Full-bridge PWM Motor Driver SI-5300 September 2005 ■General Description ■Package---SPM ●Two Pch MOSFETs for high side power switches, two Nch for low side and one control IC are integrated into one package. ●Enables to drive a motor by DC drive at up to 5ADC or by pulse drive at up to 16A. ●PWM input signal is 20 kHz max, and phase changeover frequency is 500Hz max. ●Input signals for IN1 and IN2 control the output of each phase with normal, reverse, brake, and free-run mode. ●In order to prevent shoot through current during phase changeover, the control IC set the dead time. Dead time: 20μS (typ). ●Versatile protection functions: ●Over current protection for each power switch (Latch mode) ●Thermal shutdown (TSD) ●DIAG output function: Outputs the diagnosis during abnormal operation. ■Applications ●Driving various DC motors (PWM control) ■Key Specifications ●Throttle valve for automotive application ●Absolute maximum rating ■Features Parameter SI-5300 incorporates two high side Pch MOSFETs, two low side Nch MOSFETs, and a control IC in one package. Overcurrent protection function for each power switch, and thermal shutdown function for control IC. Also, the dead time (20μS) is set in the control IC to prevent turning on the high side MOSFETs at the same timing. *1 with infinite heatsink Signal Ratings Motor supply voltage VM 40V(max) Input voltage VINx,PWM -0.3~7.0V Output current Io ±5A Iop-p ±16A fPWM 20KHz(max) Phase transition frequency fCW 500Hz(max) Junction temperature Tj -40~150℃ PD1 3.6W PD2 33.7W PWM control frequency Power dissipation Remarks *1 Typical Connection . Sanken Electric Co.,Ltd. I03-001EA-050910 1/12 Full-bridge PWM Motor Driver SI-5300 September 2005 1. Absolute maximum ratings (Ta=25℃) Characteristics Motor Supply Voltage Output Current Logic Input Voltage PWM Control Frequency Forward and Reverse Change Frequency Total Device Power Dissipation Thermal Resistance Symbol VM IOUT1 IOUT2 Rating 40 ±5 Unit V A Remarks ±16 -0.3 to 7 -0.3 to 7 -0.3 to 7 20 500 A V V V KHz Hz *1 IN1 IN2 PWM fPWM fCW Duty=20~80% *2 Pd1 3.6 W No heatsink Pd2 Θj-a 33.7 35 W ℃/W Infinite heatsink Θj-c 3.7 ℃/W Junction Temperature Tj -40 to 150 ℃ Operation Temperature Top -40 to 85 ℃ Storage Temperature Tstg -40 to 150 ℃ *1 PW≦1mS,Duty≦50% *2 The dead time for the length current prevention in positive and the reversing switch is set by internal control IC. The set point in internal control IC at the dead time is 20μS(TYP). Please confirm, and use the load condition. 2. Recommended operating conditions Characteristics Motor Supply Voltage Logic Input Voltage PWM Control Frequency Output Current DIAG Terminal Output Voltage DIAG Terminal Sink Current Operation Temperature Symbol VM VIN1,VIN2,PWM fPWM Rating 6 to 18 -0.3 to 5 10 Unit V V KHz Io ±3 A VDIAG -0.3 to 6 V IDIAG 1 mA Top -40 to85 ℃ Remarks . Sanken Electric Co.,Ltd. I03-001EA-050910 2/12 Full-bridge PWM Motor Driver SI-5300 September 2005 3. Electrical characteristics (Tj=25℃,VM=14V,Io=3A unless otherwise specified) Characteristics Motor Supply Voltage Output saturation voltage Output leak current Output transmission time Forward voltage characteristic of diode between drain and source Quiescent current Voltage of input terminal Current of input terminal Over current protection starting current DIAG terminal output Voltage of pulse width DIAG terminal output Voltage of satisfaction Symbol VM V,VM-Vo V,Vo-PG IL,L IL,H tpLH min 6 Rating typ Unit max 18 0.8 0.3 100 100 10 *5 tpHL 15 *6 tpHL-tpLH 10 0.8 1.0 0.8 1.0 22 22 16 VF・L VF・H IM1 IM2 IM3 VIN,H VIN,L IIN,L IIN,H Iocp tDIAG V V μA μS V mA 3.0 2.0 V Remarks VM=24V(2min) Io=3A Io=3A VM=40V VM=40V VPWM L⇒H(Vth=2.5typ) VPWM H⇒L(Vth=2.5typ) : : Io=3A Io=10A Io=3A Io=10A Stop mode Forward and reverse mode Brake mode VIN1=VIN2=VPWM 16 μA μA A