斡 ξ吾 ζ 狳 吾 ∶ ∶ 吾 ξ 营 吾 〖 ζ ∶ 襞 獒 蠹蓄 r∶ :ζ i∶ l营 l〗 l翥 F1曹 :〖 戛 壬 PFCrPWM细 缶 授 帝Ⅱ器 田 150W Ⅱ 用 骊ΠAC-DC迈 配 莽 设 计 韩广伟 要 :在 介 绍NCP1603主 要 特 性 的基 础 上 ,重 .点 介 绍 了采 用 NCP1603的 19V/8A AC一 DC变 换 器 设 计 。 配 器 ;设 计 制 IC;AC-DC适 关 键 词 :NCP1~603;PFC/PWM控 摘 引言 美 国安 森 美 公 司 (Onsemi。 cOm)新 发 明 的 合 于 用作 设计 直 到 PFC/PWM二 合 — 控 制 丨 1■ C,适 25OW的 高 功 率 因数 、高 性 能和 高 可 靠 离 线 电 源 。 其 典 型 应 用 包 括 T∨ 不□监 视 器 开 关 电 源 及 周 期 能 力 。 表 1所 列 为 NCP1603组 成 的 电 源 特 占 NCP1603采 用 16引 脚 SO封 装 图 1所 示 。 ,引 脚 排 列 如 。 AC-DC适 酉己器 。 (PFC)之 所 以不 可 忽 视 ,是 由于 它正在成 为全 球性 的强 制 规定 ,并 且 不再 只 限于 大 功 率 设 备 ,更 新 的标 准 及 规 范 已运 用 到 75W和 26W功 率 的 电子产 品及 照 明 电器 中。 NCP1603是 将 NCP1601型 PFC控 制 暑罟不口 NCP1230型 PWM控 制器 集 成 在 同 — 芯 片 上 的组 合 型 |C。 用 其 设计 电源 变换 器 ,可 以简 化 设计 减 少 元件 数 量 ,节 省 PCB面 积 ,缩 短 设计 周 期 。 功 率 因数校 正 弼$卩 瑙骥醑恿 , 2■ NCP1603组 合 控 制 IC的 主 :要 特 点 图1 NCP1603集 成 了高 压 启 动 电路 ,具 有 低 待 机 无 载 功 率 消 耗 。 因其 第 二 级 仅 为 DC-DC变 换 器 ,这 种 PF℃ /PWM控 制 器 也 称 作 PFC/DC- 勺PFC控 芾刂器 (即 DC控 芾刂器 。NCP16O3中 白 — NCP1601)是 种 在 AC线 路 跨 零 附 近 工 作 在 不 连 续 导 电模 式 (DCM),而 在 AC线 路 电压 峰 值 附 近 工 作 在 临 界 模 式 (CRM)的 升 压 拓 扑 。 NCP16O3提 供 零 电压 开 关 (Z∨ S)9在 升 压 二 极 管 中 有 较 低 的 功 率 损 耗 。 DCM限 制 最 高 开 关 , 使 EM|滤 波 器 简 化 ; CRM限 芾刂 MOSFET、 电感 器 和 升 压 二 极 管 上 的最 大 电流 频 率 应 力 。 NCP1603白 勺PWM电 路 是 一 个 固 定 频 率 PWM电 流模 式 CCM或 DCM回 扫拓 扑 ,提 供 跳 越 36 中囝 咆 滋 博 览 2006每 二第 1、 2期 3■ 基 NCP1603引 脚排 列 +NCP1603“ 换 "9V/8A AC-DC变 器 电路 与 设 计 由 NCP16O3组 成 的 90~260∨ ac通 用 输 入 、 19∨ /8A输 出 的 电源 电路 如 图2所 示 。该 变换 器 在 9O~26O∨ ac输 入 电 压 下 ,功 率 因 数 高 于 0.95 (在 220∨ ac下 ,功 率 因 数 为 0.982),AC输 入 (THD)可 低 于 10%,无 载待 机 功耗 小 于 0.2W,效 率 高于 81%。 电流 总谐 波 失真 3.1电 路 组成 , 在 图 2所 示 的 电路 中 ,丨 C1(NCP1603)脚 拓扑结 CRM/DCM PWM级 CCM/DCM回 构 升压 扫 PFC级 特点 ●DCM限 制最大开关 频率 ,CRM限 制最大峰值 电流 (为 峰值 电流 的 2倍 ),仅 需少量外部元件 ●在 PFC中 通过升压 使保持 时间最大化 ; ; ●隔离回扫拓扑 带最少 的外部元件 待机条 关断 跳越月期 ●提供低待机功耗 关断 双 重打 嗝重新 ●在故障下有最低 的功耗 ,当 故障清 除时允许 自 启动 动恢复 件 故 障状 态 激活锁 关断 锁断 存保护 ●Vcc停 留在 5.6V以 上 ,PWM驱 动输 出在复位 之前保 持截止 ●复位需要 AC线 路不堵塞 ; 表 1 基 于NCP1603白 勺电源特 '点 符号 邕 丐 勹胄 引脚 符号 丐 力台邕 VauⅩ 辅助供 电电压 9 FB1 PWM反 馈 PWM电 流 感 测 PWM地 10 Vconto1 4 FB2 CS2 Gnd2 PFC反 馈 PFC控 制 电压 PFC电 流 感 测 连接 PFC斜 坡 电容 5 Osc 6 Gnd1 7 Out1 8 Ⅴcc1 PFC振 荡器 电容连接端 PFC地 PFC驱 动输 出 PFC电 源 引脚 2 3 CS1 12 Ramp 13 14 Oot2 Vcc2 PWM电 源 15 NC 不连接 16 HV 高压启动施加端 PWM驱 动输 出 表 2 所 列 为NCP1603的 各 个 引脚 功 能 5至 脚 12内 部 PFC控 制 器 与 外 部 升 压 电感 器 L1、 PFC开 关 o1(MOSFET)、 升 压 二 极 管 D5不 口升 压 电容 C4/C5等 元 件 ,组 成 PFC升 压 变 换 级 电 路 。 R1和 R2是 PFC级 的 电 流 感 测 电 阻 ,R3、 R4和 R5是 PFC级 反馈 电阻。 |C1脚 2、 脚 3、 脚 4和 脚 13、 脚 14内 部 PWM控 制 器 及 外 部 PWM开 关 O2、 PWM电 流 传 感 电阻 R11/R12、 回 扫 变压 器 T2和 光 耦 器 丨 C3等 元件 ,组 成 DC-DCPWM级 变 换 器 电路 。 PFC输 出 DC总 线 电压 (38O∨ )直 接 C1的 16月 却,实 现 |C1无 损 耗 启 动 。 T2白 勺偏 加至丨 置 绕 组 与 D8、 D15和 C6组 成 辅 助 电源 ,为 |C1白 勺 14脚 供 电。 3.2电 路 设 计 步 骤 第 — 步 :确 定 技 术 规格 电路 技 术 条 件 如 表 3所 列 。 输入 90~260Vac, 50Hz 输出 19Vac,8A,隔 离 特点 同步选择 ,输 出过 电压 保 护锁存 PFC变 换 器 输 出 电 压 反 馈 电 阻 R FB=R3+R4+R5=910KΩ =910KΩ +60KΩ =1.88MΩ ,暴 大 过 电压 保 护 电流 门 限 丨 Ovp=225uA,反 馈输 入 (9脚 )最 大 偏 移 电压 为5∨ ,故 最大过 电压保护 门限电平为 %yP=RF:× r@l/P+5y=220泌 ×1.8⒏ 叼Ω 十5y=433y : PFC输 出 电容 C4和 C5白 勺耐压 可 为450∨ 。 PFC升 压 拓 扑 要 求输 出 电压 必 须 高于 最 高 峰 AC输 入 电压 ,即 值 ×26oy=367.7y 吒盯>√ 2・ △沟 =谄Γ rlna对 37 — 勺 在 200uA的 反 馈 电流 上 反 馈 脚 有 个 4∨ 白 偏移 ,因 此输 出 电压 应 设 置在 : 吒盯 =200u× 1.88MΩ PWM同 +4y=380y , f=107KHz, 第 二 步 :设 定 变换 器 效 率 叩与 损耗 变换 器 由两 级 组成 ,设 每 级 效 率 为90%,系 统 总效 率 η〓9O%× 90%〓 81%,输 入 功 率 为 : 由 图 3可 知 ,在 PFC级 PWM级 功 率 损 失 17W。 功 率 损 耗 19W,在 在 最 高 和 最 低 AC线 路 电压 下 控 制 电压 分 别 为 ‰ η= J、 2× 180× 10ˉ 100× 106× 200 9× 6× 1× 10ˉ ,PFC输 =0.1ly 2602 100× 106× 9× 200 =0.89y 902 出 电压 ∨Out=380∨ 。 在 — 个 4∨ 白 勺偏 ,有 移。 在 260∨ 的AC输 入 下 ,PFC输 出 电压 为 ∨。 ut-4∨ ) × ( 1-0.04× ∨10㈩ ut(H)=(∨ 。 : 90y ) × (1-0:04× 0.11∨ ) )十 4∨ =378.40∨ 在 90∨ 的AC输 入 电压 下 ,PFC输 出 叮压 为 ∨。 ut-4∨ ut(L)=( ∨。 ) : × (1-O。 04× ∨10(L)) +4∨ 电 =(380∨ -4∨ ) ×( 1-0.04× 0.89∨ )+4∨ (5)检 查 开关周期 =2.22Aσ c 在260∨ 的AC输 入 电压下 ,开 关周 期为 电流 |PK为 : AC输 入 电流 =~sT“ /r,s>933/r,s : 2。 22A=6。 28A泌 该 电流 应 力 影 响 电流 感 测 电阻 、 MOSFET、 (2)电 感 器 设 计 在 CRM工 作 要 求 L1的 最 小 电感 值 为 ^石 T~× 号 甘 =型 斋 : 型 × 础 歹菇 黯 艹 b/rJlf 可 以 选 择 电 感 值 L〓 180uH。 在 L=180uH 下 ,在 正 弦 峰值 电流 上 的 工 作 频 率 为 : ⊥=翌 ×2E::;艺 些 中囝 咆 滋 博 览 2006每 吖苇 1、 2期 普 在 90∨ 的AC输 入 电压 下 ,开 关 周 期 为 %= ⊥ £】 竺 × = I£ i÷ × : 扪 螂朋 2朋 由于 在 CRM的 开 关 周 期 (t(H)及 t(L))均 大 于 DCM的 开 关 周 期 (9.33uS),从 而 可 以保 证 升 压 二 极 管 和 升 压 电感 器 的选 择 。 /= 6× 1× 10ˉ 〓366.63∨ 庀=20(√ 2r舀 c)〓 2√ 2× ‰ 响 2× 180× 10ˉ = =(380∨ -4∨ 在 CRM下 的 最 大 峰 值 峰值 的2倍 C1脚 10上 的 十4∨ 200W △= ,丨 PFC输 出 电压 PFC输 出功 率 为 169W, hL= 180W =200W 弓″〓兰 PP 90% 在 最 低 AC线 路 电 压 下 ,有 最 大 的 输 入 肛 )=888PF (4)计 算 最 高 和 最 低 AC线 路 电 压 下 的 PFC级 输 出功 率 Pout按 180W计 ,输 入 功 率 ◆云 α00× 1O“ : ‰= (1)计 算 电流 应 力 : )× 因此 ,可 以选 择 C15=1nF. 200uA的 反 馈 电 流 (|F:)下 在 本设计 中选 择 18OW。 第 三 步 :PFC级 设计 为 幽 =:::× 2× G:0× 1O“ 毒 在 常态下 =1:8W ;生 ・ 2L亻 ls≥ 周 期 T=1/f=9.33uS。 芏〓 碍 刀 。 C・ 步 操作 时 1ooKHz左 右 。 根 据 |R公 司 提 供 的 定 时 电 容 (C。 sc)与 振 荡 器 频 率 (f。 sc)之 间 关 系 曲线 ,当 |C1脚 5与 地 之 间 的 电容 C16(C。 sc)为 1O0PF日 寸 在 DCN/l下 的 工 作 频 率 电 电流 丨 ch≡ 100u : ,为 与 PWM频 率 匹 配 ,PFC工 作 频 率 在 DCM应 选 择 在 选 择 PFC与 (3)斜 坡 电容 C15白勺选 择 NCP1603脚 12内 音阝的 充 A,C15容 值 为 型 × £努 品 扛 =75砒 巛 田 灭7凸 o NCP1603在 CRM和 DCM两 种模 式 下 工 作 。 (6)电 流 感 测 电阻设计 NCP1603脚 11外 部 电 阻 R7=R引 通 常 设 定 在 1KΩ ,电 流 感 测 电 阻 Rcs1为 R1与 R2之 并 联 值 。 |C1脚 11上 的偏 移 电压 ∨s1(。 cP)=3。 2m∨ ,当 通 过 H7的 电流 |s1大 于 |s1(。 cPi〓 200uA时 ,则 达 到 过 电 流保护 (OCP)电 平丨 (。 cP)=丨 PK〓 6.⒛ A。 Rc引 值 为 于 20%。 : Rcs1= Rs1.rs1(。 印)^v⒈ 印 (。 J(ε ) =hζ r/,) Ω・ 200泌 一3・ 2P9ty=31.3昭 6.29A 个最 小 占空 比。 (3)最 MOSFET电 压 应 力 :商 品 化 MOSFET耐 压 通 常 达 800∨ ,这 是 另 — 个 约 束 条 。 : Rs1.rs1(ρ J(。 200泌 一 印)ˉ ˇ 印)~hKΩ ・ 3・ s1(。 2昭 y 当 — 扫有 PFC导 通 和 电路 交 付 满 功 率 时 ,PWM回 Ω 可 以选 择 Rcs1=25mΩ ,R1=R2=0.05Ω 在 此 情 况 下 ,最 大 电流 限制 电平 为 当 ∨F:2=3∨ 时 , 占 空 比 为 80%。 大 件。 =7.87A 第 四步 :PWM级 电路 设计 对 于 固 定 频 率 PWM回 扫 计 算 可 以 参 考 NCP1230的 应 用 电 路 设 计 ,原 因 在 于 NCP1603的 PW M控 制器 与 NCP1230是 — 样 的。 为 了有 一 个 低 待 机 功 耗 ,PWM回 扫 电路 应 当总 是 工 作 。 PWM回 扫 电路 的 DC输 入 电压 范 围 ,可 (4)最 大 输 出 二 极 管 阻塞 电压 :输 出 电流 为 8A,会 产 生 较 大 的导 通 损 耗 。 当8A的 电流 通 过 二 极 管 并 且 工 作 在 100%占 空 比 时 , 每 100m∨ 的 电压 降 落 将 产 生 800mW的 损 耗 。 因 此 ,在 可 能情 况 下 ,二 极 管 导通压 降愈 小 愈好 。 此 外 ,通 过 选 择最 大 峰值 电流 和 电感 ,影 响 工 作 模 式 (CCM或 DCM),可 确 定 最 大 输 入 功 以设 置 在 1OO∨ 到 42O∨ 。 在 回 扫 电路 设 计 中 ,由 于 变压 器 T2白 勺匝 数 比是 可 变 的 ,具 体 设 计 是 一 率 或输 出功 率 。 因受 篇 幅所 限 ,在 此省 略计 算过 程 。计 算 结 个 反 复 处理 和 平衡 的过程 。在 设计 中 必 须 考 虑 的 参 数和 因素 如 下 (1)最 大 占 空 比 :NCP16O3白 勺PW M电 路 果如 下 cP) R(∶ ,∵ 0.05Ω ~I1 : 输 出 电压 :19∨ : ; 输 出 电流 :8A; 输 出 二 极 管压 降 :1∨ 的 最 大 占空 比 为 85%(最 小 占空 比 是 75%), 这是第 — 个 约 束条件 。 。 i 变压 器 (T2)匝 数 比 (n1/n2)∶ 最 大峰 值 开 关 电流 :4A; 变压 器 初 级 电感 (LP)∶ 420uh; (2)最 小 占空 比 :当 丨 C脚 2(FB2)上 电压 ∨F:2<0.75∨ 时 ,进 入 跳 越 模 式 ,相 应 的 占空 比小 "洫 T彳 ¨ Γ ∷ P3717¨ ∧ D5 ¤1-D4 Ll 1Ns406× 碎 18¤ uH/10A I C碎 C9-C11 D8 2200uF× 3 MURs160 T2 D彳 R4 910k R钅 97§ 0`¤ 、 $W C22 10◇ pF/100V R3 910k |C2 $阝 H6埯 sAAO07 ο 〓Φ ° 臼Μ 节η 歹 C16 10QpF R室 2☆ 6100X2 Tη 跫 臼ο > R5 1-012 M8R钅 R6 10 60.4k 扌各fk ∽丶 SpP¤ 6Ng° c3 1 丨 / Φ“ F △凵 | 刀 再 N心 .心 丶灬喊” 哦φ沁 助 喊抵 ο 汕够 ¤ ∞沁 τ△ 刀 ` →狩 D13 1N53$9B R9妁 基 于 NCP1603的 9V/8A 尸 × D14 1Ns9238 b△ 钠 艹°η 图2 C7 1n卩 /1oo0V ∞ 忠∞ № o艹 №⒆◇°一η C6 47011F 一 ο艹 叫卩亠Φ艹 > IC3 $FH61⒌ 戍AO007 (VcG扌 15V) MPz辟 7磷 5A o15 ∷ 19V`8A № №№ 0° ^m№ ¤.05`1W× 2 刀 亠ω 亠叫 F`哆 № 衤η ¤N 扌 Φ ・ p⒃ η ‰ 1嚣 ¤已 虿 召 Κ ¤¤啦 N60C3 蝓拽 L2 10uH/10A o艹 o№ Ο 艹 ο h了 sPP1馋 C3i mF丿 妒C§ 1oo uF/45¤ Vx2 MuR46o 5.58; η AC— DC变 化 器 电路 中 趸逡咆 源 2006每 l.苇 { 1、 (PF)/THD 输 入 (电 压/功 率 ) 输 出 (电 流/电 压 ) 效率 功率因数 90Vac/183.0W 8A/18。 88Ⅴ 82.5% 0.994/9。 110~‰ c/179。 3W 8A/18.88V 84。 2% 0。 995/17.9°/。 120Vac/178.4W 8A/18.88V 84.7% 0。 997/5.5% 180Vac/174.3W 8A/18。 88V 86.7% 0.993/7.3% 220Vac/171.8W 8A/18。 88V 87.9% 0.982/14.8% 1W 8A/18.88V 88。 260Vac/170.3W 8A/18。 88V 88.7% 230Vac/171。 0。 935/34.4% )∶ 结果。 )∶ 电路 提供 优 良的无 载待 机 性 能 ,待 机 功耗 小 于 2O0mW(在 220∨ ac输 入 下 的 输 入 功 率 仅 21%; 占 空 比 (在 ∨in=10O∨ dC和 连 续 模 式 下 0.972/20°/。 实测 结 果 表4 占 空 比 (在 ∨in=420∨ dC和 连 续 模 式 下 3% 8% 145mVV)。 53%。 由 于 |C脚 3(CS2)上 的 门 限 电压 为 1∨ ,最 大 峰值 开 关 电流 |D(PK)=4A,故 Rcs2为 4■ : NCP1603是 一 种 先进 的 PFC/PWM组 合 控 制 Rcs2=1∨ /|D(PK)=1∨ /4A=O.25Ω Rcs2可 由 R11与 R12并 联 而 成 R11=R12=O.5Ω , 并 且 。 回 扫 变 压 器 T2采 用 TDK42EC-∪ 16磁 心 ,初 级 电感 LP=420uH± ・ 结束语 10%,漏 感 不 大 于 5uH, 6。 初 级 、 次 级 和 辅 助 绕 组 匝 数 比 为 :n1∶ n2∶ n3=5.58∶ 1 ∶0=79。 为 附 加 输 出过 电压 保 护 (O∨ P)功 能 ,设 置 C2。 在 没 有 出现 输 出过 电压 时 ,丨 C2不 了光 耦 器 丨 影 响 系统 正 常 工 作 。 在 出现 输 出过 电压 情 况 时 光 耦 晶体 管 导 通 ,使 |C1月 却3(CS2)上 的 电压 升 器 。 其 PFC控 制 器 工 作 在 DCM和 CRM两 种 模 式 ,DCM限 制 AC线 路 过 零 附 近 的 最 大 开 关 频 ,CRM限 制 AC线 路 电压 峰 值 处 的 最 大 电 流 (峰 值 电流 为AC平 均 电流 的2倍 )。 NCP1603中 的 PWM控 芾刂器 , 是 一 种 10OKH2固 定 频 率 率 PWM电 流 模 式 CCM或 带跳 越 周 期 的DCM回 扫拓 扑 。 基 于 NCP1603的 15OW电 源 变换 器 ,仅 需 用 少量 元件 ,即 可获 得 高功 率 因数 、低 THD、 高效 率和 低 无载 待 机 功 率 消耗 。 ◇ , 高 到 1∨ 的 门 限 电平 以 上 输 出被 禁 止 ,|C1脚 13(Out2)上 的 ,o2关 断 。 当 不 连 ,接 R14和 R21不 连 接 时 , PFC与 PWM电 路 不 同 步 。 当连 接 R14和 R21时 ,PFC与 PWM电 路 同步 化 。 AC纟 笺露 髯 蹭恩δ弼 19V/8盎 淹5£ 弼 蹭$瞬 受失 衤唧 掼 失 图3 功 率 传送 图 3■ 3测 试 结 果 表 4所 列 为在 PFC与 PWM电 路 同步 下 的 实 测 中国 咆 塬 博 览 2006铒 二.苇 1、 2期 参考文献 : [1]OnSCmi。 com,NCP1603PFC/PWM ith Integratcd⒈ hgh′ Vo1tage Combo Contro11er Ⅵ厂 Startup and Soft Skip Modc Standby Fcatures Data 、 2004(12) [2]毛 兴 武 ,利 用 新 型 控 制 器 NCP1601的 100W PFC升 压 预 调 节 器原 理 与 设 计 ,电 源技 术 应 用 ,2005(5)⊙ Shect[z]。 作者简 介 : (1973-),临 沂 师 范 学 院物 理 系统 韩 广伟 讲 师 ,在 读 硕 士 ,主 要 从 事 电子信 息技 术教 学与 科研 工 作 。 , NCP1603 PFC/PWM Combo Controller with Integrated High Voltage Startup and Standby Capability http://onsemi.com The NCP1603 is a Power Factor Correction (PFC) and Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) combo controller. It offers extremely low no−load standby power consumption that is suitable for the low−power consumer markets. The key features of the device are listed below. MARKING DIAGRAM 16 Features 1 • Pb−Free Package is Available * SO−16 D SUFFIX CASE 751B 1603D100G AWLYWW 1 PFC Features • Near−Unity Power Factor in Discontinuous and Critical Mode • • • • • • • • • (DCM and CRM) Voltage−Mode Operation Low Startup and Shutdown Current Consumption Programmable Switching Frequency for DCM Synchronization Capability Overvoltage Protection (107% of Nominal Output Level) Undervoltage Protection or Shutdown (8% of Nominal Output Level) Programmable Overcurrent Protection Thermal Shutdown with Hysteresis (95/140°C) Undervoltage Lockout with Hysteresis (9.0/10.5 V) PWM Features • Integrated Lossless High Voltage Startup Current Source • 100 kHz PWM Current−Mode Operation with Skipping Cycle • • • • • • • Capability During Standby Condition PFC Bias Voltage is Disabled in Standby Condition to Achieve Extremely Low No−Load Standby Power Consumption Fault Protection Implemented by a Timer and Independent of Badly Coupled Auxiliary Transformer Winding Primary Overcurrent Protection and Latched Overvoltage Protection Internal 2.5 ms Soft−Start "6.4% Frequency Jittering for Improved EMI Performance Latched Thermal Shutdown with Hysteresis (140/165°C) Undervoltage Lockout with Hysteresis (5.6/7.7/12.6 V) A WL Y WW G = Assembly Location = Wafer Lot = Year = Work Week = Pb−Free Package PIN CONNECTIONS Vaux 1 16 HV FB2 2 15 NC CS2 3 14 VCC2 GND2 4 13 Out2 Osc 5 12 Ramp GND1 6 11 CS1 Out1 7 10 Vcontrol VCC1 8 9 FB1 (Top View) ORDERING INFORMATION Device NCP1603D100R2 NCP1603D100R2G Package SO−16 Shipping† 2500 Tape & Reel SO−16 2500 Tape & Reel (Pb−Free) †For information on tape and reel specifications, including part orientation and tape sizes, please refer to our Tape and Reel Packaging Specification Brochure, BRD8011/D. Applications • Notebook Adapters • TV/Monitors *For additional information on our Pb−Free strategy and soldering details, please download the ON Semiconductor Soldering and Mounting Techniques Reference Manual, SOLDERRM/D. © Semiconductor Components Industries, LLC, 2006 April, 2006 − Rev. 8 1 Publication Order Number: NCP1603/D NCP1603 + AC Input EMI Filter Output Voltage − OVP NCP1603 Not Synchronized and VCC OVP Latch Implemented + AC Input EMI Filter Output Voltage − OVP NCP1603 Synchronized and Output OVP Latch Implemented Figure 1. Typical Application Circuits http://onsemi.com 2 NCP1603 VFB2 FB2 5V + 55k R Q disable Vaux when VCC2 < 7.7V Fault−1 Fault−2 25k Gnd2 2.5 ms Softstart 1V max 4 100 kHz 5ms Jittering 0~2.3V ramp + − VSS 1 CS2 3 10V 3V VCC1 UVLO (9 / 10.5V) 8 18V FB1 9V Current Mirror IS CS1 11 9V 45A Osc 5 94A 9V 0 1 16 HV VCC2 13 Out2 PWM PFC 300k Vreg 96%I ref Internal bias 10 Vcontrol 9V C1 I ref I FB1 Regulation Block Overvoltage Protection (IFB1 > 107% IREF) R2 C3 1 & Ich R3 3.9V max clamp − + Zero Current Detection (IS < 14 A) Thermal Shutdown (95/140°C) OR + − R1 0 Overcurrent Protection (IS > 203 A) Current Mirror VCC2 mgmt (12.6 / 7.7V) (5.6 / 4V) & + − Shutdown / UVP (IFB1 < 8% IREF) IFB1 9 R Q Voltage Regulator & 20V Fault−2 PWM 200ns LEB initially disable Vaux latchoff, reset when VCC2 < 4V − Internal bias + OR + R Q S Q − 100 kHz S R OVP Max duty Fault−1 5ms Jittering = 80% latchoff, reset Oscillator when VCC2 < 4V Error 18k VCS2 S 125 ms delay 14 VCC2 OR 3.2mA start_Vaux 0 Vaux & Thermal Shutdown (140/165°C) 0.75V 1 S & 125 ms delay Standby − 0.75V/ 1.25V 20k 10V start_Vaux − + 2 Vton PFC Modulation clock 5/ 3.5 V & S Q R Ramp 7 Out1 6 GND1 9V 0 VCC1 R delay Figure 2. Functional Block Diagram http://onsemi.com 3 1 12 S Q NCP1603 PIN FUNCTION DESCRIPTION Pin Symbol Function Description 1 Vaux Auxiliary Supply This pin connects to the VCC1 pin externally. It delivers a bias voltage from the VCC2 to the PFC section. The Vaux is disabled when either one of the following conditions occurs: (1) Vaux is initially off; (2) Fault (VFB2 > 3.0 V for more than 125 ms); (3) Standby (VFB2 < 0.75 V and then VFB2 is smaller than 1.25 V for more than 125 ms); (4) Overvoltage protection latch activated from CS2 pin; (5) Thermal shutdown latch in the PWM section; (6) Insufficient supply voltage (VCC2 < 7.7 V). The transistor turns on (or Vaux is enabled) when VFB2 is within the normal mode regulation window (0.75 V < VFB2 < 3.0 V). 