Ordering number : ENN*6725 CMOS IC LC573904 4-Bit Microcontroller with 4K-Byte ROM, 120 × 4Bits RAM and LCD Driver Preliminary Overview The LC573904 is a CMOS 4-bit microcontroller that operates on low voltage and very low power consumption. It also contains 4K-byte ROM, 128 × 4 bits RAM, LCD drivers and melody function. Features (1) ROM :4096 × 8 bits (2) RAM :128 × 4 bits (3) Cycle Time Cycle Time 122µs 27µs 122µs 27µs 122µs 8µs Oscillation source Crystal oscillation RC oscillation Crystal oscillation RC oscillation Crystal oscillation RC oscillation Oscillation frequency 32.768kHz 150kHz 32.768kHz 150kHz 32.768kHz 500kHz Power supply voltage 1.20 - 1.65V Power source Ag Battery 2.50 - 3.60V Li Battery 2.00 - 6.00V External voltage supply (4) Input / Output Terminals - Input ports : 4 terminals (S-port : 4 terminals) - Input / Output ports : 8 terminals (P0 port : 4 terminals, P1 port : 4 terminals) [Notes] When using the P1 port for output, the “L” level hold Tr. of P1 should be OFF. If P1 port becomes “H” level with “L” level hold Tr. on, it causes the through current from VDD to GND and increases the current consumption. - Output ports : 2 terminals (Buzzer / melody output terminal : 1 terminal, General output port : 1 terminal) - LCD segment output ports : 32 terminals (Possible to use output port by mask option) - LCD common output ports : 4 terminals Ver.1.04 22698 91400 RM (IM) HO No.6725-1/18 LC573904 (5) LCD driver Drivable LCD panel Number of drivable LCD segment output 1/2 bias 1/4 duty 128 segments 1/2 bias 1/3 duty 96 segments 1/2 bias 1/2 duty 64 segments STATIC 32 segments (Possible to use output port by mask option.) - Built-in Step-up / Step-down circuit (6) Melody/Buzzer - Melody function Octave Time of musical note : 3 octaves : specified by program - Buzzer output (7) Base timer - 15-bit base timer for timekeeping (8) HALT release - Five vectors 1. 15-bit base timer (500ms overflow output) 2. 15-bit base timer (output every 32ms) 3. S-port 4. P1-port 5. 1/10 second pulse (9) Stand-by mode - HALT mode The program operation will be stopped in this mode. This mode is released by system reset and 5 vectors for HALT release above-mentioned. (10) System reset - RES terminal - Reset by setting S1 to S4 terminals to “H” level simultaneously. (11) Oscillation - Two oscillation circuits - 32.768kHz crystal oscillation / RC oscillation (12) Power supply - Ag-battery : VDD1-VSS=1.20V to 1.65V, Step-up voltage (VDD2-VSS=2.4V to 3.3V) - Li-battery : VDD2-VSS=2.50V to 3.60V, Step-down voltage (VDD1-VSS=1.25V to 1.8V) - External voltage supply : VDD2-VSS=2.00V to 6.00V, Step-down voltage (VDD1-VSS=1.3V to 3.0V) (13) Shipping form - Bare chip, QFP64 (14) The development tool - Evaluation chip - Emulator : LC5797 : EVA520 + TB5739 + DCB-1A No.6725-2/18 LC573904 Pad assignment LIGHT ALM SEG2 SEG3 SEG4 SEG5 SEG6 SEG7 SEG8 SEG9 SEG10 SEG11 SEG12 SEG13 SEG14 SEG15 SEG16 : 2.63mm × 2.89mm : 480µm : 116µm × 116µm COM3 Chip size (X × Y) Chip thickness Pad size 61 