4若发应再挣 (<8手元!J侍应用 hOOO$6 月第 2 卷第 6 期 GreenLine™小型廉价功率因数控制器 MC33260 的持点及应用 摘 山东省临沂市电子工业局 毛兴武祝大卫 (276004) 山东省临沂市计算机公司 张润领 要摩托罗拉公司近期推出的i>FC 控制器 MC33260 ,是一种廉价的创新型羊片 IC o MC33260 在 开关电源或电子镇流器应用中,只需很少量的外部元件,就可实现一切所必需的控制与保护功能。本 文介绍了 MC33260 的结构、特点及功能,重点介绍了其应用情况。 关键词 PFC 控制器羊片 IC 表 1 列出的是 MC33260 的引脚功能 09 一、序言 表 自本世纪 80 年代中期至今,功率因数校正 (PFC) 控制器单片 IC 已达几十个品种。 PFC 单片 IC 脚号 该脚用作接收正比于预变换器输出电压的一 1 反馈输入 该脚与地之间连接一只电容,用作调节控制带 2 电压控制 宽。为得到非畸变输入电流,带宽瘟常设定在 20Hz 以下。 范围在 300W 以上,直至 4.5KW 。从全球开关电源和 电子镇流器负载容量看,至少有 70% 在 150W 以下。 个电流,覆行电压调整和过电压、欠电压保护 功能。该脚输入电流在内部自乘后用作振荡器 电容充电电流。 两大类。其中前者适用于 300W 以下,尤其是 100W 以下的 PFC 预调整器中作为控制器,后者适用功率 说明 功能 从 PFC 预变换器中(升压)电感电流传导方式上分, 主要有断续传导模式 (DCM) 和连续传导模式 (CCM) MC33260 引脚符号及功能说明 3 振荡电容 ( CT) 因此, DCM 功率因数控制器占主导地位。 该电路采用开通时间控制方式。通过 CT 电压 与控制电压比较,来控制开通时间。 CT 由平方 后的反馈输水电流充电。 过零电流检测输入。该脚接收一个正比于通过 电感器电流的负电压信号,并通过一只电流检 在目前所有 DCM 功率因数控制器 IC 中,尤其是 测电阻实现。只要该脚电压在 -60mV 之下,零 电流检测则阻止重新开始。该脚还用作履行峰 值电流限制 σ 连接该脚与外部电流检测电阻之 间的电阻可用作编程过电流门限。 4 零电流检测 输入 5 同步输入 也可以是电子镇流器等。 6 接地 二、内部结构及引脚功能 7 栅极驱动 栅极驱动器输出;适于驱动外部的一只 IGBT 或功率 MOSFET 。 8 Vcc IC 电源电压。 Vα 启动门限为 11 :1: 1. 3V ,在门 限开通后禁能电压为 8.5 土1. 1V 。 采用 8 脚封装的 PFC 控制器 IC 中,功能最齐全、价格 最低的当属摩托罗拉公司 1999 年推出的创新型 MC33260 。该 PFC 单片 IC 适用于国际供电电路, AC 输入电压从 90V 到 270V ,而且负载既可以是 SMPS , MC33260 采用 8 脚 DIP 塑料封装,引脚排列如 图l( a) 所示。图l( b) 为 MC33260 的内部结构框图。 同步化输入。该脚为接收干个同步信号而设 计,例如,它能使 PFC 预变换器与 SMPS 同 步。、如果不用,该脚必须接地。 该脚必须连接到预调整器的地。 三、主要电气性能及特点 ~ 反馈输入 1 1 1 。 1I1'lli~ I ~ r-v Y I I IIII !. VJO~12 ._ ~ . 1.主要电气特性 71 栅极驱动 ~I 3 MC33260 的最大额定参数如下: 振荡电容 电流检测输川 4 (1)最大额定参数 51 同步输入 脚 7 栅极驱动电流 源电流 [0 (source) 图l( a) 封装及引脚排列 .1 …...…………… .........500mA 灌电流Io ('ink) ………......................…… 500mA .. 11 GreeoLioe™小型廉份功率因巍栓俄J .a MC33260 筒精点反应用 Vo Current Mirror α← 3 民 l @2 nt Ol nu VA r llV/8.5V s'5 vdnC Current Sense 4 Vcc OutpuCCtrl MC33260 图 1 (b) " MC33260 内部结构的框图 脚 8 最高电源电压 VCC(m田)……........…… .....16V 极驱动输出电压上升和下降时间均为 5008 0 输入电压Vin .......……………….......... - 0.3 -IOV 2. 主要特点 •..•........... 600mW ur 一般特征 最大功耗 (@T A = 85 "C) PD 最高工作结温旦.................…...... .... 工作环境温度 TA 150"C ........….......... - 40 - 105 "C (2 )主要电特性简述 MC33260 的启动门限电压典型值是 llV( 带 2.5V 的滞后) ,启动电源电流不大于 0.25 mA,工作电 流(@ 1 脚 1 =200μA) Icc~三 8mA( 典型值是 4mA)0 IC 脚 4 的零电流检测比较器门限电压为 -60mV( 典型 值) ,脚 7 上的同步门限电压为 1 :t O. 2V ,脚 1 上过电 压保护高电流电平门限为 13 :t 5μA ,热关闭门限为 150"C (带 30"C滞后)。振荡器最大摆幅是 lJ :t O. lV , CT 充、放电电流典型值分别为 100μA 和 400μA 。栅 12 ·标准恒定输出电压或"后随升压"模式; ·开关型操作:电压模式; ·自锁 PWM ,逐周开通时间控制; ·固定开通时间操作,可节省一个附加 的乘法器; ·图腾柱(推挽)输出栅极驱动; ·随滞后欠电压闭锁; ·低启动和工作电流; ·同步化能力: ·内部微调基准电流源。 (2 )安全特征 . V且 LH O JFrt--w 〈也手元.!S<非启用 hOOO$6 月第 2 卷 4发应用脚 第6期 VEFL·-plihvLWBEιFIBS' ·在每个引脚上 ESD 保护。 ·过电压保护:输出过电压检测; ·欠电压保护:开环保护; 四、工作原理与功能 ·有效的零电流检测; MC33260 典型应用布排如图 2 所示。在图 2 中, ·精密与可调最大开通时间限制; 飞 负载可以是 SMPS ,也可以是电子镇流器等。 FJV}LP·' 』 ·过电流保护; 』p''ipLPK·-··viph' 滤波电容器 。 SNmSE Ro Rocp rh CT MC33260 典型应用 图 2 振荡器包含充电、放电和等候三种状态。 1.电压调整 在 PFC 预变换器 DC 输出电压 VO 与 MC33260 脚 1 之间,连接一只电阻此, 振荡器充电电流为: /charge 以获取一个反馈电流 VO - vi脚 1 R了一 、‘,,,, _ 'EA 反馈电流与内部参考电流/,ef 比较,使输出电压 压超过 ( VO) 吨H 时,反馈电流应等于内部电流源 I吨H 。因此: (2) JIIIi 由于脚 1 钳位电压值与 ( Vo) 吨H 比较是可以忽略 的, /,egH 典型值为 200μA , Ro 的计算公式可简化为: =5 X ( VO) ,egH( k11) (3) 一旦 Ro 确定,输出电压调整电平则由此调 节。调整单元输出通过一只 300kfi 的电阻连接到 IC , 脚 2 ,脚 2 上电压 (Vcontrol) 与振荡器锯齿波进行比较, 以实现 PWM 控制。脚 2 到地的一只电容,用于外部 环路补偿。为抑制主频率 ( 100/120Hz) 输出纹波,补 偿带宽应设定在 20Hz 以下。 2. 振荡器 )2 因此,上面等式可简化为: _ 2X 阿 Rõ 卜---- 'cn"'ge X /rer t (5) 振荡器有一个内部电容 Cint (1 5PF) ,总电容应 是 CT 与 Cint 之和,即 C 脚 3 O ),eidl - V Ro = (\V .Oheidl .JI!II 1 1"唔;H Ro vi脚 1 V 脚 I 在 2.5V 的范围之内,与 VO 比较非常之小, 调整电平在( VO) ,efL与( Vo) ,egH 之间的变化。当输出电 , (4) Rõ X /ref iE飞 T =2 X Pr/ /rer _1X (Vo - I 脚 10 反馈电流的数值由下式给出: 2脚 1- 事 = CT + Cint o 3.PWM 闭锁 IC 在电压模式下工作,调整单元输出(民ontrol- V 脚 2) 与振荡器锯齿波电压比较,直到振荡器斜波超过 忆。ntml 之前,栅极驱动电压信号(脚 7) 是高电平。开通 时间由下式给出 儿 - C脚二×忆。ntrol (6) lch缸雹β 将式 (5)代入式 (4) ,可得: tnn = RÕX/'efXC脚 3 X VControl 2x 陀 (7) 当 Vcontrol 最大时(典型值是1. 5V) ,开通时间 最大。对于给定的仇,最大开通时间由式 (8) 给出: 13 GreenLine™ 小型廉份功率困或控制系 MC33260 的精点反应用 /-M E一、 一 l E也 o-oEl-n HZ -m- (8) 10VPH , 栅极驱动信号在反馈电流低于第二个电平 10VPL 之前,则维持低电平。过电平保护上门限为: E 「llJ 叫"- FA- 、 /飞-×- 「 L -q0 一 c脚 3 , ×一忡忡。甘- 脚一脚一 221 -F= h一切一2 -uu-X R-R pu-ru-20-20×-qh× J-E max ×一× 0n 、、自/ J'E‘、 4'U VOVPH = V 脚 l+(Rox/oVPH) 由于 V 脚 1~2.5V ,是可以忽略的。若 Ro 单位是 XRõ MO ,/oVPH 是 μ A ,式 (12) 可简化为: 阿 xKosc VOVPH = Ro 式 (8) 中 , Kocs 为振荡器增商上的摆幅比率。 X IOVPH (V) VOVPL 这对于用作升压操作是非常适宜的。 = V 脚 1 + ( Ro x lovpd "'" Ro(MO) x 4. 电流检测 流经升压电感器(L)的电流通过电流检测电阻 (13) 另一方面, OVP 的下门限是: 从式 (8) 可以看出,最大开通时间与 V 2 0 成反比, loVPL( μA) (V) (1 4) 8. 欠电压保护 (UVP) 与欠电压锁定 (UVLO) 当反馈电流低于Iref 的 140毛时,被 UVP 电路检 Rcs 变换为一个电压信号。 Rcs 两端的(负)电压与 ι 测。此情况下, PWM 问锁复位,功率开关关断。当忽略 成正比: Vcs = -(Rcs-/d (9) V 脚 l 时, UVP 门限为: VUVP = Ro(MO) x Rιs 上的电压信号经一只电阻 Rocp 施加到 IC 脚 e (12) luvp( μA) (V) (1 5) 4 。只要脚 4 上的电压一低于 -60mV ,电流传感比较 IC 内的 UVLO 比较器监测脚 8 上的电压。只要 器就复位 PWM 问锁,迫使栅极驱动信号为低电平, VCC > 11V , IC 则被激活。当 Vcc 降低到 8.δV 以下时, 功率开关 MOSFET 或 (IGBT) 截止。在开通期间,脚 4 IC 则失能 O 电路在关断状态下,电流消耗不大于 上的信号被用作过电流限制。 100μA 。 5. 过零电流检测 9. 热关闭 只要电流检测电阻 Rcs 上的电压 Vcs 一低于电 如果 IC 结温超过 150"C, IC 则关闭其栅极驱动 流传感比较器的门限 ( -60mV) ,栅极驱动信号则保 输出。当结温降至 120 "C以下时, IC 则再次被启动,能 持低电平,功率 MOSFET 则关断。一旦升压电感器上 产生输出驱动信号。 的高频开关(振荡)电流降低到 600mV / Rcs 以下,亦 10. 同步化 即接过于零时, IC 则驱动功率 MOSFET 由截止跃变 MC33260 有两种工作模式: 到开通状态。在电感电流从零增大到其峰值之前, (1)自由振荡 (free running) 断续模式:在升压电 MOSFET 则一直导通。只要电感电流沿斜坡增大到其 感器中的电流一降为零,功率开关则开通,下一个周 峰值, MOSFET 则开始关断,并一直维持到电感电流 期则开始。该模式的获得是通过 IC 脚 5 接地实现 沿向下的斜坡降至零之前。 的。 6. 过电流保护 (ocp) (2) 同步化模式: IC 脚 5 上的电压只要超过 lV 在功率开关导通时,一个电流源施加到脚 4 ,在 Rocp 两端产生 1 个电压降 VocPo Rcs 与 VO ω 之和与 b. 通过最后一个同步上升沿跨越 lV 的门限,先 ιιk山叩 =i晶川 前的开通已被跟随。 式(1 0ω) 中 , ι 1,忡阳m叩曰为过电流门限 , loc 创CP = 却 2 05μA 。由于 Vocp>60mV ,故式 (10) 可简化为: Roc/kO) Rcs\O) (11) 部不必设置任何滤波电容。 ,/ 反馈电流 10 与门限电流 10VPH 比较,如果超过 14 由于同步信号能延长功率开关关断时间,因此, 为保证同步化操作,要求电流周期(开通时间+电感 由于 IC 内设计了前沿消隐 (LEB) 电路,脚 4 外 7. 过电压保护 (OVp) 个条件满足之前,功率开关不能开通: a. 零电流被检测; 一 60mV 相比较,最大容许电流由式(1 0) 给出: kmax= 丁7AγXO.205(A) 的门限,该工作模式就被建立。在该模式中,在下面两 退磁时间)短于同步周期。电感器必须正确选择,以防 止系统工作在自由振荡断续模式。为在轻载条件下限 制开关频率,要求开关截止时间最小是 2 阳。 1 1.跟随器升压 (FolÍwer 丑008t) 以往的 PFC 预变换器为负载提供一个固定的调 整 DC 电压(如 400V) 。在 "Follower f3oost"操作中,预 {<ll亭玉~.a (非启用 hooo í:F 6 月 第2卷 4萨应榻脚 第6期 变换器输出调整电平不是固定的。但是,在一个给定 的输入功率上, DC 输出电压随 AC 线路电压幅值线 rl- p、 |调整块是有源区 !Yo=Vplt/ / 性变化。图 3(a) 为 MC33260 的跟随升压特性。 , ,,,, 飞 传统输出 (Pin)max Vo(跟随器升压) Vac Vac VacLL 负载 图 3b MC33260 的跟随升压特性 图 3a 机与几关系曲线 为便于理解 MC33260 的工作原理与功能,图 4 给 大家知道,在 PFC 预变换器中,若瞬时 AC 输入 出了其典型波形。 电压为 Vin , 升压电感器的电感是 Lp , DC 输出电压是 五、典型应用 帆,在功率开关开通期间,电感电流则按斜率 Vin/ L p 线性增长;在功率开关关断期间,电感电流则按(民 归 n)/ Lp 线性下降,从而形成三角形电流波形。采用 眼随升压技术,对于一个给定的峰值电感电流,开关 截止时间会变长,占空比变小。与传统的 PFC 预变换 器比较,其优点有二:一是 MOSFET 开通损耗减小,二 用 MC33260 作为控制器的 SMPS 或镇流器 PFC 预 变换器电路如图 5(a) 所示。图 5(b) 示出的是 IC 的民c 电 源电路。图 4 中 , Ll 采用 EE25 磁心和 22AWG 号磁导线 绕制,初级线圈 Np=62T, 次级 N二 =5T,气隙长度为 0.072"( 臼 0.18mm) 。表 2 列出了 80W 升压式 PFC 预变 换器的实测数据。 l' 是允许利用较小的、廉价的电感元件。 设 AC 峰值输入电压为 VPK , MOSFTE 开通时间 可表示为: ton = 4 XL p X P in 阵宜 (1 6) 同步信号 根据式 (8) 和式 (16) ,可得到下面的跟随升压等式: 冒 , _Ro" I 川 -2 《 V C脚冒 r Kosc × Lp × PEnAFK 零电流检测 (1 7) 12. 模式选择 211s 延时 图 3(b) 示出了 MC33260 跟随提升输出电压与输 人交流电压凡的关系曲线。由图可知,机随儿 增加首先线性增大,最后钳位于调节设定值。在传统 的模式中,线性区必须被抑制。 MC33260 的工作模式 可以通过调节振荡器电容的数值来选择。如果( VO) <e gL pbrhr'rp 低于输出调整电平,根据式 (17) ,可得: 4X Kosc X Lp X (Pin)m阻 X (民 )ιL . ;;?!: C; CTr=-Umt nt +二 Rõ X 阿K 电路输出 检测电流Ics (1 8) '(P】i 叫 iJ =C】 +4 XKosc XLpX' 阿FK V 电感电流 '~ 为获得所希望的跟随升压特性,振荡器电容必须按 照公式 (18) 来选择。 图 4 '& MC33260 的典型波形 .. 15 GreenLine™小型廉份功率因我拉刽忌 MC33260 筒精点反应用 L1 D5 MUR460E C1 330nF 500Vdc R3 ' 图 5a 表2 Vnns MC33260 在 80W PFC 预变换器中的实际应用电路 PFC 预调整器测试数据 90 110 135 180 220 240 (W) PF 88.2 86.3 85.2 87.0 84. 7 85.3 84.0 Ir""" 990 782 642 480 385 8. 1 7.0 8.2 9.5 15 16.5 18.8 H2 0.07 0.05 0.03 o. 16 0.5 o. 7 o. 7 H3 5.9 2. 7 1. 5 4.0 8.4 9.0 1 1. 0 H5 4.3 5. 7 6. 8 6.5 7.8 7.8 7.0 H7 1. 5 1. 1 1. 1 3. 1 5.3 7.4 9.0 H9 1. 7 0.8 1. 5 4.0 1. 9 3.8 4.0 (v) 181 222 265 360 379 384 392 ..1 Vo (V) 3 1. 2 26.4 20.8 16.0 14.0 14.0 13.2 h 440 360 300 225 210 210 79.6 79.9 795 8 1. 0 79.6 80.6 80.4 90.2 92.6 93.3 93. 1 94.4 91.5 95. 7 (v) Pin" 260 (- ) 0.991 0.996 0.995 0.994 0.982 0.975 0.967 " (mA) 注。 善 THD 输 入 电 流 谐 , 359 330 波 畸 变 (% ) Vo C飞 已 输 出 (mA) Po (W) 叫 (%) 16 205 图 5b MC33260 电源电路 . MC33260 GreenLinet Compact Power Factor Controller: Innovative Circuit for Cost Effective Solutions The MC33260 is a controller for Power Factor Correction preconverters meeting international standard requirements in electronic ballast and off--line power conversion applications. Designed to drive a free frequency discontinuous mode, it can also be synchronized and in any case, it features very effective protections that ensure a safe and reliable operation. This circuit is also optimized to offer extremely compact and cost effective PFC solutions. While it requires a minimum number of external components, the MC33260 can control the follower boost operation that is an innovative mode allowing a drastic size reduction of both the inductor and the power switch. Ultimately, the solution system cost is significantly lowered. Also able to function in a traditional way (constant output voltage regulation level), any intermediary solutions can be easily implemented. This flexibility makes it ideal to optimally cope with a wide range of applications. Standard Constant Output Voltage or “Follower Boost” Mode Switch Mode Operation: Voltage Mode Latching PWM for Cycle--by--Cycle On--Time Control Constant On--Time Operation That Saves the Use of an Extra Multiplier Totem Pole Output Gate Drive Undervoltage Lockout with Hysteresis Low Startup and Operating Current Improved Regulation Block Dynamic Behavior Synchronization Capability Internally Trimmed Reference Current Source These are Pb--Free Devices Safety Features D1...D4 Filtering Capacitor L1 Vcontrol R cs 8 1 8 SO--8 D SUFFIX CASE 751 CT ROCP 1 2 3 4 8 7 6 5 + C1 M1 Ro 1 33260 ALYW G 1 A WL, L YY, Y WW, W G or G = Assembly Location = Wafer Lot = Year = Work Week = Pb--Free Package PIN CONNECTIONS Feedback Input 1 8 VCC Vcontrol 2 7 Gate Drive 3 6 Gnd 4 5 Synchronization Input MC33260P Oscillator Capacitor (CT) Current Sense Input Synchronization Input Gnd D1 V CC MC33260P AWL YYWWG PDIP--8 P SUFFIX CASE 626 Oscillator Capacitor (CT) Current Sense Input Overvoltage Protection: Output Overvoltage Detection Undervoltage Protection: Protection Against Open Loop Effective Zero Current Detection Accurate and Adjustable Maximum On--Time Limitation Overcurrent Protection ESD Protection on Each Pin MC33260 MARKING DIAGRAMS 8 General Features http://onsemi.com LOAD (SMPS, Lamp Ballast,...) 1 8 Vcontrol 2 7 Feedback Input 3 6 VCC 5 Gate Drive 4 MC33260D ORDERING INFORMATION Sync DIP--8 CONFIGURATION SHOWN See detailed ordering and shipping information in the package dimensions section on page 20 of this data sheet. Figure 1. Typical Application Semiconductor Components Industries, LLC, 2010 November, 2010 -- Rev. 11 1 Publication Order Number: MC33260/D MC33260 Vo Current Mirror IOSC -- ch = Io 2 x IO x IO Iref Io Io CT Io 1 0 Current Mirror Iref Vref 11 V FB 1.5 V 15 pF Io 97%Iref 300 k Vreg Vcontrol Iref Output_Ctrl IovpH/IovpL Vref REGULATOR 11 V + Iref Enable -- OVP r Iuvp r -- 11 V/8.5 V + + UVP -- Ics (205 mA) 1 Synchro r --60 mV 0 11 V + Current Sense LEB 11 V Synchro Arrangement -- VCC Output_Ctrl ThStdwn Drive Gnd S R + R -- R Q PWM Latch Output_Ctrl Q PWM Comparator MC33260 Figure 2. Block Diagram http://onsemi.com 2 MC33260 MAXIMUM RATINGS Pin # PDIP--8 Pin # SO--8 Gate Drive Current* Source Sink 7 5 VCC Maximum Voltage 8 Rating Symbol Value Unit IO(Source) IO(Sink) --500 500 (Vcc)max 16 V Vin --0.3 to +10 V PD RθJA 600 100 mW C/W Operating Junction Temperature TJ 150 C Operating Ambient Temperature TA --40 to +105 C mA 6 Input Voltage Power Dissipation and Thermal Characteristics P Suffix, PDIP Package Maximum Power Dissipation @ TA = 85C Thermal Resistance Junction--to--Air Stresses exceeding Maximum Ratings may damage the device. Maximum Ratings are stress ratings only. Functional operation above the Recommended Operating Conditions is not implied. Extended exposure to stresses above the Recommended Operating Conditions may affect device reliability. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (VCC = 13 V, TJ = 25C for typical values, TJ = --40 to 105C for min/max values unless otherwise noted.) Pin # PDIP--8 Pin # SO--8 Gate Drive Resistor Source Resistor @ IDrive = 100 mA Sink Resistor @ IDrive = 100 mA 7 5 Gate Drive Voltage Rise Time (From 3.0 V Up to 9.0 V) (Note 1) 7 Output Voltage Falling Time (From 9.0 V Down to 3.0 V) (Note 1) Symbol Min Typ Max ROL ROH 10 5 20 10 35 25 5 tr -- 50 -- ns 7 5 tf -- 50 -- ns Maximum Oscillator Swing 3 1 ΔVT 1.4 1.5 1.6 V Charge Current @ IFB = 100 mA 3 1 Icharge 87.5 100 112.5 mA Charge Current @ IFB = 200 mA 3 1 Icharge 350 400 450 mA Ratio Multiplier Gain Over Maximum Swing @ IFB = 100 mA 3 1 Kosc 5600 6400 7200 1/(V.A) Ratio Multiplier Gain Over Maximum Swing @ IFB = 200 mA 3 1 Kosc 5600 6400 7200 1/(V.A) Average Internal Oscillator Pin Capacitance Over Oscillator Maximum Swing (CT Voltage Varying From 0 Up to 1.5 V) (Note 2) 3 1 Cint 10 15 20 pF Discharge Time (CT = 1.0 nF) 3 1 Tdisch -- 0.5 1.0 ms Regulation High Current Reference 1 7 IregH 192 200 208 mA Ratio (Regulation Low Current Reference) / IregH 1 7 IregL / IregH 0.965 0.97 0.98 -- Vcontrol Impedance 1 7 ZVcontrol -- 300 -- kΩ Characteristic Unit GATE DRIVE SECTION Ω OSCILLATOR SECTION REGULATION SECTION NOTE: IFB is the current that is drawn by the Feedback Input Pin. 1. 1.0 nF being connected between the Pin 7 and ground for PDIP--8, between Pin 5 and ground for SO--8. 2. Guaranteed by design. http://onsemi.com 3 MC33260 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (VCC = 13 V, TJ = 25C for typical values, TJ = --40 to 105C for min/max values unless otherwise noted.) Pin # PDIP--8 Pin # SO--8 Symbol Min Typ Max Unit Feedback Pin Clamp Voltage @ IFB = 100 mA 1 7 VFB--100 1.5 2.1 2.5 V Feedback Pin Clamp Voltage @ IFB = 200 mA 1 7 VFB--200 2.0 2.6 3.0 V Zero Current Detection Comparator Threshold 4 2 VZCD--th --90 --60 --30 mV Negative Clamp Level (ICS--pin = --1.0 mA) 4 2 Cl--neg -- --0.7 -- V Bias Current @ Vcs = VZCD--th 4 2 Ib--cs --0.2 -- -- mA Propagation Delay (Vcs > VZCD--th) to Gate Drive High 7 5 TZCD -- 500 -- ns Current Sense Pin Internal Current Source 4 2 IOCP 192 205 218 mA LEB -- 400 -- ns Characteristic REGULATION SECTION (continued) CURRENT SENSE SECTION Leading Edge Blanking Duration OverCurrent Protection Propagation Delay (Vcs < VZCD--th to Gate Drive Low) 7 5 TOCP 100 160 240 ns Synchronization Threshold PDIP--8 SO--8 5 -- -3 Vsync--th Vsync--th 0.8 0.8 1.0 1.0 1.2 1.4 V V Negative Clamp Level (Isync = --1.0 mA) 5 3 Cl--neg -- --0.7 -- V Minimum Off--Time 7 5 Toff 1.5 2.1 2.7 ms Minimum Required Synchronization Pulse Duration 5 3 Tsync -- -- 0.5 ms OverVoltage Protection High Current Threshold and IregH Difference 1 7 IOVPH --IregH 8.0 13 18 mA OverVoltage Protection Low Current Threshold and IregH Difference 1 7 IOVPL --IregH 0 -- -- -- Ratio (IOVPH/IOVPL) 1 7 IOVPH / IOVPL 1.02 -- -- -- Propagation Delay (IFB > 110% Iref to Gate Drive Low) 7 5 TOVP -- 500 -- ns Ratio (UnderVoltage Protection Current Threshold) / IregH 1 7 IUVP/IregH 12 14 16 % Propagation Delay (IFB < 12% Iref to Gate Drive Low) 7 5 TUVP -- 500 -- ns Thermal Shutdown Threshold 7 5 Tstdwn — 150 -- C Hysteresis 7 5 ΔTstdwn -- 30 -- C Startup Threshold 8 6 Vstup--th 9.7 11 12.3 V Disable Voltage After Threshold Turn--On 8 6 Vdisable 7.4 8.5 9.6 V 8 6 ICC --- 0.1 4.0 0.25 8.0 SYNCHRONIZATION SECTION OVERVOLTAGE PROTECTION SECTION UNDERVOLTAGE PROTECTION SECTION THERMAL SHUTDOWN SECTION VCC UNDERVOLTAGE LOCKOUT SECTION TOTAL DEVICE Power Supply Current Startup (VCC = 5 V with VCC Increasing) Operating @ IFB = 200 mA NOTE: Vcs is the Current Sense Pin Voltage and IFB is the Feedback Pin Current. http://onsemi.com 4 mA MC33260 1.6 Vcontrol : REGULATION BLOCK OUTPUT (V) Vcontrol : REGULATION BLOCK OUTPUT (V) Pin Numbers are Relevant to the PDIP--8 Version 1.4 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.6 -- 40C 0.4 25C 0.2 105C 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 