8XC196NP COMMERCIAL CHMOS 16-BIT MICROCONTROLLER n n n n n n n n n n n n n 25 MHz Operation at 4.5–5.5 Volts n 1 Mbyte of Linear Address Space Optional 4 Kbytes of ROM 1000 Bytes of Register RAM Register-register Architecture 32 I/O Port Pins 16 Prioritized Interrupt Sources 4 External Interrupt Pins and NMI Pin 2 Flexible 16-bit Timer/Counters with Quadrature Counting Capability 3 Pulse-width Modulator (PWM) Outputs with High Drive Capability Full-duplex Serial Port with Dedicated Baud-rate Generator Peripheral Transaction Server n n n n n Chip-select Unit — 6 Chip Select Pins — Dynamic Demultiplexed/Multiplexed Address/Data Bus for Each Chip Select — Programmable Wait States (0, 1, 2, or 3) for Each Chip Select — Programmable Bus Width (8- or 16bit) for Each Chip Select — Programmable Address Range for Each Chip Select 1.12 µs 16 × 16 Unsigned Multiplication 1.92 µs 32/16 Unsigned Division 100-pin SQFP or 100-pin QFP Package Complete System Development Support High-speed CHMOS Technology Event Processor Array (EPA) with 4 High-speed Capture/Compare Channels The 8XC196NP is a member of Intel’s 16-bit MCS® 96 microcontroller family. The device features 1 Mbyte of linear address space, a demultiplexed bus, and a chip-select unit. The external bus can dynamically switch between multiplexed and demultiplexed operation. When operating at 25 MHz in demultiplexed mode, the 8XC196NP can access a 100 ns memory device with zero wait states. The 8XC196NP is available without ROM (80C196NP) or with 4 Kbytes of ROM (83C196NP). Information in this document is provided solely to enable use of Intel products. Intel assumes no liability whatsoever, including infringement of any patent or copyright, for sale and use of Intel products except as provided in Intel’s Terms and Conditions of Sale for such products. Information contained herein supersedes previously published specifications on these devices from Intel. © INTEL CORPORATION, 1995 October 1995 Order Number: 272459-005 8XC196NP COMMERCIAL CHMOS 16-BIT MICROCONTROLLER 16 CPU 1000 Byte Register File 24 Bytes CPU SFRs RALU Interrupt Controller Peripheral Transaction Server Microcode Engine 4K Bytes ROM (optional) Memory Controller with Chip Select Chip Select CS5:0# Control Signals Queue 8 A19:16/ EPORT3:0 16 A15:0 Timer 1 Timer 2 Event Processor Array Serial Port Port 1 Port 2 Port 1/ EPA3:0, Timer 1, Timer 2 Port 2/ Hold Control, SIO, EXTINT1:0 Pulse Width Modulator Baud Rate Gen Port 3 AD15:0 Port 4 Port 3/ Port 4/ EXTINT3:2 PWM2:0 A2351-01 Figure 1. 8XC196NP Block Diagram 2 8XC196NP COMMERCIAL CHMOS 16-BIT MICROCONTROLLER PROCESS INFORMATION Table 1. Thermal Characteristics θJA θJC 100-pin SQFP 55°C/W 14°C/W 100-pin QFP 56°C/W 16°C/W Package Type This device is manufactured on P648, a CHMOS IV process. Additional process and reliability information is available in Intel’s Components Quality and Reliability Handbook (order number 210997). All thermal impedance data is approximate for static air conditions at 1 watt of power dissipation. Values will change depending on operating conditions and the application. The Intel Packaging Handbook (order number 240800) describes Intel’s thermal impedance test methodology. X XX 8 X X XXXXX XX De ily ed am pe tF eS uc vic od Pr rm Op ns tio Op ns in n- tio ur on ati ns ry mo nfo me sI m- es oc tio dB an Op re atu ing er ag ra ck og Pr Pr Pa mp Te A2815-01 Figure 2. The 8XC196NP Family Nomenclature Table 2. Description of Product Nomenclature Parameter Temperature and Burn-in Options Packaging Options Options Description no mark Commercial operating temperature range (0°C to 70°C) with Intel standard burn-in. S SB QFP SQFP Program–memory Options 0 3 No ROM ROM Process Information C CHMOS Product Family 196NP Device Speed no mark 25 MHz 3 8XC196NP COMMERCIAL CHMOS 16-BIT MICROCONTROLLER Table 3. 8XC196NP Memory Map Address (Note 1) Description Notes FF FFFFH FF 3000H External device (memory or I/O) connected to address/data bus FF 2FFFH FF 2000H Internal ROM or external device (memory or I/O) connected to address/data bus (determined by EA# pin) 2,9 FF 1FFFH FF 0000H External device (memory or I/O) connected to address/data bus 3,9 FE FFFFH 0F 0000H Overlaid memory (reserved for future devices) 3,9 0E FFFFH 01 0000H 896 Kbytes of external device (memory or I/O) connected to address/data bus 9 00 FFFFH 00 3000H External device (memory or I/O) connected to address/data bus 9 00 2FFFH 00 2000H External device (memory or I/O) connected to address/data bus or remapped internal ROM 5, 6,9 00 1FFFH 00 1FE0H Memory-mapped peripheral special-function registers (SFRs) 4, 7,9 00 1FDFH 00 1F00H Internal peripheral special-function registers (SFRs) 00 1EFFH 00 0400H External device (memory or I/O) (reserved for future devices) 00 03FFH 00 0100H Upper register file (general-purpose register RAM) 8, 10 00 00FFH 00 0018H Lower register file (general-purpose register RAM and stack pointer) 8, 11 00 0017H 00 0000H Lower register file (CPU SFRs) 9 4, 7, 10 6 4, 7, 8, 11 NOTES: 1. Internally, there are 24 address bits (A23:0); however, only 20 address lines (A19:0) are bonded out. The external address space is 1 Mbyte (00000–FFFFFH). 2. The 8XC196NP resets to internal address FF2080H (FF2080H in internal ROM or F2080H in external memory). 3. Do not locate code in addresses xF0000–xF00FFH. These addresses are reserved for the ICE in-circuit emulator. Unless otherwise noted, write 0FFH to reserved memory locations. 4. Unless otherwise noted, write 0 to reserved SFR bits. 5. These areas are mapped into internal ROM if the REMAP bit (CCB1.2) is set and EA# is at logic 1. Otherwise, they are mapped to external memory. 6. WARNING: The contents or functions of these memory locations may change with future device revisions, in which case a program that relies on one or more of these locations may not function properly. 