UTC 2N3773/2N6099 P O W E R TRANSISTOR COMPLEMENTARY SILICON TRANSISTORS The 2N3773/2N6099 are power-base power transistors designed for high power audio, disk head positions and other linear applications. These device can be used in power switching circuits such as relay or solened drivers, DC to DC converters or inverts. FEATURES *High safe operating area(100 tested) 150W and 100V *Complement Characterized for linear operation *High DC Current Gain and low saturation voltage Hfe=15(8A 4V) Vce(sat)=1.4V(Ic=8A,Ib=0.8A) *For Low Distortion Complementary Designs TO-3 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (Ta=25°C, unless otherwise specified ) PARAMETERS Collector-base voltage Collector-emitter voltage Emitter-base voltage Collector-emitter voltage Total Power dissipation Tc=25°C Dertate above 25°C Collector current continuous Peak Base current continuous Peak Thermal resistance Junction to Case Storage Temperature UTC SYMBOL VALUE UNITS VCBO VCEO VEBO VCEX Pc 160 140 7 160 V V V V 150 0.855 W W/°C 16 30 A A 4 15 1.17 -65 ~ +200 A A °C/W °C Ic IB RθJC TSTG UNISONIC TECHNOLOGIES CO. LTD 1 QW-R205-001,A UTC 2N3773/2N6099 P O W E R TRANSISTOR ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Ta=25°C, unless otherwise specified) PARAMETER SYMBOL TEST CONDITIONS MIN OFF CHARACTERISTICS Collector-Base Breakdown Voltage Collector-Emitter Sustaining Voltage BVCBO BVCEX 140 160 V V Collector-Emitter Sustaining Voltage BVCER 150 V Collector Cut-off Current Emitter Cut-off Current Collector Cut-off Current ICBO IEBO ICEX Ic=0.2A,Ib=0 Ic=0.1A,Vbe(OFF)=1.5V Rbe=100Ω Ic=0.1A Rbe=100Ω VCB=140V,IE=0 VBE=7V,Ic=0 VCE=140V,VBE(off)=1.5V VCE=140V,VBE(off)=1.5V ,Tc=150°C 15 5 VBE(on) VCE=4V,Ic=8A VCE=4V,Ic=16A Ic=8A,IB=800mA Ic=16A,IB=3.2A Ic=8A, VCE=4V hFE |hFE| Ic=1A,VCE=4V,f=1kHz Ic=1A,f=50kHz 40 4 Is/b t=1s(non-repetive),VCE=100V 1.5 OFF CHARACTERISTICS DC current gain(note) Collector-emitter saturation voltage Base-emitter saturation voltage DYNAMIC CHARACTERISTICS Small Signal Current Gain Magnitade of commom-Emitter small signal,short circuit forward current transfer ratio Second breakdown collector with base forward biased UTC hFE1 hFE2 VCE(sat) TYP MAX 2 5 UNIT 2 mA mA mA 10 mA 60 1.4 4 2.2 V V A UNISONIC TECHNOLOGIES CO. LTD 2 QW-R205-001,A UTC 2N3773/2N6099 P O W E R TRANSISTOR TYPICAL PARAMETERS PERFORAMCES 2N3773 2N6609 Figure 1 DC current gain Figure 2 DC current gain 1000 1000 VCE=4V 10 0 -55°C 25°C 150°C 10 DC current Gain DC current Gain VCE=4V 10 0 150°C 25°C -55°C 10 1 1 0.1 1 10 100 0.1 1 Collector Current (A) Figure 3 Collecor saturation region 1.6 Ta=25°C Ic=16A Ic=8A 0.8 Ic=4A 0.4 1.6 Ta=25°C Ic=16A 1.2 0.8 Ic=8A 0.4 Ic=4A 0 0 0.01 0.1 1 10 0.01 Base current (A) 0.1 1 10 Base current (A) Figure 5 "ON" Voltage Figure 6 "ON" Voltage 2.0 2.0 Ic/Ib=10 1.6 VBE(sat) 1.2 Ta=25°C 0.8 Ta=150°C 0.4 Ta=25°C Ic/Ib=10 1.6 Voltage (V) Voltage (V) 100 Figure 4 Collecor saturation region 2.0 Collector-emitter voltage (V) Collector-emitter voltage (V) 2.0 1.2 10 Collector Current (A) VBE(sat) 1.2 Ta=25°C 0.8 Ta=150°C VCE(sat) Ta=25°C Ta=150°C 0 VCE(sat) 0.4 Ta=150°C 0 0.1 UTC 1 10 100 0.1 1 10 100 UNISONIC TECHNOLOGIES CO. LTD 3 QW-R205-001,A UTC 2N3773/2N6099 P O W E R TRANSISTOR Figure 7 Turn-on Switching times 10 Figure 8 Turn-off Switching times Tr 0.1 Ts DC current Gain 2N6609 1 Time (µs) 10 2N3773 Ta=25°C Ic/Ib=10 VCE=30V 1 Tf 0.1 Ta=25°C Ic/Ib=10 Ib1=Ib2 VCE=30V Td 0.01 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 0.1 Collector Current (A) Figure 9 Current gain bandwidth product 10 100 Figure 10 Capacitances 1.0 Collector-emitter voltage (V) 1 Collector Current (A) 10000 Capacitance (pF) 0.8 Ta=25°C 0.6 0.4 Cib 1000 Ta=25°C Cob 100 0.2 10 0 0.1 1 10 1 10 100 Base current (A) Collector Current (A) Figure 11 Thermal response Effective transient thermal resistance(normallized) 1 0.5 Duty Cycle, Q=t1/t2 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.05 0.02 0.01 t1 Single pulse t2 t2 0.01 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 Time(ms) UTC UNISONIC TECHNOLOGIES CO. LTD 4 QW-R205-001,A UTC 2N3773/2N6099 P O W E R TRANSISTOR UTC assumes no responsibility for equipment failures that result from using products at values that exceed, even momentarily, rated values (such as maximum ratings, operating condition ranges, or other parameters) listed in products specifications of any and all UTC products described or contained herein. UTC products are not designed for use in life support appliances, devices or systems where malfunction of these products can be reasonably expected to result in personal injury. Reproduction in whole or in part is prohibited without the prior written consent of the copyright owner. The information presented in this document does not form part of any quotation or contract, is believed to be accurate and reliable and may be changed without notice. UTC UNISONIC TECHNOLOGIES CO. LTD 5 QW-R205-001,A