1.6 -- 40C 1.4 25C 1.2 105C 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 185 190 1.340 3.5 1.335 3.0 1.330 1.325 1.320 1.315 1.310 1.305 --20 0 20 40 60 80 1.5 100 -- 40C 1.0 25C 0.5 0 105C 0 20 40 350 105C 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 Figure 6. Feedback Input Voltage versus Feedback Current I osc--ch , OSCILLATOR CHARGE CURRENT ( m A) I osc--ch , OSCILLATOR CHARGE CURRENT ( m A) 25C 60 Ipin1: FEEDBACK CURRENT (mA) 500 400 210 2.0 Figure 5. Maximum Oscillator Swing versus Temperature 450 205 2.5 JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (C) -- 40C 200 Figure 4. Regulation Block Output versus Feedback Current FEEDBACK INPUT VOLTAGE (V) MAXIMUM OSCILLATOR SWING (V) Figure 3. Regulation Block Output versus Feedback Current 1.300 --40 195 Ipin1: FEEDBACK CURRENT (mA) Ipin1: FEEDBACK CURRENT (mA) 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 410 Ipin1 = 200 mA 405 400 395 390 385 --40 --20 0 20 40 60 80 JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (C) Ipin1: FEEDBACK CURRENT (mA) Figure 7. Oscillator Charge Current versus Feedback Current Figure 8. Oscillator Charge Current versus Temperature http://onsemi.com 5 100 MC33260 Pin Numbers are Relevant to the PDIP--8 Version 120 103 Ipin1 = 100 mA -- 40C 100 102 ON--TIME ( s) OSCILLATOR CHARGE CURRENT ( A) 104 101 100 99 25C 105C 80 1 nF Connected to Pin 3 60 40 20 98 97 --40 --20 0 20 40 60 80 0 100 30 50 TJ, JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (C) REGULATION AND CS CURRENT SOURCE ( A) -- 40C ON--TIME ( s) 25C 105C 1 nF Connected to Pin 3 45 35 25 15 60 50 70 80 130 150 170 190 210 90 100 207 IOCP 206 205 204 203 202 IregH 201 200 199 198 197 --40 --20 0 20 40 60 80 100 TJ, JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (C) Ipin1: FEEDBACK CURRENT (mA) Figure 11. On--Time versus Feedback Current Figure 12. Internal Current Sources versus Temperature 1.07 0.150 1.06 (IovpH/Iref) 1.05 1.04 1.03 1.02 1.01 UNDERVOLTAGE RATIO (I uvp /I ref ) (IovpH /I ref ), (I ovpL /I ref ), (I regL /I ref ) 110 Figure 10. On--Time versus Feedback Current 75 55 90 Ipin1: FEEDBACK CURRENT (mA) Figure 9. Oscillator Charge Current versus Temperature 65 70 (IovpL/Iref) 1.00 0.99 0.98 0.97 0.96 --40 (IregL/Iref) --20 0 20 40 60 80 100 0.148 0.146 0.144 0.142 0.140 0.138 0.136 0.134 0.132 0.130 --40 TJ, JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (C) --20 0 20 40 60 80 TJ, JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (C) Figure 13. (IovpH/Iref), (IovpL/Iref), (IregL/Iref) versus Temperature Figure 14. Undervoltage Ratio versus Temperature http://onsemi.com 6 100 MC33260 --54.8 4.5 --55 4.0 -- 40C 3.5 25C 3.0 105C I CC , CIRCUIT CONSUMPTION (mA) CURRENT SENSE THRESHOLD (mV) Pin Numbers are Relevant to the PDIP--8 Version --55.2 --55.4 --55.6 --55.8 --56 --56.2 --56.4 --56.6 --40 --20 0 20 40 60 80 100 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0 2 0 TJ, JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (C) 6 8 10 12 14 16 VCC: SUPPLY VOLTAGE (V) Figure 16. Circuit Consumption versus Supply Voltage Figure 15. Current Sense Threshold versus Temperature OSCILLATOR PIN INTERNAL CAPACITANCE (pF) 4 Vgate 20 --40C 15 25C VCC = 12 V Cgate = 1 nF 1 25C 10 Icross--cond (50 mA/div) 105C 5 2 0 0.2 0 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 Ch1 10.0 V Ch2 10.0 mVΩ M 1.00 ms Ch1 600 mV Vcontrol: PIN 2 VOLTAGE (V) Figure 17. Oscillator Pin Internal Capacitance Figure 18. Gate Drive Cross Conduction Vgate Vgate -- 40C VCC = 12 V Cgate = 1 nF 1 105C VCC = 12 V Cgate = 1 nF 1 Icross--cond (50 mA/div) Icross--cond (50 mA/div) 2 2 Ch1 10.0 V Ch2 10.0 mVΩ M 1.00 ms Ch1 600 mV Ch1 Figure 19. Gate Drive Cross Conduction 10.0 V Ch2 10.0 mVΩ M 1.00 ms Ch1 Figure 20. Gate Drive Cross Conduction http://onsemi.com 7 600 mV MC33260 PIN FUNCTION DESCRIPTION Pin # PDIP--8 Pin # SO--8 Function Description 1 7 Feedback Input This pin is designed to receive a current that is proportional to the preconverter output voltage. This information is used for both the regulation and the overvoltage and undervoltage protections. The current drawn by this pin is internally squared to be used as oscillator capacitor charge current. 2 8 Vcontrol This pin makes available the regulation block output. The capacitor connected between this pin and ground, adjusts the control bandwidth. It is typically set below 20 Hz to obtain a nondistorted input current. 3 1 Oscillator Capacitor (CT) The circuit uses an on--time control mode. This on--time is controlled by comparing the CT voltage to the Vcontrol voltage. CT is charged by the squared feedback current. 4 2 Zero Current Detection Input This pin is designed to receive a negative voltage signal proportional to the current flowing through the inductor. This information is generally built using a sense resistor. The Zero Current Detection prevents any restart as long as the Pin 4 voltage is below (--60 mV). This pin is also used to perform the peak current limitation. The overcurrent threshold is programmed by the resistor connected between the pin and the external current sense resistor. 5 3 Synchronization Input This pin is designed to receive a synchronization signal. For instance, it enables to synchronize the PFC preconverter to the associated SMPS. If not used, this pin must be grounded. 6 4 Ground 7 5 Gate Drive 8 6 VCC This pin must be connected to the preregulator ground. The gate drive current capability is suited to drive an IGBT or a power MOSFET. This pin is the positive supply of the IC. The circuit turns on when VCC becomes higher than 11 V, the operating range after startup being 8.5 V up to 16 V. Filtering Capacitor D1...D4 L1 D1 + C1 2 Vcontrol ROCP 3 4 CT 8 MC33260 1 Load (SMPS, Lamp Ballast,...) VCC M1 7 Ro 6 5 Sync Rcs DIP--8 CONFIGURATION SHOWN Figure 21. Application Schematic http://onsemi.com 8 MC33260 FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION Pin Numbers are Relevant to the PDIP--8 Version INTRODUCTION OPERATION DESCRIPTION The need of meeting the requirements of legislation on line current harmonic content, results in an increasing demand for cost effective solutions to comply with the Power Factor regulations. This data sheet describes a monolithic controller specially designed for this purpose. Most off--line appliances use a bridge rectifier associated to a huge bulk capacitor to derive raw dc voltage from the utility ac line. The MC33260 is optimized to just as well drive a free running as a synchronized discontinuous voltage mode. It also features valuable protections (overvoltage and undervoltage protection, overcurrent limitation, ...) that make the PFC preregulator very safe and reliable while requiring very few external components. In particular, it is able to safely face any uncontrolled direct charges of the output capacitor from the mains which occur when the output voltage is lower than the input voltage (startup, overload, ...). In addition to the low count of elements, the circuit can control an innovative mode named “Follower Boost” that permits to significantly reduce the size of the preconverter inductor and power MOSFET. With this technique, the output regulation level is not forced to a constant value, but can vary according to the a.c. line amplitude and to the power. The gap between the output voltage and the ac line is then lowered, what allows the preconverter inductor and power MOSFET size reduction. Finally, this method brings a significant cost reduction. A description of the functional blocks is given below. Rectifiers AC Line Converter + Bulk Storage Capacitor Load Figure 22. Typical Circuit Without PFC This technique results in a high harmonic content and in poor power factor ratios. In effect, the simple rectification technique draws power from the mains when the instantaneous ac voltage exceeds the capacitor voltage. This occurs near the line voltage peak and results in a high charge current spike. Consequently, a poor power factor (in the range of 0.5 -- 0.7) is generated, resulting in an apparent input power that is much higher than the real power. REGULATION SECTION Connecting a resistor between the output voltage to be regulated and the Pin 1, a feedback current is obtained. Typically, this current is built by connecting a resistor between the output voltage and the Pin 1. Its value is then given by the following equation: Vpk Rectified DC 0 I Line Sag 0 Figure 23. Line Waveforms Without PFC Active solutions are the most popular way to meet the legislation requirements. They consist of inserting a PFC pre--regulator between the rectifier bridge and the bulk capacitor. This interface is, in fact, a step--up SMPS that outputs a constant voltage while drawing a sinusoidal current from the line. pin1 Ro Regulation Block Output 1.5 V Io Load + Vo − V Converter Bulk Storage Capacitor MC33260 AC Line PFC Preconverter High Frequency Bypass Capacitor Rectifiers = where: Ro is the feedback resistor, Vo is the output voltage, Vpin1 is the Pin 1 clamp value. The feedback current is compared to the reference current so that the regulation block outputs a signal following the characteristic depicted in Figure 25. According to the power and the input voltage, the output voltage regulation level varies between two values (Vo)regL and (Vo)regH corresponding to the IregL and IregH levels. AC Line Voltage AC Line Current pin1 IregL (97%Iref) IregH (Iref) Figure 25. Regulation Characteristic Figure 24. PFC Preconverter The feedback resistor must be chosen so that the feedback current should equal the internal current source IregH when the output voltage exceeds the chosen upper regulation voltage [(Vo)regH]. The MC33260 was developed to control an active solution with the goal of increasing its robustness while lowering its global cost. http://onsemi.com 9 MC33260 Pin Numbers are Relevant to the PDIP--8 Version Consequently: Ro = V o where: Vo is the output voltage, Ro is the feedback resistor, Vpin1 is the Pin 1 clamp voltage. In practice, Vpin1 that is in the range of 2.5 V, is very small compared to Vo. The equation can then be simplified by neglecting Vpin1: −V regH pin1 I regH In practice, Vpin1 is small compared to (Vo)regH and this equation can be simplified as follows (IregH being also replaced by its typical value 200 mA R o ≈ 5 × V o regH (kΩ) I The regulation block output is connected to the Pin 2 through a 300 kΩ resistor. The Pin 2 voltage (Vcontrol) is compared to the oscillator sawtooth for PWM control. An external capacitor must be connected between Pin 2 and ground, for external loop compensation. The bandwidth is typically set below 20 Hz so that the regulation block output should be relatively constant over a given ac line cycle. This integration that results in a constant on--time over the ac line period, prevents the mains frequency output ripple from distorting the ac line current. C 0 =C +C T int 1 0 t on = 15 pF The oscillator charge current is dependent on the feedback current (Io). In effect I2 =2× o charge I ref t onmax = where: Icharge is the oscillator charge current, Io is the feedback current (drawn by Pin 1), Iref is the internal reference current (200 mA So, the oscillator charge current is linked to the output voltage level as follows: ×V I control ch R2 o×I ref ×C pin3 2 × V2 o ×V control C pin3 × R2 o×I ref × V 2 × V2 o control max This equation can be simplified replacing [(Vcontrol)2max * Iref] by Kosc Refer to Electrical Characteristics, Oscillator Section. Then: 2 2 C × Ro t on max = pin3 2 × Vo − V pin1 R2 o×I pin3 One can notice that the on--time depends on Vo (preconverter output voltage) and that the on--time is maximum when Vcontrol is maximum (1.5 V typically). At a given Vo, the maximum on--time is then expressed by the following equation: Figure 26. Oscillator C where: ton is the on--time, Cpin3 is the total oscillator capacitor (sum of the internal and external capacitor), Icharge is the oscillator charge current (Pin 3 current), Vcontrol is the Pin 2 voltage (regulation block output). Consequently, replacing Icharge by the expression given in the Oscillator Section: Output_Ctrl 3 = pin3 t on = CT charge ref The MC33260 operates in voltage mode: the regulation block output (Vcontrol -- Pin 2 voltage) is compared to the oscillator sawtooth so that the gate drive signal (Pin 7) is high until the oscillator ramp exceeds Vcontrol. The on--time is then given by the following equation: Icharge = 2 ¢ Io ¢ Io / Iref I R2 o×I PWM LATCH SECTION The oscillator consists of three phases: Charge Phase: The oscillator capacitor voltage grows up linearly from its bottom value (ground) until it exceeds Vcontrol (regulation block output voltage). At that moment, the PWM latch output gets low and the oscillator discharge sequence is set. Discharge Phase: The oscillator capacitor is abruptly discharged down to its valley value (0 V). Waiting Phase: At the end of the discharge sequence, the oscillator voltage is maintained in a low state until the PWM latch is set again. I 2 × V2 o It must be noticed that the oscillator terminal (Pin 3) has an internal capacitance (Cint) that varies versus the Pin 3 voltage. Over the oscillator swing, its average value typically equals 15 pF (min 10 pF, max 20 pF). The total oscillator capacitor is then the sum of the internal and external capacitors. OSCILLATOR SECTION 1 charge ≈ K osc × V 2 o ref http://onsemi.com 10 MC33260 Pin Numbers are Relevant to the PDIP--8 Version Zero Current Detection This equation shows that the maximum on--time is inversely proportional to the squared output voltage. This property is used for follower boost operation (refer to Follower Boost section). The Zero Current Detection function guarantees that the MOSFET cannot turn on as long as the inductor current hasn’t reached zero (discontinuous mode). The Pin 4 voltage is simply compared to the (--60 mV) threshold so that as long as Vcs is lower than this threshold, the circuit gate drive signal is kept in low state. Consequently, no power MOSFET turn on is possible until the inductor current is measured as smaller than (60 mV/Rcs) that is, the inductor current nearly equals zero. CURRENT SENSE BLOCK The inductor current is converted into a voltage by inserting a ground referenced resistor (Rcs) in series with the input diodes bridge (and the input filtering capacitor). Therefore a negative voltage proportional to the inductor current is built: V cs = -- R cs × I L Iocp (205 mA) D1...D4 where: IL is the inductor current, Rcs is the current sense resistor, Vcs is the measured Rcs voltage. 