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 48 47 46 45 62 44 63 43 64 42 1 41 2 40 VDD2 VDD1 BAK S4 COM2 S3 P11 P12 P01 RCOUT RCIN 39 Y 4 38 5 37 X 6 36 7 35 8 34 9 33 10 32 11 31 P13 P00 TEST VSS 3 P10 SEG1 OSCOUT OSCIN RES S1 P02 S2 32HZ T3 P03 CUP2 30 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 29 CUP1 COM1 SEG32 SEG31 SEG30 SEG29 SEG28 SEG27 SEG26 SEG25 SEG24 SEG23 SEG22 SEG21 SEG20 SEG19 SEG18 SEG17 COM3 28 Note: When a Lithium battery has been selected as the power supply, please note the following points. There are two modes of use for the lithium battery: Backup mode and Normal mode (backup flag off). In backup mode, the battery potential is applied directly to the oscillation circuit, whereas in Normal mode only half the battery potential is applied. Because of the different voltage applied to the oscillation circuit in each mode, there may be a difference in the generated oscillation frequency. When entering backup mode a corresponding error will arise. If timing accuracy is required (for clocks, etc), please bear in mind the above in the program design. No.6725-3/18 LC573904 Pad name and coordinates QFP64 PIN No. Pad No. 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Pad Name BAK S4 S3 P10 P11 P12 P13 P00 P01 P02 P03 COM4 SEG17 SEG18 SEG19 SEG20 SEG21 SEG22 SEG23 SEG24 SEG25 SEG26 SEG27 SEG28 SEG29 SEG30 SEG31 SEG32 COM1 CUP1 CUP2 T3 Coordinates Xµm Yµm -1065 -1065 -1065 -1065 -1065 -1065 -1065 -1065 -1065 -1065 -1065 -1080 -940 -790 -650 -525 -400 -275 -150 -25 100 225 350 475 600 725 865 1065 1065 1065 1065 1065 645 455 330 170 5 -155 -315 -475 -635 -800 -960 -1205 -1205 -1205 -1205 -1205 -1205 -1205 -1205 -1205 -1205 -1205 -1205 -1205 -1205 -1205 -1205 -1185 -1035 -895 -770 -630 QFP64 PIN No. Pad No. 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 1 2 3 4 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 Pad Name 32HZ S2 S1 RES OSCIN OSCOUT VSS RCIN RCOUT TEST COM2 SEG1 SEG2 SEG3 SEG4 SEG5 SEG6 SEG7 SEG8 SEG9 SEG10 SEG11 SEG12 SEG13 SEG14 SEG15 SEG16 COM3 LIGHT ALM VDD2 VDD1 Coordinates Xµm Yµm 1065 1065 1065 1065 1065 1065 1065 1065 1065 1065 1065 1065 1075 935 810 685 560 435 310 185 60 -65 -190 -315 -440 -565 -705 -855 -1065 -1065 -1065 -1065 -505 -380 -255 -130 -5 115 300 490 615 740 865 1005 1205 1205 1205 1205 1205 1205 1205 1205 1205 1205 1205 1205 1205 1205 1205 1205 1195 1070 895 770 The pad coordinates are such that the chip center is taken as the origin and the values for (X, Y) represent the coordinates of the center point of each pad. Substrate must be connected to VSS or left open. No.6725-4/18 LC573904 Package Dimension (unit : mm) 3159 SANYO : QIP-64E SEG2 49 SEG3 SEG4 COM1 CUP1 CUP2 T3 32HZ S2 S1 RES OSCIN OSCOUT VSS RCIN RCOUT TEST COM2 SEG1 QIP64E 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 SEG29 28 SEG28 SEG7 54 27 SEG27 SEG8 55 26 SEG26 SEG9 56 25 SEG25 SEG10 57 24 SEG24 SEG11 58 23 SEG23 SEG12 59 22 SEG22 SEG13 60 21 SEG21 SEG14 61 20 SEG20 SEG15 62 19 SEG19 SEG16 63 18 SEG18 COM3 64 