VIN1=VIN2=VPWM VIN1=VIN2=VPWM=0V VIN1=VIN2=VPWM=5V *3 20 mS CDIAG=1μF(typ) -100 200 0.3 VD・L V ID・SINK=1mA *4 【Note】 *3 The standard value of Iocp is assumed to be a value by which the output of each power MOSFET cuts off. When the protection circuit of OCP and TSD operates , power MOSFET’s keeps cutoff. When a signal(5V:H⇒0V:L) is input to the terminal PWM , the cutoff operation will be released. Moreover , Three minutes ( Ta=25℃, fPWM=10Khz ,VM=14V) are assumed to be max at the over current state continuance Time in the VM operation and ground of output terminal (OUT1,OUT2). It is not the one to assure the operation including reliability in the state that the sort-circuit continues for along time. *4 DIAG signal output terminal is an collector output. Use apull-up resistor when connecting it to a logic circuit. . Sanken Electric Co.,Ltd. I03-001EA-050910 3/12 Full-bridge PWM Motor Driver SI-5300 September 2005 *5 Output transmission time(tpLH) Output transmission time tpLH is time form Vth(2.5Vtyp) of the terminal of PWM to output(Vout*0.9) of the output terminal. *6 Output transmission time(tpHL) Output transmission time tpLH is time form Vth(2.5Vtyp) of the terminal of PWM to output (Vout*0.9) Of the output terminal. . Sanken Electric Co.,Ltd. I03-001EA-050910 4/12 Full-bridge PWM Motor Driver SI-5300 September 2005 4.Timing chart of input and output Tim ing Chart Term inal Nam e IN1 Fo r D rd wa Y UT ON Fo rw a rd DU TY OF F Re ve DU rs e TY ON R e ev DU rs e TY OF F S ( to p ee Fr Ru n) S ( to p ee Fr Ru n) (B ra k e) (B ra k IN2 PW M High Im pedance OUT1 OUT2 High Im pedance High Im pedance IOUT1(A) Input signal Output Signal Power MOS operation Function IN1 IN2 PWM OUT1 OUT2 Tr1(P1) Tr2(P2) Tr3(N1) Tr4(N2) H H H Z Z OFF OFF OFF OFF Stop mode H H L Z Z OFF OFF OFF OFF Stop mode L L H GND GND OFF OFF ON ON Break mode L L L GND GND OFF OFF ON ON Break mode H L H VM GND ON OFF OFF ON Normal mode(Duty ON) H L L Z GND OFF OFF OFF ON Normal mode(Duty OFF) L H H GND VM OFF ON ON OFF Reverse mode(Duty ON) L H L GND Z OFF OFF ON OFF Reverse mode(Duty OFF) H:High level L:Low level Z:High impedance GND:GND level ON:Power MOSFET ON OFF:Power MOSFET OFF Sanken Electric Co.,Ltd. 5/12 I03-001EA-050910 e) Full-bridge PWM Motor Driver SI-5300 September 2005 5.Timing chart Protection circuit VM Return of constant section VM = 2V VM = 2V IN1 IN2 PWM VM-OUT1 VM-OUT2 VOUT1-GND VOUT2-GND OUT1 OUT2 IOUT(A) TDIAG DIAG 20 m sec(Min.) (Pull-up Vcc with resistor) Sanken Electric Co.,Ltd. 6/12 I03-001EA-050910 Full-bridge PWM Motor Driver SI-5300 September 2005 7.Package information(Lead forming No.1505) Package type , physical dimensions and material ☆Appearance The body shall be clean and shall not bear any stain , rust or flaw. ☆Marking The type number and lot number shall be marked on the body by Laser which shall not be unreadable easily. a:Type number b:lot number 1st letter 2nd letter 3rd & 4th SI-5300 The last digit of year Month day Arabic numerals Sanken Electric Co.,Ltd. 7/12 I03-001EA-050910 Full-bridge PWM Motor Driver SI-5300 September 2005 8-1.Equivalent Circuit Pre-Reg : Battery inside circuit Dead Time : Protection circuit of length current PWM down edge sence : Detection circuit of PWM signal OCP : Over Current protection circuit TSD : Over temperaturel protection circuit DIAG CONTROL : DIAG control circuit 8-2.Terminal Pin Symbol Function Pin Symbol 1 OUT1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 OUT1 VM PGND VM IN1 PWM LGND Function OUTPUT terminal 1 9 TDIAG DIAG Delay time OUTPUT terminal 1 Motor Supply Voltage terminal PGND Motor Supply Voltage terminal Input terminal IN1 Input terminal PWM LGND 10 11 12 13 14 15 DIAG IN2 PGND VM OUT2 OUT2 Output terminal DIAG Input terminal IN2 PGND Motor Supply Voltage terminal OUTPUT terminal 2 OUTPUT