1 0 ROCP Inductor Current Power Switch Drive Rcs VOCP S Output_Ctrl --60 mV 4 LEB + -- PWM Latch Output_Ctrl R Q R To Output Buffer (Output_Ctrl Low <=> Gate Drive in Low State) Figure 28. Current Sense Block Time Overcurrent Protection Rcs Voltage During the power switch conduction (i.e. when the Gate Drive Pin voltage is high), a current source is applied to the Pin 4. A voltage drop VOCP is then generated across the resistor ROCP that is connected between the sense resistor and the Current Sense Pin (refer to Figure 28). So, instead of Vcs, the sum (Vcs + VOCP) is compared to (--60 mV) and the maximum permissible current is the solution of the following equation: -- R cs × Ipk max + V Pin 4 Voltage VOCP OCP = --60 mV where: Ipkmax is maximum allowed current, Rcs is the sensing resistor. The overcurrent threshold is then: --60 mV Zero Current Detection Ipk max = VOCP = ROCP ¢ IOCP An overcurrent is detected if Vpin4 crosses the threshold (--60 mV) during the Power Switch on state ROCP × IOCP + 60 × 10 --3 R cs where: ROCP is the resistor connected between the pin and the sensing resistor (Rcs), IOCP is the current supplied by the Current Sense Pin when the gate drive signal is high (power switch conduction phase). IOCP equals 205 mA typically. Practically, the VOCP offset is high compared to 60 mV and the precedent equation can be simplified. The maximum current is then given by the following equation: Figure 27. Current Sensing The negative signal Vcs is applied to the current sense through a resistor ROCP. The pin is internally protected by a negative clamp (--0.7 V) that prevents substrate injection. As long as the Pin 4 voltage is lower than (--60 mV), the Current Sense comparator resets the PWM latch to force the gate drive signal low state. In that condition, the power MOSFET cannot be on. During the on--time, the Pin 4 information is used for the overcurrent limitation while it serves the zero current detection during the off time. Ipk max ≈ R (kΩ) OCP × 0.205 (A) R cs(Ω) Consequently, the ROCP resistor can program the OCP level whatever the Rcs value is. This gives a high freedom in the choice of Rcs. In particular, the inrush resistor can be utilized. http://onsemi.com 11 MC33260 Pin Numbers are Relevant to the PDIP--8 Version VCC Th--Stdwn Synchronization Arrangement 5 S OVP, UVP Current Sense Comparator -- Output Buffer Q 7 PWM Latch ZCD & OCP R + & Output_Ctrl --60 mV + Q -- PWM Latch Comparator Vcontrol (Vpin2 -- Regulation Output) Oscillator Sawtooth Figure 29. PWM Latch A LEB (Leading Edge Blanking) has been implemented. This circuitry disconnects the Current Sense comparator from Pin 4 and disables it during the 400 first ns of the power switch conduction. This prevents the block from reacting on the current spikes that generally occur at power switch turn on. Consequently, proper operation does not require any filtering capacitor on Pin 4. Practically, Vpin1 that is in the range of 2.5 V, can be neglected. The equation can then be simplified: PROTECTIONS where IovpL is the internal low OVP current threshold. Consequently, Vpin1 being neglected: V (mA) (V) V ovpL = R o(MΩ) × I (mA) (V) ovpL The OVP hysteresis prevents erratic behavior. IovpL is guaranteed to be higher than IregH (refer to parameters specification). This ensures that the OVP function doesn’t interfere with the regulation one. OVP (Overvoltage Protection) The feedback current (Io) is compared to a threshold current (IovpH). If it exceeds this value, the gate drive signal is maintained low until this current gets lower than a second level (IovpL). UVP (Undervoltage Protection) This function detects when the feedback current is lower than 14% of Iref. In this case, the PWM latch is reset and the power switch is kept off. This protection is useful to: Protect the preregulator from working in too low mains conditions. To detect the feedback current absence (in case of a nonproper connection for instance). The UVP threshold is: Gate Drive Enable Vcontrol Io IregL IregH IovpL IovpH V uvp ≈ V Figure 30. Internal Current Thresholds pin1 + R o(MΩ) × Iuvp(mA) (V) Practically (Vpin1 being neglected), So, the OVP upper threshold is: ovpH V ovpL = V pin1 + R o × I ovpL Refer to Current Sense Block. V ovpH = V pin1 + R o × I ovpH = R o(MΩ) × I On the other hand, the OVP low threshold is: OCP (Overcurrent Protection) Iuvp ovpH V uvp = R o(MΩ) × I uvp(mA) (V) Maximum On--Time Limitation where: Ro is the feedback resistor that is connected between Pin 1 and the output voltage, IovpH is the internal upper OVP current threshold, Vpin1 is the Pin 1 clamp voltage. As explained in PWM Latch, the maximum on--time is accurately controlled. Pin Protection All the pins are ESD protected. http://onsemi.com 12 MC33260 Pin Numbers are Relevant to the PDIP--8 Version In particular, a 11 V Zener diode is internally connected between the terminal and ground on the following pins: Sync Feedback, Vcontrol, Oscillator, Current Sense, and Synchronization. + 5 1V S1 -- Q1 Rsync UVLO Q1 High <=> Synchronization Mode R2 2 ms & PWM Latch Set S2 Q2 1V R2 Output_Ctrl Figure 31. Synchronization Arrangement SYNCHRONIZATION BLOCK OUTPUT SECTION The MC33260 features two modes of operation: Free Running Discontinuous Mode: The power switch is turned on as soon as there is no current left in the inductor (Zero Current Detection). This mode is simply obtained by grounding the synchronization terminal (Pin 5). Synchronization Mode: This mode is set as soon as a signal crossing the 1.0 V threshold, is applied to the Pin 5. In this case, operation in free running can only be recovered after a new circuit startup. In this mode, the power switch cannot turn on before the two following conditions are fulfilled. -- Still, the zero current must have been detected. -- The precedent turn on must have been followed by (at least) one synchronization raising edge crossing the 1.0 V threshold. In other words, the synchronization acts to prolong the power switch off time. Consequently, a proper synchronized operation requires that the current cycle (on--time + inductor demagnetization) is shorter than the synchronization period. Practically, the inductor must be chosen accordingly. Otherwise, the system will keep working in free running discontinuous mode. Figure 36 illustrates this behavior. It must be noticed that whatever the mode is, a 2.0 ms minimum off--time is forced. This delay limits the switching frequency in light load conditions. The output stage contains a totem pole optimized to minimize the cross conduction current during high speed operation. The gate drive is kept in a sinking mode whenever the Undervoltage Lockout is active. The rise and fall times have been controlled to typically equal 50 ns while loaded by 1.0 nF. REFERENCE SECTION An internal reference current source (Iref) is trimmed to be 4% accurate over the temperature range (the typical value is 200 mA). Iref is the reference used for the regulation (IregH = Iref). UNDERVOLTAGE LOCKOUT SECTION An Undervoltage Lockout comparator has been implemented to guarantee that the integrated circuit is operating only if its supply voltage (VCC) is high enough to enable a proper working. The UVLO comparator monitors the Pin 8 voltage and when it exceeds 11 V, the device gets active. To prevent erratic operation as the threshold is crossed, 2.5 V of hysteresis is provided. The circuit off state consumption is very low: in the range of 100 mA @ VCC = 5.0 V. This consumption varies versus VCC as the circuit presents a resistive load in this mode. THERMAL SHUTDOWN An internal thermal circuitry is provided to disable the circuit gate drive and then to prevent it from oscillating, if the junction temperature exceeds 150C typically. The output stage is again enabled when the temperature drops below 120C typically (30C hysteresis). http://onsemi.com 13 MC33260 Pin Numbers are Relevant to the PDIP--8 Version FOLLOWER BOOST of the follower boost: it allows the use of smaller, lighter and cheaper inductors compared to traditional systems. Finally, this technique utilization brings a drastic system cost reduction by lowering the size and then the cost of both the inductor and the power switch. Traditional PFC preconverters provide the load with a fixed and regulated voltage that generally equals 230 V or 400 V according to the mains type (U.S., European, or universal). In the “Follower Boost” operation, the preconverter output regulation level is not fixed but varies linearly versus the ac line amplitude at a given input power. IL traditional preconverter follower boost preconverter Ipk Traditional Output Vo (Follower Boost) time Vin Vin Vac Vin Vin IL IL Vout Load the power switch is on the power switch is off Figure 33. Off--Time Duration Increase Figure 32. Follower Boost Characteristics This technique aims at reducing the gap between the output and the input voltages to minimize the boost efficiency degradation. Follower Boost Implementation In the MC33260, the on--time is differently controlled according to the feedback current level. Two areas can be defined: When the feedback current is higher than IregL (refer to regulation section), the regulation block output (Vcontrol) is modulated to force the output voltage to a desired value. On the other hand, when the feedback current is lower than IregL, the regulation block output and therefore, the on--time are maximum. As explained in PWM Latch Section, the on--time is then inversely proportional to the output voltage square. The Follower Boost is active in these conditions in which the on--time is simply limited by the output voltage level. Note: In this equation, the Feedback Pin voltage (Vpin1) is neglected compared to the output voltage (refer to the PWM Latch Section). Follower Boost Benefits The boost presents two phases: The on--time during which the power switch is on. The inductor current grows up linearly according to a slope (Vin/Lp), where Vin is the instantaneous input voltage and Lp the inductor value. The off--time during which the power switch is off. The inductor current decreases linearly according the slope (Vo -- Vin) / Lp, where Vo is the output voltage. This sequence that terminates when the current equals zero, has a duration that is inversely proportional to the gap between the output and input voltages. Consequently, the off--time duration becomes longer in follower boost. Consequently, for a given peak inductor current, the longer the off time, the smaller power switch duty cycle and then its conduction dissipation. This is the first benefit of this technique: the MOSFET on--time losses are reduced. The increase of the off time duration also results in a switching frequency diminution (for a given inductor value). Given that in practise, the boost inductor is selected big enough to limit the switching frequency down to an acceptable level, one can immediately see the second benefit t on = t on max = C pin3 × R2 o K osc × V 2 o where: Cpin3 is the total oscillator capacitor (sum of the internal and external capacitors -- Cint + CT), Kosc is the ratio (oscillator swing over oscillator gain), Vo is the output voltage, Ro is the feedback resistor. http://onsemi.com 14 MC33260 Pin Numbers are Relevant to the PDIP--8 Version On the other hand, the boost topology has its own rule that dictates the on--time necessary to deliver the required power: t on = 4 × Lp × P V2 pk (Pin)min in Pin where: Vpk is the peak ac line voltage, Lp is the inductor value, Pin is the input power. Combining the two equations, one can obtain the Follower Boost equation: Vo = Ro × 2 Vo = Vpk Regulation Block is Active Vo (Pin)max non usable area C pin3 ×V pk K osc × L p × P in Vac Consequently, a linear dependency links the output voltage to the ac line amplitude at a given input power. VacLL Vac VacHL Figure 35. Follower Boost Output Voltage Mode Selection (Vac)max Input Power Output Voltage The Regulation Block is Active Vac The operation mode is simply selected by adjusting the oscillator capacitor value. As shown in Figure 35, the output voltage first has an increasing linear characteristic versus the ac line magnitude and then is clamped down to the regulation value. In the traditional mode, the linear area must be rejected. This is achieved by dimensioning the oscillator capacitor so that the boost can deliver the maximum power while the output voltage equals its regulation level and this, whatever the given input voltage. Practically, that means that whatever the power and input voltage conditions are, the follower boost would generate output voltages values higher than the regulation level, if there was no regulation block. In other words, if (Vo)regL is the low output regulation level: Output Voltage Input Power Pin (Vac)min Vo ton = k/Vo2 ton on--time Figure 34. Follower Boost Characteristics The behavior of the output voltage is depicted in Figures 34 and 35. In particular, Figure 35 illustrates how the output voltage converges to a stable equilibrium level. First, at a given ac line voltage, the on--time is dictated by the power demand. Then, the follower boost characteristic makes correspond one output voltage level to this on--time. Combining these two laws, it appears that the power level forces the output voltage. One can notice that the system is fully stable: If an output voltage increase makes it move away from its equilibrium value, the on--time will immediately diminish according to the follower boost law. This will result in a delivered power decrease. Consequently, the supplied power being too low, the output voltage will decrease back, In the same way, if the output voltage decreases, more power will be transferred and then the output voltage will increase back. V o regL ≤ Ro × 2 C +C T int K osc × L p × P in max ×V pk Consequently, C T ≥ --C int + 2 4 × K osc × L p × P in max × V o regL 2 R2 o × V pk Using IregL (regulation block current reference), this equation can be simplified as follows: C T ≥ --C int + 4 × K osc × L p × P max × I2 in regL V2 pk In the Follower Boost case, the oscillator capacitor must be chosen so that the wished characteristics are obtained. Consequently, the simple choice of the oscillator capacitor enables the mode selection. http://onsemi.com 15 MC33260 Synchronization Signal Zero Current Detection 2 ms Delay 2 ms 2 ms 2 ms 2 ms Vcontrol Oscillator Circuit Output 205 mA Ics Inductor Current 1 2 case no. 1: the turn on is delayed by the Zero Current Detection cases no. 2 and no. 3: the turn on is delayed by the synchronization signal case no. 4: the turn on is delayed by the minimum off--time (2 ms) Figure 36. Typical Waveforms http://onsemi.com 16 3 4 MC33260 MAIN DESIGN EQUATIONS (Note 3) rms Input Current (Iac) I ac = (preconverter efficiency) is generally in the range of 90 -- 95%. Po η × Vac Maximum Inductor Peak Current ((Ipk)max): (Ipk)max is the maximum inductor current. Output Voltage Peak to Peak 100Hz (120Hz) Ripple ((ΔVo)pk--pk): fac is the ac line frequency (50 or 60Hz). 2 × 2 × (P o) max (I ) max = pk η×V acLL Po (ΔVo ) = pk–pk 2π × f ac × C o × Vo Inductor Value (Lp): 2×t× Lp = Vo 2 −V acLL t is the maximum switching period. (t = 40 ms) for universal mains operation and (t = 20ms) for narrow range are generally used. 2 ×V acLL Vo × V × (I ) max acLL pk Maximum Power MOSFET Conduction Losses ((pon)max): (Pon ) max ≈ 1 × (Rds)on × (I ) max 2 × 1 − pk 3 1.2 × V acLL Vo (Rds)on is the MOSFET drain source on--time resistor. In Follower Boost, the ratio (VacLL/Vo) is higher. The on--time MOSFET losses are then reduced. Maximum Average Diode Current (Id): The Average Diode Current depends on the power and on the output voltage. Current Sense Resistor Losses (pRcs): This formula indicates the required dissipation capability for Rcs (current sense resistor). (P ) max (I ) max = o d (Vo) min pR cs = 1 × (Rds)on × (I ) 2 max pk 6 Over Current Protection Resistor (ROCP): R OCP ≈ R cs × (I Oscillator External Capacitor Value (CT): --Traditional Operation 2×K C ≥−C + T int -- Follower Boost: Vo = Ro × 2 Feedback Resistor (Ro): Ro = pk 0.205 ) max (kΩ) 2 osc × L p × (Pin ) max × I regL V 2ac C +C T int K osc × L p × P in The overcurrent threshold is adjusted by ROCP at a given Rcs. Rcs can be a preconverter inrush resistor. The Follower Boost characteristic is adjusted by the CT choice. The Traditional Mode is also selected by CT. Cint is the oscillator pin internal capacitor. ×V pk (Vo ) reg − VFB V ≈ o 200 I regH (MΩ) 3. The preconverter design requires the following characteristics specification: -- (Vo)reg: desired output voltage regulation level -- (ΔVo)pk--pk: admissible output peak to peak ripple voltage -- Po: desired output power -- Vac: ac rms operating line voltage -- VacLL: minimum ac rms operating line voltage -- VFB: Feedback Pin voltage http://onsemi.com 17 The output voltage regulation level is adjusted by Ro. MC33260 L1 1N4007 D1 90 to 270 Vac EMI Filter D2 D3 C1 330 nF 500 Vdc D4 320 mH D5 MUR460E R1 1 MΩ 0.25 W Q1 MTP4N50E + 80 W Load (SMPS, Lamp Ballast,...) C2 47 mF 450 V R2 1 MΩ 0.25 W R4 R3 15 kΩ/0.25 W 1 Ω/2 W R5 22 Ω/0.25 W Feedback Input Io Vreg Vreg Vcontrol C3 680 nF Io Io Feedback Block 1.5 V Iref Vprot Regulation Block 300 k UVP, OVP Io (-- -- --) Iuvp IovpL IovpH Io 97%.Iref Iref Iref Vref Iref MC33260 REGULATOR -- Enable + 11 V/8.5 V VCC Vprot ThStdwn Output Buffer PWM Comp Oscillator I osc–ch = C4 330 pF Gnd + 2x|0x|0 I ref R -Iocp (205 mA) CT 0 1 1 0 --60 mV 15 pF Q PWM Latch Current Sense Block S Q Output + Synchro Synchronization Block -- LEB Output Drive L1: Coilcraft N2881 -- A (primary: 62 turns of # 22 AWG -- Secondary: 5 turns of # 22 AWG Core: Coilcraft PT2510, EE 25 L1: Gap: 0.072 total for a primary inductance (Lp) of 320 mH) Figure 37. 