ST92195B 32-64K ROM HCMOS MCU WITH ON-SCREEN-DISPLAY AND TELETEXT DATA SLICER DATA BRIEFING ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Register File based 8/16 bit Core Architecture with RUN, WFI, SLOW and HALT modes 0°C to +70°C operating temperature range Up to 24 MHz. operation @ 5V±10% Min. instruction cycle time: 165ns at 24 MHz. 32, 48, 56 or 64 Kbytes ROM 256 bytes RAM of Register file (accumulators or index registers) 256 bytes of on-chip static RAM 2, 6 or 8 Kbytes of TDSRAM (Teletext and Display Storage RAM) 28 fully programmable I/O pins Serial Peripheral Interface Flexible Clock controller for OSD, Data Slicer and Core clocks running from a single low frequency external crystal. Enhanced display controller with 26 rows of 40/80 characters – Serial and Parallel attributes – 10x10 dot matrix, 512 ROM characters, definable by user – 4/3 and 16/9 supported in 50/60Hz and 100/ 120 Hz mode – Rounding, fringe, double width, double height, scrolling, cursor, full background color, halfintensity color, translucency and half-tone modes Teletext unit, including Data Slicer, Acquisition Unit and up to 8 Kbytes RAM for data storage VPS and Wide Screen Signalling slicer (on some devices) Integrated Sync Extractor and Sync Controller 14-bit Voltage Synthesis for tuning reference voltage Up to 6 external interrupts plus one NonMaskable Interrupt 8 x 8-bit programmable PWM outputs with 5V open-drain or push-pull capability 16-bit watchdog timer with 8-bit prescaler One 16-bit standard timer with 8-bit prescaler 4-channel A/D converter; 5-bit guaranteed PSDIP56 TQFP64 See end of document for ordering information Rich instruction set and 14 addressing modes Versatile development tools, including Assembler, Linker, C-compiler, Archiver, Source Level Debugger and hardware emulators with Real-Time Operating System available from third parties ■ Pin-compatible EPROM and OTP devices available Device Summary ■ ■ Device Program Memory TDS VPS/ RAM WSS Package ST92195B1 32K ROM 2K Yes ST92195B2 32K ROM 6K No ST92195B3 32K ROM 6K Yes ST92195B4 48K ROM 6K Yes PSDIP56/ ST92195B5 48K ROM 8K Yes TQFP64 ST92195B6 56K ROM 8K Yes ST92195B7 64K ROM 8K Yes ST92T195B7 64K OTP 8K Yes ST92E195B7 64K EPROM 8K Yes CSDIP56 /CQFP64 Rev. 2.5 January 2000 1/22 1 ST92195B - GENERAL DESCRIPTION 1 GENERAL DESCRIPTION 1.1 INTRODUCTION The ST92195B microcontroller is developed and manufactured by STMicroelectronics using a proprietary n-well HCMOS process. Its performance derives from the use of a flexible 256-register programming model for ultra-fast context switching and real-time event response. The intelligent onchip peripherals offload the ST9 core from I/O and data management processing tasks allowing critical application tasks to get the maximum use of core resources. The ST92195B MCU supports low power consumption and low voltage operation for power-efficient and low-cost embedded systems. 1.1.1 ST9+ Core The advanced Core consists of the Central Processing Unit (CPU), the Register File and the Interrupt controller. The general-purpose registers can be used as accumulators, index registers, or address pointers. Adjacent register pairs make up 16-bit registers for addressing or 16-bit processing. Although the ST9 has an 8-bit ALU, the chip handles 16-bit operations, including arithmetic, loads/stores, and memory/register and memory/memory exchanges. Two basic addressable spaces are available: the Memory space and the Register File, which includes the control and status registers of the onchip peripherals. 