7. Refer to the 8XC196NP User’s Manual or 8XC196NP Quick Reference for SFR descriptions. 8. Code executed in locations 000000H to 0003FFH will be forced external. 9. Address with indirect, indexed, or extended modes. 10. Address with indirect, indexed, or extended modes or through register windows. 11. Address with direct, indirect, indexed, or extended modes. 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 RESET# NMI EA# A0 A1 VCC VSS A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 VCC VSS NC NC P3.0 / CS0# P3.1 / CS1# P3.2 / CS2# P3.3 / CS3# VSS P3.4 / CS4# P3.5 / CS5# P3.6 / EXTINT2 P3.7 / EXTINT3 P1.0 / EPA0 VCC P1.1 / EPA1 P1.2 / EPA2 P1.3 / EPA3 P1.4 / T1CLK P1.5 / T1DIR VCC P1.6 / T2CLK VSS P1.7 / T2DIR P4.0 / PWM0 P4.1 / PWM1 P4.2 / PWM2 P4.3 VCC VSS P2.0 / TXD P2.1 / RXD P2.2 / EXTINT0 P2.3 / BREQ# P2.4 / EXTINT1 P2.5 / HOLD# P2.6 / HLDA# 100 99 98 97 96 95 94 93 92 91 90 89 88 87 86 85 84 83 82 81 80 79 78 77 76 AD0 AD1 AD2 AD3 AD4 AD5 AD6 AD7 VCC AD8 VSS AD9 AD10 AD11 AD12 AD13 AD14 AD15 A16 / EPORT.0 A17 / EPORT.1 VCC VSS A18 / EPORT.2 A19 / EPORT.3 WR# / WRL# 8XC196NP COMMERCIAL CHMOS 16-BIT MICROCONTROLLER SB8XC196NP View of component as mounted on PC board 75 74 73 72 71 70 69 68 67 66 65 64 63 62 61 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 RD# BHE# / WRH# ALE INST READY RPD ONCE VSS VCC VSS A8 A9 A10 A11 A12 A13 A14 A15 NC VSS XTAL1 XTAL2 VSS NC P2.7 / CLKOUT A2348-04 Figure 3. 8XC196NP 100-pin SQFP Package 5 8XC196NP COMMERCIAL CHMOS 16-BIT MICROCONTROLLER Table 4. 8XC196NP 100-pin SQFP Pin Assignment Pin † 6 Name Pin Name Pin Name Pin Name 1 RESET# 26 EXTINT3/P3.7 51 CLKOUT/P2.7 76 WR#/WRL# 2 NMI 27 EPA0/P1.0 52 NC† 77 EPORT.3/A19 3 EA# 28 VCC 53 VSS 78 EPORT.2/A18 4 A0 29 EPA1/P1.1 54 XTAL2 79 VSS 5 A1 30 EPA2/P1.2 55 XTAL1 80 VCC 6 V CC 31 EPA3/P1.3 56 VSS 81 EPORT.1/A17 7 VSS 32 T1CLK/P1.4 57 NC† 82 EPORT.0/A16 8 A2 33 T1DIR/P1.5 58 A15 83 AD15 9 A3 34 VCC 59 A14 84 AD14 10 A4 35 T2CLK/P1.6 60 A13 85 AD13 11 A5 36 VSS 61 A12 86 AD12 12 A6 37 T2DIR/P1.7 62 A11 87 AD11 13 A7 38 PWM0/P4.0 63 A10 88 AD10 14 VCC 39 PWM1/P4.1 64 A9 89 AD9 15 VSS 40 PWM2/P4.2 65 A8 90 VSS 16 NC† 41 P4.3 66 VSS 91 AD8 17 NC† 42 VCC 67 VCC 92 VCC 18 CS0#/P3.0 43 VSS 68 VSS 93 AD7 19 CS1#/P3.1 44 TXD/P2.0 69 ONCE 94 AD6 20 CS2#/P3.2 45 RXD/P2.1 70 RPD 95 AD5 21 CS3#/P3.3 46 EXTINT0/P2.2 71 READY 96 AD4 22 VSS 47 BREQ#/P2.3 72 INST 97 AD3 23 CS4#/P3.4 48 EXTINT1/P2.4 73 ALE 98 AD2 24 CS5#/P3.5 49 HOLD#/P2.5 74 BHE#/WRH# 99 AD1 25 EXTINT2/P3.6 50 HLDA#/P2.6 75 RD# 100 AD0 To be compatible with future versions of the Nx family, tie the no connection (NC) pins as follows: Pin 57 = VSS, Pin 16 = VCC, Pin 17 = VSS (5 volts on this pin will enable a clock doubler on future devices), and Pin 52 = VCC. 8XC196NP COMMERCIAL CHMOS 16-BIT MICROCONTROLLER Table 5. 100-pin SQFP Pin Assignment Arranged by Functional Categories Address & Data Name Address & Data (cont) Pin Name Input/Output Pin Name Power & Ground Pin Name Pin A0 4 AD13 85 CS0#/P3.0 18 VCC 6 A1 5 AD14 84 CS1#/P3.1 19 VCC 14 A2 8 AD15 83 CS2#/P3.2 20 VCC 28 CS3#/P3.3 21 VCC 34 Bus Control & Status CS4#/P3.4 23 VCC 42 A3 9 A4 10 Pin CS5#/P3.5 24 VCC 67 ALE 73 EPA0/P1.0 27 VCC 80 13 BHE#/WRH# 74 EPA1/P1.1 29 VCC 92 65 BREQ# 47 EPA2/P1.2 30 VSS 7 A9 64 HOLD# 49 EPA3/P1.3 31 VSS 15 A10 63 HLDA# 50 EPORT.0 82 VSS 22 A11 62 INST 72 EPORT.1 81 VSS 36 A12 61 RD# 75 EPORT.2 78 VSS 43 A13 60 READY 71 EPORT.3 77 VSS 53 A14 59 WR#/WRL# 76 P2.2 46 VSS 56 A15 58 A16 82 A5 11 A6 12 A7 A8 Name Processor Control P2.3 47 VSS 66 P2.4 48 VSS 68 Pin P2.5 49 VSS 79 51 P2.6 50 VSS 90 EA# 3 P2.7 51 EXTINT0 46 P3.6 25 99 EXTINT1 48 P3.7 26 98 EXTINT2 25 P4.3 41 AD3 97 EXTINT3 26 PWM0/P4.0 38 NC 17 AD4 96 NMI 2 PWM1/P4.1 39 NC 52 AD5 95 ONCE 69 PWM2/P4.2 40 NC 57 AD6 94 RESET# RXD/P2.1 45 AD7 93 RPD 70 T1CLK/P1.4 32 AD8 91 XTAL1 55 T1DIR/P1.5 33 AD9 89 XTAL2 54 T2CLK/P1.6 35 AD10 88 T2DIR/P1.7 37 AD11 87 TXD/P2.0 44 AD12 86 A17 81 A18 78 CLKOUT Name A19 77 AD0 100 AD1 AD2 1 No Connection Name NC Pin 16 7 100 99 98 97 96 95 94 93 92 91 90 89 88 87 86 85 84 83 82 81 AD1 AD2 AD3 AD4 AD5 AD6 AD7 VCC AD8 VSS AD9 AD10 AD11 AD12 AD13 AD14 AD15 A16 / EPORT.0 A17 / EPORT.1 VCC 8XC196NP COMMERCIAL CHMOS 16-BIT MICROCONTROLLER 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 S8XC196NP View of component as mounted on PC board 80 79 78 77 76 75 74 73 72 71 70 69 68 67 66 65 64 63 62 61 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 VSS A18 / EPORT.2 A19 / EPORT.3 WR# / WRL# RD# BHE# / WRH# ALE INST READY RPD ONCE VSS VCC VSS A8 A9 A10 A11 A12 A13 A14 A15 VSS XTAL1 XTAL2 VSS P2.7 / CLKOUT NC P2.6 / HLDA# P2.5 / HOLD# P1.1 / EPA1 P1.2 / EPA2 P1.3 / EPA3 P1.4 / T1CLK P1.5 / T1DIR VCC P1.6 / T2CLK VSS P1.7 / T2DIR P4.0 / PWM0 P4.1 / PWM1 P4.2 / PWM2 P4.3 VCC VSS P2.0 / TXD P2.1 / RXD P2.2 / EXTINT0 P2.3 / BREQ# P2.4 / EXTINT1 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 AD0 NC RESET# NMI EA# A0 A1 VCC VSS A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 VCC VSS NC P3.0 / CS0# P3.1 / CS1# P3.2 / CS2# P3.3 / CS3# VSS P3.4 / CS4# P3.5 / CS5# P3.6 / EXTINT2 NC P3.7 / EXTINT3 P1.0 / EPA0 VCC A2349-03 Figure 4. 8XC196NP 100-pin QFP Package 8 8XC196NP COMMERCIAL CHMOS 16-BIT MICROCONTROLLER Table 6. 8XC196NP 100-pin QFP Pin Assignment Pin Name Pin Name Pin Name Pin Name 1 AD0 26 EXTINT2/P3.6 51 HOLD#/P2.5 76 RD# 2 No Connection 27 No Connection 52 HLDA#/P2.6 77 WR#/WRL# 3 RESET# 28 EXTINT3/P3.7 53 No Connection 78 EPORT.3/A19 4 NMI 29 EPA0/P1.0 54 CLKOUT/P2.7 79 EPORT.2/A18 5 EA# 30 VCC 55 VSS 80 VSS 6 A0 31 EPA1/P1.1 56 XTAL2 81 VCC 7 A1 32 EPA2/P1.2 57 XTAL1 82 EPORT.1/A17 8 V CC 33 EPA3/P1.3 58 VSS 83 EPORT.0/A16 9 VSS 34 T1CLK/P1.4 59 A15 84 AD15 10 A2 35 T1DIR/P1.5 60 A14 85 AD14 11 A3 36 VCC 61 A13 86 AD13 12 A4 37 T2CLK/P1.6 62 A12 87 AD12 13 A5 38 VSS 63 A11 88 AD11 14 A6 39 T2DIR/P1.7 64 A10 89 AD10 15 A7 40 PWM0/P4.0 65 A9 90 AD9 16 VCC 41 PWM1/P4.1 66 A8 91 VSS 17 VSS 42 PWM2/P4.2 67 VSS 92 AD8 18 No Connection 43 P4.3 68 VCC 93 VCC 19 CS0#/P3.0 44 VCC 69 VSS 94 AD7 20 CS1#/P3.1 45 VSS 70 ONCE 95 AD6 21 CS2#/P3.2 46 TXD/P2.0 71 RPD 96 AD5 22 CS3#/P3.3 47 RXD/P2.1 72 READY 97 AD4 23 VSS 48 EXTINT0/P2.2 73 INST 98 AD3 24 CS4#/P3.4 49 BREQ#/P2.3 74 ALE 99 AD2 25 CS5#/P3.5 50 EXTINT1/P2.4 75 BHE#/WRH# 100 AD1 9 8XC196NP COMMERCIAL CHMOS 16-BIT MICROCONTROLLER Table 7. 