80 W Wide Mains Power Factor Corrector POWER FACTOR CONTROLLER TEST DATA* AC Line Input Current Harmonic Distortion (% Ifund) Vrms (V) Pin (W) PF (--) Ifund (mA) THD H2 H3 H5 H7 DC Output H9 Vo (V) ΔVo (V) Io (mA) Po (W) (%) 90 88.2 0.991 990 8.1 0.07 5.9 4.3 1.5 1.7 181 31.2 440 79.6 90.2 110 86.3 0.996 782 7.0 0.05 2.7 5.7 1.1 0.8 222 26.4 360 79.9 92.6 135 85.2 0.995 642 8.2 0.03 1.5 6.8 1.1 1.5 265 20.8 300 79.5 93.3 180 87.0 0.994 480 9.5 0.16 4.0 6.5 3.1 4.0 360 16.0 225 81.0 93.1 220 84.7 0.982 385 15 0.5 8.4 7.8 5.3 1.9 379 14.0 210 79.6 94.4 240 85.3 0.975 359 16.5 0.7 9.0 7.8 7.4 3.8 384 14.0 210 80.6 94.5 260 84.0 0.967 330 18.8 0.7 11.0 7.0 9.0 4.0 392 13.2 205 80.4 95.7 *Measurements performed using Voltech PM1200 ac power analysis. http://onsemi.com 18 MC33260 Rstup D1...D4 15 V 2 3 8 MC33260 1 4 r + Cpin8 VCC + 7 6 5 PDIP--8 CONFIGURATION SHOWN Figure 38. Circuit Supply Voltage MC33260 VCC SUPPLY VOLTAGE When the PFC preconverter is loaded by an SMPS, the MC33260 should preferably be supplied by the SMPS itself. In this configuration, the SMPS starts first and the PFC gets active when the MC33260 VCC supplied by the power supply, exceeds the device startup level. With this configuration, the PFC preconverter doesn’t require any auxiliary winding and finally a simple coil can be used. In some applications, the arrangement shown in Figure 38 must be implemented to supply the circuit. A startup resistor is connected between the rectified voltage (or one--half wave) to charge the MC33260 VCC up to its startup threshold (11 V typically). The MC33260 turns on and the VCC capacitor (Cpin8) starts to be charged by the PFC transformer auxiliary winding. A resistor, r (in the range of 22 Ω) and a 15 V Zener should be added to protect the circuit from excessive voltages. PCB LAYOUT The connections of the oscillator and Vcontrol capacitors should be as short as possible. Preconverter Output 2 3 4 8 MC33260 1 7 6 + + + + VCC + + + 5 SMPS Driver DIP--8 CONFIGURATION SHOWN Figure 39. Preconverter Loaded by a Flyback SMPS: MC33260 VCC Supply http://onsemi.com 19 MC33260 ORDERING INFORMATION Package Shipping† MC33260PG PDIP--8 (Pb--Free) 50 Units / Rail MC33260DG SOIC--8 (Pb--Free) 98 Units / Rail MC33260DR2G SOIC--8 (Pb--Free) 2500 Units / Tape & Reel Device †For information on tape and reel specifications, including part orientation and tape sizes, please refer to our Tape and Reel Packaging Specifications Brochure, BRD8011/D. http://onsemi.com 20 MC33260 PACKAGE DIMENSIONS 8 LEAD PDIP CASE 626--05 ISSUE M D A D1 8 E 5 E1 1 4 NOTE 5 F c E2 END VIEW TOP VIEW NOTE 3 e/2 A L A1 C SEATING PLANE E3 e 8X SIDE VIEW b 0.010 M C A END VIEW http://onsemi.com 21 NOTES: 1. DIMENSIONING AND TOLERANCING PER ASME Y14.5M, 1994. 2. CONTROLLING DIMENSION: INCHES. 3. DIMENSION E IS MEASURED WITH THE LEADS RESTRAINED PARALLEL AT WIDTH E2. 4. DIMENSION E1 DOES NOT INCLUDE MOLD FLASH. 5. ROUNDED CORNERS OPTIONAL. DIM A A1 b C D D1 E E1 E2 E3 e L INCHES NOM MAX -------- 0.210 --------------0.018 0.022 0.010 0.014 0.365 0.400 --------------0.310 0.325 0.250 0.280 0.300 BSC --------------- 0.430 0.100 BSC 0.115 0.130 0.150 MIN -------0.015 0.014 0.008 0.355 0.005 0.300 0.240 MILLIMETERS MIN NOM MAX --------------5.33 0.38 --------------0.35 0.46 0.56 0.20 0.25 0.36 9.02 9.27 10.02 0.13 --------------7.62 7.87 8.26 6.10 6.35 7.11 7.62 BSC --------------- 10.92 2.54 BSC 2.92 3.30 3.81 MC33260 PACKAGE DIMENSIONS SOIC--8 CASE 751--07 ISSUE AJ --X-- NOTES: 1. DIMENSIONING AND TOLERANCING PER ANSI Y14.5M, 1982. 2. CONTROLLING DIMENSION: MILLIMETER. 3. DIMENSION A AND B DO NOT INCLUDE MOLD PROTRUSION. 4. MAXIMUM MOLD PROTRUSION 0.15 (0.006) PER SIDE. 5. DIMENSION D DOES NOT INCLUDE DAMBAR PROTRUSION. ALLOWABLE DAMBAR PROTRUSION SHALL BE 0.127 (0.005) TOTAL IN EXCESS OF THE D DIMENSION AT MAXIMUM MATERIAL CONDITION. 6. 751--01 THRU 751--06 ARE OBSOLETE. NEW STANDARD IS 751--07. A 8 5 S B 1 0.25 (0.010) M Y M 4 --Y-- K G C N DIM A B C D G H J K M N S X 45 _ SEATING PLANE --Z-- 0.10 (0.004) H D 0.25 (0.010) M Z Y S X M J S MILLIMETERS MIN MAX 4.80 5.00 3.80 4.00 1.35 1.75 0.33 0.51 1.27 BSC 0.10 0.25 0.19 0.25 0.40 1.27 0_ 8_ 0.25 0.50 5.80 6.20 INCHES MIN MAX 0.189 0.197 0.150 0.157 0.053 0.069 0.013 0.020 0.050 BSC 0.004 0.010 0.007 0.010 0.016 0.050 0 _ 8 _ 0.010 0.020 0.228 0.244 SOLDERING FOOTPRINT* 1.52 0.060 7.0 0.275 4.0 0.155 0.6 0.024 1.270 0.050 SCALE 6:1 mm inches *For additional information on our Pb--Free strategy and soldering details, please download the ON Semiconductor Soldering and Mounting Techniques Reference Manual, SOLDERRM/D. GreenLine is a trademark of Motorola, Inc. ON Semiconductor and are registered trademarks of Semiconductor Components Industries, LLC (SCILLC). SCILLC reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any products herein. SCILLC makes no warranty, representation or guarantee regarding the suitability of its products for any particular purpose, nor does SCILLC assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit, and specifically disclaims any and all liability, including without limitation special, consequential or incidental damages. “Typical” parameters which may be provided in SCILLC data sheets and/or specifications can and do vary in different applications and actual performance may vary over time. All operating parameters, including “Typicals” must be validated for each customer application by customer’s technical experts. SCILLC does not convey any license under its patent rights nor the rights of others. SCILLC products are not designed, intended, or authorized for use as components in systems intended for surgical implant into the body, or other applications intended to support or sustain life, or for any other application in which the failure of the SCILLC product could create a situation where personal injury or death may occur. Should Buyer purchase or use SCILLC products for any such unintended or unauthorized application, Buyer shall indemnify and hold SCILLC and its officers, employees, subsidiaries, affiliates, and distributors harmless against all claims, costs, damages, and expenses, and reasonable attorney fees arising out of, directly or indirectly, any claim of personal injury or death associated with such unintended or unauthorized use, even if such claim alleges that SCILLC was negligent regarding the design or manufacture of the part. SCILLC is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. This literature is subject to all applicable copyright laws and is not for resale in any manner. PUBLICATION ORDERING INFORMATION LITERATURE FULFILLMENT: Literature Distribution Center for ON Semiconductor P.O. Box 5163, Denver, Colorado 80217 USA Phone: 303--675--2175 or 800--344--3860 Toll Free USA/Canada Fax: 303--675--2176 or 800--344--3867 Toll Free USA/Canada Email: orderlit@onsemi.com N. American Technical Support: 800--282--9855 Toll Free USA/Canada Europe, Middle East and Africa Technical Support: Phone: 421 33 790 2910 Japan Customer Focus Center Phone: 81--3--5773--3850 http://onsemi.com 22 ON Semiconductor Website: www.onsemi.com Order Literature: http://www.onsemi.com/orderlit For additional information, please contact your local Sales Representative MC33260/D AND8016/D Design of Power Factor Correction Circuit Using Greenline Compact Power Factor Controller MC33260 http://onsemi.com Prepared by Ming Hian Chew ON Semiconductor Analog Applications Engineering APPLICATION NOTE Introduction The MC33260 is an active power factor controller that functions as a boost pre–converter which, meeting international standard requirement in electronic ballast and off–line power supply application. MC33260 is designed to drive a free running frequency discontinuous mode, it can also be synchronized and in any case, it features very effective protections that ensure a safe and reliable operation. This circuit is also optimized to offer extremely compact and cost effective PFC solutions. It does not entail the need of auxiliary winding for zero current detection hence a simple coil can be used instead of a transformer if the MC33260 Vcc is drawn from the load (please refer to page 19 of the data sheet). While it requires a minimum number D1 D3 D2 D4 of external components, the MC33260 can control the follower boost operation that is an innovative mode allowing a drastic size reduction of both the inductor and the power switch. Ultimately, the solution system cost is significantly lowered. Also able to function in a traditional way (constant output voltage regulation level), any intermediary solutions can be easily implemented. This flexibility makes it ideal to optimally cope with a wide range of applications. This application note will discuss on the design of power factor correction circuit with MC33260 with traditional boost constant output voltage regulation level operation and follower boost variable output voltage regulation level operation. For derivation of the design equations related to the IC please refer to MC33260 data sheet. R6 D5 R7 C1 L1 + D7 C4 D5 1 8 2 7 + C5 R5 Q1 MC33260 C2 R2 3 6 4 5 C3 R1 R3 R4 C6 Figure 1. Application Schematic of MC33260 PFC Techniques Many PFC techniques have been proposed, boost topology, which can operate in continuous and discontinuous mode, is the most popular. Typically, continuous mode is more favorable for high power application for having lower peak current. On the other hand, for less than 500 W application, discontinuous mode offers smaller inductor size, minimal parts count and lowest Semiconductor Components Industries, LLC, 2002 June, 2002 – Rev. 1 cost. This paper will discuss design of PFC with MC33260, which operates in critical conduction mode. Discontinuous Conduction Mode Operation Critical conduction mode operation presents two major advantages in PFC application. For critical conduction mode, the inductor current must fall to zero before start the next cycle. This operation results in higher efficiency and 1 Publication Order Number: AND8016/D AND8016/D eliminates boost rectifier reverse recovery loss as MOSFET cannot turn–on until the inductor current reaches zero. Secondly, since there are no dead–time gaps between cycles, the ac line current is continuous thus limiting the peak switch to twice the average input current. The converter works right on critical conduction mode, which results in variable frequency operation. I where inpk 2 I (5) inrms Input power of the PFC circuit, Pin can be expressed in following equation, by substituting equation (3) and (5). P V I in inrms inrms V inpk 2 I V I inpk inpk inpk 2 2 (6) The output power, Po is given by: Inductor Waveform Po V oI o ηP in V di L dt (1) PFC circuit efficiency is needed in the design equation, for low line operation, it is typically set at 92% while 95% for high line operation. Substituting equation (6) into equation (7), Equation (1) is the center of the operation of PFC boost converter where V=Vin(t), the instantaneous voltage across the inductor. Assuming the inductance and the on–time over each line half–cycle are constant, di is actually the peak current, ILpk, this is because the inductor always begins charging at zero current. I Iin(t) I inpk 2 P 2Po o ηV ηV inpk inrms (9) L(avg) I (10) in It has been understood that peak inductor current, ILpk is exactly twice the average inductor current, IL(avg) for critical conduction operation. ON OFF I I inpk 2 V t (3) 2 2 Po ηV inrms (11) Lpk 2 2 Po ηV ac(LL) (12) (on) I L P Lpk Vinpk (13) Substituting equation (3) and (12) into equation (13), results in: Instantaneous Input Current, Iin(t) Peak Input Current, Iinpk, Both Iin(t) and Iinpk are related by below equation I (t) I sin(ωt), in inpk L(avg) On–time By solving inductor equation (1), on–time required to charge the inductor to the correct peak current is: (2) inrms 2I Switching Time In theory, the on–time, t(on) is constant. In practice, t(on) tends to increase at the ac line zero crossings due to the charge on output capacitor Cout. Let Vac = Vac(LL) for initial t(on) and t(off) calculations. PFC Power Section Design Instantaneous Input Voltage, Vin(t) Peak Input Voltage, Vinpk Both Vin(t) and Vinpk are related by below equation V (t) V sin(ωt) in inpk Lpk Since ILpk is maximum at minimum required ac line voltage, Vac(LL), Design Criteria The basic design specification concerns the following: • Mains Voltage Range: Vac(LL) – Vac(HL) • Regulated DC Output Voltage: Vo • Rated Output Power: Po • Expected Efficiency, V (8) The average input current is equal to average inductor current, IL(avg), Figure 2. Inductor Waveform where V I inpk inpk 2 Express the above equation in term of Iinpk, IL(t) Iinpk MOSFET Po ηP η in Vin(t) Vinpk ILpk (7) t (on) (4) http://onsemi.com 2 2 2 Po ηV ac(LL) L P 2 Vac(LL) 2Po L P ηV 2ac(LL) (14) AND8016/D Off–time The instantaneous switch off–time varies with the line and load conditions, as well as with the instantaneous line voltage. Off–time is analyzed by solving equation (1) for the inductor discharging where the voltage across the inductor is Vo minus Vin. t (off) Multiplying nominator Vinpksin(t) results in: t (15) and denominator total with total L Lpk P V sin(ωt) t inpk (on) (16) t (off) Vo V sin(ωt) Vo inpk 1 2 Vinpk sin(θ) V sin(ωt) inpk I (off)min L Lpk P ,θ 0° Vo Lp t (on) 1 t (off) (off)max 2Po L P ηV 2ac(LL) L Lpk P , (θ) 90° Vo V inpk 2 (23) 2 V P o o o Vac(LL) Vac(LL) V total 2 (24) Vo I Lpk Let the switching cycle t = 40s for universal input (85 to 265 Vac) operation and 20 s for fixed input (92 to 138 Vac, or 184 to 276 Vac) operation. (17) Inductor Design Summary The required energy storage of the boost inductor is: 2 W 1L I L 2 P Lpk (25) The number of turns required for a selected core size and material is: (18) L I 10 6 P Lpk N P B maxA e (26) where Bmax is in Teslas and Ae is in square millimeters (mm2) The required air gap to achieve the correct inductance and storage is expressed by: l gap 2 410 7 N p A e mm L P (27) Design of Auxiliary Winding MC33260 does not entail an auxiliary winding for zero current detection. Hence if DC voltage can be tapped from the SMPS or electronic ballast connected to the output of PFC, this step can be skipped. Then an inductor is what it needs. The auxiliary winding exhibits a low frequency ripple (100–120 Hz). The Vcc capacitor must be large enough (about 47 F) to minimize voltage variations. As a rule of thumb, you can use the below equation to estimate the auxiliary turn number: (19) I t (22) V Lp Inductor Value Maximum on–time needs to be programmed into the PFC controller timing circuit. Both t(on)max and t(off)max will be individually calculated and added together to obtain the maximum conversion period, ttotal. This is required to obtain the inductor value. (on)max o Vac(LL) ηV2ac(LL) total 2t Switching frequency changes with the steady state line and load operating conditions along with the instantaneous input line voltage. Typically, the PFC converter is designed to operate above the audible range after accommodating all circuit and component tolerances. 