Reference Design Data Sheet (October 1998) IRMDAC3 IR2233 Reference Design Kit: Product Description 3-Phase 460VAC 3HP Motor Drive Fig 1: IRMDAC3 Hardware The IRMDAC3 Reference Design is a kit of parts that work together as an evaluation platform for IR2233 three phase motor control IC and IRPT2062A power module. User connects three phase AC, drive signals, motor and hall sensors to complete the system. Power hook-up is via terminal blocks and control signals are made using a single in line header. · · · · · · · · · · How the IR2233 Control IC Adds Value Monolithic HVIC Integrates Control and Drive Yields Compact, Robust, Economical Designs Allows Elegant, Convenient System Partition Compatible with Short Circuit, Ground Fault and Over-Temperature Protection Schemes How the Power Module Adds Value Integration of All Inverter Power Components; Low Parasitic Coupling = High Performance Current Sensing Shunts in DC Feed and Return Onboard Temperature Sensor Easily Mounted Package Short Circuit Rated, Ultrafast IGBT Gen #4 Wide Operating Temperature Range Metal Base gives Excellent Thermal Transfer and Isolation to 2500V RMS KEY Signal Power Physical Heatsink IGBT Power Module 2 Host PCB 1,3 Control Rotor Position Sense M 3 2 Kit Content 1 Host PCB for Input Processing and Control 2 IRPT2062A Integrated Power Module 3 IR2233 Three Phase Motor Control IC Technical Contact and License Detail Schematic and PCB Layout Data Bill of Materials and Supplier Information System Features · · · · · · · · System Block Diagram Fig 2 USER KIT 1 460V Three Phase AC Inlet, 50/60Hz Convenient Signal and Power Terminations Inrush Current Limit and Surge Suppression Integral +15V and +5V Bias Supplies DC Bus Voltage and Current Feedback 150% Overload Capability (1 Minute) Optimized Drive for Power Module Includes Brake Switch and Drive Fig 3 IRMDAC3 Host PCB Bottom Layer Reference Design Data Sheet (October 1998) IRMDAC3 IRMDAC3 Kit Overview and System Benefits · When furnished with user-provided logic level control signals, the IRMDAC3 forms a complete reference design for a 3HP AC motor. Unlike outdated circuits based upon transformer drive or opto-couplers, the system uses International Rectifier proprietary level-shifting gate drive circuits integrated within the IR2233J Control IC. Separation of gate drive / control and low-voltage circuits from the power module included in the kit results in a compact, effecient system. The user benfits from immediate hands-on experience and may customize at will using shematics and circuit ideas as the basis for production designs. · Gate drive, control and protection circuits are designed to closely match the operating characteristics of the power semiconductors. This allows power losses to be minimized and power rating to be enhanced to a greater extent than is possible by designing with individual components. 1. Host PCB Description The host PCB receives power input from a 3-phase line and control signals provided by the user. In conjuntion with the power module the result is a flexible power conversion system, primarily designed for interface with a 3HP Motor, however other 3-phase loads may also be applied. The host PCB supports soft-start function which reduces inrush current by using an NTC thermistor. Surge suppression is implemented using MOV’s as a further degree of protection. Also on-board is a regulated low voltage power supply to provide bias for the IR2233J and other low voltage components. When connected to the power module, the unit is fully protected against overcurrent and ground faults through DC bus voltage and current feedback. Over-temperature is guarded against through feedback from a thermistor embedded within the power module. A 16-pin single in line header connector is provided to interface control signals and two terminal blocks connect 3-phase AC inlet and output to the load. The user provides 5V CMOS / TTL level signals which are then processed by the IR2233J Control IC and delivered to the power module. Signals