17 SEG17 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 P03 6 COM4 5 P02 4 P01 3 P00 2 P13 1 P12 29 53 P11 52 SEG6 S3 SEG5 P10 SEG30 S4 SEG31 30 BAK 31 51 VDD1 50 ALM SEG32 VDD2 32 LIGHT Pin Assignment No.6725-5/18 LC573904 System Block Diagram HALT mode control IR Stand-by control PLA ROM PC Control circuit X’tal Stack RC AC Clock generator ALU Base timer TMP Chronograph counter DPL Melody/buzzer circuit Strove pointer SEGMENT PLA DPH RAM P0 port P1 port LCD driver S port No.6725-6/18 LC573904 Sample Application Circuit (1) Ag battery used application (1/2 bias 1/4 duty) P00 P01 P02 P03 (2) Li battery used application (1/2 bias 1/4 duty) COM1 COM2 COM3 COM4 P00 P01 P02 P03 LCD GLASS 1/2 BIAS 1/4 DUTY LCD GLASS 1/2 BIAS 1/4 DUTY P10 P10 SEGOUT SEG1-32 P11 P11 P12 P12 P13 COM1 COM2 COM3 COM4 P13 VDD1 VDD2 1.5V(Ag) KEY MATRIX KEY MATRIX VSS S1 VDD2 S2 CUP1 S3 S4 0.1µF 0.1µF CUP2 VSS S2 CUP1 S3 CUP2 S4 ALM 3.0V 0.1µF ALM 32.768kHz OSCOUT OSCOUT RES RES RCIN 0.1µF OSCIN OSCIN 32.768kHz 0.1µF VDD1 S1 0.1µF LIGHT RCIN BAK 0.1µF LIGHT RCOUT RCOUT (Power supply : Ag battery version) (Power supply : Li battery version) (3) EXT-V used application (1/2 bias 1/4 duty) P00 P01 P02 P03 COM1 COM2 COM3 COM4 LCD GLASS 1/2 BIAS 1/4 DUTY P10 SEG1-32 P11 P12 P13 KEY MATRIX VDD2 VDD1 S1 VSS S2 CUP1 S3 CUP2 S4 0.1µF 3.0V 0.1µF ALM OSCIN 32.768kHz OSCOUT RES 0.1µF RCIN LIGHT RCOUT (Power supply : EXT-V version) Note 1) If P0, P1 port or segment output (SEG17 to SEG32) are used for key scan output port, P-ch open drain option should be used in order to prohibit signal short between output ports when two or more keys are pushed simultaneously. Note 2) If P1 port is used as output port, the following setting is necessary. Programmable pull-down resistors which is one of the internal pull-down register should be set to open mode with the SPDR instruction. No.6725-7/18 LC573904 LC573904 Terminal Description Pin No. PAD No. I/O VSS VDD1 43 9 39 64 - VDD2 3 63 - BAK 5 1 - CUP1,2 34 35 30 31 - S port 39 38 7 6 35 34 3 2 I 8-11 4-7 I/O 12-15 8-11 I/O LIGHT ALM 1 2 61 62 O O SEG1 -SEG32 48-63 17-32 44-59 13-28 O Name S1-S4 P1 port P10-P13 P0 port P00-P03 Function description Power terminal (-) •Power terminal(+) (Ag battery version) •Voltage supply to LCD driver (Li battery version, EXTV version) (C is connected between VDD1 and VSS.) •Voltage supply to logic unit (Ag battery version, when Back up flag is off in Li battery option.) •Power terminal(+) (Li battery version, EXTV version) •Voltage supply to LCD driver (Ag battery version) (C is connected between VDD2 and VSS.) •Voltage supply to logic unit (EXTV version, when Back up flag is on in Li battery option.) •Power terminal(+) •Capacitor is required between BAK and VSS in order to prevent the malfunction of the logic circuit in Li battery option. Capacitor connecting terminals for step-up (or stop down) •4-bit input port •Input for HALT release •LSI system is reset by applying VDD to S1 to S4 simultaneously. •Programmable pull-down resistor •”L”-level hold Tr. •4-bit input/output port •CMOS output/P-ch open drain output •Input for HALT release •Programmable pull-down resistor •”L”-level hold Tr. •”H”-level hold Tr. •4-bit input/output port •CMOS output/P-ch open drain output •”H”-level hold Tr. Output port •Output port •Output terminal to deliver melody signal or buzzer with SAS or TMEL instruction. (Buzzer : 4kHz/2kHz/1kHz modulation signal or non modulation signal.)