25 kHz is a good first approximation. Higher frequency operation that can significantly reduce the inductor size without negatively impacting efficiency or cost should also be evaluated. The minimum switching frequency occurs at the peak of the ac line voltage. As the ac line voltage traverses from peak to zero, t(off) approaches zero producing an increase in switching frequency. t Equation (23) can be rewritten by substituting rearranged equation (12) in term of √2Po. Switching Frequency f (21) (off)max 2 P L V o P o V 2 V ac(LL) η o V ac(LL) 2 t where t = The off–time, t(off) is greatest at the peak of the ac line voltage and approaches zero at the ac line zero crossings. Theta () represents the angle of the ac line voltage. The off–time is at a minimum at ac line crossings. This equation is used to calculate t(off) as Theta approaches zero. t (on)max By rearranging in term of Lp, I t t Equation (21) becomes I t L Lpk P Vo V sin(ωt) inpk The exact inductor value can be determined by solving equation (21) by substituting equation (19) and (20) at the selected minimum operating frequency. Naux (20) http://onsemi.com 3 Np Vaux Np Vaux Vo Vac(HL) VL (28) AND8016/D The MC33260 VCC maximum voltage being 16 V, one must add a resistor (in the range of 22 ) and a 15 V zener to protect the circuit against excessive voltages. Vaux should be chosen above the Under–Voltage Lockout threshold (10 V) and below the zener voltage. Overcurrent protection resistor, ROCP can be determined with below equation: Selection of Output Capacitor The choice of output capacitance value is dictated by the required hold–up time, thold or the acceptable output ripple voltage, Vorip for a given application. As a rule of thumb, can start with 1 F/watt. Current Limiting With Boost Topology Power Factor Correction Circuit Unlike buck and flyback circuits, because there is no series switch between input and output in the boost topology, high current occurring with the start–up inrush current surge charging the bulk capacitor and fault load conditions cannot be limited or controlled without additional circuitry. The MC33260 Zero Current Detection uses the current sensing information to prevent any power switch turn on as long as some current flows through the inductor. Then, during start–up, the power MOSFET is not allowed to turn on while in–rush current flows. Then there is no risk to have the power switch destroyed at start–up because of the in–rush current. In the same way, in an overload case, the power MOSFET is kept off as long as there is a direct output capacitor charge current, i.e., when the input voltage is higher than the output voltage. Consequently, overload working is fully safe for the power MOSFET. This is one of the major advantages compared to MC33262 and competition. R OCP Selection of Semiconductors Maximum currents and voltages must first be determined for over all operating conditions to select the MOSFET and boost rectifier. As a rule of thumb, derate all semiconductors to about 75–80% of their maximum ratings. This implying the need of devices with at least 500 V breakdown voltage. Bipolar transistors are an acceptable alternative to MOSFET if the switching frequency is maintained fairly low. High voltage diodes with recovery times of 200 ns, or less should be used for the boost rectifier. One series of the popular devices is the MURXXX Ultrafast Rectifier Series from ON Semiconductor. Maximum power MOSFET conduction losses. 2 P 1R I 1 (on)max ds(on) Lpk 6 1.2 V ac(LL) (29) Vo 2 K osc L P V 2 P in o C int 2 2 V ac(LL) R o (30) Design of Regulation and Overvoltage Protection Circuit The output voltage regulation level can be adjusted by Ro, Vo Ro 200 A (31) Designing the Current Sense Circuit The inductor current is converted into a voltage by inserting a ground referenced resistor, RCS in series with the input diode bridge. Therefore a negative voltage proportional to the inductor current is built. The current sense resistor losses, PRcs: 2 P 1R I Lpk Rcs CS 6 (33) Current Limiting for Start–up Inrush Initially Vo is zero, when the converter is turned on, the bulk capacitor will charge resonantly to twice Vin. The voltage can be as high as 750 V if Vin happens to be at the peak high–line 265 V condition (375 V). The peak resonant charging current through the inductor will be many times greater than normal full load current. the inductor must be designed to be much larger and more expensive to avoid saturation. The boost shunt switch cannot do anything to prevent this and could be worse if turned on during start–up. The inrush current and voltage overshoot during the start–up phase is intolerable. A fuse is not suitable, as it will blow each time the supply is turned on. There are several methods that may be used to solve the start–up problem: Designing the Oscillator Circuit For traditional boost operation, CT is chosen with below equation: C T R I Lpk CS I OCP 1. Start–up Bypass Rectifier This is implemented by adding an additional rectifier bypassing the boost inductor. The bypass rectifier will divert the start–up inrush current away from the boost inductor as shown in Figure 3. The bulk capacitor charges through Dbypass to the peak AC line voltage without resonant overshoot and without excessive inductor current. Dbypass is (32) http://onsemi.com 4 AND8016/D • Regulated DC Output Voltage: Vo = 400 Vdc • Rated Output Power: Po = 80 W • Expected Efficiency, > 90% reverse–biased under normal operating conditions. If load overcurrent pulls down Vo, Dbypass conducts, but this is probably preferable to having the high current flowing through boost inductor. A. The input power, Pin is given by Dbypass PFC IC P P o 80 86.96 W in 0.92 η + B. Input diode current is maximum at Vinrms = Vac(LL) VOUT VAC I inpk 2 P o 2 80 1.447 A 0.92 85 ηV ac(LL) C. Inductor design 1. Inductor peak current: Figure 3. Rectifier bypass of start–up inrush current I 2. External Inrush Current Limiting Circuit For low power system, a thermistor in series with the pre–converter input will limit the inrush current. Concern is the thermistor may not respond fast enough to provide protection after a line dropout of a few cycles. A series input resistor shunted by a Triac or SCR is a more efficient approach. A control circuit is necessary. This method can function on a cycle–by–cycle basis for protection after a dropout. Lpk 2I inpk 2 1.447 2.894 A 2. Inductor value: 2t Lp o Vac(LL) Vac(LL) V total 2 Vo I Lpk 2 40 10 6 400 2 85 85 400 2.894 1.162 mH Let the switching cycle t = 40 s for universal input (85 to 265 Vac) operation. 3. The number of turns required for a selected core size and material is: Load Overcurrent Limiting If an overcurrent condition occurs and exceeds the boost converter power limit established by the control circuit, Vo will eventually be dragged down below the peak value of the AC line voltage. If this happens, current will rise rapidly and without limit through the series inductor and rectifier. This may result in saturation of the inductor and components will fail. The control circuit holds off the shunt switch, since the current limit function is activated. It cannot help to turn the switch ON – the inductor current will rise even more rapidly and switch failure will occur. Typically, a power factor correction circuit is connected to another systems like switched mode power supply or electronic ballast. These downstream converters typically will have current limiting capability, eliminating concern about load faults. However, a downstream converter or the bulk capacitor might fail. Hence there is a possibility of a short circuit at the load. If it is considered necessary to limit the current to a safe value in the event of a downstream fault, some means external to the boost converter must be provided. L I 10 6 3 2.894 10 6 P Lpk N 1.162 10 P 0.3 60 B maxA e 186.8 turns 187 turns Using EPCOS E 30/15/7, Bmax =0.3 T and Ae = 60 mm2. 4. The required air gap to achieve the correct inductance and storage is: l gap 7 2 N p Ae L P 4 10 7 187 2 60 10 6 410 1.162 10 3 2.269 mm 5. Design of Auxiliary Winding N aux Design Example I – Traditional Boost Constant Output Voltage Regulation Level Operation Power Factor Correction The basic design specification concerns the following: • Mains Voltage Range: Vac(LL) – Vac(HL) = 85 – 265 Vac Vaux N P Vo Vac(HL) 14 187 (400 265) 19.4 turns 20 turns Round up to 20 turns to make sure enough voltage at the auxiliary winding. http://onsemi.com 5 AND8016/D 445 415 385 355 E. Calculation of MOSFET conduction losses A 8A, 500V MOSFET, MTP8N50E is chosen. The on resistance, Rds(on) 1.75 @100°C. Therefore, maximum power MOSFET conduction losses is: 325 295 265 235 205 175 2 P 1R I Lpk 1 (on)max ds(on) 6 Vo/(V) D. To determine the output capacitor As rule of thumb, for 80 W output, start with 100 F, 450 V capacitor. 1.2 V ac(LL) Vo 145 115 85 1 1.75 2.894 2 1 1.2 85 1.82 W 6 400 F. Design of regulation and overvoltage protection circuit The output voltage regulation level can be adjusted by Ro, 85 100 115 1130 145 160 175 190 205 220 235 250 265 280 Vac (V) Figure 4. Theoretical Vo versus Vac with CT = 10nF Vo Ro 400 2 MΩ 200 µA 200 µA H. Design of the current sense circuit Choose Rcs = 0.68 1. So the current sense resistor losses, PRcs: Use two 1 M resistors in series. 2 2 P 1R I Lpk 1 1 2.894 0.949 W Rcs CS 6 6 G. Designing the oscillator circuit For traditional boost operation, CT is chosen with below equation: C T Full Load Half Load Vacpeak Therefore the power rating of RCS is chosen to be 2 W. 2. Overcurrent protection resistor, ROCP can be determined with below equation: 2 K osc L P V 2 P in o C int V 2ac(LL) R 2 o R OCP 2 6400 1.162mH 86.96 400 2 15pF 7.16nF 85 2 2MΩ 2 R I Lpk CS 0.68 2.894 9600 Ω I 205 µA OCP Use 10000 resistor. This provide current limit at 3.01 A versus calculated value of ILpk = 2.894 A. Use 10 nF capacitor. 80 W, Universal Input, Traditional Boost Constant Output Voltage Level Regulation Operation Power Factor Correction Circuit Part List Index Value Comment Index Value Comment C1 0.63 F@600 V Filtering Capacitor R6 22 @0.25 W Aux Winding Resistor C2 680 nF Pin 2 Vcontrol Capacitor R7 100 K@2 W Start–up Resistor C3 10 nF Pin 3 Oscillator Capacitor R8 1N5406 Input Diode C4 100 F@50 V Aux Capacitor, E–Cap D1 1N5406 Input Diode C5 100F@450V Output Capacitor, E–Cap D2 1N5406 Input Diode C6 1 nF@50 V Feedback Filtering Capacitor D3 1N5406 Input Diode R1 0.68 @2 W Current Sense Resistor D4 1N4937 Aux Winding Diode R2 10 K@0.25 W OCP Sensing Resistor D5 MUR460 Boost Diode R3 1 M@0.25 W Feedback Resistor D6 1N5245 Aux 15 V Zener Diode R4 1 M@0.25 W Feedback Resistor D7 MTP8N50E Power MOSFET R5 10 @0.25 W Gate Resistor Q1 1.162 mH Inductor * E 30/15/7, N67 Material from EPCOS Primary – 187 turns of # 23 AWG, Secondary – 19 turns of # 23 AWG. Gap length 2.269mm total for a primary inductance LP of 1.162mH. http://onsemi.com 6 AND8016/D D1 D3 D2 D4 D5 R6 R7 C1 L1 + D7 C4 D5 1 8 2 7 + C5 R5 Q1 MC33260 C2 R2 3 6 4 5 C3 R1 R3 R4 C6 Figure 5. 80 W Universal Input, Traditional Boost Constant Output Voltage Regulation Level Operation Power Factor Correction Circuit Design Table for Universal Input, Traditional Boost Constant Output Voltage Regulation Level Operation Power Factor Correction Po 25 50 75 100 125 150 200 (Watts) LP 3.720 1.860 1.240 0.930 0.744 0.620 0.465 (mH) Co 33 68 100 100 150 150 220 (F) RCS 2 1 0.68 0.5 0.39 0.33 0.25 ROCP 10000 10000 10000 9100 9100 9100 9100 Cin 0.22 0.63 0.63 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 (F) CT 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 (nF) Q MTP4N50E Dout MUR160 MTP8N50E MUR460 Din 1N4007 1N5406 Design Example II – Follower Boost Variable Output Voltage Regulation Level Operation Power Factor Correction The basic design specification concerns the following: • Mains Voltage Range: Vac(LL) – Vac(HL) = 85 – 265 Vac • Maximum Regulated DC Output Voltage: Vo = 400 Vdc • Minimum Regulated DC Output Voltage: Vomin = 140 Vdc • Rated Output Power: Po = 80 W • Expected Efficiency, > 90% MTW14N50E B. Input diode current is maximum at Vinrms = Vac(LL) I inpk 2 P o 2 80 1.447 A 0.92 85 ηV ac(LL) C. Inductor design 1. Inductor peak current: I Lpk 2I inpk 2 1.447 2.894 A 2. Inductor value, for follower boost operation, Vo = Vomin: A. The input power, Pin is given by P P o 80 86.96 W in 0.92 η http://onsemi.com 7 AND8016/D 2t total Lp V omin V 2 ac(LL) F. Design of regulation and overvoltage protection circuit The output voltage regulation level can be adjusted by Ro, V I omin Lpk 2 40 10 6 140 2 85 85 140 2.894 Vo Ro 400 2 MΩ 200 µA 200 µA Use two 1M resistors in series. 0.235 µH Let the switching cycle t = 40 s for universal input (85 to 265 Vac) operation. 3. The number of turns required for a selected core size and material is: G. Designing the Oscillator Circuit For follower boost operation, CT is chosen with below equation: C T 10 6 L I P Lpk N P B maxA e 2 6400 0.234mH 86.96 140 2 15pF 162 pF 85 2 2 MΩ 2 0.235 10 3 2.894 10 6 70.6 turns 71 turns 0.3 32.1 Use 150 pF capacitor. Using EPCOS E 20/10/6, N67 material, Bmax =0.3 T and Ae = 32.1 mm2. 4. The required air gap to achieve the correct inductance and storage is: 445 415 385 355 7 2 N p Ae L P 4 10 7 71 2 32.1 10 6 410 Vo/(V) l gap 0.235 10 3 0.856 mm 5. Design of Auxiliary Winding N aux Vaux N P Vo Vac(HL) 2 K osc L P V 2 P in o C int V 2ac(LL) R 2 o 325 295 265 235 205 175 145 115 85 14 71 (400 265) Full Load Half Load Vacpeak 85 100 115 1130 145 160 175 190 205 220 235 250 265 280 Vac (V) 7.4 turns 8 turns Figure 6. Theoretical Vo versus Vac with CT = 150pF Round up to 8 turns to make sure enough voltage at the auxiliary winding. H. Design of the Current Sense Circuit Choose Rcs = 0.68 1. So the current sense resistor losses, PRcs: D. To determine the output capacitor As rule of thumb, for 80 W output, start with 100 F, 450 V capacitor. 2 P 1R I Lpk Rcs CS 6 1 0.68 2.894 2 0.949 W 6 E. Calculation of MOSFET conduction losses A 4A, 500 V MOSFET, MTP4N50E is chosen. The on resistance, Rds(on) 1.75 @100°C. Therefore, maximum power MOSFET conduction losses is: 2. Overcurrent protection resistor, ROCP can be determined with below equation: 1.2 V ac(LL) V omin 1.2 85 1 2 1.75 2.894 1 0.66 W 6 140 R OCP 2 P 1R I Lpk 1 (on)max ds(on) 6 R I Lpk CS 0.68 2.894 9600 Ω I 205 µA OCP Use 10000 resistor. This provide current limit at 3.01 A versus calculated value of ILpk = 2.894 A. http://onsemi.com 8 AND8016/D 80 W, Universal Input, Follower Boost Variable Output Voltage Regulation Level Operation Power Factor Correction Circuit Part List Index Value Comment Index Value Comment C1 0.63 F@600 V Filtering Capacitor R6 22 @0.25 W Aux Winding Resistor C2 680 nF Pin 2 Vcontrol Capacitor R7 100 K@2 W Start–up Resistor C3 150 pF Pin 3 Oscillator Capacitor D1 1N5406 Input Diode C4 100 F@50 V Aux Capacitor, E–Cap D2 1N5406 Input Diode C5 100 F@450 V Output Capacitor, E–Cap D3 1N5406 Input Diode C6 1 nF@50 V Feedback Filtering Capacitor D4 1N5406 Input Diode R1 0.68 @2 W Current Sense Resistor D5 1N4937 Aux Winding Diode R2 10 K@0.25 W OCP Sensing Resistor D6 MUR460 Boost Diode R3 1 M@0.25 W Feedback Resistor D7 1N5245 Aux 15 V Zener Diode R4 1 M@0.25 W Feedback Resistor Q1 MTP4N50E Power MOSFET R5 10 @0.25 W Gate Resistor L1* 0.235 mH Inductor * E 20/10/6, N67 Material from EPCOS Primary – 71 turns of # 23 AWG, Secondary – 8 turns of # 23 AWG. Gap length 0.865 mm total for a primary inductance LP of 0.235 mH. D1 D3 D2 D4 R6 D5 R7 C1 L1 + D7 C4 D5 1 8 2 7 + C5 R5 Q1 MC33260 C2 R2 3 6 4 5 C3 R1 R3 R4 C6 Figure 7. 