2 FB2 PWM Feedback An external optocoupler collector pulls the voltage of this pin VFB2 down to regulate the output voltage. The PWM regulation window between VFB2 = 0.75 V and VFB2 = 3.0 V. When VFB2 drops below 0.75 V, the controller enters standby operation. When no feedback signal is received from the optocoupler, VFB2 is internally pulled to be higher than 3.0 V. If this condition lasts for longer than 125 ms, the controller enters double−hiccup fault condition. 3 CS2 PWM Current Sense This pin cumulates three different functions: current−mode PWM regulation, primary overcurrent protection and overvoltage protection (OVP). If the voltage of this pin is above 3.0 V for OVP, the circuit is latched off until VCC2 resets. The PWM Drive Output is disabled. An external noise decoupling pF−order capacitor is connected to the pin to prevent the latch protection activated due to noise. 4 GND2 PWM Ground − 5 Osc PFC Oscillator In oscillator mode, this pin is connected to an external capacitor to set the oscillator frequency in DCM operation. In synchronization mode, this pin is connected to an external driving signal. However, if the PFC−stage inductor current is non−zero at the end of a switching period, the PFC−stage circuit will be forced to CRM and the Out1 is out of synchronization to the Osc pin signal. 6 GND1 PFC Ground 7 Out1 PFC Drive Output 8 VCC1 PFC Supply Voltage This pin is the positive supply of the PFC section. the operating range is between 9.0 V and 18 V with UVLO start threshold 10.5 V. 9 FB1 PFC Feedback This pin receives a current IFB1 that represents the PFC circuit output voltage. The current is for the output regulation, PFC section overvoltage protection (OVP) and PFC section output undervoltage protection (UVP). When IFB1 goes above 107% Iref, OVP is activated and the Drive Output is disabled. When IFB1 goes below 14 A, the PFC section enters a low−current consumption shutdown mode. 10 Vcontrol PFC Control Voltage The control voltage Vcontrol directly controls the input impedance and hence the power factor of the circuit. This pin is connected to an external capacitor to limit the control voltage bandwidth typically below 20 Hz to achieve Power Factor Correction purpose. 11 CS1 PFC Current Sense This pin receives a current IS that is proportional to the inductor current. The current is for overcurrent protection (OCP), and zero current detection. When IS goes above 200 A, OCP is activated and the Drive Output (Out1) is disabled. When IS goes below 14 A, it is recognized to be a zero current for feedback regulation and DCM or CRM operation in the PFC oscillator section. 12 Ramp PFC Ramp 13 Out2 PWM Drive Output 14 VCC2 PWM Supply Voltage 15 NC No Connected 16 HV High Voltage − This pin provides an output to an external MOSFET in the PFC section. This pin is connected to an external capacitor to set a ramp signal. The capacitor value directly affects the input impedance of the PFC circuit and its maximum input power. This pin provides an output to an external MOSFET in the PWM section. This pin is basically the positive supply of the PWM section. It is also the positive supply of the whole device because the PFC section is also supplied from this pin indirectly through Vaux pin (Pin 1). The operating range is between 7.7 V and 18 V. The circuit resets when VCC2 drops below 4.0 V. This pin is for high voltage clearance of the HV pin. This pin connects to the bulk DC voltage to deliver power to the controller in startup or fault condition. The internal startup circuit is disabled in normal and standby condition for power saving purpose. The UVLO stop and start thresholds of the startup circuit are VCC2 = 12.6 V and VCC2 = 5.6 V. http://onsemi.com 4 NCP1603 MAXIMUM RATINGS Symbol Value Unit Vaux Pin (Pin 1) Maximum Voltage Range Maximum Continuous Current Rating Vmax Imax −0.3 to +18 35 V mA FB2 and CS2 Pin (Pins 2−3) Maximum Voltage Range Maximum Current Vmax Imax −0.3 to +10 100 V mA Ramp, CS1, Vcontrol, FB1, and Osc Pins (Pins 5, 9−12) Maximum Voltage Range Maximum Current Vmax Imax −0.3 to +9.0 100 V mA Out1 Pin (Pin 7) Maximum Voltage Range Maximum Current Vmax Imax −0.3 to +18 −500 to +750 V mA VCC1 and VCC2 Pins (Pins 8, 14) Maximum Voltage Range Maximum Current Vmax Imax −0.3 to +18 100 V mA Out2 Pin (Pin 13) Maximum Voltage Range Maximum Current Vmax Imax −0.3 to +17.5 1.0 V A HV Pin (Pin 16) Maximum Voltage Range Maximum Current Vmax Imax −0.3 to +500 100 V mA Power Dissipation and Thermal Characteristics Maximum Power Dissipation (TA = 25°C) Thermal Resistance, Junction−to−Air PD RJA 770 111 mW °C/W Operating Junction Temperature Range TJ −40 to +125 °C Maximum Storage Temperature Range Tstg −60 to +150 °C Stresses exceeding Maximum Ratings may damage the device. Maximum Ratings are stress ratings only. Functional operation above the Recommended Operating Conditions is not implied. Extended exposure to stresses above the Recommended Operating Conditions may affect device reliability. 1. This device contains ESD protection and exceeds the following tests: Pin 1−14: Human Body Model 2000 V per Mil−Std−883, Method 3015. Machine Model Method 200 V. Pin 16 is the HV startup of the device and is rated to the maximum rating of the part, or 500 V. 2. This device contains latchup protection and exceeds 100 mA per JEDEC Standard JESD78. http://onsemi.com 5 NCP1603 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (For typical values TJ = 25°C, for min/max values, TJ = −40°C to +125°C, VCC2 = 13 V, HV = 30 V, VCC1 = 15 V, Vcontrol = 100 nF, Ramp = 330 pF, Osc = 220 pF unless otherwise specified). Characteristic (PWM Section) Pin Symbol Min Typ Max Unit Oscillation Frequency (TJ = 25_C) (Note 3) Oscillation Frequency (TJ = 0_C to +125_C) Oscillation Frequency (TJ = −40_C to +125_C) − fosc2 93 90 85 100 − − 107 110 110 kHz Oscillator Modulation Swing, in Percentage of fosc2 − − − "6.4 − % Oscillator Modulation Swing Period − − − 5.0 − ms Maximum Duty Ratio (VCS2 = 0 V, VFB2 = 2.0 V) − Dmax 75 80 85 % ROH2 ROL2 6.0 3.0 12.3 7.5 25 18 PWM OSCILLATOR PWM GATE DRIVE Gate Drive Resistor Output High (VCC2 = 13 V, Out2 = 300 to GND2) Output Low (Out2 = 1.0 V, VFB2 = 0 V) 13 Gate Drive Rise Time from 10% to 90% (Out2 = 1.0 nF to GND2) 13 tr2 − 40 − ns Gate Drive Fall Time from 90% to 10% (Out2 = 1.0 nF to GND2) 13 tf2 − 15 − ns Maximum Current Threshold (TJ = 25_C) Maximum Current Threshold (TJ = −40_C to +125_C) 3 ILimit 0.991 0.96 1.043 − 1.095 1.106 V Soft−Start Duration − tSS − 2.5 − ms Leading Edge Blacking Duration 3 tLEB 100 200 350 ns Propagation Delay from CS Detected to Turn Out2 Off − Tdelay(CS) − 90 180 ns Overvoltage Protection Threshold 3 VOVP 2.7 3.0 3.3 V Internal Compensation Ramp (Peak−to−Peak) (Note 4) 3 Vcomp − 2.3 − V Internal Resistor to Ramp (Note 4) 3 Rcomp 9.0 18 36 k Vstby Vstby−out 0.6 1.0 0.75 1.25 0.9 1.5 V V PWM CURRENT SENSE/OVERVOLTAGE PROTECTION PWM STANDBY THRESHOLDS/FEEDBACK Standby Thresholds Feedback Voltage VFB2 to Start Standby Feedback Voltage VFB2 to Stop Standby 2 Validation Time for Leaving Standby 2 tstby−aux − 125 − ms Validation Time for Recognize a Fault 2 tfault − 125 − ms Feedback Pin Sinking Capability (VFB2 = 0.75 V) 2 IFB2 200 235 270 A 1 Raux 6.0 11.7 23 Thermal Shutdown Threshold (Note 4) − TSD2 150 165 − °C Thermal Shutdown Hysteresis − TH2 − 25 − °C IHV1 IHV2 IHV3 1.8 1.8 10 3.2 4.4 30 4.2 5.6 80 mA mA A Vstart(min) − 20 23 V AUXILIARY SUPPLY Vaux MOSFET Resistance (VCC2 = 13 V, VFB = 2.0 V, Vaux = 20 mA Sinking) PWM THERMAL SHUTDOWN PWM STARTUP CURRENT SOURCE High−Voltage Current Source Startup (VCC2 = VCC2(on)−0.2 V, VFB2 = 2.0 V, HV = 30 V) Startup (VCC2 = 0 V, HV = 30 V) Leakage (VCC2 = 13 V, HV = 700 V) 16 Minimum Startup Voltage (VCC2 = VCC2(on)−0.2 V, IHV = 0.5 mA) 16 3. Consult factory for other frequency options. 4. Guaranteed by design. http://onsemi.com 6 NCP1603 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (For typical values TJ = 25°C, for min/max values, TJ = −40°C to +125°C, VCC2 = 13 V, HV = 30 V, VCC1 = 15 V, Vcontrol = 100 nF, Ramp = 330 pF, Osc = 220 pF unless otherwise specified). Characteristic (PFC Section) Pin Symbol Min Typ Max Unit VCC2(on) VCC2(off) VCC2(latch) VCC2(reset) 11.6 7.0 5.0 − 12.6 7.7 5.6 4.0 13.6 8.4 6.2 − V V V V ICC2(op1) ICC2(op2) ICC2(latch) 0.6 1.3 400 1.1 2.2 680 1.8 3.0 1000 mA mA A PWM SUPPLY SECTION Supply Voltage Startup Threshold, VCC2 Increasing Minimum Operating Valley Voltage after Turn−On Undervoltage Lockout Threshold Voltage, VCC2 Decreasing Logic Reset Level 14 Supply Current Operating (VCC2 = 13 V, Out2 = Open, VFB2 = 2.0 V) Operating (VCC2 = 13 V, Out2 = 1.0 nF to GND2, VFB2 = 2.0 V) Latch−Off Phase (VCC2 = 6.5 V, VFB2 = 2.0 V) 14 PFC OSCILLATOR Oscillator Frequency (Osc = 220 pF to GND) 5 fosc1 52 58 64 kHz Internal Capacitance of the Oscillator Pin 5 Cosc(int) − 36 − pF Maximum Oscillator Switching Frequency 5 fosc1(max) − 405 − kHz Oscillator Discharge Current (Osc = 5.5 V) 5 Iodch 40 49 60 A Oscillator Charge Current (Osc = 3.0 V) 5 Ioch 40 45 60 A Comparator Lower Threshold (Osc = 220 pF to GND) (Note 5) 5 Vsync(L) 3.0 3.5 4.0 V Comparator Upper Threshold (Osc = 220 pF to GND) 5 Vsync(H) 4.5 5.0 5.5 V Synchronization Pulse Width for Detection 5 tsync(min) 500 − − ns Synchronization Propagation Delay 5 tsync(d) − 371 − ns ROH1 5.0 11.6 20 ROL1 2.0 7.2 18 PFC GATE DRIVE Gate Drive Resistor Output High and Draw 100 mA out of Out1 Pin (Isource = 100 mA) Output Low and Insert 100 mA into Out1 Pin (Isink = 100 mA) 7 Gate Drive Rise Time from 1.5 V to 13.5 V (Out1 = 1.0 nF to GND) 7 tr1 − 53 − ns Gate Drive Fall Time from 13.5 V to 1.5 V (Out1 = 1.0 nF to GND) 7 tf1 − 32 − ns PFC FEEDBACK/OVERVOLTAGE PROTECTION/UNDERVOLTAGE PROTECTION Reference Current 9 Iref 192 203 208 A Regulation Block Ratio 9 IregL/Iref 95 96 97 % Vcontrol Pin Internal Resistor 10 Rcontrol − 300 − k Maximum Control Voltage (IFB1 = 100 A) 10 Vcontrol(max) 0.95 1.05 1.15 V Feedback Pin Voltage (IFB1 = 100 A) 9 VFB1−100 − 3.0 − V Overvoltage Protection Current Ratio 9 IOVP/Iref 104 107 − % Overvoltage Protection Current Threshold 9 IOVP − 217 225 A Undervoltage Protection Current Threshold 9 IUVP/Iref 4.0 8.0 15 % 5. Comparator lower threshold is also the synchronization threshold. http://onsemi.com 7 NCP1603 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (continued) (For typical values TJ = 25°C, for min/max values, TJ = −40°C to +125°C, VCC2 = 13 V, HV = 30 V, VCC1 = 15 V, Vcontrol = 100 nF, Ramp = 330 pF, Osc = 220 pF unless otherwise specified). Characteristic (PFC Section) Pin Symbol Min Typ Max Unit Current Sense Pin Offset Voltage (IS = 100 A) 11 VS − 4.0 − mV Overcurrent Protection Level 11 IS(OCP) 190 203 210 A Current Sense Pin Offset Voltage at Overcurrent Level 11 VS(OCP) 0 3.2 20 mV Zero Current Detection Level 11 IS(ZCD) 9 14 19 A Current Sense Pin Offset Voltage at Zero Current Level 11 VS(ZCD) 0 7.5 20 mV Zero Current Sense Resistor (RS(ZCD) = VS(ZCD)/IS(ZCD)) 11 RS(ZCD) − 0.536 1.0 k Charging Current (Ramp = 0 V) 12 Ich 95 100 105 A Maximum Power Resistance (Rpower = Vcontrol(max)/Ich) 12 Rpower 9.5 10 11.5 k Internal Clamping of Voltage Vton − Vton(max) − 3.9 − V Internal Capacitance of the Ramp Pin 12 Cramp(int) − 22 − pF Ramp Pin Sink Resistance (Osc = 0 V, Ramp = 1.0 mA sourcing) 12 Rramp − 71.5 − Thermal Shutdown Threshold (Note 6) − TSD1 140 170 − °C Thermal Shutdown Hysteresis − TH1 − 45 − °C VCC1(on) VCC1(off) VH1 9.6 8.25 1.0 10.5 9.0 1.5 11.4 9.75 − V V V ICC1(stup) ICC1(op1) ICC1(op2) ICC1(stdn) − − − − 17 2.7 3.7 24 40 5.0 5.0 50 A mA mA A PFC CURRENT SENSE PFC RAMP PFC THERMAL SHUTDOWN PFC SUPPLY SECTION Supply Voltage Startup Threshold (UVLO) Minimum Voltage for Operation after Turn−On UVLO Hysteresis 8 Supply Current Start−Up (VCC1 = VCC1(on)–0.2 V) Operating (VCC1 = 15 V, Out1 = Open, Osc = 220 pF) Operating (VCC1 = 15 V, Out1 = 1.0 nF to GND1, Osc = 220 pF) Shutdown (VCC1 = 15 V, IFB = 0 A) 8 6. Guaranteed by design. http://onsemi.com 8 PWM SECTION FREQUENCY JITTERING (%) PWM SECTION OSCILLATOR FREQUENCY (kHz) NCP1603 110 108 106 104 102 100 98 96 94 92 90 −50 −25 0 25 50 75 100 TJ, JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (°C) 125 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 −50 85 84 83 82 81 80 79 78 CS2 Pin = 0 V FB2 Pin = 2 V 77 76 75 −50 −25 0 25 50 75 100 TJ, JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (°C) 125 16 14 1 0.95 125 PWM SECTION SOFT−START PERIOD (ms) PWM SECTION CURRENT LIMIT (V) 1.05 0 25 50 75 100 TJ, JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (°C) ROH2 12 10 8 ROL2 6 4 2 0 −50 −25 0 25 50 75 100 TJ, JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (°C) 125 Figure 6. PWM Section Gate Drive Resistance vs. Temperature 1.1 −25 125 18 Figure 5. PWM Section Maximum Duty vs. Temperature 0.9 −50 0 25 50 75 100 TJ, JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (°C) Figure 4. PWM Section Oscillator Frequency Jittering vs. Temperature PWM SECTION GATE DRIVE RESISTANCE () PWM SECTION MAXIMUM DUTY (%) Figure 3. PWM Section Oscillator Frequency vs. Temperature −25 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 −50 −25 0 25 50 75 100 TJ, JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (°C) Figure 8. PWM Section Soft−Start Period vs. Temperature Figure 7. PWM Section Current Limit vs. Temperature http://onsemi.com 9 125 PWM SECTION CS PROPAGATION DELAY (ns) PWM SECTION LEAD EDGE BLANKING (ns) NCP1603 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 −50 −25 0 25 