* (Melody signal : 3 octaves) •LCD output terminals for segment •Possible to use output port for SEG17 to SEG32 (Pad No.13 to 28) by mask option. Option Battery version Ag/Li/EXT-V Battery version Ag/Li/EXT-V ”L”-level hold Tr. Provided/Not provided •”L”-level hold Tr. Provided/Not provided •”H”-level hold Tr. Provided/Not provided •Output form CMOS /P-ch open drain •”H”-level hold Tr. Provided/Not provided •Output form CMOS /P-ch open drain •Output form segment/CMOS/Pch open drain •Segment data SP=0 - FH DBUS=a/b/c/d/e/f /g/h Continue. No.6725-8/18 LC573904 Pin No. PAD No. 29 43 60 12 37 38 40 O LCD output terminals for common OSCIN OSCOUT RCIN 33 47 64 16 41 42 44 I O I RCOUT 45 41 O RES 32HZ 40 37 36 33 I - T3 36 32 - TEST 46 42 - Input for 32.768kHz crystal oscillation Output for 32.768kHz crystal oscillation •Input for RC oscillation R is connected across RCIN and RCOUT, and C is connected across RCIN and VSS. •Output for RC oscillation R is connected across RCIN and RCOUT. Reset •Test terminal This terminal should be left unconnected. •Test terminal This terminal should be left unconnected. •Test terminal This terminal should be left unconnected. Name COM1 -COM4 I/O Function description Option LCD duty 1/1,1/2,1/3,1/4 * 4kHz/2kHz/1kHz : For 32.768kHz crystal oscillation, proportional to oscillation frequency. No.6725-9/18 LC573904 Ag battery version 1. Absolute Maximum Ratings at Ta=25±2°C, VSS=0V Parameter Supply voltage Input voltage Symbol VDD1 VDD2 VIN Output voltage VOUT1 Peak output current (at each pins) Total output current Maximum power dissipation Operating temperature range Storage temperature range Pin & Conditions VOUT2 IOUT1 IOUT2 IOUT3 IALL S1-S4, P00-P03, P10-P13, TEST, OSCIN, RES, RCIN CUP2, OSCOUT, ALM, LIGHT, P00-P03, P10-P13, RCOUT SEG1-SEG32, COM1-COM4, CUP1 ALM LIGHT Output except ALM and LIGHT Total output pins. Pdmax QFP64 Ratings -0.3 to +4.0 -0.3 to +4.0 -0.3 to VDD1+0.3 Unit V -0.3 to VDD1+0.3 -0.3 to VDD2+0.3 4 1 500 10 mA µA mA 430 mW Topr -30 to +70 °C Tstg -40 to +125 2. Recommended Operating Range at Ta=-30°C to + 70°C, VSS=0V Parameter Symbol Operating supply voltage Input high voltage VDD1 VDD2 VIH Input low voltage VIL Oscillation frequency range fOPG1 fOPG2 Conditions S1-S4, RES, P00-P03, P10-P13 S1-S4, RES, P00-P03, P10-P13 •32.768kHz (crystal oscillation) •VDD1=1.20 - 1.65V (Ta=25°C) •Refer to figure 1 •RC oscillation •VDD1=1.20 - 1.65V (Ta=25°C) •Refer to figure 2 min. 1.30 2.4 VDD1-0.2 Ratings typ. 0 32 30 max. 1.65 3.3 VDD1 Unit V 0.2 32.768 33 kHz 100 No.6725-10/18 LC573904 3. Electrical