terminal 2 Sanken Electric Co.,Ltd. 8/12 I03-001EA-050910 Full-bridge PWM Motor Driver SI-5300 9.Electrical characteristics September 2005 Ta=25℃ Sanken Electric Co.,Ltd. 9/12 I03-001EA-050910 Full-bridge PWM Motor Driver SI-5300 September 2005 Sanken Electric Co.,Ltd. 10/12 I03-001EA-050910 Full-bridge PWM Motor Driver SI-5300 September 2005 Sanken Electric Co.,Ltd. 11/12 I03-001EA-050910 Full-bridge PWM Motor Driver SI-5300 September 2005 CAUTION / WARNING ●The information in this publication has been carefully checked and is believed to be accurate; however, no responsibility is assumed for inaccuracies. ● Sanken reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any products herein in the interest of improvements in the performance, reliability, or manufacturability of its products. Before placing an order, Sanken advises its customers to obtain the latest version of the relevant information to verify that the information being relied upon is current. ● Application and operation examples described in this catalog are quoted for the sole purpose of reference for the use of the products herein and Sanken can assume no responsibility for any infringement of industrial property rights, intellectual property rights or any other rights of Sanken or any third party which may result from its use. ● When using the products herein, the applicability and suitability of such products for the intended purpose or object shall be reviewed at the users’ responsibility. ● Although Sanken undertakes to enhance the quality and reliability of its products, the occurrence of failure nd defect of semiconductor products at a certain rate is inevitable. Users of Sanken products are requested to take, at their own risk, preventative measures including safety design of the equipment or systems against any possible injury, death, fires or damages to the society due to device failure or malfunction. ● Sanken products listed in this catalog are designed and intended for the use as components in general purpose electronic equipment or apparatus (home appliances, office equipment, telecommunication equipment, measuring equipment, etc.). Before placing an order, the user’s written consent to the specifications is requested. When considering the use of Sanken products in the applications where higher reliability is required (transportation equipment and its control systems, traffic signal control systems or equipment, fire/crime alarm systems, various safety devices, etc.), please contact your nearest Sanken sales representative to discuss and obtain written confirmation of your specifications. The use of Sanken products without the written consent of Sanken in the applications where extremely high reliability is required (aerospace equipment, nuclear power control systems, life support systems, etc.) is strictly prohibited. ● Anti radioactive ray design is not considered for the products listed herein. ● This publication shall not be reproduced in whole or in part without prior written approval from Sanken. ●This is notification that you, as purchaser of the products/technology, are not allowed to perform any of the following: 1. Resell or retransfer these products/technology to any party intending to disturb international peace and security. 2. Use these products/technology yourself for activities disturbing international peace and security. 3. Allow any other party to use these products/technology for activities disturbing international peace and security. Also, as purchaser of these products/technology, you agree to follow the procedures for the export or transfer of these products/technology, under the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Law, when you export or transfer the products/technology abroad. Sanken Electric Co.,Ltd. 12/12 I03-001EA-050910