TD62S051AFM TOSHIBA Bipolar Digital Integrated Circuit Silicon Monolithic TD62S051AFM 1-Channel Darlington Sink-Current Driver The TD62S051AFM is a 1-channel noninverting sink-current driver with a PNP transistor at the first stage and a NPN Darlington transistor at the second stage. The driver incorporates output clamp diodes used to clamp the counter electromotive force which is generated when driving an inductive load. Because the driver operates by source input current, it is optimal for interfacing with sink-current driven general-purpose CMOS logic ICs and microprocessors. Also it is optimal for driving relays and LEDs. When using the driver, pay attention to the thermal conditions. Weight: 0.017 g (typ.) Features Ultra-small HSON6 package with heat sink on rear · High output withstandard voltage: VCE (SUS) = 50 V (min) · Large output current: IOUT = 500 mA (max) · Built-in input resistor: RIN = 14 kΩ · Input signal: Low Level Active · Built-in output clamp diodes Pin Connection (top view) Basic Circuit Diagram OUTPUT 1 6 7 k9 VCC INPUT INPUT 14 kW 2 5 P-GND VCC 3 4 GND COMMON OUTPUT 3 k9 COMMON 7.2 k9 2.7 k9 · GND P-GND Note 1: Diodes shown using dotted lines are parasitic. Do not use them. Note 2: When using the driver, connect the P-GND pin to the GND pin. Note 3: When using the driver, connect the P-GND pin to the heat sink on the rear of the package. 1 2001-12-05 TD62S051AFM Maximum Ratings (Ta = 25°C) Characteristics Symbol Rating Unit VCC -0.5~7.0 V Collector-emitter voltage VCEO 50 V Output withstand voltage VCE (SUS) 50 V Supply voltage Output current IOUT 500 mA Input voltage VIN -0.5~7.0 V Input current IIN -10 mA Clamp diode reverse voltage VR 50 V Clamp diode forward current IF 500 mA PD (Note 4) 0.78 W Rth (j-a) (Note 4) 160 Rth (j-c) (Note 5) 25 Power dissipation °C/W Saturated thermal resistance Operating temperature Topr -40~85 °C Storage temperature Tstg -55~150 °C Note 4: 114.3 ´ 76.2 ´ 1.6 mm glass epoxy film substrate Cu heat dissipation pattern 100 mm 2 Note 5: When an infinite heat sink is mounted. Recommended Operating Condition (Ta = -40~85°C) Characteristics Symbol Test Condition Min Typ. Max Unit VCC ¾ 4.5 5.0 5.5 V Output withstand voltage VCEO ¾ 0 ¾ 50 V Output current IOUT ¾ ¾ 180 mA Input voltage VIN ¾ 0 ¾ 5.5 V Clamp diode reverse voltage VR ¾ ¾ ¾ 50 V Clamp diode forward current IF ¾ ¾ ¾ 400 mA Supply voltage Ta = 60°C, Tj = 105°C 2 2001-12-05 TD62S051AFM Electrical Characteristics (Ta = 25°C) Characteristics Output leakage current Output saturation voltage Symbol Test Circuit ICEX 1 VCE (sat) 2 Test Condition Min Typ. Max Unit VCC = VIN = 5.5 V, VOUT = 50 V ¾ ¾ 10 mA VCC = 4.5 V, VIN = 0 V, IOUT = 350 mA ¾ 1.4 1.6 VCC = 4.5 V, VIN = 0 V, IOUT = 180 mA ¾ 1.3 1.5 V Output ON IIN (ON) 3 VCC = 5.5 V, VIN = 0.4 V ¾ -0.32 -0.45 mA Output OFF IIN (OFF) 4 VCC = 5.5 V, VIN = 5.5 V ¾ ¾ -4.0 mA VIN (ON) 5 VCC = 4.5 V, IOUT = 350 mA ¾ ¾ VCC - 3.7 V Clamp diode leakage current IR 6 VR = 50 V ¾ ¾ 10 mA Clamp diode forward voltage VF 7 IF = 350 mA ¾ ¾ 2.0 V VCC = 5.5 V, VIN = 0 V ¾ ¾ 2.5 mA VCC = 5.5 V, VIN = VCC ¾ ¾ 100 mA VCC = 5 V, VOUT = 50 V, RL = 125 W, CL = 15 pF ¾ 0.2 ¾ ¾ 3.5 ¾ Input voltage Input voltage Power dissipation ICC (ON) 8 ICC (OFF) Turn-on delay Turn-off delay tON tOFF 9 3 ms 2001-12-05 TD62S051AFM Test Circuit 1. ICEX 2. VCE (sat) VCC OPEN VCC ICEX OPEN IIN IOUT OPEN VIN VCE 3. IIN (ON) VCE (sat) 4. IIN (OFF) VCC OPEN VCC IIN (ON) OPEN IOUT IIN (OFF) OPEN VIN 5. VIN (ON) 6. IR VCC OPEN VCC IR IOUT VR OPEN VIN (ON) VCE OPEN 7. VF 8. ICC VCC VCC VF OPEN ICC IF OPEN OPEN VIN OPEN 4 2001-12-05 TD62S051AFM 9. tON, tOFF tf tr INPUT