100-pin QFP Pin Assignment Arranged by Functional Categories Address & Data Name A0 Address & Data (cont) Pin Name Input/Output Pin Name Pin Name Pin VCC 8 20 VCC 16 21 VCC 30 22 VCC 36 24 VCC 44 CS5#/P3.5 25 VCC 68 EPA0/P1.0 29 VCC 81 31 VCC 93 32 VSS 9 33 VSS 17 83 VSS 23 EPORT.1 82 VSS 38 EPORT.2 79 VSS 45 72 EPORT.3 78 VSS 55 77 P2.2 48 VSS 58 6 AD13 86 CS0#/P3.0 A1 7 AD14 85 CS1#/P3.1 A2 10 AD15 84 CS2#/P3.2 A3 11 CS3#/P3.3 A4 12 Bus Control & Status CS4#/P3.4 A5 13 Pin A6 14 ALE 74 A7 15 BHE#/WRH# 75 EPA1/P1.1 A8 66 BREQ# 49 EPA2/P1.2 A9 65 HOLD# 51 EPA3/P1.3 A10 64 HLDA# 52 EPORT.0 A11 63 INST 73 A12 62 RD# 76 A13 61 READY A14 60 WR#/WRL# A15 59 A16 83 Name Power & Ground Processor Control 19 P2.3 49 VSS 67 P2.4 50 VSS 69 Pin P2.5 51 VSS 80 54 P2.6 52 VSS 91 EA# 5 P2.7 54 EXTINT0 48 P3.6 26 A17 82 A18 79 CLKOUT A19 78 AD0 1 AD1 100 EXTINT1 50 P3.7 28 AD2 99 EXTINT2 26 P4.3 43 AD3 98 EXTINT3 28 PWM0/P4.0 40 NC 18 AD4 97 NMI 4 PWM1/P4.1 41 NC 27 AD5 96 ONCE 70 PWM2/P4.2 42 NC 53 AD6 95 RESET# RXD/P2.1 47 AD7 94 RPD 71 T1CLK/P1.4 34 AD8 92 XTAL1 57 T1DIR/P1.5 35 AD9 90 XTAL2 56 T2CLK/P1.6 37 AD10 89 T2DIR/P1.7 39 AD11 88 TXD/P2.0 46 AD12 87 10 Name 3 No Connection Name NC Pin 2 8XC196NP COMMERCIAL CHMOS 16-BIT MICROCONTROLLER PIN DESCRIPTIONS Table 8. Pin Descriptions Name A15:0 Type I/O Description System Address Bus Multiplexed with — These address lines provide address bits 0–15 during the entire external memory cycle during both multiplexed and demultiplexed bus modes. A19:16 I/O Address Lines 16–19 These address lines provide address bits 16–19 during the entire external memory cycle, supporting extended addressing of the 1Mbyte address space. EPORT.3:0 Internally, there are 24 address bits; however, only 20 address lines (A19:0) are bonded out. The external address space is 1 Mbyte (00000–FFFFFH) and the internal address space is 16 Mbytes (000000–FFFFFFH). The 8XC196NP resets to internal address FF2080H (FF2080H in internal ROM or F2080H in external memory). AD15:0 I/O Address/Data Lines — The function of these pins depends on the bus size and mode. 16-bit Multiplexed Bus Mode: AD15:0 drive address bits 0–15 during the first half of the bus cycle and drive or receive data during the second half of the bus cycle. 8-bit Multiplexed Bus Mode: AD15:8 drive address bits 8–15 during the entire bus cycle. AD7:0 drive address bits 0–7 during the first half of the bus cycle and drive or receive data during the second half of the bus cycle. 16-bit Demultiplexed Mode: AD15:0 drive or receive data during the entire bus cycle. 8-bit Demultiplexed Mode: AD7:0 drive or receive data during the entire bus cycle. AD15:8 drive the data that is currently on the high byte of the internal bus. ALE O Address Latch Enable — This active-high output signal is asserted only during external memory cycles. ALE signals the start of an external bus cycle and indicates that valid address information is available on the system address/data bus (A19:16 and AD15:0 for a multiplexed bus; A19:0 for a demultiplexed bus). ALE differs from ADV# in that it does not remain active during the entire bus cycle. An external latch can use this signal to demultiplex the address bits 0–15 from the address/data bus in multiplexed mode. 11 8XC196NP COMMERCIAL CHMOS 16-BIT MICROCONTROLLER Table 8. Pin Descriptions (Continued) Name BHE# Type O Description Byte High Enable Multiplexed with WRH# The chip configuration register 0 (CCR0) determines whether this pin functions as BHE# or WRH#. CCR0.2=1 selects BHE#; CCR0.2=0 selects WRH#. During 16-bit bus cycles, this active-low output signal is asserted for word reads and writes and high-byte reads and writes to external memory. BHE# indicates that valid data is being transferred over the upper half of the system data bus. Use BHE#, in conjunction with A0, to determine which memory byte is being transferred over the system bus: BHE# A0 Byte(s) Accessed 0 0 1 0 1 0 both bytes high byte only low byte only BREQ# O Bus Request This active-low output signal is asserted during a hold cycle when the bus controller has a pending external memory cycle. The device can assert BREQ# at the same time as or after it asserts HLDA#. Once it is asserted, BREQ# remains asserted until HOLD# is removed. You must enable the bus-hold protocol before using this signal. P2.3 CLKOUT O Clock Output P2.7 Output of the internal clock generator. The CLKOUT frequency is ½ the internal operating frequency (FXTAL1). CLKOUT has a 50% duty cycle. CS5#:0 O EA# I Chip-select Lines 0–5 The active-low output CSx# is asserted during an external memory cycle when the address to be accessed is in the range programmed for chip select x. If the external memory address is outside the range assigned to the six chip selects, no chip-select output is asserted and the bus configuration defaults to the CS5# values. Immediately following reset, CS0# is automatically assigned to the range FF2000–FF20FFH (F2000–F20FFH if external). P3.5:0 External Access — This input determines whether memory accesses to specialpurpose and program memory partitions (FF2000–FF2FFFH) are directed to internal or external memory. These accesses are directed to internal memory if EA# is held high and to external memory if EA# is held low. For an access to any other memory location, the value of EA# is irrelevant. EA# is not latched and can be switched dynamically during normal operating mode. Be sure to thoroughly consider the issues, such as different access times for internal