Available to User In addition to availability of bias supplies derived for the host PCB, signals from the power module circuits and those derived and processed on the host PCB such as fault status are available to the user. Current feedback signal from the low side shunt is available on the IFB pin at 0.025V/A. If filtering of this signal is required to remove noise, a high impedance buffer stage should be inserted between signal and filter. DC bus voltage feedback is provided on the VFB pin. This reference is been scaled down by a factor of 100 and should be protected with a high impedance buffer stage. Fault Behavior. The system is designed to tolerate overload conditions for one minute. The user should prevent such conditions persisting beyond this period. In the event of shutdown initiated by ground-fault, overcurrent or over-temperature, the inverter outputs are terminated and an LED will light to signal this condition. For more information on fault response for IR2233J, please consult the data sheet. Reference Design Data Sheet (October 1998) IRMDAC3 Brake Function In order to use the integrated brake switch, an external power resistor should be connected between pins BR and P of terminal block J5. This resistor should be dimensioned for desired braking performance. Carefully choose the value of this component to ensure the brake IGBT integrated within the power module remains below its maximum current capability. 2. Power Module Description The power module integrates all rectifiers, ultra-fast short circuit rated IGBTs, fast recovery commutation diodes , brake IGBT and other processing components needed for a 3HP Motor Drive or other loads requiring a 3-phase variable frequency and/or PWM drive. Semiconductor dice are mounted on a thermally effecient substrate and housed within a convenient, potted module. When connected to the host PCB, the power components become configured as a 3-phase input bridge rectifier, and IGBT inverter with current sensing shunt resistors. An NTC thermistor is bonded to the substrate to furnish the host PCB with accurate temperature reading. A galvanically isolated metal backplate provides excellent thermal coupling to an external heatsink, which is necessary for fullload operation. Circuit Layout within the module is carefully designed to minimize inductance in the power path, reduce noise during inverter operation and to improve inverter efficiency. The IR2233 host board should be soldered to the power module pins to complete the assembly. For detailed electrical specifications, please refer to the power module datasheet. Reference Design Data Sheet (October 1998) IRMDAC3 Power Module Mounting and Hook-up Instructions 1. 2. 3. 4. Remove all particles and grit from the heatsink and power substrate Spread a thin layer of silicone grease on the heatsink, covering the entire area that the power substrate will occupy Place the power substrate onto the heatsink with the mounting holes aligned and press firmly into the grease Place the 2XM4 mounting screws and tighten to 1NM torque External Connections All input and output control connections are made via a 16-terminal single in line connector J6. Three phase input connections are made to terminals R,S and T of J1. Inverter output terminal connections are made to terminals U,V and W of J7. Positive DC Bus and brake IGBT collector connections are available on terminals P and BR respectively of J5. An external power resistor may be connected between P and BR to dissipate braking energy. Power-Up Procedure Upon application of 3-phase input power, PWM inputs must be held high until the protection latch circuitry is reset. To reset this latch before inverter start-up, RESET pin on J6 connector must be pulled down low for at least 2usec. This will set the Fault feedback signal on J6 high. PWM input signals may then be actively driven. Figure 4 Signal Connector J6 Figure 5 Power Terminal Blocks Figure 6 Power Module Mounting Screw Sequence J1 1 VDD +5V 2 VCC +15V 3 N [DC bus (-) ] 