50 75 100 TJ, JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (°C) 125 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 −50 500 450 400 350 300 250 200 150 VCS2 = 2 V VFB2 = 2 V 100 50 0 −50 −25 0 25 50 75 100 TJ, JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (°C) 125 3.1 3.05 3 2.95 2.9 −50 −25 0 25 50 75 100 TJ, JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (°C) 125 Figure 12. CS2 Pin Overvoltage Protection Threshold vs. Temperature 1.4 160 1.2 PWM SECTION VALIDATION TIME FOR LEAVING STANDBY (ms) PWM SECTION STANDBY THRESHOLDS (V) 125 3.15 Figure 11. PWM Section Minimum Output Pulse vs. Temperature Vstby−out 1 0.8 Vstby 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 −50 0 25 50 75 100 TJ, JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (°C) Figure 10. CS2 Pin Propagation Delay vs. Temperature PWM SECTION CS PIN OVP THRESHOLD (V) PWM SECTION MINIMUM PULSE (ns) Figure 9. PWM Section Lead Edge Blanking vs. Temperature −25 −25 0 25 50 75 100 TJ, JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (°C) 125 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 −50 Figure 13. PWM Section Standby Thresholds vs. Temperature −25 0 25 50 75 100 TJ, JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (°C) Figure 14. PWM Section Validation Time for Leaving Standby vs. Temperature http://onsemi.com 10 125 250 PWM SECTION VALIDATION TIME FOR RECOGNIZE A FAULT (ms) PWM SECTION FB PIN SINKING CAPABILITY (A) NCP1603 245 240 235 230 225 220 215 VFB2 = 0.75 V 210 205 200 −50 −25 0 25 50 75 100 TJ, JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (°C) 160 140 120 100 125 80 60 40 20 0 −50 STARTUP HIGH VOLTAGE CURRENT SOURCE (mA) Vaux PIN MOSFET RESISTANCE () 20 18 16 14 Vaux = 20 mA Sinking VCC2 = 13 V 10 8 6 4 2 0 −50 −25 0 25 50 75 100 TJ, JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (°C) 5 125 3 2 HV PIN MINIMUM STARTUP VOLTAGE (V) HV PIN LEAKAGE CURRENT (A) IHV2 (VCC2 = VCC2(on) − 0.2 V) 1 HV Pin = 30 V −25 0 25 50 75 100 TJ, JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (°C) 125 Figure 18. PWM Section High Voltage Startup Current Source vs. Temperature HV Pin = 700 V VCC2 = 13 V 40 30 20 10 −25 IHV1 (VCC2 = 0 V) 4 0 −50 60 0 −50 125 6 Figure 17. Vaux Pin Internal MOSFET Resistance vs. Temperature 50 0 25 50 75 100 TJ, JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (°C) Figure 16. PWM Section Validation Time for Recognizing a Fault vs. Temperature Figure 15. FB2 Pin Sinking Capability vs. Temperature 12 −25 0 25 50 75 100 TJ, JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (°C) 125 25 24 23 VCC2 = VCC2(on) − 0.2 V IHV = 0.5 mA 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 −50 Figure 19. PWM Section HV Pin Leakage Current vs. Temperature −25 0 25 50 75 100 TJ, JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (°C) Figure 20. PWM Section HV Pin Minimum Operating Voltage vs. Temperature http://onsemi.com 11 125 PWM SECTION SUPPLY CURRENTS (mA) NCP1603 PWM SECTION SUPPLY VOLTAGE THRESHOLDS (V) 14 12 VCC2(on) 10 VCC2(off) 8 VCC2(latch) 6 4 VCC2(reset) 2 0 −50 −25 0 25 50 75 100 TJ, JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (°C) 125 2.5 2 1.5 0.5 ICC2(latch) (VCC2 = 6.5 V) VFB2 = 2 V 0 −50 −25 0 25 50 75 100 TJ, JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (°C) 125 Figure 22. PWM Section Supply Currents vs. Temperature 51 60 PFC SECTION OSC PIN CHARGE AND DISCHARGE CURRENT (A) PFC SECTION OSCILLATOR FREQUENCY (kHz) ICC2(op2) (VCC2 = 13 V, Out2 = Open) 1 Figure 21. PWM Section Supply Voltage Thresholds vs. Temperature 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 −50 −25 0 25 50 75 100 TJ, JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (°C) 50 49 48 46 4.5 COSC = 220 pF 4 Vsync(L) 3.5 0 25 50 75 100 TJ, JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (°C) 125 PFC SECTION GATE DRIVE RESISTANCE () Vsync(H) 5 −25 −25 0 25 50 75 100 TJ, JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (°C) 125 Figure 24. PFC Section Osc Pin Charge and Discharge Current vs. Temperature 5.5 3 −50 Ioch (Osc Pin = 3 V) 45 44 −50 125 Iodch (Osc Pin = 5.5 V) 47 Figure 23. PFC Section Oscillator Frequency vs. Temperature PFC SECTION SYNCHRONIZATION THRESHOLDS (V) ICC2(op1) (VCC2 = 13 V, 1 nF Load) 18 16 14 ROH1 12 10 8 ROL1 6 4 2 0 −50 Figure 25. PFC Section Synchronization Thresholds vs. Temperature −25 0 25 50 75 100 TJ, JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (°C) 125 Figure 26. PFC Section Gate Drive Resistance vs. Temperature http://onsemi.com 12 210 PFC SECTION REGULATION BLOCK (V) PFC SECTION REFERENCE CURRENT (A) NCP1603 208 206 204 202 200 198 196 194 192 190 −50 −25 0 25 50 75 100 TJ, JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (°C) 125 1.2 1 TJ = 25°C 0.8 TJ = −40°C 0.6 0.4 TJ = 125°C 0.2 0 150 160 99 98 97 96 95 94 93 92 91 −25 0 25 50 75 100 TJ, JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (°C) 125 1.08 1.06 1.04 IFB = 100 A 1.02 1 −50 Figure 29. PFC Section Regulation Block vs. Temperature −25 0 25 50 75 100 TJ, JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (°C) 125 Figure 30. PFC Section Maximum Control Voltage vs. Temperature 6 110 5 PFC SECTION OVERVOLTAGE PROTECTION RATIO (%) FB1 PIN OFFSET VOLTAGE (V) 220 1.1 100 90 −50 210 Figure 28. PFC Section Regulation Block Transfer Function PFC SECTION MAXIMUM CONTROL VOLTAGE (V) PFC SECTION REGULATION BLOCK RATIO (%) Figure 27. PFC Section Reference Current vs. Temperature 170 180 190 200 IFB, FEEDBACK CURRENT (A) TJ = 125°C TJ = 25°C 4 TJ = −40°C 3 2 1 0 0 50 100 150 200 IFB, FEEDBACK CURRENT (A) 109.5 109 108.5 108 107.5 107 106.5 106 105.5 105 −50 250 Figure 31. Feedback Pin Voltage vs. Feedback Current −25 0 25 50 75 100 TJ, JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (°C) 125 Figure 32. PFC Section Overvoltage Protection Ratio vs. Temperature http://onsemi.com 13 220 10 218 9 PFC SECTION OVERVOLTAGE PROTECTION RATIO (%) PFC SECTION OVERVOLTAGE PROTECTION THRESHOLD (A) NCP1603 216 214 212 210 208 206 204 202 200 −50 −25 0 25 50 75 100 TJ, JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (°C) 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 −50 125 Figure 33. PFC Section Overvoltage Protection Threshold vs. Temperature PFC SECTION CS PIN OFFSET (mV) CS1 PIN OFFSET VOLTAGE (mV) 80 60 40 TJ = −40°C 20 TJ = 125°C TJ = 25°C 0 0 50 100 150 200 IS1, CS1 PIN CURRENT (A) 10 9 8 7 5 4 3 1 208 206 204 202 200 198 196 194 192 125 PFC SECTION ZERO CURRENT THRESHOLD (A) PFC SECTION OVERCURRENT PROTECTION THRESHOLD (A) −25 0 25 50 75 100 TJ, JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (°C) 125 Figure 36. PFC Section CS Pin Offset vs. Temperature 210 −25 0 25 50 75 100 TJ, JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (°C) VS(OCP) 2 0 −50 250 VS(ZCD) 6 Figure 35. CS1 Pin Offset Voltage vs. Current 190 −50 125 Figure 34. PFC Section Overvoltage Protection Ratio vs. Temperature 120 100 −25 0 25 50 75 100 TJ, JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (°C) 15 14.5 14 13.5 13 12.5 12 11.5 11 10.5 10 −50 Figure 37. PFC Section Overcurrent Protection Threshold vs. Temperature −25 0 25 50 75 100 TJ, JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (°C) Figure 38. PFC Section Zero Current Threshold vs. Temperature http://onsemi.com 14 125 NCP1603 600 500 400 300 200 100 −25 0 25 50 75 100 TJ, JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (°C) 125 104 103 102 101 100 99 98 97 96 95 −50 Figure 39. PFC Section Zero Current Sense Resistance vs. Temperature 12 11.5 11 10.5 10 9.5 9 8.5 8 −50 −25 0 25 50 75 100 TJ, JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (°C) 10.5 VCC1(on) 10 9.5 9 VCC1(off) 8.5 125 8 −50 −25 0 25 50 75 100 TJ, JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (°C) 125 Figure 42. PFC Section Supply Voltage Undervoltage Lockout Thresholds vs. Temperature 35 4 PFC SECTION OPERATING SUPPLY CURRENTS (mA) PFC SECTION SUPPLY STARTUP AND SHUTDOWN CURRENTS (A) 125 11 Figure 41. PFC Section Maximum Power Resistance vs. Temperature 30 25 ICC1(stdn) 20 15 ICC1(stup) 10 5 0 −50 −25 0 25 50 75 100 TJ, JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (°C) Figure 40. PFC Section Charging Current vs. Temperature PFC SECTION SUPPLY VOLTAGE UVLO THRESHOLDS (V) PWM SECTION MAXIMUM POWER RESISTANCE (k) 0 −50 105 PFC SECTION CHARGING CURRENT (A) PFC SECTION ZERO CURRENT SENSE RESISTOR () 700 −25 0 25 50 75 100 TJ, JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (°C) 125 Figure 43. PFC Section Supply Current in Startup and Shutdown Conditions vs. Temperature 3.8 3.6 3.4 ICC1(op2), 1 nF Load 3.2 3 2.8 ICC1(op1), No Load 2.6 2.4 2.2 2 −50 VCC1 = 15 V, COSC = 220 pF −25 0 25 50 75 100 TJ, JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (°C) 125 Figure 44. PFC Section Operating Supply Currents vs. Temperature http://onsemi.com 15 NCP1603 OPERATING DESCRIPTION Vin D1 L D2 Vbulk + Vac EMI Filter Q1 Cfilter Cbulk D3 Cout Cosc Zref IFB1 IL − RFF ZOVP RCS1 ID NCP1603 RFB1 RS1 Vout Cs Q2 IS RS2 Ccontrol Cramp RCS2 Figure 45. Typical Application Circuit Introduction The NCP1603 is a PWM/PFC combo controller for two−stages PFC low−power application. A typical application circuit is listed in Figure 45. The first−stage PFC boost circuit draws a near−unity power factor current from the input but it also steps up the rectified input voltage Vin to a high bulk voltage Vbulk in the bulk capacitor Cbulk. Then, the second−stage PWM flyback circuit converts the bulk voltage Vbulk to a usable low voltage and isolated output voltage Vout. The controllers of the two stages are combined to become a single PWM/PFC combo controller. The advantages of NCP1603 are the following: 1. Integrated maximum 500 V lossless high voltage startup circuit that saves area and power loss. 2. Low standby power consumption because of PFC shutdown and skipping cycle operation. 3. Proprietary PFC methodology limits the maximum switching frequency and frequency jittering feature of the second−stage make the easier front−ended EMI filter design. 4. Internal ramp compensation for stability improvement in the second stage converter. 5. Minimum number of external components. 6. Optional synchronization capability between the PFC and PWM sections for bulk capacitor ripple current reduction. 7. Safety protection features. NCP1603 is a co−package of two individual IC dies. (NCP1601 and NCP1230, 100 kHz) The PFC die links up pin 5 to pin 12 that are in the lower half of Figure 46. The PWM die links up the other pins that are in the upper half of Figure 46. For simplicity, the PFC pins are named with suffix one that stands for the first stage and the PWM pins are named with suffix two that stands for the second stage. This dual−dies architecture allows the PFC die to be completely powered off in the standby low−power condition. It makes the power supply an excellent low−power no load standby performance. Vaux 1 16 HV FB2 2 PWM Die CS2 3 GND2 4 15 NC 14 VCC2 13 Out2 Osc 5 12 Ramp GND1 6 PFC Die Out1 7 VCC1 8 11 CS1 10 Vcontrol 9 FB1 Figure 46. Internal Connection Biasing the Controller The PWM section is the master section that always operates. The PFC section is the slave section that is powered off in standby condition for power saving. It is implemented by connecting Vaux pin (Pin 1) and VCC1 pin (Pin 8) together externally. The VCC1 pin generally requires a small decoupling external capacitor (0.1 F) or nothing. The PWM section powers the PFC section. The VCC of the whole device refers to VCC2 (Pin 14) in the PWM section (i.e., VCC = VCC2). Vbulk 16 VCC2 14 NCP1603 1 4 6 CVCC 8 GND1 = GND2 VCC1 = Vaux Figure 47. Bias Supply Schematic http://onsemi.com 16 NCP1603 The recommended biasing schematic of the controller is in Figure 47 while a typical completed application schematic can be referred to Figure 45. These two dies have their own individual supply voltages at Pin 8 and Pin 14. The grounds of the two dies are physically connected through the package substrate but they are needed to be connected externally. The bias voltage to the NCP1603 comes from the bulk voltage Vbulk through the HV pin (Pin 16) during startup. After startup, a second−stage flyback transformer auxiliary winding delivers the supply voltage to VCC. example, the PWM die consumes ICC2(op2) (2.2 mA typical), a 47 F VCC capacitor can maintain the VCC above 7.7 V for 105 ms. It is the available time to establish a VCC voltage from the flyback transformer auxiliary winding. C V 47 F·(12.6 V−7.7 V) tstartup + VCC + + 105 ms ICC2(op2) 2.2 mA (eq. 1) A large enough VCC capacitor can also help to maintain VCC2 always above VCC2(off) to prevent the IC accidentally powered off during the standby condition where the low−frequency ripple of VCC2 can be very high. The PFC section does not consume any current in the startup phase since Vaux is disabled initially (i.e., Vaux = VCC1 = 0 V). When VCC2 falls below VCC2(off) (7.7 V typical) for whatever reason, the PWM section sleeps and it consumes ICC2(latch) (680 A typical) until VCC2 reaches VCC2(latch) (5.6 V typical). When VCC2 reaches VCC2(latch) (5.6 V typical), the startup current source activates and VCC2 rises again. Lossless High Voltage Startup Circuit Vbulk HV 16 3.2 mA Turn Off UVLO Q S + − VFB2 R Double Hiccup B2 Counter 3.0 V 12.6/ 5.6 V Non− usable Vaux Enabled Region 7.7 V − + Fault Condition (VFB2 > 3.0 V) VCC Usable Vaux Enabled Region 0.75 V Standby Condition (VFB2 < 0.75 V) 14 VCC2 (PWM) & 20 V 7.7 V 12.6 V 18 V VCC1 (PFC) Turn on Internal Bias Figure 48. VCC2 Management 9.0 V 10.5 V The HV pin (Pin 16) is capable of the maximum 500 V so that this pin can be directly connected to the bulk voltage Vbulk and delivers startup supply voltage to the controller. Figure 48 illustrates the block diagram of the startup circuit. An UVLO comparator monitors the VCC at Pin 14. A startup current source is activated and deactivated whenever the voltage reaches VCC2(latch) (5.6 V typical) and VCC2(on) (12.6 V typical) thresholds respectively. Therefore, the VCC never drops below VCC2(latch) after powering up unless the circuit is unplugged (i.e., Vbulk disappears or smaller than its minimum required operating threshold Vstart(min) (20 V typical)). This feature makes the controller memorize the external latch off function implemented in Pin 3. This in−chip startup circuit can minimize the number of external components and Printed Circuit Board (PCB) area. It also minimizes the loss due to startup resistor because startup resistor always dissipates power but this startup circuit can be turned off when the VCC voltage is sufficient. Actually, there is a small leakage current IHV3 (30 A typical at HV = 700 V) when the startup circuit is off. The VCC capacitor is recommended to be at least 47 F to ensure that VCC is always above the minimum operating voltage VCC2(off) (7.7 V typical) in the startup phase. For 18 V Figure 49. Vaux Enabled Regions Auxiliary Supply Vaux The Vaux pin (Pin 1) connects to the VCC1 pin (Pin 8) externally. Internally, the Vaux pin is connected to VCC2 through an internal MOSFET. The MOSFET on−resistance is Raux (11.7 typical). It delivers a supply voltage from the PWM section to the PFC section. The Vaux is disabled when one of the following conditions occurs. 