80 W Universal Input, Follower Boost Variable Output Voltage Regulation Level Operation Power Factor Correction Circuit http://onsemi.com 9 AND8016/D Design Table for Universal Input, Follower Boost Variable Output Voltage Regulation Level Operation Power Factor Correction Po 25 50 75 100 125 150 200 (Watts) LP 0.752 376 0.251 0.188 0.150 0.102 0.094 (mH) Co 33 68 100 100 150 150 220 (F) RCS 2 1 0.68 0.5 0.39 0.33 0.25 ROCP 10000 10000 10000 9100 9100 9100 9100 Cin 0.22 0.63 0.63 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 (F) CT 0.162 0.162 0.162 0.162 0.162 0.162 0.162 (nF) Q MTD2N50E Dout MUR160 Din 1N4007 MTP4N50E MTP8N50E MUR460 1N5406 1N5406 http://onsemi.com 10 AND8016/D Notes http://onsemi.com 11 AND8016/D Greenline is a trademark of Semiconductor Components Industries, LLC. ON Semiconductor and are registered trademarks of Semiconductor Components Industries, LLC (SCILLC). SCILLC reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any products herein. SCILLC makes no warranty, representation or guarantee regarding the suitability of its products for any particular purpose, nor does SCILLC assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit, and specifically disclaims any and all liability, including without limitation special, consequential or incidental damages. “Typical” parameters which may be provided in SCILLC data sheets and/or specifications can and do vary in different applications and actual performance may vary over time. All operating parameters, including “Typicals” must be validated for each customer application by customer’s technical experts. SCILLC does not convey any license under its patent rights nor the rights of others. SCILLC products are not designed, intended, or authorized for use as components in systems intended for surgical implant into the body, or other applications intended to support or sustain life, or for any other application in which the failure of the SCILLC product could create a situation where personal injury or death may occur. Should Buyer purchase or use SCILLC products for any such unintended or unauthorized application, Buyer shall indemnify and hold SCILLC and its officers, employees, subsidiaries, affiliates, and distributors harmless against all claims, costs, damages, and expenses, and reasonable attorney fees arising out of, directly or indirectly, any claim of personal injury or death associated with such unintended or unauthorized use, even if such claim alleges that SCILLC was negligent regarding the design or manufacture of the part. SCILLC is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. PUBLICATION ORDERING INFORMATION Literature Fulfillment: Literature Distribution Center for ON Semiconductor P.O. Box 5163, Denver, Colorado 80217 USA Phone: 303–675–2175 or 800–344–3860 Toll Free USA/Canada Fax: 303–675–2176 or 800–344–3867 Toll Free USA/Canada Email: ONlit@hibbertco.com JAPAN: ON Semiconductor, Japan Customer Focus Center 4–32–1 Nishi–Gotanda, Shinagawa–ku, Tokyo, Japan 141–0031 Phone: 81–3–5740–2700 Email: r14525@onsemi.com ON Semiconductor Website: http://onsemi.com For additional information, please contact your local Sales Representative. N. American Technical Support: 800–282–9855 Toll Free USA/Canada http://onsemi.com 12 AND8016/D AND8123/D Power Factor Correction Stages Operating in Critical Conduction Mode Prepared by: Joel Turchi ON Semiconductor http://onsemi.com APPLICATION NOTE Basics of the Critical Conduction Mode Critical conduction mode (or border line conduction mode) operation is the most popular solution for low power applications. Characterized by a variable frequency control scheme in which the inductor current ramps to twice the desired average value, ramps down to zero, then immediately ramps positive again (refer to Figures 2 and 4), this control method has the following advantages: • Simple Control Scheme: The application requires few external components. • Ease of Stabilization: The boost keeps a first order converter and there is no need for ramp compensation. • Zero Current Turn On: One major benefit of critical conduction mode is the MOSFET turn on when the diode current reaches zero. Therefore the MOSFET switch on is lossless and soft and there is no need for a low trr diode. On the other hand, the critical conduction mode has some disadvantages: • Large peak currents that result in high dl/dt and rms currents conducted throughout the PFC stage. • Large switching frequency variations as detailed in the paper. This paper proposes a detailed and mathematical analysis of the operation of a critical conduction mode Power factor Corrector (PFC), with the goal of easing the PFC stage dimensioning. After some words on the PFC specification and a brief presentation of the main critical conduction schemes, this application note gives the equations necessary for computing the magnitude of the currents and voltages that are critical in the choice of the power components. INTRODUCTION The IEC1000−3−2 specification, usually named Power Factor Correction (PFC) standard, has been issued with the goal of minimizing the Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) of the current that is drawn from the mains. In practice, the legislation requests the current to be nearly sinusoidal and in phase with the AC line voltage. Active solutions are the most effective means to meet the legislation. A PFC pre−regulator is inserted between the input bridge and the bulk capacitor. This intermediate stage is designed to output a constant voltage while drawing a sinusoidal current from the line. In practice, the step−up (or boost) configuration is adopted, as this type of converter is easy to implement. One can just notice that this topology requires the output to be higher than the input voltage. That is why the output regulation level is generally set to around 400 V in universal mains conditions. Diode Bridge PFC Stage Power Supply + AC Line + Bulk Capacitor Controller IN LOAD − Figure 1. Power Factor Corrected Power Converter PFC boost pre−converters typically require a coil, a diode and a Power Switch. This stage also needs a Power Factor Correction controller that is a circuit specially designed to drive PFC pre−regulators. ON Semiconductor has developed three controllers (MC33262, MC33368 and MC33260) that operate in critical mode and the NCP1650 for continuous mode applications. One generally devotes critical conduction mode to power factor control circuits below 300 W. Semiconductor Components Industries, LLC, 2003 September, 2003 − Rev. 1 1 Publication Order Number: AND8123/D AND8123/D Diode Bridge Diode Bridge + L Icoil + Icoil L Vin + Vin IN Vout IN − − The power switch is ON The power switch is OFF The coil current flows through the diode. The coil voltage is (Vout −Vin ) and the coil current linearly decays with a (Vout −Vin )/L slope. The power switch being about zero, the input voltage is applied across the coil. The coil current linearly increases with a (Vin /L) slope. Coil Current Vin/L (Vout−Vin)/L Critical Conduction Mode: Next current cycle starts as soon as the core is reset. Icoil_pk Figure 2. Switching Sequences of the PFC Stage levels of the output voltage. The error amplifier bandwidth is set low so that the error amplifier output reacts very slowly and can be considered as a constant within an AC line period. • The controller multiplies the shaping information by the error amplifier output voltage. The resulting product is the desired envelope that as wished, is sinusoidal, in phase with the AC line and whose amplitude depends on the amount of power to be delivered. • The controller monitors the power switch current. When this current exceeds the envelope level, the PWM latch is reset to turn off the power switch. • Some circuitry detects the core reset to set the PWM latch and initialize a new MOSFET conduction phase as soon as the coil current has reached zero. Consequently, when the power switch is ON, the current ramps up from zero up to the envelope level. At that moment, the power switch turns off and the current ramps down to zero (refer to Figures 2 and 4). For simplicity of the drawing, Figure 4 only shows 8 “current triangles”. Actually, their frequency is very high compared to the AC line one. The input filtering capacitor and the EMI filter averages the “triangles” of the coil current, to give: In critical discontinuous mode, a boost converter presents two phases (refer to Figure 2): • The on−time during which the power switch is on. The inductor current grows up linearly according to a slope (Vin/L) where Vin is the instantaneous input voltage and L the inductor value. • The off time during which the power switch is off. The inductor current decreases linearly according to the slope (Vout−Vin)/L where Vout is the output voltage. This sequence terminates when the current equals zero. Consequently, a triangular current flows through the coil. The PFC stage adjusts the amplitude of these triangles so that in average, the coil current is a (rectified) sinusoid (refer to Figure 4). The EMI filter (helped by the 100 nF to 1.0 F input capacitor generally placed across the diodes bridge output), performs the filtering function. The more popular scheme to control the triangles magnitude and shape the current, forces the inductor peak current to follow a sinusoidal envelope. Figure 3 diagrammatically portrays its operation mode that could be summarized as follows: • The diode bridge output being slightly filtered, the input voltage (Vin) is a rectified sinusoid. One pin of the PFC controller receives a portion of Vin. The voltage of this terminal is the shaping information necessary to build the current envelope. • An error amplifier evaluates the power need in response to the error it senses between the actual and wished Icoil T Icoil_pk 2 (eq. 1) where <Icoil>T is the average of one current triangle (period T) and Icoil_pk is the peak current of this triangle. http://onsemi.com 2 AND8123/D As Icoil_pk is forced to follow a sinusoidal envelop (k*Vin), where k is a constant modulated by the error amplifier, <Icoil> T is also sinusoidal Icoil T k * Vin 2 k * 2 * Vac * sin(t) . 2 As a result, this scheme makes the AC line current sinusoidal. PFC Stage Vin L1 D1 Bulk Capacitor Input Filtering Capacitor AC Line + C1 X1 R7 Current Sensing Resistor PWM Latch Zero Current Detection S Output Buffer + − Current Envelope Q R Current Sense Comparator R1 R2 C2 Multiplier Error Amplifier − + R3 Vref R4 Figure 3. Switching Sequences of the PFC Stage The controller monitors the input and output voltages and using this information and a multiplier, builds a sinusoidal envelope. When the sensed current exceeds the envelope level, the Current Sense Comparator resets the PWM latch and the power switch turns off. Once the core has reset, a dedicated block sets the PWM latch and a new MOSFET conduction time starts. http://onsemi.com 3 AND8123/D Peak Icoil_pk Average (<Icoil>T) Inductor Current (Icoil) Tac/2 T (Tac is the AC line period) MOSFET DRIVE Figure 4. Coil Current During the power switch conduction time, the current ramps up from zero up to the envelope level. At that moment, the power switch turns off and the current ramps down to zero. For simplicity of the drawing, only 8 “current triangles” are shown. Actually, their frequency is very high compared to the AC line one. One can note that a simple calculation would show that the on−time is constant over the sinusoid: ton 2 * L * Pin and Vac2 that the switching frequency modulation is brought by the off−time that equals: toff 2 * 2 * L * 2 * Vac * sin(t) Pin * sin(t) ton * Vac * (Vout 2 * Vac * sin(t)) Vout 2 * Vac * sin(t) (eq. 2) That is why the MC33260 developed by ON Semiconductor does not incorporate a multiplier inputting a portion of the rectified AC line to shape the coil current. Instead, this part forces a constant on−time to achieve in a simplest manner, the power factor correction. Main Equations • The power switch off time (toff). During this second phase, the coil current flows through the output diode and feeds the output capacitor and the load. The diode voltage being considered as null when on, the voltage across the coil becomes negative and equal to (Vin−Vout). The coil current decreases then linearly with the slope ((Vout−Vin)/L) from (Icoil_pk) to zero, as follows: Switching Frequency As already stated, the coil current consists of two phases: • The power switch conduction time (ton). During this time, the input voltage applies across the coil and the current increases linearly through the coil with a (Vin/L) slope: Icoil(t) Vin * t L (eq. 3) This phase ends when the conduction time (ton) is complete that is when the coil current has reached its peak value (Icoil_pk). Thus: Icoil_pk Vin * ton L L * Icoil_pk Vin (eq. 6) This phase ends when Icoil reaches zero, then the off−time is given by the following equation: toff (eq. 4) The conduction time is then given by: ton Icoil(t) Icoil_pk Vout Vin * t L L * Icoil_pk Vout Vin (eq. 7) The total current cycle (and then the switching period, T) is the sum of ton and toff. Thus: (eq. 5) T ton toff L * Icoil_pk * http://onsemi.com 4 Vout (eq. 8) Vin * (Vout Vin) AND8123/D 20 As shown in the next paragraph (equation 15), the coil peak current can be expressed as a function of the input power and the AC line rms voltage as follows: Icoil_pk 2 * 2 * Pin * sin(t) , where is the AC Vac T 2 * 2 * L * Pin * sin(t) Vac Vout * 2 * Vac * sin(t) * (Vout Vin) f / f(200W) line angular frequency. Replacing Icoil_pk by this expression in equation (8) leads to: (eq. 9) This equation simplifies: 0 T 2 * L * Pin * Vout Vac2 * (Vout Vin) (eq. 10) 2 * Vac * sin(t) Vac2 1 Vout 2 * L * Pin 2 working point (load and AC line rms voltage). 1 2 * Vac * sin(t) Vout 100 150 200 This plot sketches the switching frequency variations versus the input power in a normalized form where f(200 W) = 1. The switching frequency is multiplied by 20 when the power is 10 W. In practice, the PFC stage propagation delays clamp the switching frequency that could theoretically exceed several megaHertz in very light load conditions. The MC33260 minimum off−time limits the no load frequency to around 400 kHz. (eq. 11) that only varies versus the • One term 2 * L Vac * Pin 50 Figure 6. Switching Frequency vs. the Input Power (at the Sinusoid top) This equation shows that the switching frequency consists of: • A modulation factor 0 Pin (W) The switching frequency is the inverse of the switching period. Consequently: f 10 1.5 that makes the switching frequency vary within the AC line sinusoid. The following figure illustrates the switching frequency variations versus the AC line amplitude, the power and within the sinusoid. 1.0 sin (t) 0.5 2.50 f 2.00 0 0 1.0 2.0 3.0 f / f(90) t Figure 7. Switching Frequency Over the AC Line Sinusoid @ 230 Vac 1.50 This plot gives the switching variations over the AC line sinusoid at Vac = 230 V and Vout = 400 V, in a normalized form where f is taken equal to 1 at the AC line zero crossing. The switching frequency is approximately divided by 5 at the top of the sinusoid. 