4 IN1 5 IN2 6 IN3 7 IN4 8 IN5 9 IN6 10 IN7 11 FAULT 12 IFB 13 VFB 14 RESET 15 STOP 16 NC 1 R 2 S 3 T J5 1 BR 2 P J7 1 U 2 V 3 W 1 2 Reference Design Data Sheet (October 1998) IRMDAC3 Mechanical Details Figure 7 6.90 [175.26] 3.42 [86.82] .50 [12.7] CAPACITOR 1 2 2.50 [64.77] J6 3 1 J1 2 1 2 3 J7 J5 1.50 [38.1] CAPACITOR CAPACITOR J1 1 2 J5 3 1 J7 2 1 IGBT MODULE 2 3 .500 [12.70] 2.05 [52.07] 2 X 1.4dia [35.56] 4.65 [118.11] CAPACITOR 3.40 [86.36] CAPACITOR 16 CAPACITOR 1 PCB Reference Design Data Sheet (October 1998) IRMDAC3 Figure 8: Effeciency Maximization Charts Extract From Module Data Sheet Reference Design Data Sheet (October 1998) IRMDAC3 IGBT POWER MODULE RS1 RT Q1 Q7 Q2 Q3 Q5 Q4 Q6 RS2 R S T N RP P G7 IS4 IS3 B R IS1 IS2 G 1 E 1 G 2 E 2 G3 E3 G4 E4 G5 E5 G6E6 U V W R S T N RP P G7 IS4 IS3 B R IS1 IS2 G 1 E 1 G 2 E 2 G3 E3 G4 E4 G5 E5 G6 E6 U V W RT1 RT2 RT1 RT2 VCC PROTECTION CIRCUIT TRIP IR2233J BRAKE DRIVER SWITCHING POWER SUPPLY J1 R 3 S φ INPUT T J5 J6 P BR U V D D V C C N R E S E T V F B IFB IN7 F A U L T IN1 IN2 IN3 IN4 IN5 IN6 S T O P +5V +15V IR2233 DRIVER BOARD 3 V W φ OUTPUT J7 Reference Design Data Sheet (October 1998) IRMDAC3 Figure 9: Technical Specifications @ Tc=25C Unless Stated Otherwise P arameter Value C ondi ti on P OWE R INP UTS Voltage 460Vrms- 20% + 10% Frequency 50 / 60 Hz C urrent 8.26A RMS @ Nomi nal Full Load S urge Max: 150A P eak Ta=40C , RthS A = 0.42C / Watt Li ne Impedance 4% to 8% Recommended Li ne Reactor Requi red for S ource Input Impedance <4% P OWE R OUTP UTS Voltage 0-460Vrms P ower 3HP (2.2K W) Nomi nal P ower 150% Overload for 1 Mi nute V i n=460VA C , Fpwm=4K Hz, Fo=60Hz, Ta=40C , RthS A =0.42C / Watt ZthS A Li mi ts Temp Ri se D uri ng Overload C urrent 5.9A rms Nomi nal, 8.85A rms Overload B rake 10.5A Maxi mum C urrent /In1../In7,/Reset 5V Maxi mum (A cti ve Low) C MOS , LS TTL or Open C ollector C ompati ble S top 5V Maxi mum (A cti ve Hi gh) C MOS , LS TTL D eadti me 0.2uS ec Mi ni mum S ee IR2233 D ata 1.0 uS ec Li mi ted only by B ootstrap C apaci tor. S ee D esi gn Ti p 98-2 C ONTROL INP UTS Mi ni mum Input P ulse Wi dth P ROTE C TION Output C urrent Tri p Level 28A P eak +/- 10% Ground Fault Tri p Level 50A P eak +/- 10% Over-Temperature Tri p 100C +/- 5% C ase Temperature Over-Voltage Tri p Level 850V +/- 10% Maxi mi um P ersi stance 30S ec Maxi mum D C Li nk Voltage 800V Maxi mi um P ersi stance 30S ec Mi ni mum D C Li nk Voltage 150V To Mai ntai n A uxi lli ary S upply S hort C i rcui t Response Ti me 2.5Usec Li ne to Li ne or Li ne to B us FE E D B A C K C urrent (Ifb) 0.025V /A bus Typi cal B us Voltage (V fb) 0.010V /V bus Typi cal Fault Feedback (/Fault) 5V Maxi mum (A cti ve Low) C MOS or LS TTL C ompati ble A UX ILLIA RY S UP P LY V cc 15V +/- 10% V dd 5V +/- 5% Icc+Idd 60mA A vai lable to User 2500VA C 60Hz for 1 Mi nute P i n to B aseplate Isolati on P OWE R MOD ULE Isolati on Voltage Operati ng C ase Temp -20C to +95C 95% RH Max (Non C ondensi ng) Mounti ng Torque 1 Newton Metre M4 S crew 0 to 40C Recommended Wi th Heatsi nk 95% RH Max (Non C ondensi ng) S YS TE M E NV IRONME NT A mbi ent Operati ng Temp Reference Design Data Sheet (October 1998) IRMDAC3 WORLD HEADQUARTERS: 233 Kansas St., El Segundo, California USA 90245: Tel: (310) 322 3331 EUROPEAN HEADQUARTERS: Hurst Green, Oxted, Surrey RH8 9BB, United Kingdom: Tel: ++ 44 1883 732020 IR CANADA: 7321 Victoria Park Ave., Suite 201, Markham, Ontario L3R 2Z8: Tel: (905) 475 1897 IR GERMANY: Saalburgstrasse 157, 61350 Bad Homburg Tel: ++ 49 6172 96590 IIR ITALY: Via Liguria 49, 10071 Borgaro, Torino Tel: ++ 39 11 451 0111 IR FAR EAST: 171 (K&H Bldg.), 30-4 Nishi-ikebukuro 3-Chome, Toshima-ku, Tokyo, Japan Tel: 81 3 3983 0086 IR SOUTHEAST ASIA: 315 Outram Road, #10-02 Tan Boon Liat Building, Singapore 0316 Tel: 65 221 8371 Worldwide Web Sales Offices, Agents and Distributors in Major Cities Throughout the World. © 1998 International Rectifier Printed in U.S.A. / Author: J.E.Parry Data and specifications subject to change without notice.