1. Vaux is initially disabled because of no feedback signal (VFB2 > 3.0 V) initially. 2. Fault condition (VFB2 > 3.0 V for more than 125 ms). 3. Standby condition (VFB2 < Vstby (0.75 V typical) and then VFB2 < Vstby−out (1.25 V typical) for more than 125 ms). 4. Insufficient operating supply voltage (VCC2 < VCC2(off) (7.7 V typical)). 5. Overvoltage protection (OVP) latch activated from CS2 pin (Pin 3) (VCS2 > VOVP (3.0 V typical)). 6. Thermal shutdown latch in the PWM section activated when the junction temperature is over typical 150_C. http://onsemi.com 17 NCP1603 Regulation in the PWM Section The UVLO start thresholds of VCC1 is VCC1(on) (10.5 V typical) and the maximum allowable limit is 18 V. On the other hand, the Vaux is enabled when VCC2 is over VCC2(off) (7.7 V typical). Hence, there are two possible operating regions in Figure 49. In the non−usable region the Vaux is not high enough to turn on the PFC section. Therefore, the flyback transformer auxiliary winding must be between VCC1(on) (10.5 V typical) and 18 V. The PWM section (or the second stage) of the NCP1603 is NCP1230 that is a current−mode fixed−frequency PWM flyback controller with internal compensation ramp. The simplified block diagram of the duty cycle regulation section is in Figure 50. A 100 kHz clock oscillator is modulated by adding a frequency jittering feature. This modulated 100 kHz clock signal turns the Out2 (pin 13) high in each switching cycle. The Out2 goes low when the current−loop feedback signal intersects with the output voltage−loop feedback signal. A duty cycle is therefore generated. The maximum duty ratio is limited to Dmax (80% typical). Vdd Vout 20 k FB2 2 VFB2 Vbulk VFB2 3 VFB2 3 1 V Max 55 k Opto Coupler Soft−Start Processing Circuit 25 k Soft−Start Period 2.5 ms − + 200 ns LEB R PWM 2.3 V 0V 100 kHz Jittering Ramp 18 k VCC2 Out2 13 Q Flyback Drain Current ID S Max Duty = 80% CS2 3 RS2 RCS2 6.4% Frequency Jittering Modulation 100 kHz Oscillator Figure 50. Block Diagram of Duty Cycle Regulation in the PWM Section The current−loop feedback circuit consists of a typical 200 ns Leading Edge Blanking (LEB) that is to prevent a premature reset of the output due to noise, a pair of sense resistors RCS2 and RS2 that sense the flyback drain current ID, and a 0−to−2.3 V jittering ramp that adds a ramp compensation for a stability improvement to the current−mode control possibly in continuous mode operation. The VFB2 is approximately divided by 3 by an internal pair of resistors (55 k and 25 k). The soft−start processing circuit reduces the initial voltage−loop feedback signal (VFB2 / 3) for 2.5 ms. After this 2.5 ms, the soft−start disappears. As a result, the startup envelope of the peak drain current (or duty ratio) ramps up gradually for 2.5 ms. It is noted that the 2.5 ms is counted when the PWM die circuit is reset that is when VCC2 reaches VCC2(on) (12.6 V typical). This soft−start feature offers a reduced transient voltage and current stress on the power circuit during the startup. Excessive output voltage causes more the optocoupler current. It pulls down the VFB2 through FB2 pin (Pin 2) and generates a lower duty ratio. The output voltage reduces. Insufficient output voltage reduces the optocoupler current. If the current is too small, the VFB2 is eventually pulled high than 3.0 V (3.8 V typical). The (VFB2 /3) signal is then clamped to an internal 1.0 V limit. If the ramp is ignored (i.e., RS2 = 0), the maximum possible drain current is derived as: ID(max) + 1 V RCS2 (eq. 2) It is noted that resistor RS2 will affect the percentage of the ramp getting compared for the modulation. Hence, a large value of the RS2 increase the ramp and will reduce the possible maximum duty ratio. http://onsemi.com 18 NCP1603 Frequency Jittering Fault Condition Figure 52 illustrates the fault detection circuitry and its timing diagram. When fault (or output short circuit) happens, the output voltage collapses and the optocoupler is opened. VFB2 is internally pulled to be higher than 3.0 V (3.8 V typical). Then, the controller activates an error flag when (VFB2/3) is greater than the soft−start voltage VSS that is 1.0 V after the 2.5 ms from startup. When the circuit is powering up in the beginning, the output voltage is not yet established and FB2 pin (Pin 2) is opened. Therefore, there is a 125 ms timer to allow the circuit to establish an initial output voltage. Then, a fault (or short circuit) condition is recognized when an error flag (VFB2 q 3.0 V) can last for 125 ms. When a fault is detected, Out2 (Pin 13) goes low. The power supply stops delivering power to the output. On the other hand, the Vaux (= VCC1) also goes low. The Vaux will restore immediately when the error flag disappears. This fault detection method offers advantage of getting rid of the auxiliary winding information that cannot truely represent the output voltage when the flyback transformer is badly coupled. PWM Section Oscillator Frequency 106.4 kHz 100 kHz 93.6 kHz 5 ms time Figure 51. Frequency Jittering of PWM Oscillator Frequency jittering is a method used to soften the EMI signature by spreading the energy in the vicinity of the main switching component. The PWM Section offers a typical ±6.4% deviation on the nominal switching frequency (100 kHz typical). A sweep sawtooth modulates the 100 kHz clock up and down with a 5.0 ms period. Figure 51 illustrates the ±6.4% variation of the jittering oscillator frequency versus time. Vdd VFB2/3 20 k FB2 2 1V VFB2 55 k 25 k VSS VFB2 3 VSS Start Vaux Enable Vaux/PFC + − Soft−Start 1 V Max 125 ms Delay time 125ms & 1V Fault Disable Vaux/PFC and Out2 Vaux Vaux starts when VFB2 is within regulation window (VFB2 < 3 V). (i.e., normal operation) Soft−Start Period 2.5 ms time Vaux stops when VFB2 is out of regulation window (VFB2 > 3 V) for more than 125 ms. (i.e., fault condition) Figure 52. Block Diagram and Timing Diagram of Fault Detection http://onsemi.com 19 NCP1603 Startup current source charging the VCC capacitor Startup circuit turns off when VCC2 is 12.6 V 12.6 V Circuit sleeps when VCC2 is below 7.7 V VCC2 7.7 V 5.6 V ID Maximum drain current is limited to 1 / RCS2 Startup circuit turns on when VCC2 is 5.6 V Peak drain current follows a 2.5 ms soft−start envelope time 0A Switching starts when VCC2 reaches 12.6 V Switching is missing in every two VCC hiccup cycles featuring a “double hiccup” Figure 53. Timing Diagram of Fault Condition Figure 53 illustrates the timing diagram of VCC2 and the second−stage drain current ID in fault condition. The VCC drops because output voltage collapses. When VCC drops below VCC(off) (7.7 V typical), the Drive Output signal disappears and the VCC continues to drop. When bias voltage VCC drops to VCC(latch) (5.6 V typical), the startup current source activates and charge up the VCC until VCC reaches VCC(on) (12.6 V typical). The internal 2.5 ms soft−start activates after VCC reaches VCC(on) (12.6 V typical). The peak drain current follows its 2.5 ms envelope. The power supply dissipates some power due to the switching signal of Out2 and waits for possible auto−recovery of operation when the fault is cleared. As shown in Figure 53, NCP1603 has a “double hiccup” feature that allows the drain current in every two VCC hiccup cycle in fault condition. The “double hiccup” feature offers fewer power dissipation during fault condition comparing to “single hiccup”. If the fault is cleared (VFB2 < 3.0 VSS) and VCC remains above VCC2(off) (7.7 V typical), the circuit will resume its operation. Otherwise, the VCC will continue this 12.6−7.7−5.6−12.6 V hiccup mode until the fault or bulk voltage is cleared. FB2 2 V FB2 Leave standby enable Vaux / PFC Section − + 0.75 V / 1.25 V 125 ms delay & Standby disable Vaux/ PFC Section VFB2 1.25 V 0.75 V time Vaux 125 ms time Vaux stops when VFB2 is below 0.75 V and cannot go above 1.25 V for 125 ms Standby Condition The output voltage rises up excessively in standby condition and the VFB2 drops. A set point of 25% of the maximum of VFB2 (i.e., 3.0 V) is defined to be the standby threshold. Hence, the standby threshold is Vstby = 25% × 3.0 V = 0.75 V. Vaux restores when VFB2 goes above 1.25 V Figure 54. Block Diagram and Timing Diagram of Standby Detection http://onsemi.com 20 NCP1603 PFC in Discontinuous/Critical Mode Figure 54 illustrates the standby detection circuitry and its timing diagram. When standby condition happens (i.e., VFB2 < 0.75 V), the controller will wait for a typical 125 ms to ensure that the output power remains low for a while. Then, the Vaux is disabled to shut down the PFC section for power saving. The Vaux (or the PFC) restores when VFB2 goes above 1.25 V immediately because VFB2 can be possibly above the 0.75 V threshold during standby operation (referring to Figure 55) and the PFC section is needed after the circuit restores from standby condition. The PFC section of the NCP1603 is NCP1601 that is designed for low−power PFC boost circuit in DCM or CRM and takes advantages on both operating modes. DCM limits the maximum switching frequency. It simplifies the front−ended EMI filter design. CRM limits the maximum currents of diode, MOSFET and inductor. It reduces the costs and improves the reliability of the circuit. This device substantially exhibits unity power factor while operating in DCM and CRM. It minimizes the number of external components. The PFC section primarily designed to operate in fixed−frequency DCM. In the most stressful conditions, CRM can be an alternative option that is without power factor degradation. On the other hand, the PFC section can be viewed as a CRM controller with a frequency clamp (maximum switching frequency limit) alternative option that is also without power factor degradation. In summary, the PFC section can cover both CRM and DCM without power factor degradation. Based on the selections of the boost inductor and the oscillator frequency, the circuit is capable of the following three applications. 1. CRM only by setting the oscillator frequency higher than the CRM frequency range. 2. CRM and DCM by setting the oscillator frequency somewhere within the CRM frequency range. 3. DCM only by setting the oscillator frequency lower than the CRM frequency range. VCC2 needs to be above 7.7 V to ensure proper operation of the controller and main output within regulation VCC2 7.7 V Out2 goes low (no drain current) when VFB2 < 0.75 V 1.25 V 0.75 V VFB2 ID time Figure 55. Timing Diagram in Standby Condition FB2 2 VFB2 − Standby + + − 0.75 V CS2 3 PWM Vcc2 OR R Q S Vin Out2 13 time Vcontrol clock time Vton Figure 56. Block Diagram in Standby Operation in PWM Section time Figure 55 and 56 show the timing diagram and block diagram of the standby operation respectively. A skipping cycle behavior of the drain current is made by reset the latch whenever VFB2 is smaller than 0.75 V. When VFB2 is greater than 0.75 V, the duty ratio is modulated by the PWM block that is illustrated in Figure 50. Inductor current, IL current Input current, Iin time DCM critical mode DCM Figure 57. Timing Diagram of the PFC Stage http://onsemi.com 21 NCP1603 DCM needs higher peak inductor current comparing to CRM in the same averaged input current. Hence, CRM is generally preferred at around the sinusoidal peak for lower the maximum current stress but DCM is also preferred at the non−peak region to avoid excessive switching frequencies. Because of the variable−frequency feature of the CRM and constant−frequency feature of DCM, switching frequency is the maximum in the DCM region and hence the minimum switching frequency will be found at the moment of the sinusoidal peak. case of DCM when t3 = 0. When the PFC boost converter MOSFET is on, the inductor current IL increases from zero to Ipk for a time duration t1 with inductance L and input voltage Vin. Equation 3 is formulated. Vin + L Iin + A DCM/CRM PFC boost converter is shown in Figure 58. Input voltage is a rectified 50 or 60 Hz sinusoidal signal. The MOSFET is switching at a high frequency (typically around 100 kHz) so that the inductor current IL basically consists of high−frequency and low−frequency components. IL (eq. 4) (eq. 5) From Equations 3, 4, and 5, the input impedance Zin is formulated. Vout Cfilter Ipk (t1 ) t2) for DCM 2T Ipk Iin + for CRM 2 L Vin (eq. 3) The input filter capacitor Cfilter and the front−ended EMI filter absorb the high−frequency component of inductor current. It makes the input current Iin a low−frequency signal. DCM PFC Circuit Iin Ipk t1 Cbulk V 2TL Zin + in + for DCM Iin t1(t1 ) t2) (eq. 6) V Zin + in + 2L for CRM t1 Iin (eq. 7) Power factor is corrected when the input impedance Zin in Equations 6 and 7 are constant or slowly varying. Figure 58. DCM/CRM PFC Boost Converter Ich Ramp Filter capacitor Cfilter is an essential and very small value capacitor in order to eliminate the high−frequency content of the DCM inductor current IL. This filter capacitor cannot be too bulky because it can pollute the power factor by distorting of the rectified sinusoidal input voltage. 