF is also recommended. 2. Figure 1 defines these parameters. Figure 2 illustrates the equivalent five gate TTL load and operating conditions under which these parameters are tested and specified. 3. Symmetry is defined as (ON TIME/PERIOD with Vs=-1.4 V for TTL and Vs=2.5 V for CMOS, 5 volt operation, and Vs=1.65V for 3.3 Volt operation. TTL/CMOS pin should be grounded for frequencies <12MHz. TF TR IDD 650Ω 80 % 6 50% 20% V DD + - .1µF .01µF 2 1 IC On Tim e VC + - 5 3 4 15pF 1.8k Period Figure 2. Output Waveform ±5°C) Figure 3. Output Test Conditions (25± Absolute Maximum Ratings Stresses in excess of the absolute maximum ratings can permanently damage the device. Functional operation is not implied at these or any other conditions in excess of conditions represented in the operational sections of this data sheet. Exposure to absolute maximum ratings for extended periods may adversely affect device reliability. Table 2. Absolute Maximum Ratings Parameter Symbol Power Supply VDD Storage Temperature Tstorage Voltage Control Range VC Ratings 7 -55/125 0 to VDD Vectron International 166 Glover Avenue, Norwalk CT 06856-5160 vectron@vectron.com Tel:1-88-VECTRON-1 Unit Vdc °C V e-mail: S-Type Voltage Controlled Crystal Oscillator Qualification Conformance The S-Type has undergone the following Mil-Std qualification. Table 3. Environmental Compliance Parameter Mechanical Shock Mechanical Vibration Solderability Gross and Fine Leak Resistance to Solvents Conditions MIL-STD-883C 2002.3, TEST B MIL-STD-883C 2007.1, TEST C MIL-STD-883C 2003.5 MIL-STD-883C 1014.7, 100% Tested MIL-STD-883C 2016 Handling Precautions Although ESD protection circuitrry has been designed into the the S-Type, proper precautions should be taken when handling and mounting. VI employs a human body model and a charged-device model (CDM) for ESD susceptibility testing and design protection evaluation. ESD thresholds are dependent on the circuit parameters used to define the model. Although no industry wide standard has been adopted for the CDM, a standard HBM of resistance=1.5Kohms and capacitance = 100pF is widely used and Therefore can be used for comparison purposes. Table 4. ESD Ratings Model Human Body Model Charged Device Model Minimum 1500 V (Mil-STD-883D, Method 3015, Class 1) 1500 V Absolute Pull Range (APR) Specification The frequency deviation of the S-Type VCXO is specified in terms of Absolute Pull Range (APR). APR provides the user with a guaranteed specification for minimum available frequency deviation over all operating conditions. Operating conditions include operating temperature range, power supply variation, differences in output loading and changes due to aging. An S-Type VCXO with an APR of +/-50 ppm will track a +/-50 ppm reference source over all operating conditions. The same device will typically demonstrate a Total Pull capability of 150 to 350 ppm. Absolute Pull Range (APR) is specified by the fourth character of the product code in Table 6. Please see Vectron’s web site, www.vectron.com, for the APR Application Note. Oscillator Aging Quartz stabilized oscillators typically exhibit a small shift in output frequency during aging. The major factors which lead to this shift are changes in the mechanical stress on the crystal and mass-loading of foreign material on the crystal. As the oscillator ages, relaxation of the crystal mounting stress or transfer of environmental stress through the package to the crystal mounting arrangement can lead to frequency variations. VI has minimized these two effects through the use of a miniature AT-Cut strip resonator crystal which allows a superior