1.1.2 Power Saving Modes To optimize performance versus power consumption, a range of operating modes can be dynamically selected. Run Mode. This is the full speed execution mode with CPU and peripherals running at the maximum clock speed delivered by the Phase Locked Loop (PLL) of the Clock Control Unit (CCU). Wait For Interrupt Mode. The Wait For Interrupt (WFI) instruction suspends program execution until an interrupt request is acknowledged. During WFI, the CPU clock is halted while the peripheral and interrupt controller keep running at a frequen- 2/22 cy programmable via the CCU. In this mode, the power consumption of the device can be reduced by more than 95% (Low power WFI). Halt Mode. When executing the HALT instruction, and if the Watchdog is not enabled, the CPU and its peripherals stop operating and the status of the machine remains frozen (the clock is also stopped). A reset is necessary to exit from Halt mode. 1.1.3 I/O Ports Up to 28 I/O lines are dedicated to digital Input/ Output. These lines are grouped into up to five I/O Ports and can be configured on a bit basis under software control to provide timing, status signals, timer and output, analog inputs, external interrupts and serial or parallel I/O. 1.1.4 TV Peripherals A set of on-chip peripherals form a complete system for TV set and VCR applications: – Voltage Synthesis – VPS/WSS Slicer – Teletext Slicer – Teletext Display RAM – OSD 1.1.5 On Screen Display The human interface is provided by the On Screen Display module, this can produce up to 26 lines of up to 80 characters from a ROM defined 512 character set. The character resolution is 10x10 dot. Four character sizes are supported. Serial attributes allow the user to select foreground and background colors, character size and fringe background. Parallel attributes can be used to select additional foreground and background colors and underline on a character by character basis. 1.1.6 Teletext and Display Storage RAM The internal Teletext and Display storage RAM can be used to store Teletext pages as well as Display parameters. ST92195B - GENERAL DESCRIPTION INTRODUCTION (Cont’d) 1.1.7 Teletext, VPS and WSS Data Slicers The three on-board data slicers using a single external crystal are used to extract the Teletext, VPS and WSS information from the video signal. Hardware Hamming decoding is provided. 1.1.8 Voltage Synthesis Tuning Control 14-bit Voltage Synthesis using the PWM (Pulse Width Modulation)/BRM (Bit Rate Modulation) technique can be used to generate tuning voltages for TV set applications. The tuning voltage is output on one of two separate output pins. 1.1.9 PWM Output Control of TV settings can be made with up to eight 8-bit PWM outputs, with a maximum frequency of 23,437Hz at 8-bit resolution (INTCLK = 12 MHz). Low resolutions with higher frequency operation can be programmed. 1.1.10 Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) The SPI bus is used to communicate with external devices via the SPI, or I C bus communication standards. The SPI uses a single data line for data input and output. A second line is used for a synchronous clock signal. 1.1.11 Standard Timer (STIM) The ST92195B has one Standard Timer (STIM0) that includes a programmable 16-bit down counter and an associated 8-bit prescaler with Single and Continuous counting modes. 1.1.12 Analog/Digital Converter (ADC) In addition there is a 4-channel Analog to Digital Converter with integral sample and hold, fast 5.75µs conversion time and 6-bit guaranteed resolution. 3/22 ST92195B - GENERAL DESCRIPTION INTRODUCTION (Cont’d) Figure 1. ST92195B Block Diagram Up to 64 Kbytes ROM 256 bytes RAM 256 bytes Register File 8/16-bit CPU NMI INT[7:4] INT2 INT0 MEMORY BUS Up to 8 Kbytes TRI TDSRAM P0[7:0] I/O PORT 2 6 P2[5:0] I/O PORT 3 4 P3[7:4] I/O PORT 4 8 P4[7:0] I/O PORT 5 2 P5[1:0] DATA SLICER & ACQUISITIO N UNIT Interrupt Management RCCU SYNC. EXTRACTION 16-BIT TIMER/ WATCHDOG VPS/WSS DATA SLICER SPI REGISTER BUS SDO/SDI SCK 8 MMU ST9+ CORE OSCIN OSCOUT RESET RESETO I/O PORT 0 TXCF CVBS1 WSCR WSCF CVBS2 AIN[4:1] EXTRG ADC MCFM TIMING AND CLOCK CTRL SYNC CONTROL STOUT STANDARD TIMER ON SCREEN DISPLAY VSO[2:1] VOLTAGE SYNTHESIS PWM D/A CONVERTER VSYNC HSYNC/CSYNC CSO FREQ. PXFM MULTIP. R/G/B/FB TSLU HT All alternate functions (Italic characters) are mapped on Ports 0, 2, 3, 4 and 5 4/22 PWM[7:0] ST92195B - GENERAL DESCRIPTION 1.2 PIN DESCRIPTION VDD P0.3 P0.4 P0.5 P0.6 P0.7 RESET P2.0/INT7 P2.1/INT5/AIN1 P2.2/INT0/AIN2 P2.3/INT6/VS01 P2.4/NMI P2.5/AIN3/INT4/VS02 OSCIN OSCOUT VDD Figure 2. 