12 closed when output low Cramp PWM Comparator + − Vton Turns off MOSFET PFC Methodology The PFC section uses a proprietary PFC methodology particularly designed for both DCM and CRM operation. The PFC methodology is described in this section. Vton ramp out1 Figure 60. PFC Modulation Circuit and Timing Diagram Inductor Current The MOSFET on time t1 of PFC modulation duty is generated by a feedback signal Vton and a ramp. The PFC modulation circuit and timing diagram are shown in Figure 60. A relationship in Equation 8 is obtained. Ipk t1 + t1 t2 t3 Cramp Vton Ich (eq. 8) The charging current Ich is constant 100 A current and the ramp capacitor Cramp is constant for a particular design. Hence, according to Equation 8, the MOSFET on time t1 is proportional to Vton. In order to protect the PFC modulation comparator, the maximum voltage of Vton is limited to internal clamp Vton(max) (3.9 V typical) and the ramp pin (Pin 12) is with time T Figure 59. Inductor Current in DCM As shown in Figure 59, the inductor current IL of each switching cycle starts from zero in DCM. CRM is a special http://onsemi.com 22 NCP1603 a 9.0 V ESD zener diode. The 3.9 V maximum limit of this Vton indirectly limits the maximum on time. The Vcontrol processing circuit generates Vton from control voltage Vcontrol and time information of zero inductor current. The circuit in Figure 61 makes Equations 9 and 10 where the value of resistor R1 is much higher than the value of resistor R2 (R1 >> R2). Vreg 96% Iref 300k Iref IFB1 Vcontrol Processing Circuit Regulation Block 10 Vcontrol closed when zero current Ccontrol R1 R2 Figure 62. Vcontrol Low−Pass Filtering C1 Vcontrol 10 − + R3 If the bandwidth of Vcontrol is much less than the 50 or 60 Hz line frequency, the input impedance Zin is slowly varying or roughly constant. Then, the power factor correction is achieved in DCM and CRM. Vton C3 Ccontrol Maximum Power in PFC Section Input and output power (Pin and Pout) are derived in Equations 13 and 14 when the circuit efficiency η is obtained or assumed. The variable Vac stands for the RMS input voltage. Figure 61. Vcontrol Processing Circuit Vton + T Vcontrol for DCM t1 ) t2 Vton + Vcontrol for CRM (eq. 9) Vac2CrampVcontrol V 2 Pin + ac + Zin 2LIch (eq. 10) It is noted that Vton is always greater than or equal to Vcontrol (Vton q Vcontrol). In summary, the input impedance Zin in Equation 11 is obtained from Equations 3 through 10. 2LIch V Zin + in + Iin Cramp Vcontrol Pout + Pin + (eq. 14) From Equations 13 and 14, control voltage Vcontrol controls the amount of output power, input power, or input impedance. The maximum value of the control voltage Vcontrol is 1.05 V (i.e., Vcontrol(max) = 1.05 V). A parameter called maximum power resistor Rpower (10.5 k typical) is defined in Equation 18 and restricted to have a maximum ±10% variation (i.e., 9.5 k p Rpower p 11.5 k) for defining the maximum power in an application. (eq. 11) Control voltage Vcontrol comes from the PFC boost circuit output voltage (i.e., bulk voltage Vbulk) that is a slowly varying signal. The bandwidth of Vcontrol can be additionally limited by inserting an external capacitor Ccontrol to the Vcontrol pin (Pin 10) in Figure 62. The internal 300 k resistor and the capacitor Ccontrol create a low−pass filter that has a bandwidth fcontrol in Equation 12. It is generally recommended to limit the bandwidth below 20 Hz to achieve power factor correction. Typical value of Ccontrol is 0.1 F. 1 Ccontrol u 2300k fcontrol Vac2CrampVcontrol 2LIch (eq. 13) Rpower + Vcontrol(max) 1.05 V + + 10.5 k 100 A Ich (eq. 15) It means that the maximum input and output power (Pin(max) and Pout(max)) are limited to ±10% variation. Pin(max) + (eq. 12) Vac2CrampRpower 2L Pout(max) + Vac2CrampRpower 2L (eq. 16) (eq. 17) The maximum input current Iac(max) to deliver the maximum input power Pin(max) is also derived in (eq.14). The suffix ac stands for RMS value. Iac(max) + http://onsemi.com 23 Pin(max) VacCrampRpower + 2L Vac (eq. 18) NCP1603 Feedback in PFC Section The feedback resistor RFB1 consists of two or three high precision resistors in order to set the nominal Vbulk precisely and for safety purpose. The regulation block output Vreg is connected to control voltage Vcontrol through an internal resistor Rcontrol (300 k typical) for the low−pass filter in Figure 62. The Vcontrol and the time information of zero current are collected in the Vcontrol processing circuit to generate Vton that is then compared to a ramp signal to generate the MOSFET on time t1 for power factor correction. The output voltage of the PFC circuit (i.e., bulk voltage Vbulk) is sensed as a feedback current IFB1 flowing into the FB1 pin (Pin 9) of NCP1603. The FB1 pin voltage VFB1 is typically smaller than 5.0 V referring to Figure 31. It is much lower than Vbulk that is typically 400 V. Therefore, VFB1 is generally neglected. V * VFB1 V IFB1 + bulk [ bulk RFB1 RFB1 (eq. 19) where RFB1 is the feedback resistor connected the FB1 pin (Pin 9) and the output voltage referring to Figure 45. Then, the feedback current IFB1 represents the bulk voltage Vbulk and will be used in the PFC section voltage regulation, undervoltage protection (UVP), and overvoltage protection (OVP). Current Sense in PFC Section The PFC section senses the inductor current IL by the current sense scheme in Figure 64. This scheme has the advantages of: (1) the inrush current limitation by the resistor. RCS1. and (2) the overcurrent protection and zero current detection implemented in the same pin. Bulk Voltage Regulation in PFC Section PFC−stage feedback current IFB1, that presents bulk voltage Vbulk or the PFC−stage output voltage, is regulated with a reference current (Iref = 203 A typical) as shown in Figure 63. When IFB1 is lower than 96% of Iref, the Vreg that is the output of the regulation block is as high as Vcontrol(max) (1.05 V typical) that it gives the maximum value on Vton and the maximum MOSFET on time and Vbulk increases. When IFB1 is higher than Iref, the Vreg becomes 0 V that gives no MOSFET on time and Vbulk decreases. As a result, the bulk voltage Vbulk is regulated around the range between 96% and 100% of the nominal value of RFB1 × Iref. IL RS1 RCS1 IL VS − NCP1603 Gnd1 Figure 64. Current Sense in PFC Section Inductor current IL passes through RCS1 and creates a negative voltage. This voltage is measured by a current IS flowing out of the CS1 pin (Pin 11). CS1 pin has an offset voltage VS. This offset voltage is studied in the setting of zero inductor current IL(ZCD) and the maximum inductor current IL(OCP) (i.e., overcurrent protection threshold). A typical variation of offset voltage VS versus sense current IS is shown in Figure 35. Based on Figure 64, Equation 20 is derived. 1V Iref CS1 + Vreg 96% Iref IS IFB1 Figure 63. Regulation Block Based on Equations 13 and 14 for a particular power level, the Vcontrol is inversely proportional to Vac2. Hence, in high Vac condition Vcontrol is lower. It means that IFB1 or output voltage is higher based on the regulation block characteristic in Figure 63. In other words, the Vcontrol in the low Vac condition is much higher than the high Vac condition. In order to not over−design the circuit in the application, the Vcontrol in the low Vac condition is usually very closed to Vcontrol(max). It makes the output voltage be almost 96% of the nominal value of RFB1 × Iref in high Vac condition. VS * RS1 IS + −RCS1 IL (eq. 20) Zero Current Detection (ZCD) in PFC Section The device recognizes zero inductor current when CS1 pin (Pin 11) sense current IS is smaller than IS(ZCD) (14 A typical). The offset voltage of the CS1 pin in this condition is VS(ZCD) (7.5 mV typical). The inductor current IL(ZCD) at the ZCD condition is derived in Equation 21. IL(ZCD) + http://onsemi.com 24 RS1IS(ZCD) * VS(ZCD) RCS1 (eq. 21) NCP1603 It is obvious that the IL(ZCD) is not always zero. In order to make it reasonably close to zero, the setting of RS1 and RCS1 are crucial. VS IL = 0 VS IL = IL(ZCD) IL > IL(ZCD) Best ZCD point RS1 > RS(ZCD) VS(ZCD) Operating ZCD point IS RS1 = RS(ZCD) Operating ZCD point IS(ZCD) Ideal ZCD point VS(ZCD) Figure 66. CS Pin Characteristic with Different Inductor Current IS It is noted in Figure 66 and Equation 23 that when the (RCS1 IL) term is smaller the error or distance between the lines to the line IL = 0 is smaller. Therefore, the value of the current sense resistor RCS1 is also recommended to be as small as possible to minimize the error in the zero current detection. IS(ZCD) Figure 65. CS Pin Characteristic when IL = 0 Based on the CS pin (Pin 4) characteristics in Figure 35, Figure 65 is studied here. When the inductor current is exactly zero (i.e., IL(ZCD) = 0), the ideal ZCD point in the Figure 65 is reached where RS1 is RS(ZCD) (536 typical). Considering the tolerance, the actual sense resistor RS1 is needed to be higher than the ideal value of RS(ZCD) to ensure that zero current signal is generated when sense current is smaller than the ZCD threshold (i.e., IS < IS(ZCD)). That is, VS(ZCD) RS u RS(ZCD) + IS(ZCD) Overcurrent Protection (OCP) in PFC Section Overcurrent protection is reached when IS is larger than IS(OCP) (200 A typical). The offset voltage of the CS pin is VS(OCP) (3.2 mV typical) in this condition. That is: IL(OCP) + (eq. 22) (eq. 24) When overcurrent protection threshold is reached, the Drive Output of the device goes low. The higher value of RS1 makes the bigger distance between the operating and ideal ZCD points in Figure 65. Hence, RS1 has to be as low value as possible. The best recommended value of RS1 is therefore the maximum of RS(ZCD) that is 1.0 k. Now that the RS1 is set at a particular value that is greater than RS(ZCD). From Equation 20, the operating lines in Equation 23 with different inductor currents IL of Equation 20 are studied. VS + RS1IS * RCS1IL RS1IS(OCP) * VS(OCP) RCS1 Oscillator/Synchronization Block in PFC Section Oscillator Clock 45 A Osc 5 + − 94 A (eq. 23) 0 These operating lines are added in Figure 65 to formulate Figure 66. When the inductor current IL is smaller than IL(ZCD), the sense current IS is smaller than IS(ZCD) and hence the zero current signal is generated. 5 V/3.5 V 1 Zero Current S Q & Turn on MOSFET R delay Figure 67. Oscillator / Synchronization Block in PFC Section http://onsemi.com 25 NCP1603 700 C osc , Oscillator Capacitor (pF) The PFC section is designed to operate in either DCM or CRM. In order to keep the operation in DCM and CRM only, the Drive Output cannot turn on as long as there is some inductor current flowing through the circuit. Hence, the zero current signal is provided to the oscillator/ synchronization block in Figure 67. An input comparator monitors the Osc pin (Pin 5) voltage and generates a clock signal. The negative edge of the clock signal is stored in a RS latch. When zero current is detected, the RS latch will be reset and a set signal is sent to the output drive latch that turns on the MOSFET in the PFC boost circuit. Figure 68 illustrates a typical timing diagram of the oscillator block. 