VCC OPEN 5V VOUT 90% INPUT Pulse generator (Note 6) 90% 50% 50% 10% OUTPUT CL = 15 pF (Note 7) 10% 0 50 ms tON tOFF VOH Note 6: Pulse width 50 ms, Duty cycle 10% Output impedance 50 W, tr < = 5 ns, tf < = 10 ns 90% OUTPUT 10% Note 7: CL includes probe and jig capacitance. VOL Caution on Application 1. The device does not include protectors such as an overcurrent protector and an overvoltage protector. Applying excessive current or voltage may damage the device. Thus, design with great care to prevent excessive current or voltage from being applied to the device. The device may also be damaged by short-circuits between outputs and power supply/ground. Take care when designing output, VCC and GND line. 2. Be sure to mount the device in the correct orientation. Make sure that the positive and negative power supply pins are connected the right way round. Otherwise, the absolute maximum current and power dissipation ratings may be exceeded and the device may break down or undergo performance degradation, causing it to catch fire or explode, and resulting in injury. 5 2001-12-05 TD62S051AFM Package Dimensions Weight: 0.017 g (typ.) 6 2001-12-05 TD62S051AFM Preliminary land pattern 0.7 1.3 0.7 1.6 0.25 0.7 1.6 0.6 2.2 0.6 Unit : mm Preliminary PCB trace dimension 5 mm 10 mm 7 2001-12-05 TD62S051AFM RESTRICTIONS ON PRODUCT USE 000707EBA · TOSHIBA is continually working to improve the quality and reliability of its products. Nevertheless, semiconductor devices in general can malfunction or fail due to their inherent electrical sensitivity and vulnerability to physical stress. It is the responsibility of the buyer, when utilizing TOSHIBA products, to comply with the standards of safety in making a safe design for the entire system, and to avoid situations in which a malfunction or failure of such TOSHIBA products could cause loss of human life, bodily injury or damage to property. In developing your designs, please ensure that TOSHIBA products are used within specified operating ranges as set forth in the most recent TOSHIBA products specifications. Also, please keep in mind the precautions and conditions set forth in the “Handling Guide for Semiconductor Devices,” or “TOSHIBA Semiconductor Reliability Handbook” etc.. · The TOSHIBA products listed in this document are intended for usage in general electronics applications (computer, personal equipment, office equipment, measuring equipment, industrial robotics, domestic appliances, etc.). These TOSHIBA products are neither intended nor warranted for usage in equipment that requires extraordinarily high quality and/or reliability or a malfunction or failure of which may cause loss of human life or bodily injury (“Unintended Usage”). Unintended Usage include atomic energy control instruments, airplane or spaceship instruments, transportation instruments, traffic signal instruments, combustion control instruments, medical instruments, all types of safety devices, etc.. Unintended Usage of TOSHIBA products listed in this document shall be made at the customer’s own risk. · The products described in this document are subject to the foreign exchange and foreign trade laws. · The information contained herein is presented only as a guide for the applications of our products. No responsibility is assumed by TOSHIBA CORPORATION for any infringements of intellectual property or other rights of the third parties which may result from its use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any intellectual property or other rights of TOSHIBA CORPORATION or others. · The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. 8 2001-12-05