KI SEMICONDUCTOR CO. ZENER DIODES 3EZ1 - 3EZ200 Vz RANGE: 1.0, 3.9 - 200V POWER DISSIPATION: DO - 15 3.0 W FEATURES For us e in s tabilizing and clipping curcuits with high power rating. The zener voltages are graded according to the international E 12 s tandard. Sm aller voltage tolerances are avallable upon reques t. MECHANICAL DATA Cas e:DO-15, Plas tic cas e Term inals : Solderable per MIL-STD-202, method 208 Polarity: Cathode band Marking: Type num ber Approx. Weight: 0.39 gram s . MAXIMUM RATINGS AND ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Ratings at 25 am bient tem perature unles s otherwis e s pecified. SYMBOL VALUE UNIT P tot 3 (1) W R ΘJA 40 (1) Junction temperature TJ -55---+150 Storage temperature range Ts -55---+175 Zener current (see Table "Characteristics") Pow er dissipation at Tamb=25 Thermal resistance junction to ambient air /W Thermal resistance junction to ambient air R thA 40 K/W1 Thermal resistance junction to Lead RthL 15 K/W NOTES: (1) Valid prov ided that leads are kept at ambient temperature at a distance of 10mm f rom case . 1 3EZ1 - 3EZ200 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (T A=25 ) Nominal zener voltage Test current Maximum dynamic Typical temperature impedance coef f icient VZ @ I ZT I ZT I ZT α VZ V mA Ω %/ 3EZ1 0.71---0.82 100 0.5( 3EZ6.2 5.8---6.6 100 1( 3EZ6.8 6.4---7.2 100 3EZ7.5 7.0---7.9 3EZ8.2 Reverse voltage Ty pe I R=1µA Maximum regulator current I ZM @ Tamb =50 V mA -26 --- -16 - 2000 2) -1 --- +6 > 1.5 424 1( 2) 0 --- +7 >2 389 100 1( 2) 0 --- +7 >2 354 7.7---8.7 100 1( 2) +3 --- +8 > 3.5 322 3EZ9.1 8.5---9.6 50 2( 4) +3 --- +8 > 3.5 292 3EZ10 9.4---10.6 50 2( 4) +5 --- +9 >5 264 3EZ11 10.4---11.6 50 4( 7) +5 --- +10 >5 241 3EZ12 11.4---12.7 50 4( 7) +5 --- +10 >7 220 3EZ13 12.4---14.1 50 5( 10) +5 --- +10 >7 199 3EZ15 13.8---15.6 50 5( 10) +5 --- +10 > 10 179 3EZ16 15.3---17.1 25 6( 15) +6 --- +11 > 10 164 3EZ18 16.8---19.1 25 6( 15) +6 --- +11 > 10 147 3EZ20 18.8---21.2 25 6( 15) +6 --- +11 > 10 132 3EZ22 20.8---23.3 25 6( 15) +6 --- +11 > 12 120 3EZ24 22.8---25.6 25 6( 15) +6 --- +11 > 12 109 3EZ27 25.1---28.9 25 7( 15) +6 --- +11 > 14 97 3EZ30 28---32 25 8( 15) +6 --- +11 > 14 88 3EZ33 31---35 25 8( 15) +6 --- +11 > 17 80 3EZ36 34---38 10 16( 40) +6 --- +11 > 17 74 3EZ39 37---41 10 20( 40) +6 --- +11 > 20 68 3EZ43 40---46 10 24( 45) +7 --- +12 > 20 61 3EZ47 44---50 10 24( 45) +7 --- +12 > 24 56 3EZ51 48---54 10 25( 60) +7 --- +12 > 24 52 3EZ56 52---60 10 25( 60) +7 --- +12 > 28 47 3EZ62 58---66 10 25( 80) +8 --- +13 > 28 42 3EZ68 64---72 10 25( 80) +8 --- +13 > 34 39 3EZ75 70---79 10 30( 100) +8 --- +13 > 34 35 3EZ82 77---88 10 30( 100) +8 --- +13 > 41 32 3EZ91 85---96 5 40( 200) +9 --- +13 > 41 29 3EZ100 94---106 5 60( 200) +9 --- +13 > 50 26 3EZ110 104---116 5 80( 250) +9 --- +13 > 50 24 3EZ120 114---127 5 80( 250) +9 --- +13 > 60 22 3EZ130 124---141 5 90( 300) +9 --- +13 > 60 20 3EZ150 138---156 5 100( 300) +9 --- +13 > 75 18 3EZ160 153---171 5 110( 350) +9 --- +13 > 75 16 3EZ180 168---191 5 120( 350) +9 --- +13 > 90 15 3EZ200 188---212 5 150( 350) +9 --- +13 > 90 13 1) 2