and external memory, before using this dynamic switching capability. On devices with no internal nonvolatile memory, always connect EA# to VSS. 12 8XC196NP COMMERCIAL CHMOS 16-BIT MICROCONTROLLER Table 8. Pin Descriptions (Continued) Name EPA3:0 Type I/O Description Event Processor Array (EPA) Input/Output pins Multiplexed with P1.3:0 These are the high-speed input/output pins for the EPA capture/compare channels. For high-speed PWM applications, the outputs of two EPA channels (either EPA0 and EPA1 or EPA2 and EPA3) can be remapped to produce a PWM waveform on a shared output pin. EPORT.3:0 EXTINT0 EXTINT1 EXTINT2 EXTINT3 I/O I Extended Addressing Port This is a 4-bit, bidirectional, memory-mapped I/O port. The pins are shared with the extended address bus A19:16. A19:16 External Interrupts P2.2 P2.4 P3.6 P3.7 In normal operating mode, a rising edge on EXTINTx sets the EXTINTx interrupt pending bit. EXTINTx is sampled during phase 2 (CLKOUT high). The minimum high time is one state time. In powerdown mode, asserting the EXTINTx signal for at least 1 state time causes the device to resume normal operation. The interrupt need not be enabled, but the pin must be configured as a special-function input. If the EXTINTx interrupt is enabled, the CPU executes the interrupt service routine. Otherwise, the CPU executes the instruction that immediately follows the command that invoked the power-saving mode. In idle mode, asserting any enabled interrupt causes the device to resume normal operation. HLDA# O Bus Hold Acknowledge P2.6 This active-low output indicates that the CPU has released the bus as the result of an external device asserting HOLD#. HOLD# I Bus Hold Request P2.5 An external device uses this active-low input signal to request control of the bus. This pin functions as HOLD# only if the pin is configured for its special function and the bus-hold protocol is enabled. Setting bit 7 of the window selection register enables the bus-hold protocol. INST O Instruction Fetch — This active-high output signal is valid only during external memory bus cycles. When high, INST indicates that an instruction is being fetched from external memory. The signal remains high during the entire bus cycle of an external instruction fetch. INST is low for data accesses, including interrupt vector fetches and chip configuration byte reads. INST is low during internal memory fetches. NMI I Nonmaskable Interrupt — In normal operating mode, a rising edge on NMI generates a nonmaskable interrupt. NMI has the highest priority of all prioritized interrupts. Assert NMI for greater than one state time to guarantee that it is recognized. 13 8XC196NP COMMERCIAL CHMOS 16-BIT MICROCONTROLLER Table 8. Pin Descriptions (Continued) Name ONCE Type I Description On-circuit Emulation Multiplexed with — Holding ONCE high during the rising edge of RESET# places the device into on-circuit emulation (ONCE) mode. This mode puts all pins into a high-impedance state, thereby isolating the device from other components in the system. The value of ONCE is latched when the RESET# pin goes inactive. While the device is in ONCE mode, you can debug the system using a clip-on emulator. To exit ONCE mode, reset the device by pulling the RESET# signal low. To prevent accidental entry into ONCE mode, connect the ONCE pin to VSS. P1.3:0 P1.4 P1.5 P1.6 P1.7 I/O P2.0 P2.1 P2.2 P2.3 P2.4 P2.5 P2.6 P2.7 I/O P3.5:0 P3.6 P3.7 I/O Port 3 This is an 8-bit, bidirectional, standard I/O port. CS5:0# EXTINT2 EXTINT3 P4.2:0 P4.3 I/O Port 4 This is a 4-bit, bidirectional, standard I/O port with high-current drive capability. PWM2:0 PWM2:0 O Pulse Width Modulator Outputs P4.2:0 Port 1 This is a standard, bidirectional port that is multiplexed with individually selectable special-function signals. Port 2 This is a standard, bidirectional port that is multiplexed with individually selectable special-function signals. EPA3:0 T1CLK T1DIR T2CLK T2DIR TXD RXD EXTINT0 BREQ# EXTINT1 HOLD# HLDA# CLKOUT These are PWM output pins with high-current drive capability. The duty cycle and frequency-pulse-widths are programmable. RD# O Read Read-signal output to external memory. RD# is asserted only during external memory reads. — READY I Ready Input — This active-high input signal is used to lengthen external memory cycles for slow memory by generating wait states in addition to the wait states that are generated internally. When READY is high, CPU operation continues in a normal manner with wait states inserted as programmed in the chip configuration registers, Register 0, or the chip-select x bus control register. READY is ignored for all internal memory accesses. 14 8XC196NP COMMERCIAL CHMOS 16-BIT MICROCONTROLLER Table 8. Pin Descriptions (Continued) Name RESET# Type I/O Description Reset Multiplexed with — A level-sensitive reset input to and open-drain system reset output from the microcontroller. Either a falling edge on RESET# or an internal reset turns on a pull-down transistor connected to the RESET# pin for 16 state times. In the powerdown, standby, and idle modes, asserting RESET# causes the chip to reset and return to normal operating mode. After a device reset, the first instruction fetch is from FF2080H (or F2080H in external memory). For the 80C196NP, the program and special-purpose memory locations (FF2000–FF2FFFH) reside in external memory. For the 83C196NP, these locations can reside either in external memory or in internal ROM. RPD I Return from Powerdown — Timing pin for the return-from-powerdown circuit. If your application uses powerdown mode, connect a capacitor between RPD and VSS if the internal oscillator is the clock source. The capacitor causes a delay that enables the oscillator to stabilize before the internal CPU and peripheral clocks are enabled. The capacitor is not required if your application uses powerdown mode and if an external clock input is the