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 0 50 100 150 f osc , Oscillator Frequency (kHz) 200 Figure 70. Osc Pin Frequency Setting clock clock edge (latch set signal) Synchronization Option clock latch (latch output) In synchronization mode, the Osc pin (Pin 5) receives an external digital signal with level high defined to be higher than Vsync(H) (5.0 V typical) and level low defined to be lower than Vsync(L) (3.5 V typical). An internal 9.0 V ESD Zener diode is connected to the Osc pin and hence the maximum allowable synchronization voltage is 9.0 V. The circuit recognizes a synchronization frequency by the time difference between two falling edge instants when the synchronization signal across the 3.5 V threshold point. The actual synchronization threshold point is a little bit higher than the 3.5 V threshold point. The minimum synchronization pulse width is 500 ns. There is a typical 350 ns propagation delay from synchronization threshold point to the moment of output goes high and there is also a typical 300 ns propagation delay from the synchronization threshold point to the moment of crossing 3.5 V. Hence, the output goes high apparently when the sync signal turns to 3.5 V. A timing diagram of synchronization mode is summarized in Figure 71. inductor current time Discontinuous mode Critical mode Figure 68. Oscillator Block Timing Diagram Oscillator Mode in PFC Section In oscillator mode, the Osc pin (Pin 5) is connected to an external capacitor Cosc. When the voltage of this pin is above Vsync(H) (5.0 V typical), the pin sinks a current Iodch (94–45 = 49 A typical) and the external capacitor Cosc discharges. When the voltage reaches Vsync(L) (3.5 V typical), the pin sources a current Ioch (45 A typical) and the external capacitor Cosc is charged. It is noted that there is a typical 300 ns propagation delay and the 3.5 V and 5.0 V threshold conditions are measured on 220 pF Cosc capacitor. Hence, the actual oscillator hysteresis is a little bit smaller. Sync Signal 5V 3.5 V Osc pin voltage 5V 3.5 V Osc Clock Osc clock Clock Edge Clock edge Drive Output (DCM) Drive output (DCM) Figure 71. Synchronization Mode Timing Diagram in DCM Figure 69. Oscillator Mode Timing Diagram in DCM The PWM and PFC Section can be synchronized together in order to minimize some of the ripple current in the bulk capacitor as shown in Figure 72 and 73. The Out2 pin (Pin 13) is the external synchronization signal in Figure 71 to the PFC Section. When the Out2 is in high state, the voltage is potentially higher than the maximum allowable voltage in Osc pin (Pin 5). Hence, a pair of resistors divides the voltage from Out2 reduces the voltage There is an internal capacitance Cosc(int) (36 pF typical) in the oscillator pin and the oscillator frequency is to fosc(max) (405 kHz typical) when the Osc pin is opened. Hence, the oscillator switching frequency can be formulated in Equation 25 and represented in Figure 70. Cosc + 36 pF @ 405 kHz * 36 pF fosc (eq. 25) http://onsemi.com 26 NCP1603 Safety Features of NCP1603 OSC NCP1603 entering Osc pin and a capacitor is added to remove some possible noise As a result, the current in Figure 73 may not necessarily passes through the bulk capacitor for fewer ripple current there. (1) Bulk Voltage Overvoltage Protection (OVP) When the PFC feedback current IFB1 is higher than 107% of the reference current Iref (i.e., the bulk voltage Vbulk is higher than 107% of its nominal value), the PFC Drive Output pin (Pin 7) of the device goes low for protection and the switch of the Vcontrol processing circuit is kept off. The circuit automatically resumes operation when the output voltage is lower than 107%. The maximum OVP threshold is limited to 225 A that corresponds to 225 A × 1.95 M + 5.0 V = 443.75 V when RFB1 = 1.95 M (e.g., 910 k + 910 k + 130 k) and VFB1 = 5.0 V (for the worst case referring to Figure 31). Hence, it is generally recommended to use 450 V rating output capacitor to allow some design margin. Out2 (2) Bulk Voltage Undervoltage Protection (UVP) When the PFC feedback current IFB1 is smaller than 8% of the reference current Iref, the PFC section is shutdown and consumes less than 50 A. In normal situation of the boost converter configuration, the output bulk voltage Vbulk is always higher than input voltage Vin and the IFB1 is higher than 8% of the reference current. It enables the PFC section to operate. Hence, UVP happens when the bulk voltage Vbulk is abnormally under−voltage, the FB1 pin (Pin 9) is opened, or the FB1 pin (Pin 9) is manually pulled low. Figure 72. Synchronization Configuration PWM drive PFC drive (DCM) current (3) PFC−Stage Overcurrent Protection When the PFC sense current IS1 is higher than typically 200 A, the PFC Drive Output (Pin 7) goes low. It represents the PFC−stage inductor current iL exceeds a user−defined value. The operation automatically resumes when the inductor current becomes lower than this user−defined value at the next clock cycle. Phase 1 (4) PWM−Stage Short−Circuit Protection When VFB2 remains higher than 3.0 V for 125 ms, a fault is recognized. The PFC−stage (i.e., Vaux) will be disabled and the VCC2 will operate a double hiccup shown in Figure 53. The operation will be self−recovered if VCC2 is above 7.7 V and VFB2 is below 3.0 V. This fault protection is implemented by a timer and independent of badly coupled auxiliary transformer winding. current Phase 2 Figure 73. Synchronization Timing Diagram (5) Latched VCC Overvoltage Protection Output Drive The normal operating voltage range of the CS2 pin (Pin 3) is between 0 V and Ilimit (1.0 V typical). When the voltage is above 1.0 V, the Out2 (Pin 13) goes low. When the voltage increases above 3.0 V, the Out2 goes low and stays latched off until the circuit is reset by unplugging from main supply to make VCC2 drop below VCC(reset) (4.0 V typical). This feature also offers the designer the flexibility to implement an externally pull−high latched protection or latched shutdown circuit. The output stages of the PFC section and PWM section are designed for direct drive of power MOSFET. However, it is recommended to connect a current limiting resistor to the gate of the power MOSFET. The PFC section output is capable of up to −500 mA and +750 mA peak drive current and has a typical rise and fall time of 53 and 32 ns with a 1.0 nF load while the PWM section output is capable of up to "1.0 A peak drive current and has a typical rise and fall time of 40 ns and a fall time of 15 ns with a 1.0 nF capacitive load. http://onsemi.com 27 NCP1603 leakage current of the zener diode due to temperature variation. The Zener diode at the output voltage is recommended to be a 1 mA operating current at the threshold voltage. Then, this current is coupled through the optocoupler and inserts a similar order of current (depending on the current−transfer−ratio CTR of the optocoupler) into CS2 pin. The CS2 pin is capable of up to 100 mA and with an internal 9 V anti−parallel ESD diode but it is recommended to put a 8.2 V Zener diode there to further protect the pin. In order to prevent wrongly triggering the latch protection function, it is generaly recommended to put a pF−order decoupling ceramic capacitor across the CS2 pin to remove possible high−frequency noise there. To set the VCC overvoltage protection, the circuit is configured in Figure 74. A PNP bipolar transistor is added to open the Zener diode ZOVP when Out2 is high in order to stop any interference of the normal operation of current sense. It is because the Zener diode easily pulls high the CS2 pin voltage to 1.0 V and that interferes with the normal operation of the current sense when the output is high. The OVP threshold VCC2(OVP) is expressed in Equation 26. VCC2(OVP) + VZOVP ) 3 V VCC2 CS2 NCP1603 NCP1603 (eq. 26) VCC2 CS2 Vout ZOVP ZOVP RS2 RCS2 RS2 Figure 75. Output Latched OVP Application Circuit RCS2 (7) Dual Thermal Shutdown (TSD) The NCP1603 consists of two individual dies that incorporates their individual thermal shutdown. The PFC thermal circuitry disables the PFC gate drive Out1 and then keeps the power switch off when its junction temperature exceeds 170 °C typically. The PFC gate drive Out1 is then enabled once the temperature drops below typically 125°C (i.e., 45°C hysteresis). The PWM thermal circuitry disables the PWM gate drive Out2 and then keeps the power switch off when its junction temperature exceeds 165°C typically. The PWM gate drive Out2 is then enabled once the temperature drops below typically 140°C and the circuit is unplugged (to make VCC2 drops below 4.0 V). Figure 74. VCC Latched OVP Application Circuit (6) Latched Overvoltage Protection (OVP) As long as an external protection on CS2 pin (Pin 3) does not affect the normal regulation operation of current sense, the protection can be implemented. An alternative is to implement the output overvoltage protection by an optocoupler in Figure 75. The leakage current of the added circuit is up to the zener diode at the output voltage. When there is no overvoltage, the leakage is small and it does not affect the normal operation. A resistor paralleled to the optocoupler is added to share the potential increasing http://onsemi.com 28 NCP1603 PFC Toggling Vaux The variation of the duty ratio in the PWM stage between the PFC−on or PFC−off can be very large. When the NCP1603 circuit is operating at some conditions between PFC on and off boundary, the duty ratio variation can lead to unwanted on/off toggling in the PFC stage. A current feedforward resistor RFF is hence recommended to added between Vaux and CS2 pin (pins 1 and 3) in Figure 76 to prevent the toggling. The value of RFF is much larger than current sense feedback resistor RS2 and plays very little effect when Vaux = 0 (or PFC is off). When Vaux is available (or PFC is on), the RFF creates a positive offset on the CS2 pin voltage and it allows the feedback voltage VFB2 to only shift slightly but provide a dramatic duty cycle reduction in Figure 77. It slight movement of the feedback voltage can reduce the change to reach the PFC stage on/off threshold. Hence, the current feedforward resistor can help to improve the toggling. VFB2 3 VCS2 Out 2 High duty when PFC is off. Figure 77. Timing Diagram of PWM Stage When RFF is Added Vbulk CS2 NCP1603 Vaux RFF Low duty when PFC is on. RS2 Figure 76. Feedforward Resistor RFF Added http://onsemi.com 29 NCP1603 PACKAGE DIMENSIONS SO−16 D SUFFIX CASE 751B−05 ISSUE J NOTES: 1. DIMENSIONING AND TOLERANCING PER ANSI Y14.5M, 1982. 2. CONTROLLING DIMENSION: MILLIMETER. 3. DIMENSIONS A AND B DO NOT INCLUDE MOLD PROTRUSION. 4. MAXIMUM MOLD PROTRUSION 0.15 (0.006) PER SIDE. 5. DIMENSION D DOES NOT INCLUDE DAMBAR PROTRUSION. ALLOWABLE DAMBAR PROTRUSION SHALL BE 0.127 (0.005) TOTAL IN EXCESS OF THE D DIMENSION AT MAXIMUM MATERIAL CONDITION. −A− 16 9 1 8 −B− P 8 PL 0.25 (0.010) M B S G R K F X 45 _ C −T− SEATING PLANE J M D 16 PL 0.25 (0.010) M T B S A DIM A B C D F G J K M P R MILLIMETERS MIN MAX 9.80 10.00 3.80 4.00 1.35 1.75 0.35 0.49 0.40 1.25 1.27 BSC 0.19 0.25 0.10 0.25 0_ 7_ 5.80 6.20 0.25 0.50 INCHES MIN MAX 0.386 0.393 0.150 0.157 0.054 0.068 0.014 0.019 0.016 0.049 0.050 BSC 0.008 0.009 0.004 0.009 0_ 7_ 0.229 0.244 0.010 0.019 S The products described herein (NCP1603), may be covered by one or more of the following U.S. patents: 6,271,735, 6,362,067, 6,385,060, 6,597,221, 6,970,365. There may be other patents pending. ON Semiconductor and are registered trademarks of Semiconductor Components Industries, LLC (SCILLC). SCILLC reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any products herein. SCILLC makes no warranty, representation or guarantee regarding the suitability of its products for any particular purpose, nor does SCILLC assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit, and specifically disclaims any and all liability, including without limitation special, consequential or incidental damages. “Typical” parameters which may be provided in SCILLC data sheets and/or specifications can and do vary in different applications and actual performance may vary over time. All operating parameters, including “Typicals” must be validated for each customer application by customer’s technical experts. SCILLC does not convey any license under its patent rights nor the rights of others. SCILLC products are not designed, intended, or authorized for use as components in systems intended for surgical implant into the body, or other applications intended to support or sustain life, or for any other application in which the failure of the SCILLC product could create a situation where personal injury or death may occur. Should Buyer purchase or use SCILLC products for any such unintended or unauthorized application, Buyer shall indemnify and hold SCILLC and its officers, employees, subsidiaries, affiliates, and distributors harmless against all claims, costs, damages, and expenses, and reasonable attorney fees arising out of, directly or indirectly, any claim of personal injury or death associated with such unintended or unauthorized use, even if such claim alleges that SCILLC was negligent regarding the design or manufacture of the part. SCILLC is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. This literature is subject to all applicable copyright laws and is not for resale in any manner. PUBLICATION ORDERING INFORMATION LITERATURE FULFILLMENT: N. American Technical Support: 800−282−9855 Toll Free Literature Distribution Center for ON Semiconductor USA/Canada P.O. Box 61312, Phoenix, Arizona 85082−1312 USA Phone: 480−829−7710 or 800−344−3860 Toll Free USA/Canada Japan: ON Semiconductor, Japan Customer Focus Center 2−9−1 Kamimeguro, Meguro−ku, Tokyo, Japan 153−0051 Fax: 480−829−7709 or 800−344−3867 Toll Free USA/Canada Phone: 81−3−5773−3850 Email: [email protected] http://onsemi.com 30 ON Semiconductor Website: http://onsemi.com Order Literature: http://www.onsemi.com/litorder For additional information, please contact your local Sales Representative. NCP1603/D AND8207/D 19 V/6.4 A Universal Input AC−DC Adaptor with PFC Using NCP1603 Prepared by: Kahou Wong ON Semiconductor http://onsemi.com APPLICATION NOTE INTRODUCTION two−stage PFC−PWM power conversion. Suiting for low−power AC−DC application, the PFC section is Discontinuous Conduction Mode (DCM) and Critical Mode (CRM) boost topology. This PFC operating mode is a special case of Peak−Current Mode PFC that needs fewer external components since the average−current circuit is saved. It is suitable for space−saving in the combo controller implementation. On the other hand, the PWM section is a fixed−frequency PWM current−mode CCM or DCM flyback topology with skipping cycle capability. The