64-Pin Package Pin-Out 1 64 16 48 32 VSS P4.7/PWM7/EXTRG/STOUT P4.6/PWM6 P4.5/PWM5 P4.4/PWM4 P4.3/PWM3/TSLU/HT P4.2/PWM2 P4.1/PWM1 P4.0/PWM0 VSYNC HSYNC/CSYNC AVDD1 PXFM JTRST0 GND N.C. N.C. N.C. WSCF VPP/WSCR AVDD3 TEST0 MCFM JTCK TXCF CVBSO AVDD2 JTMS CVBS2 CVBS1 AGND N.C. GND AIN4/P0.2 P0.1 P0.0 CSO/RESET0/P3.7 P3.6 P3.5 P3.4 B G R FB SDO/SDI/P5.1 INT2/SCK/P5.0 VDD JTDO N.C. = Not connected 5/22 ST92195B - GENERAL DESCRIPTION PIN DESCRIPTION (Cont’d) RESET Reset (input, active low). The ST9+ is initialised by the Reset signal. With the deactivation of RESET, program execution begins from the Program memory location pointed to by the vector contained in program memory locations 00h and 01h. R/G/B Red/Green/Blue. Video color analog DAC outputs. FB Fast Blanking. Video analog DAC output. VDD Main power supply voltage (5V±10%, digital) WSCF, WSCR Analog pins for the VPS/WSS slicer . These pins must be tied to ground or not connected. VPP: On EPROM/OTP devices, the WSCR pin is replaced by VPP which is the programming voltage pin. VPP should be tied to GND in user mode. MCFM Analog pin for the display pixel frequency multiplier. OSCIN, OSCOUT Oscillator (input and output). These pins connect a parallel-resonant crystal (24MHz maximum), or an external source to the on-chip clock oscillator and buffer. OSCIN is the input of the oscillator inverter and internal clock generator; OSCOUT is the output of the oscillator inverter. VSYNC Vertical Sync. Vertical video synchronisation input to OSD. Positive or negative polarity. HSYNC/CSYNC Horizontal/Composite sync. Horizontal or composite video synchronisation input to OSD. Positive or negative polarity. PXFM Analog pin for the Display Pixel Frequency Multiplier AVDD3 Analog V DD of PLL. This pin must be tied to VDD externally. GND Digital circuit ground. AGND Analog circuit ground (must be tied externally to digital GND). CVBS1 Composite video input signal for the Teletext slicer and sync extraction. CVBS2 Composite video input signal for the VPS/ WSS slicer. Pin AC coupled. AVDD1, AVDD2 Analog power supplies (must be tied externally to AVDD3). TXCF Analog pin for the Teletext slicer line PLL. CVBSO, JTDO, JTCK Test pins: leave floating. TEST0 Test pins: must be tied to AVDD2. JTRST0 Test pin: must be tied to GND. Figure 3. 56-Pin Package Pin-Out INT7/P2.0 RESET P0.7 P0.6 P0.5 P0.4 P0.3 AIN4/P0.2 P0.1 P0.0 CSO/RE SET0/P3.7 P3.6 P3.5 P3.4 B G R FB SDI/SDO/ P5.1 SCK/INT2/P5. 0 VDD JTDO WSCF VPP/WSCR AVDD3 TEST 0 MCFM JTCK 6/22 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 P2.1/INT5/AIN1 P2.2/INT0/AIN2 P2.3/INT6/VS01 P2.4/NMI P2.5/AIN3/INT4/VS02 OSCIN OSCOUT P4.7/PWM7/EX TRG/ST OUT P4.6/PWM6 P4.5/PWM5 P4.4/PWM4 P4.3/PWM3/TSLU/HT P4.2/PWM2 P4.1/PWM1 P4.0/PWM0 VSYNC HSYNC/CSYNC AVDD1 PXFM JTRSTO GND AGND CVBS1 CVBS2 JTMS AVDD2 CVBSO TXCF ST92195B - GENERAL DESCRIPTION PIN DESCRIPTION (Cont’d) Figure 4. ST92195B Required External components (56-pin package) +5V U1 P20 1µF C2 S1 P07 P06 P05 P04 P03 P02 P01 P00 P37 P36 P35 P34 10k R1 D1 1N4148 RST L2 10uH C4 C6 B G R FB 10µF 100nF C9 C11 22pF 4.7nF R3 100 nF P51 P50 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 P2.0/INT7 RESETN P0.7 P0.6 P0.5 P0.4 P0.3 P0.2/AIN4 P0.1 P0.0 P3.7/RESET0/CSO P3.6 P3.5 P3.4 B G R FB P5.1/SDI/SDO P5.0/SCK/INT2 VDD JTDO WSCF WSCR AVDD3 TEST0 MCFM JTCK SDIP56 P2.1/INT5/AIN1 P2.2/INT0/AIN2 