1.00 0.50 80 110 140 170 200 Vac, (V) 230 260 290 Figure 5. Switching Frequency Over the AC Line RMS Voltage (at the Sinusoid top) The figure represents the switching frequency variations versus the line rms voltage, in a normalized form where f(90) = 1. The plot drawn for Vout = 400 V, shows large variations (200% at Vac = 180 V, 60% at Vac = 270 V). The shape of the curve tends to flatten if Vout is higher. However, the minimum of the switching frequency is always obtained at one of the AC line extremes (VacLL or VacHL where VacLL and VacHL are respectively, the lowest and highest Vac levels). http://onsemi.com 5 AND8123/D 1.5 Provided that the AC line current results from the averaging of the coil current, one can deduct the following equation: 1.0 lin(t) Icoil T sin (t) Icoil_pk 2 * 2 * lac * sin(t) 0 0 1.0 (eq. 13) where <Icoil>T is the average of the considered coil current triangle over the switching period T and Icoil_pk is the corresponding peak. Thus, the peak value of the coil current triangles follows a sinusoidal envelope and equals: f 0.5 Icoil_pk 2 2.0 Since the PFC stage forces the power factor close to 1, one can use the well known relationship linking the average input power to the AC line rms current and rms voltage ( Pin Vac * lac) and the precedent equation leads to: 3.0 t Figure 8. Switching Frequency Over the AC Line Sinusoid @ 90 Vac Icoil_pk 2 * 2 * Pin * sin(t) Vac This plot shows the same characteristic but for Vac = 90 V. Similarly to what was observed in Figure 5 (f versus Vac), the higher the difference between the output and input voltages, the flatter the switching frequency shape. (eq. 15) The coil current peak is maximum at the top of the sinusoid where sin( t) 1. This maximum value, (Icoil_pk)H, is then: Finally, the switching frequency dramatically varies within the AC line and versus the power. This is probably the major inconvenience of the critical conduction mode operation. This behavior often makes tougher the EMI filtering. It also can increase the risk of generating interference that disturb the systems powered by the PFC stage (for instance, it may produce some visible noise on the screen of a monitor). In addition, the variations of the frequency and the high values it can reach (up to 500 kHz) practically prevent the use of effective tools to damp EMI and reduce noise like snubbing networks that would generate too high losses. One can also note that the frequency increases when the power diminishes and when the input voltage increases. In light load conditions, the switching period can become as low as 2.0 s (500 kHz). All the propagation delays within the control circuitry or the power switch reaction times are no more negligible, what generally distorts the current shape. The power factor is then degraded. The switching frequency variation is a major limitation of the system that should be reserved to application where the load does not vary drastically. (Icoil_pk)H 2 * 2 * Pin Vac (eq. 16) From this equation, one can easily deduct that the peak coil current is maximum when the required power is maximum and the AC line at its minimum voltage: Icoil_max 2 * 2 * Pin max VacLL (eq. 17) where <Pin>max is the maximum input power of the application and VacLL the lowest level of the AC line voltage. Coil RMS Current The rms value of a current is the magnitude that squared, gives the dissipation produced by this current within a 1.0 resistor. One must then compute the rms coil current by: • First calculating the “rms current” within a switching period in such a way that once squared, it would give the power dissipated in a 1.0 resistor during the considered switching period. • Then the switching period being small compared to the input voltage cycle, regarding the obtained expression as the instantaneous square of the coil current and averaging it over the rectified sinusoid cycle, to have the squared coil rms current. This method will be used in this section. As above explained, the current flowing through the coil is: • (IM(t) Vin * tL Icoil_pk * tton) during the MOSFET on−time, when 0<t<ton. Coil Peak and RMS Currents Coil Peak Current As the PFC stage makes the AC line current sinusoidal and in phase with the AC line voltage, one can write: lin(t) 2 * lac * sin(t) (eq. 14) (eq. 12) where Iin(t) is the instantaneous AC line current and Iac its rms value. • (ID(t) Icoil_pk−(Vout−Vin) * tL Icoil_pk * (T t) (T ton) ) during the diode conduction time, that is, when ton<t<T. http://onsemi.com 6 AND8123/D Therefore, the rms value of any coil current triangle over the corresponding switching period T, is given by the following equation: (Icoil)rms T 1* T 2 T 2 Icoil_pk * t * dt Icoil_pk * T t * dt ton T ton ton 0 ton (eq. 18) Solving the integrals, it becomes: (Icoil)rms T (eq. 19) 1* T The precedent simplifies as follows: (Icoil)rms T 1 * Icoil_pk2 * ton (T ton) * ( Icoil_pk3) 3 T 3 * Icoil_pk Rearrangement of the terms leads to: (Icoil)rms T Icoil_pk * 1 * ton T ton 3 3 T (Icoil)rms T Icoil_pk 3 (eq. 22) Replacing the coil peak current by its expression as a function of the average input power and the AC line rms voltage (equation 15), one can write the following equation: Pin * sin(t) 23 * Vac (eq. 20) gives the resistive losses at this given Vin. Now to have the rms current over the rectified AC line period, one must not integrate <(Icoil)rms>T but the square of it, as we would have proceeded to deduct the average resistive losses from the dissipation over one switching period. However, one must not forget to extract the root square of the result to obtain the rms value. As the consequence, the coil rms current is: (eq. 21) Calculating the term under the root square sign, the following expression is obtained: (Icoil)rms T 2 * 3 Icoil_pk * TTtonT 3 Icoil_pk * TT ton ton Icoil_pk2 ton3 (T ton) * * 3 3 * Icoil_pk ton2 (Icoil)rms (eq. 24) 2 * Tac Tac2 0 (Icoil)rms T 2 * dt where Tac = 2*/ is the AC line period (20 ms in Europe, 16.66 ms in USA). The PFC stage being fed by the rectified AC line voltage, it operates at twice the AC line frequency. That is why, one integrates over half the AC line period (Tac/2). (eq. 23) This equation gives the equivalent rms current of the coil over one switching period, that is, at a given Vin. As already stated, multiplying the square of it by the coil resistance, Substitution of equation (23) into the precedent equation leads to: (Icoil)rms 2 * Tac Tac2 0 2* Pin * sin(t), 23 * Vac 2 * dt Icoil(rms) 2 * Pin 3 Vac that is, the rms value of a sinusoidal current whose magnitude is (2 * (eq. 25) Therefore: This equation shows that the coil rms current is the rms value of: 2 * 2 * Pin * sin(t) 3 Vac Pin ). The rms value of such a sinusoidal 23 * Vac current is well known (the amplitude divided by 2). http://onsemi.com 7 (eq. 26) AND8123/D • The output voltage is considered as a constant. The Switching Losses The switching losses are difficult to determine with accuracy. They depend of the MOSFET type and in particular of the gate charge, of the controller driver capability and obviously of the switching frequency that varies dramatically in a critical conduction mode operation. However, one can make a rough estimation if one assumes the following: • output voltage ripple being generally less than 5% the nominal voltage, this assumption seems reasonable. The switching times (t and tFR, as defined in Figure 9), are considered as constant over the sinusoid. Dissipated Power: (IMOSFET * Vdrain) tFR IMOSFET Vdrain t Figure 9. Turn Off Waveforms (eq. 27) Figure 9 represents a turn off sequence. One can observe three phases: • During approximately the second half of the gate voltage Miller plateau, the drain−source voltage increases linearly till it reaches the output voltage. • During a short time that is part of the diode forward recovery time, the MOSFET faces both maximum voltage and current. • The gate voltage drops (from the Miller plateau) below the gate threshold and the drain current ramps down to zero. psw Vout * 2Icoil_pk * t−tTFR Vout * Icoil_pk * tFRT where: t and tFR are the switching times portrayed by Figure 9 and T is the switching period. Equation (8) gives an expression linking the coil peak current and the switching period of the considered current cycle (triangle): T L * Icoil_pk Vout * . Vin Vout Vin Substitution of equation (8) into the equation (27) leads to: “t” of Figure 9 represents the total time of the three phases, “tFR’’ the second phase duration. Therefore, one can write: psw http://onsemi.com 8 Vin * (Vout Vin) * (t tFR) 2*L (eq. 28) AND8123/D (eq. 29) This equation shows that the switching losses over a switching period depend of the instantaneous input voltage, the difference between the instantaneous output and input voltages, the switching time and the coil value. Let’s calculate the average losses (<psw>) by integrating psw over half the AC line period: Rearranging the terms, one obtains: psw t tFR * 2*L 2 * Tac psw 2 * Tac Tac2 Vin * Vout * dt 0 Vout being considered as a constant, one can easily solve this equation if one remembers that the input voltage average value is (2 * 2 * Vac) and that (Vac2 2 * Tac Tac2 Vin2 * dt). Applying this, it becomes: • 0 (eq. 31) 2 * Tac Tac2 Vin2 * dt 0 (eq. 30) Q3 being not always specified, instead, one can take the sum of Q1 with half the Miller plateau gate charge (Q2/2). Knowing the drive capability of the circuit, one can deduct the turn off time (t = Q3/Idrive or t = [Q1 + (Q2/2)]/Idrive). In a first approach, tFR can be taken equal to the diode forward recovery time. VGS, GATE−TO−SOURCE VOLTAGE (VOLTS) 0 Vin * (Vout Vin) * (t tFR) * dt 2*L 12 Or in a simpler manner: 2 * (t tFR) * Vac2 Vout psw * 2 * Vac 4 *L (eq. 32) The coil inductance (L) plays an important role: the losses are inversely proportional to this value. It is simply because the switching frequency is also inversely proportional to L. This equation also shows that the switching losses are independent of the power level. One could have easily predict this result by simply noting that the switching frequency increased when power diminished. Equation (32) also shows that the lower the ratio (Vout/Vac), the smaller the MOSFET switching losses. That is because the “Follower Boost” mode that reduces the difference between the output and input voltages, lowers the switching frequency. In other words, this technique enables the use of a smaller coil for the same switching frequency range and the same switching losses. For instance, the MC33260 features the “Follower Boost” operation where the pre−converter output voltage stabilizes at a level that varies linearly versus the AC line amplitude. This technique aims at reducing the gap between the output and input voltages to optimize the boost efficiency and minimize the cost of the PFC stage 1. How to extract t and tFR? • The best is to measure them. • One can approximate t as the time necessary to extract the gate charge Q3 of the MOSFET (refer to Figure 10). QT VDS 9 VGS 6 Q2 Q1 3 ID = 2.3 A TJ = 25°C Q3 0 VDS , DRAIN−TO−SOURCE VOLTAGE (VOLTS) t tFR 2 * 2 * Vac * Vout psw * Vac2 2*L Tac2 QT, TOTAL GATE CHARGE (nC) Figure 10. Typical Total Gate Charge Specification of a MOSFET One must note that the calculation does not take into account: • The energy consumed by the controller to drive the MOSFET (Qcc*Vcc*f), where Qcc is the MOSFET gate charge necessary to charge the gate voltage to Vcc, Vcc the driver supply voltage and f the switching frequency. • The energy dissipated because of the parasitic capacitors of the PFC stage. Each turn on produces an abrupt voltage change across the parasitic capacitors of the MOSFET drain−source, the diode and the coil. This results in some extra dissipation across the MOSFET (1/2*Cparasitic*V2*f), where Cparasitic is the http://onsemi.com 9 AND8123/D considered parasitic capacitor and V the voltage change across it. 1 Power MOSFET Conduction Losses As portrayed by Figure 4, the coil current is formed by high frequency triangles. The input capacitor together with the input RFI filter integrates the coil current ripple so that the resulting AC line current is sinusoidal. During the on−time, the current rises linearly through the power switch as follows: Refer to MC33260 data sheet for more details at http://www.onsemi.com/. However, equation (32) should give a sufficient first approach approximation in most applications where the two listed sources of losses play a minor role. Nevertheless, the losses produced by the parasitic capacitors may become significant in light load conditions where the switching frequency gets high. As always, bench validation is key. Icoil(t) Vin * t L (eq. 33) where Vin is the input voltage (Vin 2 * Vac * sin(t) ), L is the coil inductance and t is the time. During the rest of the switching period, the power switch is off. The conduction losses resulting from the power dissipated by Icoil during the on−time, one can calculate the power during the switching period T as follows: ton pT 1 * T ton Ron * Icoil(t)2 * dt 1 * T 0 where Ron is the MOSFET on−time drain source resistor, ton is the on−time. Solving the integral, equation (34) simplifies as follows: (eq. 34) One can calculate the duty cycle (d = ton/T) by: • 2 ton 2 3 pT Ron * Vin * t2 * dt 1 * Ron * Vin * ton 3 T L L T 0 As the coil current reaches its peak value at the end of the on−time, Icoil_pk Vin * tonL and the precedent equation can be rewritten as follows: pT 1 * Ron * Icoil_pk2 * ton 3 T • Either noting that the off−time (toff) can be expressed as (eq. 35) 0 2 Ron * Vin * t * dt L a function of ton (refer to equation 2) and substituting this equation into (T = ton + Toff), Or considering that the critical conduction mode being at the border of the continuous conduction mode (CCM), the expression giving the duty−cycle in a CCM boost converter applies. Both methods lead to the same following result: d ton 1 Vin T Vout (eq. 36) (eq. 37) Substitution of equation (37) into equation (36) leads to: One can recognize the traditional equation permitting to calculate the MOSFET conduction losses in a boost or a pT 1 * Ron * Icoil_pk2 * 1 Vin 3 Vout flyback ( 1 * Ron * Ipk2 * d, where Ipk is the peak current and 3 (eq. 38) One can note that the coil peak current (Icoil_pk) that follows a sinusoidal envelop, can be written as follows: d, the MOSFET duty cycle). Icoil_pk 2 * 2 * Pin * sin(t) (refer to equation 15). Vac Replacing Vin and Icoil_pk by their sinusoidal expression, respectively (2 * Vac * sin(t) ) and (2 * 2 * Pin * sin(t) ), Vac equation (38) becomes: 2 * Vac * sin(t) 2 pT 1 * Ron * 2 * 2 * Pin * sin(t) * 1 3 Vout Vac That is in a more compact form: 2 * Vac 2 pT 8 * Ron * Pin * sin 2(t) * sin 3(t) 3 Vout Vac (eq. 39) (eq. 40) Equation (40) gives the conduction losses at a given Vin voltage. This equation must be integrated over the rectified AC line sinusoid to obtain the average losses: 2 p Tac 8 * Ron * Pin * 2 * 3 Vac Tac Tac2 0 sin 2(t) http://onsemi.com 10 2 * Vac * sin 3(t) Vout * dt (eq. 41) AND8123/D If the average value of sin2(t) is well known (0.5), the calculation of <sin3(t)> requires few trigonometry remembers: • sin 2() • sin() * cos() sin( ) sin( ) 2 Combining the two precedent formulas, one can obtain: 1 cos(2) 2 sin 3(t) 3 * sin(t) sin(3t) 4 4 (eq. 42) Substitution of equation 42) into equation (41) leads: 2 p Tac 8 * Ron * Pin * 2 * 3 Tac Vac Tac2 0 sin(t)2 Solving the integral, it becomes: 2 * Vac 3 * 2 * Vac * sin(t) * sin(3t) 4 * Vout 4 * Vout 2 * Vac 2 2 3 * 2 * Vac 2 p Tac 8 * Ron * Pin * 1 * * 2 3 Vac 4 * Vout 4 * Vout 3 Equation (44) simplifies as follows: 2 8 * 2 * Vac p Tac 4 * Ron * Pin * 1 3 3 * Vout Vac This formula shows that the higher the ratio (Vac/Vout), the smaller the MOSFET conduction losses. That is why the “Follower Boost” mode that reduces the difference between the output and input voltages, enables to reduce the MOSFET size. For instance, the MC33260 features the “Follower Boost” operation where the pre−converter output voltage stabilizes at a level that varies linearly versus the AC line amplitude. This technique aims at reducing the gap between the output and input voltages to optimize the boost efficiency and minimize the cost of the PFC stage2. By the way, one can deduct from this equation the rms current ((IM)rms) flowing through the power switch knowing that p Tac Ron * (IM)2rms : (IM)rms 2 * Pin * 3 Vac 1 8 * 2 * Vac 3 * Vout * dt (eq. 44) (eq. 45) The MC33260 monitors the whole coil current by monitoring the voltage across a resistor inserted between ground and the diodes bridge (negative sensing – refer to Figure 15). The circuit utilizes the current information for both the overcurrent protection and the core reset detection (also named zero current detection). This technique brings two major benefits: • No need for an auxiliary winding to detect the core reset. A simple coil is sufficient in the PFC stage. • The MC33260 detects the in−rush currents that may flow at start−up or during some overload conditions and prevents the power switch from turning on in that stressful condition. The PFC stage is significantly safer. Some increase of the power dissipated by the current sense resistor is the counter part since the whole current is sensed while circuits like the MC33262 only monitor the power switch current. (eq. 46) Dissipation of the Current Sense Resistor in MC33262 Like Circuits Dissipation within the Current Sense Resistor PFC controllers monitor the power switch current either to perform the shaping function or simply to prevent it from being excessive. That is why a resistor is traditionally placed between the MOSFET source and ground to sense the power switch current. 