features (including skipping cycle operation, the integrated lossless high−voltage startup and the PFC section shutdown during standby) present excellent no−load standby power consumption. NCP1603 is an ideal controller for application that needs extremely low standby power consumption and PFC feature. This application note presents an AC−DC converter example circuit in Figure 1 using NCP1603 with the design steps and measurement. The measurement shows that the 120 W converter has a greater than 0.93 power factor under the universal input (90 to 260 Vac), less than 200 mW no load standby power consumption, and greater than 81% efficiency. NCP1603 is a co−package of NCP1230 and NCP1601 so that the example circuit can be a reference circuit for NCP1230 and NCP1601. The NCP1603 is first ON Semiconductor PFC/PWM (or so called PFC/DCDC because the second stage is only a DC−DC conversion) combo controller featuring integrated high−voltage startup and excellent low standby no load power consumption. The NCP1603 solution is the standard Table 1. Features of Power Supply Using NCP1603 or NCP1230/NCP1601 Topology PFC Stage PWM Stage Features CRM / DCM boost CCM / DCM flyback • CRM/DCM PFC is preferable for low−power application. CRM is a special case of Peak Current Mode PFC that needs very few external components. • Hold−up time is maximized by a step−up voltage in the PFC. • Isolated flyback topology is with minimum circuit component for low−power application. Standby condition Power off Skipping cycle • It offers excellent low standby power consumption. Fault condition Power off Double hiccup restart • It minimizes power dissipation in fault and allows auto−recovery ability when fault is Latch protection activated Power off Latched off • VCC stays above typical 5.6 V and PWM drive output remains off until circuit reset. • Reset needs the AC input unplugged. cleared. non−fully−power−factor−corrected current in this moment) and the OCP level is indirectly related to the zero current threshold (ZCD) of the PFC stage. Higher ZCD level will reduce the efficiency by non−zero−current switching and also make the PFC distortion higher in the high−line condition. The maximum input power the NCP1603 is experimentally found at around 120 W for universal input range. The major barrier for higher power is that the Go−To−Standby (GTS) feature requires higher overcurrent (OCP) level in PFC (because the PFC needed to startup at low−line full−load condition that the circuit is drawing high © Semiconductor Components Industries, LLC, 2005 August, 2005 − Rev. 1 1 Publication Order Number: AND8207/D F1 2A L1 D1 − D4 1N5406 x 4 180uH / 10A C1 0.1uF D5 C4 − C5 MUR460 100uF / 450V x 2 Q1 SPP11N60C3 R22 150k C16 100pF R20 25 D13 1N5359B Osc R8* 0 http://onsemi.com 2 Vaux HV FB2 NC CS2 Vcc2 Gnd1 CS1 Out1 Vctrl Vcc1 FB1 R7 1k R16 1k C17 1nF C8 0.047uF R21* 15k R14* 15k Gnd2 Out2 IC4 TL431A Q2 SPP06N80C3 R11 − R12 0.5 /1W x 2 C18 33pF D10 MRA4005 C6 470uF Ramp D9 MPZ4745A C15 1nF C14 0.82uF IC1 NCP1603 C13 2200pF C2 0.22uF C19 0.82uF Figure 1. Application Schematic of the Example Circuit C7 1nF / 1000V R18 2.37k Flyback transformer T2 TDK SRW42EC−U16H014 Primary inductance = 420uH +/− 10% Leakage inductance = 6.5uH max Turn ratio = 5.58 : 1 : 0.79 IC3 SFH615AA007 R15 4.99k C21 0.1uF C12 2200uF R10 332 C20 0.82uF R9 10 IC2 SFH615AA007 C22 100pF /100V R19 750 / 0.5W D11 − D12 MBR16100 x 2 T2 L2 C9 − C11 2200uF x 3 10uH / 10A R17 15.8k *Note: Circuit is not synchronized when R14 and R21 are removed. Circuit is synchronization when R14 and R21 are connected. R8 is a bare wire, the PFC section is disabled when R8 is removed. D6 MUR1100E D8 MURS160 Output 19V / 6.4A (Vcc = 15V) D7 1.5KE250A R23 13k R13 47k / 5W R5 60.4k R4 910k R3 910k R6 10 R1 − R2 0.05 / 1W x 2 C3 1uF AC Input 90 to 260 Vac T1 P3717−A AND8207/D R24 4.3k AND8207/D DESIGN STEPS around 100 kHz so that it matches the PWM section operating frequency in the synchronization case. Referring to Figure 70 in the NCP1603 datasheet when a 100 pF capacitor is connected to osc pin (Pin 5), the PFC section maximum frequency is clamped at 107 kHz that corresponds the DCM operation switching period as 9.33 ms. Step 1. Define the Specification Input Output Features 90 to 260 Vac, 50 Hz 19 Vdc, 6.4 A, isolated Synchronization option Output overvoltage protection latch f + 107 kHz T + 1 + 9.33 ms f The maximum overvoltage protection threshold of the PFC section is 225 mA that corresponds to 225 mA x 1.88 MW + 5 V = 428 V when feedback resistor RFB is 1.88 MW (910 kW + 910 kW + 60 kW) and a 5 V maximum offset of the feedback pin of the PFC section. A 450 V output capacitor can be used here. On the other hand, the output voltage has to be higher than the maximum of input voltage in boost topology to make the boost converter work properly. Therefore, the nominal PFC−stage output voltage Vout is set at 380 Vdc. Note that there is a roughly 4 V offset when feedback current is 200 mA. Step 2. Assuming Efficiency and Loss The converter consists of two power stages. The overall efficiency is a cascaded efficiency of the two stages. Hence, the target overall efficiency cannot be too aggressive. When both stages are with 90% efficiency, the overall efficiency h is only 81%. It means that 150.1 W input power Pin is needed to deliver 19 V/6.4 A at 81% efficiency. Referring to Figure 2, only 135 W power is needed from the PFC stage but the PFC stage is designed at 150 W to reserve some design margin. Vout u Vin(max) + Ǹ2 · 260 + 367.7 V Vout + 200 mA P 19 V 6.4 A + 150.1 W Pin + out h + 81% 1.88 MW ) 4 V + 380 V In order to demonstrate the PFC/PWM synchronization option, the DCM frequency of the PFC is chosen to be AC Line 150.1 W 380 V 135.1 W 150 W PFC Boost 90% efficiency 120 W PWM flyback 90% efficiency 15 W loss 19 V / 6.4 A 121.6 W 13.5 W loss Figure 2. Power Structure Step 3. Biasing the Controller voltage in Figure 3. In order to have extremely low standby power consumption, the VCC must be supplied by an external biasing circuit that costs only one additional output of the flyback in the PWM stage. Thanks to the high−voltage startup pin (Pin 16) of the NCP1603, the initial IC supply voltage VCC can be obtained by connecting this pin to the bulk capacitor AC Input PFC Boost EMI Filter and Diode Bridge Output 19 V / 6.4 A HV VCC 15 V NCP1603 Figure 3. VCC Biasing Scheme http://onsemi.com 3 AND8207/D Cramp + 1000 pF Typical total current consumption of the whole NCP1603 controller (including the PWM and PFC sections and the current to switch a pair of MOSFETs) are 10 mA. The supply voltage is normally set as 15 V so that it reserves some margin for the startup threshold of the PFC section (typical 10.5 V) to avoid insufficient biasing voltage. With this value of Cramp, the Vcontrol in high line and low line conditions are 0.11 V and 0.89 V respectively. Vcontrol + 2LIchPin CrampVac2 + 2 · 180 Step 4. PFC Section Design The PFC Section of NCP1603 is NCP1601. So, the design is a standard PFC NCP1601 circuit design as follows. Vcontrol + Step 4a. Calculate the Current Stress The worst case happens when input is 90 Vac. The input RMS current Iac is 2.22 Aac if the power factor is perfect. The suffix ac represents it is RMS value. This current stress is mainly on the front−ended rectifier. 10−6 · 100 10−6 · 167 + 0.09 V 10−9 · 2602 2LIchPin CrampVac2 + 2 · 180 10−6 · 100 10−6 · 167 + 0.74 V 10−9 · 902 Step 4d. Adjust the Output Voltage When Vcontrol is estimated, the output voltage can be estimated more accurately by the 96% regulation block. The calculation here takes a 4 V offset at around the feedback current range of IFB = 200 mA. The output voltage in the high line and low line conditions are 378.67 V and 368.86 V. P 150 Pin + out h + 90% + 167 W P Iac + in + 167 W + 1.85 Aac 90 V Vac The instantaneous maximum current stress in the PFC stage will be 6.29 A in critical mode. Vout + (Vout(nom) * 4 V) · (1 * 0.04 · Vcontrol) ) 4 V Ipk + 2 Ǹ2 Iac + 5.24 A + (380 * 4)(1 * 0.04 · 0.09) ) 4 + 378.67 V Vout + (Vout(nom) * 4 V) · (1 * 0.04 · Vcontrol) ) 4 V This current stress affects the component selections on the current sense resistor, MOSFET, diode and inductor. + (380 * 4)(1 * 0.04 · 0.74) ) 4 + 368.86 V Step 4b. Inductor Design Step 4e. Check the Switching Period to Ensure CRM at the Sinusoidal Peak. The minimum CRM inductance L(CRM) at low line is obtained as follows: The switching period in high line and low line conditions are: V * Vin Vin 1 L(CRM) + out Ipk f Vout + t1 ) t2 + V 380 * Ǹ2 · 90 Ǹ2 · 90 1 + 151 mH 380 6.29 107 103 + It is the minimum value inductor value to keep the circuit in CRM. The inductor L is therefore set to be 180 mH. The switching frequency is 75 kHz at the sinusoidal peak and it is in CRM. t1 ) t2 + V V * Vin Vin 1 freq + out Ipk L Vout + 380 * Ǹ2 · 90 Ǹ2 · 90 1 380 5.24 180 10−6 Step 4f. Current Sense Resistors Design Maximum power can be obtained when Vcontrol = 1 V. Worst case is at low line 90 Vac. There is a minimum sense resistor limit of RS(ZCD) = 1 kW. The higher the RS value, the higher the current sense resistor needed which dissipates more power. Therefore, RS is set at 1 kW. Pin · 2LIch Vac2 10−6 · 100 10−9 · 0.74 368.86 Ǹ 368.86 * 2 · 90 100 10−6 When the circuit operates in CRM at the peak, the maximum current is limited to twice of the average. Step 4c. Ramp Capacitor Design + 167 · 2 · 180 902 CrampVcontrol Vout Ich * V out in + 11.31 ms u 9.33 ms + 88 kHz t 107 kHz Cramp u 10−9 · 0.09 378.67 Ǹ 378.67 * 2 · 260 100 10−6 + 30.64 ms u 9.33 ms L + 180 mH + CrampVcontrol Vout Ich * V out in RS + 1 kW 10−6 + 742 pF Then, the maximum inductor current from the previous step is 5.24 A in low line is with RCS = 37.6 mW. Hence, the Cramp is set to be 1 nF. http://onsemi.com 4 AND8207/D RCS + + RS · IS(OCP) * VS(OCP) Because the transformer turn ratio is variable in the design of a flyback circuit, the design is an iteration process to balance a set of parameters to make the parameters work nicely with each other. The following are the most concerned parameters. • Maximum duty ratio − It is a parameter limited by the switching controller and cannot go further if the switching controller is not replaced. It is (75% min, 85% max) for NCP1230 (the PWM section of the NCP1603). This is the first constraint. • Minimum duty ratio − The NCP1230 enters skipping mode when VFB2 goes below 0.75 V (typical). It corresponds to duty goes below 20% (typical) (VFB2 = 3 V for 80%). The flyback has minimum duty ratio when the PFC is on and the circuit is delivering full power. It is undesirable to have skipping operation in full load due to potential low−frequency audible noise. • Maximum MOSFET voltage stress − It includes the reflected voltage and the possible instantaneous peak voltage due to the leakage inductance of the transformer. Common available MOSFET voltage in market is up to 800 V. This is another constraint. • Maximum output diode blocking voltage − The blocking voltage increases with the forward voltage drop. This conduction loss is significant because the output current in this design is 6.4 A. • Maximum input power for a realistic efficiency (or output power) − It is done by selecting the maximum peak current, inductance (to affect the operating mode in CCM or DCM). To keep this application note short enough and readable, the iteration process is not shown. According to the calculation result, the following parameters are finalized: Output voltage = 19 V Output current = 6.4 A Output diode volt drop = 1 V Transformer turn ratio (n1/n2) = 5.58 Maximum peak switch current = 4 A Switching frequency = 100 kHz IL(OCP) 1 kW · 200 mA * 3.2 mV + 31.3 mW 5.24 A Then, RCS is set at parallel of two 50 mW resistors to make IL(OCP) > 6.29 A. It gives the maximum current limit IL(OCP) is 5.24 A. RCS + 25 mW IL(OCP) + + RS · IS(OCP) RCS 1 kW · 200 mA * 3.2 mV + 7.87 A 25 mW Step 4g. Bulk Capacitor Design As a rule of thumb, output capacitance is generally set at 1 mF/W. Hence, without loss of generality the 150 W application needs 150 mF. Another consideration is the ripple current in the bulk capacitor. On the other hand, in a NCP1601 PFC circuit the instantaneous output voltage affects the instantaneous control voltage Vcontrol. If the output voltage ripple is too high, it will make a large ripple on control voltage and the power factor can be dramatically reduced for highly dynamic control voltage. Hence, it is implemented by two 100 mF, 450 V capacitors to increase the ripple current capability. Cbulk + 200 mF Step 4h. Fine Tuning Capacitor on Vcontrol Pin The unity power factor in the NCP1601/NCP1603 PFC circuit greatly relies on how steady the control voltage in the Vcontrol pin (Pin 10). A large external capacitor on this pin can help to reduce the noise and dynamics of this voltage and give a decent power factor. However, if the capacitor is too large, it will reduce the dynamic response or startup transient of the circuit. Step 5. PWM Section Design The PFC Section of NCP1603 is NCP1230 flyback that is fixed−frequency PWM and generic approach can be used. Step 5a. Fixed−Frequency PWM Flyback Calculation Transformer primary inductance = 420 mH Duty ratio (at Vin = 420 V, Continuous mode lossless) = 21% Duty ratio (at Vin = 100 V, Continuous mode lossless) = 53% In order to have extremely low standby power consumption, the PWM flyback always operates. The flyback is needed to be capable of the cases when the PFC boost is operating or not. Hence, the input voltage of the PWM