Characteristics at Ta=-30°C to + 70°C, VSS=0V Parameter Pull-down transistor Symbol RIN1A RIN1B Pull-up transistor RIN3 RIN2 Output high voltage Output low voltage Output high voltage Output middle voltage VOH1 VOL1 VOH2 VOM Output low voltage Output high voltage VOL2 VOH3 Output low voltage Output high voltage Output low voltage Output high current Output low current Step-up voltage VOL3 VOH4 VOL4 IOH IOL VDD2 Current dissipation (In Halt mode) IDD1 IDD2 Current dissipation (In operating mode) IDD3 IDD4 Oscillator start-up voltage Oscillator sustaining voltage Oscillator start-up time Vstt Conditions VDD1=1.55V, VIL=0.2V, Low level hold Tr. Fig.3 *1 VDD1=1.55V, Low level pull in Tr. Fig.3 *1 VDD1=1.55V, TEST, RES VDD1=1.55V, High level hold Tr. Fig.6 *5 VDD1=1.55V, IOH=-0.4µA *2 VDD1=1.55V, IOL=0.4µA *2 VDD1=1.55V, IOH=-4µA, COM1-4 VDD1=1.55V, IOH=-4µA, IOL=4µA, COM1-4 VDD1=1.55V, IOL=4µA, COM1-4 VDD1=1.35V, IOH=-250µA, ALM, LIGHT VDD1=1.35V, IOL=150µA, ALM, LIGHT VDD1=1.55V, IOH=-20µA *3 VDD1=1.55V, IOL=20µA *4 VDD1=1.55V, VOH=VDD1 × 0.5 *5 VDD1=1.55V, VOL=VDD1 × 0.5 *6 VDD1=1.35V, C1=C2=0.1µF, fopg=32.768kHz, Fig.4 RC osc stop VDD1=1.55V, C1=C2=0.1µF, Fig.4, Cg=16pF, Crystal osc(CI≤25kΩ), RC osc RC osc(Rext=470 kΩ, operating Cext=18pF), Back-up flag OFF, Ta≤50°C VDD1=1.55V, C1=C2=0.1µF, RC osc stop Fig.4, Cg=16pF, Crystal osc(CI≤25kΩ), RC osc RC osc(Rext=470 kΩ, operating Cext=18pF), Back-up flag OFF, Ta≤50°C Cg=16pF, Crystal osc(CI≤25kΩ), Back-up flag ON, Ta=25°C, Fig.5 VHOLD tstt min. 150 Ratings typ. 300 max. 1000 100 300 500 10 100 400 300 2000 Unit kΩ V VDD2-0.2 0.2 VDD2-0.2 VDD1-0.2 VDD1+0.2 0.2 VDD1-0.6 5 0.6 VDD1-0.2 0.2 -100 µA 2.7 V 1.0 4.0 µA 5.0 15.0 3.0 12.0 7.0 20.0 100 2.5 1.35 V 1.30 VDD1=1.35V Cg=16pF, Crystal osc(CI≤25kΩ), Back-up flag ON, Ta=25°C, Fig.5 10 s No.6725-11/18 LC573904 Li battery version 1. Absolute Maximum Ratings at Ta=25±2°C, VSS=0V Parameter Supply voltage Input voltage Output voltage Peak output current (at each pins) Total output current Maximum power dissipation Operating temperature range Storage temperature range Symbol VDD1 VDD2 VIN1 VIN2 VOUT1 VOUT2 Pin & Conditions Ratings -0.3 to +4.0 -0.3 to +4.0 -0.3 to VDD1+0.3 -0.3 to VDD2+0.3 -0.3 to VDD1+0.3 -0.3 to VDD2+0.3 Unit V 4 1 500 10 mA 430 mW Topr -30 to +70 °C Tstg -40 to +125 IOUT1 IOUT2 IOUT3 IALL OSCIN, RCIN S1-S4, P00-P03, P10-P13, TEST, RES CUP2, OSCOUT, RCOUT SEGOUT, COM1-COM4, CUP1, ALM, LIGHT, P00-P03, P10-P13 ALM LIGHT Output except ALM1 and LIGHT The total all pins. Pdmax QFP64 µA mA 2. Recommended Operating Range at Ta=-30°C to + 70°C, VSS=0V Parameter Symbol Operating supply voltage Input high voltage VDD1 VDD2 VIH Input low voltage VIL Oscillation frequency range fOPG1 fOPG2 Conditions S1-S4, RES, P00-P03, P10-P13 S1-S4, RES, P00-P03, P10-P13 •32.768kHz (crystal oscillation) •VDD2=2.5 - 3.6V (Ta=25°C) •Refer to figure 1 •RC oscillation •VDD2=2.5 - 3.6V (Ta=25°C) •Refer to figure 2 min. 1.25 2.5 VDD2-0.4 Ratings typ. 0 32 30 max. 3.60 3.6 VDD2 Unit V 