P2.3/INT6 /VS01 P2.4/NMI P2.5/AIN3/INT4/VS02 OSCIN OSCOUT P4.7/PWM7/EXTRG/STOUT P4.6/PWM6 P4.5/PWM5 P4.4/PWM4 P4.3/PWM3 /TSLU/HT P4.2/PWM2 ST92195B P4.1/PWM1 P4.0/PWM0 VSYNC HSY NC/CSYNC AVDD1 PXFM JTRST0 GND AGND CVBS1 CVBS2 JTMS AVDD2 CVBSO TXCF 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 C1 P21 P22 P23 P24 P25 82pF Y1 4Mhz C3 +5V 82pF P47 P46 P45 P44 P43 P42 P41 P40 L1 10uH VSYNC H SYNC C5 100nF C7 R2 C8 22pF 5.6k C10 C12 470nF C14 82pF C15 100nF 10µF 4.7nF CVBS C13 5.6k R4 15k C16 2.2nF 7/22 ST92195B - GENERAL DESCRIPTION PIN DESCRIPTION (Cont’d) Figure 5. ST92195B Required External Components (64-pin package) C1 1µF 10k R1 S1 +5V D1 1N4148 RST C2 82pF C4 82pF C3 100nF Y1 L1 P03 P04 P05 P06 P07 C5 P20 P21 P22 P23 P24 P25 4Mhz 10uH P02 P01 P00 P37 P36 P35 P34 B G R FB C7 VSS P0.2/AIN4 P0.1 P0.0 P3.7/RESET0/CSO P3.6 P3.5 P3.4 B G R FB P5.1/SDI/SDO P5.0/SCK/INT2 VDD JTDO ST92195B 100nF QFP64 C12 C11 100nF C14 C15 4.7nF 22pF R3 5.6k 8/22 GND EXTRG/SLOUT/P4.7/PWM7 P4.6/PWM6 P4.5/PWM5 P4.4/PWM4 HT/TSLU/P4.3/PWM3 P4.2/PWM2 P4.1/PWM1 P4.0/PWM0 VSYNC CSYNC/HSYNC AVDD1 PXFM JTRST0 GND NC 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 P47 P46 P45 P44 P43 P42 P41 P40 C8 C9 5.6k C13 L2 100nF VSYNC HSYNC 100nF R2 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 NC NC WSCF WSCR AVDD3 TEST0 MCFM JTCK TXCF CVBSO AVDD2 JTMS CVBS2 CVBS1 AGND NC P5.0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 P5.1 13 14 15 16 VDD P0.3 P0.4 P0.5 P0.6 P0.7 RESETN INT7/P2.0 P2.1/INT5/AIN1 P2.2/INT0/AIN2 P2.3/INT6/VS01 P2.4/NMI P2.5/AIN3/INT4/VS02 OSCIN OSCOUT VDD 10uF 100nF 64 63 62 61 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 C6 U1 10uF +5V 10uH 22pF C10 4.7nF ST92195B - GENERAL DESCRIPTION PIN DESCRIPTION (Cont’d) P0[7:0], P2[5:0], P3[7:4], P4[7:0], P5[1:0] I/O Port Lines (Input/Output, TTL or CMOS compatible). 28 lines grouped into I/O ports, bit programmable as general purpose I/O or as Alternate functions (see I/O section). Important: Note that open-drain outputs are for logic levels only and are not true open drain. 1.2.1 I/O Port Alternate Functions. Each pin of the I/O ports of the ST92195B may assume software programmable Alternate Functions (see Table 1). Table 1. ST92195B I/O Port Alternate Function Summary Port Name General Purpose I/O Pin No. Alternate Functions TQFP64 SDIP56 P0.0 4 10 P0.1 3 9 P0.2 2 8 P0.3 63 7 I/O P0.4 62 6 I/O P0.5 61 5 I/O P0.6 60 4 I/O P0.7 59 3 I/O P2.0 57 1 P2.1 56 56 P2.2 P2.3 P2.4 All ports useable for general purpose I/O (input, output or bidirectional) 55 55 54 54 53 53 I/O I/O AIN4 I INT7 I External Interrupt 7 AIN1 I A/D Analog Data Input 1 INT5 I External Interrupt 5 INT0 I External Interrupt 0 AIN2 I A/D Analog Data Input 2 INT6 I External Interrupt 6 VSO1 O Voltage Synthesis Output 1 NMI I Non Maskable Interrupt Input AIN3 I A/D Analog Data Input 3 INT4 I External Interrupt 4 O Voltage Synthesis Output 2 P2.5 52 52 P3.4 8 14 I/O P3.5 7 13 I/O P3.6 6 12 I/O P3.7 5 11 P4.0 40 P4.1 P4.2 VSO2 P4.3 P4.4 A/D Analog Data Input 4 RESET0 O Internal Reset Output CSO O Composite Sync output 42 PWM0 O PWM Output 0 41 43 PWM1 O PWM Output 1 42 44 PWM2 O PWM Output 2 PWM3 O PWM Output 3 TSLU O Translucency Digital Output HT O Half-tone Output PWM4 O PWM Output 4 43 44 45 46 9/22 ST92195B - GENERAL DESCRIPTION Port Name General Purpose I/O Pin No. Alternate Functions TQFP64 SDIP56 P4.5 45 47 PWM5 O PWM Output 5 P4.6 46 48 PWM6 O PWM Output 6 EXTRG I A/D Converter External Trigger Input 47 49 PWM7 O PWM Output 7 STOUT O Standard Timer Output INT2 I External Interrupt 2 SCK O SPI Serial Clock SDO O SPI Serial Data Out SDI I SPI Serial Data In P4.7 P5.0 All ports useable for general purpose I/O (input, output or bidirectional) P5.1 14 13 20 19 1.2.2 I/O Port Styles Pins P0[7:0] P2[5,4,3,2] P2[1,0] P3.7 P3[6,5,4] P4[7:0] P5[1:0] Weak