clock source. If your application does not use powerdown mode, leave this pin unconnected. RXD I/O Receive Serial Data P2.1 In modes 1, 2, and 3, RXD receives serial port input data. In mode 0, it functions as either an input or an open-drain output for data. T1CLK I Timer 1 External Clock P1.4 External clock for timer 1. Timer 1 increments (or decrements) on both rising and falling edges of T1CLK. Also used in conjunction with T1DIR for quadrature counting mode. and External clock for the serial I/O baud-rate generator input (program selectable). T2CLK I Timer 2 External Clock P1.6 External clock for timer 2. Timer 2 increments (or decrements) on both rising and falling edges of T2CLK. Also used in conjunction with T2DIR for quadrature counting mode. T1DIR I Timer 1 External Direction P1.5 External direction (up/down) for timer 1. Timer 1 increments when T1DIR is high and decrements when it is low. Also used in conjunction with T1CLK for quadrature counting mode. T2DIR I Timer 2 External Direction P1.7 External direction (up/down) for timer 2. Timer 2 increments when T2DIR is high and decrements when it is low. Also used in conjunction with T2CLK for quadrature counting mode. 15 8XC196NP COMMERCIAL CHMOS 16-BIT MICROCONTROLLER Table 8. Pin Descriptions (Continued) Name Type TXD O VCC PWR Description Multiplexed with Transmit Serial Data In serial I/O modes 1, 2, and 3, TXD is used to transmit serial port data. In mode 0, it is used as the serial clock output. P2.0 Digital Supply Voltage — Connect each VCC pin to the digital supply voltage. VSS GND Digital Circuit Ground — Connect each VSS pin to ground through the lowest possible impedance path. WR# O Write WRL# This active-low output indicates that an external write is occurring. This signal is asserted only during external memory writes. The chip configuration register 0 (CCR0) determines whether this pin functions as WR# or WRL#. CCR0.2=1 selects WR#; CCR0.2=0 selects WRL#. WRH# O Write High BHE# During 16-bit bus cycles, this active-low output signal is asserted for high-byte writes and word writes to external memory. During 8-bit bus cycles, WRH# is asserted for all write operations. The chip configuration register 0 (CCR0) determines whether this pin functions as BHE# or WRH#. CCR0.2=1 selects BHE#; CCR0.2=0 selects WRH#. WRL# O Write Low WR# During 16-bit bus cycles, this active-low output signal is asserted for low-byte writes and word writes. During 8-bit bus cycles, WRL# is asserted for all write operations. The chip configuration register 0 (CCR0) determines whether this pin functions as WR# or WRL#. CCR0.2=1 selects WR#; CCR0.2=0 selects WRL#. XTAL1 I Input Crystal/Resonator or External Clock Input — Input to the on-chip oscillator and the internal clock generators. The internal clock generators provide the peripheral clocks, CPU clock, and CLKOUT signal. When using an external clock source instead of the on-chip oscillator, connect the clock input to XTAL1. The external clock signal must meet the VIH specification for XTAL1. XTAL2 O Inverted Output for the Crystal/Resonator Output of the on-chip oscillator inverter. Leave XTAL2 floating when the design uses an external clock source instead of the on-chip oscillator. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS 16 — 8XC196NP COMMERCIAL CHMOS 16-BIT MICROCONTROLLER ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS* NOTICE: This document contains information on Storage Temperature .................................. –60°C to +150°C products in the design phase of development. The Supply Voltage with Respect to VSS .............. –0.5 V to +7.0 V specifications are subject to change without notice. Power Dissipation .......................................................... 1.5 W Do not finalize a design with this information. Revised information will be published when the product is available. Verify with your local Intel TA (Ambient Temperature Under Bias)................ 0°C to +70°C sales office that you have the latest datasheet VCC (Digital Supply Voltage) ............................. 4.5 V to 5.5 V before finalizing a design. OPERATING CONDITIONS* FXTAL 1 (Input frequency for VCC = 4.5–5.5 V) (Note 1) ................................................. 8 MHz to 25 MHz *WARNING: Stressing the device beyond the “Absolute Maximum Ratings” may cause permanent damage. These are stress ratings only. Operation beyond the “Operating This device is static and should operate below 1 Hz, but Conditions” is not recommended and extended exposure has been tested only down to 8 MHz. beyond the “Operating Conditions” may affect device reliability. NOTES: 1. 17 8XC196NP COMMERCIAL CHMOS 16-BIT MICROCONTROLLER DC Characteristics Table 9. DC Characteristics at VCC = 4.5 – 5.5 V (Note 1) Symbol Parameter Min Ty p Max Units Test Conditions ICC VCC Supply Current 80 120 mA XTAL1 = 25 MHz VCC = 5.5 V Device in Reset IIDLE Idle Mode Current 24 36 mA XTAL1 = 25 MHz VCC = 5.5 V IPD Powerdown Mode Current (Note 2) 50 75 µA VCC = 5.5 V ILI Input Leakage Current (all input pins except RESET) ±10 µA VSS < VIN < VCC VIL Input Low Voltage (all pins) –0.5 0.8 V VIH Input High Voltage 0.2 VCC +1 VCC + 0.5 V VIL1 Input Low Voltage XTAL1 –0.5 0.3 VCC V VIH1 Input High Voltage XTAL1 0.7 VCC VCC + 0.5 V VOL Output Low Voltage (output configured as complementary) (Note 3,6) 0.3 0.45 1.5 V V V IOL = 200 µA IOL = 3.2 mA IOL = 7.0 mA VOH Output High Voltage (output configured as complementary) (Note 6) V V V IOH = –200 µA IOH = –3.2 mA IOH = –7.0 mA VOL1 Output Low Voltage on P4.x (output configured as complementary) V V IOL = 10 mA IOL = 15 mA VCC – 0.3 VCC – 0.7 VCC – 1.5 0.45 0.6 NOTES: 1. Typical values are based on a limited number of samples and are not guaranteed. The values listed are at room temperature with VCC = 5.0 V. 2. For temperatures below 100°C, typical is 10 µA. 3. For all pins except P4.3:0, which have higher drive capability (see VOL1). 