0.4 32.768 33 kHz 150 No.6725-12/18 LC573904 3. Electrical Characteristics at Ta=-30°C to + 70°C, VSS=0V Parameter Pull-down transistor Symbol RIN1A RIN1B Pull-up transistor RIN2 RIN3 Output high voltage Output low voltage Output high voltage Output middle voltage VOH1 VOL1 VOH2 VOM Output low voltage Output high voltage VOL2 VOH3 Output low voltage Output high voltage Output low voltage Output high voltage Output low voltage Output high current Output low current Step-down voltage VOL3 VOH4 VOL4 VOH5 VOL5 IOH IOL VDD1 Current dissipation (In Halt mode) IDD1 IDD2 Current dissipation (In operating mode) IDD3 IDD4 Oscillator start-up voltage Oscillator sustaining voltage Oscillator start-up time Vstt VHOLD tstt Conditions VDD2=2.9V, VIL=0.4V, Low level hold Tr. Fig.3 VDD2=2.9V, Low level pull in Tr. Fig.3 VDD2=2.9V, TEST, RES VDD2=2.9V, High level hold Tr. Fig.9 VDD2=2.9V, IOH=-0.4µA VDD2=2.9V, IOL=0.4µA VDD2=2.9V, IOH=-4µA, COM1-4 VDD2=2.9V, IOH=-4µA, IOL=4µA, COM1-4 VDD2=2.9V, IOL=4µA, COM1-4 VDD2=2.4V, IOH=-250µA, ALM min. 150 Ratings typ. 300 max. 1000 60 150 300 10 200 600 300 2000 Unit kΩ *1 *1 *5 *2 *2 VDD2=2.4V, IOL=250µA, ALM VDD2=2.4V, IOH=-150µA, LIGHT VDD2=2.4V, IOL=150µA, LIGHT VDD2=2.9V, IOH=-40µA *3 VDD2=2.9V, IOL=40µA *4 VDD2=2.9V, VOH=VDD2-0.45V *5 VDD2=2.9V, VOL=0.45V *6 VDD2=2.8V, C1=C2=0.1µF, fopg=32.768kHz, Fig.7 VDD2=2.9V, C1=C2=0.1µF, RC osc stop Fig.7, Cg=16pF, RC osc Crystal osc(CI≤25kΩ), operating Back-up flag OFF, RC osc(Rext=470 kΩ, Cext=18pF), Ta≤50°C VDD2=2.9V, C1=C2=0.1µF, RC osc stop Fig.7, Cg=16pF, RC osc Crystal osc(CI≤25kΩ), operating Back-up flag OFF, RC osc(Rext=470 kΩ, Cext=18pF), Ta≤50°C Cg=16pF, Crystal osc(CI≤25kΩ), Back-up flag ON, Ta=25°C, Fig.8 Cg=16pF, Crystal osc(CI≤25kΩ), Back-up flag OFF, Ta=25°C, Fig.8 VDD2=2.0V Cg=16pF, Crystal osc(CI≤25kΩ), Ta=25°C, Fig.8 V VDD2-0.2 0.2 VDD2-0.2 VDD2/2 -0.2 VDD2/2 +0.2 0.2 VDD2-0.6 5 0.65 VDD2-1.5 1.5 VDD2-0.4 0.4 -450 450 1.35 µA V 0.8 2.0 5 15.0 3 12.0 7 20.0 2.60 µA V 1.25 10 s No.6725-13/18 LC573904 EXT-V version 1. Absolute Maximum Ratings at Ta=25±2°C, VSS=0V Parameter Supply voltage Input voltage Symbol VDD1 VDD2 VIN Pin & Conditions Output voltage VOUT Peak output current (at each pins) Total output current Maximum power dissipation Operating temperature range Storage temperature range IOUT1 IOUT2 IOUT3 IALL S1-S4, P00-P03, P10-P13, TEST, RES, OSCIN, RCIN SEG1-SEG32, COM1-COM4, CUP1, CUP2, OSCOUT, ALM, LIGHT, RCOUT ALM LIGHT Output except ALM and LIGHT The total all pins. Pdmax QFP64 Ratings -0.3 to +7.0 -0.3 to +7.0 -0.3 to VDD2+0.3 Unit V -0.3 to VDD2+0.3 4 1 500 10 mA 430 mW Topr -30 to +70 °C Tstg -40 to +125 µA mA 2. Recommended Operating Range at Ta=-30°C to + 70°C, VSS=0V Parameter Symbol Operating supply voltage Input high voltage VDD1 VDD2 VIH Input low voltage VIL Oscillation frequency range fOPG1 fOPG2 Conditions S1-S4, RES, P00-P03, P10-P13 S1-S4, RES, P00-P03, P10-P13 •32.768kHz (crystal oscillation) •VDD2=2.0 - 6.0V •Refer to figure 1 •RC oscillation •VDD2=2.0 - 6.0V (Ta=25°C) •Refer to figure 2 min. 1.3 2.0 VDD2-0.4 Ratings typ. 0 32 30 max. 3.0 6.0 VDD2 Unit V 0.4 32.768 33 kHz 500 No.6725-14/18 LC573904 3. Electrical Characteristics at Ta=-30°C to + 70°C, VSS=0V Parameter Pull-down transistor Symbol RIN1A RIN1B Pull-up transistor RIN2 RIN3 Output high voltage Output low voltage Output high voltage Output middle voltage VOH1 VOL1 VOH2 VOM Output low voltage Output high voltage VOL2 VOH3 Output low voltage Output high voltage Output low voltage Output high voltage Output low voltage Output high current Output low current Step-down voltage VOL3 VOH4 VOL4 VOH5 VOL5 IOH IOL VDD1 Current dissipation (In Halt mode) IDD1 IDD2 Current dissipation (In operating mode) IDD3 IDD4 Oscillator start-up voltage Oscillator sustaining voltage Oscillator start-up time Vstt Conditions VDD2=2.9V, VIL=0.4V, Low level hold Tr. Fig.3 VDD2=2.9V, Low level pull in Tr. Fig.3 VDD2=2.9V, TEST, RES VDD2=2.9V, High level hold Tr. Fig.9 VDD2=2.9V, IOH=-0.4µA VDD2=2.9V, IOL=0.4µA VDD2=2.9V, IOH=-4µA, COM1-4 VDD2=2.9V, IOH=-4µA, IOL=4µA, COM1-4 VDD2=2.9V, IOL=4µA, COM1-4 VDD2=2.4V, IOH=-250µA, ALM tstt Ratings typ. 300 max. 1000 60 150 300 10 200 600 300 2000 Unit kΩ *1 *1 *5 *2 *2 VDD2=2.4V, IOL=250µA, ALM VDD2=2.4V, IOH=-150µA, LIGHT VDD2=2.4V, IOL=150µA, LIGHT VDD2=2.9V, IOH=-40µA *3 VDD2=2.9V, IOL=40µA *4 VDD2=2.9V, VOH=VDD2-0.45V *5 VDD2=2.9V, VOL=0.45V *6 VDD2=2.8V, C1=C2=0.1µF, fopg=32.768kHz, Fig.7 RC osc stop VDD2=2.9V, C1=C2=0.1µF, Fig.7, Cg=15pF, RC osc Crystal osc(CI≤25kΩ), operating RC osc(Rext=470 kΩ, Cext=18pF), Ta≤50°C VDD2=2.9V, C1=C2=0.1µF, RC osc stop Fig.7, Cg=15pF, RC osc operating Crystal osc(CI≤25kΩ), RC osc(Rext=470 kΩ, Cext=18pF), Ta≤50°C Cg=15pF, Crystal osc(CI≤25kΩ), Ta=25°C, Fig.8 VHOLD min. 150 V VDD2-0.2 0.2 VDD2-0.2 VDD2/2 -0.2 VDD2/2 +0.2 0.2 VDD2-0.6 5 0.65 VDD2-1.5 1.5 VDD2-0.4 0.4 -450 450 1.35 µA V 5.0 15.0 15 50 10 40 50 200 µA V 2.0 2.0 VDD2=2.0V Cg=15pF, Crystal osc(CI≤25kΩ), Ta=25°C, Fig.8 10 s No.6725-15/18 LC573904 Electrical Characteristics at Ta=-30 C to + 70 C, VSS=0V Parameter Pull-down transistor Symbol RIN1A RIN1B Pull-up transistor RIN2 RIN3 Output high voltage Output low voltage Output high voltage Output middle voltage VOH1 VOL1 VOH2 VOM Output low voltage Output high voltage Output low voltage Output high voltage Output low voltage Output high voltage Output low voltage Output high current Output low current Step-down voltage VOL2 VOH3 VOL3 VOH4 VOL4 VOH5 VOL5 IOH IOL VDD1 Current dissipation (In Halt mode) IDD1 IDD2 Current dissipation (In operating mode) IDD3 IDD4 Oscillator start-up voltage Oscillator sustaining voltage Oscillator start-up time Vstt Conditions VDD2=5.0V, VIL=0.4V, Low level hold Tr. Fig.3 *1 VDD2=5.0V, Low level pull in Tr. Fig.3 *1 VDD2=5.0V, TEST, RES VDD2=5.0V, High level hold Tr. Fig.9 *5 VDD2=5.0V, IOH=-0.4µA *2 VDD2=5.0V, IOL=0.4µA *2 VDD2=5.0V, IOH=-4µA, COM1-4 VDD2=5.0V, IOH=-4µµA, IOL=4µA, COM1-4 VDD2=5.0V, IOL=4µA, COM1-4 VDD2=5.0V, IOH=-2.0mA, ALM VDD2=5.0V, IOL=2.0mA, ALM