Pull-Up no no no yes no no no Port Style Standard I/O Standard I/O Schmitt trigger Standard I/O Standard I/O Standard I/O Standard I/O Reset Values BID / OD / TTL BID / OD / TTL BID / OD / TTL AF / PP / TTL BID / OD / TTL BID / OD / TTL BID / OD / TTL Legend: AF= Alternate Function, BID = Bidirectional, OD = Open Drain PP = Push-Pull, TTL = TTL Standard Input Levels How to Read this Table To configure the I/O ports, use the information in this table and the Port Bit Configuration Table in the I/O Ports Chapter of the datasheet. – If WPU = yes, then the WPU can be enabled/disable by software – If WPU = no, then enabling the WPU by software has no effect Port Style= the hardware characteristics fixed for each port line. Inputs: – If port style = Standard I/O, either TTL or CMOS input level can be selected by software. – If port style = Schmitt trigger, selecting CMOS or TTL input by software has no effect, the input will always be Schmitt Trigger. Weak Pull-Up = This column indicates if a weak pull-up is present or not. Alternate Functions (AF) = More than one AF cannot be assigned to an external pin at the same time: An alternate function can be selected as follows. AF Inputs: – AF is selected implicitly by enabling the corresponding peripheral. Exception to this are ADC analog inputs which must be explicitly selected as AF by software. 10/22 ST92195B - GENERAL DESCRIPTION PIN DESCRIPTION (Cont’d) AF Outputs or Bidirectional Lines: – In the case of Outputs or I/Os, AF is selected explicitly by software. Example 1: ADC trigger digital input AF: EXTRG, Port: P4.7, Port Style: Standard I/O. Write the port configuration bits (for TTL level): P4C2.7=1 P4C1.7=0 P4C0.7=1 Enable the ADC trigger by software as described in the ADC chapter. Example 2: PWM 0 output AF: PWM0, Port: P4.0 Write the port configuration bits (for output pushpull): P4C2.0=0 P4C1.0=1 P4C0.0=1 Example 3: ADC analog input AF: AIN1, Port : P2.1, Port style: does not apply to analog inputs Write the port configuration bits: P2C2.1=1 P2C1.1=1 P2C0.1=1 11/22 ST92195B - GENERAL DESCRIPTION 1.3 MEMORY MAP Internal ROM The ROM memory is mapped in a single continuous area starting at address 0000h in MMU segment 00h. Device Size Start Address End Address ST92195B1/B2/B3 32K 0000h 7FFFh ST92195B4/B5 48K 0000h BFFFh ST92195B6 56K 0000h DFFFh ST92195B7 64K 0000h FFFFh Internal RAM, 256 bytes The internal RAM is mapped in MMU segment 20h; from address FF00h to FFFFh. Internal TDSRAM The Internal TDSRAM is mapped starting at address 8000h in MMU segment 22h. It is a fully static memory. Size Start Address End Address ST92195B1 2K 8000h 87FFh ST92195B2/B3/B4 6K 8000h 97FFh ST92195B5/B6/B7 8K 8000h 9FFFh Device Figure 6. ST92195B Memory Map 229FFFh Reserved max. 8 Kbytes TDSRAM 228000h SEGMENT 22h 64 Kbytes Internal RAM 256 bytes 22C000h 22BFFFh 228000h 227FFFh Reserved 224000h 223FFFh Reserved SEGMENT 21h 64 Kbytes 22FFFFh 220000h 21FFFFh PAGE 91 - 16 Kbytes PAGE 90 - 16 Kbytes PAGE 89 - 16 Kbytes PAGE 88 - 16 Kbytes Reserved 210000h 20FFFFh 20FFFFh PAGE 83 - 16 Kbytes 20C000h 20BFFFh 20FF 00h SEGMENT 20h 64 Kbytes Reserved PAGE 82 - 16 Kbytes 208000h 207FFFh Reserved PAGE 81 - 16 Kbytes 204000h 203FFFh Reserved PAGE 80 - 16 Kbytes 200000h 00FFFFh PAGE 3 - 16 Kbytes 00C000h 00BFFFh SEGMENT 0 64 Kbytes Internal ROM max. 64 Kbytes PAGE 2 - 16 Kbytes 008000h 007FFFh PAGE 1 - 16 Kbytes 004000h 003FFFh PAGE 0 - 16 Kbytes 000000h 12/22 ST92195B - ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS 2 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Symbol Parameter Value Unit V DD Supply Voltage VSS - 0.3 to V SS + 7.0 V V SSA Analog Ground VSS - 0.3 to V SS + 0.3 V V DDA Analog Supply Voltage V VI Input Voltage VDD -0.3 to VDD +0.3 VSS - 0.3 to V DD +0.3 V VSS - 0.3 to V DD +0.3 V AI Analog Input Voltage (A/D Converter) VO Output Voltage VSS - 0.3 to V DD + 0.3 V TSTG Storage Temperature - 55 to + 150 °C Pin Injected Current - 5 to + 5 mA - 50 to +5 0 mA IINJ V VSSA - 0.3 to VDDA +0.3 Maximum Accumulated Pin Injected Current In Device Note: Stress above those listed as “Absolute maximum ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these conditions is not implied. Exposure to maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONS Symbol Parameter Value Unit Min. Max. 0 70 °C TA Operating Temperature VDD Supply Voltage 4.5 5.5 V VDDA Analog Supply Voltage (PLL) 4.5 5.5 V fOSCE External Oscillator Frequency 3.3 8.7 MHz fOSCI Internal Clock Frequency (INTCLK) 24 MHz 13/22 ST92195B - ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS DC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (VDD= 5V +/-10%; TA = 0 to 70°C; unless otherwise specified) Symbol Parameter Test Conditions VIHCK Clock In high level External clock VILCK Clock in low level External clock VIH Input high level TTL VIL Input low level TTL VIH Input high level CMOS VIL Input low level CMOS VIHRS Reset in high level VILRS Reset in low level VHYRS Reset in hysteresis VIHY P2.(1:0) input hysteresis VIHVH HSYNC/VSYNC input high level VILVH HSYNC/VSYNC input low level VHYHV HSYNC/VSYNC input hysteresis VOH Output high level Push-pull Ild=-0.8mA VOL Output low level Push-pull ld=+1.6mA Value Min. Max. 0.7 V DD Unit V 0.3 VDD 2.0 V V 0.8 0.8 V DD V V 0.2 VDD 0.7 V DD V V 0.3 VDD 0.3 V V 0.9 V 0.7 V DD V 0.3 VDD 0.5 V V V DD-0.8 V 0.4 V bidir. state IWPU Weak pull-up current VOL= 3V µA 50 VOL= 7V 350 ILKIO I/O pin input leakage current 0<VIN<VDD -10 +10 µA ILKRS Reset pin input 0<VIN<VDD -10 +10 µA ILKAD A/D pin input leakage current alternate funct. op. drain -10 +10 µA ILKOS OSCIN pin input leakage current 0<VIN<VDD -10 +10 µA 14/22 ST92195B - ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS AC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS PIN CAPACITANCE (VDD= 5V +/-10%; TA = 0 to 70°C; unless otherwise specified)) Symbol C IO Parameter Value Conditions min Pin Capacitance Digital Input/Output max 10 Unit pF CURRENT CONSUMPTION (VDD= 5V +/-10%; TA = 0 to 70°C; unless otherwise specified) Symbol Parameter Value Condition s min typ. max Unit IDD1 Run Mode Current notes 1,2; all On 70 100 mA IDDA1 Run Mode Analog Current (pin VDDA ) Timing Controller On 35 50 mA IDD2 HALT Mode Current notes 1,4 10 100 µA IDDA2 HALT Mode Analog Current (pin VDDA ) notes 1,4 40 100 µA Notes: 1. Port 0 is configured in push-pull output mode (output is high). Ports 2, 3, 4 and 5 are configured in bi-directional weak pull-up mode resistor. The external CLOCK pin (OSCIN) is driven by a square wave external clock at 8 MHz. The internal clock prescaler is in divide-by-1 mode. 2. The CPU is fed by a 24 MHz frequency issued by the Main Clock Controller. VSYNC is tied to VSS, HSYNC is driven by a 15625Hz clock. All peripherals working including Display. 3. The CPU is fed by a 24 MHz frequency issued by the Main Clock Controller. VSYNC is tied to VSS, HSYNC is driven by a 15625Hz clock. The TDSRAM interface and the Slicers are working; the Display controller is not working. 4. VSYNC and HSYNC tied to VSS. External CLOCK pin (OSCIN) is hold low. All peripherals are disabled. EXTERNAL INTERRUPT TIMING TABLE (rising or falling edge mode) (VDD= 5V +/-10%; TA = 0 to 70°C; unless otherwise specified)) Symbol Parameter Conditions INTCLK=24 MHz. Value min Unit max TwLR low level pulse width TpC+12 95 ns TwHR high level pulse width TpC+12 95 ns TpC is the INTCLK clock period. 