flyback circuit must be wide input range. Some design margin is taken here. The high and low line voltages are assumed to be 100 V and 420 V respectively. It is noted that the minimum duty ratio in this design is a little bit low. Customers are recommended to design it higher to keep skip condition (duty < 20%) away from the normal operation. Vin(L) + 100 V Vin(H) + 420 V http://onsemi.com 5 AND8207/D when Vaux is high and it reduces the variation of VFB2 between the PFC−on and PFC−off. Particularly for the NCP1230 (NCP1603 PWM section) if the maximum current limit is set at 4 A, it refers a pair of resistors R11−R12 (or RCS) = 0.25 W. ID(max) + 1 V + 1 V + 4 A 0.25 W RCS Vaux The compensation ramp (that relates to stability and maximum duty) is set by R10 (or RS). Smaller value of RS makes a fewer compensation ramp for the modulation (less stable) and allows more maximum duty. Typical starting point of RS for design is from 1 kW or 2 kW. When stability problem is encountered, the value of RS is needed to be increased or the voltage−loop feedback gain is needed to be reduced. VFB2 3 VCS2 Out 2 High duty when PFC is off. Step 6. VCC Capacitor The maximum allowable time to recognize a fault is 125 ms and the VCC voltage is supposed to be still higher than the minimum operating values and hence the capacitor should be larger than 56 mF. Low duty when PFC is on. Figure 4. Transition when PFC turns on. Step 9. PCB Layout Layout is a big issue for the PFC/PWM combo controller because the shortest distances between the NCP1603 controller and the PFC MOSFET, PWM MOSFET and opto coupler are wanted. It is also noticed that the controller should be located outside the high current loop to prevent the strong magnetic field interfere the controller operation. The layout stretch of the example circuit is shown in Figure 5. C + Idt u 2.2 mA · 125 ms + 56 mF dV 12.6 V * 7.7 V Another concern on VCC capacitor selection is to make sure that VCC voltage is always above the UVLO start threshold (10.5 V typical) of the PFC section in standby where the ripple is higher. Step 7. Decoupling Capacitors Noise is always generated in the switching mode power supply. Some cautions are taken to handle the noise on some pins regarding the NCP1603 as following. The values of the decoupling capacitors are all up to the noise level in the layout. FB1 pin (Pin 9): Noise on this pin will potentially trigger the PFC OVP and the PFC operation can be ruined completely. CS2 pin (Pin 3): Noise on this pin will trigger the latch protection that is needed to be reset by unplugging the main (or making VCC goes below 4 V). FB2 pin (Pin 2): Noise on this pin will affect the PWM section duty ratio generation. Vaux or VCC1 pins (Pin 1 or 8): The internal Vaux MOSFET is with 11.7 W typical resistance. It is high enough to pollute the VCC1 voltage through the high−frequency switching pulses or noise. A decoupled capacitor is needed to keep VCC1 voltage clean. High Current Loop High Current Loop Gnd S D G PFC Boost MOSFET CS2 NCP1603 CS1 S D G PWM Flyback MOSFET Figure 5. Layout Stretch MEASUREMENT Part I. Standby loss The circuit offers excellent no load standby performance. The power consumption of the 150 W circuit is less than 200 mW. When input is high line (260 Vac) and the output is 508 mW (19.07 V * 26.66 mA), the input power is 840 mW. Step 8. PFC on/off Toggling The NCP1603 circuit turns the PFC section on and off depending on the load conditions by the changing of PWM section feedback voltage VFB2. There may be a potential on/off toggling issue when the load condition is at the on/off boundary. A resistor R22 is recommended to be connected between Vaux pin (Pin 1) and CS2 pin (Pin 3) to solve the toggling issue. This resistor adds an offset voltage to CS2 pin http://onsemi.com 6 Input Input power 260 Vac 180 mW 230 Vac 150 mW 220 Vac 145 mW 200 Vac 130 mW 160 Vac 110 mW AND8207/D Part II. Operating and Not Synchronized R14 and R21 are removed, the circuit is not synchronized. In Figures 6 to 9, the upper trace is the input current with 2 A/div. The center trace is the PFC output voltage with 100 V/div. And the lower trace is the rectified input voltage with 100 V/div. The PFC section of NCP1603 is in DCM sometimes. DCM operation can be synchronized with the PWM section or independently operates. This part shows the operating performance when the circuit is not synchronized. When Input Output Efficiency PF / THD 90 Vac 145.4 W 18.91 V 6.4 A 83.2% 0.998 / 5.2% 110 Vac 143.7 W 18.91 V 6.4 A 84.2% 0.997 / 5.2% 120 Vac 143.2 W 18.91 V 6.4 A 84.5% 0.996 / 6.3% 180 Vac 139.5 W 18.91 V 6.4 A 86.8% 0.993 / 6.3% 220 Vac 137.6 W 18.91 V 6.4 A 88.0% 0.982 / 13.3% 230 Vac 137.1 W 18.91 V 6.4 A 88.3% 0.973 / 17.9% 260 Vac 135.9 W 18.91 V 6.4 A 89.1% 0.934 / 34.2% Figure 6. 90 Vac Input Voltage and Not Synchronized Figure 7. 110 Vac Input Voltage and Not Synchronized Figure 8. 220 Vac Input Voltage and Not Synchronized Figure 9. 260 Vac Input Voltage and Not Synchronized http://onsemi.com 7 AND8207/D OSC NCP1603 Part III. Operating and Synchronized This part shows the circuit operating with the PFC and PWM sections are synchronized together. It is done by adding two 15 kW resistors (R14 and R21) as in Figure 10. The 100 pF capacitor here added as a decoupling filter for smoothing the synchronization signal to osc pin (Pin 5). The capacitor is essential because PFC performance can be degraded by noisy synchronization signal. The value of 100 pF is selected because too large value will result in big RC constant so that the osc pin voltage cannot reach 3.5 V and 5 V for synchronization. The result shows that the synchronization cannot offer a better efficiency in this circuit. Out2 R14 15k R15 15k C16 100 pF Figure 10. Synchronization Configuration Input Output Efficiency PF / THD 90 Vac 146.0 W 18.91 V 6.4 A 82.9% 0.998 / 4.5% 110 Vac 145.2 W 18.91 V 6.4 A 83.3% 0.997 / 5.3% 120 Vac 144.3 W 18.91 V 6.4 A 83.9% 0.996 / 6.6% 180 Vac 140.8 W 18.91 V 6.4 A 86.0% 0.993 / 5.8% 220 Vac 138.9 W 18.91 V 6.4 A 87.1% 0.982 / 11.4% 230 Vac 138.4 W 18.91 V 6.4 A 87.4% 0.976 / 15.3% 260 Vac 137.4 W 18.91 V 6.4 A 88.1% 0.939 / 31.3% Figure 11. 90 Vac Input Voltage and Synchronized Figure 12. 110 Vac Input Voltage and Synchronized Figure 13. 220 Vac Input Voltage and Synchronized Figure 14. 260 Vac Input Voltage and Synchronized http://onsemi.com 8 AND8207/D Part IV. PFC On/Off Transition is on, the flyback input voltage goes higher again. Hence, the circuit may oscillate at the PFC−on/off boundary. When resistor R22 is removed, the circuit goes toggling. In Figures 15 to 17, the upper trace is the output current with 1 A/div and the lower trace is the PFC output voltage with 100 V/div. In these figures, the input voltage is 110 Vac. The PFC stage is toggling when output current is 2.8 A in Figure 15. A resistor R22 (150 kW) is added between Vaux and CS2 pin. The PFC stage turns on when output is 3 A in Figure 16 and it turns off when output is 1.6 A in Figure 17. PFC on/off toggling is an inherent feature of NCP1230 or NCP1603 circuit. The abrupt change of the PWM stage duty ratio may cause the PFC toggling on and off in boundary condition. In a PFC−on/off boundary condition, flyback circuit with higher input voltage needs lower duty ratio. Lower duty ratio means standby condition. It wants PFC−off. After PFC is off, the flyback input voltage goes lower and duty ratio goes higher. Higher duty ratio means normal operation condition. It wants the PFC−on. After PFC Figure 15. PFC Toggling in Boundary Condition when R22 Removed Figure 16. PFC Toggling Disappeared Figure 17. PFC Turns Off at Load Current CONCLUSION layout comparing to CCM−PFC. The DC−DC section is implemented in flyback that also needs the minimum external components. It makes the NCP1603 (or NCP1601 with NCP1230) application circuit is simple and minimal for low−power AC−DC application with PFC requirement. An example circuit using NCP1603 is presented. The design steps and measurement are covered. It is noted that the NCP1603 can perform a decent power factor correction, excellent standby performance and good efficiency at 120 W, 19 V, 6.4 A. The PFC boost section is implemented in CRM and DCM. It needs very few external component for easier design and http://onsemi.com 9 AND8207/D Appendix I. Bill of Material of the NCP1603 19 V/6.4 A Example Circuit Designator F1 L1 L2 T1 T2 Q1 Q2 IC1 IC2 − IC3 IC4 D1 − D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 D9 D10 D11 − D12 D13 D14 R1 − R2 R3 − R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R10 R11 − R12 R13 R14, R21 R15 R16 R17 R18 R19 R20 R22 R23 R24 C1 C2 C3 C4 − C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 − C12 C13 C14, C19 − C20 C15, C17 C16 C18 C21 C22 Heatsink Heatsink Insulation AC Connector DC Connector Qty 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 4 1 3 2 1 1 1 1 3 4 1 1 Part No 0465 02 PCV−2−184−10 PCV−2−103−10 P3717−A SRW42EC−U16H014 SPP11N60C3 SPP06N80C3 NCP1603D100 SFH615AA−X007 TL431AID 1N5406 MUR460 MUR1100E 1.5KE250A MURS160 MZP4745A MRA4005T3 MBR16100CT 1N5359B 1N5923B WSL2512R0500FEA CCF55910KFKE36 CRCW12066042F CRCW120610R0F CCF551K00FKE36 N/A CCF5510R0FKE36 CRCW12063320F WSL2512R5000FEA HPS523−47k−5% CRCW12061502F CRCW12064991F CRCW12061001F CRCW12061582F CRCW12062371F CCF55750RFKE36 CRCW120624R9F CRCW12061503F CRCW12064321F CRCW12061302F LE104 RE224 LE105 450AXW100M18X40 025YXG−470M00−10X16 ERO610RJ4100M 630MMB473K 025YXG2200M12.5X30 VJ1206Y222KXXA VJ1210Y824KXXA VJ1206Y102KXXA VJ1206A101KXXA VJ1206A330KXXA VJ1210Y104KXXA VJ1206Y101KXBA 78065 4672 770W−X2/10 26−60−4030 or 009652038 Description 250 V 2 A Delay Surface Mount Fuses Inductor 10 A 180 mH Inductor 10 A 10 mH CM 25 mH, DM 1 mH filter, 3 A rms Custom Transformer 420 mH, 5 A, 5.58:1:0.79 11 A 600 V N−MOSFET 6 A 800 V N−MOSFET PFC/PWM Combo Controller Optocoupler 2.5 V 1% Voltage Reference, SO−8 3 A 600 V Diode 4 A 600 V Diode 1 A 1000 V Diode 250 V TVS Zener Diode 1 A 600 V Diode 16 V @ 15.5 mA Zener Diode 1 A 600 V Diode 16 A 100 V Diode 24 V @ 1 mA Zener Diode 8.2 V @ 49.2 mA Zener Diode 0.05 W 1W SMD 1% 910k W, axial 0.25W 1% 60.4k W, SMD 1206 1% 10 W, SMD 1206 10% 1k W, axial 0.25W 1% bare wire, remove for disable PFC section 10 W, axial 0.25W 1% 332 W, SMD 1206 0.5 W 1W SMD 1% 47k W, 4W axial 5% 15k W, SMD 1206 4.99k W, SMD 1206 1k W, SMD 1206 15.8k W, SMD 1206 2.37k W, SMD 1206 750 W, axial 0.5W 25 W, SMD 1206 150k W, SMD 1206 4.32k W, SMD 1206 13k W, SMD 1206 0.1 mF 275 Vac Film Capacitor 0.22 mF 275 Vac Film Capacitor 1 mF 275 Vac Film Capacitor 100 mF 450 V Aluminium Cap 470 mF 25 V Aluminium Cap 20% 1 nF 5 mm pitch Y2 cap 0.047 mF 630 V Film Capacitor 10% 2200 mF 25 V Aluminium Cap 2200 pF 25 V Ceramic Cap 0.82 mF 25 V Ceramic Cap 1 nF 25 V Ceramic Cap 100 pF 25 V Ceramic Cap 33 pF 25 V Ceramic Cap 0.1 mF 25 V Ceramic Cap 100 pF 100 V Ceramic Cap Indian Chief 1.18” unfinished cut TO−220 mica insultion IEC60320 C8 Connector 3−terminal 3.96 mm distance male header http://onsemi.com 10 Manufacturer Littelfuse Coilcraft Coilcraft Coilcraft TDK Infineon Infineon ON Semiconductor Vishay ON Semiconductor ON Semiconductor ON Semiconductor ON Semiconductor ON Semiconductor ON Semiconductor ON Semiconductor ON Semiconductor ON Semiconductor ON Semiconductor ON Semiconductor Vishay Vishay Vishay Vishay Vishay N/A Vishay Vishay Vishay Vishay Vishay Vishay Vishay Vishay Vishay Vishay Vishay Vishay Vishay Vishay Okaya Okaya Okaya Rubycon Rubycon Evox Rifa Rubycon Rubycon Vishay Vishay Vishay Vishay Vishay Vishay Vishay Aavid Keystone Qualtek Molex AND8207/D Appendix II. The PCB Layout Figure 18. Top Layer Layout Figure 19. Bottom Layer Layout http://onsemi.com 11 AND8207/D ON Semiconductor and are registered trademarks of Semiconductor Components Industries, LLC (SCILLC). SCILLC reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any products herein. SCILLC makes no warranty, representation or guarantee regarding the suitability of its products for any particular purpose, nor does SCILLC assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit, and specifically disclaims any and all liability, including without limitation special, consequential or incidental damages. “Typical” parameters which may be provided in SCILLC data sheets and/or specifications can and do vary in different applications and actual performance may vary over time. All operating parameters, including “Typicals” must be validated for each customer application by customer’s technical experts. SCILLC does not convey any license under its patent rights nor the rights of others. SCILLC products are not designed, intended, or authorized for use as components in systems intended for surgical implant into the body, or other applications intended to support or sustain life, or for any other application in which the failure of the SCILLC product could create a situation where personal injury or death may occur. Should Buyer purchase or use SCILLC products for any such unintended or unauthorized application, Buyer shall indemnify and hold SCILLC and its officers, employees, subsidiaries, affiliates, and distributors harmless against all claims, costs, damages, and expenses, and reasonable attorney fees arising out of, directly or indirectly, any claim of personal injury or death associated with such unintended or unauthorized use, even if such claim alleges that SCILLC was negligent regarding the design or manufacture of the part. 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