2 (eq. 43) Since the same current flows through the current sense resistor and the power switch, the calculation is rather easy. One must just square the rms value of the power switch current (IM)rms calculated in the previous section and multiply the result by the current sense resistance. Refer to MC33260 data sheet for more details at http://www.onsemi.com/. http://onsemi.com 11 AND8123/D Doing this, one obtains: 2 8 * 2 * Vac pRs 262 4 * Rs * Pin * 1 3 3 * Vout Vac (eq. 47) where <pRs>262 is the power dissipated by the current sense resistor Rs. Dissipation of the Current Sense Resistor in MC33260 Like Circuits current at the switching period level and then to integrate the obtained result over the AC line sinusoid. As portrayed by Figure 4, the coil discharges during the off time. More specifically, the current decays linearly through the diode from its peak value (Icoil_pk) down to zero that is reached at the end of the off−time. Taking the beginning of the off−time as the time origin, one can then write: In this case, the current sense resistor Rs derives the whole coil current. Consequently, the product of Rs by the square of the rms coil current gives the dissipation of the current sense resistor: pRs 260 Rs * (Icoil(rms) )2 (eq. 48) where Icoil(rms) is the coil rms current that as expressed by Icoil(t) Icoil_pk * toff−t toff equation (26), equals: Icoil(rms) 2 * Pin . 3 Vac Similarly to the calculation done to compute the coil rms current, one can calculate the “diode rms current over one switching period”: Consequently: 2 (eq. 49) pRs 260 4 * Rs * Pin 3 Vac (eq. 50) Id(rms)T Id(rms)T 2 * pRs 262 pRs 260 1 0.85 * Vm (eq. 51) Vout (eq. 57) Pin * toff * sin(t) 23 * Vac T (eq. 58) In addition, one can easily show that toff and T are linked by the following equation: where Vm is the AC line amplitude. 2 * Vac * sin(t) toff T * Vin T * Vout Vout Average and RMS Current through the Diode The diode average current can be easily computed if one notes that it is the sum of the load and output capacitor currents: (eq. 59) Consequently, equation (58) can be changed into: (eq. 52) Id(rms)T Then, in average: 3 2 * 2 * 2 Pin * * sin(t) (eq. 60) 3 Vac * Vout This equation gives the equivalent rms current of the diode over one switching period, that is, at a given Vin. As already stated in the Coil Peak and RMS Currents section, the square of this expression must be integrated over a rectified sinusoid period to obtain the square of the diode rms current. Therefore: (eq. 53) Id Iload ICout Iload ICout At the equilibrium, the average current of the output capacitor must be 0 (otherwise the capacitor voltage will be infinite). Thus: Id Iload Pout Vout 3toff* T * Icoil_pk Substitution of equation (15) that expresses Icoil_pk, into the precedent equation leads to: If one considers that (8/3 ) approximately equals 0.85, the precedent equation simplifies: Id Iload ICout (eq. 56) Solving the integral, one obtains the expression of the “rms diode current over one switching period”: One obtains: toff 2 Id(rms)2T 1 * Icoil_pk * toff−t * dt T 0 toff Comparison of the Losses Amount in the Two Cases Let’s calculate the ratios: pRs 262 pRs 260 . 8 * 2 * Vac pRs 262 pRs 260 1 3 * Vout (eq. 55) (eq. 54) The rms diode current is more difficult to calculate. Similarly to the computation of the rms coil current for instance, it is necessary to first compute the squared rms Tac2 Id(rms)2 2 * Tac http://onsemi.com 12 0 (eq. 61) 8 * 2 Pin 2 * * sin 3(t) * dt 3 Vac * Vout AND8123/D Similarly to the Power MOSFET Conduction Losses section, the integration of (sin3 (t)) requires some preliminary trigonometric manipulations: sin 3(t) sin(t) * sin 2(t) sin(t) * 1 cos(2t) 12 * sin(t) 12 * sin(t) * cos(2t) 2 And : sin(t) * cos(2t) 1 * (sin(−t) sin(4t) ) 2 Then : sin 3(t) 3 * sin(t) 1 * sin(3t) 4 4 Consequently, equation (61) can change into: Tac2 Id(rms)2 2 * Tac One can now solve the integral and write: 0 3 * sin(t) sin(3t) 8 * 2 Pin2 * * * dt 4 3 4 Vac * Vout (eq. 62) 16 * 2 Pin 2 3 * (cos(0) cos(Tac2) ) cos(3Tac2) cos(30) Id(rms)2 * * 12 4 3 * Tac Vac * Vout As ( * Tac 2), we have: cos()−1 3 * (1− cos() ) 16 * 2 Pin2 Id(rms)2 * * 3 Vac * Vout 12 * Tac 4 * Tac One can simplify the equation replacing the cosine elements by their value: (eq. 63) (eq. 64) Thus: (eq. 71) 16 * 2 Pin 2 (eq. 65) Id(rms)2 * * 6 1 3 Vac * Vout 8 * 12 * Ic(rms)2 I1(rms)2 I2(rms)2 4 * Tac Tac2 I1 * I2 * dt 0 The square of the diode rms current simplifies as follows: 32 * 2 Pin 2 Id(rms)2 * 9 * Vac * Vout PFC Stage (eq. 66) L Finally, the diode rms current is given by: Id(rms) 4 * 3 2 * 2 * Pin Vac * Vout Vin I1 Load DRV As shown by Figure 11, the capacitor current results from the difference between the diode current (I1) and the current absorbed by the load (I2): One knows the first term (I1(rms)2). This is the diode rms current calculated in the previous section. The second and third terms are dependent of the load. One cannot compute them without knowing the characteristic of this load. Anyway, the second term (I2(rms)2) is generally easy to calculate once the load is known. Typically, this is the rms current absorbed by a downstream converter. On the other hand, the third term is more difficult to determine as it depends on the relative occurrence of the I1 and I2 currents. As the PFC stage and the load (generally a switching mode power supply) are not synchronized, this term even seems impossible to predict. One can simply note that this term tends to decrease the capacitor rms current and consequently, one can deduct that: (eq. 68) Tac2 (I1 I2)2 * dt (eq. 69) 0 Rearranging (I1−I2)2 leads to: Ic(rms)2 2 * Tac Tac2 Power Switch Figure 11. Output Capacitor Current Thus, the capacitor rms current over the rectified AC line period, is the rms value of the difference between I1 and I2 during this period. As a consequence: Ic(rms)2 2 * Tac I2 Ic (eq. 67) Output Capacitor RMS Current Ic(t) I1(t) I2(t) Vout D (eq. 70) [I12 I22 (2 * I1 * I2)] * dt 0 Ic(rms) I1(rms)2 I2(rms)2 http://onsemi.com 13 (eq. 72) AND8123/D Substitution of equation (67) that gives the diode rms current into the precedent equation leads to: Ic(rms) Pin 2 329 ** 2* * I2(rms)2 Vac * Vout where I2(rms) is the load rms current. (eq. 73) If the load is resistive, I2 = Vout/R where R is the load resistance and equation (71) changes into: 2 Ic(rms)2 1(rms)2 Vout 4 * Tac R Tac2 0 1 * Vout * dt R (eq. 74) Thus, the capacitor squared rms current is: 2 2 * Vout Ic(rms)2 Id(rms)2 Vout * Id R R (eq. 75) 2 32 * 2 Pin 2 * Vout 2 * Vout * Pout Ic(rms)2 Vout R R 9 * Vac * Vout (eq. 76) As Pout = Vout2/R, the precedent equation simplifies as follows: Ic(rms) 2 32 * 2 Pin 2 * Vout 9 * Vac * Vout R You may find a more friendly expression in the literature: (eq. 77) This explanation assumes that the energy that is fed by the PFC stage perfectly matches the energy drawn by the load over each switching period so that one can consider that the capacitive part of the bulk has a constant voltage and that only the ESR creates some ripple. In fact, there is an additional low frequency ripple which is inherent to the Power Factor Correction. The input current and voltage being sinusoidal, the power fed by the PFC stage has a squared sinusoid shape. On the other hand, the load generally draws a constant power. As a consequence, the PFC pre−converter delivers an amount of power that matches the load demand in average only. The output capacitor compensates the lack (excess) of input power by supplying (storing) the part of energy necessary for the instantaneous matching. Figures 13 and 14 sketch this behavior. Ic(rms) I2 , where I2 is the load current. This equation is 2 an approximate formula that does not take into account the switching frequency ripple of the diode current. Only the low frequency current that generates the low frequency ripple of the bulk capacitor (refer to the next section) is considered (this expression can easily be found by using equation (88) and computing Ibulk Cbulk * dVoutdt ). Equation (77) takes into account both high and low frequency ripples. Output Voltage Ripple The output voltage (or bulk capacitor voltage) exhibits two ripples. The first one is traditional to Switch Mode Power Supplies. This ripple results from the way the output is fed by current pulses at the switching frequency pace. As bulk capacitors exhibit a parasitic series resistor (ESR – refer to Figure 12), they cannot fully filter this pulsed energy source. More specifically: • During the on−time, the PFC MOSFET conducts and no energy is provided to the output. The bulk capacitor feeds the load with the current it needs. The current together with the ESR resistor of the bulk capacitor form a negative voltage –(ESR*I2), where I2 is the instantaneous load current, • During the off−time, the diode derives the coil current towards the output and the current across the ESR becomes ESR*(Id−I2), where Id is the instantaneous diode current. PFC Stage Id Vin I2 Load Ic Driver ESR Bulk Capacitor Figure 12. ESR of the Output Capacitor http://onsemi.com 14 AND8123/D 400 V Vout (5 V/div) *Pin (40 W/div) Load Power (100 W) Vin (100 V/div) 0V Figure 13. Output Voltage Ripple The dashed black line represents the power that is absorbed by the load. The PFC stage delivers a power that has a squared sinusoid shape. As long as this power is lower than the load demand, the bulk capacitor compensates by supplying part of the energy it stores. Consequently the output voltage decreases. When the power fed by the PFC pre−converter exceeds the load consumption, the bulk capacitor recharges. The peak of the PFC power is twice the load demand. Vout (5 V/div) 400 V Ic (200 mA/div) 0A Vin (100 V/div) 0V Figure 14. Output Voltage Ripple The output voltage equals its average value when the input voltage is minimum and maximum. The output voltage is lower than its average value during the rising phase of the input voltage and higher during the input voltage decay. Similarly to the input power and voltage, the frequency of the capacitor current (represented in the case of a resistive load) is twice the AC line one. http://onsemi.com 15 AND8123/D In this calculation, one does not consider the switching ripple that is generally small compared to the low frequency ripple. In addition, the switching ripple depends on the load current shape that cannot be predicted in a general manner. As already discussed, the average coil current over a switching period is: lin 2 * Pin * sin(t) Vac The instantaneous input power (averaged over the switching period) is the product of the input voltage (2 * Vac * sin( t) ) by Iin. Consequently: Pin 2 * Pin * sin 2(t) (eq. 79) In average over the switching period, the bulk capacitor receives a charge current ( * PinVout) , where is the PFC stage efficiency, and supplies the averaged load current I2 * Pin Vout. Applying the famous “capacitor formula” I C * dVdt, it becomes: (eq. 78) * Pin I2 Cbulk * dVout Vout dt Substitution of equation (79) into equation (80) leads to: (eq. 81) 2 * Pin * sin(2t) Vout 1 Vout Cbulk * * Vout 2 (eq. 84) dVout 1 * 2 * * Pin * sin 2(t) * Pin Vout Vout dt Cbulk Rearranging the terms of this equation, one can obtain: * Pin Vout * dVout * 2 * sin 2(t) 1 (eq. 82) dt Cbulk d(Vout2) 2 * Vout * dVout and that Noting that dt dt cos(2t) 1−2 * sin 2(t), one can deduct the square of the (eq. 80) Thus: (eq. 85) Vout Vout Vout output voltage from the precedent equation: * Pin * sin(2t) 1 Cbulk * * Vout 2 Where Vout is the instantaneous output voltage ripple. Equation (85) can be rearranged as follows: − * Pin Vout2 Vout 2 * sin(2t) (eq. 83) Cbulk * where <Vout> is the average output voltage. Dividing the terms of the precedent equations by the square of the average output voltage, it becomes: Vout Vout * 1 (eq. 86) * Pin * sin(2t) 1 Cbulk * * Vout 2 One can simplify this equation considering that the output voltage ripple is small compared to the average output voltage (fortunately, it is generally true). This leads to say that the term words, that 1 * Pin * sin(2t) Cbulk is small compared to 1. Thus, one can write that: * * Vout 2 * Pin * sin(2t) Pin * sin(2t) 1 Cbulk 11* 2 2 * * Vout Cbulk * * Vout 2 http://onsemi.com 16 * Pin * sin(2t) 1 Cbulk * * Vout 2 is nearly zero or in other (eq. 87) AND8123/D Conclusion Substitution of equation (86) into equation (87), leads to the simplified ripple expression that one can generally find in the literature: Compared to traditional switch mode power supplies, one faces an additional difficulty when trying to predict the currents and voltages within a PFC stage: the sinusoid modulation. This is particularly true in critical conduction mode where the switching ripple cannot be neglected. As proposed in this paper, one can overcome this difficulty by: • First calculating their value within a switching period, • Then the switching period being considered as very small compared to the AC line cycle, integrating the result over the sinusoid period. The proposed theoretical analysis helps predict the stress faced by the main elements of the PFC stages: coil, MOSFET, diode and bulk capacitor, with the goal of easing the selection of the power components and therefore, the PFC implementation. Nevertheless, as always, it cannot replace the bench work and the reliability tests necessary to ensure the application proper operation. − * Pin * sin(2t) (eq. 88) 2 * Cbulk * * Vout The maximum ripple is obtained when (sin(2 t) −1) and minimum when (sin(2t) 1) . Thus, the peak−to−peak Vout ripple that is the difference of these two values is: (Vout)pk−pk * Pin (eq. 89) Cbulk * * Vout And: Vout Vout (Vout)pk−pk * sin(2t) (eq. 90) 2 http://onsemi.com 17 AND8123/D Peak Coil Current: Icoil_pk 2 * 2 * Pin * sin(t) Vac Switching Frequency: f Maximum Peak Current: Icoil_max 2 * 2 * Pin max VacLL 2 * Vac * sin(t) Vac2 1 Vout 2 * L * Pin Switching Losses: psw RMS Coil Current: Icoil(rms) 2 * Pin 3 Vac 2 * (t tFR) * Vac2 Vout * 2 * Vac 4 *L Conduction Losses: 2 Pon 4 * Ron * Pin * 3 Vac 1 8 * 2 * Vac 3 * Vout Average Diode Current: Id Iload Pout Vout RMS Diode Current: Id(rms) 4 * 3 2 *2 * Pin Vac * Vout L1 D6 CONTROLLER M1 AC Line Iload Vout + C1 LOAD R7 R5 Capacitor Low Frequency Ripple: (Vout)pk−pk MC33260 like Current Sense Resistor (Rs = R5) Dissipation: RMS Capacitor Current: 2 pRs 260 4 * Rs * Pin 3 Vac Ic(rms) MC33262 like Current Sense Resistor (Rs = R7) Dissipation: 2 pRs 262 4 * Rs * Pin * 3 Vac Vac: AC line rms voltage VacLL: Vac lowest level : AC line angular frequency <Pin>: Average input power <Pin>max: Maximum pin level * Pin Cbulk * * Vout 8 * 2 * Vac 1 3 * Vout 32 * 2 * Pin 2 Iload(rms) 2 9 * * Vac * Vout If load is resistive: Vout: Output voltage Pout: Output power Iload: Load current Iload(rms): RMS load current : Efficiency Figure 15. Summary http://onsemi.com 18 Ic(rms) 2 32 * 2 Pin 2 * Vout R 9 * Vac * Vout Ron: MOSFET on resistance t, tFR: Switching times (see Switching Losses section and Figure 10) Cbulk = C1: Bulk capacitor value Rs: Current sense resistance L: Coil inductance AND8123/D Notes http://onsemi.com 19 AND8123/D ON Semiconductor and are registered trademarks of Semiconductor Components Industries, LLC (SCILLC). SCILLC reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any products herein. 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