15/22 ST92195B - ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS AC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Cont’d) SPI TIMING TABLE (VDD= 5V +/-10%; TA = 0 to 70°C; Cload= 50pF) Symbol Parameter Conditi on Value min max tbd Unit TsDI Input Data Set-up Time ThDI Input Data Hold Time TdOV SCK to Output Data Valid ThDO Output Data Hold Time tbd ns TwSKL SCK Low Pulse Width tbd ns TwSKH SCK High Pulse Width tbd ns (1) OSCIN/2 as internal Clock 1INTCLK ns +100ns ns tbd ns (1) TpC is the OSCIN clock period; TpMC is the “Main Clock Frequency” period. SKEW CORRECTOR TIMING TABLE (VDD= 5V +/-10%, TA = 0 to 70°C, unless otherwise specified) Symbol Tjskw Parameter Jitter on RGB output Conditions 36 MHz Skew corrector clock frequency max Value Unit 5* ns (*) The OSD jitter is measured from leading edge to leading edge of a single character row on consecutive TV lines. The value is an envelope of 100 fields 16/22 ST92195B - ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS AC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Cont’d) OSD DAC CHARACTERISTICS (ROM DEVICES ONLY) (VDD= 5V +/-10%, TA = 0 to 70°C, unless otherwise specified). Symbol Parameter Conditio ns Value Unit min typical max 300 500 700 Ohm code= 111 1.000 1.250 V code= 011 0.450 0.500 V code= 000 0.025 0.080 V V Output impedance: FB,R,G,B Output voltage: FB,R,G,B Cload= 20pF RL = 100K FB= 1 2.4 2.7 3.4 FB= 0 0 0.025 0.080 V +/-5 % Global voltage accuracy OSD DAC CHARACTERISTICS (EPROM AND OTP DEVICES ONLY) (VDD= 5V +/-10%, TA = 0 to 70°C, unless otherwise specified). Symbol Parameter Conditions Value Unit min typical max 300 500 700 Ohm code= 111 1.100 1.400 V code= 011 0.600 0.800 V code= 000 0.200 0.350 V Output impedance: FB,R,G,B Output voltage: FB,R,G,B FB= 1 FB= 0 Global voltage accuracy Cload= 20pF RL = 100K VDD-0.8 V 0.400 V +/-5 % 17/22 ST92195B - ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS AC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Cont’d) A/D CONVERTER, EXTERNAL TRIGGER TIMING TABLE (VDD= 5V +/-10%; TA = 0 to 70°C; unless otherwise specified Symbol Parameter Tlow Pulse Width Thigh Pulse Distance Text Period/fast Mode Tstr Start Conversion Delay OSCIN divide by 2;min/max Value OSCIN divide by 1; min/max min max 1.5 INTCLK Unit ns ns 78+1 INTCLK µs 0.5 1.5 INTCLK Core Clock issued by Timing Controller Tlow Pulse Width ns Thigh Pulse Distance ns Text Period/fast Mode µs Tstr Start Conversion Delay ns A/D CONVERTER. ANALOG PARAMETERS TABLE (VDD= 5V +/-10%; TA = 0 to 70°C; unless otherwise specified)) Parameter Value typ (*) Analog Input Range Conversion Time Fast/Slow Sample Time Fast/Slow Power-up Time Resolution Differential Non Linearity Unit min max (**) VSS V DD V Note 78/138 INTCLK (1,2) 51.5/87.5 INTCLK (1) µs 60 8 bits 1.5 2.5 LSBs (4) Integral Non Linearity 2 3 LSBs (4) Absolute Accuracy 2 3 LSBs (4) Input Resistance 1.5 Kohm (3) Hold Capacitance 1.92 pF Notes: (*) (**) (1) (2) (3) (4) 18/22 The values are expected at 25 Celsius degrees with VDD= 5V ’LSBs’ , as used here, as a value of VDD/256 @ 24 MHz external clock including Sample time it must be considered as the on-chip series resistance before the sampling capacitor DNL ERROR= max {[V(i) -V(i-1)] / LSB-1} INL ERROR= max {[V(i) -V(0)] / LSB-i} ABSOLUTE ACCURACY= overall max conversion error ST92195B - GENERAL INFORMATION 3 GENERAL INFORMATION 3.1 PACKAGE MECHANICAL DATA Figure 7. 56-Pin Shrink Plastic Dual In Line Package, 600-mil Width Dim. mm Min Typ A inches Max Min Typ 6.35 A1 0.38 0.015 A2 3.18 4.95 0.125 0.195 b 0.41 0.016 b2 0.89 0.035 C 0.20 0.38 0.008 D 50.29 53.21 1.980 E E1 15.01 12.32 1.78 eA 15.24 eB L 2.92 PDIP56S 0.015 2.095 0.591 14.73 0.485 e Max 0.250 0.580 0.070 0.600 17.78 0.700 5.08 0.115 0.200 Number of Pins N 56 Figure 8. 64-Pin Thin Quad Flat Package Dim mm Min Typ A Min Typ Max 1.60 0.063 0.15 0.002 0.006 A1 0.05 A2 1.35 1.40 1.45 0.053 0.055 0.057 B 0.30 0.37 0.45 0.012 0.015 0.018 C 0.09 0.20 0.004 0.008 D 16.00 0.630 D1 14.00 0.551 D3 12.00 0.472 E 16.00 0.630 E1 14.00 0.551 E3 12.00 0.472 e 0.80 K L L1 inches Max 0° 3.5° 0.031 7° 0.45 0.60 0.75 0.018 0.024 0.030 L1 1.00 L 0.039 Number of Pins N 64 ND 16 NE 16 K 19/22 ST92195B - GENERAL INFORMATION PACKAGE MECHANICAL DATA (Cont’d) Figure 9. 