ACE-12-1816 397 Route 281 – P.O. Box 1175 Tully, New York 13159-1175 Phone: 315 696-6676 Fax: 315 696 9923 Email: PRODUCT DATA SHEET - Page 1 of 3 7/31/2008 CCFL INVERTER (Single Tube Application) GENERAL DESCRIPTION The ACE-12-1816 is designed to power 1 CCFL to a nominal power level of 7.5 Watts. Intensity control is accomplished by the user providing a variable DC level at pin 4 of CON1. Enable control is accomplished at pin 3 of CON1. Output is open and short circuit protected. MECHANICAL/ENVIRONMENTAL Weight = 27 grams Altitude = 10,000 ft max. Humidity < 85% non-condensing Size (L x W x H) = 3.3 IN x 1.3 IN x 0.526 IN PCB thickness = 0.062 IN Mounting Holes = 0.125 IN diameter (X4) Input Power & Control Connector = CON1 CCFL Output Connector = CON2 CON1 Molex 53261-0890 Pin # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 +12V GND ENABLE VCNTL GND Sig 5V Out NC NC CON2 JST SM03(4.0)B-BHS-1-TB Pin # 1 2 3 CCFL NC CCFL ACE-12-1816 397 Route 281 – P.O. Box 1175 Tully, New York 13159-1175 Phone: 315 696-6676 Fax: 315 696 9923 Email: PRODUCT DATA SHEET - Page 2 of 3 7/31/2008 MAXIMUM RATINGS* Symbol Parameter Vin Supply Voltage (Referenced to Ground) Vip Voltage applied to any input pin (Referenced to ground) Iop Current sourced or sinked from any output control pin Pin Input power (DC input voltage x DC input current) Top Operating temperature (Still air ambient around inverter) Tstg Storage Temperature * Maximum ratings are those values beyond which damage to the inverter may occur Value -0.3 to 15 -0.3 to 5.3 +/- 10 10 -20 to +85 -40 to +105 Unit Vdc Vdc mAdc Watts Deg-C Deg-C RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONS Symbol Vin Lsv Vcntl Parameter Supply Voltage (Referenced to Ground) Cold Cathode Fluorescent Lamp Sustaining Voltage Intensity Control Voltage (see Intensity Dimming Curve pg3) Min 10.8 700 0 Max 13.2 1000 5.0 Unit Vdc Vrms Vdc Min 2400 7.9 54 95 0 Max Unit Vrms mAdc Khz Hz % Vdc Vdc Vdc Adc % ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Vin = +12V, Lsv = 850Vrms, Vcntl = +5V, Enable = +5V unless otherwise specified Symbol Parameter Test Conditions Lstart Lamp Starting Voltage Lout Lamp Output Current Lfreq Lamp-Current Frequency Pfreq PWM Dimming Frequency Vcntl (Pin 4) = 4.3V Pdc PWM Duty Cycle Range Vcntl (Pin 4) = 0V to +5V ENoff Enable Control, unit OFF Enable (Pin 3) ENon Enable Control, unit ON (Pin 3) Enable (Pin 3) +5Vout +5V Reference Out (Pin 6) 10k load to ground (Pin 6) Iin Input current draw Eff Electrical Efficiency 2.0 4.75 90 9.6 66 101 100 0.8 5.25 0.75 ACE-12-1816 397 Route 281 – P.O. Box 1175 Tully, New York 13159-1175 Phone: 315 696-6676 Fax: 315 696 9923 Email: PRODUCT DATA SHEET - Page 3 of 3 7/31/2008 GRAPHS Intensity (%) Intensity Dimming Curve 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 0 1 2 3 4 Vcntl (V) Display Luminance Duty-Cycle 5