4. For all pins that were weakly pulled high during RESET. This excludes ALE, INST, and NMI, which were weakly pulled low (see VOL2) and ONCE, which was pulled medium low (see VOL3). 5. Pin capacitance is not tested. CS is based on design simulations. 6. During normal (non-transient) conditions, the following maximum current limits apply for pin groups and individual pins: Group IOL(mA) IOH(mA) P1 P2 P3 P4 EPORT 42 42 42 45 21 42 42 42 21 21 10 18 10 10 Individual P1, P2, P3 P4 18 8XC196NP COMMERCIAL CHMOS 16-BIT MICROCONTROLLER Table 9. DC Characteristics at VCC = 4.5 – 5.5 V (Note 1) (Continued) Symbol Parameter Min Ty p Max Units Test Conditions 0.45 V IOL = 3 µA V IOH = –3 µA VOL2 Output Low Voltage in RESET on ALE, INST, and NMI VOH1 Output High Voltage in RESET (Note 4) VOL3 Output Low Voltage in RESET for ONCE pin 0.45 V IOL = 30 µA VOL4 Output Low Voltage on XTAL2 0.3 0.45 1.5 V V V IOL = 100 µA IOL = 700 µA IOL = 3 mA VOH2 Output High Voltage on XTAL2 V V V IOH = –100 µA IOH = –700 µA IOH = –3 mA VTH+ –VTH– Hysteresis voltage width on RESET# pin CS Pin Capacitance (any pin to VSS) (Note 5) RRST RESET Pull-up Resistor VCC – 0.7 VCC – 0.3 VCC – 0.7 VCC – 1.5 0.3 9 V 10 pF 95 kΩ VCC = 5.5 V, VIN = 4.0 V NOTES: 1. Typical values are based on a limited number of samples and are not guaranteed. The values listed are at room temperature with VCC = 5.0 V. 2. For temperatures below 100°C, typical is 10 µA. 3. For all pins except P4.3:0, which have higher drive capability (see VOL1). 4. For all pins that were weakly pulled high during RESET. This excludes ALE, INST, and NMI, which were weakly pulled low (see VOL2) and ONCE, which was pulled medium low (see VOL3). 5. Pin capacitance is not tested. CS is based on design simulations. 6. During normal (non-transient) conditions, the following maximum current limits apply for pin groups and individual pins: Group IOL(mA) IOH(mA) P1 P2 P3 P4 EPORT 42 42 42 45 21 42 42 42 21 21 10 18 10 10 Individual P1, P2, P3 P4 19 8XC196NP COMMERCIAL CHMOS 16-BIT MICROCONTROLLER ICC, IIDLE vs. Frequency ICC, IIDLE (mA) 100 90 IIDLE@VCC = 5.0 V 80 ICC@VCC = 5.0 V 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 Frequency (MHz) A3080-01 Figure 5. ICC, IIDLE versus Frequency 20 8XC196NP COMMERCIAL CHMOS 16-BIT MICROCONTROLLER AC Characteristics — Multiplexed Bus Mode Test Conditions: Capacitive load on all pins = 50 pF, Rise and Fall Times = 3 ns. Table 10. AC Characteristics, Multiplexed Bus Mode Symbol Parameter VCC = 4.5 V – 5.5 V Min Max Units The 8XC196NP Will Meet These Specifications FXTAL1 Input frequency on XTAL1 8 25 MHz TXTAL1 Period, 1/FXTAL1 40 125 ns TXHCH XTAL1 High to CLKOUT High/Low 10 TCLCL CLKOUT Cycle Time TCHCL CLKOUT High Period TXTAL1 – 10 TAVRL AD15:0 Valid to RD# Low 2TXTAL1 – 20 ns TAVWL AD15:0 Valid to WR# Low 2TXTAL1 – 10 ns TWHSH A19:16, CSx# Hold after WR# Rising Edge TRHSH A19:16, CSx# Hold after RD# Rising Edge TCLLH CLKOUT Low to ALE High TLLCH ALE Low to CLKOUT High TLHLH ALE Cycle Time 4TXTAL1 TLHLL ALE High Period TXTAL1 – 10 TAVLL AD15:0 Valid to ALE Low TXTAL1 –15 ns TLLAX AD15:0 Hold after ALE Low TXTAL1 – 25 ns TLLRL ALE Low to RD# Low TXTAL1 – 15 TRLCL RD# Low to CLKOUT Low TRLRH RD# Low Period TRHLH RD# High to ALE High TRLAZ RD# Low to Address Float TLLWL ALE Low to WR# Low TCLWL CLKOUT Low to WR# Low TQVWH Data Valid before WR# High TCHWH CLKOUT High to WR# High TWLWH WR# Low Period 110 2TXTAL1 ns ns TXTAL1 + 10 ns 0 0 –10 10 –15 10 0 TXTAL1 + 10 ns (3) ns ns 10 TXTAL1 – 15 –10 ns ns (2) TXTAL1 + 15 5 TXTAL1 – 5 ns ns 20 TXTAL1 – 15 –15 ns ns (2) TXTAL1 TXTAL1 – 5 ns ns ns (2) 10 ns ns (2) NOTES: 1. Exceeding the maximum specification causes additional wait states. 2. If wait states are used, add 2TXTAL1 × n, where n = number of wait states. 3. Assuming back-to-back bus cycles. 4. 8-bit bus only. 21 8XC196NP COMMERCIAL CHMOS 16-BIT MICROCONTROLLER Table 10. AC Characteristics, Multiplexed Bus Mode (Continued) Symbol Parameter VCC = 4.5 V – 5.5 V Min Max Units The 8XC196NP Will Meet These Specifications TWHQX Data Hold after WR# High TXTAL1 – 20 TWHLH WR# High to ALE High TXTAL1 – 12 ns TXTAL1 + 20 ns (3) TWHBX BHE#, INST Hold after WR# High TXTAL1 – 10 ns TWHAX AD15:8 Hold after WR# High TXTAL1 – 10 ns (4) TRHBX BHE#, INST Hold after RD# High TXTAL1 – 10 ns TRHAX AD15:8 Hold after RD# High TXTAL1 – 10 ns (4) NOTES: 1. Exceeding the maximum specification causes additional wait states. 2. If wait states are used, add 2TXTAL1 × n, where n = number of wait states. 3. Assuming back-to-back bus cycles. 4. 8-bit bus only. Table 11. AC Characteristics, Multiplexed Bus Mode Symbol Parameter VCC = 4.5 V – 5.5 V Min Max Units The External Memory System Must Meet These Specifications TAVYV AD15:0 Valid to READY Setup TYLYH Non READY Time No Upper Limit 0 TCLYX READY Hold after CLKOUT Low TAVDV AD15:0 Valid to Input Data Valid TRLDV TSLDV 2TXTAL1 – 50 ns ns TXTAL1 – 10 ns (1) 3TXTAL1 – 40 ns (2) RD# Active to Input Data Valid TXTAL1 – 20 ns (2) Chip-select Low, A19:16 Valid to Data Valid 4TXTAL1 – 50 TCLDV CLKOUT Low to Input Data Valid TXTAL1 – 35 ns TRHDZ End of RD# to Input Data Float TXTAL1 – 5 ns TRXDX Data Hold after RD# Inactive 0 NOTES: 1. Exceeding the maximum specification causes additional wait states. 2. If wait states are used, add 2TXTAL1 × n, where n = number of wait states. 