mounting arrangement and results in minimal relaxation and almost negligible environmental stress transfer. Vectron International • 166 Glover Avenue, Norwalk, CT 06856 • Tel: 1-88-VECTRON-1• http://www.vectron.com S-Type Voltage Controlled Crystal Oscillator Oscillator Aging Mass-loading on the crystal generally results in a frequency decrease and is typically due to out-gassing of material within a hermetic package or from contamination by external material in a less than hermetic package. VI has minimized the impact of mass loading by ensuring hermetic integrity and minimizing outgassing by limiting the number of internal components through the use of ASIC technology. Under normal operating conditions with an operating temperature of 40°C, the S-Type will typically exhibit 2 ppm aging in the first year of operation. The device will then typically exhibit 1 ppm aging the following year with a logarithmic decline each year thereafter. 220 183 150 60s. 60-90s. 45-60s. Tim e(s) Figure 4. Suggested IR profile Figure 5. Tape and Reel Vectron International • 166 Glover Avenue, Norwalk, CT 06856 • Tel: 1-88-VECTRON-1• http://www.vectron.com S-Type Voltage Controlled Crystal Oscillator Figure 6. Outline Diagram Vectron International • 166 Glover Avenue, Norwalk, CT 06856 • Tel: 1-88-VECTRON-1• http://www.vectron.com S-Type Voltage Controlled Crystal Oscillator Table 5. Pin Function Pin Symbol Function 1 2 VC Tri-State 3 4 5 GND Output TTL/CMOS 6 VDD VCXO Control Voltage TTL Low to Disable Output. TTL High, or no connect, to Enable Output. Case Ground VCXO Output TTL Logic Low for CMOS optimized symmetry. TTL Logic High, or no connect, for TTL optimized symmetry. Power Supply Voltage (3.3 V ±10% or 5.0 V ±10%) Ordering information Table 6. Standard Frequencies 1.024 4.434 9.192 13.500 19.985 34.368 1.544 5.000 10.000 14.318 20.000 35.328 2.000 5.760 11.000 15.360 20.480 38.880 2.048 6.144 11.2896 15.440 24.000 40.000 3.088 6.176 11.290 16.000 24.576 40.960 3.580 6.312 12.000 16.123 24.704 44.736 3.686 6.400 12.288 16.384 27.000 50.000 4.000 8.000 12.352 17.734 30.000 51.840 4.032 8.192 12.900 18.432 32.000 52.000 4.096 8.448 13.000 19.440 32.768 Other frequencies may be available upon request Table 7. Part number ordering information S G U G L A - 44.736 (frequency in MHz) Package Size Symmetry S-Type A: 45/55% Supply Voltage Temperature Range T: Thru hole C: 0 to 70°C G: Gull Wing L: -40 to 85 °C Output, Symmetry Absolute Pull Range (Stability XO) U: VCXO, +5V, standard linearity G: ±50 ppm L: VCXO, +5V, 10% linearity N: ±80 ppm D: VCXO, +3.3V, standard linearity H: ±100 ppm K: VCXO, +3.3V, 10% linearity www.vectron.com USA: Vectron International • 166 Glover Avenue, Norwalk, CT 06856 • Tel: Contact: 1-88-VECTRON-1 For Additional Information, Please • Fax: 1-888-FAX-VECTRON EUROPE: In Denmark, Finland, Ireland, Israel, Norway, Spain, UK: Tel: 44 (0) 1703 766 288 • Fax: 44 (0) 1703 766 822 In Austria,Belgium,France,Germany,Italy, Luxenburg,Netherlands,Sweden,Switzerland:Tel: 49(0)7263 6480 • Fax:49(0)7263 6196 ASIA: In China, Taiwan, Japan: Tel: 01 603 598 0070 • Fax: 01 603 598 0075 In Korea, Singapore, Australia, India: Tel: 01 203 853 4433 • Fax: 01 203 853 1423 Vectron International reserves the right to make changes to the product(s) and/or information contained herein without notice. No liability is assumed as a result of their use or application. No rights under any patent accompany the sale of any such product(s) or information. SType.DOC (REVISION DATE: 10/10/2000) Vectron International • 166 Glover Avenue, Norwalk, CT 06856 • Tel: 1-88-VECTRON-1• http://www.vectron.com