VDD2=5.0V, IOH=-250µA, LIGHT VDD2=5.0V, IOL=250µA, LIGHT VDD2=5.0V, IOH=-80µA *3 VDD2=5.0V, IOL=80µA *4 VDD2=5.0V, VOH=VDD2-0.75V *5 VDD2=5.0V, VOL=0.75V *6 VDD2=5.0V, C1=C2=0.1µF, fopg=32.768kHz, Fig.7 RC osc stop VDD2=5.0V, C1=C2=0.1µF, Fig.7, Cg=15pF, RC osc Crystal osc(CI≤25kΩ), operating RC osc(Rext=470kΩ, Cext=18pF), Ta≤50°C RC osc stop VDD2=5.0V, C1=C2=0.1µF, Fig.7, Cg=15pF, RC osc Crystal osc(CI≤25kΩ), operating RC osc(Rext=470kΩ, Cext=18pF), Ta≤50°C Cg=15pF, Crystal osc(CI≤25kΩ), Ta=25°C, Fig.8 VHOLD tstt min. 70 Ratings typ. 200 max. 600 60 150 300 10 100 400 300 1000 VDD2-0.2 Unit kΩ V 0.2 VDD2-0.2 VDD2/2 -0.2 VDD2/2 +0.2 0.2 VDD2-1.0 1.0 VDD2-1.5 1.5 VDD2-0.8 0.8 -750 750 2.4 µA V µA To be determined To be determined To be determined To be determined 2.0 V 2.0 VDD2=2.0V, Cg=15pF, Crystal osc(CI≤25kΩ), Ta=25°C, Fig.8 10 s *1 : S1, S2, S3, S4, P10 to P13 *2 : Applied to SEG1 to SEG16 and LCD driver option terminals in SEG17 to SEG32. *3 : Applied to the CMOS or P-ch open drain terminals in SEG17 to SEG32. *4 : Applied to the CMOS terminals in SEG17 to SEG32. *5 : P00 to P03, P10 to P13 *6 : Applied to the CMOS terminals in P00 to P03, P10 to P13. No.6725-16/18 LC573904 Crystal oscillation guaranteed constant A kind of oscillation Producer Oscillator 32.768kHz CITIZEN CFS-308 Crystal oscillation SII DT-VT-200 *Cg must be used J rank (±5%) and CH characteristics. (Note) Cg 16pF (Ag, Li battery version) 15pF (EXT-V version) 15pF •Please place the oscillation-related parts as close to the oscillation pins as possible with the shortest possible pattern length since the circuit pattern affects the oscillation frequency. •If you use other oscillators herein, we provide no guarantee for the characteristics. OSCIN RCIN OSCOUT RCOUT Rext Figure1 Cg Cext VSS VSS Crystal oscillation circuit Figure 2 RC oscillation circuit Cg 0.1µF Cext Rext CUP1 VSS CUP2 DUT OSCIN OSCOUT RCIN VDD1 RCOUT VDD2 Program-applied 0.1µF VSS Figure3 Input configuration of S1-4, P10-13 Figure 4 Current dissipation, step-up voltage measurement VDD1 Cg CUP2 Cext Rext Figure5 VSS OSCIN DUT OSCOUT RCIN VDD1 RCOUT VDD2 Oscillator start-up voltage, oscillator startup time, oscillator sustaining voltage measurement Figure 6 Input configuration of P00-03, P10-13 No.6725-17/18 LC573904 0.1µF 0.1µF Cext BAK CUP1 CUP2 RCIN Rext Figure7 VSS DUT Cg Cg OSCIN OSCOUT CUP2 Cext RCIN VDD1 Rext RCOUT VDD2 RCOUT VSS OSCIN DUT OSCOUT BAK VDD1 VDD2 0.1µF Current dissipation, step-down voltage measurement Figure 8 Oscillator start-up voltage, oscillator start-up time, oscillator sustaining voltage measurment VDD2 Figure9 Input configuration P00-03, P10-13 [Note] The specifications above are for a die mounted in a QFP64 type package. The specifications for a die is almost same as ones for a QFP type package basically. However, the operational characteristics may vary depending on the user’s assembling method. Therefore, the operating temperature range for a die is specified only in Ta=25°C±2°C. PS No.6725-18/18