22 ns 8XC196NP COMMERCIAL CHMOS 16-BIT MICROCONTROLLER SYSTEM BUS TIMINGS, MULTIPLEXED BUS TXTAL1 XTAL1 TCLCL TCHCL TXHCH CLKOUT TRLCL TCLLH TLLCH TLHLH ALE TLHLL TLLRL TAVLL TLLAX TRLRH TRHLH RD# TRHDZ TRLDV TRLAZ AD15:0 (read) Address Out Data TAVDV TWHLH TWLWH TLLWL WR# TWHQX TQVWH AD15:0 (write) Address Out Data Out Address Out TRHBX TWHBX BHE#, INST Valid TRHAX TWHAX AD15:8 Address Out TSLDV A19:16 CSx# Address Out TWHSH TRHSH A2844-01 Figure 6. System Bus Timing Diagram (Multiplexed Bus Mode) 23 8XC196NP COMMERCIAL CHMOS 16-BIT MICROCONTROLLER READY TIMING, MULTIPLEXED BUS TCLYX (max) CLKOUT TCLYX (min) TAVYV READY TLHLH + 2TXTAL1 ALE TRLRH + 2TXTAL1 RD# TRLDV + 2TXTAL1 TAVDV + 2TXTAL1 AD15:0 (read) Address Out Data In TWLWH + 2TXTAL1 WR# TQVWH + 2TXTAL1 AD15:0 (write) BHE#, INST A19:16 CSx# Address Out Data Out Valid Extended Address Out Valid T0016-02 Figure 7. READY Timing Diagram (Multiplexed Bus Mode) 24 8XC196NP COMMERCIAL CHMOS 16-BIT MICROCONTROLLER AC Characteristics — Demultiplexed Bus Mode Test Coditions: Capacitive load on all pins = 50 pF, Rise and Fall Times = 3 ns. Table 12. AC Characteristics, Demultiplexed Bus Mode Symbol Parameter VCC = 4.5 V – 5.5 V Min Max Units The 8XC196NP Will Meet These Specifications FXTAL1 Input frequency on XTAL1 8 25 MHz TXTAL1 Period, 1/FXTAL1 40 125 ns TXHCH XTAL1 High to CLKOUT High/Low 10 TCLCL CLKOUT Cycle Time 110 2TXTAL1 ns ns TCHCL CLKOUT High Period TXTAL1 – 10 TAVRL A19:0, CSx# Valid to RD# Low 2TXTAL1 – 30 TAVWL A19:0, CSx# Valid to WR# Low 2TXTAL1 – 25 TCLLH CLKOUT Low to ALE High TLLCH ALE Low to CLKOUT High TLHLH ALE Cycle Time 4TXTAL1 TLHLL ALE High Period TXTAL1 – 10 TAVLL Address Valid to ALE Low NA ns TLLAX Address Hold after ALE Low NA ns TLLRL ALE Low to RD# Low NA TRLCH RD# Low to CLKOUT High TRLRH RD# Low Period TRHLH RD# High to ALE High TRLAZ RD# Low to Address Float TLLWL ALE Low to WR# Low TWLCH WR# Low to CLKOUT High –5 TQVWH Data Valid before WR# High 3TXTAL1 – 37 – 15 10 TXTAL1 – 5 WR# Low Period 2TXTAL1 – 10 TXTAL1 – 20 Data Hold after WR# High WR# High to ALE High TWHBX BHE#, INST Hold after WR# High TXTAL1 + 10 – 15 TXTAL1 – 5 TXTAL1 – 10 ns ns ns 15 ns TXTAL1 + 20 ns (3) NA ns ns (2) NA CLKOUT High to WR# High ns ns (2) 2TXTAL1 – 10 TCHWH TWHQX ns 10 0 ns ns – 10 TWLWH TWHLH TXTAL1 + 10 ns 10 ns ns (2) 5 ns ns (2) ns TXTAL1 + 20 ns (3) ns NOTES: 1. Exceeding the maximum specification causes additional wait states. 2. If wait states are used, add 2TXTAL1 × n, where n = number of wait states. 3. Assuming back-to-back bus cycles. 25 8XC196NP COMMERCIAL CHMOS 16-BIT MICROCONTROLLER Table 12. AC Characteristics, Demultiplexed Bus Mode (Continued) Symbol Parameter VCC = 4.5 V – 5.5 V Min Max Units The 8XC196NP Will Meet These Specifications TWHAX A19:0, CSx# Hold after WR# High 0 ns TRHBX BHE#, INST Hold after RD# High TXTAL1 – 10 ns TRHAX A19:0, CSx# Hold after RD# High 0 ns NOTES: 1. Exceeding the maximum specification causes additional wait states. 2. If wait states are used, add 2TXTAL1 × n, where n = number of wait states. 3. Assuming back-to-back bus cycles. Table 13. AC Characteristics, Demultiplexed Bus Mode Symbol Parameter VCC = 4.5 V – 5.5 V Min Max Units The External Memory System Must Meet These Specifications TAVYV A19:0, CSx# Valid to READY Setup 3TXTAL1 – 60 TYLYH Non READY Time No Upper Limit TCLYX READY Hold after CLKOUT Low 0 TAVDV TRLDV ns ns TXTAL1 – 10 ns (1) A19:0, CSx# Valid to Input Data Valid 4TXTAL1 – 50 ns (2) RD# Active to Input Data Valid 2TXTAL1 – 25 ns (2) TCLDV CLKOUT Low to Input Data Valid TXTAL1 – 35 ns TRHDZ End of RD# to Input Data Float TXTAL1 – 5 ns TRXDX Data Hold after RD# Inactive 0 NOTES: 1. Exceeding the maximum specification causes additional wait states. 2. If wait states are used, add 2TXTAL1 × n, where n = number of wait states. 26 ns 8XC196NP COMMERCIAL CHMOS 16-BIT MICROCONTROLLER SYSTEM BUS TIMINGS, DEMULTIPLEXED BUS TXTAL1 XTAL1 TCLCL TCHCL TXHCH CLKOUT TCLDV TLLCH TCLLH TLHLH ALE TLHLL TRLRH TRHLH TRLCH RD# TRHDZ TRLDV AD15:0 (read) Valid TAVDV TCHWH TWHLH TWLWH WR# TWLCH TQVWH AD15:0 (write) TWHQX Valid TRHBX TWHBX BHE#, INST Valid TRHAX A19:0 CSx# Address Out TWHAX Address A2845-01 Figure 8. System Bus Timing Diagram (Demultiplexed Bus Mode) 27 8XC196NP COMMERCIAL CHMOS 16-BIT MICROCONTROLLER READY TIMING, DEMULTIPLEXED BUS TCLYX (max) CLKOUT TAVYV TCLYX (min) READY TLHLH + 2TXTAL1 ALE TRLRH + 2TXTAL1 RD# TRLDV + 2TXTAL1 TAVDV + 2TXTAL1 AD15:0 (read) Data TWLWH + 2TXTAL1 WR# TQVWH + 2TXTAL1 AD15:0 (write) BHE#, INST Data Out Valid A19:0 Extended Address Out CSx# Valid T0015-02 Figure 9. READY Timing Diagram (Demultiplexed Bus Mode) 28 8XC196NP COMMERCIAL CHMOS 16-BIT MICROCONTROLLER HOLD#/HLDA# Timing Table 14. HOLD#/HLDA# Timings Symbol V CC = 4.5 V – 5.5 V Parameter Min Max Units THVCH HOLD# Setup Time 65 TCLHAL CLKOUT Low to HLDA# Low –15 15 ns (1) ns TCLBRL CLKOUT Low to BREQ# Low –15 15 ns THALAZ HLDA# Low to Address Float 33 ns THALBZ HLDA# Low to BHE#, INST, RD#, WR# Weakly Driven 25 ns TCLHAH CLKOUT Low to HLDA# High –25 15 ns TCLBRH CLKOUT Low to BREQ# High –25 25 ns THAHAX HLDA# High to Address No Longer Float –20 ns THAHBV HLDA# High to BHE#, INST, RD#, WR# Valid –20 ns NOTE: 1. To guarantee recognition at next clock. CLKOUT THVCH THVCH Hold Latency HOLD# TCLHAL TCLHAH HLDA# TCLBRL TCLBRH BREQ# THALAZ THAHAX A19:0, AD15:0 CSx#, BHE#, INST, RD#, WR# WRL#, WRH# THALBZ THAHBV Weakly held inactive TCLLH ALE Start of strongly driven ALE A2460-03 Figure 10. HOLD#/HLDA# Timing Diagram 29 8XC196NP COMMERCIAL CHMOS 16-BIT MICROCONTROLLER AC Characteristics — Serial Port, Shift Register Mode Table 15. Serial Port Timing — Shift Register Mode Symbol VCC = 4.5 V – 5.5 V Parameter Min Units Max Serial Port Clock period (SP_BAUD ≥ x002H) (SP_BAUD = x001H) (Note 1) 6TXTAL1 4TXTAL1 ns ns TQVXH Output data setup to clock high 3TXTAL1 ns TXHQX Output data hold after clock high TXHQV Next output data valid after clock high TDVXH Input data setup to clock high 2TXTAL1 + 200 TXHDX Input data hold after clock high 0 TXHQZ Last clock high to output float TXLXL 2TXTAL1 – 50 ns 2TXTAL1 + 50 ns ns ns 5TXTAL1 ns NOTE: 1. The minimum baud-rate register (SP_BAUD) value for receive is x002H and the minimum baud-rate register value for transmit is x001H. TXLXL TXD TXHQV TXLXH RXD (Out) 0 1 2 Valid 4 3 TDVXH RXD (In) TXHQZ TXHQX TQVXH 7 6 5 TXHDX Valid Valid Valid Valid Valid Valid Valid