COTCO LUMINANT DEVICE (HUIZHOU) LTD. SPECIFICATION FOR COTCO LED LAMP Document No : Model No: Rev. No : Date: SPE/LD-301DYL1-B0-MT LD-301DYL1-B0-MT 03 2006-08-29 Description: 3 x 3mm, QFN Type, High Power Amber LED For Illumination, Clear Compound Encapsulated. *This specification is only for MT Dice Material: AlGaInP Confirmed by Customer: Date: ATTENTION OBSERVE PRECAUTIONS ELECTROSTATIC SENSITIVE DEVICES For part availability and ordering information please call Toll Free: 800.984.5337 Website: | Email: Document No. SPE/LD-301DYL1-B0-MT Rev. No. 03 Features Package Outline - High luminous flux output for illumination - Exposed pad design for excellent heat transfer - Designed for high current operation - Reflow soldering applicable Absolute Maximum Ratings at Ta = 25°C (on metal core PCB)* Items Symbol Absolute maximum Rating Unit Forward Current IF 100 mA Peak Forward Current** IFP 200 mA Reverse Voltage VR 5 V Power Dissipation PD 360 mW Operation Temperature Topr -40 ~ +85 °C Storage Temperature Tstg -40 ~ +85 °C Junction Temperature Tj +110 °C Junction-to-Ambient*** θja 220 °C/W Junction-to-Case*** θjc 85 °C/W A TOP VIEW B C SIDE VIEW A : CATHODE B : HEAT SINK C : ANODE BACK VIEW ALL DIMENSION IS IN mm *Metal core PCB defines as good heat transmission substrate (thickness of 1.7mm Al-based PCB in 12x12mm, θjc <85°C/W could do) ** Where pulse width <= 0.1msec, duty cycle <= 1/10 *** Rth test condition: mounted on 1.7mm Al-based PCB in size of 12x12mm Typical Electrical & Optical Characteristics at Ta = 25°C (on metal core PCB)* Items Symbol Condition Forward Voltage VF IF = 100mA Reverse Current IR VR = 5V lumen Luminous Flux Dominant Wavelength 50% Power Angle Min. Typ. Max. Unit 2.8 3.6 V --- --- 10 µA IF = 100mA 5.2 7 --- lm λD IF = 100mA 588 594 600 nm 2 θ½ IF = 100mA --- 110 --- deg 2/4 Format #: COTCO-D-074 REV.4 Document No. SPE/LD-301DYL1-B0-MT Rev. No. 03 Standard bins for LD-301DYL1-B0-MT (IF = 100mA): Lamps are sorted to Luminous flux –lm, VF & Dominant Wavelength –λD bins shown. Orders for LD-301DYL1-B0-MT may be filled with any or all bins contained as below. All Luminous flux–lm, VF & Dominant Wavelength –λD values shown and specified are at IF =100mA. *G+ K or above Luminous flux (lm) 12 lm J 9 lm H 7 lm G 5.2 lm 588 nm 592nm 596nm 600 nm Dominant Wavelength (λD) * G+ indicates Luminous Flux is at G bin or above. Voltage Combination (IF = 100mA) Rank V2 V3 V4 V5 Voltage (V) 2.0-2.4V 2.4-2.8V 2.8-3.2V 3.2-3.6V Wavelength Combination (IF = 100mA) Rank X3 X4 X5 Wavelength (nm) 588 – 592 592 – 596 596 – 600 Important Notes: 1) All ranks will be included per delivery; rank ratio will be based on Dices distribution. 2) Pb content < 1000PPM. 3) Tolerance of measurement of luminous flux is ±10% 4) Tolerance of measurement of dominant wavelength is ±1nm. 5) Tolerance of measurement of Vf is ±0.1 V. 6) Packaging methods are available for selection, please refer to PACKAGING STANDARD. 7) Please refer to LED LAMP RELIABILITY TEST STANDARD for reliability test conditions. 8) Please refer to APPLICATION NOTES for Application Notes. 3/4 Format #: COTCO-D-074 REV.4 Document No. SPE/LD-301DYL1-B0-MT Rev. No. 03 Graphs If (mA) 120.0 100.0 80.0 60.0 40.0 20.0 0.0 Vf(V) 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3.0 3.2 FIG.1 FORWARD CURRENT VS. FORWARD VOLTAGE. RELATIVE LUMINOUS FLUX 1.2 Half Power ΔWL=20nm Domi WL=594nm 1.0 0.8 100% 0.6 75% 0.4 50% 0.2 25% 0.0 0.0 If(mA) 20 40 60 80 100 0% WL(nm) 400 120 500 600 700 800 FIG.3 RELATIVE LUMINOUS FLUX VS. WAVELENGTH. FIG.2 FORWARD CURRENT. IF(mA) 120 100 50% Power Angle : 110° Ie(%) 0° 80 100% 60 80% 60% θja=220° C /W 40 40% 20 20% T ( C) 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 -90° FIG.4 MAXIMUM FORWARD DC CURRENT VS TEMPERATURE DERATING BASED ON Tjmax=110°C Items -60° -30° 0° 30° 60° 90° 0% FIG.5 FAR FIELD PATTERN Signatures Date Prepared by WangFJ 2006-08-29 Rev.No Date Change Description Checked by WangXM 2006-08-29 02 06-07-12 Added 3.2-3.6 vf bin Approved by David 2006-08-29 03 FCN# Revision History 2006-08-29 Change lumen bin range and rank from C,D,E(min)5.0 to G,H,J(min)5.2 FCN20060297 Data is subject to change without prior notice; Copyright@2002 Cotco International Ltd. 4/4 Format #: COTCO-D-074 REV.4