MAAMSS0017 Broadband IF Driver Amplifier 50 - 450 MHz Features • • • • • • • V 1.00 Advanced SOT-89 Plastic Package Low Cost Plastic SOT-89 Package Broadband Operation Output Intercept Point of +40 dBm Output P1dB of +22 dBm High Efficiency 50 ohm Input /Output match Typical Gain of 18 dB Description M/A-COM’s MAAMSS0017 IF driver amplifier is a GaAs MMIC which exhibits high OIP3 as well as high gain and low power consumption in a low-cost miniature SOT89 surface mount plastic package. The MAAMSS0017 employs a monolithic single stage design featuring a convenient 50 ohm input/output impedance that minimizes the number of external components required. The device runs off a single +5 volt supply and draws 70 mA typically. The design provides excellent performance from 50 to 450 MHz. Part Number Package MAAMMSS0017TR 1000 Piece Tape and Reel 1 MAAMSS0017TR3000 3000 Piece Tape and Reel 1 1. Reference Application Note M513 for reel size information. The MAAMSS0017 is fabricated using M/A-COM’s iHBT process to realize low current and high power functionality. The process features full passivation for increased performance and reliability. Electrical Specifications1: TA = +25°C, Vs = 5 V,Is = 70 mA 1. 2. 3. 4. Parameter Test Conditions Units Gain2 F = 50-450 MHz dB 18 Noise Figure3 F = 50-450 MHz dB 4.4 Input Return Loss F = 50-450 MHz dB 12 Output Return Loss F = 50-450 MHz dB 15 1dB Compression F = 50-450 MHz dBm 22 Output IP3 4 F = 50-450 MHz dBm 40 Current Vs = 5 V mA 70 All measurements taken in a 50 ohm system unless otherwise specified. Gain varies at –0.008 dB/°C typical. Noise figure varies at 0.007 dB/°C typical OIP3 measured with Pout/Tone = +5 dBm, Tone spacing = 10 MHz Min Typ Max Broadband IF Driver Amplifier 50-450 MHz MAAMSS0017 V 1.00 Board Lay-out Pin Configuration Pin No. Function 1 RF In 2 GND 3 RF Out/Bias 4 GND Off-Chip Component Values Part Value Package C1 100 pF 0603 C2 150 pF 0603 C3 10000 pF 0603 L1 180 nH 1008 Schematic Including Off-Chip Components Pin 1 RF In RF Out C1 100 mil Z = 50 ohms L1 C2 + 5V C3 Specifications subject to change without notice. n North America: Tel. (800) 366-2266 n Asia/Pacific: Tel.+81-44-844-8296, Fax +81-44-844-8298 n Europe: Tel. +44 (1344) 869 595, Fax+44 (1344) 300 020 Visit for additional data sheets and product information. 2 Broadband IF Driver Amplifier 50-450 MHz MAAMSS0017 V 1.00 Typical Performance Curves S Parameters, Vs = 5V, Is = 70 mA OIP3 vs. Frequency OPI3 vs. Frequency S-Parameters vs. Frequency 50 45 S21 OIP3 (dBm) Magnitude (dB) 20.0 10.0 0.0 S11 -10.0 40 35 30 25 -20.0 S22 20 -30.0 0 50 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 Noise Figure vs. Frequency Vs = 5V, Is = 70 mA Noise Figure vs. Frequency Noise Figure (dB) 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 100 150 200 250 300 150 200 250 300 Frequency (MHz) Frequency (MHz) 50 100 350 Frequency (MHz) Specifications subject to change without notice. n North America: Tel. (800) 366-2266 n Asia/Pacific: Tel.+81-44-844-8296, Fax +81-44-844-8298 n Europe: Tel. +44 (1344) 869 595, Fax+44 (1344) 300 020 Visit for additional data sheets and product information. 400 450 350 400 450