A2080-02 Figure 11. Serial Port Waveform — Shift Register Mode 30 8XC196NP COMMERCIAL CHMOS 16-BIT MICROCONTROLLER External Clock Drive Table 16. External Clock Drive Symbol Parameter Min Max Units 1/TXLXL Input frequency 8 25 MHz TXLXL Period (TXTAL1) 40 125 ns TXHXX High Time 0.35TXTAL1 0.65TXTAL1 ns TXLXX Low Time 0.35TXTAL1 0.65TXTAL1 ns TXLXH Rise Time 10 ns TXHXL Fall Time 10 ns TXHXX TXHXL TXLXH 0.7 VCC + 0.5 V 0.7 VCC + 0.5 V T XLXX 0.3 VCC – 0.5 V 0.3 VCC – 0.5 V T XLXL A2119-02 Figure 12. External Clock Drive Waveforms 3.5 V 0.45 V 2.0 V 0.8 V Test Points 2.0 V 0.8 V AC testing inputs are driven at 3.5 V for a logic "1" and 0.45 V for a logic "0". Timing measurements are made at 2.0 V for a logic "1" and 0.8 V for a logic "0". A2120-02 Figure 13. AC Testing Output Waveforms During 5.0 Volt Testing 31 8XC196NP COMMERCIAL CHMOS 16-BIT MICROCONTROLLER VLOAD + 0.15 V VOH – 0.15 V Timing Reference Points VLOAD VOL + 0.15 V VLOAD – 0.15 V For timing purposes, a port pin is no longer floating when a 150 mV change from load voltage occurs and begins to float when a 150 mV change from the loading VOH/VOL level occurs with IOL/IOH ≤15 mA. A2121-01 Figure 14. Float Waveforms During 5.0 Volt Testing EXPLANATION OF AC SYMBOLS Each AC timing symbol is two pairs of letters prefixed by “T” for time. The characters in a pair indicate a signal and its condition, respectively. Symbols represent the time between the two signal/condition points. Conditions: Signals: H — High A — Address L — ALE/ADV# L — Low AD — Address/Data Bus for Multiplexed Bus Mode BR — BREQ# V — Valid B — BHE# R — RD# X — No Longer Valid C — CLKOUT W — WR#/WRH#/WRL# Z — Floating 32 D — DATA X — XTAL1 G — Buswidth Y — READY H — HOLD# Q — Data Out HA — HLDA# S — Chip Select 8XC196NP COMMERCIAL CHMOS 16-BIT MICROCONTROLLER 8XC196NP ERRATA 4. Change identifiers have been used on embedded products since 1990. The change identifier is the last character in the FPO number. The FPO number is typically a nine character number located on the second line of the topside package mark. The following errata listing is applicable to the B–step (denoted by a “B” or “C” at the end of the topside tracking number): 1. Any jump, conditional jump, or call instruction located within six bytes of the top of a page, i.e., 0FFFA–0FFFFH, may cause a jump to the wrong page. To ensure this problem does not occur, place at least six NOPs at the top of each page. The following errata listing is applicable to the A– step (denoted by an “A” at the end of the topside tracking number): 1. Any jump, conditional jump, or call instruction located within six bytes of the top of a page, i.e., 0FFFA–0FFFFH, may cause a jump to the wrong page. To ensure this problem does not occur, place at least six NOPs at the top of each page. 2. The illegal opcode interrupt vector is not taken when an illegal opcode is encountered. A branch to an unknown location occurs. 3. (1-Mbyte mode only.) If an interrupt is aborted, intentionally or unintentionally, an undesired branch to the lowest priority interrupt vector (FF2000H) may occur even if the lowest priority interrupt is not enabled. This may occur if any bit in the INT_MASK, INT_MASK1, INT_PEND, or INT_PEND1 register is cleared after the corresponding INT_PEND or INT_PEND1 bit is set. (1-Mbyte mode only.) If a standard interrupt occurs at approximately the same time (this time is code dependent and therefore cannot be stated as an exact number of state times) as a PTS serviced interrupt, the PTS interrupt may be processed as a standard interrupt. The standard interrupt service routine for a PTS serviced interrupt (End-of-PTS) is typically used to modify the PTS control block and reenable the PTS by setting the corresponding bit in the PTSSEL register. When this anomaly occurs, the End-of-PTS service routine will execute regardless of the value in PTSCOUNT. As a result, an undetermined number of PTS cycles will not occur. This applies to all PTS interrupts. DATA SHEET REVISION HISTORY This data sheet is valid for devices with a “B” at the end of the topside tracking number. Data sheets are changed as new device information becomes available. Verify with your local Intel sales office that you have the latest version before finalizing a design or ordering devices. The following are important changes to the 272459005 datasheet: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Revised Tables 8 through 15 and Figures 5, 6, 7, and 13 to reflect new or changed information. Added Table 3 and Figure 9. The input frequency on XTAL1, formerly called FOSC, is now denoted by FXTAL1. The AC characteristics tables have been divided into the following: the timing specifications met by the device, and the timing specifications that must be met by the external memory system. Maximum IOL and IOH specifications added to the DC characteristics tables. AC timings TAVWL and TAVRL added to the AC characteristics–multiplexed bus mode tables. 33 8XC196NP COMMERCIAL CHMOS 16-BIT MICROCONTROLLER 34 8XC196NP COMMERCIAL CHMOS 16-BIT MICROCONTROLLER 35 8XC196NP COMMERCIAL CHMOS 16-BIT MICROCONTROLLER 36 8XC196NP COMMERCIAL CHMOS 16-BIT MICROCONTROLLER 37 8XC196NP COMMERCIAL CHMOS 16-BIT MICROCONTROLLER 38 8XC196NP COMMERCIAL CHMOS 16-BIT MICROCONTROLLER 39 8XC196NP COMMERCIAL CHMOS 16-BIT MICROCONTROLLER 40 8XC196NP COMMERCIAL CHMOS 16-BIT MICROCONTROLLER 41 8XC196NP COMMERCIAL CHMOS 16-BIT MICROCONTROLLER 42 8XC196NP COMMERCIAL CHMOS 16-BIT MICROCONTROLLER 43 8XC196NP COMMERCIAL CHMOS 16-BIT MICROCONTROLLER 44 8XC196NP COMMERCIAL CHMOS 16-BIT MICROCONTROLLER 45 8XC196NP COMMERCIAL CHMOS 16-BIT MICROCONTROLLER 46 8XC196NP COMMERCIAL CHMOS 16-BIT MICROCONTROLLER 47 8XC196NP COMMERCIAL CHMOS 16-BIT MICROCONTROLLER 48 8XC196NP COMMERCIAL CHMOS 16-BIT MICROCONTROLLER 49 8XC196NP COMMERCIAL CHMOS 16-BIT MICROCONTROLLER 50 8XC196NP COMMERCIAL CHMOS 16-BIT MICROCONTROLLER 51