56-Pin Shrink Ceramic Dual In Line Package, 600-mil Width Dim. mm Min Typ A Min Typ 4.17 Max 0.164 A1 0.76 B 0.38 0.46 0.56 0.015 0.018 0.022 B1 0.76 0.89 1.02 0.030 0.035 0.040 C 0.23 0.25 0.38 0.009 0.010 0.015 D 50.04 50.80 51.56 1.970 2.000 2.030 D1 E1 0.030 48.01 1.890 14.48 14.99 15.49 0.570 0.590 0.610 e 1.78 0.070 G 14.12 14.38 14.63 0.556 0.566 0.576 G1 18.69 18.95 19.20 0.736 0.746 0.756 G2 CDIP56SW inches Max 1.14 0.045 G3 11.05 11.30 11.56 0.435 0.445 0.455 G4 15.11 15.37 15.62 0.595 0.605 0.615 L 2.92 S 5.08 0.115 1.40 0.200 0.055 Number of Pins N 56 Figure 10. 64-Pin Ceramic Quad Flat Package Dim mm Min Typ A A1 B inches Max Min Typ 3.27 0.50 0.020 0.30 0.35 0.45 0.012 0.014 0.018 C 0.13 0.15 0.23 0.005 0.006 0.009 D 16.65 17.20 17.75 0.656 0.677 0.699 D1 13.57 13.97 14.37 0.534 0.550 0.566 D3 12.00 0.472 e 0.80 0.031 G 12.70 0.500 G2 0.96 0.038 L 0.35 0.80 0.014 0.031 0 8.31 0.327 Number of Pins CQFP064W 20/22 Max 0.129 N 64 ST92195B - GENERAL INFORMATION 3.2 ORDERING INFORMATION Each device is available for production in a user programmable version (OTP) as well as in factory coded version (ROM). OTP devices are shipped to customer with a default blank content FFh, while ROM factory coded parts contain the code sent by customer. The common EPROM versions for debugging and prototyping features the maximum memory size and peripherals of the family. Care must be taken to only use resources available on the target device. 3.2.1 Transfer Of Customer Code Customer code is made up of the ROM contents and the list of the selected options (if any). The ROM contents are to be sent on diskette, or by electronic means, with the hexadecimal file generated by the development tool. All unused bytes must be set to FFh. Figure 11. ROM Factory Coded Device Types TEMP. DEVICE PACKAGE RANGE / XXX Code name (defined by STMicroelectronics) 1= standard 0 to +70 °C B= Plastic DIP56 T= Plastic TQFP64 ST92195B1 ST92195B2 ST92195B3 ST92195B4 ST92195B5 ST92195B6 ST92195B7 Figure 12. OTP User Programmable Device Types DEVICE PACKAGE TEMP. RANGE / XXX Code name (defined by STMicroelectronics) 1= 0 to +70 °C B= Plastic DIP56 T= Plastic TQFP64 ST92T195B7 Figure 13. EPROM User Programmable Device Types DEVICE PACKAGE TEMP. RANGE 0= 25 °C B= Ceramic DIP 56 pin T= Ceramic QFP 64 pin ST92E195B7 21/22 ST92195B - GENERAL INFORMATION Notes: Information furnished is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, STMicroelectronics assumes no responsibility for the consequences of use of such information nor for any infringement of patents or other rights of third parties which may result from its use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of STMicroelectronics. Specifications mentioned in this publication are subject to change without notice. This publication supersedes and replaces all information previously supplied. STMicroelectronics products are not authorized for use as critical components in life support devices or systems without the express written approval of STMicroelectronics. The ST logo is a registered trademark of STMicroelectronics 2000 STMicroelectronics - All Rights Reserved. Purchase of I2 C Components by STMicroelectronics conveys a license under the Philips I2C Patent. Rights to use these components in an I2C system is granted provided that the system conforms to the I2C Standard Specification as defined by Philips. STMicroelectronics Group of Companies Australia - Brazil - China - Finland - France - Germany - Hong Kong - India - Italy - Japan - Malaysia - Malta - Morocco - Singapore - Spain Sweden - Switzerland - United Kingdom - U.S.A. http:// 22/22